The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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22 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. September TELL TAYLOR'S TUNES THE W ORLD LOVES 600D S0N6S AND WE HAV E THEM WAY DOWN SOUTH A Krcat bis hit for everybody who sines It. Von emn clap hand. In (hi* song and the audience will Join In, which always mean* extra vera™. This song la a sore fire. Big hit for EDDIE DO\lu»« ■ B with AL, O. Field'. Minstrels. A ™| I'M GOING TO WRITE YOU A LETTER Beautiful new ballad, by the writer or "Mlllntream." Dandy waltz melody, beautiful story. This song can be used by anyone, a* It does not designate any particular sex or character. Sim* hv WALTER SHERWOOD, in Al. G. Field's Minstrel Co. * "» I'VE GOT TO GO Great number for double. This son* is a positive novelty. Great morns. FRANKIE AND JOHNNY Positive riot for THE THREE LEIGHTONS. Beit coon song In yean. Four verses. Big hit for BERT HWOIl, la Field's Minstrel*. RAG RAG RAG Great opening number for singing and dancing acts. You should hear GOV. BOWEX sing this song with Al. G. Field's Minstrels. O'ER THE BILLOWY SEA Brand new bass song. Also written in high key. This number will be another "Asleep In the Deep." Worth your while If yon want a good bass song. NEW SONGS EVERY MONTH. SOME GOOD ONES NOW IN PRESS. NEW YORK OFFICE 1367 X utalisher, CHICAGO. ILL. Send for our Special Catalogue of Cards, Hangars aid Posters for advertising Fairs, Races, Carnivals, Fourth July, Picnics, AVIATION MEETS, ATHLETIC EVENTS, BASE BALL, RE-UNION, BATHING BEACH, HORSE, POULTRY, FLOWER, DOG A ND AU TO SHOWS, ETC. show and Theatrical National Commercial Posters Printers, Lithographers and ^„"™a «,,„«,; * nM \M« Engravers. iHSm « opecidllj ST. LOUIS OFFICE, 7TH AND ELM STREETS. FORMERLY CHEAT WESTS"N PRTO. CO. THEATRICAL LUMBER STILES, BATTENS,STRIPS,BAILS,SHOB8, PBOKILK.BTAOK FLOOHIK O.Ktc. Alwaya on hand for prompt shipment. Writ* for delivered prioes. Shipments made In any quantity desire d. THE JOHN GILLESPIE LUMBER COMPANY 22(1 AND I.AFMN STItKKTS, CHICAGO, ILL. CENTRAL TRUNKS Jflin., I8.S0; 281d„ $0.50 ; 82!n., IlO.BO; 88in., $11.60; 40in., $13.00. Circus Trunks, 24x18x18, S8.00. Bill Trunks, 80x23x16, Inside, $12.00. Utho. Trunks, 42V&x2B%xl2, Inside, $1S.OO hipped on receipt of $8.00, bnl. C. O. D., except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Est 1864, SIMONS & CO.. 8. W. cor. Ttb 4 Arch Sta., Phils. 8-MINUTE— ■MINUTE For White or Blaokface Team, Dutch Team, Slater Team, Comedian and Soubrette, Blackface and Soubrette, and Straight and Hebrew. Also EIGHT-MINUTE MONOLOGUES for Rube, Blackface.Tramp, Irish, Silly Kid, Hebrew and Old Maid. Ever; aot an ORIGINAL., UP-TO-DATE SCREAM. 600. each or any four for $1.60. Cash or 11. 0. No stem pa l Other material. Send for catalogues and enthusi- astic testimonials. MARY IS. P. THAYER, also Broad St., Providence, R.I. = = . For STAGE, STREETS EVENING {if If (New Catalog on Request) -nflRT VAM1 MOBS HW«S M>»Ma ^a^>U> i»% \ ••« (Trade Mark) BV»v, at 4SthSt.QwcIiuMl»ck | " ,,,v * WHEN PLAYINO BUFFALO, IM.Y. Have your TRUNKS and SCENERY MOVED by O. J. GLENN & SON, - - 47 West Swan Street We have the moat complete line In Buffalo. Phone laai SENECA, or writs ahead. NEW YORK COSTUME CO. Send 6c. for Catalog C W pages 140 W. Dtarbora St.. CHICAGO C/\ O HP TT linT V B ORIGINAL DE8IGN8 BY OUR OWN ARTISTS UO 1 U IfX .Esl \9 Burlsaqua Drum ■ Sp.clilly FROM ONE TO ONE THOUSAND ESTIMATES FDRNISUBD BROADWAY THEATRICAL COSTUME CO. "JME^W&iEXgxr For STOCKS REPERTOIRE. AMATEUR COMPANIES LAltUlOST A8S0KTUBNT IN TBS WORLD. Books for home amusement. Negro Nays, Paper, Scenery, Mrs, Jarley's Wai Worka. Catalogue Free! Free I Free! •AMIEL KIUiNCU, as West 88th St., Raw Torlu PLAYS OUT OF TOWN NEWS Milwaukee, Wis. — Davidson (Sherman Brown, ingr.) "The Woman" opened the regular reason here Sunday, Sent. 1, for one week, to be followed by Julian Eltlnge, In "The Fascinating Widow," week of 9. Majistic (J. A. Hlgler, mgr.)—Bill for week of 2 Includes: Florentine Singer., Mme. Numiko, S. Miller Kent and cotnpanpr, Ray L. Boyc, English I'onv Ballet, Haydn, Dunbar and Haydn, Jarvis and Hnrrleon, and Nip And Tuck. Nbw Gavarrr (J. A. Whitehead, mgr.)—The DilTydUn, with Sam Rice, delighted large audi- ences week of Aug. 25. Follies of the Day Sept. 1 and week, the Now Century Girls week of T. Saxb (Edward Raymond, mgr.) — Mr. Ray- mond, former manager of the Crystal Tbeatr?, lias been ni'Dolnted manager of this bouie. "The City" It the opening attraction, beginning Sun- day. 1. Rube Welch and Kitty Francis week of 8. Cststil (Fdw. Raymond, mgr.)—Bill for week of 2: Five Arcoros, Itledrlck and Freeman Play- ers, Ed Gray and Eckert, and Francis Chrla- tophcr. Junkau (J. B. Relckert, mgr.)—"A Young Wife" was presented by the Juneau Stock Oo. week of Aug. 25, and was splendidly given. "The Burglar" week of Sept. 1, "Brown Is la Town" H snd week. Notes. —Wm. E. Mick has been appointed man- ager of the Shubert Theatre, In this city, for this season. Mr. Mick was formerly manager of the Gayety Theatre here, and last year was busi- ness manager for Marie Dressier. Be started his tbeatrlcal career in this city as water boy In 1883, when this house was known al the Academy ot Music. The Shubert opens 8 with "Bunty Falls the Strings." followed by "Within tke Law" for one week. Fond do Lac, "Win. —Henry Boyle (W. H. Stoddnrd, mgr.) "Faust" 8ept. 1, "Divorce" 4, "St-*i*crd of the Hills" 7, Shceban Grand Opera Co. 15, "Kissing Princess" 16, "The Spider and the Fly" 21, "Get-Rlch-Qulck Walltngford" 23. Idea (E. 0. Prlnsen, mgr.)—Katie Rooney, Grimm and Elliott, the Brahams, ami moving pic- tures week ot Aug. 20, to good business. ItorjL (W. H. Stoddnrd, mgr.)—Moving pic- tures. Jluov (W. Smith, mgr.)—Moving pictures, to good business, Nora—W. H. Stoddard, of 8heboygan, arrived in this city Aug. 25. and has asstuted the man- agement of the Henry Boyle and Royal theatres. Denver, Colo.—Broadway (Peter McOourt, mgr.) "Officer 060" Sept. 2 and week. OarniuM (A. O. Carson, mgr.)—Bill for 2 and vreck: Mountain Ash Choir, May Tully arid com- pany, Omecr SIstera, Bobby Dale, Harry Atkln- aon, Kelly and Larferty, Honors and Le Prince, and Psthe's Weekly. Eupsbss (Geo. A. Bovyer, mgr.)—Bill for week beginning Aug. 31: Herbert Brooks, Irene and Bobby Smith, Krsgs Trio. Harry Haywanl and company, Dlnehart and Heritage, John T. Hurry, and Osumont's Weekly. Tabor Grand (Teter McOourt, mgr.)—Bill for week of Sept. 1 Includes: Graham'a rats, the Obermans, hoyce and Godfrey. Italton and La Tours, Tent Welsh, and the moving pictures. Hnrtford. Conn.—Poll's (0. 0. Edwards, mgr.) Ihc Poll Players, In "The Thief," week of Sept. 2, with Miss Wlnalow and Edmund Elton In the leading roles. Habtfobd (Fred P. Dean, mgr.) — Bill for week ot 2: Emma Wolf, Eddie Drake, May Cllton, Barker and Davis, Harrison Valjean, Clif- ford and Frank, Martha Edwards, Chat. Tucker, and the latest motion pictures. Rural (P. S. McMahon, mgr.)—Pictures con- tinue lo draw good business. IIafpt linos (Harrison a narrls, mgrs.)—Pic- tures, twice dally, to good business. THY MURINE FOR YOTJR EYES A Favorite Toilet Luxury. An Eye Tonic. A Soothing and Reliable Relief. Aids In PUKSElmNO and RESTORING EYES to Normal STRENGTH AND NATURAL BRIL- LIANCY. Try Murine Eye Remedy for Dull- ness. Redness, Weakness, Inflammation, Gran- ulation, Ulceration and Bye Pain. THE THE GHEAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER, AND THEATRE REVIEW 14 Leicester St., Leicester Square, London. W. C. FOREIGN /SUBSCRIPTIONS, .... PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, . . 2a, New York Offlee: 88 West 25th Street Telephone 8a. 8d. PER YEAR 6d„ Single Column Inch 1772 Madison Square. PLAYING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE UUUIVAN sand OONSIDINE OIROUIT GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE) Sullivan and Consldlne Bide, Third •ad Madison Streets, SEATTLE, WASH. TRED. LllfCOUf, - - Gob. Mgr. GENERAL BOOKING OFFICE I 1440 Broadway, Car. 40th Street, NEW YORK CITY. CHRIS O. BROWN, ... Mgr. BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES I PAUL GODDRON, 6 North Clark St, cor. Madttoa, Chicago, 111.: MAURICE J. BURNS, 8d and Madison Sts., Seattle, Wash.; W. P. REESE, 968 Market St, San Francisco. Cal.; B. OBERMAYBR, 16 Greene St, London, Eng. PROFESSIONALS .- NOTICE Are you In need of wardrobe for the stage? We carry an Immense line of LADIE-' EVENING, DINNER and RBCWFTION GOWNS. Evening Coat« and Canes, and a full line of Fur V an and Sets. Gentlemen's Seek, cutaway, Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits, Prince Albert*, and a full Hue of Overcoats In all weights, fur lined Coats, and everything pertaining to a lady or gentleman's wardrobe, suitable for stage or street wear. Callorwrite. We ship goods, 0 O.I>„ with privilege of exsinliiaiUin. A deposit of not leas than J6 required with all orders. MBS. L,. SCBEUKK, 0a4-tr!»a Sonth Str eet, between Oth and 10th Sts., Philadel phia, Pa. WANTED -NOVELTY ACTS GOOD LOOKING SNAKE CHARMER, ILLUSIONS, FREAKS, TRAINED AMIMALS And other Side Show Stunts. Oood time to right people. Olve lowest salary for four or more v/ects. THE HIPPODROME, ISC. Detroit, Hlili. OPERA HOUSE WAHTED.-i wait to rent an Opera House li a city oot less than £0,000, It does not make any difference to me what State the city la In. Must be gronnd Boor, and not seat less than 1,000. In giving description state exact seating capacity and how arranged. Olve lor««°5j license and every detail In first letter. I want to open the house Monday, Nov. 11.1912, snd close May 14, 1918. Figure on lowest cash rental basis. I want the house for 8took Co. Address DR. H. D. RUCKBR, HOTEL Tl'LSA, TCL.SA, OKLAHOMA VICTOR THEATRE Good Repertoire Show Wanted for State Fair SEPT. 16-20 . . WHITE . . F. H. MOEHRKE, Manager, - - Chippewa Falls, Wj» WEIGHT THEATBICAL LUMBER STILES, BATTENS, SHOES, STRIPS, PROFILE, STIGE FLOORING Orders filled on short notice. Prompt delivery onr specialty"- WRIGHT LUMBER GO., 140-150 W. 38th St, NewYort San Francisco Agent, Victor Trnnk Co, II Kills St. 146 W. 45th STREET, . The trimmings on our trunks for five years. Yon are alwnja sure of the .satisfactory service of §*•■ B R K TRUN KCS ■asaantt .*&■""• MUCK Ti'ins WRITE FOR CATALOG C WILLIAM IV BAL, Inc. iMs.»*in*i - lotw york crrr