The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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If i i I Mi 12 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September 7 31 ll! 11 1 I ! (■"■ 1 ■•' I! ' •III J: I ft 1. k i [II 1 r ii Ms 1 •Ij V li m u OUT OF TOWH HEWS BOSTTOIV. Tho rew reason has opened wonderfully well. The atractlons are ot on exceptionally good type, and the playgoers arc responding as they should. All the theatres are now open, and the outlook Is most encouraging rLTMoircH (Fred Wright, aft.) — "The Man from Home," with William Hodge In the lead ug character, opened this house Aug. 31. The 11 ay need! do Introduction to the theatregoers of Ibis city, aa both atar and play appeared In this city three years ago for twenty-wen consecuUve weeks. The present engagement Is a limited oue. St. Jims (M. H. Ouleslan, mgr.)—This new bouse Is now formally opened and the splendid slock company Is appearing In the society comedy drama of present day life, entitled "The New Tfork Idea." _ . _. M.uiutic (Wllbur-Shubert Co., mgrs.)—Thla Is the third week of "The Million." Not In sev- eral aeasaw hare' the theatregoers of Boston been n\»alvl with four acts ot fast and more furious fun than Is embodied In this offering. Shubeet (Wllbur-Shubert Co., mgrs.)—"Over Night" continues hire. 1'axk (Harris k Frohman, mgrs.)—Rose Stall Is with us once more. She Is appearing now In a play by Charles Klein, entitled "Haggle Pepper." The character of Maggie Is said to be happily adopted to Miss Stahl'a method and per- sonality. I1.ii.lib Sthmkt (Charles J, Rich, mgr.)—After two weoka at the Park, May Kobson, In her de- lightful -romedy, "A Night Out," moved to this boure. Those who attended the performance at tlie l'ark, laist week, were not slow to five ex- presidon to their appreciation of the play. Boston (IlnrrlH A Krobman, mgrs.) — "The Greyhound" will hare Its Brat performance In Ibis city on the afternoon of Labor Day. Much Is expected of the opening. Termont (Jno. B. SchoeSel, mgr.) — The Count of Luxembourg," a light operetta, that baa held favorable attention In rarloas European cities, Is now In Its second week at this boose. It Ii said to be fairly successful. "The Woman lister's Club" Is lo follow, Colonial (Harris A frohman, mgrs.)—Labor Day will see tilts bouse open for another season. As has been the policy in recent years, the at- tractions will be of a light and delicate nature. "The Quaker Girl" Is the opening attraction. Castle Hui'iHE (John Craig, mgr.)—Mr. Craig offers "The Fortune Hunter" this week. This la the first time the play bus been played by a alock coinpcny in this city, "lii.™ Stockings" bsd a merry week, and It was worthy of the patron- age. KxiTit's (U. F. Keltli, mrr.)—Louis A. Simon and Katbryn Osterman head the bill this week In a sketch entitled "A Persian Garden." Others on the bill are: Olga Pctrova, Herr Lambertl, Newhold and Crlbben, Oorelll and Gillette, and the Held Slaters. Ori-hbiim (Victor J. Morris, mgr.)—Those en- tertaining this week arc: Chalk Trncey, llelle IHion, Three Lorettes, the Stantons, Iinice Buf- felt and company, Five Merry Youngsters, the Randalls, the Meuanls, Dixon and Iturlon, and tbe Lantry Brothers. Globi (Robert Jnnette, mgr.)—This Is tbe be- ginning of a big week. It Is called the regular Winter season, anil the actors are: The Six Xellorraan Girls, Eilney Brothers and company, Chester Kingston, Brown and Oarson, Newport and Btlrk, Three Society Girls, Boston Comedy roor, Rosemary Trio, l/ockett and Shears, Three Ladelles, the Moxsrls, and the Rays. Howard (G. F„ Lothrop, mgr.)—This week. I.nvrrence, Mass. — Opera Honse (Julius Cshn, mgr.) the Malley ft Dennlson Stock Co. have been engaged for tbla season and opened Ang. 81, presenting "Allsa Jlmmle Valentine," and continued In that bill for Sept. 2 and week. "The Spendthrift" week of 0, "Madame X" week of 10. Arthur Behrena Is the leading man, and Clandle Lucas tbe leading lady, supported by Ferdinand Thlmarsh, Kdwln R. Stanley, Jack Chandler, Carl Iilrch, Russell Clarke, Al. Bushes, J. Laaray Butler, Leonard i-cwis, Bushee Taylor, Fannie Hammond and Jennie Ellison, mil Smith, formerly of the Colonial Theatre, Is treasurer; Nell Bweeuey, last season at tbe Colonial, la stage manager, and Obarlea Hansom baa been engaged ss scene pslnter. Colonial (Julius Cshn, mgr.)—Tbe season opened Labor Day with Julia Ring, In "Tbe Yankee Girl," to be followed by Primrose 4c Dockstader's Minstrels 7, "Little Miss Fix-It" 0. "Officer 806" It." E. A. Cuddy bos been en- gaged as treamrer at this bouse, and Tbot. Hayes as stage manager. Nickel (John R. Olddeld, mgr.) — BUI for week of 2 Includes: Plcard's seals, Clyde Versus and company, Valmore and Collins,' Gonuey sad Caffrey, Kendall's Auto Girls, Hanley and Jar- vis, Barney Fagaa and Henrietta Byron, and Saunders Troupe. railing (N. Demarrs, mgr.)—Motion pictures and songs, to good business. IIboadwat (Toomey ft Demarra, mgrs.)—Mo- tion pictures and songs, to good business. | Victoria. (A. A. hellnun, mgr.)—Motion pie- tares and Illustrated songs, to good business. Featuring "Tbe Yellow Peru" 2-4. Pastime (Josepb Blott, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures and Illustrated songs are doing good busi- ness, featuring "Tbe Merchant of Venice" week of 2. Cosmopolitan (Frank Boscblttl, mgr.)—Mo- tion pictures, to good business. Noras.—K. A. Bschelde', advance agent for the "Little Miss Flx-lt" Co., was In town Aug. 28. Mr. Bacbelder waa formerly a Lawrence bay, nad thli was hli Brat visit In eighteen yesrs A. A. Kellmann, of the Victoria The- atre, Iina opened on office In Boston for ex- changing and booking aims, handling many of the best foreign Alms of leading historical dramas. flprlnorfleld, Mass.—Oonrt Square (O. Gil- more, mgr.) "Maggie Pepper" Aug. 81, Primrose ft Dockstnder's Minstrels Sept. 2. Poli'h (S. J. Breen, mgr.)—"Salomy Jane," as played by the stock company, drew good houses 20 and week. K. J. Blunksll, Carl Brlckert and I/oulse Carter did especially well, "Nobody's Widow" Sept. 2 snd week. (iii.iioiiB (P. F. Shea, mgr.)—The Social Maids opened the season here for three daya Aug. 20, with a show that pleased. Jennie Austin, Etta Pillnrd snd George Stone were the leading fun producers. The Tuxl Girls Sept. 2-4, "County Sheriff" 0-7. Winning Widows 011. Nm.mii (II. I. Dlllcnback, mgr.)—Bill for 2-4: Freeinnn and King, Musical Ooudera. and Jimmy Glldea. For 0-7: The Ilalklngs, Farcer and Devoc, Babe Smith, with the pictures. Plaza (Goldstein Bros., mgrs.)—BUI for 2-4: —Pictures and songs, with Prof. Wm. Williams as musical director. Notes. —Bertha Dc Crotenu, a former Lynn girl, appeared In the Olyiiiplu week, ot 20 In a musical act The Lynn Theatre will open during September Mliley Donobuc, president of the Lynn Lodge of the Theatrical Mechanics' Association, has been appointed manager of tbe Gorman Theatre, at Floating Bridge Park. Mllford, Mass.— Lake Nipmuc (Dan I. Sprague, uigr.) pictures and vaudeville week of Sept. 2, Bill includes: 1*1. McEnalley. Sadla Rodgere, Herat and Herat, the Two Chamber- lains, Nellie Burt and Annie Madlgas and com- pany. Biockton Brass Band and Ted Snyder's Vocal 8ercntdem give Sunday concerts. Business big. Ioeal (Koden k 1'erbam, mgr.)—Pictures and Illustrated rxiins. I.vrist-M (Liihy Bros., mgrs.)—Pictures and llliintratel scngs. Norm —Mat Green, tbe old time contortionist, who has been Bununering at Sky Form, in Men- don, recently underwent a surgical operation, and Is convaletclng,.... Old Timers' week at tin- lake brought out big bowves at every performance. Marlow and Plunket's offering, "Deaf in a Horn," tbe old time negro act, was a riot. Barney Fagan and Henrietta Byron's act was voted the neatest and most artistic In the career of tbe theatre. MarvcJle, equilibria*, another old timet, also went big, and a newcomer, Arthur Browning and his dog, "Spot," also scored a bit. Fall River, MasHs—Savoy (L. M. Boas, mgr.) "Alma, Where Do You Live?" Sept. 2. Acacixht (L. M. Bona, mgr.)—Bill for 2-4: Lantry Bros., Cotter and Bouldrn, Dixon and Burton, and Nine Kraxy Xlds. For 5-7: Tbe Ramlals. Lorittas, tbe Stantons, and Nine Kranx I'aiMiXB (L. M. Boas, mgr.)—BUI for 2-4: Star Operatic Trio and tbe Menards. For 5-7: Charles Tracey nnd the Baldwins. Buou (M. H. Goodhue, mgr.)—This nous* opened Labor Day with vaudeville and motion pic- tures. 1'iuci (A. H. Ashley, mgr.)—Motion pictures and Ulnstrated pongs. I.tsio (Ed. Doherty, mgr.)—Motion pictures and Illustrated songs. . Nickelodeon (Walter Blgelow, mgr.)—Motion pictures and illustrated songs. . . Star (E. Mlchelfclder, mgr.)—Motion pictures and Illustrated songs. Boknic (H. R. Archer, mgr.)—Motion pictures. but through an error In booking the opening was postponed until Sept. 1, when Zallah's Own Com- pany began n week's engagement. MACAiii-Er'B rj 0 hjj t. Macauley, mgr.)—Tills theatre opened 2, with Al. a. Field's Minstrels. Siiubebt'b Masonic (J. J. Garrlety. mgr.)— This theatre opened its senson 2, with •'Ttie White Squaw." A new policy is In vogue at this bonce. The Co-operative circuit, booking big shows at little prices, will bold the boards tbe Brst balf of each week, while Sbubert shows will play tbe latter part of each week. J. J. Oar- rlety has again taken bold of tbe affairs of this Avbitobi (M. A. tjhaw, mgr.)—This theatre, which has been playing melodramas and musical shows for the past doxen yean, will run motion pictures this season. < Hippodbohe (Max L. Simon, mgr.)—"The Hand of Mystery" la the feature film week of 1. Olimpio (Max L. Simon, mgr.) — The Ser- pent's Eyes" features week of 1 Crtstal (If. Swltow, mgr.)—"For His Sis- ter's Sake" features week of 1. Columbia (I. Simon, mgr.)—"A Tale of tho Foothills" features week of 1. Casino (I. Simon, mgr.)—"The Government Tett" features week of 1. OaruM'u (I. Simon, mgr.)—"The Daughter of the Sheriff" features week of 1. Oroxfj Park (Brown ft Stinnett, mm i r- week of 28, the Frank North Stock cf ,l7 To1 Wo^.r\rmg C rN ty ,be1e 0 .^^ned W K &£ Sept. 1, with "Parsifal." "The LIttw tSlSl week of 9, with "Louisiana Lou" toiolictw W Snonntr (Earl Steward, mgr.)—The'«. opened here Sent. 1 with "Within the i™ 90 ? •ft Romance of the Underworld" week 1". "Ready Money" 16 and week. ° r ». Grand (A. Judih, mgr.)—"Tb e ShoidWi . the Hills" ^lld flne business week of Am "-«' tf aplte of the excessive hot weather. iHve ill in "Don't Lie to Your Wife," week of sent s! Miclyn Arbuckle, in "Tbe Bound-Up," week of V Onrnirov (MarUn Lehman, mgr.)—-This tm,,.. onered for the season Sunday matloee He,*• with the following bill: Lolo, Be rt i£^Jt company, McKay and Cantwell. Fred llamiu VS company, David Kldd. tbe Baytons, and i ki,' Ing Martina. "•* ' Kmpirsi (JR. Broneon, mgr.)—Bu-lness eo». tlnues good. BUI for week of 2: The Hnh» Ben Bnjamaa acrobats, Harlan E. Knllnt ins company, Harry Cutler, Wm. J. Melntyre oil vottl Trodhailonra, and Myrtle Byrne and'con pany. "■ GOING! GOING! GONE! An auctioneer always gives you Three Chances to get In on the Gravy—and WE are doing the same stunt, too! This Is the THIRD TIME we have told you about these five great songs. The fwords by J. W. HAMER and ANNA CHANDLER WANT THIS SONG IS "HONEY MAN'S" UTTLE BROTHER. ADOPT IT WHILE IT'S REMEMBER, IT TOOK US A YEAR TO FIND IT- Tbe Last Word in Ballad Lyrics Words by JOE MCCARTHY and JOE GOODWIN THATS «« HOW IF YOU SING BALLADS, THIS SONG WAS WRITTEN FOR YOU I WE ONLY PUBLISH ONE A YEiVR. SPECIAL QUARTETTE ARRANGEMENTS, Words by JOE MCCARTHY and JOE GOODWIN Blanche Ralrd nnd her stirs of Stageland occupy the centre of the stage. The old Howard's extra features are: James J. Ortiett, lir. McDonald, Weston Sisters. Itoot and White, llarrv Gilbert, Hsruuskl and Hob Million. The l'mv Mukera fol- low. (Irani) OrniA Hiitinx (O. K. I/ithrnp, mgr.)— The Moulin House I'urlesiiuers lire apiienrlug here this week. 'Hie Slurs of Slngelond nre U-okiil to follow. Wauiikin'k Gvhino (Hlinrlea II. Wnldran. tnnr.) —The «l«iw IIiIk WWb Is Kii|,|ille.l by the Winning Widows. Tlie lion Ten (llrl* gave a spletidltl hIuhy last WSfk, und the houses were of tlie caimelty site. Next week, the liowery Ilurtcwpiers. (Iaiktv (Dili. II. Itiiteheiler, mgr.)—Week of Sept. 2, liie (lay MnHipieriidei's nre booked to supply the fun. anil from what we have heard nhoul the show then" Imi'i any t|ues||on ulwut Its ilrawliit powers. Next week, the Oulety Olrla will be here. IIowihiik Squarx (O. K. Ixillirop, mur.)—The young Indies nnilcr the dlreetlun of Violet Mus- eotle are coiitlimlng to .nnke many frleiirls at tills house. Others nsslhtlng current week ure: Arthur Urownlng, Dolsou nnd Gordon, and llmeko. Wahhinuton (F. a. Collier, mrr.) — Acting here this week ure: Vasinr and Arkon, Lysatt and Kherirooil, I'mf. Ileriuiin's dogs, Mien ami Collins, Dunvln and Jennie Clayrnn. Olu South (P. O. Collier, uigr.)—The players current week nre: Kid Ciiufleld, Cnvllll, Dunu and Wilson, Drlseol mill Perry, Shaw and K«ldy, Marguerite Helhlg. mill Viniiv llisiver. Kaolb. —ThOKe hooked «re: Oi'rlle l^clnlr and Picks, Jennie Claysun, Tout l^vene. and Ser|ieno. " NoniiMiiEUA I'aiik (Carle AlWrte. mgr.).—The attraction this week Is "Tlie Missing Miss." It Is said to be a must IntereHtlng ahow. Mxuroai) Bovlmvaro (J. W. Oorman, mgr.)— Tlie Mil this week Includes: IajwIs and Norton. Kelly and Oolvln, Ascolt and Tyson, Monti, ami Hklnner and Woodn. Lbxinoton Park (J. Ortnand Jackson, mgr.)— This park Is now closed for the season. Manager Jackson states the businesa has been very good. RUM, Nxw plctuaas and snogs are noted at (he fol- lowing houses: lll'ou Dream, Hub. South Kurt, r.hawnmt, Unlane, Apollo, Orients, Pastime, Puri- tan, Beacon, llnck liny, Premier. Norfolk, Com- bine. Niagara, Wlntliron Hall. New Palace, Will- lam's Ideal, SuiktIi, Star, Scenic Temple, and Koibury. Nxyiotiations have been completed In a ileal of great Imiiortnnce to the West Knd section of tlie city of liostoai. It Is (he Idea of Hie pro- molers to erect on the site of the old Austin A stone Museum a theatre Hint will sent il.lWO piiwde. The promolem elnlm the theatre will be ■>••(• of,(lie lorrest In the eountrv: "'■iK.,N'ATinNAi. and the Oonlon's, Oljinpln offer ■>T*rjK I'lils this week. It is ulcaslrrg to r.itr :!,i,t the bualness Is lira at both, houses. OH! GET YOU WHAT'S THE USE! OLD MAN WEBSTER NEVER KNEW ENOUGH WORDS DON'T LET US SAY "WE TOLD YOU SO" TWO Words and Music by 'WILL DILLON The Rosemary Trio, Holding and Keating, and .1 liniiiy iIrccu. For 6-7: The Folic* Bergere Trio, l.eonn May, Bill Dawson, and motion pictures. Buou (R. L. Knight, mgr.)—BUI for week of 2: Marjorle Dudley, Clifford, Mercedes 0. 1/evreuiili, soloist; Irving McDonald, tbe Uljoa MiiKlenl Trio, ami moving pictures. Hivkiisiiik Park (Arthur Wooley, mgr.)—Bill for i!"t: Mullane and Montgomery, and Johnston. For .1-7: l.n Tell and Vokea, May McDonald, and motion pictures. Aiiiii:i.i.. llunii, EllSONIA, tlAlPTV, (Jl.oliu. (IKANII. N'llTKl.TY l'AUOB, AND 8UUWAY. moving pli'tiire houses, are doing good business. N'vthh. — AUmt six hundred Klks and their frlemlH attended tlie thirteenth annual clumhuku of tlie Hprliujtleld ImUv, at Itlverslile Park, Aug. 211, and the affnlr was reiiorted as a hlg success. A nn-elnl feature waa tbe Wolgast-Itlvers tight pictures I,. Michael k Co. are now running the llulety inovltiK picture liouse on State Street T«i".le iHiuoviiii Ih again presiding at tbe ticket olllce at tho Uiliuore. TAKE ME TO THE CABARET I.jmi, Mann, — (Vntrnl Square (James n. Donoruu, nujr.) gotKl business, with latest fea- tures in the alms, and Illustrated songs iii.nnu* (A. K. Uinl, mgr.)—BUI for Sept. 6-7: O'Donnell Brothers, Clyde Veaux and eom- |inny, Vale and Connolly, and ld|K>rt and Tlen)a- mln. Tlie Iwuse Is now working on Its Winter season pulley, and In now plnrlng to great buil- MH, AtmiTORiuxi (Morlson k Mark, mgrs.)—Os- naclly businesa marked (lie opening of this play- house, which has been tlmronirlily rennvoteil dur- ing the Summer. Tbe I.liulsay Morlson Stock (Vi. played "I«ah, the Forauken," week of Aug. 2(1, nnd for the week of Kept- 2, presents "Forget Me Xot." "Tlie Deep Purple" week of 0. Moe Mark, the lessen of this bouse, will open his Buf- fiiio. N. V,, playhouse In the near future. OosfiqUR (Al. Newholl. mgr.)—Tills bouse con- tinues In slay to capacity business, with pictures and msuks. DurAMi.ANii (Samuel flrant, mgr.) — Manager Ornnt has taken charge of this bouse. Aliening the season Aug. 28. Mr. flrant Is well known In the theatrical profession by his connection with the Gordon amusement enterprises. Pamtimk, Wgs,T j,vnn (IS. A. Loud, mgr.)— Plcliiri's and songs,. . Drum, CLU-roriUAiJi (Tkomas 11. Oullen, mgr.) N'OTA.—Howe's London Show will appear here 11. Tnuntnii, Maaa. — Park (Marie Kcarns, mgr,) wus dark week of Aug. 2tl. and will con- tinue k> until week of Sept. 0, when o strong repertoire company 1b looked. Casino. Star, Ooia'mmia ino Mickbl, moving picture bouses, ure doing well. Nor*.—Bert Lewis, of tbls city. Is Disking a hit wlUi (lie Pace Makers Company. Louisville, Ky,—The curtain for the new aeasou was rung up Aug. 20, when the Walnut Street and tioycty tbeatres opened their season. dAim-v (0. T. Taylor, mgr.)—Brimming over wllb ludicrous situation* and with all the new songs, tbe Trocadero Burleaquers auspiciously oiMiieil ibis theatre, SO. Charles T. Taylor is again at tbe helm. Ttie house has lieen repaluteil and redecorated throughout, and presents a fine appearance. A new addition la a huge electric sign on the ouUlilo of tbe house, In which tbe name ot each current attraction will nppear. Large crowds attended Itobie'a Knickerbockers week of Sept. 1. Walnut Atrnt (C. A, Shaw, mgr.) — "Okla- homa" opened the season at Ibis tv«tre Aug. 20, and was well received by lurge crowds. "John O'Donnell'^ week of Sept. 1. Fotainr Fkhht I'ahk (Harry Balger, mgr.)— Irene Manor, vocal nolotst; Natlello's Hand. Lotta Mayer, In diving exhibitions, and Ttotdnson's Cir- cus are features week of 2. Pontaini FKnnr Park Theatre (Harry nil- ger, Digr.)—BUI for week of 1: O'llrlen-llavel nnd compunj. Alldo Qanlner, Harry llreen, Pope Dnd lino, nnd Bell and Oaraon. Rivkrvibw Park (I.. Svmon. mgr.)—Jubilee Singers and other attractions week of I. .. Hiiikiniiiiau (Horace McOrocklln, mgr.)—Tills theatre had Intended opening tbe season Aug. 20, No two performers can do it the same. One of the ftrst Real Rag Novelties! Watch the imitations LEO. FEIST nus?w'Sstt P. 8.-M. J. STONE and FRED nBCUXA Novm,TT (J. Levciisun, aigr.)—'One Against One" features week of 1. Majhstiu (L. Dtttmur, mgr.) — "The Street Beouty" features week ot 1. Notbh. —Tbe 101 Bunch guve two shows here Aug. 20, to capacity business. Onarlle Wlilte- Moun, the Oowboy Herbalist, of Louisville, gave a lueatre parry and aupper at the Heeback, for his show friends, after the licrformance A. O. stuever, of St. Louis, head of chain of amusement parks, which Includes Fontaine Ferry 1'nrk, Is In town, arranging affairs. for next sea- iwn lUngllng Bros/ Big Olrcus 2 . J. L. Weed, (lie popular manager of Keith's, has leturneil, ai:d la making llual pluns for opening tho "C0BOU B. Ilallnsj. Tex.—r.nke Cliff Casino (0, ,A. Man- gold, mgr.) the Casino Players presented "Tlie Deep l'uriKle" week of Aug. 20. Majxktio (O. F. Onold, mgr.)—Bill for week of 20 Included: Heron and Douglas, 117 AT QJ Trio. Charlotte Meyers. Bernard and Rolierts, LniurlilliiN dogs, Uonesettl Troupe. Cnnaclly business. ' * Orpiihiim (Uoy Dnlton, mgr.)—Al. riillllisi and ooiiipnny. and motion pictures.' Sf*5 oi 10 ,"". '"or" Dglton, mgr.) — Bill for lull* nf QPE nit iV ah • tlr„-A »^___ __ . week ot 20 Includes: IVest Averi and compnnr. motion plclarcs, b) capicltj bouaes. and Garden (E. P. Ohmxhlll, mgr.) —B«»'""»Jj big. Bill for week, of 2: A. O. Anson, ■*•*£"? Francis, Henri French, tbe IW.'n'^JSC tlie IDuls 1m Quartette, Deniile JJWvW-J^3 the Mufclcal Avolos. Jeanetto Adlcr, On*ne ans Parker, and Mantel's Marionettes- „„, wll uj ■GilJUB' (E. 8. Brlgliani, nigr.-Vaudcvwsj cloned Its season here Aug. 31, and *•«•*" SB bodaTk week of Sept. 2„ re-opening -will "» fl lime policy of iuelod»ma,and farce f"™ 1 """"^ CxNiimr (Joseph Donegau. nurr.l-y-Lnat jg (be Jardln de Povlo Girls drew-well, f" 1 ' 1^." tjs Mlner-a Bohemians week of 2. Uueen or xw Follies Bergere 9 and week. ■ nneve*" OAxen. (Burt McPhall.. nigr-)—A'--"CI hlg company scored tbeir usual hit, ««,"»*'» nesa, week of Aug. 20. Andy Lewis con' ^ "J lie a big favorite. Owper'a Beooty, jgtnjK Folly Colapany week of Sept. 2. Tie Trocadero. week of 0. . _,. ^..wn AunrroRiuM (Mr. Hancock, mgr.)— «J" *!Z ,- o,ioi«l here Simdny matinee. 1. withBenm" v» fo In "Dion CDnre." Tblo house will he run conlimctlon with tho new co-operative plan. Colnmbla, 9. O—Oolumbla fch_ *!& mgr.) season opened with ^, t JPB T Vo» Kept. 3.7 ''The Old Hoinostead" .tWISHmSS fesslmi'-'lf, "The Balkan Princess" W^IJ""* 0 ' Marietta*' ifl. ,1 «(: ■ ..> »intT ' •