The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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SEPTEMBEE 7 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 13 oiitfonvufATi. „. thmtrcs f»H Into line »» September Three more i**auws ?" ™™-» •■.-. u„„,™. ... makes b« debut, I »««« . wl !i*U« P The fSk opened la a decidedly the first two weeki. Summer stock failed to draw. Const Island (Joseph J. Oerard, mgr.)—Tbe senson of 1912 big been a good one. and when Three ™*SJ?'Vnd only one or the Bnmroer re- the gates close, 2, It will be with a nice little ' ot * , * Si attempt"to carry oot a festal program balance In the treasury. The dosing vaudeville and the conditions were all bill was prorlded by tbe Olympic Quartet, Bessie Bremen, Williams and Lee, Oarl James, and Jar- .fier Labor Day, ••Summery 1 ' SJf'^K raTher"liian~'to tiie mag- Ti« and'Clark, a pair of singing and dancing dnnv '"""? iL« mie annual Harrest Home Festival acta. A Mardt Oraa carnival dance was given Aug. 20, silver lorlng cops awarded the beet £%2£oSwniMp, at CheTlot, wis one diversion °! Gr ^ 2»w tiooianda. Ioateid of tbe usnai M i.r. Sr DMFestival at Laton-la will call ?"r much of the Patronage that usually aecks the other resorts. naiND OPH* Hotjbi (John H. Hajlln, mgr.) S,W Hon la tbe star In the opening, ^ 1 whin "The Only Bon" will be presented. note Hudson Collier, popular In the old stock i.?«i at'the Pike, Is with the company. George F»ns* Honey Boy Minstrels follow. 8. B V Karaa'a (Charles C Down, mgr.)— After a fortnight of preparaUon, following a wry ESJlS Summer of vaudeville, the regolar L,,™n began 1 with the Dance Dream, Homer B. Mason Marguerite Keeler and company. Lyons and Yoeeo" Shadwlck Trio, the I^nfidons, Bison City Four. *'* Bowen, and Hnraley Troupe, lie* to Waw , |rr re STa«*r (W. P. Jackson, mgr.)—"The Tratelln?Salesman" arrived 1 with a fall line of dancers, with other prizes for tbe most gro- tesquely attired couple. Zoo (Walter A. Draper, mgr.)—While the regular season of twlcea-day concerts, given by the Cincinnati Summer Symphony Orchestra, will end Labor Day, 2, tbe garden continues the only open-all-thc-yearround attraction In tbe city. Family, Hbtjck's Ofsba Hobic and Btan'b CaNiunr are still devoted to nhotoploys. ■ NOTES. Tin OariimiK will be "boonieil" bg a cam- paign In which electric signs all over town will form a brilliant Illuminating part. TBI Quiitx Citt Beach closes on Labor Day, after a most successful aquatic season. NrvA it runt has been spending the Summer In Berlin, and returns to dntles here Sept. IS. Willi* Piebck, a Schuster schoolgirl, class of '12, was the assembly reader at the Independence (Ky.) Institute. Mitchell and Leltner. Bill for B-7: Ryan and Bell Uomer Barnette, Ed. Hayes' 1'laycrs, Geo. Smedley. Smith, Voelk aud Ciento, and the Fire WtfnMMN* <0. B. N«i, mgr.)-Tbl« house, presenting Fox vsudevllle, opened Aug. 20 for the season, entirely renorated and repainted, new carpeta, llgbta and stage equipment and a new heating plant Installed. Bill for 2-4 Included: Oraee Hampton and company, Klraberly and Moore. Mattle Phillips and Jungle Girls, Vlssecl [os'trcls • Bros., Lambert and Van, and Joe Blrnes. Colonial (B. H. McLaughlin, mgr.l—For Thb members of Newark Lodge of Kim at- f.2, the OolooU, riayera. In 'The Third j^S^^^^^Jff^^ la back at his desk, after a Summer on the farm In "Old Clermont." Sous of the boys at the Emnrers are ft 111 talk- ing of the Ash fires they enjoyed, thanks to the big pNcatorlnl shipments made by their mana- gerial laaak Walton—George F. Fish—who Sum- mered as usual at Ocean City. Mrs. Fish came home with Mm. Cleveland, O.—Opera House (A. F. Harts, mgr.) week tf Sept. 2, Gevrge IS''ana' Hooey Hoy Mlnsf " »fl THIRD TIME we have smacked you in the eye with the FACT that each and every one is a PROVEN SONG—guaranteed to get over-and not a flyer for YOU to feel out! The THIRD -and last-TIME that we will beg you to let us slip you something REAL! • Remember, our reputation is in back of every one! rec." aOSFCTT.- nnd compuuy, (111* Nil I J. 0 laser open Cb.'i -For week of 2, Vaughan In 'The Oralu .if Dust." H. Michaels, mgr)—This theatre toed for season 2, with Co-operative Circuit shows. "Alma, Where Do Ton Live?" with Florence Mills In the title role, 2 and week. Stab (Drew ft Canprell, mgrs.)—The Girls from Missouri week if 2. Kurmic (E. A. McAnile, mgr.)—Th* American Beauties 2 and week. Ilipponaoxc (H. A. Daniels, mgr.)—Bill fer week of 2 Victor Moore and Emma LittlefleM and company. Roehui's Athletic Girls, Mam'e Lambert end Erucat Ball, and others. PusniLLA (P. E r'eaa. mgr.)—Bill for week of 2: "The 01H from ShanltT's," the Mitchell Trio, Elsie Garnella' and company, Veronica and Hurl- Falls, Thompson and Curler, the La Noies,- Jo- aephlne Clalrmont, and the pictures. Springfield, O.—Spring Orore Casino (W. A. Glllen, mgr.) closed Sept. 1, with Rndcllff And Hall, Slual, Four Musical I.'Acollans, and Valeekn and Zcliln as the vaudeville attractions. New Mi'n t.snn Amusement Co., unim. i— lull for week of 2 Includes: Gllmore and Castle, tbe Torieys, and the Chlpola Twins and a bear. Music by AL. PIANTADOSI I MY MAN STILL A BABY, OR YOU'LL SOON HEAR IT HOWUNG ALL AROUND YOU! DON'T LET IT TAKE YOU THAT LONG! gave — company, a hearty reception. Mr. Shepell la • member of Newark Lodge, anil during the per- formance he waa presented with a large floral horseshoe. Jersey City, It. J.—Fresh from the hand* of the decorators and painters the houses thst opened Aug. 20 presented flue appearance*. The attendance In the main waa satisfactory MiJXSTIO (F. K. Henderson, mgr.)—"The ror- ttme Hunter," with a notable caat, Sept. 8-7; Wily Van 0 and week. Acadkmt (F. B. Henderson, mgr.)—The Acad- emy Block, In "How Baxter Butted In," 3-7. "The Two Orphans" 0 aud week, and the usual motion pictures. OuriiKux (Thee. L. Sheetey, mgr.)—This house opened tbe season 3, with an exceptionally fine stock company. In "Tbe Liars." "When Knighthood Waa In Flower" week of 0. MoKTiriLLo (F. L. flchleilnger, mgr.)—This resort swung Into line 8, with a bill Including' Phlna nnd her Picks, Harrison-West Trio, other variety numbers, and a flue selection of motion pictures. Bill for 9-7: Ous Hdwarde' Newsboys Quartette and others. Noma.—The stock company at the Academy Includes: Cameron Clemens, F.. I). McMillan. Karl MrClellnn, Frank Elliott. Beaale Hhelton, Chan. Blely, Marie Clifford. Margaret Gallagher. Baby Dorothy Clark and Gladya Montague. K. 1). Mc- Millan Is stage director Tbe company at Iho Orphcum Is composed of: Wm. J. Kelly. Pauline lAird, Jhnmle Jimeson, Wm. Riley Hutch, Mnudo lillliert, Wright Huntington, Albert Parker. Louise Gerard, Emma Campbell, Ralph Marlhy, Krnunle Frnunhols and Wright Kramer. Wright Hunting- ton will stage the plays Cnry MoAdow la again tbe press agent for tbe Majestic and Acad- emy Harry McCorinack la In the box at the 99 NEED Music by AL. PIANTADOSI YOU Katharine Foster, with "My Best Girl" Co., wired ber folks In this city that the company scored a grand aucceas at the overling perform- ance at Cleveland, O., Aug. 20. Alton, 111—Temple (W. M, fanvage, mgr.) season opened Sept. 1, with "The Rc;ary." "Tlie Common Law" 8. Aiapoua (W. M. Saurage mgr.)—Bill f >r Aug. Zu-Fept. 1 Included Del Rally and Jap ami n spe- cial O. G. P. 0. film. "Fire at Sea." Diooaani (W. T. Sampson, mgr.)—Aftir a thorough renovatlnc and remodeling, the m "in opened hero Sept. 2, with Blanchard ft Thomioii' i Minstrel Molds, for ouo week. Three reels t.° plcturea are also shown. IliHcaaa (J. J. IllellTy, mgr.)—Pnthe's Weekly drown big. "Don Juan and Charles V." a two- reel film wan featured Aug. 20, 30. Nora.—With many Improvements, a thorough renovating, ami the addition of a new aalawloe curtain, Tenmle opened Kept. 1, with "The Itci- nary." Mr. Sauvoge states h« has an excellent line of attractions for the coming season. Memphis, Tenn.—Lyric (Ben). M. Stain- back, mgr.) opened for the season Sunday, Sept. 1, with a revival of "Ten Nights In a Bar Room" as the attraction. OaniBUif (Max Fabhb, mgr.)—This theatre opened for tbe season Sept, 2 with the following bill: "Everywife," Larlne, Olmaruii Trio, Uraoo Eminctt and company, Rdwin George, A. Sey- mour Brown, Carl Demareat, aud moving plc- turea. East End Paix (A. B. Morrison, mgr.)—Busi- ness continues to be good. Bill for week of 1 Includes: Brtndamour, Kelly and Pollock. Mailm's Models, Kenny, Nobody and Piatt, Wallace Cal- vin, Marie Florence, and moving pictures, PaiNCCsa (8, T. Beer, ntgr.)—Good patronage entire week of Aug. 20. Bill for week of Kept. 2 Includes: Kurtls'- roosters, Rnowle Maybell, the Hohlswortha, Aerial Macks, anil motion picture*. Tub MajkbtIcs, Alamo, Qukbn, Colonial, I'ALACS, ' CaIIIIOI.I.TUN, Till flSTIMXK, ()t:M. I'kkin, Savor, Royal, Dairt and Jot, moving picture houses, all report good business. Moxabt, Popular, Maoison anii MaTRoroi.i- tan, alrdomes, are drawing line patronage. Nnahvllle), Tcnn.—Ondieum (Geo. 11. Hick- ninn, mgr.) hill for week of Sept. 2: lHxmi ami IMxnii, Judge and Hamilton, Jimmy Ilosen mid iviiiipany. Three Dolce Sisters, and Al ltnjnn nnd his bull terrier. I'uiNcr.sH (Harry Suilekum, mgr.) — Bmlm-Hs good. Bill tor week of 2, "A Winning Mum." with a cumpnny of twenty-flTO people. CnYKTAL, El.lTIl, ALllAMnHA, IUx, Ar are lining well with moving pictures. . N0TR8.—The Dixie lias been closed for repairs. The HIJou opened the Fnll season with "Oklahoma." 2. Tills house lias been llioroiiglil/ nviThailleil nml pnlnliil. unit jirewnts tin stlrni'- llvo appraruiice Kluglliig Bros.' Circus cornel for two perforaiancea, Sept. tl. Knnn llle, Tenn. — Rtaub's (Friti fltauh, mgr.) "The Balkan Princess" opened this house AMI BONITA The Last Note In Ballad Melodies AND THIS IS OUR 1913 MODEL. SING IT NOW, AND BE SIX MONTHS AHEAD OF THE OTHER FELLOW I BEAUTIFUL SLIDES ALONE Music by FRED FISCHER TO-NIGHT TO DESCRIBE IT. HEAR IT-THAT'S ALL! ORCHESTRATIONS IN TWELVE KEYS. MONTHS FROM NOW! SLIDES BY SCOTT & VAN ALTENA Words by MCCARTHY and GOODWIN Music by AL. PIANTADOSI YOUR DADDY DID THE SAME f THING FIFTY YEARS AGO | The only comedy song that gets greater laughs on each repeat. Write lor extra tunny choruses NEWYORL 'rnimkCSOCm Wnx WjaXOOBBE TOP AT OHit CHICAGO OITICT good corned/ and star tea the season. "Tbe Pen- alt?" follows 8. - RMtgj all (Qeo'ge P. Fish, mgr.)— Byron Bid- well. Gertrnde- MeOlll slid eomi.arijr are featured », In "Number 44." others: Whirl's Kour Har- BMnlatB, Theo. Corly'n canines, Paddock and Pad- dock, Kll Dawson, and the Three Btanleys. Mo- tion pictures. -Iflhjw tfgajax- a Fennessjr, mgr.)—Lyman H. 5S" *. T™ 1 * 1 ^eatlral Inaugurated Its fourth syccesafqr week- I. and baa another fortnight to rjn before Nell O'Brien's Mluatrels come to be- gin the real season. 18. . n.£SL*£ 8 . <»■"«•»• Fenneasy. mgr.)—The wfn arrt V™ eoniln « *• Olrla from Missouri -nS 1 **"". 0 (B. K. Hjnlcka, m«r.)—Bam Howe BL.Mf_.MW Mak»rs are duo 1. Koblnson's «rn»oe Girls come 8. <Vhi_l" T, ?.. PA " lt < lM »C M. Martin, mgr.)—J. A. 1 .-? S Mhistrela remain for extra perfornrartoes i-in i- 2 - Tb *° ""ne* "OarnlrsI Week." There h.H . ?,J° rt of M »"" Ores BnlBli to the sesson .ST'i.* Q"**" «' »he Oarnlral" is to be chosen, Vh« ''"/o'onatlon is to be made a big feature of •a* Onal week. seninS^* J^ 00 ? 1 ' (,0Bn 3 - Wearer, mgr.)—The SSaAA*W " ,,B tb * L »nor Day featUuies 2. r* "'••jnj'" been a fairly good one. despite the «et that Roatle Theatre liaa Icerrdart all •>«- llti.xN Louiaa Fxiduan, wife of Norwood's mayor. Is one of the faculty of the Schnster School. •■' . . _ Last seasoa Cincinnati tried to support three stock compsnles. and they were all stsrred out. Tlila year the Held has been locally abandoned. A prophecy of rerlral la courngerusly made. Klsa Mabhiiam,, tbe singer, has retumeil from Detroit, where she wss feted and dined. Bob Pbi.ioi.s3 was a prise as the alar of tbe cabaret at Chester Park. He waa aiaisted by Harry Relchman, a Cincinnati boy. J. A. Oobiikn's MiNBTurtH gare an old time burnt cork show at Cheater Park. Leslie D. Berry was the Interlocutor, wilth Arch Wilson, Bd. Fisher, Allen Settle, Con Lelble. and Chnriey Oano on the enda. 'The Frolic of the Bogle Men" was the scream of the olio. W. F. JAOKaoN Is again In manacerlal con- trol at the Walnut Btreet. with George W. How- mi, tretsurer. Hzbiian Adlbi made a rery decided Imiireji- nlon—sll to the good—In his sketch, "Tho Sllser s Dream," seen at the Empress. ' John H. Havuk is "back In town" for the Grand's Inaugural. _ _. Bitimiimi 1nsp«ct<)B Ganana W. IIaiT'b orders to theatres entailed changea. the cost of which ran Into many thmisand? jof dollars. - • Manaibb ciuar.xs L. Doban, of B. 1*. Keltav'l, Newark, N. J.—Newark (Geo. W. Bobbins, mgr.) 1.outs Mann opened tbe season here for week beginning Sept. 2, la "Klcratlug a llus- bscd." Siiubbrt (U-c Otttlengul, mgr.)—This house will Inaugurate itn second season, Id, with "llunty Pulls the Htrincs." 1'BOOTOB'a (It. 0. htiiurt, mgr.)—Vaaderllle la again recetrlug due attention bore. Bill for Kept. _ and week: Lillian Hhaw, John T. Doyle and compajiy, Chas. and Fannie Van and company, Hhennan, Van and llym.iu, Farber Misters, Theo. Uamberg, tbe Three Kcatons, Lea Trerllllnos, ami the Four Lonilons. Mrmixuu (M. 8. Hchllslnger. mgr.)—Tbe Corse I'nylon Stock Co. presenta "Olrla" 2 ami «-eek. Crowded houses enjoyed "Madams X" week of Aug. 20. Mabel Uruwnell and Arthur Jnrrett, the new Jurenllc. reeelred much praise. "Tiio Oriala" 6ej«t 0 and week. Jacobs' (Geo. W. Jacobs, mgr.)—This house, formerly the Columbia, opened 2, In the new cir- cuit, with "The Boss" ss tbe week'a attraction. Kmiiii (Frank Abbott, mgr.)—Malt Kennedy and his Tiger Lilies offer an attrtctlre girl ahow week of 2. Wednesday night, 4, wrestling and fight bonta were added. Tbe Big Kerlew Show was well liked by good alaed audiences Aug. 2d and week. Miss New York Jr. week'of Sept. ». Oai_ty (Leon Krars, mgr.) — The Goldfn Crook, with Billy Arlington, 2 and week. Sne- daltlea are riven by Johnston anil Buckley. City Comeily Four, Boyd and Veola, and Mile. Veoln. The lmperlsl Kui'lan Court Dancers are an extra feature. Mollle Williams and her company of- fered a clean, bright entertainment. In giKxl busi- ness week of Aug. 20. Dare Marlon returns Sept. 0 and weels " Ltsio (B. 0. 8tuart. mgr.)— Cipsclty business. Bill for 2 A: James Hums, Parley and Morrison, Sidney Drew Jr and company, flns Rdwirds' iBIsadr* Typewrltets, Lefoy aud company, ana Mnjeatlc, and John HI. Langabre controls the stage. I.oul» J. Dlttmar Is leader, ami Will Moran looks after the lithos, Anthony Michel, secretary of the Phoenix Realty Company, who own Ibo OriilicUHi, and Qayety, In UolMkcn, stales that the corporation will soon branch out Into new Delila Cbrla. Neuman goes with Al. Wllaon this seasou. Peorln, 111.—Majestic Ulenry Hanilmeyer Jr., mgr.) "Bendy Money" »>iit. I, 2, "1'lie For- tune Hunter" B-7. Obi'iikiiu (Felix OreenlNM'ir, mgr.)—Hill for Sept. 2-4: Lcyla Bloun, Al. MwTswa*, Fire Ar- manis, Rogers nnd Doriuan, and tiie lulerna- tlunnl Polo Team. For 0-8: Four Adam, l.nw- rence' and Manning, Three Weston Hlsiern, Phil Bennett, Hternad nrnl Van, Ltrni'U (Felix ilreenberg, mgr.)—Vauderllle ■nd pictures. Pbinohhm (Rearer Amuse. Co.. mgni.)—Vamle- vine and pictures. DxupHar (Martin Dentpsey, mar.)—fltock bur- leaiiue, aongs and pictures. Viboinia Bbaoii (Frank A. Helneke, mgr.)— Vauderllle and dauclug. . Faust Gabubn (Fauser A Heltscb, mgrs.)— Vauderllle. Cbbsobnt, Coi.uMniA. Da Luxa, Kui-axsa, IlunoIs. LintXTr, Boxal, HanoamiI, Houtii Hiiib and Aibdomb, picture bolutea, report good busi- ness. Noras.—Al Fresco Tsrk hss closeil for lbs seasoi Rlngllng llms.' Circus broke tbe local record here Aug. 27 for circus attendance, turn- ing them away nt both performances Vernon Hesrer will erect a new Princess Theatre In Houth Adams Htrvet at the cost of 175,000, to be completed by March, 11)13. nerntnr, III. — Powers (Tbos. P. Ronsn. mgr.) the Jack Ilessey Htock Co. Aug. 2«1 ami week, excepting 2D, when Hugo B. Koch sp- beared In 'The CItr." end pleased a good bouse. Parrah Psddrn. In "Kindling." Kept. 1. 2s "Tin Fortune Hunter" B, "l-outoiann I^iu" 10. "Grau- stark" 12, IS, "Tbe Traveling "alesman" M. Buou (A, HlgfrM. mgr.i — Morlng pictures, with a special festure, Aug. 20. 30. of "Ollrer Twist." with Nat Goodwin and company: Tbe reaular randerlll^ fmwn «|icned Sept. 2. Notsh.— Rlngllng Bnw.' Circus, Aug. 2H. had a record breaking crowd for.'the afternoon |ier- . rormnnee. which wrtild hate'been repeated at night If not prerentea by'threatening storms.... «<Tt. 2. Al. 0. Field's Minstrels 0, "The Cou- f«H»lou" IK. Kunii 11'nil Mnrlln, mgr.)—This bonne opened, 2, with vaiulerlllo bill, Including: The ll.-l.i. J lerg Four, Alfmlo, the lfour Minions, Amiiti'mig and LawrMicc, Kemwily and Mack, and tbe HIJou- saajay, liuANii il'i'ink Rog<>rs, mgr.)—Vaudeville, la goisl returns. MAJBHTlr, IiAV. CnrBTAL, IlKX. HllMTA, ANB I.vim;, ulvturo houses, reiwrt Que iiuslness. . Dobnqne, In, — Unm.l (John II. Macluy, mgr.) tho Uirenr Ilros.' Co, wwk of Aug. 2S. "The Two Orphans" Sept. 1, "The Filial Hetllc- limit" 2. Majbstio (Jake Rosenthal, mgr.)—"Convict Life," motion pictures of the Ohio Slate I'eul- Icntlnry, Aug. 30-Sept. 1. The regular vaudeville •cumin will Im'kIu HI with an elgbt act perform- ance, changing Hiintlays and Thursdays. Aianoua (Jake Itoseiithtl, mgr.)—Gsrslile Stock Co. will close their engagement here IB. r.NWN I'aiiic (Jako lUisenthiil, mgr.)—Vsmlc- vllle. Htab (A. 0. Thompson, mgr.)—Kthel North Is featured in songs, with the motion pictures. Business Is good. . , Prinubmh (II. W. Fulton, mgr.) —Pictures. Business good. Amiihx (A. U Stevens, mgr.)—Picture). RoTAI, (A. L. Stevens, mgr.)—Pictures. DsrAMr.A.sii I (J. H. Boyle, mgr.)—Pictures. HiiKAui.ANii II (A. 0. Wright, mgr.)—Pictures. Nijtkk. —Rtbrl North,- (he young lady who was with the Naiianee Co,, which played at the Union Park Theatre here week of Aug. 20, waa married on Saturday, Aug. 21, to A, G. Thompson, mana- ger of the Star Theatre, of this city, Miss North wilt be an attructlTC feature in songs at Hie Star hereafter liufTnlo [till and Pawnee Hill's Wild West snil Fsr Kast Shows played I* capacity business here afternoon and evening of Aug. 20. nnrllnarton. la— Grand (R. F. Holmes, mgr.) "Within tho Law" opened tbe season here Aug. 28 lo a fair house, despite the brat, and mured a distinct hit. "Uraustark" Sept. 8, "Kindling" 12, "The Arab" IB, "The City" 22. Gabbiuk (J. M. Root, mgr.)—A vaudeville company opened tbe sesson Aug. 2B and drew well. Palaob (L. P. Blank, mgr.)—Moving pleturei to good pstronage. Kmti (W. n. Taylor, mgr.)—Moving plcturea. Satisfactory business. Goiibt (P. Voiit, mgr.)—Moving pictures. Nbmo (Allender * Co., mgrs.)—Morlng pic- tures. Lraio (W. H Kwlng, mgr.)—Moving pictures. Notb.— Ann Davis, of the "Within the Law" Co., has many friends nnd acquaintances In this city. They' gave ber a most cordial reception at the Grand Aug, 28. Tbe compaoy la booked for a return date, .' '■ TT . ..-. <