The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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September 7 THE 2STEW YORK CLIPPER. 15 II JJ THAT BIG SONG HIT! OH, YOU LITTLE BEAR A BIOT FOR A.3SB-Y AOT. <3H3T XT 1VBEIUB FT XS JXTE. Wo hav* a great Double Conversation Version of sane. Abo Comedy Teroi. Orchestration In aajr kejr. 81ldei by SCOTT <Ss VAN ALTENA. When. In N. Y. call at oar 17th St. offlcc. Competent Pianist* always in atteadancn. STAFF AIWAVB IS ATTENDANCE I RHUMB CORMACK, HARRY ISRAEL, MORT WRINHTR1N, GEO. RDWARDS, HARRY DILLON, HARRY TENNEY, DICK HOSS, HAROLD JONES, MAX FHIVAL. ALFRED SOLMAH WILL ALSO BK GLAD TO MEET HIS FRIENDS. «,, 130-132 W. 37th St., N. Y.Co MIKE L MORRIS, Mgr. 7MILES, Free. I. FLTJEQELMAN, Vice Pres. H. R, SHEEDY, Sse'y. BEN J. 8. ROSS, Tr«i, CONSOLIDATED BOOKING OFFICES, m. RRtiMD SUILDIN6, Brainy ail 43d Stmt. Ken York Gitj Telephones! 5451-5453-5*53—3313 Bryant. orty Weeks BOOKINO-Forty Woaks ntl.ES CIRCUIT ClSSIHGIliVa-FLUKCKLSAS CIRCUIT HOSS AND BRILL CIRCUIT NHEEDY CIRCUIT THEATRE BOOK1SU CORPORATION AFFILIATED VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT PXAYINO THK BIST IK VAUDEVILLE, BEST House*, BJtST Treatment, BBT Engagements. CHICAGO OFFICE8I 193 North Clark St. Phone, 1631 Randolph BOSTON OFFICES I 930 Tremont St. Phone, SOT8 Oxford AT IJBERTT AFTER SEPT. 7 FRANK BROADBENT Vaudeville Pianist. 10 Years Experience. Desires Location. Arrange, transpose. Address MOUNTAIN THEATRE, Hamilton, Ont, Can. A VAUDEVILLE ACT FOR 50c. (NEW STUFF) 2 Meaty Monologues, 4 Parodies, 2 Comodj Recitations 'for Blackface, Jew, Tramp or Ecc. Oomedlan), ill tor 80s). HERB MONAHAN, Box 410, Brockton, Manx. THE PELHAMS SINGING, BANCINO COMEDIAN, PEOPLE IN ALL LINES. Tickets to those w knew; Just been done. Adrian Ellsworth, Wesley Mantell, etc, write. THE PELHAMS, North East, Pa. AT LIBERTY FIRST CLASS PIANIST, DIRECTOR and ARRANOER Light Opera or Theatre. Address L. LACKEY, LORAIN. OHIO. MEDICINE PEOPLE WANTED 8INOLE AOTS Join on wire. Andreas QUAKER POCTPB, Sonth Fork, Pa. AT LIBERTY Violin sand Oornot Per. Add. Can arrange. Experienced and reliable. L. E. COULD, - Peace Dale, B. L WANTED IT ALL TIMES VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS IN ALL LINE state lowest salary in a ret letter. B. tukcotte, Manager, Alcazar Tlieatro, 1038 8. Catherine St., Montreal, Can. LIBE THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED AQ^D. or MGR. Rooting; and booking a specialty. Have best of referenced. Responsible companies only addrefs C. W. VRRELAND, Friendshi p , N. Y. WANTED QUICK BOWDISH STOCK CO. HAN FOR HEAVIES Other Rep. People write. Week Sept 2, Carrollton, Ohio; week Sept. 9, Minerva, Ohio. A N. BOWDISH. AsVANTED Med. Performers and Piano Player BILLY McCLIMTOCK, Falthem. Mleh. AT l WALT WI1AJAM8, Charac- . IVre, some Heavies: ETHEL POSTER, ingenues, some Characters. Good wardrobe on and on". Quick study. Tickets, yes. Joint only. WALT WILLIAMS, Prairie Depot, 0. ........ ™.. ..«.««, ART ADA IR. Direc tor. PUSHES. Henri DErnsirnt, president of Che Twen- ty-third National Saengerfest, has announced J deficit of 115,000. Incurred by the festival, hold recently In Philadelphia. Nath Kknton' "PekUV' Cafe -was raided early Saturday morning, Aug. 31, and four of the staff were held In ball for violating the excise law. Kodib For was summoned to Jefferson Mar- ket Police Court, New York, 81, to answer ™ wtnolsdnt of the a P. C. C of illowliig nis children to sing and dance on a public "age daring; bis engagement at the Union Square. The question whether Foy himself was a singer arose during the proceedings. ™> ease was postponed until Sept 4. naif. Bxbuxbd Is engaging his support for ™, P>»T. entitled "All for the Ladles." in which ne will open late this month. Bc- Porta have him dickering with Weber A neldg, to again Join their company. *«*hot BTftowTias succeeded Wilton Lack- »ye In "Fine Feathers." Kid McCoy rctorned to New York Sept 1. »i.. ?". Lisnxsa Co. has accepted a play, en- il v. ?°J5 e,t JuD B'nnt" by William Bodcn, in which Tim Murphy will be starred. boy Be t°l • Bertem <W * Coni"*" 1 )' ■ nr^S?'?™. Bchabwl press representative for York Lacachcr . » Ul at Us kt»0 Id New »• .. i , J. •• THEATRES and OPERA HOUSES Ws insert asfrsrhassMsta In this eslasn st a ■fecial rats sf 11 78 per agats lias tar I months (or 18 times). Ills will aeable Iseal nasagen ts keep their hsssas precatBently and eoaaaoalr/ •etore tas BSSSBsB of eoiaprslss Darlni t*» daw tfea so. is fanning wa will ssnf sack adrer oaR a copy of Tas Ourrns fret. G AIKT VTHE ATRR .Richland, Ga.—Inde- pendent attractions only: pop., 3,000; A railroads: excellent growing population; adjacent small towns; good open time to right attractions. Write or wire Beall BroB , Owns, and Mays- Lumpkin, r,a, ALKRAHA THEATRE, Elizabeth City, N.G. Pop. woo. Seatiug capacity 800; stage 21X.8; dressing rooms; electricity, swam beat. Wanted, Hist class attractions. Address Kramer A Nntter. WANTED—Good Shows, for Fraternal Ball. Oxford, Hd. Seating capacity SB. Population of town, moo. Good for one night shows with band. STAR THEATRE, Tower City, Fa. flctraj- kill Co. New house, new sceuery, steam beat aud electricity; seats 550. Good show tovn. Drawing population 7,00a. Wanted, Iras class attractions. Add. W. J. Henry, Owner and Manager. WANTED.-To Book Good High Class Shows. New Hall. Good show town. S. C.600. 8t 20x30. Beps. 0. K. Bltt;VAKU AMU8E. 0O„ brevard, N. C. ROAD SHOW MANAGERS — BABTOW, FLuRIDA, Dixie Theatre, under new management. Good town and aurrouudinit country. Up-to-date ho ibe. ATTnAOnOMB WANTED for corning sea- son. For open dates address B. W. McCOBMlCE, Manager. FLORIDA LYCEUM ^Wr 01 Seats 1000. Stage 90X80. Poll scenery, dressing rooms, complete; electricity, steam heat, all latest Improvements. Wanted, fust Class Attractions. Address PARKKB k CA8TERLIND. ATTRACTIONS We ate now booking attractions for tbe coining saason, and want to hear from all high-class hhuws that can make this town. Give full Informatlun in jour reply snd you wilt bear Irani ns quickly. Address MANAGka KATHLEBR THEA- TRE. Box OS, Moultrie, On. - WANTED First Class Attractions CENTRAL OPERA HOUSE, COLFAX, ILL Pop. law. Beating cap. 480. Best show town In tbe State for size. One show a week. Good money for good shows. Address COR R. MUELLER, Mar., 106 W. Market St., Blooming ton. Ills. assaasi nA M. P. machine with Stero. Attachment, TltUlbGU tiaa and Electric Burner, complete, also Curtain, must be cheap for cash; Operator who un- derstands Gas. Sure, low salary (pay own hotels). Most loin at once. Will buy Films. Address L.O. CARLETOM, Curtis, gtenhan Co- N. Y. PLAYS. SKETCHES, ACTS, ETC;, Written to orde r. Te .nia for strap. GARBLE as DeJABJInll'l'E, East Ltverpoal, «*• BARGAIN—UO PANAMA CANAL LBCTOKE BUDBS AND LECTURE, up to date. Only Complete set made, (SO. Ill ustrated Book, M cents. A. WyNDHAM, 8 Patchen Place, M.T.Ctty. FOR SALE—Double Trapeze, can be nsed for foot whirls; 1 set of shoes for same. Large Prop- erty Trunk, 8 Clown Dresses, Uprights for outdoor use, Circus Crane. All cheap for cash. Dan Carrey, 716 Filbert St., East Liberty. Pittsburgh, Pa. PAPER—For Sale-Scenery. 3,600 sheets pic- torial, AM block, 8 sheets, 80,000 to-nlghters, 800 tack cards (block), all cross lined for "Beyond Par- don." 1 garden drop, llegdrop, 1 horizontal drop. All drops dye tack atuff, 18180. Brand new. never been used. Can furnish script tor "Beyond Par- don." Price, paper SlOO; scenery $15. L. D. Onstine, Lewwtown. III. ^^^^ FOB SALB-Vnslcal Ins truments, Xylophones, Other novelties slightly nsed. Baro tutr- galns. DKLMOrTT, 1018 Putnam Ave., Brooklyn, NY. WASTED-LAD V PIANIST, with good voice, for recognized Vaudeville Act: booked. &L. BU" care of N. T. CUPPER. WANTED-By Young Man, Position ss stage Carpenter, theatre or picture house. IS years ex- perience In business. IIel«htort.;age«3. Sslsry four limit Write H. M1TCHLEY, 167 BYBTLB 8TBBKT, NBW BKDFOBP, MASS la-IL larryOneen Marie Queen Besties and Characters. Ingenues and Juveniles. 8ft Wt,lt», Age. 35. Age,22.Ht.,*.t.Wt.l20. Excellent warrt'-jhes. Experienced Stock sod Bep. *■- above. 461 W. flat Bt, N. Y. 'DlklK SPOHGES OflXESTnY' I ART ADAIR, Director. S3000.00 for $1 Sounds exaggerated, but It Isn't If all tti comedy material contained In mABISUw'S IZFSiq fwlBUBfiETNo.14 were written to your special order. It would cost 43000.00— and yon -would be get- ting your f ii 11 money's worth, con- tents also include 11 funny monologues, 33 riot parodies. io original acts for 2 males, I new acts, for male and female, a great minstrel first part, a complete one-act musical comedy; also red-hot acts for two females, for male quartettes, and an almost endless assortment of sidewalk palter, gags, etc. Price One Dollar. Back Is- sues out of print except Numbers 10 and 12. Will send both for *1.M, or Budgets 10, |12 and 14 for 12. JAMES MADISON, 1404 Third Avenue, New York; WANTED, FUR Barrington Stock Co. CHARACTER COMEDIAN, GENERAL BUSINESS WOMAM, LEADING MAN, SPECIALTIES. Join on wire. Week stands. CARROLL, IOWA< Sept 1-1; SPIRIT LAKE, Sept 9-11. WANTED FOR The Williams Stock Co. PEOPLE IN ALL LINES. Preference to those do- ing specialties. Must have wardrobe and ability. Make salary low, as it la SURE, No money or tickets to people I do not know: I have been stong. Tell all first letter. J. C. WILLIAMS, Man- afvor, Ohnanlgee, Plain. WANTED YOUNG LADY, tor Heat Ingenue part. YOUNG MAN, for light comedy college boy part. Lena; seaaon 1st waadevlfle sheteh. Booked solid; opening Sept. 10. A. F. BURHHAM, Gen. DeL, Pittsburgh, Pa. For THE IIINIGHT EXPRESS Man for Lead, Heavies, Juv, Heavy Man for bits with Specialties; Man to Direct; Agent; a good small Soubrette with Specialties.- State all In first and your very lowest. Address EDWIN GARY. BANCROFT. MICH. WANTED, for tbs Oth Aasual Twr «f the LA MONTE STOCK CO. Young Juvenile Man and Woman capable of play- ing some leads. Specialty People doubling stage. Other useful people write. State lowest, par own. Boozers and agltatois left oil trunks. TICKETS. yes, If I KNOW YOU, been stung. Add. HARRY L. PAYNE, Mgr., week Sept 0. Eaton, O. The Dixie Comedy Co. Young Lady with Specialty Capable of playing some leads. Address P. O. HECORP, Lewes, Delaware A No. 1 Piano Player that can read and fake; one that can do specialty preferred or sing Illustrated aongs. To open Sept 18. Tear's work and good salary to right party. Virginia Earle write. Address SEOARDO 6i RITCHISON, Lyon Mountain, N. Y., P. O. Box I. Wufofl-iidi Pino Plirer liat cai siig, also All around Med Show Performers that can fake or- gan, and can change for week. Only sober people wanted. State age and all you can do In first letter, and lowest salary wanted. Steady work all year around. Week stands In Ontario. Tickets, If I know you. THE GREAT MYBTO SHOW, Hanover, Ontario. WANTED. SKETCH TEAM Man and wife, change specialties nightly, for week stands and work In acta. Munt be sober and re- liable and good dressers off and on. Bute lowest ■alary; I pay all. Show under canvas all Winter in Georgia modern concert CO., week of Sept.2, Cairo, Oa. Goodwin and Goodwin wire. WANT TO BUY Trailed Fob, let, Trailed logs aid looks Must be cheap for cash. Will bay Tack on Scenery. Opera House Mgra. send open time. Week stand. Band and orchestra. 11URBOCK BROS.' COME- DIANS, Batnlord Falls, Me., Sept. i to 13. ilOlTY SKETCHES AID PLAYS TO ORDER ALIO! BOWLABD. Davenport, tows. SET OF DBAG0N CHIMES With TATLOB TRUNK—rood M new, $100cash. PAUL BEHHETT. «t» l«tn ST., Huntington, W.Va. vimikm *» take charge of wardrobe with company. Thei- trlcal Oeatames or Moving Picture concern. First A. B., care Of OLUTKlt. WAITED IMMEDIATELY Clever and Young Leading Woman for Repertoire and Stock Mnat have excellent wardrobe, floodsalarv to right woman. Send photo and late protratnmes. Otlur useful people write. LEWIS AND OLIVER PLAYBRB, Elwood, Ind. PAULINE GEARY Wardrobe and ability guaranteed. R HEAVIES Address GKN. DEL1VCRY, JACKSONVILLE FLA. JACK BENJAMIN CO. COMEDIAN and SOUBRETTE with Specialties, PEOPLE IN ALL LINES Company goes to Florida in October and stays there until March. Jack Emerson and Wife, write. JACK BENJAMIN. Ptalnvllle, Knns. WANTED FOR PERMANENT STOCK TWO BILLS PER WEEK. LEADS, HEAVIES, CHARACTERS AND SOUBRETTES I want two companies. Boyatty plays only. Both companies to open October is. KcheamalN begin October l. State all first letter. None but first class people will lie considered. Rtilil Mav JhcImou write. Address DR. II. D. RUCKRR, Hatel Tulsa, TULSA, OKLA. Want House Manager Who ean handle the Press FOR VAUDEVILLE State very iswot terms, full particulars la first letter. Address OUS SU1N, •SprintxTlenici, • His PERMANENT STOCK (TWO HILLS A WXEK> STRONG BEAVY MAN, Al DIRECTOR to do Gen. Bus., WOMAN for Second Business. Slate ALL. first letter. Must be able to Join at once. SAM 8. IIANACER, Mgr. Lyceum Theatre, Beaver Falls, Pa. WIGS TOUPEES, FOR STAGE and STREET OSCAR F. BERNNER 103 WEST *7th STREET, NEW YORK CITY, Near Olh Ave. LEIOBNER'8 GREASE PAINTS, POWDKRS, HODGES, ETC. WANTED, FOR THE BARBEAlf FAULT VAUDEVILLE CO. A No. l comedian; also Bong and Dance Team who can obange act for three nlgbts and take part in afterpieces, play Cornet or Trombone in Band. State all in Drat letter. Salary low, but sure. 1 pay all after Joining. Others write. E. II, BARBEATJ, Mgr. Per Add., Savoy Tbcatro, Uarbondale, Pa. GREEN <5c SON IN REAL MR. TRUMAN DEROAME WANT STOCK HOUSE CITY, FOR Snpported by twelve artists, In royalty plays. What have you to offer. Add. GREEN dSSON, Brown wood, Tex. 'WANTED FOR The Stanies Stock do. A No. I COMEDIAN with Specialties Others write. K. B.—Tlita is a tent repertoire sbow. South all Winter. Pav i our owu. Ye .r'a work to (he right party. ALEXANDER STARNES, week of Sept. i, Bussclivllle, Ky.; week 9, Sootfaviiie. :d Jkrr omooe Rehearsals Sept. 0. Open Sept. IT. REPERTOIRE ARTISTS IN ALL LINES Those doing specialties preferred. Send photos and programs. No fares advanced unless I know 5oa. CIIAS. P. OILMORB. Hippodrome theatre, Oswego, N. Y. WANTED Blackface Comedian 3,S Also HUSICIANS. State lowest In first. ROT ROBINSON, GRAND RAPIDS, MINN. BELGARDE STOCK WANTS GOOD GENERAL BUSINESS RAN Address BELOAKUE STOCK, Lyons, N. Y. Sept. 2; Rome, N. Y., Sept.0. OPEN SEPT. 9 TO 30) Hovelty Wire and King let TOMMY HAYES BANDUgKY, MBCH. WANTED--CONIEDIAMS For street work for small platform. Good, loud singers. Must be sober and reliable. Mention If you play banjo or guitar. Must Join on wire. An- swer at once as follows: _ DR. J. F. WILLIAMS, Harahalltowav. Iowa, Sept. 1-1*. 'HANK SPONGE'S HESTAY' ART ADAIR, Director. WANTED QUICK Al SINOINO AMD DANCING TEA* for Bellboy aasd Maid. CHARACTER WOMAN far Old Maid. COMEDIAN for Btreag Comedy Part Other useful people write. Scud photus, wblcb will be returned, and state full particulars and lowest salary for a long season. ROCHESTER THEATRICAL BZOHANOB, Inc., Suite a»6, «l Bute St., Rochester, N, Y. $."g. mvidson Heavies, Juvealles. Characters •nd Ocas. Bus. Appearance, wardrobe. Glbsonhiirg. Old's until Sept. 7; afterwards, GEN. DEL., TOLEDO. Oil 10. iNKSPOIGE'SOflKESTflY' ART ADAIR, Director. LEADEl OF ORCHESTRA WANTED For STETSON'S U. T. O. CO., playing week stands. Must be s onion man. Address LEON WABHoPKH, Chester, Pa. WANTED QUIOK For MUSICAL COMEDY Good Gentian Oomedlan doing numbers, six lilt I u Olrls for chorus. State lowest salary to loin Ini mediately. Write or wire reply to THE SHOW OIRLS MUSICAL COMEDY CO., Mt. Pleasant, Mleh. MANAGER WANTED FOR STEM'S BI6 II. T. C. CO. Flaying week stands. Address LEON WABHBBRN, - - Chester, Pa. Wanted, Piano Player One who can play good overtures and work in Restaurant alone. Most be a good ente.Utncr. S.lary flis woes and table board. Hours «11 M P. M. inquire ITHACA 1IOTK1., ITHACA. M, Y, "DOWN IH DIXIE" CO., WANTS 0OBNBT. TBOMBONR. AOFNT, BLACKFACE 0OMKDL1H. Monroe, N. T.. Sept. <; CUetter W»r- wlok 8, Central Valley 9, Florida, 10.