The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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HEPTEMBEB 7 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 17 WHERE ARE ALL THE PERFORMERS WRITING? WHY those TELEGRAMS, LONG DISTANCE PHONES? WHY those EXTRA MAIL CARRIERS IN BOSTON-? WHY I BECAUSE- "■EVERYBODY LOVES A CHICKEN" The Biggest Natural Song Hit ewer written. Lyric and music »jr BOBBY JONES. Ii pnhllsheil by O'NiBXX* cS& STORY - - - 218 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON, MASS. SOUK IWW and OKIGHVAL BU8ISEBH and EFFECTS can fee developed In the na. of Oil. wonderful aimbtr by PRODUCTION'S and ACTS of every character and description, than any other. PHOFK8SIOSAL COIMEH and ORCHESTRATOINS may be secured by PERFORMERS writing and eneloilng programme. •ss/HBrT I™ TOW1T yon will alway. be welcome at the "CHICKEN ROOST," at 218 Tremont St., where a pleasant greeting I. assured yen at the hand* of HAPPY oskil and CHICK STORY "Pomander Walk"—Llebler Co.'a— Baa Francisco, "iSld"lD Foil." Kaatero—-<3. 8. Prlmrose'e—New K cliooDd. Wis., 7. Nortbfleld, Minn., ». SZSEt Olrl, The.'' A—Henry B. Harris'—Oo- loTlel Boston, 2, Indefinite. "Outer Girl, W,".B-Henry B. Harris' — VtatafleW. N. J.. 9, Trenton 10. 11, Atlantic ritv 12-14. • Rose, Thomas W.-floban * Harris'—Cincinnati, »Jb S on?' 7 May — L. 8. Slre'a — Hollla, Boston, .Mnaa.. 2. Indefinite.. - . . • nine Julia (J. P. Goring A Co.'s, Inc., mgr..)— Leominster. Maaa.. B. New London, Conn.. «, New Haven 7, Hnntlagaon, Pa., 0. Washington Fottsvllle, Pa.. 5. Beading 0. 7, Scranton 9, 10 WIlkea-Barre 11, WiiUamaport 12, Shemo- kln 10. Harrleburg 14. ••Ready Money"—H.- H. France's—Marine Elliott, New Xork 2, Indefinite. "Ready Mosey 1 '— H. H. Fraree'a— Wyndham, London. Eng., 2, Indefinite. "Ready Honey," Rood—H. H. Praaee'a—Decator, 111., S, Robinson 0, Terra Haute, Ind., 7, St. Iouli. Mo., 8-14. "Bed Rose, The"—John C. Flaher'a—Montreal, Can., 2-7. Ottawa 914. ■ "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm"—Klaw A Er- langcr's—Globe, London, Eng., 2, IndeOnlte. "Rosary, The," Central—Rowland A Clifford's, Inc.—Chicago Heights, 111., S. Knox, Ind., 9. Warsaw 10, La Orange 11, Sturgls, Mich., 13, Three Hlvers 13, Dowaglac 14, "Rosary, The," Kaatero—Rowland A Clifford's, Inc.—Kantonl, III., 5, Oilman 0, Kankakee 7, Hammond. Ind., 8, De Kalb, 111., 0, Sycamore 10, Oregon 11, Savanna 12, Freeport 13, llock- ford 14. "Ilonary, The," Western—Rowland A Clifford's, Inc.—Brunswick, Mo., 0, Mobt-rly 7, Scilnlli 0, Worrcnsburg 10, Butler 11, Lamar 12, Car- thage 13, Springfield 14. "lUwiry, The," Southern—Rowland A Clifford's, Inc.—Winchester. Ky., Q, Cynthlana 0, Pari* 7. Richmond 0, Nlcholasvllle 10, Lebanon 11. Riuuellvllle 12, Gallatin, Tenn., 13, Lebanon 14. "Rosary, The," Circuit—Rowland A Clifford's, Inc.— Bay City, Mich., 0-7, Saginaw 8-11, Lnmtlng 12, Kalamazoo 13, 14. "Rosary, The," Coaat—Rowland A Clifford's, Inc. —K.-n-nnee, III., 0, Ocneseo 8. Mollne 7, Daren- port, la., 8, Knoxvllle 9, Oskalooaa 10, Oorydon 11, Leon 12, Alhla 13, Ottumwa 14. "Rosary, The" (Gaakell A McVltty, Inc., mgn.) —Warerly, la., B, Olarksrllle 0, Cedar Kails 7, Tama I), Belle Plulno 10, Brooklyn 11, New- ton 12, Oathrle Center 13, Adair 14. "Rollicking Shannon" (Al. McLean, mgr.)— Louisville, Ky., 2-7, Imperial, Chicago, 8-14. "Round-Up"—Klaw A Erlauger'a—Kanaaa Clly, Mo., 8-14. "Romance of the Underworld"—Paul Armstrong's St. Loula. Mo., 2-7, Kanaaa City 8-14. "ttoyil Slave" (Geo. H. Bubb. mgr.)—Heed Clly, Mich.. C. Rockford 0, Lake Odessa 7, Port- land 0, Hastings 10, Allegan 12, Fennvllle IS, South Haven 14. Stebl, Rose—Henry B. Harris'—Park, Boston, 2. Indefinite. Sldiey. Oeorgo (A. W. Herman mgr.)— Indian- i-1-iIIh, Ind., 2-7, Frankfort 0, Peru 10, Hunt- ington 11, Fort Wayne 12-14. Stewart, May (J. B. Cllne. mgr.)—Pekln, 111.. IS. Monmouth 0, Burlington, la., 7, Mount Pleasant 0, Muscatine 10, OUnton 11, Man- chester 12. Waterloo 18. Surytt. Vnleska—Snm S. A Lee Shubert, Inc.— Montreal, Can., 0-14. R|«joner, Edna May—Brooklyn, N. Y, 2-7. 'Miring Maid, *«" — Wcrba A Lueaehcr'a— \UeeUng, W. Va., 8. Mansfield, O., 0, Fort ,, Wayne, Ind, 7. Grand Rapids, Midi., 0-14. Shepherd of the Hills, The," City (Gasketl A McVltty, Inc., mart.)—Oinoha, Nebr.. B-7, Dea Moines, la.. 8-11, Grinnell 12, Ottumwn 13, Hiirllugton 14. " 8 » h .'fel <1 ct tnB Hlllg, Th e," East (Oaskell A McVltty, Inc., mgra.)—Ishpemlng, Mich., B, Manlstlque 0. Sault Ste. Marie, Out., Cnn., 7, Butt Ste. Marie, Mich., 9, Cheboygan 10, I Charlevoix 11, Boyno City 12, East Jordan 18, Traverse City 14. SJl'Pkerd of the Hills, The," Weet (Gnskell A McVltty, Inc.. nigra. I—Water low a, Wis., B, Ilerlln 0, Neenuh 7, Fond du Lnc 8, Stevens J'olnt 10, Orand Ranlds 11, Merrill 12. Rblne- lander 13, Antlgo 14. Servant In the Houee, The"—Merle H. Nor- ton's—Sidney, .0., B, Upper Sandusky 0, Ash- l",!" 1 .. 9 ' Londonvllle 10. Maaslllon 11, Lisbon ,.o 12 V E,l " t Liverpool 13, Beaver Folia, Pa., 14. Siuihomiet Sue" (Pork Play Co., mgra.)—Lo- ganaport, Ind.. B-7, HlcksvlIIe. O., 0. Carey 10, Mechanlcaburg 11, St. Parla 12, Ottawa 18, Lima 14. "School Days"—Stilt A Havlln'a—Klmlra, N. I.. B. '"£*, l „' r ,' .The"—Henry B. Harrla*—Broad Street, Philadelphia 2-21. Third Degree, The"—United Play 0o.'«—An- ' !•'"'"■ ! Bd -, B > Joneavllle 6. Marshall 7, South MM 8, Dowaglac, Mich., 0. Jackson 10, Adrian in!!' T «umaeh 12, Ypallantl 13, Boy City 14. V" w , ,ln « Salesman, The"—Henry B. Harrla'— Cincinnati, O., 2-7, Louisville, Ky., 914. Tantalising. Tommy"—A. H. WoodB*—Chicago ..J? 1 *" 1 House, Chicago, 2. Indeflnlte. Three Twins. The" (Philip H. Nlven, mgr.)— Rutland, Vt., B, Platrsburg. N. Y., 0,. Burling- ten, Vt., 7, Barre 9, Randolph 10, White Itlver Junotlon 11. Olaremont, N. H., 12, Brnttleboro, »Jh '?/ B«llow» Fall. 14. Trelma.'' (8lnltB & gnennu,, m grs.)—Big Rap- his, Mich,, B. Manistee 0, Traverse City 7, Kuakegon 8, Charlevoix 0, PellBton 10, Petos- ley II, Eaat Jotdatt 12, Grayling 13, Oueboy- "Town Fool, The" (Harry Orcen, mgr)—Wag- finer. 111.. 8, Greenfield 0, Chopin 7, Lewis- town 9. Elmwood 10, Dnnlnp 11, Wyoming 12, I'rlncevllle 13, Manlto 14. Town Marshall, The"—Wee A Lambert'a—Deep River, Conn., B, Essex 0, Fall River, Maaa.. 7, LSI™ At »M»ro 0. Danlelson, Conn., 11, Mld- ■«JSIY ro ^ MaM - 13 - Pawtucket, R. 1.. 14. Thief The"—O. B. Prim roue's—La Salle, HI., ■Js. 8, "2<lor o. Jollet 7, Aurora 8. c^. a ," R , Hn K"" (Boy W. Sampson, mar.)— Rnrlngiillc. u., B, Price 0, Castle Gate 8. Oreen liver 10, Grand Junction. Colo., 11, Rifle 12, •Tiiii nwc S?. SP^ngs 13, Buena Vlata 14. • ■ir„i, • Nlxhtraare"—Indianapolis, Ind., 2-7. 1 * TojnV OaMn," Baatera — Kibble A Mar- i l0 J, <Wm. Kibble, mgr.)—Salamanca, N. Y„ n-ifiT; 11 *".^' K'niira 7. WJIIIamsport, Pa., 0. . nSSn io?'n MU °*™ el "' KBWB "' " U iin£ ,'R" n ^* Cabin," Weatern—Kibble A Mar- I FVtJI Ackerman. mgr.)—iMankato, Minn., t-'^S}- S 1 ^" 1 °- u »'e ^»»» Ti Bralnerd 8, »nSP*m2E2rJb . Gru " 1 n«b, N. Dak.. 10. **.'Pi Cabin"—Terry's (W. G. Dickey, 8£Jr#ffi**PWl^ "• Corwitb 6, Brltt 7, SrS?!.?"?- 9 'j5 0m P 800 ,0 - Bnffilo Outer 11, lSff*!fcj 9 ' Brtoel/n, Minn., 14. ,n 5i? !««>'■ pabln 11 —Stetson's (Leon Wasb- ■*""^."ITO-tancaater, Pa., 12, 18. « n lk * n, JL»-r-T«r»ry City. rf. J.. 9-14. *..«'«9 h " lot J e — m « w * Erlanier'. —Law- "fnee, Maas.. B, Portland, Me., <J, 7. IF YOTJ WOTJUD BEAUTLFy 8Sfl I »2. n ? > *i * mar * Henlttirul TVm. to Bye- mS^^^^ 81 ^" sural Walker Whiteside (Walter Floyd, mgr.)—Long Branch. N. J„ 3, Scranton, Pa., 4, WUkes- Barre 6, Rochester, N. Y., fl. 7, Buffalo 9-14. Wilson, Al. H. (Sidney R. Ellis, mgr.)—Balti- more, Md., 2-7, Washington, D. 0., 9-14. "Woman, The"—David Belaaco'a — Milwaukee, Wis., 1-7, St. Paul, Mlno., 8-11, Minneapolis "Whom Does Helen Belong To?" (Comstock A Oest, mgra.)—Adelpbl, Philadelphia, 2-14. "Whirl of Society"—Sam 8, A Lee Shnbert, Inc.—Lyric, Chicago, 2, Indefinite. "White Slave" (Robert Campbell, mgr.)—Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., S, lsbpemlng 0, Duluth, Minn., 7. '. "Within the Law" —Am. Play Co.*g — Kanaaa City. Mo., 2-7, Omaha, Nebr., 8-10. "Within the Law"—Am. Play Co.'s—Buffalo. N. Y., 2-7. "Winsome Widow"—Florens Zlegfeld'a Jr.—Mou- lin Rooge, New York, 2-7, Colonial, Chicago, 9, Indefinite, "Winning Mies" — Max Spiegel's — Nashville, Tenn., 2-7. "Where the Trail Divides"—Detroit, Mich., 2-7. Zlegfeld's Follies—Florens Zlegfeld's Jr.—Moulin Rouge, New York, 9, Indefinite. STOCK AND KKI'KIITOIHE. Permanent and Travel Inn- Alton National Stock (Thoa. Alton, mgr.)—Can- ton, N. Y„ 2-4, Harrlavllle B-7, Lowvllle 10-12, Booovllle 13, 14. American Theatre Stock (James Wall, mgr.)— Philadelphia, Pa., 2, Indefinite. Academy Stock (F. E. Henderson, mgr.)—Jersey City, N. J.. 2, Indeflnlte. Allium, Daniel, and Players—Emporia, Va., 2-7, Suffolk 9-14. Allen Stock (N. Appall, mgr.)—Lebanon, Pn., 2-7. All Star Stock (M. H. Gulealan, mgr.)—St. .Tomes, Boston, 2, Indeflnlte. Aubrey Stock (D. Otto miner, mgr.)—Clarks- burg, W. Vs., 2, Indeflnlte. Brown, Kirk (J. T. Mncuulcy, mgr.)—Donbury, Conn., 2-7, Mlddletown, N. Y., 9-14. Belosco Theatre Stock (Oliver Moroaco, mgr.)— Lob Angeles, Cal., 2, Indefinite. Burbank Stock (Oliver Moroaco, mgr.)—Los An- geles, Cal., 2, Indeflnlte. Bishop Players (B. W. Bishop, mgr.)—Oakland, Cal., 2, Indeflnlte. Barrett Players (O. O. Munthe, mgr.) — Lake Park Casino, Mansfield, O.. 2, Indeflnlte. Byera, Fred, Stock (Harry Kaylor, mgr.)—Rock Rophls, la., 3-6. Balrd, Grace, and her Stock—Star Alrdome, Mc- Alester, Okla., 2-u. Chase-Lister. Northern (Glenn F. Chase, mgr.)— Grinnell, la., 2-7, Greenfield. 9-14. Clienncey-Kelffer (Fred 0. Chauneey, mgr.)— Hagerslown, Md., 2-7, Chamlieraburg, Pa., a> 14, Cornell-Price Playerj (Cornell ft Trice, mgra.)— IIuntlugH, Mich., 2-7, Roclimtor, Ind., 0-14. Chttttenlon, Arthur, Stock (N. Appell, mgr.)— Canton, O., 2-7. Orescent rluyent—B. F. Keith's—Brooklyn, N. v . 2. Indefinite. Craig Stock (John Craig, mgr.)—Castle Square, Boston, 2, Indefinite. Columbia Players (Fred G. Dcrger, mgr.)—Wash- ington, D. O, 2-7. Colonial Stock (Cortland Hopltlim. mgr.)—Cniwo, N. IT, Can., 2-7, Plctou 9, 10, Oxford 11, 12, Truro 13. 14. Conotl Comedy (Ion Carroll, mgr.)—Somerset, Ky., 2-7, Hrayson 0-14. Carleton Slaters (Vorney & Montgomery, mgrs.) —Charleston, S O, 2-7, Spartanburg 9-14. College Stock—United Play Co.'b— College, Chi- cugo, 2. Indefinite. Colonial Players (R. n. McLaughlin, mgr.)— Cleveland, O., 2, Indellnltc. Oolonlnl Stock (W. W. Freeman, mgr.)—Colum- bus, O.. 2. Indeflnlte. Davis Mock (Harry Davis, mgr.) — Plttmirgh, Pa., 2, Indefinite. Dillon A Klng'a Musical Comedy—Onklund, Onl., 2, linlelliilli". Rarle Stock (L. A. Earle, mgr.)—Portland, Ind., 2-7. Ferguson Bros. Stock (D, 0. Ferguson, mgr.)— Alliance, Nebr., 2-7. Fox Players (Roy 15. Fox, mgr.) — Soniervllle, Tex., 2-7. Fox'h Mimical Comedy (Wm. Fox, mgr.)— Academy. Now York, 2, Indeflnlte. Flsrlier's Follies (R, A. Fischer, mgr.)— Lob An- Ko'.e*, Cul., 2. Iniiefliilte. Olnser Stock (Vaughns Glnscr. mgr.)—Toledo, 0., 8, Indefinite. <!rnhn in. <Incur—.Nevada, Mo., 2-7, Fort Scott, Kan., 8-14. Grayer. Helen (N, Appell, mgr.)—.Mlddletown, Conn., 2-7. Gnrslde Stuck (J. S. Garslde, mgr.)—Dubuque, la., 2-16. Gotham Stock—B. F. Keith's—Brooklyn, N. Y., 2, Indeflnlte. Green[iolut Players—B. F. Keith's—Brooklyn, N. Y., 2, Indefinite. Gayety Tlieatrc Stock (Ohas. Franklyn, mgr.)— lioboken, N. J., 2. link-finite. Hlmmeleln's Assoclnle Players (Ira E. Earle, mgr.)— JackHon, Mich., 2-7. Harvey Stock, Northern—Harvey D. Orr's—Ma- quoketn, la., 2-7, Independence 0-14. Harvey Stock, Southern—H. D. Orr's (II, H. lluilde, mgr.)—Trenton, Mo., 2-7. Ilnyes, Lucy, and Aaaoclate Players—Stockton, Kan., 2-7, Logan 9-14. Hall's Associate Players, A (Eugene J. Hall, mgr.)—Lakeraont Park Theatre, Altoona, l'n., 2, Indefinite. . Home Stock (F. H. Home, mgr.)—Jamestown, N. Y„ 2, Indefinite. Hllluinn's Ideal Stock (Harry Sobns, mgr.)— McPherson, Kan., 2-7, Wahoo, Nebr., 9-14. Horner Comedy—Yetter, Io„ 2-7, Lytton 9-14. Juneau Stock (J. H. Relchcrt, mgr.)—Milwaukee, Wis., 2, Indefinite. Keyes Stock (Chester A. Kcyes, mgr.)—Pitts- burg, Kan., 2-7, Indeiiendence 9-14. Knickerbocker Slock (Eugene J. Murphy, mgr,)— Petersburg, III., 2-7, Sandwich 0-14. Keith Stock (James E. Moore mgr.)—Portland, Me., 2, Indeflnlte. KeyBtone Stock (James K. Dnnselth. mgr.)—Key- stone Park, Wnverly, N. Y., 2-15. 'Im Porte, Mae (Joe McEnroe, mgr.)—Moryavllle, O., 2-7. Long Stock (Frank E. Long, mgr.)—Red Oak, la., 2-7, Ciarlndii 9-14. Lewis-Oliver Players (Jack Lewie, mgr.) — El- wood. Ind., 2-7. Lynn Stock (Jack Lynn, mgr.)—Olean, N. Y., 2-0. Salamanca 9-14. Lytelf-Vaurchan ond Stock—Albany. N. Y., 2-7. Lyceum Stock—Fox A King's—Ogden, U., 2, In- definite. L» Desks, Florence (Chas. A. Gordinler, mgr.)— Manllus, III., 10-14. I.ehr, Iiia, and her Stock—San Angelo, Tex., 2-7, Abilene 8-14. I.orenr Bros.' Stock—Racine, Wis., 8-14. Manhattan Opera House Stock (Harry C. Illaney. mgr.)—New York 2, Indeflnlte. Morleon Stock (Lindsay Morlson, mgr.)—Lynn, Mass., 2, Indeflnlte. May Bell Marks (S. W. Marks, mgr.)—Water- town. N. Y., 2-7. Masonic Stock (J. J. Oorrlety, mgr.)—Louisville, Ky„ 2, Indefinite. Manhattan Players (Geo. E. Brown, mgr.)— Trenton. N. J., 2, Indefinite. Mnjesllc Stock (Ford.. Anderson, mgr.)—Utlce, N. Y.. 2. Indeflnlte. Maddocks-Field Players—WlMwood Park, Coluin- hue, (Jr.. 2, indeflnlte. Myrklo-Herder Stock (W. H. Harder, mgr.)— Wllllamaport, Pa„ 2 7. Maker Stock (Phil Maker, mgr.)—GouTeroeur, N. Y.. 2-T, LskePUcld 0-14. Manhattan Opera (Geo. Lydlng, mgr.)—Rorlck's Glen, Elmlra. N. Y., 2-7. Worth Bros.' stock ("Sport" North, mgr.)—Fair Park Theatre, Oklahoma, Okla., 2, Indefinite. North Bros.' Stock (Frank O. North, mgr.)— Cycle Park, Dallas, Tex., 2-14. Orpheum Players (Grant Laferty, mgr.)—Chest- nut Street. Philadelphia, 2, Indefinite. Obrccht Stock (Christy Obrecht, mgr.)—Hay- ward, Wis., 2-7. Rice Lake 9-14. Pay ton Stock (M. S. Scblealnger, mgr.)—West End, New York, 2. Indefinite. Pay ton Stock (M. S. Scblealnger, mgr.)—New- ark. N. J., 2. Indefinite. Poll Players (Thoe. A. Klrby, mgr.)—Bridgeport, Conn , 2. Indeflnlte. Poll Players (O. C. Edwards, mgr.)—Hartford, Conn., 2; Indeflnlte. Poll Players (John H. Docking, mgr.)—Scranton. Pa„ 2, Indefinite. Poll Players (8. J. Breen, mgr.)—Springfield, Mass., 2, Indefinite. Poll Players (James Thatcher, mgr.)—Washing- ton, D. C. 2, Indefinite. Poll Players (8, Z. Poll, mgr.)—Waterbury, Conn., 2, IndeOnlte. Poll Players (S. Z. Poll, mgr.)—Wllkee-Berre, Pa., 2, Indefinite. Toll Players (S. Z. Poll, mgr.)—Worcester, Maaa., 2, Indefinite. Peruchl Oyprene Stock (O. D. Peruchl, mgr.)— New Orleans, La., 2, Indeflnlte. Prlngle, Delia, and Stock—Edmonton, Alia., Can., 2, Indeflnlte. Princess Theatre Stock (C. L. Richard*, mgr.)— Taconui, Wash., 2, Indefinite. Prospect Theatre Stock (Frank ticrsteii, mgr.)— Bronx, New York. 2, Indefinite. rickcrts, Four (Wfills I'lckert, mgr.)—Walton, N. Y., 2-7, Liberty 0-14, Reynolds A Ross Players (Billy Ross, mgr.)— Shenandoah, In., 2-7, Atlantic 9-14. Royal Stock (Oliver McBrlen, mgr.)—Montreal. Can., 2. Indeflnlte. Spooner. Cecil, ond Stock (loula T. Fosse, mgr.) —Metropolis, New York, 2, Indefinite. St. Olailre Winifred (K. I). Slpe, mgr.)— Ander- son, Ind., 2-7. Summers Slock (Geo. H. Summers, mgr.)—Moun- tain Theatre, Hamilton, Out., Can., 2, Indefi- nite. Shannon Slock (Harry Shannon, mgr.)—Napoleon, ().. 3-7, Albion, Ind., 9-14. 8t. Olalr Stock (Harry St. Clair, mgr.)—Prince Albert. Sask.. Can., 2, Indrlliilte. Strong, Elwln—Hlglti, Nobr., 2-7, Scrlbuer 0-14. Turner Stock (Burton Vail, mgr.)—Ottumwa, la., 2-7. Centervllle 0-14. Temple Theatre Stock (J. G. Apppltton, mgr.)— [ In in II ton. Out., Cnn., 2, Indefinite. Tempest Slock (J. L. Tempest, mgr.)—Mt. Car- inel. Pa., 2-7, 0-14. Von Dyke & Eaton Stock (F. Mack, mgr.)—Alr- iloine. Dr.. MoIikm, In., 2, Indefinite. Wolfe Stock (J. A. Wolfe, mgr.)—Wichita, Kim., 2, Indeflnlte. Whit tiny, ton Stock (E. E. Whlttlngton, mgr.)— Kennett. Mo„ 2-7. Campbell 0-14. Whltcsldc-Htramis stock d'enn Yen, N. Y., 2-7. Wliltnker Stock—Head's Alrdome, Hot Springs, Ark., 2-7. \vm:i:i. nuni.KstgUE snows. Empire—Western. Americans (Ed. E. Daley, mgr.) — Mlehler, Al- toona 5, Cumbria, Johnstown, 0, White's Opera House, FifcKecsport, 7, Star, Cleveland, 9-14. Auto Girls (Teddy Simonda, mgr.)—Casino, Brooklyn, 2-7, Eighth Avenue, New York, 0-14. Big Review (Henry P. Dixon, mgr.)—Orpheum, Patereoii, 2-4. Columbia, Scranton, B-7, Troca- dero, Philadelphia, 9-14. Bohemlane (Al. Lubln, mgr.)—Century, KnnssB City. 2-7. Standard, St. Louis, 814. Century Girls (Waller Greaves, mgr.)—Empire, Chicago. 2-7, Gayety, Milwaukee, 0-14. Cherry Blossoms (Max Armstrong, mgr.)—Em- pire, Baltimore, 2-7. Lyceum, Washington, 9-14. DnffydlllB (Arthur Midler, mgr.)—Gaiety, Mln- nenpolle, 2-7, Grand Opera House, St. Paul, Dandy Glrln (Alio Gormnn. mgr.)—People's, Cin- cinnati, 2-7, Empire, Chicago. 8-14. Dnntes Daughters (Clins. Taylor, mgr.) —La- fayette, Buffalo, 2-7, Columbia, Scrnnton, 9-11, Orpheum, Pntcrson, 12-14. Ducklings—Avenue, Detroit, 2-7, Star, Toronto, 9-14. Follies of the Dny (Jack McNamnra, mgr.)— Guycly, Milwaukee, 2-7, Gaiety, Minneapolis, 8-14. Gay Widows (Louis Oberworth, mgr.)—Trocn- dero, Philadelphia, 2-7, Empire, Baltimore, 9- Glrla From Missouri (Lewis Tnlbot, mgr.)—Star, Cleveland. 2-7, People's, Cincinnati, 8-14. Girls From Reno (Jnmea Madison, mgr.)—Folly, Chicago, 2-7, Ave&ue, Detroit, 8-14. Girls From Joylnnd (Him Wllllntna, mgr.)—Star, Toronto, 2-7, Lafayette, Buffalo, 0-14. High Life In Burlesque (Chas. Fnlke, mgr.)— Umpire, Philadelphia, 2-7, Casino, Brooklyn, 9-14. Jnrillii do Paris Girls (Morris Walnstock, mgr.)— Standard, St. Loois, 2-7, Buckingham, Louis- ville, 8-14. Lady Buccaneers (II. M. Strom*, mgr.)—Colum- bia, Scranton, 2-4, Orpheum, Paterson, B-7, Bowery, New York. 9-14. Merry Maidens (Edward Schaefer, mgr.)—Bow- ery, New York, 2-7, Empire, Philadelphia, 9- MIbs New York Jr. (Wm. Fennessy, mgr.)—Em- pire, Brooklyn. 2-7, Empire, Newark, 9-14. Moulin Rouge—Grand Opera House, Boston, 2-7, Bronx, New York, 9-14. Orlentuli (Wm. 0. Cameron, mgr.) — Empire, Indianapolis, 2-7, Fully, Chicago, 8-14. Pace Makers (R. E. Patton, mgr.)—Eighth Avenue. New York, 2-7, Howard, liostou, 9-14. Queens of the Follow Bergere—Counlhan A Shan- non's— Krug, Omaha, 2-7, Century, Kansas City. 8-14. Rose Buds (Lewis Livingston, mgr.) — Lyceum, Washington, 2-7, Lyric, Allentown, 9, Academy, Reading, 10, Majestic, llarrisburg, 11, Mlehler, Altoona. 12, Cambria, Johnstown, 13, Whlte'e Opera House, McKeesport, 14. Stars of Stageland (Wm. Dunn, mgr.)—Howard, Boston, 2-7, Grand Opera House, Boston. 0-14. Tiger LUtes (James Weedon, mgr.)—Empire, Newark, 2-7, Orpheum, Paterson, 0-11, Colum- bia, Scranton, 12-14. Wotson'a Burlesqners (Dan Guggenheim, mgr.)— Lay off week of 2-7. Krug, Omaha, 8-14, Whirl of Mirth (Bob Gordon, mgr.)—Bronx. New York, 2-7, Empire, Brooklyn, 9-14. Yankee Doodle Glrle (Alex. Gormen, mgr.)— Grand Opera House, St. Paul, 2-7, Isy off week Zallah'e Own (Horry Thompson, mgr.)—Bucking- bam, Louisville, 2 7, Empire, Indianapolis, 0-14. Colnmbin—Eastern, Al. ReeveV Scanty Show—Gayety, Omahn 2-7, Lyric, St. Joseph. 8-10. American Beauties (Dave Quran, mgr.)—Empire, Cleveland, 2-7, Empire, Toledo, 8-14 Beauty, Youth and Folly (W. V. Jennings, mgr.) —Oayely, Kansas City, 2-7, Gayety. Omaha, Rehman Show (Jack Singer, mgr.)—Gayety, To- ronto. 2-7, Garden, Buffalo, 0-14. Big Gaiety Girls (Phil Paulscraft, mgr.)—West- minster, Providence, 2-7, Gayety. Boston, 0-14. Bon Tone (Jesee Ilurne, mgr.)—Columbia, New York, 2-7. Star, Brooklyn, 0-14. Bowery Bnrlesqovra ' (Geo, H. Harris, mgr.) Empire, Albany. 2-4. Franklin Square, Wor- cester. B-7, Casino, Boston, 0 14. College Girls (II. II. Hedges, mgr.)—Corinthian, Rochester. 2-7. Bastable, Syracuse, 9-11, Columbia Borlesquers (Frank Barns, mgr.)— Bastable, Syracuse, 2-4, Gayety, Montreal, - 9-14. Cracker Jack* (.Dstrx Lconl, mgr.)—Stat, Brook- lyn, 2-7, Empire, Hoboken, 0-11, Empire, Pater- son. 12-14. Darelers, The (Chia. B. Arnold, mgr.)—Hurtlg A Seanwo'e, New York, 2-7, Murray Hill, New York, 0-14. Drenmland Uurlesquera (E. Trovers, mgr.)—Em- pire, Hoboken. 2-4, Empire, Paterson, B-7, Gay- ety. Newark. 9-14. Gay Maequeradere (Moe Messing mgr.)—Gayety, Boston. 2-7, Columbia. New York, 9-14. Ginger Girls (Manny Rosenthal, mgr.)—Park, Bridgeport, 8-7, Westmlneter. Providence, 0-14. Girls From the Ureat white Wey (Dave (innlon, mgr.)—(Inyety, Pittsburgh, 2-7, Empire, Cleve- land. 0-14. Glrle From llapoytand (E. W. Ohlpman, mgr.)— Gayety, Baltimore, 2-7, Gayety, Washington. 9- Golden Crook (Jn«. 0. Fulton, marr.)—Gayety, Newark, 2-7, Gayety, Phlladelphfs, 9-14. Hastings' Show (Harry Hastings, mgr.)—Gayety, Washington, 2-7, Onyety, Pittsburgh, 0-14. Jolly Follies (Al, Rich, mgr.)—Murray Hill, New York, 2-7, Park, Bridgeport, is-14. Knickerbockers (Louis Roble, mgr.)—Gsyety, Louisville, 2-7, Gayety, St, Loula, 8-14. Love Makers (Im Miller, mgr.)—Standard, Cin- cinnati 2-7, Gayety, Louisville, 8-14. Mcrry-Go-Rounilers (l^mer-Rratlon Co., mgra.)— Star and Garter, Chicago, 2-7, Gsyety, De- troit, 8-14. Merry Whirl (Lonls Rpsteln, mgr.) — Gavety, I'hlndclphls, 2-7, Gayety, Baltimore, 9-14. Midnight Maidens (Wm. S. Clark, mgr.)—Empire, Toledo. 2-7, Gayety, Toronto. 0-14. Mollle Williams (Phil Isaacs, mgr.)—Casino, I1illnd,'l|dilii, 2-7, Hurtlg ft Seamen's, New York, P 14. Queens of Paris (Joseph Howard, mgr.)—Olym- pic, New York, 27, Empire, Paterson, 9-11, Empire, ItoUikrn. 12-14. RiiIiIiiwiii Crusoe fllrlH (Hem Robinson, mgr.) — Columbia, Chicago, 2-7, Standard, Cincinnati. 814. Rose Sydell's lonikn Belles (W. S. Ocmiiboll, mgr.)—(Innlen Uuffnlo, 2-7, Corinthian, Koch- ester, 0-14. Rttnswn- fllrle (Peter S. Clark, mgr.)—Lay olf week 2-7. Ordnnibla, Chicago, 8-14. Soclnl Hfilm (Robt. Colin, mgr.)—Oayely. Brook- lyn, 2-7, Olympic. New York, 0-14. Star ami Garter Know (Dave Row, mgr.)—Lav off week 2-7, Slnr and Garter, Chicago, N-14. Tail Girls (loulsi Hurtlg. mgr.)—Olimore, Spring- Held. 2-4, Empire, Albany, B-7, Gayety, Brook- lyn. 9-14. TrociMleroa (Frank Pierce, mgr.)—Gsyety, HI. l/itils, 2-7, Gayety. Kansas Clly. 8-14. Welch's llurlesauers (Jacob Llvhermnn, mgr.)— Empire, Patcroan. 2-4. Empire, Hnhoken, B-7, Cnslno, Philadelphia, 8-14, Winning Widow (Jacob Goldenhcrg, mgr.)—Ca- sino, Boston, 2-7, (lllmore, Sprlngflelil, 9-11, Empire. Albany, 1214. World it Pleasure (Dave Gordon, mgr.)—Geyetv, Montreal. 2-7, Umpire. Albany, 9-11, Franklin Square, Worcester, 12-14, MIN8TRDLS. Big Clly—John W. Vogel's— Ubrlchevllle, 0., B, Ooshoelon (I. ZniieeTlllo 7, Mlllernhurg 0, Mane- lleld 10, Chicago 11, Tiffin 12, Kenton 13, Rlch- woimI 14. , Do Rue Bros.'—Mexico, N. Y„ B, Fulton fl, Wol- cott 7, luterlaltmi p, RiHivlllc 10, Naples 11, 12, Newark IS, Hoslue 14. Evrns, (Jco., ik-ri-y Boy (Daniel Slice, nier.)— Clevelenil, O., 2-7, Clnclimall 8-14. Field's. Al. G„ Orenler (Kdwnnl Omiard. mgr.) —Chattanooga, Tenn.. B, Knoxvlllc fl, Ashe- vllle, N. O., 7. Unirloiie 9, Greeiisleim 10, Winston-Salem 11, Danville, Va., 12, Norfolk 13, 14. Georgia Trouboik)iire (Wm. MeOnlie, mgr.)—Oodur IlluffH. Nebr., 9. 10, Ashland 11, 12, Dorclies- ter 13, Friend 14. O'Brien. Nell—I'lttebnrgli, l'n.. 2-7. Primrose A Dockstader's—Lawrence. Mass., 7. RoseN's—Indianapolis, Ind., 2-7, Nashville, Tenn., 9-14. iieniv lii,.M.' —iVeet Union, la., 2-fl, Allison 10-12. BANDS AND ORCIIE8TKA8. liiillmnii Hand (Mnrtln Bnlliiiaii, leader).—Hirer- view Kx|io< Chicago, 2, Indellulle. Creature and IiIm IIiiiiiI— lllsiiuirck Pnrk, Clilcago, 2, Inileflnlle. Full's MelMKlHtan Iluml (Jueob Full, lender).— MM Isle City, N. J.. 2-10. Henry A Young's Military Baud—Shclhsil Park Wllniinglon, Del., 2-7. Kyrl end his Band—White City, Chicago, 2, in- I.-. Nil Hello mid his Baud—Fieilaliie Ferry Park, LoulMvllle. Ky., 2, Indefinite. Ite.vnolils' Ladlce' Orchestra—President, Chicago, 2, indefinite. Sousn aud hla Band (John Philip Souse, con- iluctor).—Willow Grove, Philadelphia, l'n., 2-H. Pittsburgh 0-21. Weaver's Military Bend (Herman Wenver, lead- er).—'Naghead, N. C, 21B. CIRCUSES AlfD WILD WEST SHOWS. Hum una ft Bullvy's—Onkluml. Col., 8, Kan Fran- cisco <l f). Kan Jose 10. Stockton 11, Fresno 12, Vlsallo lfl. BukersAeld 14. Barnes', Al. G., Oircus—-Appleton, Minn.. B, SlKtotl, S. Dak,, 0, Websler 0, AU-nleoli II, Iteil- field 10. Buffnlo Blll-1'amiee Hill (Mill. Gordon W. Llllle, ngr.)—SheHdon. In,. S, Sioux Falls, H Dak., 0, Slain Clly, In., 7, Norfolk, Nebr., 0. Brown's, Frsalc, Oircus (Roy Chandler, tngr.)— Anfltcalro, Buenos Ayree, S, Amer., 2, Indefl- nlte. Oollmur Bros.' Olrcue—Clarence, Mo., S, Edlnn fl. nioomfleld, la., 7. Osceola 9, Gletiwooil 10, CarHon 11. Fnlrhury, Nebr., 12, Belleville, Kan.. 13. Smith Center 14. Hsgciibcck-Wallace Shows (B. E. Wallace, mgr.) —Lawmice, Kan., B, Atkinson U. Falls Clly, Nebr. 7, Nebraska Clly 9, Red Onk, la., 10, Olarhtda 11. Lucky Bill Show — Forest City, Mo., B, Mound City 0. Craig 7. Unto, Nebr., 9. Miller Bros A Arlington's 101 Ranch Real Wild West (Geo, Arlington, gen, mgr.)—Mason City, la., 5, Oskalooaa 0, Orntervllle (one show) 7. Kliigllng Brae.' — U-lsmon. Ky., B, Neshvlllo, Tenn.. (I, Hopkltisvllle, Ky., 7. Bobbins. Frank A.—Clrcleville. <)., ti, Waehlng- Ion (I, Wllniinglon 7, lAvelond 9, Ilrownstown, Ind., 10, Bedford II. Rents Broe.' Circus—Ellamore, W. Vn„ », Oral- ton fl, Beverly 7, Mill Creek 9, Mingo 10, Clover Lick II. Ones 12. Shlpp A Feltos Circus — La Pas, Bolivia, S. Amer., 8-30, Aurora 21-28, Valparaiso, Chile. 30-0ct. 10, Vina del Mar 11-14, Santiago IB- 31. Snn Broe.'—Mktdlesboro. Ky., fl, Norton. Vs., 7. Silver Family Oircus (Bert Sliver, nwr.)—Ban- nister, Mich., B, Ashley (I. Ponipell 7. r-torrett's Olrcts (H. S. Starrett, mgr.)—Troy, Pa., 2-7. Hprlnrfleld. Vt.. 9-14. Sparks', John H., Slsiw—Tunkharniock. Pa., B, Mauch Chunk 0, Phllllpsmirg. N. J., 7, Denton, Md., 9, Cambridge 10, Salisbury II. Slg. flsotelle Show—Booth Nnrwslk, Conn.. 8, Bldxeflelil fl, Danbnry 7, Brookfleld 9, Wash- ington 10, LltchfieH 11. Young Buffalo Wild West and Col. Cummins' Fat Eaet (Vernon 0. Seaver. gen. may.)—Danville, III.. 8, Parla 4, Terre Haute, Ind., .1, Clinton fl, Llndon 7, Sullivan 9. Mt. Vernon 10. Vin- cennea 11, Washington 12, Olney, HI., 13, Pans FILM SHOWS. Alaska-Siberia Motion Pictures — Beverly B. DolilHt'—Whitney. Chicago. 2, Indefinite. Bernhardt, lime. Sarah In Moving Pictures—Dan- iel Frohmon's—4'owere*. Chicago. 2, Indefinite. Brace's Vaudeville and Moving Pictures (II, O. Brace, mgr.)—Hcinmlnrfbrd, Que.. Can.. 2-7. Durbar. The, In Klnemacolsr Moving Pictures— Urban-Smith's—Tremont Temple, Boston, 2, In- deflnlte. Howe's Travel Festival, In Moving Pictures (Ly-' man II. Howe, mgr,) — Oarrlck, Philadelphia, Howe's Travel Festival, In Moving Pictures (l.y- inon II. Howe, mgr.)—Cincinnati. O., 2-14. 101 Ranch, in Moving Pictures (Wm. J, McQiilnn. mgr.)—Dauphin. Man., Can., 8, Selkirk tl, 7, (lull lake, Hnsk., 0, 10, Moose Jsw, 11. 12. IlHlney. Paul J., Afrkco Jungle, in Moving' Pic- tures—Weber's, New York, 2, Indeflnlte. Rslney, Paul J., African Jungle. In .Moving Pic- tures—Brooklyn, N. Y„ 2, Indeflnlte. Ttiompson's Moving Pictures (F. II. Thompson, mgr.)—Scales Mound, 111., 0-12. CARNIVAL SHOWS. Barkoot, K. O., World's Greatest Snows—Colum- bus. <>., 2-7, Masslllon 0-14. Fulton-Dodiou Shows—. Worrensburg, Mo., 2-7. Jefferson City 9-14. Great Empire Sbowe—Wheeling. W. Vs., 2-7. Johnny J. Jones' Own Shows—Chester, Pa.. 2-7. Portsmouth, Va.. 9-14. Krsnse Shows—Warren, O., 2-7. Mone Bros,' Show—Cumberland Md., 2-7. National Amuse. Show — Long Pine Nebr.. 27. Ohadron 10-14. Rico ft Dore Water Carnival (II. Bore, mgr.) — Jacksonville. III., 2-7, Utchtleld 9-14. Rice ft Doro Water Carnival (W. II. Rice, mgr.) —Indianapolis. Iitd., 2-7. Louisville. Ky„ 9-14. Smith's Greater SIktwb — Muskegon Mich., 2-7, Knlamntoo 11-14, Woodyard Show—Orange. La., 2-7. MI9CICL.LANBOIJS. Berends, The, Entertainers—Moliall, N. Dak., .1, 0. Grciilnirii 7-9. Carnill Coineily—llrnyson, Kr„ 014. (ireot Raymiasl (Maurice F. Riyiuond, mgr.)— Fresno. Cal., .1, Sacramento II, 7, Morvsvlllc ll, Cltlco 10, Mtflfont Ore., 12, Ktigeno 13, Salem Mtinloek lima.' Tent Show (Al. Mtirdork, mar.) — Ilunifor.l Fulls. Me., .'ill. Mystertona Smllli (Alls-rt P. Smllli, mgr.)—Da>> set. Minn., fl, Cotlouwuoil II, Mursball 7. Ilnln- tou 9, Knnlsirn III, Mailella II, Dniiilw 12. Folil-il III, Jackson 14, Norwiasls, The, Hypnotic show (M, H, Norwmsl, mgr.)—Adelaide. So. Aim., 2-2H. l)|M-l Noveltv Mliow—Tallmail, N. Y„ B, Omg-rs fl. North liruiicii, N. J., II. Itouelere, Hurry and Mlldreil (Harry Itmiclere, ingr.)—Suekvllle, N. S.. Can., B, Amherst il, 7. Mlellerton 0, 10, New Glasgow 11, 12, Pllmt Kwjy't'n Tent Bliow (Geo. D. Sweet, ni«r.)— Alexis, III,. B. SavhUf.' liens.' , Amuse. Show (Walter ravldco. ,.."!".')— K,,ln ' N(,,r - <1"T. Serlbner 111-14. Wright's Ooaililniillon Shows — Wlilllnghnni, Vt., 87, Stamford 9-11, Pownal Center 12-14. GILLISS KANSAS CITY OPEN TIME Have • IEW OPEN WEEKS for good Combination., Drama. Comedy, Min- strel., .to. Write or wire. E, S, BBI6HAM, KANSAS CITY, MO. AUGUSTA PERRY STOCK WANT8 MAN FOR GENERAL BUSINESS, MAN FOR PROPS AND BITS, oni with Specialty prt- firratf; WOMAN WITH STRONG SPE- CIALTY, FOR BITS WALTER DOWNING, Manager, Danlclson, Conn., week sept. 2; Wllllmatitlu, Con n., week Sept, 9. ALTO or CONTRALTO SINGER Who Can Do Solo Work For Vaudeville Act. Address T. DW1QIIT I'KPPLK, WASHINGTON, PA„ CASINO THEATRE. WANTED MAN FOR CHARACTER HEAVIES, ETC OTHERS WRITE. Join at once. Stat, everything, JEWELL-KELLEY STOCK CO. MOBILE, ALA. Opera House and Business Block Erected 1903 at cost ot; good manufac- turing city In Ohio, playing hluli-r.iiuoi attrscllons. Opening season with ''Spring Maid." Dig draw- ing population. WUI soil at right price; easy terras, or sell half Interest; or would conalder ■mall amount good business pronot ty a. part pay. Address OHAS. 11. MAY. IMquaTgig' W1HTED-VAUDEVILLE ACTS CIRCUIT OF THBATRE8 IIIPPIIDIKIMK - OSWKGO OllPIIBlIM, - WATRRTUWIf TKMPI.V, . - CORTLAND BILLIKEV, - . - ITHACA And mora time to follow CHAS. P. QI LMORE, Oaweg o, N. Y. SKETCHES we write to order onl; the highest GRADE of Acts. Sketches, Honologs, etc., and UPHOLD orn CLAIMS by the strongeat poealblo Guarantee. Prices and terms roaaon.hle. Wrl'o DeROSE A RHODES, MBS. BX. 1&6, SOUTH BEMD, INDIANA. \