The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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September 7 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 23 Ik i faohf GOOD UT IB art tie Item k M SELLERS -fck kU ItoLIinL r/y/f /W5r wonderful song of the age -and the only million copy "hit"of 1912 / D I) CIRCUS D ALEXANDER and SCOTTS'EW CREATION! LEE WHITE and GEO. PERRY'S NEW SONG "HIT" the ORIGINAL "SONGMOr WEDEFVYOUto EQUAL ITU! mm YOU [ANT EXPECT KI5SE5 PHI MAUD HOT'S .NEW" «»BIGGEST WALTZ r 51 1.1. WHEN YOU SEE THE SUCCESS OTHERS ARE HAVING WITH the "GOOD-LUCK" SONGS WHY DON'T YOU GET "WISE" AND JOIN the W. R. FAMILY ? Pibf. Copies Be. WILL 130 W. LAKE 8T. LEO WOOD CHICACO.ILL. jjj^ggy^g USED MOVING PICTURE machines bought and sold on 10 per cent. basis; Star Pin or Sprocket WheelH, 85c: Main Shaft 65c; Intermittent Shaft, 65c.; It 11 Tickets, tn-. per 1,000; Condensers, 40c; 60 Carbons, $1.00; Ate Lamp, $2.25: Stcreuntlcona. $12.i0; Calciam Jet, I2.-.B; Film lea foot, »ny length; Acetylene Jets, (2 50; Heavy Condenser Mounts, $1.10; AebesU-s Wire, 5c. per root; Wire Connector, 6c. Hundreds or other bargains. (Catalogue. L. 1IE1Z, am K. WM Street, Mew Work City. LKST YOU KVUQBT ■"■» *T%C9iB WB1AI1TIBT VjKU3E>S LETER HEADS contracts. Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples, etc. STAGE MONEY, 16c Book of Herald Cuts, 25c. DON'T FORGET FUNK'S THE WIG MAKER" CROSS" ' 601 8. Dearborn St. CHICAGO UNIFORMS ^a COSTUMES ANY CHARACTER. Cowboy, Clothing and Equipment. RUSSELL UNIFORM CO. B'way, t8th St. and 7th Ave,. Hey York. ATTRACTIONS WANTED For HEW $4,000 THEATRE Modern conveniences. Capacity 860. Population VW, with 8.00U to draw froin. F. A. HEATH, Secy,, PI8BV1LLE, KY. MIDST OF SEA80N JSKSl"** W 180 ! «I80, 50x80; 24O0 i'OLDING llI» I i?%»i'PJ 0F SPECIAL at. P. CHAIRS, HAND ORGANS. PRE88DRB LAMPS. Send for Free Bargain Booklet. THE R. H. ARHBFUSTER MFG. CO. BPRISGFIBLD, ILLINOIS Soubrette WIGS Mode of Natural Wavj Hair, 22 In. Ion*. In as- sorted shades to golden blonde. SPECIAL PRICE «10.00 All kinds of Theatrical W1G8, from $2.60 to $100 THE WIGGERY MADISON 8T 04 E. CHICAGO CONTRACTS -RUM, raySLOPn. noKm, LKTTKB abb Ptf. oo. , i fl gp. Dearborn at. (miSafo, nL N.Y. PLAY BUREAU is now locatedat TEMPLE THEATRE, CAMDEN, N.J. Get New Catalogue. ;»«». O. KLRIW. 1193 Broadway. W. Y. w£ Ha,r ' ?^P Wl «t •> i Negro. 260.; Drew wis, Import Bald, Soubrette, %1M mod; SS> 9mm fnmrLiaM. nkcat*- ftgu *»Pler aborts Head*, Halmeti, etc laportar, Kllppert, uxx. , i w carta Ave., S. T if FOItMKIlLY McVlckers Theatre Building NOW at 412 North American Building Northwest Cor. State and Monroe eta,, CHICAGO Bronchial Troches For HoarseneM, Coughs, Inflamed Throat, Bron- chial and Asthmatic Troubles. Give prompt and grateful relief. An article of superior merit, ab- solutely free from any harmful ingredient. Sold only in boxes. Sample oiailed free. JOHN L BBOWH ft SON. Boston, Haw. HAIR ON THE FACE Neck and Arm* Instantly removed without Injury to the most delicate skin. In compounding, an Incomplete mixture was ac- cldentally spilled on the back of the hand, snd on washing afterward, it was discovered that the hair was completely removed. We named the new discovery "HODB1IB." Ap- ply for a few minutes and the hair disappear! aslf by magic. IT CANNOT FAIL. Modenesupersedes electrolysis. Deed by people of refinement, and re- commended by all who have tested Its merits. Mo- dene Is now for sale at drag stores, or will be sent by mall In safety mailing canes on receipt of $1.00 per bottle. Postage stamps taken. Address Modene Huafactartnr: Co., Dept tl, Cmdnrati, 0. BEFORE AND AFTER THEATRE MOUQUIN'S 6th Aye., bet. 27tfe and 28th Sts. ( New York HOST POPULAR FRENCH RESTAURANT PARISIAN CAFB : MUSIC 6.30 TO 1 A. M. Herzberg's igretteP Mint Arcade, Phlla., F». J% Heron Aigrettes branched in any ■ desired quantity to a bunch. Write MM for Illustrated Catalogae C, ^»w BASE BALL AMERICAN LEAGUE AMERICAN LEA8UE PARK with PUiiiA., Sept. 4, a, a, 7. McFARLAND, 'WEIR AND LEOPOLD, Scoring with Chas. IC. Harris' song hits. 2 GREAT SONGS Suitable for any Act, Single or Double "MR. MELODY MAN" "IF I COULD CALL YOU SWEETHEART" A Beautiful Walls Ballad. Jure to make good wherever used. Easy to ■Ing, easy to whl.llei gets the audience. A Ragtime Sensation WHICH IK A IllOT. YOU CAN'T HEAT IT. From three to four encores wherever sang. Convince yourself—send for professional copies and orchestrations. Have lot of other new ones-write In. CHARLES I. DAVIS, Music Publisher 4ie-4IB Cuolld Avo. Olevoland, O. ERT AFTER SEPTEMBER » OUT OF TOWN NEWS Indlanapnlla. Ind.—Murat (Fred J. Dalley, mgr.) "A Modern Eve" week of Sept. 2. English's (Ad. F. Miller, mgr.)—"Louisiana Lou" week of 2, 1'abk (Anderson It Zlegler, nigra.) — George Sidney, In "Busy Iny," week of 2. Colonial (llolden A Edwards, mgra.)—"Til- lie's Nightmare" week of 2. Keith's (Ned 8. Hastings, mgr.)—The bill for week of 2 Includes: Mabel Taliaferro and com- pany, Ed. F. Beynanl, Gertrude Vanderbtlt, De Vine and Williams, Three Hassans, Four Musical Shuherts, Rawls and Von Kaufman, and the Schmattans. Gatsttt (Dixie Amusement Oo., mgra.)—Gus Sun's Minstrels and vaudeville features week of 2. EitriM (U. K. Burton, mgr.)—Orientals week of 2. Noras.—Indiana State Fair 2-0 W. Oris- well has taken over the lesse ef the Majestic from the Keith Circuit, and will play, beginning 9, the Eastern wheel burlesque attractions to fill In the open week between Cincinnati and Chicago. This, with the Colonial, which opened 2 oo the Co-operative bookings, will put two theatres in commission that have been dark most of the time for over a year. Hoboken, N. J.—O.nyely (Obas. Frnnklyn, mgr.) opened Sent. 3, with Iloyt's "A Bunch of Keys," with Billy Barlow as Urlmsey. Louise Agnese and her Irish Colleens are added features. '"Hie Boss" 0 snd Keek. ExriaK (A. M. Bruggemann, mgr.)—Dave Mot- ion's Dreamland Oo. 2 i, lien Welch's Burlesque™ 5-7, Cracker Jacks 0-11, Queens of Psrls 12-14. Lyric (O. 8. lllggs, mgr.)—A fine selection of variety sets, moving pictures and songs 2 snd week. Hudson, Union Hill. —nils house opened with a slung variety bill. N'otsh.— Sol Kniisc Is treasurer st the Giyety. snd Hilly Hancock, stsgo machinist M. Joliceon Is treasurer at Hie Empire. Harry Holt having been assigned to Patersou, N. 1, Geneva, N. Y. Smith's Mr., mgr.) "The Searchlight" Sept. O, Walker White- side 7, "The Price" 12, "School Days" 18, Mar- garet IlllBgron matlree snd evening 21. "The Gamblers" 23, Tshfls IF. 0. Pierce, mgr.)—Pictures, with high class musical turns between reels, afternoon and evening, to rood buslress. Stab (Daniel Dcegen, mgr.)—Pictures, to sat- isfactory hoiraee. Motion Woblo (Day A Welly, mgrs.)—This theatre will re-open for regular business Labor Day. with pictures and vaudeville. In aniwering ads. please mention Cuitis. DICK BENNARD CHARACTER COMEDIAN ELLA MAE FOURNIER CHARACTERS OR HEAVIES 6 ft. 3 In. 160 lbs. Aceae. 6 ft.»in. 176 lbs. Ago 26. (loot! singing volca Address, 866 CENTRAL AVE., ALBANY, N. Y. Hi-liable managers only. r LIBERT OWING TO CLOSING OF SUMMER SEASON RAYMOND MUTTON ELAINE D'ORSAY Leading and Heavy Man Juvenile Leads and Second 11ns. Experience, versatile, reliable, with best of modern wardrobe. Slock or llrst class repertoire preferred, Joint only. RAYMOND HUTTON, 01KI4 Normal Blvd., C'hltago, Ills. WANTED QUIGK-for No. 2 Co. "A WESTERN BIOL," Cola & Allnon, Mgrs. and Owners. Man for Irish comedy part, most have Al specialty; Woman for comedy and Old Maid, with specialty; Al Soubrette with specially; Juvenile Man who has wardrobe (cau uso to lulnon wire for No. I Co.; Al Character Man todouble drum In band). People In all lines write; want nothing but good people who can sland prospei llj. tan also use Al Agent for No. 2 Co., one who l« willing to do posting when reiiiiircd. No. 2 Co. does not carry hand. Al Piano Player. Add. J. M. OOLK, Mgr. "A WKM i'KKN (H ill/' CO., Arctic, II. I.,Senjt.6;Moosup,Cr.,0:NewLondnn7;lllverhend,L. t.,;UrldgetiHtiinton, 10;8iiutlilmmptotHl. P. 8.—Can use 1 uba to doable violin. Joseph Thayer and Geo. rii ki-rlug, write; Ugone Glllspee, wt Ite. The Colton Dramatic Co. Wants Al PIANO PLAYER tbat reads and fakes. Prefer man that can double stage. Al BOUBRKTTB with spe- cialties. Change for week. One capable of playing part of "Lena nivom." On one night stands, CHAS. IS. COLTON, Melvln, III., Ang. 26-31; Elliott, III., Sept. 2-7. YV A HIT sV Ik ACTS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Acts that have not played this territory. • v ia.ll X mmw restores desirous of breaking Jumps Fast or Wutt, wire, write or telephone LIBERTY VAUDEVILLE CONTRACTING COMPANY L. 0LA1KK MCLAUGHLIN. Ocn'l Manager. Bulle 712-713 Fulton llulldlilg, PITT8UVKUII, PA ••THE OFFICE THAT IS ALWAYS) IIIUIIT." NEW YORK CALCIUM UGHT CO. Electric Stage Lighting APPARATUS FOR SALE OK BENT 410 BLEECKBB ST., N. Y. PII01VE 674 CHELSEA WIGS. TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. Aod tkt Utttt and Mom Popular Styln In Udlti' Hilr Dr«Mli| A. M. BUCH & CO. IIS N. Mlata Btr—t - ■ ■ ■ a^llAdblp-ist At Liberty, RALPH COMEDIAN SINGING, TALKING WORDLEY SPECIALTIES, Sober. "Ago 29; Height Six font one. Add. Oi-n. Del., Harbor Beach, Mich,