The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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24 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September 7 B.B.&B.SPECIAL THEATRICAL TRUNK 5-YEAR GUARANTEE LOOK AT THE PIIICE! 24-ln. 20-ln. 28-ln.. 30-ln.. 32-ln.. :u-in.. 30-ln.. 08-in.. 40-ln.. 42-ln.. $10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 Bound with our New Cold- Rolled Steel Binding Three-ply B. B. & B. trunk wood, hand-Tiveted tipping tray. SEND FOR FREE CATALOGU E,$5 deposit re- quired on C.O.D. shipments. B. B. Sc B. TRUNK FACTORY 415 Federal St., N. 9. S38 Smithfleld St. „ 44 I 4 W "°* St ' Factorr ■ 32-40 Isabella St., N. 8. PITTSBURGH, PA. B. B. & B. TRUNKS ■ J . * .' . . . S "• • fy ■ '■'-- V'ei"'?'/- 1 ■''■" '-' V- -i ■ v.Tt "V*3—^-"r ^' J -".» ■ . ' '..".■ < ■>,».' .-■■' -'>. .. 1 machine earned $15 Brio In 28 weeks, 1901 1 machine earned *n,013 in 20 weeks, 1005 1 machine earned (10,003 In 25 weeks, 1006 1 machine earned ¥10,017 In 27 week*, 1007 1 machine earned * 12,8(12 In 27 weeks, 1008 1 machine earned 810 812 In 28 weeks, 1000 1 machine earned 818,031 In 28 weeks, 101O Above figures will be verified to prospective customer!. Write lor catalogue and prices to C.W. PARKER Leavenworth. Kas. THEATRICAL JEWELRY In endless varlot y In stock and mad* to order according to sit etches. COMPLETE SALOME SETS HEADQUARTERS FOR TIGHTS, OPERA HOSBand STOCIIIGS, (SOLD and SILVER TBIMMUGS, BRO- CADES, SMS, SITUS, WHETS, 8PM6LE8, WIGS, BEARDS. ALL GOODS THEATRICAL. CATALOGUES and SAMPLES upon request. When asking for Catalogue, please mention wlutt goous are wanted. OilALITIK8 the best. i PRICES the loss/eat. SIEGMAN & WEIL 77-79-81 Wcoiter St., Hew York THE THEATRICAL SUPPLY EMPORIUM STAGE SHOES Earn $35 to $500 Weekly. Study CTAftE DANCING OlAUC SINGING VsndevlUs Aots, Sketches, Drama, Make-up, Playwrltlng. Personal In straotlon by phonograph at vour home If vou cannot come on to New York. Write for Illustrated booklet how 8,000 students succeeded. Engagements guaranteed. Failure Impossible. Alliens Theatre School of Acting a 3d St. and 8th Awe., New Yorli —NEW— Jackson Hotel RATES: $4.w and np; With bath, $7.00 and up. PRANK HUNT, Prop. JACKSON BLVD. & UALSTED ST. CHICAGO WOOD SOLE CLOGS Plain Kid, • • $3.50 Pattnt Leather - M.BO All Celers, • • f B.00 Brtra neat win not rip. STAGE UST a In Oxfords, Bnppers and Stole ^eJ«":M B * 0— " »B.OO ^•EJBr Send for Catalosr Bent C. O. D. If Jl.OOper pair Is advanced. FINE HAPLB DANCING MATS, roads to order at 80 eta. per square foot 1MEELY BROS. 729 W. Madison Street Opp. Haymarket Theatre OHIOAOO TOM LEWIS Starrlntrln "Yankee Prince," says: Taylor Trunk for me every time I I've tried them all, I know. BEND FOR CATALOGUE. C A TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS. CHICAOO. 35 E. Randolph St. NEWVOMCt 131 Randolph St. W, 36th St_ JOSEPH NOLAN'S SONS Successors to Joseph Nolan MANUFACTURERS Of Leotards, Tights, Shirts, Pic- ture Salts, Contortion, Bear and Honker Suits, Paddings, El as tic Supporters, Pomps. Send for price list. •S and ST Ellery St. Brooklyn, Hew York Telephone Bryant 8om Eaves Costume Co. manufacturers of Theatrical COSTUMES and UNIFORMS Of Every Description 226 West 41st Street, One Block West of Broadway NBW YORK YOU BAVK SORIY In both the purchase price and In freight, by ba ying ~~ STBBL JTON - BREAKA- BLE THEATRE CHAIRS. Largs stock. Oaa ship immediately. Several lots of B«cond-H»nd Cbatrs for sale .at especially low prices. Also sesttng for out of door use. Ad dres s STEEL TOR- COMPANY, 0 rand Rapids. Mich.: Sew York Olty, 160 5th Ave. Boston: 2J4 OongressSt. Philadel- phia 010 Flandsts Bidg. NITURK CARL KETTLER, Fits, ind Troa, HERBERT KETTLER 5^ CARL KEHLER WIG W. SUCCESSOR TO WM. HEPNEH WIGr CO. FACE POWDERS ORE ABB PAIST8 COSMETICS For 80 Tears America's WIQ* WIGMSkERS BEA ' :08 Write for Illustrated Catalog this conntrr TOVI'Kgg K—best Issu(.| i„ STAGE MAKE-UP Wigs rented ivr nil occation, :; Mr. Carl Kettler gives his personal supervision to the u. <intes detal of all orders, whether large or small. BEACHEY 4 LAWLER BUILDING N. W. Oor. Washington and Dearborn 8ts. 56 WEST WASHINGTON STREET • • CHICAGO, ILL "ACME" THEATRICAL TRUNK A Sensation of Strongness GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS. Unquestionably tbe best Professional 1 rank on tbe market regardless of price. Made In all slses. Prices, INCLUDING LOWER TRAY SOln.long, IB lu. wide, SSIn.hlgb tlUO 32ln.long, 20 In. wide, 24 In.high $1500 Mln.long. 21 In. wide, 25 In. high...... \VkJ» SOln.long. 22In. wide, 26In.high _ fit M 88 In. long, 28 In. wide, 27 In. high \\%& win. long, 24In.wide, 28In-high $17.01 ACME LEATHER AND TRUNK WORKS HI N. STATE ST., CHICAGO. -WURUIZER-, ORCBESTRAl H/Utr-*"* JMf Tbe Accepted World's Standard ' Write for beautiful CaUtpgne. Easy payments. We supply the U.S. OoreVimlvHthMarlcallnstniments The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. 871 E.ith.ClnclnnMI: 441 «.WsbsiD.Cbltsto IfBtAhllBhBll ™«« HOLTOrTO HARMONY HINTS 9* An Illustrated magazine, containing many f R articles of Interest to musicians and descriptions of Molten Band Instruments OUR BIG BARGAIN LIST ■a of second-hand band instruments shows E excellent bargains. Terms oath or instan- ts menu Old Instruments accepted sa -port E payment. ' FRANK HOLTOlf A CO. 9637 Gladys Awenue, Cbleago SUMMER PRICES book at tbese prices, ensb with order No stock paper. All special, from your copy. Union Label. 10M6Z24 heralds, 2 sides, .... $10.60 10M12X18 heralds, 4 pages - 14.60 10M 14x21 heralds, 4 pages. - • 17.60 <0M 4X12 to-nlgbts, one side.«forms, no casts, 9.00 80M same, with casta, .... 10.60 80M same, two sides. 18.00 30M 8X8 to-nlghts, 0 forms, no casts, • 7.60 BOM free tickets. ».©0 10M3XX9S'card heralds. .... 9.00 1000 4-ply tack cards, type, .... T.00 600 one Bbeets, type, black on jellow, • ' 1.00 1000 one sheets, black on yellow, • • 11.00 600 half sheets, black on yellow, • • - 4.6o 1000 half sheets, black on yellow, - - ".60 Slight additional charge for red and blue on white GAZETTE SHOW 7 PRINTING COMPANY Mattoon. 111., U. S. A. FOR EVERY PURPOSE 1,000 STYLES ESTABLISHED 1805 WRITE FOR OAT. No. 41 115-117 So. 'Wabaah Ave., CHICAOO, ILL. NEW YORK OFFICB, 1165 Broadway SEATTLE OFFICE. E08-10-12 Flrat Ave., So. SAN FBANCISCO OFFICE, 728 HJaston St The A. H. Andrews «AUDBLU n DANCING CLOGS •Barg Vsasnpa Price, all wood sole, 84.00 leather thank, 15.00; de llvered free Patent fast entng. Man- ufactured by Albert H. Rlsmer Shoe Co., Milwaukee, Wit. mannsm Second Hand * GOWNS * * Evening and Soubrette Qowns, Fancy Stage * * and Street Dresses, Opera Coats and Furs. * * Full-dress Tuxedos. Prince Alberts and * * English Walking Suits, Silk and Opera * + Hats. 3*3 S. Clark 8t„ Chicago. ft MUSICAL GLASSES Xylophones, Rattles, Musical Electric Bells NEW-JS-BOLOPIIOIVE-NEW Muslral FlowerPoti, Coins, Fun- ■«—■ nels, Hut Rat ki. Cow Bells,etc.,etc. (Jatalngue and full Information on receipt of stamps. A. IIRAUNK18S, 1012 Grant Ave., lUcb- mond Hill. N. Y. SPANGLES, Sl.OO PER POUND GOLD OR SILVER Cotton Tights, pslr »l.O0 Worsted lights, pair 2.00 rialtcd Silk Tights, pair 2.25 Best Silk Tlghta J 000 0 Inch cotton topaf LIVING PICTURE SUITS Calf, Thigh and Hip Paddings. Gold and Sliver Trimmings Send deposit and route with order THE BOSTON REGALIA CO., 887 Washington St., Boston, Mass. JWW ^*^™*'a 1/40 tst ctst-ut soun ooLORisoa SU*4 MtS tort anl ..p*rt „iml..Ho. »• IMnnlM Una. Si* ttltfn nrit~th#n Mr. ■ Hltll On.r- in I1J..I Ha, 1« SIM OtrUKKllcl tin. Ilk Blrt I rt H N SMI LUCY GOODMAN SECOND-HAND DOWNS ■VBNING GOWNS, STRBBT DREBNKB OFBRA COATS, FURS, ETC. BUT 8. State St. 'Phono Oal. 1888 OB10AOO TIGHTS AND SHIRTS of every description, Paddlnn, Frog Snake sand Monkey Suits. Elastic and Cloth Supporters. GrmnnsHe Pump* and Gaiters. Spangles and Bullion Fringe. Send tor catalogue and sample of tights—FRBB. JOHN Successor to Spacer Bros, 8S WOODBINE ST., BKLYN. N. FREE-MAGIC CATALOGUE-FREE Catalogues now ready. All the latest improved Rope. Chalu and Sensational Escapes. Newest Creations In Advanced Illusions, Spiritualistic Ef- fects, Challenge Mind Reading Acts, newly per- fected Card Trloks, Ventriloquist Figures, Books, Puzzles and Jokers, Secrets, Plans, Tables or Accessories. W. Al Route 10, New Bedford, Mass. Apparatus, W. ALBERT TRIPP, Performers op s p e 0 na tu y n oS picture with $4 and receive one out and 500 letterheads, finely printed, a bar gain FINN THE PRINTER, 24 E. 21tt SL, New York BE AN ACTOR! Moatf fascinating,profitable profession In the' Experience unnecessary. I assist you to get and engagement, Method endorsed by man co p icr i.v^rtiM ciiii.i rake. uo«, Ml II.. !-»t,ni,iai t.xt.lnd.d.d. II H.U. n.SaraSalt.Bttt.KU MMUk i| Fine Magical Apparatus ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Etc. Grnud ICml of Century, fully Illustrated. IIOOK CATA- LOGUE, 25c, free by mall. (Catalogue of Parlor Tricks free. MARTI NKA A CO., Mfis., 403 Sixth Ave., N. Y. mm capsules"* MI n^ CATARRH and DISCHARGES Relieved In 24 Hours Each Cap- / ^~\ Bulo bears the [MlflVl namesjiv Vj^ Reioore »/ counterfeits I caa place you on the Vaudeville Stage. — the wond. get an act by managers. Thirty years' experience. Instructive book FREE for Bt amp. Frederic La Utile, Bta. C. Jackson, Mich SHOW PRINTING Wi. H. As.toi.Prin,, Detroit. Catalog. NUNLEY'S CASINO,South Beael,StitH Island Meyer A May, props.; Wm. SUbor, mgr. All first class Vaudeville Acta desiring time, write WM, SILBOR, mgr. No act too big for this house. J TO 0 HUH MADE nCOO MAKE-UP "Not How Cheap but How Good" Sold by Leading Dmgglsts, Oostsmers, Hair Stores and Pept. Stores ONLY ONE BEST! The EMERGENCY Steel Clad Fibre or Canvas covered Professional Trunk. Absolutely Guaranteed Our Steel Clad XXX TK Strongest In tbe land. 91 . • $K' "I it . . 11 I Ifs not tht prkt tlut's hlrh- S8 '. '. 13 1 but the quility 40 . . 14 J Wardrobe, BUI and Fibre Trunks of all makes, new and second hand, at attractive prices, always on hand. Special Sizes of Trunks or Cases made to order. Repairing done. So disappointments—prompt service. 'PHONE 8TCTVESANT 384. EMERGENCY BA6BA6E and REPAIR GO. 25 EAST 14th ST., N. Y. CITY INEAR B'WAY.l BRANCH 1 0th AVE.. Cor. 16th ST BRANCH 1 8th AVE.. Cor. 41st 8T. GET IT IN CHICAGO-THE HUB OF THE AMUSEMENT WORLD CHICAGO COSTU[VIE WQRKS Importers and Mmuftcturcis-TkeatricalTi^litri,'Miikeriip,-Properties and : Scenery. li-'ARS'-PUOF 1 Do You WANTMILIThRY GOODS? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMY or NAVY SUITS, TENTS, OUNS and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No matter what you want In that line, I can supply It. New or second hand. Send for catalogue. B. B. A BRA BAMS, 223 South St.. Philadelphia, Pa. SECONDHAND GOWNS STAGE AND STREET BARNETT, S03 80. State St, CHICAGO 1912 CATALOG 'aos pages. Send 60. "stamps for Pocket Trlek and part leu- MA0I0 CO.. Dept. 1,870W. 88th St, H. Y. NEW 212 PA6E ILLUST. MA6IC CATAL Containing cuts of Leading Conjurors; 60c. New 62 page book Catal., 10c. None free. BROY. " W. D. LB 103 Court St., Boston, Mats. MUSIC ARRANGED I S »Sl nd Words written to music: muslo written to words. References. K. A. Mills IMuslo Pnbttsherl.. B. S. S. HUNTINGTON, care CLIPPER, 41 W. 88th St., N.Y. SKETCHES, M0N0L0GS, Fatten and Parodies, written to order. Good original work; reasonable pi Ices. JENNB*MARTIN, Bos: 82. INDIANAPOLIS, ISP. Have you WISK.L House Bldg XXV o- J., our latest Room 31, Chicago, lib sons hltst GU8 Grand Opera PLAYS DIOkI HT7(J CIRCUS & JUGGLING Apparatus,Rolling 01obes,CIubs,Batons, Qu Wire Walkers'Apparatus and Novelties. Bta: Apparatus,Rolling Olobes.Clubs,Batons, Ouns. Ire Walkers'Apparatus and Novelties. Stamp for catalog. EDW. VAN WY CK. anclnnati, O. THKATBICAL M IG8 Toupees. Ladies'Hair Goods. M, Stein's Make- up. Send for Price List GEO. SHIXDHELM, 282 W. 41st St. New York. Tel., 8726-Bryant MUSIC ARRANGED PIANO OROHBSTBA Melodies written to sour poems. Ref.-witmark « Son. W. H. NELSON, 138 W. 88th St., N. Y, Rental Departirient Wt cater to SiodCo-Fii;:. Aci'.t-ir s>i Rlnstrtl Sho»> : ; .IPECUl: RAT£S^ TO TEE rROFESSIOR. 143 N v Dearborn St, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A., Opposite (Art Theatre SHORTVAMPSHOES For Street and Stage Wear A complete Une of Pumps snd Slippers in all shades, for evening wear; Acrobatic Clog and Ballet Shoes kept In stock Write for Catalogue No. 8. 202 >rV.23»JST i N.Y Ttl. „ __ iDtrurf Tel. 8806-T CheUea. I. MILLER. 1554 :B«fti».flwav. New York. COSTUMES WIGS SOUDRETTE DRESSES TI8HTS HOLD AND SILVER TRIMMINGS MAKE-UP Write for Catalosrae, SO pages, 600 Illustrations. „. , .„„ k>H!TB SCHOCLTZ A CO., 19 Weat Lake St. (BsUbllahed 26 yearenChlcag^ nu HANG THIS ON TOUR MEMORY I I* IS EASY TO CHEAT IN PHOTOGRAPHING -„ w . Cheap prices mean cheap material: cheap material means yellow or faded photos in s..or. This b the largest studio In the world. Three posing rooms. Height and width ror aerial anti j acts. A theatre, stage with scenery, piano and '•props." Originals, reproductions and cniarxiui. at prices consistent with quality. See or write us before placing your order. _ _ THE DE HAVEN PHOTOGRAPH BTVmO 144 Sooth W abash Ave, the bio studio CFflC AG0> U» St g^. UBI>Wi rtWW i or pal' CATALOG of Professional and Amateur Flays, Sketches, Mono- logs, Minstrel Jokes, Recitations, Hake-Up Ooods, Etc.aent FRBB. 1T/GKRAL1), » Ann St., New York. ' " THE OLD RELIABLE" Planters oh bl ack C & c CAPSULES IFowCATARRH &PI5CHARGESI MEDICINE MEM. AGENTS AND BTRKETMBN. ELECTRa VOLTA1C ELECTRIC INSOLES AND INHALERS are goods that selUnd P- proflta. Just what you are looking for. Send 16c. for sample Heotr'c'j r-^ of Insoles and get complete price list and lecture from the largest estaini &aUJa its kind lu thn c 8. Belts. $1.W dor. up; wjoies. ■ • -lrs up: Inhalers, OOo. dot. op. ■ end to-day. (Eatb., 1818.) (Ino.'1891.] Fast seller, . do«n "profRs. me elbtiiic aphumce en, wn^ SECOXD HAM) GOWNS, S0I1BRETTE1 ANO " R evVS DRESSES, FURS 300 Bo -„.State8t.,lb"r»lt» ^ TooK ^«?.^bau l ou. !,J, ^