The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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II :?•?<; m 16 THE NEW YORK CLIPPEE. September 7 isriGS ffw; degress,TiSiIndian Lady, 76c, »iw, $8.w: oypsv tin'een. 13.76; Mllado, 76c., 52.26; End Men, noo Imported Bald Character Wigs, $2.60;TricotinlmafandHenHeads, »l»eM°i„ M »I t «J?^J?S > :- lOoc™ Chin Pieces. 20c., 86c.. socf, 76c.. $1.25; Kail Beards, Me., $1.00, $1.60, $1.76. $2.60: Tramp Beards, ■c $LW; Bluggers, 86c., eoc.: kutton Chops. «5c., 16c. Pkg. Stage Money, 26c. Pull line Stein's Make-up. Hat measure for wig Blze. All prepaid. Keep this Cllpporfor reference; ad. appears only occaaslonaliy. PERCY EWNG SUPPLY HOUSE, ,15 1JScattj* hi. 8T> ROUTE LIST. England! WINIFRED ST. CLAIRE AND HER OWN COMPANY Owing to disappointment, a good looking Juvenile Leading Man and Ingenue Both most liave ability and good modern ward robo for such playa as "The Little (Iray Lady,' "Oreen Stockings," "The Road to Yesterday:' "Tie Turning Point,'' "Olrls," "Tbe One He Loved,*' "Lena Riven." Mesne do not misrepresent. Must Join on wire. Positively no Joint engagements. EARL. D. SIPE, Anderson, Ind., week Sept. 2; Sidney, Ohio, week. Sept. s; Mlddletown, Ohio, week., 16. NAIRN BROS.' PLAYERS THREE MIGHTS AMD WEEK STANDS CHARACTER MAN and WOMAN to do Gen. Bis., PIANO PLAYER that can do Small Parts UK OPEN NEAR DALLAS. TEX., Sept. 23. Will pay good salaries to good people. Incompetents 1 do not want at all. Write or wire. II. W. NAIRN, Care of Prlneass Stock Co., Ft. Worth, T«r. r- Campbell Stratton INO PRODUCING STAGE DIRKCTOR Height, 6 ft. 11 In. Weight, 176. Elegant wardrobe, appearance and absolutely RELIABLE, Emily L. Le Febvre (SIKH. CAMPBELL, aTRATTON) IUSINE! Height, 6 ft. < In. Weight, 126. Excellent wardrobe. Both thoroughly oongenlal and long experience. Joint engagement only. Permanent stock or first class repertoire. Address CAMPBELL 8TKATTON, 133 Erie Are., Hamilton, Canada PEOPLE IN ALL LINES One Bill Per Week. Permanent Stock. IIERT LEIGH. Jefferson Theatre, Roanoke, Va. STOCK PEOPLE IN ALL LIMES Who have made good and « 111 can. Wardrobe and experience. GENERAL BUSINESS MAN AT ONCE. This Is hard work, but money absolutely suro, and nil year's work guaranteed If you make good. Ticket! If I know von. JOK ARONOPP, Jlsr.; LYMAN R. WHITE, Director, Princess Theatre, Ft. Worth, Tex. WILL BUV NO.V-KOYA1.TY SCRIPTS. REP. PEOPLE I Long season South. JUVENILE LEADING WOMAN, must be young; GEN. BDS. AOTOR who can play ! Centeol Heavies. Others who cau do specialties, write. Can also place Al PIANO PLAYER. Make salary low, you get It here. Address W. W. MARTIN, care of New Orphcum, PALATKA, FLA. FERGUSON BROS. LIVE AOENT. salary and per cent., week and three night stands; HAN and WOMAN for Characters and General Business. Wardrobe, appearance, sobriety and ability absolutely essential. Tickets, If 1 know yon. Don't misrepresent. Address A. K. FERGUSON, Fort Robinson, Nebr. William R. Leonard Nora Pierce LEADS OR HEAVIES Ago 30; weight loo; height 6 ft. 10 In. LEADS OR HEAVIES Ago 27; Height 6 ft. 6 in. Both have best of wardrobe P. S.—Also a manager, can furnish best reference and cash bond. Address LIVINGSTON, MONT. (Theatrical). WAIMTED.-PKOPLE IN ALL LINES "WOOD-RAY STOCK GO. '"»™««) WOOD-RAY STOCK GO. (western) Leading Man and Woman, two young Con. Bus. Women, Comedian with specialties, Al Heavy Man, two Gen. Bus. Men, Al Mano Player. Boubrotto with specialties. -WRITE or WIRE QUICK WOOD & HAY, Abilene, Tex., Sept. 1-7; Stamford, Tox., 8-14. WANTED, "THE HOUSE OF A THOUSAND CANDLES" MAW FOB BATES, Juvenile Man, Heavy Man, Man for Larry Donovan, Leading Woman, and an Ingenue Woman. A Manager that can Double Stage; also Man to Double Stage and handle the Scenery. State age, jEflti£iJS!&J&d&&23?%£s& EH lowa, i- ^'l? F . lft "°"» nrt »■»**» auT< '- "■» photos Address C. S. PRIMROSE, JOB N. Harvey Ave., Oak Park Station, Chicago, 111. \JLT A XTTU* T\ J uvc . rl . 10 Mn . n anil Woman (or Soubrctle', with Specialties, for W 2TL1^I M. ML*mJ StmlgUt and Comedy parts, with good voices to lead numbers, (ihnnnriiri. «mi n„,»uZZ.7«l~ a ,? oa . sl "« 1 ]'« ? la,cr Team, Danoora preferred, lead uiimbert. ggg 91*_i*2SJJS*2f tt^i Costume* furnished. S'ato height, ago and lowest week stand •alary. Vaudeville time. P. 8.-WM buy scripts, 0UA8.T. KALES, <»re of God. Del,, Pittsburgh, ra. Route* Intended for This Column Mint Reach TMi Office Not Later Thau Sntnrdar "' Each Week to fnaare Insertion. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. Arllss. George — Ltobler Oo.'s — Wsllack'B, New York, 2, Indefinite. . •_. . "Amsions, The"—Charles Frohman's—Duke er York's, London, Ens., 2, Indefinite. "Angelas, Tbe" (A. 0. Delsmater, mir.)—Wash- "A l ?laa 0O Jlnuny" Valentlne"--Lleble* Oo.'s — 1st- "A^iva. *£& T&'-Hsmllton. Ont. C^. 5 "An Astec RosnaJice" (O. V. Bern, rage.)—Chest- nut Opera House, Philadelphia, 9-21. "Alma. Where Do You Llve7" (A. B. WWI ingr.)—'Plymouth, Mass., 6, Brockton (5. Lowell 7, Athol 0, Gardner 10, Leominster 11. Salem 12, Portland, Me.. 13, 14. ..... „,.. Bllllc Burke—Charles Frohman's—Atlantic City, N. J. 2-7, Lyceum, New York, 9, indefinite. Brian, Donnlil—Charles Krobman's—Hudson. New York. 2-7, Syracuse, N. Y., 9-11, Utlcs 12, Rochenter 1.1. 14. " ' - .. _, Bellmont, Sarah—Kansas Olty, Mo., 2-7, St. Blair? Kugeu'lc (Geo. H. Nlcolal, mgr.)— Akron, Booth, Virginia (11. W. Latthe, ngr.)—jPsrken- hani, Can., 5, New Glasgow 0, Renfrew 7, I.nvant Station 10, Sharbot Lake 12. ' Black l'attl Musical Comedy (B. Voelckel. rogr.) —Clrclerlllo, 0.. 5, Xenla 0, Richmond, Ind., 7, Hamilton, O., 8, Indianapolis, Ind., 9-11. Shelbyvlllc 12, CrawfordsTllle 13, Terre Haute "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A. Brady's Ltd.—1 Playhcme? New York, 2. Indefinite. "punty Pulls ths Strings"—Shubert-Brady's— Comedy. New York, 2-14. . „. "Biniiv Puha the Strings" — Sbubert-Brady s— Milwaukee. Wis., 8-14. .«_«_, ... "IV.uimt and Paid For"—'Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd.— Sun Fmnclsco. Onl.. 2-14. "It.-hemlan Girl," Atlantic (Milton ft Sargent Almni, mgrs.>—While Plains, .N. Y., 0, Bayonne. N. J.. 10, Plalnaehl 11, Dover 12, Baston, Pa., 13, Allentown 14. , "Bird of Paradise"—Oliver Morosco's—Onrrlck, Chicago, 2, indefinite. "Blue Bird, The"—Llebler Oo.'s — Syracuse, N. "Bsowsler's Millions" (Al. Rich Producing (to., uigrs.) —(Negaunee, Mich., 6, .Msrquette 7, Ish- pcmlng 9, Iron Mountain 10, Crystal Falls 11, Oolumet 12, Hancock 13, Ironwood 14. "Balance, The," A (A. J. Hicks, mgr.)—Albion, Mich., 5, Owoeso 6. Lansing 7, Kslamatoo 9, Plslnwell 10, Portland 11, St. Johns 12, Sagi- naw 13. Flint 14. "Balance, The," B (Gorhsm 4 Rowlader. nigra.) —Traverse City, Stlch., B, Watertown, Wis., 8, Klkhorn », Burlington 10. Waukesha 11. Fort Atkinson 12, Janesvllle 13, Slnugttoo 14. "Bom, The"—Newark. N. J., 2-7. "Billy, the Kid" (Wm. Wood, mgr.)—Mahanoy Olty, l'a.,.o, Allentown 0, Pottatovm 7. West Chester 9, Lancaster 10, York 11, Huntingdon 12, Houtsdsle 18, Altoona 14. "Bachelor's Honeymoon" (Gibson & Bradfleld, tngn.) —Featon, la., S, Sherburne, Minn., 6, Sheldon, la., 7, Bemsen 8, Hull 9, Hartley 10, 'Sibley 11, Swea City 12, Marathon 14. "Beverly," Central (Geo. A. Sullivan, mgr.) — Raugortles. N. Y., 8, Oatskill 8, Gloverevllle 7, Little Falls 9, Herkimer 10, Hamilton 11, Cam- den 12, Ooeldo 13, Auburn 14. "Balkan Princess, The"—Columbia, S. O., 12. Clifford, Crawford—Henry B. Harris' — Buffalo. N. Y., 2-7, Part, New York, 12, indefinite. "Count of Luxembourg"—Klaw & Erlanger's— Trcmont, Boston. 2-14. "Charity Girl, The"—Geo. H. Lederer's—Stude- baker. Chicago, 2, Indefinite. "Country Boy, The"—Henry B. Harris'—Pitts- burgh. !•«., 2-7, Columbus. <)., 0-14. "City. Th«"—United Plsy Oo.'s—Belvldere, 111., 9, Oslena 0, Dubuque, la., 7, 8, Cedar Falla 9, Oaage II), Charles Olty 11, Mason City 12, Oelweln 13, Waterloo 14. "Common Law, Tbo"—A. H. Woods'—Washing- ton, D. 0., 2-7. "Concert, The"—David Belssco's—New Hsren, Coon., 18. 14. "Oollego Boy" — Raukanna, Wta., 8, Wittenberg 9, Marlon 10, loin 11, Cllntonvlllo 12, Oconto Falls 13, Oconto 14. "Oow and the Moon, The"—Ohae. A. Sellon's— Duiniin, Nebr., 0-7. "County Sheriff" (Wee A Lunliert, mgre.) — Siirlugnelil, Mnei., 0-7, PlttsUchl, N. II., 0, Clinton, Mess., 10, Mnnchenter, N. H.. 11. "Common Law. The''—A. H. Woods'—St. Louis, Mo., 2-1, Alton. III.. 8. "Oawiy Jones"—Rowland ft Clifford's, Inc.—Na- tional, Chicago, 2-7. "Call of the Heart"—Orown, Chicago, 2-7. "iCflr>fes4lon. Tho"—Columbia, 8. C, 11. "Cow Puncher, The"—'Brandon's (L. 0. Zelleno. mgr.)—'Waubny, S. Dak., It, Montevideo, Minn., 0, Lltohoelil 7, Wllluuir 0, Itewwn 10. Clinton 11, 12,- Browne Valley 13, 14. Drew, John—Charles Frohman's—Empire, New York. 2, Indefinite. De Koven Opera (Daniel V. Arthur, mgr.)— Knickerbocker, New York, 2, indefinite. "Divorce Cjuestion." Road—Rowland ft Clifford's, Inc.—Oahkoah, Wis., 5, Stevens Point C, dreen Bay 7, Manitowoc 8, Appleton 9. Waukesha 10, Janesvllle 11, Belvldere, 111., 12, Belolt, Wis., 13, Mailtson 14. "Discovering America"—Lewis Waller's—Daly's, New York, 7. Indefinite. Kiting... Jullau—A. II. Woods'—Pittsburgh, Pa., 2-7, Milwaukee. Wis., 8-14. "Ell and Jnno" (Louis II. Dale, mgr.)—Bos- worth, Mo., S, De Witt 0. Hlgbee 7, Armstrong 0, Glasgow 10, Salisbury 11, Sumner 12, Browning; 13, Green City 14. Fsrnum, Dustln — A, H. Woods—McVlckor's, Chicago, 2-7, Kansas Olty, Mo., 8-14. Farnum, William—A. H. Woods'—Grand, Ne.v York, W. Brooklyn, N. Y„ 0-14. Foy. Bddle^—Werbn ft Luescher's—Newsrk, N. J., 914. "Fortuue Huutcr" — Cohan ft Harris' — Jersey Olty, N. J.. 2-7. "Fortune Hunter"—Cohan ft Harris' (Ernest Hchnatiel. mgr-)—Towsnds, Pa., S, Canton 0, Lock Haven 7, Reuova 0, Clearfield 10, 1'nnx- sutawitey 11, Butler 12, Du Bols 13, Brsdford "Fine Feathers"—H. U. Fratee'a—Oort, Chi- cago, 2, Indefinite. "Freckles," Baatera (A. O. Delatnster, mgr.)— Rome, N. Y., 1, Syracuse 5-7. "Freckles," Central (A. O. Delamater, mgr.)— Wellarllle. N. Y.. fi, Olean 0, Bradford, Pa., 7, Kane 0, St. Marys 10, Bldgway 11, Warren 12, Oorry 13. Erie 14. "Fortune Hunter," Coast—Rowland ft Clifford's, Iue—Decatur, HI., H, Bloomlngton 0, Streator 10, La Salle 11. Ottawa 12, Aurora 13, Jollet 14. "Faust"—Mnnley & Campbell's—Sturgeon Bsy, Wis.. D, Algoinn 0, Appleton 8, De Perc 9, Kiel 10, Princeton 11, Waupaca 12, Marshuetd 13. "Flirting Princess" (H. P. Hill, mgr.)— Drock- vllle. Can., ft, 0 Kingston 7, Peterboro 9. Hamilton 10, 11, St. Catharines 12, Brautford 1.1, London 14. "Factory Olrl, The"—National, Philadelphia, 0- "Olrl From Montmartre, The"—Charles Froh- msn's—Criterion, New York, 2, indefinite. "Garden of Allah, Tho"-rLlcbler Oo.'s—Audi- torium, Chicago, 2, Indefinite. "Greyhound, The"—Wugeubals & Kemper's—Bos- ton Theatre, Boston, 2. Indefinite. "Governor's Lady, Tho"—David Belasco'a—Re- public, New York, 10, Indefinite "Grain of Dust, The"—Vaughan Closer's—Cleve- land, 0., 2-7, "Goose Girl"—Baker ft Castle's (Fred G. Will- iams, act. mgr.)—Norfolk, Va„ 2-7, Torboro, N.- 0., 0, Wilson 10, Bnlelgb 11, Durham 12, Wlnaton-Snlem 13, Greensboro 14. "GrausUrk"—United Piny Oo.'s—Morrison, III., 5, 0, Oalcsburg 7, Burlington, la.. 8, Bushnell, HI., 0, Macomb 10, Mt. Sterling 11. Decatur 12. 13, Bloomlngton 14. "Girl at the Gate, The"—Harry Askln's—La Salle, Chicago. 2, Indefinite. "Gambler of the West' —Kllmt ft Gauolo's— National, Phllndelnhlo, 2-7'. "Girl From U. S. A., The"—Woods ft Cbnlker's —Miles Olty. Mont.. (J, Billings 0, Bosemnn 7, Butte 8, Anacouda 0, Great Falls 10, Helena . 11. "Get Rich Qnle* Wnlllngfonl"—Oohnn ft llurrls* —Bay City. Mich., 8. "Girl of Hj DrcnniH. The"—Jos, M. Galtcs'— Montreal, Csn., 11-14. "Olrl of the Underworld" (Wee ft Lamlxtt, nigra.)—Kntstown, Pa., 5. 8oulh Bethlehem 0, Atleotown 7, Tremont 9, Tower Olty 10, Wlll- U3S S611t l)S many Rood things but best of »H Pears, the soap ot quality and purity - there's MJI years of reputation behind— Pears 9 SOAP 4 J-Ll.l iamstown 11, Lykens 12, Royersford 13, Bridge- "Girl' of the Underworld." Northern (Wee A Lambert, mars.)— Whitehall, N. Y.. 8, Port Henry 0, Mlnevllle 7, Hsgne 0, Wlllsboro 10, Dnuamora 12, Kssex 13, Westjiort 14. "Girl of the Underworld," Western (Charles Parker, mgr.)—Union City, Pa., 6, Gallon, p., 6, Kenton 7, Ohio City 0. Bryan 10. Butler, Ind., 11, Auburn 12, Hartford Olty 13, Ander- aon 14. . "Olrl of the Monntslna" (0. E. Wee. mgr.)— Oakland, Md., 3, Piedmont, W. Va., 0, Klklns 7. Parsons B.Davis 10, Thomas 11, Lonaconlng, Md., 12, Berlin, Pa.. 13. Boswell 14. "Girl In the Tall"—A. H. Woods'—Crown, Chl- esgo, 8-14. "Olrl From the Sunny South, The" (W. O. Downs, mgr .)_I>ltta(leld, Me.. 7, Newport 0, Dexter 10, Dover 11, Guilford 12. "Girl From Rector's"—Wm. Wsrmsher's (S. A. Mitchell, mgr.)—KenOand. Ind., 0, Fowler 0, Bloomlngton, III., 7. Gibson Olty 9, Rantoul 10, Bossvllle 11, Homer 12, Montlcello 13, Decatur 14. . _ "Gamblers The" (Ed. McDowell, mgr.)—Rome, N. Y., 5, Oneida 0. Ithaca 7. Dansvllle 9, War- saw 10. Warren. Pa., 11, Bradford 12, Wells- vllle, N. Y., 13, Jamestown 14. "Girl From Tokio, The"—Lancaater, Pa., B-7. Hodge, Wm.—Llebler Oo.'s—"Plymouth, Boston, 2-28 * * Hitchcock, Raymond—Cohan ft Hsrrls'—Lancas- ter Pa. 14. "Hon'ky Panky"—Lew Fields'— Broadwsy, New York, 2, Indefinite. "Heart-BreakBTB, The"—Mort H. Singer's—Prince Albert, Saak., Can., B, Saskatoon 0, 7, Edmon- ton, Alia., 8-10, Calgary 12-14. ■ , "House of a Thousand Candles, The"—.0. 8. Prim two's—Flint, Mich., 7, Owosso 8, Ann Arbor 9. .' . Illlugton. Margaret (Edward J. Bowes, mgr.)— Jackson, Mich., 5, Flint 0, Port Huron 7. Lon- don, (int., Can., 9, 10, Brantford 11, Guelph 12, Hamilton 13. 14. "In Old Kentucky" (D. Oonsadlne, mgr.)— Brandon. Man., Can.. 8, Moose Jaw, Saak., 0, 7. Regina 0, 10, Prince Albert 11, 12, Saaka- toon 13. 14. "Kissing Princess, The" — Rsllsble Plsy Pro- ducers, Inc.—Portage, Wis., 0, Beaver Dsm n, Wonpun 7. "Kindling"—United Plsy Oo.'s—Freeport, 111.. B, Rockford 0, 7, Jollet 8, Dsvenport, la., 9, Monnoiith. 111., 10, Galrsbnrg 11. Burlington, la., 12. Qulncy, HI., 14. Lewis, Dave^—Rowland ft Clifford's, Inc. (Dave Seymour, mgr.)—Kansas Clly. Mo., 2-7, St. Louis 8-14. Lloyd, Alice—Werba 4 Luescher's—Providence, R. I., 2-7, Lawrence, Maas.. 9, Salem 10, Lowell 11, Fall River 12, New Bedford 13, Newport, R. I.. 14. "Little Miss Brown"—Wm. A. Brsdy's—Forty- ebrbth Street, New York, 2, Indefinite. "Llcm snd tho Mouse, The"—United Play Oo.'a Watseks. 111., S, Falrbury 0, Decatur 7, Strea- tor 8, Colon, Mich., 10, Kslamatoo 11, hold- ing 12. Owosao 13. Ohsrlotte 14. "LUtht Eternal. Tbe" (M. B. A B. W. Rice, mgra)—Gait, Ont., Can., 8, London 8, 7, Stratford 0, 10, Woodstock 11, 12, St. Thomas IS. 14. "Lottery Man, The"—Merle H. Norton's—Em- metshurg, la., B, Mnaon Olty 7, Albert Lea, Minn., 8, Madison, S. Dsk., 0, Pliiesbone, Minn., 10, Brookings, S. Dak., 11, Huron 12, 13, Watertown 14. "Loulslara Ion"—H.irry Aakln's — Indianapolis, Ind., 2-7, Dot.iter, III,, 10. Mason, John—Cm,lee Frohman's—Ithaca, N. Y., 0, Rochester 0, 7. Trcntou, N. J.. 0, Wllkea- Barre, Pa., 10, Reading 11, Harrlsburg 12, Scranton 13, 14. Miller, Henry—Klaw ft Erlanger's—Brooklyn, N. Y., 2-7. Mann, Louis—Werba ft Lneschtr's—Newark, N. J., 2-7, Grand, New York, 9-14. "Million, The"—Henry W. Savage's—Majestic, Poston, 2. Inileanlte. "Model, The"—Charles Frohman's—Harris', Now York, 2. Indefinite, 'ttlerry Countess, Tho"—Snm S. ft Lee Shubert, Inc.—Casino, Now York, 2, Indefinite. "Madame Sherry"—Woods. Fracee ft Lcdprcr'n— Oarlondale, Pa., 5. "Master of Uto House, The"—Sam S. ft r,oc Shubert. Iuc—Thirty-ninth Street, New York, 2, Indefinite. "Modern Eve"—Mort H. Singer's—Princess, Chi- cago, 2, Indefinite. "Modern Eve"—dlort H. Singer's—IndlonnpollB, Ind., 2-7. •iMutt and Jeff," A—Gus Hill's—Cortland. N. ,' » 6, ,?f 1<l dlotown 0, Newtmrgb 7, Poiighkeep- sly; 0, Ivlngston 10, Hudson 11, Schenectady 12, Albany 13, 14. "Mutt and Jeff," B—Gus Hill's—Roanoke. Va., f, Richmond 0, 7, Dauvlllo 9, Wlnston-Naleui, ,i a zJ°: D "" , n n > 11. Kalelgh 12, Fayetlevlllo 13, Wilmington 14. "Mult and Jeff," O—Gus Hill's—Wilts Plains. «• jr., 7, Derby, Ooan., 10, Danbury 11, New Britain 12, Waterhury 13, 14. Mbvsourl Girt. The"—Norton ft Rlth's—Medlelne Hat, Alia.. Can., B, Glelchcn 0, Strathmore 7, Calgary 9-11, Edmonton 12-14. Merry Widow Re-Married"—St. Louis, Mo., 2-7 Ma "sC»anie"—Arthur 0. Alaton'a—Grand Han- Ids, Mich.. B»7. "Miss Nobody From Starlnn.l"—Mort H. Slngcr'n —St. Joseph, Mo.. 12. Naslmova. Mme. Alia—Charles Frohman's—To- ronto. Cnn., 9-14, "Ne'er Do Wells, The"—Authora' Producing Co.'s „ —Lyr'o. New York, 2, lndeflulte. New Bnrninld, The"—Montreal, Can., 2-7. J5?. r *'r, 1 ' l8k S ,A ' J - l '"0". mgr.)—Guelph, -,° n . t '. Osn., B, Hamilton 0, 7. Toronto 9-14. Minn *- , 7 1Cey (,Icurjr Mlller > m gr.)_St. Paul, " 0 J'" r !' r 7!? t "—"ebler Co.'s—Illinois, Chicago, 2. Indefinite. "Tort! gSSSIg? k H »"'"'-«'"^y. New "Officer ^000"—Cohan ft Harria'—Orand, Cbica- "Offi*eer 080"—Cohan ft Harris'—Denver, Colo., ""delphls ^ , 1 DWn «"— KI «-» * Krlnnger's—Phlla- " 0 nnJ ( „ NU S t "r, W »' n ;. A - B «dy'»- Ltd.-Shuuert, Boston, 2, Indefinite. "OTCr^lgbt"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd.—St. John, "CM"!) 0 " 1 "'' — Kllm ' * Gauolo's — Nashville, "Our Village Postmaster" fOhas. B. Mills,, mgr.) 7, Moshiee 9, l^yal 10. Greenwood 11, Me-i- ford 12, Illce Lake 13. Colby 14 lumbi UD1 !| 8t O d '5 <1 '' ri " llc Tnooipson. mgr.)—Co- ',!!?L e . Day"—Arch! Philadelphia. 2^7. Phik Lady, The"—Klaw ft Erlanger's—New Ams.ercla,m. Now York, 2-14. 1 !Sl 1 ii,. w 2! (1 ! nff ' The"—Cohan ft Harris'— Detroit, Mich., 2-7, Grand, Chicago, 8, Indefi- "Puttlng It Oyer"—Hatch ft ArlUur's— Olympic. Chicago, 2, Indefinite. "ssjsnym Price, The"—Clarence Bennett ft Os.'s—Wells- boro. Pa., 9. Ehnlra, N. Y„ 10. TowandaTl'a . 11. Geneva. N. Y.,' 12, Pcnn Yau 13, VVavefly " Prl w^h°i.T°" N l? 1,t r. Th<t "r— r * Cmate * Plosher'e —Walipeton, N. Dak., B, Ortonvlllc, Minn., 0, Mllhank, S. Dak., 7, Watertown 0, Huron 10 „ H. Pierre 12, IVeadwoo.! IS, 14. y "PeniiHy. The"—Kllmt ft Onraolo'B—Cincinnati. "Pair of Country Kids" (O. Jay Smith, mgr!)— Elwoo.lln.lB, Alexandria 0. Muncla 7? Lynn ^ee V 18! r per; 1 ?4 UB,OU "' Ply ^"' «* -V (CsnllnuctJ on newt aiaej :.i li< NE1V YORK THEATRES. COLUMBIA THEATRE BROADWAY, 4Tth STREET, N. Y This week, THE BON TONS. MURRAY HILL THEATRE Lexington Awe. and dad St., N. y, Thla week, THE JOLLY FOLLIES. WELD NOULIN ROUGEloStt Hats. Wed. A Sat. 2.». Smoking Permitted LAST WEEK. A ZIBGFBLD ENTERTAINMENT "AWM0IIEWID0W ,, ^ bJ H trhall Tft D. P. KEITH'S UNION SO. THEATRE. B'way A 14th St. Phone 3400 Stuyvcsant. Matinee Dally 2ftc,; Nights, 2lo. to $1.00 i CHORUS 1 — e 7a Tempest and Sunshine and Co., PatRooney and Marlon Bent, BendlT Ensemble Players, Marshall Mont; goraery, O. H. O'Donnell and Co., Edward Barnes and Mabel RoblnBon.Blxleyand Lerner, Bob and Tin Vn La Toy Brothers. ' ■TSAIETY THEA - TR K. B wayand4Mh8L **' C^1 ' E, * I Eves. 8.30. Mate. Wed. and SaL" COHAN A HARRIS present U OFFICER 666 By AUOUSTIN MAC HUGH With OEORQK NASH and D0U0LA8 FAIRBANKS SBW AMSTERDAM m8u '*$l B {%?\. Eves. 8.16. Mam. Wed. and Sat. and Labor Dav KLAW A ERLANGER'S T International Musical Sensation The Pink Lady AU the New York and London Favorites. 'MfHantlHallllacj&Co. 5th AVE. B'WAY AND 28th ST. Dally Mar. 26c, 2 CONCERTS SUNDAY. LOUISE GALLOWAY, JOSEPH KAUFMAN A CO.. MARVIN*. WINSOR McCAY, HOEY ft LEK. JUGGLING M0WATT8. MABEL BERRA, HALIDAY ft OARLIN, MONTAMBA ft WELIB HARRIS THEATRE I Eve. at8.15. 42d St. West of Mat. Tours, Broadway. A Hat. sis I1ENRT B. HARRIS Manager CHARLES FROHMAN presents AUGUSTUS THOMAS'S NEW COMEDY THE MODEL HIPPODROME 8th Av„ 43-44. Dally Mat. at 2. Best Seats, ji. Ev.t ENTIRELY NEW SPECIALTIES UNDER MANY FLAGS WINTER GARDEN Phonooz&Tcois: | uSrp MlHiHDDa T,le9 - Than, and Sat. ., AA flAllIIEno 60c., 7fio., and Best Beats UM THE PASSING SHOW OF 1912 The Biggest Hit that Ever Strnok New York. CASINO 'Phone 3846 B'way and 3»th St. ^ m mm ^«r a ree i e y Ergs. 8.10. Matinees Wed. and Sat. The International Mnslcal Success THE MERRY COUNTESS International Star Cast. OR Comedy 41etSt. Eastof II'whj. Phone 6101 Bryant. Ev.8.16. Mali. Tuea., Thurs. and Sat. 2.16. Last Two Weeks BUNTY PULLS THE STBING8 Monday, Sept., 18, "FANNY'S FIRST PLAY." S. Mine Elliott's Est. Evgs. 8.80. Mats. Wed. ft Sat. 2.80. H. II. Prazee announces JAMES MONTGOMERY'S New Comedy READY MONEY With Extraordinary Oast of Players. 48th Street, Kbst of Broadway. Phone, MBrj. Mats. Wed. and Sat. 2.10. »'« playhouse Evgs. 8,10. Mats, Wed. e BOUGHT Al PAID FOR Direction WILLIAM A. BRADY, Ltd. 'Phone 418 39th STREET TIIEATHK SDIh St., Bryant. »Vlll *svaiitaa.a nr . fl'way. Evgs. a.15. Mats. Wed. and Sat., 2.16. THE MISTER OF THE By EDGAR JAME8. Staged hy JULIUS 8TE0EK RVflAIYWAV Theatre. Broadway,cor.41stSt. DAVJU/WAI Telephone, 101 Bryant. Eves., 8.20. Mats.. Wed. and Sat., 2.20. Wed. and Sat, Mats., 600 Orohestra Beats, |l. LEW FIELDS PRESENTS Hanky Panky I tfOin « Q St. West of Broadway. Phone Llnl . »M6 Bryant. Matinees Wed. and a. I 11 ■ U 8at , 2.00. Evgs. at 8.00. CHARLES KLKItf'S Dramatization of RI-a BEACH'S Famous Novel . THE NE'ER-DO-WELL With Hale Hamilton and Kathsrlne Ksclred. __ WALLACK'S K" Evgs., 8,20. Mats. Wed. (PopJA Sat., MT GEORGE ARLISS The Llebler Co. Managers In Louis N. Parker's Play DISRAELI B.F. KEITHS ORPHBVH OOTHAM CARNIVAL AT NORTH BEACH. Tho nnnnal camlvnl takes plncc at M« Beach on Sopt 5, 0 uud T, with thi' «*» novelties and attractions that go to mss the trip to North Beach one of J'*'. * 0 f leading feattue will bo the "Carn ' a ' 9 { ,,. Fire." Japanese day flreworkfi will I o » «,„ ture every afternoon. Added attractions •■ be 4>«t 6n nt Oaln Park., Ternjln"! »««s Hair, .and tho leading moving picture '"*■ ten «3ur'0K carnival week, I41:i ,T/.\1«-S f4 Ji -