The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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September 7 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 19 STOP—LOOK— LISTEN WHEN IN NEW TOES, STOP AT Hotel Van Cortlandt 142 to 146 W. 49th SL, Bear Broadway, LARGE, UGHT, AIRY ROOKS BATEB: 100 Room*—Near Bath, $1.00 per Day and u» Itoomand Bath, $2.00 per Day ana on Tutor, Bedroom and Baffi. $3.00 per TJay and up Excellent Restaurant Good Mimic Club Breakfast, 25 cents up. Speci al 75 cent Table d'Hotc Dinner. lmwrlal Trio. Ntmley'a Casino, Bo. Beach. N. T. imperial Dancing Four, Pantages', Oakland. Cal. "ii 1089," Orpbeum. Winnipeg, Can. Inge, Clara, Hipp., Atlantic Clty.N. J. JalSoo Dorothy, Moulin Boaw. N. Y 0. Jackson Btrt ft Flo. Hipp., Oswego, N. Y„ 2-14. jlr^& Harrison, Mantle, Milwaukee, Wis. Jarruw, Palace, Chicago. Jack 4 Forts, Hommerstetn's, N. Y. 0. Jac kson. Joe. Temple, Bocheater. Ambrose Jellries MAGICIAN, TBNTBILOQUISTand MONOLOGUE OLCB ENTERTIANSR. 118 Ralph Ave., Brootljn, B.Y . Tele.. MT» Bnshwlcfc. Jones, Alexander. Columbus, O. Jobwtoiu, Musical, Tower Circus, Blackpool, Eta 2-14; Empire, Sunderland, 10-21; Empire, Hartlepool. 28-28; Middlesex, London, 30- Oct. 6. Johnson's Travelogues, Orpbeum, Los Angeies, Oal. Jordon, Sballer. Forrest Park, St. Lonls. Jones ft Dt-eley, Temple, Hamilton, Can. joscttl Bros., Keith's, Phtla. Jose, Edouard, & Co., Do Kalb, Bkln. Jnnrmos Troape, Bangor, Me. Kaufman. Beta ft Incn, Orpbeam, Omaha, Neb.; Orpbeam, Kansas City, Mo., 0-14. Kaufman, Will 4c LUIle B. F. D.. No. 8, MewafO. Mich. Kallcli, Bertha, ft Co., Orpheum, Los Angeles, Oal. Kalntar ft Brown, Chase's. Washington. Karlton ft Clifford, Academy, Buffalo. Kalniu A Co., Colonial, Columbia), O. Kelt 4 De Mont, Shubert Bkln., 0-7. Kellogg, Shirley, 'Winter Garden, N. Y. O. Keller, Ethel Amorlta, Moulin Rouse, N. Y. O. Kelly, Harry. Moulin Bouse, N. X. C. Kelly ft Delmay, Casino, North Beach, N. Y„ In- definite. Kemps, The, Orpbeum, Oakland, Cal. Keut. Annie, Orpbeum, Seattle, Wash. Kelly ft Lafferty, Orphean), Dearer, Cola. Kelly ft rollock, East End Park, Memphis, TAenn. Kenny, Nobody ft Piatt, East End Park, Memphis, Tenn. ' , Keeaaa ft Beverly, Orpbeam, Wheeling, W Vs. Kellerman Olrls (0), Olobe, Boston. Kelly ft Galvln, Boulevard, Medford, Mass. Kcstons (3), Proctor'B, Newark, N. J. Keodatl's Auto Doll, Nickel, Lawrence, Mass., 6-7. Kecgh, Msry, Bijou, Bkln., 6-7. Kesler, Mae, Delmsr Gardens, Bt. I .mils, Ma; Vaudeville, E. St Louis, 111., 0-14. Klshlmo, Froncala, Montreal, Can. King, Charles, Moulin Rouge. N. Y. 0. King, Molly, Moulin Rouge, N. Y. O. Klraer ft Pope, Moulin Rouge, N. Y. 0. Kldd, David, Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo. Klrksmltfa Sisters, Majestic, Chicago. Kimball 4 Donovan, New Portland, Portland, Me. King, Grace, Academy, Buffalo. Klnna Family, Academy, Buffalo.. Kip ft Kippy. Orpheum, HarriahurgV Pa. Kluger. 0. II., Mercer, l'a.; 0. H., Tltuvllle, 9-14. Klelnachmldt's Pictures, Hsmmerstcln's, N. Y, 0. Klutlng'n Entertainers, Maryland, Baltimore. Knox ft Alvln, Casino, Washington. Knapp ft Cornalla, Family, Lancaster, Pa. Koncnt Bros. Orpheum. Seattle, Wash. Kolb ft La Neva, Majestic, Sioux Falls, 8. Dak., 5-7; Majestic. Mitchell. 0-14. Krcinka Bros., Columhls. Bt. Louis. Krags Trio, Empress, Denver, Col. Kraiy Kids (0), Academy, Fall River, Mass.. 5 7. Kreea, Karl, Henderson's, Coney island. N. Y, Kurtls' Boosters. Princess, Hot Springs, Ark. Kyle, Kitty, Winter Garden, N. Y. (!. Kyle, Bessie, Shubert, (Jtlea, N. Y. Kyle, Tom. Keith's. Lowell. Moss. L'Aerollerwinter Oardcn, N. Y. 0. Langdons, The, Keith's, Cincinnati; Keith's, In- dlnoapollB, Intl.. 0-14. Lawrence, Bert, Lyric, Butler, Pa. La Maze Trio, Orphean, Spokane, Wash.; Or- pheum,. Seattle, 0-14. l.u Viae, Clmaron Trio. Orpbeam, Memphis, Tenn. Lnypo ft Benjamin, Jacksonville, Fla.; Mobile, Ala., Mi. " La Piano, Mysterious, Alrdome, Ellsworth, Kan., 6-7. Laddies (,'i). Qlohe. Boatou. Lamliert, Hew, Keith's, Boston. Lantry Bros., Orpheum, Boston. Lawrence, Anita, Temple. Detroit. Lambert ft Ball, Hipp., Cleveland. Lu Noles, The. Prlsclllii, Cleveland. Lawrence & .vinnulug. Orpbeum, Peoria, III., 0-7. "Ln Petite Oosse," Empress, San Fran., Cal. Lawrence ft Edwards, BIJou, Bkln., 0-7. Ucey. Will. Shubert, Bkln., 5-7. "Lu Dance Du VIoIIiim." Empress, St. Paul. Lo Tell ft Vokes, Rlvcrsldo Park, Springfield, Mass., 0-7. La Marr, Pete, Nunley's Casino. So. Beach, N. Y. La Toy Bros., Union Square. N. Y. O. Lancton, Locler, & q, shubert, Utlca. N. Y. Lswlet, Ohas. B., ft Daughters, Keith's, Clcvo- iQuu, Unrenne, Bert, Ossto, AshtabaU, 0.. 0-14. Leap Year Girls," Krapress. Ban Fran., Cal. Wtoy ft Adnms, Guy Bros.' Minstrels. Leslie, Bert, ft Co., Orpbeum, Kansas City, Mo. Lester, Great, Orpheum, Minneapolis, Mlnu, Lewis ft Dody, Orpbeam, Minneapolis, Minn. Leltxel Sisters, Orpheum, St. Paul, Minn. I* Ballet Classtqne," Orpbeam, Winnipeg, Can. Is-lghtona (3|, Majestic. Chic ago. Eddie Leslie I Mile Carrie two sing-lbs. always working. best regards. Levin, Ben, Sherman Grand, Calgary, Can., 6-7. Lewis & Norton, Boulevard, Medford, Maas. lewis, Jack. Casino, Washington. Lcsslg, Hoyt ft Co., Proctor's 08th Bt„ N. Y. a, Lesslk ft Anita, Hipp., St. Lonls. Leroy ft Drake. Academy, Buffalo. Leonard ft Whiting, Empress, St. Paul. Levy, Bert, Hipp., Atlantic City, N. J. Leonard ft RuBsell, Grand, Pittsburgh. Jester ft Kellcrt. Hudson, Union Hill, N. J. Llugeriuan. Sam ft Lucy, Hollywood Park, Balti- more, 2-30. Ltnd, Homer, ft Co., Temple, Rochester; G. O. H., Pittsburgh, 014. wlily. Great, Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. Luton, Barry, Temple, Detroit. Llllle. Carrie, Proctor's 23d SL, N. Y. 0„ 2-4; Proctor's 125th St., 6-7. Lloyd, Hugh, Empress, Spokane, Wash.; Km- ,, Press. Seattle. 0-14. Lloyd ft Black, Family, Lancaster, Pa. L oyd ft Zarlna, New Portland, Portland, Me. Lloyd ft Whltehoose, Colonial, Erie, Pa. Lorette Mile., Pastime, Brunswick, Me.. 5-7; Bi- jou. Mtchburg. Mass., 9-11; Auditorium, Nor- wlci. Conn,. 12-14. u>wo ft De Verne, Orpbeam, Spokane, Wash, Lata, Rtmona Park, Grand Rapids, Mich. J*ndona (4), Proctor's. Newark, N. J. Ljnoon Fire Brigade. Proctor's 120th St, N. Y. . 0., 2-4: Proctor'a 934 St., 0-T. towe ft Edwards, Empress, 8an Fran.. Cal. Lorettas, The Academy, Fall Blver, Mass., 8-7. fockhart ft Leddy. Orpheum, Omaha, Neb. Loreh Family, Clreas Schnmana, Berlin, Oer.. 0- Oct. 81. 'We on m i B i an( j," Henderson'a, Coney Island, W. Y. Luby, Edna. Orpbeam, Dulutb, Minn. wkm, .Jimmy, Hew Brighton, Brighten Beach, hSSpltti. Nunley's Casino. So. Beach. N. Y. Lyneh ft zeiier. Alkarabrn, N. Y. 0.; Proctor's, Newark. N. J.. 0-14. ■*«• * Iosco, Keith'*. Olnrtanatl, NOTICE TO ALL RMTEtr THE10 PHILADELPHIA SI New Jersey Central Fifty Si nates From Liberty ■ t., 8 A. M, t» 6 P. At. 9«sl MImutea *t the Hoar sTrtja* EM St., • JO A. M. to B.SO P. M. OTBEK TBLA1RB T.SO, 8,50, 9.90, 11.50 P. a. Coniult P. W. HEROY, E. P. Agt. 1440 BROADWAY DO YOU COMPOSE Bongs or Instrumental Euaiot If bo, be SURE to have same arranged 07 an EXPERTI An artistic arrarjuoment means SUCOEBSI I base done BON- DREDB of BIO BITS I Write or call afternoons 3 8. EUGENE PLATZBfANN Care Bmaplro, 1*10 Broadway, N. T. O. O'Meer Sisters, Orpbeum. Denver, Colo. O'Neill Trio, Crystal, Milwaukee, Wis.; Miles', Minneapolis. Minn., 0-14. Onrl. Archie, ft Co., Temple, Hamilton, Can. O'Nell, "Doc," Temple, Hamilton, Can. Ormas Trio. Orpheum, Omaha, Neb. Osbome'a Pets, Orpheum, Allentown, Pa. Psatser, Ltna, Empress, Portland, Ore.; Em- press, Sau Fran., Cal., 0-21. Paytoa, Copelanu, Pantagea', Spokane, Wash., 0-14. HENRY BROWN AMUSEMENT EXCHANGE ROOM 40M, 30 SO. DEARBORJI ST., CHICAGO, ILL. Osmi alwaxya was* Racogalassd Vftxtetoville) Aota ol Krery Pesxirlptloii. Smith, I/oe. Elsor's Shows. Wynn. Bessie, Orplieuni, likln. Smith, Irene ft Bobby, Empress. Denver, Ool. Youag, Ollle ft April, orpheum, Quebec, Can.; Smllette Sisters, Casino, Wiislilngtou. Keith's. Boston. 11-14. Smith ft Garner, Proctor's 120th St., N Y. 0., Young, De Wilt, ft Sister. Forrest Park, St. Louis. 2-4; Proctor's 23d St.. 0-7. Yoscarys (U), tttotnt, N. Y. C. Bmedley, George, Proctor's 58th St, M. Y. 0., JEsnfretta, K., Wilder Garden, N. Y. C. 2-4; Lyric, Newark, N. J.. 0-7. Rajah. F.tnll. Winter Unrd.-n, N. Y. C. Smith, Yolk ft Or»nln, Proctor's OHth St, N. Y. Znbrah ft Zclnin, Hollywood Park, Baltimore, In- C. 2-4; Lyric, Newark, N. ]., 0-7. Snivthe A Ilartman, Keith's, Columbus, 0. Smith, Babe, Nelsoo, Sprlngaeld, Mass., 0-7. Bolls Bros. (4), Bronx. N. Y. C. "Son of Solomon," Orpbeum, Montreal, Can. Spencer ft Williams, Cosmos, Washington. Lyres (3), Keith's, Columbus, O. Lynn, Ben, Keith's, Providence. MacDonald, Dr. Geo. U„ Howard. Boston. Mayos (4), Empress, Kansas City, Kan. "Mascot," Palace. Leicester, Eng.; Palace. High Shields. U-14; Empire, London, 10-28; Culxwlck Empire, London. BO-Oct. 13. Martina, Flying, orpbeam, Kansas City, Mo. Manklns (3), Bamonii Park, Orand Rapids. Mich. Marlon ft Dartell, Majestic, Sioux Falls. 8. Dak.. 0-7. Marco Twins Fair, St Paul, Minn.; Fair, Hu- ron, 8. D., 8-14. M ant ell's Marionettes, Garden, Kansas City, Mo., Mascotte'B Merry Maids, Bowdoln Square, Boston. Mason, Keeler Co., Keith's, Cincinnati. Marshall, Mart aline, & Co., Casino, Washington. Maylew ft Taylor, Albambrs, N. Y. 0. Max's Circus, Bushwlck, Bkln. Marco, New Brighton. Brighton Beach, N. Y. Marcus ft Gartrlie, Broox. N. Y. C. Moey, Maud Hall, ft Co., Sth Ave., N. Y. 0. Marvine, 5th Ave.. N. Y. 0. Maltese, Frank, ft Co., New Portland, Portland, Me. Martini ft Maximilian, Academy, Buffalo. Majestic Four, American, N. Y. C, 0-7. Maxim's Models, East End Park, Memphis, Tetm. Maybell, Snowle, Princess, Memphis. Tenn. Maeka, Aerial, Princess, Memphis, Tenn. Mathews ft Duffy, Pantsges', San Fran.. Chi. Martlere, Lanra. EI Monterey, San Lula Oblabo, Cal.; Daley's, Santa Maria, 9-14. Martlncttl ft Sylvester, Keith's, Columbus. O. Msy. Leons, Plan, Springfield, Mass., 5-7. Macks, Musical, Nuoley a Cnsino, So. Beacb, N. Y. Martha, Mile., ft Slaters, Majestic, Elmlrs, N. Y. Martin ft Courtney, Orpheum, Allentown, Pa. Marine ft Bobby, Grand, Pittsburgh. Matthews ft Alahaync, Grand. Syracuse, N. Y. Maye ft Addis, Beslerson's, Coney Island, N. Y., 0-14. Marvine, Proctor's. Newark. N. J.. 0-14. Mardo ft linnter. Majestic. Pt. Huron, Ml.-h., 0-14. McDonald, May, Riverside Park, Springfield, Muua., 0-7. McDonald ft Irving, Bijou, Springfield, Masi. McNeil, Adele, Hipp., Omaha, Neb. McDonald, Jaa. P., Orpheum, Montreal, Can. McDnff, James, Empress, Kansas City, Kan. McNamara, Jack, Dan Mason Co. McCnllougli, Carl, Orpheum, Oakland, Cal. Mclntyre ft Harty, Orpbeum, Seattle, Wash. McGlvney, Owen, Orpheum, Spokane, Wash. McMsnus, Seumss, Players, Orpbeum, Sloui City, la. McKay, Wlnsor. 5th Ave., N. Y. C. McMillan, Walter, ft Co., New State, Preseott Ariz. McKay ft Cantwell, Orpbeum, Kansna City. Mb. HcConnell A Simpson, Orpbeum, Minneapolis, Minn. McDonongb, Ethel, Columbia, St. Lonls. McMabon, Diamond A Clements, Palace, Chicago. McOee, Joe B., Empress, Victoria, B. 0., Can.; Empress, Tacoma, Wash., 0-14. McDonald, Dr., Howard, Boston. McAullffe. Harold, Cosmos, Washington. -Me'Vaioell, Harry, A Co.. Bushwlck, Bkln. McWattcrs ft Tyson, New Brighton, Brighton Beach. Nr-I. McDevltt. Kelly ft Lucy, Bronx. N. Y. 0. McConaack ft Irving;. Temple, Hamilton, Can. McMillan, Uun. ft Co., Illnp.. Cleveland. McAvoy. Dan F„ "ralr of Oouutry KISb'I,Co. Meredith ft "Stamser," Orpheaan. Sioux Olty, la-; Orpheoca, St Paul. Mlnu., O-U. "hfeln Liebchen," Orpheum, St. Paul, Minn. Melville ft Hlgglns, Orpheum, Wlnnl|ieg. Can. Mells. Marvelous (41. Fair, Prnttsvlllc, Wis.; Fair, Gieeaalrart, Ind.. 0-14. Mevrlsm, Billy ft Bts, I'ralrtc City, 111.; Fair, National, la., 014. Merry Youngsters (0). Orpheum, Boston. Metropolitan Minstrels, Keith's, Phtla. Melrose, Bert, Altianjbru, N. Y. C. Melatenrtngers, The, Keith's, Providence. Meredith Slaters. Morrison's, Kockaway Beacb, N. Y. Melody Maids ft a Man, Orpheum, Allentown, Pa. Merrill ft Otto, Shea's. Toronto, Can.; Proctor'a, Newark. N, J. 1-14. Merlin, Hipp., Cleveland. Milton, Frank, ft De Long Sisters, Orpbeam, San Prim., Cal.; Orpbeum, Oakland, 0-14. Mlgoon. La Petite, Orpheum. St. Paul. Minn. "Missing Mlas, The," Norumbega Park, Lexing- ton, Mass. Mllllo, Bob. Howard, Boston. Mints ft Palmer, Proctor'a 125th St., N. Y. C. 2-4; Proctor's 23d St., S-7. Mitchell Trio, Prlacllla, Cleveland. Miller ft Morris, Academy, Buffalo. Miner's Quartet, Orpheum, Harrtatiurg. Pa. Mllda ft Don, American, N. Y. 0., 5-7. Mldgley, Soger, ft Co.. Shea's, Buffalo. Mlddleton ft Spellmyer, Colonial, Erie, Pa. Moon ft Morris, Winter Garden, N. Y. 0. Moore, Grvvllle. Winter Gardro. N. Y. 0. Morris ft Morris Monarch Carnival Co. iMontforoory ft Moore, Broadway, N. Y. 0., Indefi- nite. Moraii, Pauline, Orpbeum, Los Angeles, Cal. Morton, James J., Orpheum, Sioux City, la. Mountain Ash Choir, Orpheum, Denver, Col. Morrell, Frsnk, Orpbeum, Duluth, Mlnu. Mosber, Hsres ft Masher, Temple, Hamilton, Can. Monti, Boulevard. Bedford, Maas. "Store Sinned Against Than Usual," Keith's, Phlla. Molasso's "La Soamabale." Penn. Phlla. Morgan Bros., Cosmos, Washington. Mowatts. Juggling (5), 5th Ave., N. Z. 0. Mimtamho ft WelTa, nth Ave., N. Y. 0. Moore ft Lltlleflelil. Hipp., Cleveland. Mori Bros. (8), Shubert. Utlca. N. Y. Montgomery Duo, O. II., Ilolvoke. Mass. Mortimer, Lillian, & Co., Orpbeum, Harrlsburg, Pa. Morrlsey, Dollle, Colonial, Norfolk, Va. Mosb ft Frye, New Portland, Portland. Me., J-14. Moratl Opera Co., Pantagea', Oakland, Cal. Montgomery, Marshall, Union Square, N. Y. C. Morris ft Allen, Hipp., Atlantic City, N. J. Morton, Ed., Shea's, Toronto, Can. Modena, Florence, ft Co., Lakeside Casino, Akron. O. Muriel ft Francis, Orpheum. Dulutb. Minn. Marry, John T., Empress, Denver, Colo. Mumford ft Davis, Victoria, Baltimore. Mueller, Gene, Trio, Hipp., Atlantic City, N. J. Marray, Mnrlon. ft Co., National. Boston. Mullen ft Ooogan, Dominion, Ottawa, Can. "My Gal Jess," Proctor's 120tn St., N. Y, 0., Nana ft Alexis, Moulin Rouge, N. Y. 0. Nadje, Mile., Fantages', Ban Fran., Cal. Nelser. Henry. Al. 0. Field's Minstrels. Kewbold ft Grlbbln, Keith's, Boston; Keith's, Providence, R. I., 0-14. Nesl, Ccaarc, Orpheum. San Fran., Cal. KellBon's Boys ft Girls, Orpheum, Los Angeles, Oal. Kevins A Erwood, Bamona Park, Grand Raplda, Mich. Newport ft Htlrk, Globe, Boston. Nevus ft Gordon, Albsmbra, N. Y. O. Nichols, Nellie, Orpbeam. Minneapolis, Minn. Nip ft Tuck, Majestic, Milwaukee, Wis. Nichols-Nelson Troape, Crystal, Milwaukee, Wis.; Miles, Minneapolis, Minn., S-14. Noble ft Brooks. Miles, Detroit. Normans, Juggling. Tabor Grand, Denrer, Colo.; Paatagcs', St. Joseph, Mo.. 0-14. Nonette, Orpheum, Des Moines, Is. Nobles, Milton ft Dolly, Forrest Park, Bt. Lonls. Norwood, Adelaide. Palace, Chicago. Novelty Poor. Hammerstetn's, N. Y. 0. Oakland, Will, ft Co., Shea's, Toronto. Can. O'Brien-Havel ft Co., Fontaine, Louisville. Obermsna, The. Tabor Grand, Denver. Colo. O'Dell. Maud, ft On.. Orpbeam, Portland, Ore. O'Donnel) Bros.. Olympla, Lynn, Maaa. O'Donnell, 0. H.. ft Co., I'nlon Square, N. Y. 0. Olympic Trio, Orpbeum, Bkln. t PAFFEN T i§MT MAGIC AND ILLUSION AKT ADA1B, Director. Pattersons. Bounding, Orpheum, San Fran., Oal. Pauiliam Team, Orpheum, Des Moines, la. Paddock ft Paddock, Empreaa, Cincinnati. Pat ton. Wm. B.. ft Co., Proctor's 08th St., N. Y. C, 2-4. Pamhleys, The, Majestic, Elmlra, N. Y. Purrell Slaters (3), Grand, Syracuse, N. Y. Petrova, Olga, Keith's, Boston. Perry ft White, Uammersteln's, N. Y. 0. Peal son ft Oolite, Orpheum, Montreal, Can. Pclbam, Harry, New, Baltimore. Pepplno, Dominion, Ottawa, Call. Plnard ft Hall, Billy B. Van Co. Plroscoflls (5), Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. "Pinafore," Bushwlck, Bkln. Plqno, New Portland, Portland, Me. Powers Bros., Maple Beach Park, Albany, N. Y., Indefinite. Pope ft Cno, Fontaine, Louisville. Polly. Mile. Maude. New. Baltimore. Polsln Bros. Hipp.. Cleveland. Pouchot's Pallet, Hudson, Union Hill, N. J. Oolve ft McOarty, Sherman Orand, Calgary, Can., 5-7. Raymond ft Elllotte, Miller's Excelsior Show. MAURICE F. llAVMi-Ni), Mgr. COBT LIIICU1T. Ainer. Ropr.. Rlcbatd Pltrof Rajah, Princess, Palace, Chicago. Rays, The, Ulobo, Boston. Raymond, Eunice. Miles', Detroit. Ballon ft La Tours, Tabor Graud, Denver, Colo. Bawls ft Von Kaufman, Keith's, Indianapolis. Ray, Eva, Casino, Washington. Raymond, Academy, Buffnio. Bsppo Bisters, Victoria, Baltimore. Randalls, The, Academy, Fnll River, Msbh., 6-7. Radcllffe ft Hall. Lakeside Casino, Akron, 0. Bezos, The, Orpbeum, Portland, Ore. Reldy ft Currier, Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. Reed Bros., Palace, Chicago. Kenlngton, Joseph, Columbia, Detroit "Spirit Paintings," Ilnmmerstelu's, N. Y. C.; Proctor's, Newark, N. J.. 0-14. Bnero ft Lorene, 08th St.. N. Y. 0.. 0-7. "Squaring Accounts," Orpheum, Sau Fran., Cal. Stevens ft Dunn, Harris-Parkinson Co. St. Junes, W. II., ft Co., Orpbeum, Los Angeles, Oal. Stein, Hume ft Thomas, Orpbeum, Omaha, Neb. Stanleys. The. Orpbeum. Salt Lake City, U. Stuart Sisters ft Escorts, Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. Stanleys (3), Empress, Clncuiuatl. Hteraad ft Van Co., Orpbeum, Peoria. 111., 0-7. Stanley. Lew ft Leah, Venetian, Coldwater, Mich. StantMiH, The. Academy, Fall River, Mass., 0-7. Story, Belle, Keith's, Columbus, 0. Stafford. Frank, A Co., Morrison's, Rockaway Beacb. N. Y. Steals, Phil, Grsnd, Pittsburgh. Stutsman, Merrick ft Stutsman, Keystone, Phlla., 0-14. Button, Lnrry, Lyndon's Big Show. Siimika. Mine., Majestic, Milwaukee, Wis. Sully Family, New Brighton, Brighton Beach, Sully ft Phelps, 0. B., Eldora, la.; O. □., Allison. 0-14. Bally ft Hussey, National, Boston. Swor ft Mack, Forrest Park, St Louis. , Swaln-Ostnian Trio, Hipp., Atlantic City. N. J. Kweatman, Wilbur. Keith's, Lowell, Mass. Tambo ft Tarcbo, Casino, Buenos Aires, Bo. America, 2-30. Tana, Broadway, Columbns, 0. _ Taylor, Eva. ft Co., New Brighton, Brlghou Beacb, N. Y. Teniple Trio, Broadway, Superior, Wis., 0-7. Teehow'a Cats, Or|iiieum, Ilkln. Texas Tulips (7). Pantages', Oakland, Cal. Thayer, Joe, 0. II.. WllllamsiK.ri, Pa.; O. II.. Hbamokla. 014. Tbompson ft Carter, Prlacllla, devclnnd. "llfflalliElO Original, Comedy Scenic Novelty. JO PA10E SMITH, Iteprcgontallvg. Thermos, Family. Buffalo; Orplietun, Wheeling, W. Vs.. 0-11; Hipp., Marietta. ().. 12-14. Tlnney, Frauk, Moulin Itouge, N. Y. C. Tlmljerg, Ilermau, Colonial, Norfolk, Va. Tod Nods. Miles. Detroit. definite. Zenlta, Pantages', San Fran., Oal. Zlngarella, Mile., Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y., Indefinite. Supplenienlral List—Received Too Line for Clsksalsloatlon. "Arab" — Jones ft Crane's — Oakaloosa. la., 7, Marshalltown 8, Boone 0, Ogdcil 10. Perry 11, Osceola 12, Clinrltou 13. Mt. Pleasant 14. "Alabamalaml" (W. A. Thomas, mgr.)—Wymore. Nebr., 7. 8. Bnrrlngton Stock—Carroll, la., 2-7, Spirit Lake 0-14. "Fortune Hunter" — Cohan ft Harris' — 1'corli. III.. 0-7. McOord Stock—Chlllleothe.Mo.. 0-14. "Point of View, The" — Vo. A. Brady'-.'—-Long Branch, N. J.. 7. Rule Bros." Moving Pictures (F. E. Rule, mgr.)— Turtle Luke. Wis., 5-7, Deer Park O-U. Ham- mond 12-14, ■ _ .. "Traveling Salesman, The"—Henry B. Harris'— Harrlahurg. Pa.. 5. _...., "Yankee Prineo"—Cohan ft narrla'—I-ong Brunch, N. J., 0. TcrlcvH. Tlw, New Sun, Springfield, O. 'l>ilnuin, Frnn en Is, Mnntrral, Can. neno"°Gre'at"ft 'Co.,"Grafton.' Neb.; Geneva, 0-14. Tornados, Great Poll's, New Haven, Conn Reld Slaters, Keltb'a, Boston. Trevllllnos. I*s. Proctor's. Newark, N. J Reynard, Ed. V., Keltb'a, Indlanapolla. Bensetta ft Lyman, Grand, Phlla. Remington, Maymc. ft Picks, Orplieum. Bkln. Behlsnder's Pigs, llaramersteln's, N. Y. C. Bedford ft Winchester, Colonial. Norfolk, va. Relff Bros., American, N. Y. C, 0-7. Reno, Geo. B., ft Co., Broadway, Columbus, 9. Begals <4). National, Boston. Rlioda ft Suiter. Maryland. Baltimore. Bitters, The, Colonial, Danville, 111., 0-7; Vlr- Trnlned Nurses, Tile," Colonial, Norfolk, Ya. Trovalo, Orpheum, Montreal, Can. Tracey, Cliaa., Premier, Fall Blver, Mass., 0-7. Tully, May. ft Co., Orpbeum, Denver, Colo. Tucker, Clms., Hartford, Hartford, Conn. Ty-Bell Slaters ft Ty, Rlugllng Bros.' Circus. Tyson ft Brown, Orpbeum, Sioux City, lu. Usher, Clsude ft Fanny, Orpheum, 8|iokane> Wash. Van Gofrc ft Ootrely, Photoplay, GrevnshurK. Kan. THAT ILEAL, TEAM EUGENE- TKMI'I.K THKATKK and TaxaxDks fktr aaYers PORTSMOUTH. oiiio -MYHUE MDfSP. glnla, Ohleago. "941» Scnlndler's, Chicago, 12- Vladaro ft Valdare, Singapore. Straits Settle- orchestra eoterl. ners! OUT OF TOWN NEW S Tsteomo, Wash. — Empress (Daia Hm mgr.) bill for week beginning Aug. 20 Included: "Fujiyama," "The Green Mouse." Linn l'inil- aer, Mile. La Deodlma. Hnlnen and llarron, Daniels and Conrad, mid the Underwood dally news service slides. _ I'HiNoisa (C. L. Richards, mgr.)—F'ir w.ik of 20, "The Girl of the Golden West" was offered hy the Princess Player*, to capacity houses. Miss Bell, ss the girl, was given mi ovation ut every performance. Veine l-niion. In the tisrt of lie road agent, gave a canlial ponrryal »t lie mle. (I. lister Paul and William Brewer also doirvc stieclal mention. Sept. 1 and week, "Unfiles." "The Chorus Lady" for week beginning S. 1'ANTAnas' (VV. i. Tlmmena, mgr.) — '"lhe Linn's Bride'' headlined the hill week of Aug. Bfl, tilhem were: Carter, Maylwlle Fischer. Fred Zonertle. Cook and Stevens, and tie Panlmifenpe. Ticoiii (C. H. Herald, mgr.)—The araaarl at this Iwuse will open 17, will the (llllwrt mil Snlllvan opera Oompsny, In rei»'riolm. Dsbam (J. J. O'Brien, mgr.)—Moving plclunw to xoikI bnalness. Rcsnio (K. (Irahnm, mgr.)—Twlllgm pk'arrs, to good crowds. Ciaoorr (John Belfert, mgr.)—Pictures, to tine bnslness. PAi.tfll (p. A. rlidder. mgr.)—Gool business 1b rciHirted nt this picture II Ire. Hiiiu (I. Davis, mgr.)—Moving pictures. VAunriTn (L. A. Illchanlsoii, mgr.)—Eirelk'iit patronage enntliinra at this picture licuse. liuoii (W. S. IlcNIsh, mgr.)—(Moving pictures. Cbown (Frank Snplch, mgr.)—Twilight pic- tures. Lraio (P. A. Snider, mgr.)—Pictures, lo good business. itimn (James Msrnea, mgr.)—Moving pictures. Irn.ii norm (rt. n. Prntscli, mgr.)—Hood Insl- ness with moving nli-tureH. Roval (I.. A. Illcliardaon, mgr.)—Moving pic- tures. IlKi.M'a (Cht*. Helm, mgr.)—The Ibiyiil llu- wallsu Glee Club, at this popular cnliarel, Is proving a fine drawing card, oi.vmitk (J. Sliurt, mgr.)—The inaniigeuieiit has secured tbs Bcenescu Orchestra for entertain- ing the patrons of tbls cabaret. tai.vnTio (O. It Romano, mgr.)—Mr. Romano baa aecured the lUsnano Neatwlltau Orchestra as entertainers at Ills new cabaret. NnsiiiN'K (II. NoTiiwn, mgr.) —The Mum. Brambllla'a OTcbrstva, will) HnU 1 Avery slid Oalfl- well Holmes, vocallsta, have been engugeil for the seasun. Dswry's (O. B. Dewey, mgr.)—The Hawaiian t&&&$Le*(^ j Richards, Chris., Majestic, Chicago. Rirdrlck ft Freeman Players, Crystal, Milwaukee, Wis. Richardson's Dogs, Chase's, Washington. Itlchardlnl Trouiie, Alhambra, N. Y. a Rloe ft Cohen, Orpheum, Bkln. Rkebarda, Harry, Shubert, Utlca. N. Y. Itlce, Sully & Hcott, Orpheum, Montreal, Can. Rich, McAllister ft Co., Victoria, Baltimore, Itlcharda ft Kyle, Shubert, Utlca, N. Y. Rials, The, Orpbeum, Montreal, Cart. Ross, Charles J„ Winter Garden, N. Y. C, Rogers ft Mackintosh, Empress, Portland, Ore.; Empress, Son Fran., Cal., 9-21. Rolierls, June, ft Co., Grand, Hamilton, 0., 5-8; Hipp., Lexington, Ky., 0-14. Roualr ft Ward, Orpheum, St. Paul, Minn. Roycc, Ray L„ Majestic, Milwaukee, Wis. Ross Slaters (3). Alrdome, Wilmington, N. a Root ft White, Howard, Boston. Rosemary Trio. Globe. Boston. Rock A Fnltou, Temple, Detroit. Koehni'a Athletic Girls, Hipp., Cleveland. men Ii, India, ludeflulte Vagges, The, Grand Circuit, Bo. Africa. Vau ft Pearce, Pantagea', Hpokane, Wash., 0-14. Van Brow., Orpbeum, Oakland, Cal. Vanderhllt. Gertrude, Keith's, Indianapolis. Valjean, Harrison, llsrlford, Hartford, Conn. 'nn, Choa. ft Faiiulr. Proctor's, Newark. N. J, a Lamore, Proctor's 2Sd St., N. Y. 0. 2-4; Proctor'a, I25lh St., 0-7. Vale ft Connolly, Olympla, Lynn, Maas. Vim's Minstrel Maids, IIIimi., Bt. Ixiula. Vanity, Mile., Sbuberl, Bkln., 5-7. Van lloven, Poll's, New Haven, Conn. Veronica ft Hurl Falls, Prlacllla, Clevelund. Venux, Clyile, ft Co., Olympla, Lynn, Mass. Pt. DaruNon I'aiik (Geo. A. Hill, supt.)— This has been the niecca for a vast number of plcnh* during the past fortnight. niitsb. Fsank ndverllHlng represrulutlvr of Hie Empress Theatre, and it prominent local uthlele, atifferorl a brokeii (villur bone and other severe In- juries when he threw himself from his motorcycle, in an attempt lo avoid striking Clark llenky, la thin city, Aug. 20. Annus QtUMN. known to the oporniie world as Agnea Berry, left this eily Morulay, Sept. 2. for Chicago, where she will loin the Chlciiuo Phila- delphia Grand Opera Co. for lhe season. Lnler Vivian ft Alton, llkknrd's Circuit. Australia, ln- Mis. Berry w II make her debut In Han Fiji. ilellnlte. clsiu, Willi the Aiulreris lllp|iel Cti., Ill "The Sc lellnlle, Vincent, Helen, Colonial, Colunsbus, O. "VIbIoiih li'Art." Grand, Bynicuae, N. Y. Von Busing. Frittle, Casino, N. Y. O. Von Iluwptoii ft Josaelyn, Empress, San Fran., Cal. Volant, Poll's, New Haveu, Conn. Walker, Musical, Rlugllng Bros.' OlrcUB, WhIsoii'h Circus, Orpheum, Omaha, Neb. Ward Bros., Orpheum, Ouitiba, Neb. Watt, Oco. II., Orpheum, Sioux Olty, la. Walle, Kenneth It., ft llro., Lyric. Corpus Chrlstl. Tex.; Star, Bun Antonio, 9-14. Wnlly, Itlchanl, Temple, Detroit. Walsh, Tviit, 'llibur Hriind, Dcuver, Col. Wakefield, willu Holt, Otiuse's, Wusblngton Rollam. John, ft Co., American, N. Y. C, 5-7. * Walthour ft Princeton Girls. Proctor's 28d St., N. Ross, Eddie, Maryland, Baltimore. ltoKlan Victoria, Bultlmore. Rogers, Leon, Mossrt, Elmlra, N. Y„ 0-7. Roouey ft Bent. Union Square, N. Y. 0. Komolo ft Delano. Empire,. Pltteficld, Maaa. Romany Trio, BIJou, WoonBockct, R. ]., 6-7; Gones, Salem, Mass., 0-11. Ross ft Shaw. Lakesldo Casino, Akron, 0. Rogger, Elsa, Orpheum, San Fruii., Cal. Russells, Flying. Orpbeum, Duluth, Minn, Ryan Bros., Sherman Grand. Calgary, Can., (-7, Ryan ft Bell, Lyric, Newark, N. J.. 0-7. Saxons, Mnslcal (3), Hipp., 8t, Louis. Sales, Chick, Orpbeum, Los Angeles, Cnl. Salerno, Orpheum. Des Moines, la. Say tons, The, Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo, Kuronskl, Howanl, Boston. Kniielson, Baby, Grand, Phlla. Kamlers Troupe, Nickel, Lawrence, Mass., S-7. Snntuccl, Santo, IIIpp., St Louis. KnxoiiH (■'!>, Hipp., St. Louis. Hamlros Bros., BIJou, Bay City, Mick. Bchnall, Ids, Winter Garden. N. Y. 0. Bchwan, Oscar. Winter Garden, N. Y. C Schlchtl's Marionettes, Temple. Detroit Kchmattans, The, Keith's, indlanniwlls. Scott ft Keane, Bronx, N. Y. C. Bchredes ft Chappelle, American, N. Y. C, 5-7. Schooler ft Dickinson, Maryland, Baltimore. Sealby ft Duclos, Orpbeum. Salt Lake Olty, U. Beldam's Venus, Majestic, Birmingham, Ala.; Majestic. Ft. Worth. Tex. 0-14, Beamon, Charles F., Buahwlck, Bkln. Bears, Zelda. ft Co., Maryland, Baltimore. PAUL SELDOMS CTtKATIONS OP AHT. Selblnl ft Grorlnl, Dominion, Ottawa, Can. Shale Tom A., Casino, N. Y. C. Shields, Sydney, ft Co., Majestic, Birmingham, Ala.; Orpbeum. Memphis. Tenn., 9-14. Shubert Mnslcal Four, Keith's, Indlanapolla. Shelter Boys (8), Penn, Phlla. Shaw, Lillian, Proctor'a, Newark, N. J. Sherman. Van, ft Iljmun, Proctor's, Newark, N. J. Shone, Ilermlne, ft Co., Roshwlck, Bkln. Shnller ft Jordan, Forest Pork, St. Loult. Sheridan's Players. Keith's. Boaton. Simon, Osterman, ft Co., Keith's. Boston. Bimms. Wlllard. ft Co.. Kmpire. PltuAeld, Haas. Skinner ft Woods. Boulevard, Medford, Mass. Bkelly. Johnson ft De Ferris, Hipp.. Detroit, Smiths, Aerial. Tirol!. Aberdeen. Scotland; Hipp.. Oreenock. 9-14: Ulpp,. Wlgan, Bnr., ln-ai; tlraod, Barmlngfaam, 23-28; Bora, N. ~ 30-Oct «. Y. 0., 2-4; Proctor's 12911 St., 0-7. Waldo Bros., Family, Indlanapolla; Princess, Nashville. Tenn., 0-14. Wansev A Palmer, Hipp., Omaha, Neb. Ward ft Cullen. Keith's, Providence. Warren ft Frost, National, Boston. Ward ft Oolhane. Keith's Lowell, Mass cret of Siixiiiine." singing the title role. Tlta linini, Ciiui'/nv will dedicate the new Opera House In lhe California clly. and follow- ing lhe Han Francisco eiigiigcmeiit will nil g win- ter engagement In Lou Angeles, uud then a i Nortli for a brief |s>rl<sl. A week's time will \— divided between I'orllninl, Sentlle mid Tiirmiiii. IN AN rrmnr to collect I2imi.imiii for the ilea Ii of an oditcatcd chlinpnnsee, it. owner, an ni'ioe. aubpeoned Joe Edward*, (he Tiieoiuu niiliunl trail- er, to testify In the rase us to tl-e value nf rlilmpiiuaees lu general ami tills one In purll.n- tar. It Is claimed the aiiliiiul died through Im- proner liiiuillln/ on a Northern Pacini: train. <). W. Pknit, of 'I'ueoniii, who shot II. I'. Emery, stage manager of the Pant-nscs Tlicul' •. In Portland, some weeks ago, Isjcuuse lhe lall.r refiiKi'd l.lui ailniltla:i e to lhe singe, Iiiih Ihvii In ■ dieted hy the Portl.inil graml jury. It la under- stood that the lndMmrail was brought more In force his commitment to the Insane asylum lloiu In the hope nf securing a conviction for Hie ■ttootlng or Emery. warn <i uuinane, Keltb'a Lowell. Mass. n # Wonnv was fined sum In n„. in.iin.i *■« TO * Co., Uenthtana'a, Coney I.l.nd, ■,?,„ Dl.lrict"cour,. ff Porlllmd. Ak» Bn^to* lasT;i,.V ^g— «.,„.., „.,„ „. W Johiison-Flynii Hglit Hat. from that elly. Wartetiburg Bros.. Colonial, Erie, Pa. Welsh, Mealy ft Montrose, Shea's, Toronto, Can, Welch, Joe. Shea's, Buffalo. Wealon Sisters (8), Orpheuai, Peoria, III., 0-7. Wentwortb, Vesta, ft Teddy, Keith's, LowctI, Mass. ; Keith's, Portland, Me,, 0-14. Weston Sisters. Howard, Boston. Weston, Burt 0„ Miles, Detroit. Weston's Cowboys ft Girls, Grand. Phlla, West ft Van Slclen, Proctor's 23d St.. N. Y. 0., 2-4. Wells. Billy K., Shubert, Ulics, N. Y. Weston, Willie, Otli Ave.. N. Y. O. Well, Al. Ii., orplieum, Itcadlng, l'a. Wbeatou, Anna, Winter Garden, N. Y, 0. Wheeler, Bert, A Co., Majestic, Chicago. Whirl's Four Harmonists, Eiiipress, Cincinnati. Whitney ft Bell. New, Baltimore. Whitney's Operatic Dolls, Nunlcy's Casino, So. Beach. N. Y. Whitehead, Joe, Henderson's, Coney Island. N. Y. Wilson, Grace, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 9-14. Witt's Melody Song Olrls, Hudson, Union Hill, Windsor Trio, Shubert, Utlca, N. Y. Wilson A Aubrey, Fair, Atlanta, HI.; Pair, De- eiilur. Oil. William* ft Warner, Orpheum, 1'orlUud, Ore. Williams. Nat, Ornbenm, Seattle. Wa«b. Wilson tiros., Orpheum. Des Moines, Is. Wise, Thomas, ft Co., Columbia, St. Louis. Wilson ft Washington, Grand, Chicago; Orand, Pontine. Mich.. 014. Wilson, Jack, Trio, Sherman Orand, Calgary, Can., 5-7 This art was ruled as n violation of lhe Intir- State Commerce Law.. Tun Primushh Sn.'-K CVmi'Anv are now play- ing their thirty-second week lu Tseoma. The Summer laisluess bus been eieu larger lliiin dur- ing the company', iits-nlng months, and with mi Interesting line of nl/iys llstiil for the Pall sea- son, lhe coiuinnv Is laTinuiienth settled for mi engagenient that promisee lo break nil stock BW ords ln tbls clly. Tiraouoir Hm murlesy of Hie nuingemeiit of the Empress Theatre, the services of Helen Primrose, l^o Tung Foo, the Chinese vocalist, ami 1). Danneher. nil clever etilcrtiilner.i, made the Mali link, of lhe Taronm Ad. Club. Wednesduy evni- )ng, Aug. 28. a must enjoyable affair. .1. J. O'Brien, malinger of the Dream Tlientr.'. recently returned from a month's visit to his old home In Milwaukee. TllH llABMDH ft ItAILSY C'lllllllH gave two per- forinanecs liere 3.'1, to capacity husluess. Jon Edwabiih' Animal Show, which opened for a month's engagement In this city, 8.1, Is drawing big crowds Huii.nixu ]NH|.i:i-rnu HNinxa has ordered ehnniie* lu the nrrntigeinent of the exits at lbs Temple of Music. Fbbii Bean amd PaBCf OHAbWnvM are new acquisitions to the Princess Stork Oimpany. Detroit, Mich. — Detroit (II. C. Whitney, mgr.) "The (ilrl at the Gate," presented by a capable company, drew good crowds week of Aug. 2(1. "Tbs Polish Wedding" week of Sept. 2. LTCartlu (R. D. Stair, mgr.)—"The White Witt's Klllarney Olrls, Proctor'a 68tb Bt, N. Z. Slave" played to packed liouses week of Aug. 20. n n.v "nri,--. ,i,- tv.ii rM.i/i**" «.w.l ,,r a..,., i C, 5-7. Wilson, Gypsy, Pantages', San Fran., Cat, Williams ft Kent, Colonial. Oolamhn., O. Wilson ft Wilson, Poll's. New Haven, Conn. Wilson ft Plersan, Tempi*. Rochester. Woodward. Roiualn L.. I^vltt Bros,' Minstrels. "Wonder Keltic." Orpbeum, Seattle. Waah. Work ft Play, Palace, Chicago. Wood Bros.. Hudson, Union Hill. N. J.; Hen derson's. Coney Island, N. Y., 0-14. Woods A Woods Trio, Bushwlck. Bkln. Wiahirldge. C. R., Pantxgea'. Oakland, Oal. Vocal. Brltt, Empire, Plttsfield, Mass.; Header son's. Coney Island, N. V., fl-14. Wynn, Ed., Orpbeum, Sioux City, la. Where the Trail Divides" week of Sept. I. AvKNua (Drew ft Campbell, nigra.)— Williams' Imperials gave pleasing performances, and were well patronised week of Aug. 20. The Monte Carlo Girls week of Sept. 1. Tempi,k (J, H. Moore, mgr.) — Business Is good. Bill for week of Sept. 2: Wm. Kock and Maud Fulton. Schlchtl's Marionettes, Hurry Lin- ton, Anita Laurence, Lou Anger, Frank Coombs. Err est Aldwrll. Karl Emmy's |H'ls. Richard Wally, the Qraalers, and the Moore<»ct>|K>. Mils'. (0. W. Porter, mgr.I—Bill for week of 2: Tho Five Oreena, Burt 0. Weston, Eunice Kayraond and company, Grace De Wiiitrm, the Tod Nods, Noble gad Brooks, and the Mllescone. . ■;i i-