The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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20 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September 7 ,.■■ v; ,18 % SONO YOU CAN SINO Word* 1>y AON MKANKY tt there: is no uittle girl, like y©U"-*v, OP ALL THE BALLADS BEING ADVERTISED WOW, THIS ONE "HAS GOT IT OS THEM ALL." GREA T HAR MONY, GOOD FOLLOW-UP NUMBKR FOR OUR Word ., geo. little "||\| THE SUMMERTIME" «-«.«»««»* b„ mbr YOU ALL KNOW ABOUT THIS ONE. THE OOEATEST SUMMER WALTZ SONG SINCE »1N THE GOOD OLD SUMMERTIME." CORKING PATTER .. BURGLAR MAN ■ » Malic, HERBERT BINNER Wonts, ARTHUR G. BOHNADT IF YOU WANT SOMETHING THAT WILL KEEP YOU BUSY EVERY SECOND, GET THIS ONE. BUSINESS AND LOTS OF IT, EVERY LINE OF IT ''BUSINESS." GREAT SONG. DOUBLE WAY DOWN ON THE MISSISSI PPI "»„„;;-„„„ * Words tt 9' a^othJr°"'way A down on thbswanbbriver'Tand »my old nwnor ™%g£ $Fa wm^i/fRm 1 **? " VP T ° THFI M,HUTB " 80Iia8 ™* T °° BIQ< <mKAT N U«BER WRITE FOR THESE NUMBERS AT ONCE, WE WILL SEND THEM ANYWHERE COMPANY 145 N. CLARK STREET, CHICAGO, ILLS BETTS A BINNER EVENING GOWNS, STREET AND ANKLE LENGTH HRKSSEo. SLIGHTLY USED. I cater to the Theatrical Profession. Mali orders promptly executed. MRS. A. ISNEIt, 1 451 B1XTI1 AVE- near 27th Bt.,New York City . FOR BALE-Uandcuir Act., Box Mystery, Mall Bag. Spirit Cabinet, Comedy Magic Act, Store opitcon Slides, and a Complete Magic and Picture Show: alio many other bargains, circulars for 8TAIIP. GEO. A. IHOE, AUBURN, N. Y. WANTED, MED. PEOPLB-Jnst closing a successful Summer seaaun. Will open In opera nousea Sept. 16, near Fort Dodge, Iowa. Want Bkctch Teatn, Oumediin. I'lano Mayer, Acrobatic, Musical and Novelty Acta. All must change for •lx nlghta. No amateurs or lioozere. Tlila ii a business show, a successful show, always pays salaries. Keens good people and ares bad ones. ' ' g. 11. WAR1N0. ru Dodge, Iowa. MUSIC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED tor any Instrument or number of nstr.imenOi, a«a, Words and Music. Sketches .etc. Send tUnp, . L. LEWIS, 4» Richmond St., < inolnntU,0. MY NINE PARODY HIT!, 91. Three latest, Si; Monologs, *6. Sketches, cash or roy- alty. For quick reply, Inclose stamp to F. J. LA PIERRE, den. Del., Aahevllle, N. 0. Perm. Address; R. ill Lakeside Bldg.. Chicago. PIANIST AND ACCOMPANIST. Experienced In all lines. Uood stelit reader; arrange, trans, pose. Bost references. H.,iS 7i t care of CLIPPER WANTED QUICK — PIANO PLAYEH. Sight reader, "LADY," one that can work In acta If necessary. Good treatment, Long engage- ment. Tickets wired anywhere In United States. State salary In first letter. THE BERBNDS, Entertainers, Burlington, North Dakota. WANTED—a Good Versatile Medicine Come- dian that can change for week; one that can stand food treatment. Sure money weekly. Drunk*? No. just sidetracked one. Please state if you dance or fake organ. Dr. B. C. Brace, care of Gibson's Vaudevllllnna, Moocra. Clinton County, N. Y. LEARN TO ACT Stage Dancing, Etc. *Aif to Ditc in every attsllw Buck, llg, Skirt, Cborua Work. Open, Elocution, Singing, Vaudeville Acts, Skttchc. Actlni Dramatic Alt, Etc ENGACBMEtfTS SfCUUD School Always Open P. J. RIDGE, and TEN OTHERS. 11 No. La Salle St., CHICAGO ,1LL. LIVE WIRE AGENT or MM. AT LIBERTY Prefer management vaudeville or picture house- Would "buy in" right house or attraction. If yon did not get the money last season on tlio road or In your Iiouho YOU WANT ME. 1 GET RESULTS. CHA8. A. WATSON, Box 124, Centreport, N. Y FOR FRANK E. LONG STOCK CO. COMEDIAN with strong singing and dancing specialties. Change for nlue weeks. Must be clover in black laco, Irish, Dutch, etc. Mako salary reasonable, us season Is loug and sure. PRANK E. LONG, Red Oak, Iowa, Sept. 2-7; Clarlnda, Sept. 0-1S, UNTED-For AGNES DE VERE CO. Vliaraotor Man, Character Woman, Young and Handsome Juvenile Man, would prefer young violinist that can act. Good dresser on* and on. Long ongagemont to sober, capablo people. If you dunH make Rood, closed without notice. Wo tievor close. People with strong specialty preforrod. Address A. OE VERE, Norfolk, Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, write. W. N. 8., wilt write you later. FOB SALE-TENT SHOW so feet, two forties, all equipment; six wagons, ono ticket wagon, 2ft lengths blue seats, nine tier high, Maddox; add. extra centre polo, nine longtha re- serve seats, nlno tier hlghtoo side poles, i2o,uartor Iiolos, one beacon light, three chandeliers, dress- ng room light, one striped mamuoo and equip- ment. Good as now, five wooka used, Cheap. »tW0. M. C. LYK1NS, 003 Johnston Uullding, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wanted, Character Man Singing and Dancing Soubrettc, ingenue with specialties, anil other people doing feaiure special- ties. Ono nlglit stands. Salary sure, but must lie low. State all In ttrst letter. Those who wrote before wrlto again. CARL iff. DALTON, La Crosse, Wis. AT LIBERTY On account of company closing JUVENILES and LIGHT COMEDIES. Would like to hoar from olio piece attractions. Ago 21; height 6ft. 10; wolglit 140IDB. HAY LA ROY, Icfuft Washington limit., Chicago, Ilia. NOTICE! KING'S "EAST LYNNE" Pleased two packed bouses Sat., Aug. 24. Good show. I will never iul another rep. show play the pleco In my houau, Your co. can play hero Cacti soason—W. SCOTT MATTUAW, Mgr. Wnter- lown Opera House. P. S.- 1 kume Beats l,2su— complete sell out. Carthage, N. I., Aug. 2tl; Gouvorncur, Aug. 20. SKETCHES ORIGINAL IN P.OT AND DIALOGUE Wi-iiii'n to order by an experienced andauccrasful writer. Tell mo what you want. J AUK (!. \il illi:- llHtl), Author ami Producer, South Bond, Intl. A6ENT AT LIBERTY-Cause disappointment by shoo string Mgr, Tent or house. Know the South. Close roni rai'lor, good blller. W. II. T1UB1LH, That Agent. Bnlem, South Dakota . WANTED YOUNG MAN, light weight, good GROUND TUMB- LER. Permanent contract to Holier, reliiildo man. DAHE, *1H West mi Hi Si., ft. Y.I II... OUT OF TOWN NEWS Labor Day finds a halt down more liouses ready to cater to the amusement lovers. Ttiew consist of the Adelpbl. which otters "Whom Does Helen Deli-tig To? r ' the lironil, with "The Talker;" DuiiHint's Minstrels, the Kllmt & Goiswlo Stock at the National, In "The Gambler of the West,' and Hie Arch, with "One Day." Adbi.i-iii (Messrs. Winliert, ragrs.)—The re- oianiliig takes place on I^ibor Dny. when "Whom Does Helen Belong To?" has its llrst local view. Tlie oast consists of Wtlette Kersnaw. Teddy Webb, I*o Kolilniar, Ivy Troutman, llestrlce lu- gnim, Dennett, Arthur lloiman, snd Florence Ar-ktrmnii. , _ _ „ IIiioad (Nixon A Zimmerman, mgrs.)—The Fall sonnm stnrts Sept. 2, wlien the premiere of 'The Talker" tskea place. The cant will Include: Tally Marshall, Florence Miilone, Wilson Day, ami Wurren Munseli, itAiimt-K (Nixon A Zlmroermsn, rafts.)—Ly- rruni II. Howe's travel pictures begins, 2, a fort- night's __ • Ciihst.vut (Frank Wllllsnis, mgr.) —The Or- I'liiiiim 1'lnjers present, 2, and week, "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cnbbnge Patch," with Florence Roberts enaelliif the leading role. "The Lottery Man" was pr«»li|ceil last week, In a delightfully brecty mnnrier. to splendid sited houses. Chnrles Bal- sor wos litest In the title role, while Josephine Moore scored big as Little Roberts. Florence Rob- erts. Henrietta Vaders, AHco Rlker ntitl Walter (HIlH-rt gave Bis? support. "An Bseiny to the Ktng" D. AKtnicAN (.Inmcs Wall, mgr.)—Tb« stoc.'i puts on 'Ohtrlotto 'Jemnle" week of 2. "The White hlster" wss capitally acted last week, to houses of tine site. Grace Hun* and John Lorctn did very painstaking work in the Ictillni roles. NmoNAi. (Jos. XI. Kelly, irurr.)—The Kllmt k (inttolo »tuet Company begins Its senvon, 2. wltn "Tlie Gambler of the ' West." "The Factory Girl" 9-14. Aroh (J. H. Diicken. mgr.)—This house, sfler undergoing an extensive Interior reeonstrtietlmi, bsasn Its new carm on Aug. al ns a theatre giving plays In English. A big audience wits on liiiinl to wltia>s8 a very clever production of "Oih? Dsy." Kjiruia (E. J. Bulkley, nurr.)—IIlBti Life In Itiirlemiue Kept. 2-7. .Slinouils' Anto Girls were a »l«i'ilv nggregntlnii last wwk, whldi was the oiK'iiliig one of the season. I*w Shenn snd I,ew Fein were the live wires In the burlesques, snd they lliiinsiKlily uleaaeil the big lionsra. Cliarlm Uaker, Mlldreil Stoller ond Frrnkle Ornce also contrlbuteil their shure of the i-iijiiymeut. Tsc Merry Mnldi'iis I). Thooapsso (Han McDawson, mgr.)—The Gay Willows are due Sept, 2-7. The Oiterry Illtnsoina found a doien big houses nwaltlivg them last week. Jack Perry's keen comedy efforts won Mg npplanse. lttbd Hill. Lilly I'erry. Kele nrul Payne, OllfTi>nl and Ilsre, Frank Dibsou snd Ilrownle Oarroll also did very raerltorlous work. The Iltx Review 0. ilAruiY (J. P. Hckhardt, mgr.) — The Merry Whirl 2-7. Tlio Dattlor's pulled off a corking gootl show last week. The houses were big. and the rapid succession of songs and dunces, coupled with plenty of real comedy, gsve complete satis- faction. The Golden Orooks follow, Casino (Ellas A Koenlg, nigra.)—Mollle Will- lams Co. week of 2. The Girls from Ilappytoud furnished a highly exhilarating show last week, to big houses. Hilly Watson wiis the nli-pcr- vadlng feature, and whatever lie did met with riotous approval. Den Welsh's ilurlt-Hipiers next. II. F. Kuril's (II. T. Jordan, mar.)—The playlet, "Mare Slnnul Against Than Usual." Is the fiMture week of 2. In addition lo: Linden lk'fknrlih. Dooley and Snyles, Metro|Hilllnn Min- strels, Hie 'I hrw Jnsellls, A|»llo Trio. Iloylc and llrnilj. Hello Iliithuwny's Monks, mid moving ptOtUNH, Wh. PBM iWm. W. Miller, mgr.)—Week of 2: Mibus-i's "La Soinnnbule," llaby Helen. IliMievltt'hl llros.. Thre? fl.elvev Bros., the Five nriigilnns, and moving pictures. (■HAND i stair A Hitvlln, mgrs.)—Wwk of 2: Weston's Cowboys nnd fllrls, RetiKotla and Ly- man. Unity Solielson, Hurry Iliitchflitr, lliirtun "iul Pil'urose, nnil uxlng pictures, Nixon ll'ntl'k Ia'djbiIiI, niKi-.i —Week of 2: Helen Pnge and coniimiiy, "High Life In Jail," Piilnl nnil Keys, the Ln Voiles, Marie Story, Lew l'lilinnrc. nnil moving iiletures. Dl'MOMT's (Frank llumoiit, mgr.)—This popu- lar place of amusement on Hit 1 .list with n big crowd on hand to welmnie the fa- vorites. Everybody came hi for a wnrin welcome, nnil the skits, "The Germau Saengcrfesl" snd "l/Mitlng the City Van Staltles," a-rre up to the usual high stsmlard. The roster for tho current sensou consists of lCddle Cassnily, Clias. Hoyden, Fred Jarvls, Harry Hotter, George Bradley, Steve O'Ronrke, Joe linrlls. Denny Franklin, Will Lawrence, Tommy Harris and Carvlu and llnney. WlM/>w GitovH PARK (J. D. nnvli't, mgr.)—i John Philip Housn and his bnntl broke all pre- vious records litat wwk for nttcinlniKX-. At least 100,0O0 iMxiple heard (lie two concerts on tho 23th, sinl tho crowds since then have Invn un- usually large. Tho flnal wrk of the season Ih-kIiis 2. Woodsiob Pahk (Wm. C. Msrlln, mgr.)— Shnnuou's Ooneert Hnnit lontlnues ss the musical attraction. The attendance last week wss big, nnd Hie nniii<-euieiils were well patronised. Washinoton Park on tub Dm.awauh (H. F. Stethor, mgr.)—The season now coming to it close has lieeii a successful one- Pnascrl snd his band furnished plenslng programs last week. Point Bukhsr Park (Fred. McClcllsn, mgr.)— The iiiiomlniiiv at this reMirt sluts- It openeil In- ttleales that the prositerlly of the enterprise Is iissurod, mid vlieu the big Improvements Hint are contemplated for next your are completed it will ntld more to its nttraellveness. Toi.inasliin'i Hand, with Morion J, Donnelly, Roprnno, and Dmilfl J. McOarrlgan, baritone, were received will) big favor Inst week. Huuu. Majrstio, lliiiAiin, Forkpaiiiiu's. Pro- i-i.B'B, (ii.v.MiiA, Pai.aok. OoutatM« Victoria, ami Ai.iiamiuia give vsiidcvllle nnil moving pic- tures. MH Miitm. Odki.t. I.ksiiaut. professliniRlly known ns Murle Hart, litis llbsl it libel In divorce. In this tlly ngalnst her liiisli.iinl, Wllllnsa l.enluirt, whoso stttge inline Is Hilly Hurt. Tun lire niitrslnill Is milking n \erv careful exmnlniillon of the electric wiring In a number of u'ovtng plsture hntw>s. nnd It is said several will lie closet up, ("ending the Instnllallon of new wiring. Plttalmrfrh, Pn.—Alvln (John It, Reynolds, lnitr. i Nell O'llrlen's .Minstrels otsriietl this house, Sept. 2, with su extra iniitliitv on Lslsir Day, The ndvniied sale was gotsl. nitANU (John P. linn la. mgr.)—This house be- gan Uh> tenth anniversary of vaudeville. Sept. 2. oIiiiiiko In prices hat Uvn miiilo witli the heat »f«it sWIIiik at tlfty cents. Tlie flicntre lias been prettily decomtetl, and presents a pretty a|>- l smi ranee. Nixon (Tims. P. Kirk Jr., mgr.)—Julian El- dune t»is-iusl this limiKe. 2, with a Lshor Dsy mstliuv. priweuilng "A Fascinating Widow." Ad- vsnra sale was large. Harms' (E. R. Saleter, togr.)—ilottle Williams Is a leading feature of the bill here tor week beginning 2. She was slwsys very popular In this city, and her many friends will no doubt give her a pleasant reception. The usual bill of eight acts and pictures ore shown. I.rostiM (0. R. Wilson, mgr.)—Highest class plays, at moderate prices, bts given this bouse a big boost, and credit Ii due Manager C R. Wilson, who has worked hard to attain this end. ".Mstbiiiio X" did welt week of Aug. 20. "Toe Country Boy" week of Sept. 2. Business very good. Duqussnb (Denny Hnrrii, mgr.)—Harry Davis Stock Co., In "Arltona," week of 2. Mary Hall, leading lady, returned last week, after sisBiidlng the Summer abroad, and was the recipient of many floral offerings and congratulations. Mr. Anilsilell. Iter husband, who Is press representa- tive of this company, also came in for greetings from his friends. Emi'irii (A. A. McTlghe, mgr.)—Vaudeville Is again In full swing, and drawing capacity busi- ness. • Krkxon (Harry Polak, mgr.)—Vsuderlllc sea- son opened 2, with a bill of features. GATRnr (Henry Kurttman, mgr.)—Reports In- dicate good shows to banner audiences. The Gay White Way week of 2. Nothb —Inside of another week all the the- atres In this city will be open for the season's business, which, according to nil reports, is ex- Iiected to be bigger and better than ever. Altoonn, Fa.—Mlshler (I. 0. Mlsliler. mgr.) "The Spring Maid" opened the regular season to n cspaclty bouse Aug. 28. The Girls from Mis- souri Ilnrlesquers drew a big bouse 20. "The White Squaw" .'in, Black Patti Mnslcal Comedy Co. 31, "Tho Qlrl or the Mountain" Sept. X. "One Dny" .1, Miner's American Burlesquers 4, 5, "My Wife's Family" 6, "The Wolf" 7. DitfiiaiiM (A. E. Hon man. mgr.)—Bill for 2 and week: Chick and Oklcklets, Dollo, Graham Randal!,- and Musical Alvlnos. I.arhmont 1'Aitir (J. M. Shuck, mgr.)—The Eugene Hall Dramatic Oo. doited Its season Aug. 111. They played a benefit for Mercy Hospital Sept. 2. presenting "The Christian." Madame Royer, dramatic vocalist, will render concerts In the Park Casino week of Sept. 2. Cnrbontlula*, Pa.—All places of amusement here are dared by authority of the mayor, acting on the suggestion of the board of health. Tlie cause is a smallpox scare, created by a young doctor who recently located III this city. Up to (lute there has not been a fatality, and there are no severe esses of slckuess where quarantine has boon Imposed. All churches were closed Sun- day, Aug. 25, and are likely to remain closed. Gltl citizens ssy they do not recall any time in fifty years when the churches were closed to fiuard agnahst contagion. But the banks, stores. lotels, saloons, trolley ears ami locomotive roads continue to do business. Mall Is received snd sent, and the shops ut.d mines are In operation. Portland, Me. — Jefferson (Julius Oahn, mgr.) the big musical production, "The Rose Maid," opened a week's engagement Aug. 20, with matinees Wednesday and Saturday. This attraction proved a great drawing card. "Officer 000" Sept. 2-4, "Tim Trail of the Lonesome Pino" 0, 7. Dockstader's Minstrels end "The Pink Liuly" follow. Kami's (James B. Moore, mgr.)—"Mary Jane's Pa" was the stock's pleating offering week of Aug. 20. Mr. Toler snd Mils Kelm met with their usual favor. Souvenir photos of Louis Al- bion were presented to lady patrons last week. "The l.lnrs" Sept. 2 mid week. Nsw i'tiii-ri.ANii (I. M. Mother, mgr.)—The bill for week of 2 Includes: Brown's animals, Kimball mid Donovon, Frank Mnltese and com- pany, Lloyd sud Zsrlua, Plquo, and moving pic- tures, ukh, Praks Imi.anii (0. W. T, Godlng, mgr.) —Tin- Gem Musical Comedy Co. offered us their dosing week's attraction, beginning Aug. 20, "A Runaway Match," aud the prlnclpuls nnd chorus, with the favorite Tretnont Quartette, were seen and heard at their best. Attendance for this closing week was large, nnd after a special Lnlwr Day farewell performance this excellent company departed for their Winter engagements. Cai'r, Cai'R Cottaob (E. V. I'hclnn, mgr.)— "Tlie American Bride" wiib produced by the stock week of Aug. 2d, and Marie l'avey made an ex- cellent Impression. The compuny have played to good returns, and take with them the best wishes of the Ciipc patrons. -'s Tiisatiiu (James W. Grrely, mgr.)— This attractive vaudeville mid moving picture lihiylionse has captured the public fancy, entering to large returns since its recent opening. The nets npiiearlng with mid-week change week of 20 Included : Holieii. Lindsay ami Hohen. Warliiir. the Ferrnrlea, Estelle Melville, Vivian Hull. Ilenn Lowiler, Billy Gtark nnil others. Picture releases from the Blograph, Patbe, Sellg and Ussanny were shown during the week. Oahoo (M. 0. Blunwnberg. mgr.)—Lnte pic- ture offerings'from the Vltsgrsph, Edison, Pnlhe, Knleni and Blogruph companies, were Included In tho program week of 20, and the vocol offerings were by the favorite soloist, John W. Myers. Prof. V. Farln Bishop, now presides at the plsno. Attendance to capacity. iiiu NtfKKi. (Wm. Pi. Reeves, mgr.)—A long ami snappy program of lalo picture releases tlrew large attendance week of 20. "The Other Girl." "PhlHp Steele," "Two Men," nnd "The Reqult- tal." were among the pictures shown. Hivuiitox Park (D. B. -Smith, mgr.)—Bob Ott, In "Tlie Merry Chaperon," hold the boards at the Rustic Theatre, for the closing week of the season, ending 31. Good attendance prevailed. Nsw Pavilion (J. V7. Greely, mgr.)—Situated In tlie new Whitney Building at Federal and Tem- ple streets, this new motion picture antl dsnee pa- vilion wns opened to the public Sept. 2. The Arlington Orchestra will furnish the music. Miss Blllle James acts as director ln charge. Norfolk, Va.—Acndeiny (Otto Wells, mgr.) the regular sciimiii at this house opened Sept. 2, with "Mutt and Jeff." Colonial (O 0. Kgim, mgr.)—Business very good week of Aug. "tt. Hill for week of Sept. 2: "The Trained Nurses," Itedford and Winchester, Dollle Morrlsey, Blunelinrd's Players, Herman TlmiHTK, and the Kclio Trio. Graniiy (Otto Wells, mgr.)—"Tlie Volunteer Parson" plnyed to good business week of Aug. 20. "The Goostt Girl" wn-k of Sopt. 2. Allt'AliK. WoNIIKIlIANI), COLUliniA, HilMTA, Aukuipan, AND I'Voimiiii, re[»rt good business, Willi lunvhiB pictures. I'cterabnrg;, Vn.—Acndemy (M. L, Hopkln- son, mgr.) oiieued for I be season Aug. 31, with "The Ohl Homestead." Ltrio (O. O. Muss, nugr.)—Began a senson of vaudeville and motion pictures Sept. 2. Cookadr (Hoy Hnlsteln, mgr.)—Motion pictures ami vaudeville continues to do well. Viriiinian (0. O. 'Moss, mgr.)—'Motion pictures exclusively, to capacity business, I.niuliin, Can.—Grand (Jottn R. Mlnhlnnlek. mgr.) Geo. Evans' Minstrels o|iened tho regular sensou here. Aug. 20, to a capacity house. "The Arrival of Kitty 1 ' 110. 31; Ftske O'Hara Sept. 2. "Get-Rlch-Qiilck Wnlllngford" 4. Note*. — The Western Fair week of Sept. n. All of the picture houstw nre doing great hmlnesM Harry Dshn Is buck nt the Grand ns treasurer. wanted gar GOOD, SOBER AND RELIABLE PEOPLE THAT CAN APPRECIATE GOOD TREATMENT, STEADY EM- PLOYMENT AND THEIR 8ALARY. 8END PROGRAM8 AND PHOT08. EUGENE J. HALL ALTOONA, PEHH. LEADING MAN HEAVY MAN CHARACTER WOMAN HEAVY WOMAN FIRST CUSS STOCK PEOPLE WANTED FOR MYRTLE VINTON COMPANY Man for characters, comedy and general business—prefer one doing specialties: a Clever Woman for juveniles and characters, who can double piano or specialties; Good Violinist capable of leading orchestra—male or female. Con also place Feature Vaudeville Act who can double parts. Other useful people, write. State all in first letter. Join on wire'; pay your own hotels and telegrams. It you booze or want to run this show, save your stamps No children or dogs, unless they work. Tickets If I know you. Long senson ] salary sure II, P. nULMEHRt, Le Sueur, Minnesota. THE DE ARMOND SISTERS STOCK LARGE G. B. MAN, DIRECTOR, PIANO, A. F.ofH. Oscar O'Shea, Clarence Kewell and Bob Clark write. The above Co. open for Guarantee Stock or Circuit. City Time Only. Address "MArTAOER" I)K ARMOND 8ISTEH8 CO., ('am of New l.lmlell Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. SPARKS' SHOWS WANT Big Wire Act, Man for Punch and Knee Figures, Pastry Cook for Privilege Car, Chandelier Man for Bolte and Weyer Lights 0HA8. SPARES. Route: Phlllppsbarg, K. J., Sept. 7; Denton, Md.,Sept. »; Cambridge, Md.,8cpl. 10; Salisbury, Md., Sept. 11. MUSICIANS B. andO, und Stage, tuba, trap drummer, two trombones; also billposters, car porter, cook. Slate lowest and all llrst letter. I pay all Reason work. Geneva, N. V., *; L'anandnlgua, 8; Rochester, cans General Delivery. "A Cowboy Swesthenrt Co.," A. F. hi:hm Kl.v,. NTED SOUBRETTE to Double Character, INGENUE WOMEN with Specialty, CHARACTER MAN with Specialty that Doubles In Band Others wrlto. One night stand bouse show. Add. API'hKGATK .Is HUGO, Union, Hebr. ' THE SHOW THAT GETS THE MONEY lJtlt VK Alt OF PROSPERITY KINSEYKOMEDYKO Broke all records this Summer playing under their own big Tent Theatre. Now Booking Opera Houses, week stands. Mgrs. la Ohio, Inc.. lilc-h.. III., Iowa nnd Wis., send open time. WANT THBATKR K»K STOCK in some live city for No. 2 Company. FRANK F. MILLER, Defiance, Ohio. PHIL MAHER STOCK CO. Have an opening for a Tall, Good Looking, Young JUVENILE WOMAN, capable of handling some leads. Must have plenty of up to date wardrobe, Including Hats, swell Evening Gowns, etc. MAN FOR HEAVIES, not under 6 ft. 10 In. In height, with plenty of np to dale wardrolie. MAN FOR GENERAL BUSINESS, play whatever cast for. Send me late photos and programs. No opening for tourists or amateurs. Address PHIL MAHER, Qouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 8, week; Lake Placid, N. Y., Sept.9 and wcek._ THE WRESTLER WANTS for his First Class Music Hall Sketch Teams Strong Act, you get your riONS OF ALL KINDS ims. Slater Teams, Single Lsdlea, Wrestlers, male or female, Silent Acta; also any kind of . No matinees or Sunday work. Your woek finishes hore Saturday after your last act, auu inr money. Address, GALLAGHER'S GEM THEATRE, U BROADWAY, BDFFALO, N.) ■ Trombone, Band and Orchestra PEOPLE IN ALL LINES FOR STAGE AND BAND Show going to California. Spaolaltles preferred. All must be first class. GEORGE WILSON, Mgr. Murphy's Comedians No. 1, week Sept. a, Meads, Kansd woek Sept, 0, Stratford, Texas; week Sept. 10, Tucunicarl, New Mexico. WANTED The McCORD STOCK CO. Wanted for Murdock Bros.-Comedians 15 BBASONS OF SUCCEBB „ -h5nIi^hi , . a w- nble 5Sff"!! tr °mbone that donblesB. and 0. H yon do a specialty wire. »». ™^S^ ^m *JWmUmvitU. Boozers aavo stamps. Moving plotnro machine oper ator with N. 11. licence that double band write. Rumford FrUb, Me,, Sept. 6 to 1». X. BAZIN'S FAR FAMED DEPILATORY POWDER SSSS tIMPLE DIRECTIONS WITH EACH BOTTLE. ALL TOILET COUNTERS OR MAILED IN SEALED PACKAGES, SO CENTS. HALL & RUCKEL, NEW YORK CITY