The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September 14 HARRY VON TILZER'S RUNAWAY YEAR « TO ■■■ ■i f .— » ™«»™».».« «"sshi jmsas^flsrus 1 rss^s&^r^-""" ma - «—■*—«*»»^ RUNAWAY YEAR S'l \M.i'-VMUKI'IM A RUNAWAY - .Mit.ii ir.Miiiv v<i\ t *Wrh, n v hr Word! ANDREW B. STSRURO ,.M) I'VJ'.K W'ltlTTRV. rttlCEfA-T "I.VBIC mi:uibi,,/[ii:tt['.i( TiiA.v "1 WANT A GIRI,." ' A RUNAWAY Hnsle HARRY . T ON TILZEB, ^^ova^mEem^^mi couhtot. okeat bong for jban.or woma*. nothing ivaasmvx. just a catch* wwo "Wira orrat bio l aughs. Till «£>« I A C. ~) .Oil K S/ 1. 1M V "1 STIll 1 Words WILLIAM JEuOSB .soyci than- A RUNAWAY )l!l, ;VKK "WHITEIC iH31>ttK MO N VCO. Hasie HARRY VON TILZErI m DO AS MUCH OUf WHAT A GREAT LITTUS SONO. A BRAND NBW IDEA* GOOD FOR ANYONE. VITBi BIAVK A CORKINO ~ AHD GlRL. - ■ . • A M»l< K\V II. XTl'Ittl.IiVO'. A-RUN AW A ~ ?v - ,; II.VRKV \VD\ V ;T!1.ZKK T E l|l IMIii I IRS til. sum;'that SIVCINC.V 1'JIK .IS TJ1E TlKSM' t.IK"lT' C(MhY -JiilXC IV 'VKAIIS: A WON1VERFUL KID SONG WHO PUTS ME IN MY LITTLE BED BETTER THAN "PICK OH MX." FHJj OF HPM| TWO GREAT CHARACTER SONQ8 -THE VBL-L.AIIM STIUB- PURSUED HER THE CAPTAIN OF THE CORSET 8£UAD BRIGADE U OUR PRESENT BIO HITS OH! MR. DREAM MAN RAOTIME-OOSL1W MAP SPECIAL, 'NOTICE- »V HK\_ .IN. CHICAGO, CAl.),. AT : TIIK GKA.ND OI'K.IIA HOI SK III II.IMAG HARRY VON TILZER MUSIC PUBLISHING C0., 125 W, 43d St^NY. City Address-all mail-to New York Office HEW YORK CITY. KEITH'S UNION SQUARE (ELMER F. ROGERS, Mfin. ) Irene Fnnktln tops off a very Interesting bill at this house this week, and capably as- sisted on the piano by Bert Green. she scored h«r usual success at the opening perform- ance, Monday matlnrc, Sept. f>. "Waiting Up fop Hobby," "Farewell Broadway," ana "I've Gat to Go to the Circus With Pa" are a few of Miss Franklin's new songs. Trovato, who plays on a violin In his own eccentric manner, followed MJ»s Franklin on the bill. Anyone else might have had an un- plensnut time of It trying to draw the audi- ence's attention In such a position, but not Trovato. lie captivated hla audience Im- mediately, and held them throughout his stay. Leo white and George Perry, those smiling raggy-ttmc singers, had that dancy feeling rreeplng over those out front before they 11ml reached the chorus of their opening number, "In Those Old Kentucky Days" "Georgia Itose" was another "bear ;" as this couple sing It, and the audience regretted their going, even after calling them back for half a dozen bows. Mnymc Itcmlngton and her Pickaninnies, always favorites, went big. These "picks" Mire work up the "business" of the net finely and, besides taking a turn at everything from song to tumbling, one of them does a polo on a one string Instrument made by himself, as Miss Itcmlngton announced. Dave Ferguson, billed as the "somewhat different" comedian, offered quite a bright monologue and a "very feminine" recital of •The Charge of the Light Brigade," that won favor. Marcus and Gartelle opened the cvenlns's entertainment in n comedy skntnrlal act. The audience were rather slow In "getting them," hut their dance on the skntes brought 'em it round nicely. N'lmi Morris and company. Williams, Thompson and company, and Del Franco's Monkey Circus, were new acts presented here on the above date. (Bee New Acts In this Issue.) Tod. a Greeley Sojnnre (Julius Bernstein. mgr.) —Vaudeville and motion pictures. BUI an- nounced for Sept. 12-H includes: Martin Hnwpnt T.ove and ttnleht, Lew Rrlee, Dnn- elpn v.—<..v«, Mnttle V*<Mie * n «in-"iy, Fred and Be tie I.ueler, nnu Lis Jcur.etf». Nonley's Caalno, S.iuth Beach, 9. I. <Wm. Bllbor, mgr.)—Bill for week of 8 In- cludes : Bud Snyder, the Spaulsh Trouba- dours, the Angers. Martini and Turner, De Kosns. Alice Wilroot, and mfelle. Col nm bin (J. Herbert Mack, mgr.)— dan Uanqucndtn week of Sept. 0. Bowery Burksquers follow. Olympic (Maurice Kraus, mgr.)—Social 3laldi week of Sept. 3. Taxi Girls follow. Miner's Elsrhik Aveasc iE. 1). Miser, mgr.)—Auto Oirls week of Sept 0. High Life In Burlesque follows. Manhattan (C. H. Bhacofsky, mgr.)— Freaks and motion pictures. Unique (E. L. Weill, mgr.;—Vaudeville and motion pictures. snvoy (Rosenberg Bros., mgrs.>—Motion pictures In -which leading stars appear Is the attraction at this house. Keener'' Third Aveiae (Ed. J. Mc Mnhon, mgr.) — Vaudeville and motion pie. turea. Herald Square (M. Roth eh lid, mgr.)— Motion pictures and photoplays arc the offer- ings. Madison Square Hoof Garden.—Busi- ness continues big at this resort with the three ring cabaret shows and dancing, circle.—Vaudeville and pictures. West End (K. C. Hunt, .mgr.)—The Pay- ton Stock Co. presents "The Right of Way" this week, with "The Heart of Maryland" to follow. Business Is big. Keith's Hurlcm Opera Moose (F. Sell- man, mgr.)—The new venture of stock has proved a big success. The company Is a capable one In every respect. For this week, "The Virginian." *A woman's Way" week of lfl. Alhambra (Doc Breed, mgr.)—Bnslness so far has been fine. Bill for tins week In- cludes: Virginia Harncd and company. Rice and Cohen. Wllla Holt Wakefield, Felix Ad- ler. Donovan and McDonald. Ben Beyer and Brother, Rig City Four, Miss Robbie dor- done, and Techow'a cats. Hnrtlpr A Senmon'a Mnale Hull (Snm Hnrtlg. mgr.)—As this Is the only burlesque house uptown, big buslnccs Is continually done. Molllc Williams* company is here for week of !>, and should do well, as It Is a good show In every particular. EI«U«r-»lxth Street (J. Bernstein, mgr.) —Plrturea and vaudeville continue to pack this house. Nemo (Jack Iiowers. mgr.)—Good busi- ness with vaudeville and pictures as the at- tract «ci. UewH.-KHh Avenue (Albert Loew, mgr.)—Good business has been done kerc since the opening, and one Is assured of a good bill. Bronx: (Harry A. Bailey, mgr.)—Business was big last week. Bill for this week In- cludes : Chip and Marble, Cross and Joseph- ine. Hcrmlnc Shone and company, I'ouchot's Ballet, Mosher, Hayes and Mosher. Herman Timberg. Wood Trio, Gordon and Mar*, and Jolly, wild and company. nfetronolla (Louis Fosse, mgr.)—.Reports are most favorable from this house. For this week, "The Dancer and the King" Is prc- rented by the stock company, with "The Girl In the Taxi" to follow. Prosneet (Frank Gersten, mgr.)—Good entertainments are always In vogue here, and as a consequence the house is always Sicked. For this week they offer "The ambler." Miner's Bronx.—Burlesque Is playing to crowded houses. The Moulin Rouge com- pany this week. National (Harry Loew, mgr.)—Pictures and vaudeville to first class business. Proctor's One Hundred and Tvrenty- flftla Street (C. G. Allen, mgr.)—The bill for 9-11 Included: Ten Dark Knights, Ilard- castle and company, Walters and Lawrence, Three Follies. Marion Kay, Sickles and Allen, the Flying Henrys, Walters and Lawrence. Bill for 12-14: Owen. Baxter and company, T-alacc Quartette, Basil Brady, Barrett and Payne, the Two LoweB. Ed. Hayes' Players, and "Street Pavers of Paris." Hlveralde (Herman Goldman, mgr.)—• The programs offered nt this house have caught the people's popular want, and big business is the result. Family (F. Scloman, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures only are drawing fair sited audiences here. Odeon (It. Decker, mgr.)—Good reports come from this house. Vaudeville anil pic- tures are up to the standard at all times. Tremont. — Prospects look bright for a Sood season at this house, as there Is but ttte opposition, and n good bill la slwajs on tup. YorVville (Eugene Meyers, mgr.) —One enn seldom find a vacant seat here, and the best thnt can he obtained for this style of show Is presented. Gotham (I^ep. Solomon, mgr.)—A strong bill Is presented thlB week, and Includes sev- eral new acts. The hill: Carl Static and company, Cliff Bnlley Trio. "Three Kids from School." I'hllllp's Jungle Girls, Ulondlcr and Fox. nnd Joe "urns. LottTF's Seventh Avenue (C. SewardB, mgr.)—This popular house Is always packed, and the vaudeville and pictures arc always up-to-date. Star (Jack Leo, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures are drawing good houses, with every prospect of it continuing. washing-ton (Harry Thorns, mrr.l—Tb:s house is crowded at most every performance, and a good bill can always be found. Brooklyn, N. T—Moatauk (Edw. Trail, mgr.) will open the season Monday, Sept. ID. with Louis Mann, In "Elevating a Husband." This theatre has been redecorated and many sew Improvements added during the Summer. Broadway (Leo C. Teller, mgr.)—William Farnum, In "The Littlest Rebel," this week. Eddie Foy, In "Over the River," week of 1<1. Henry Miller, In "The Rainbow," did very well here last week. Majestic (John. B. Pierce, mgr.)—Paul Ralney's African hunt pictures proved very successful here last week, and will remain here for as Indefinite run. (ikASD (Henrv Bellet, mgr.)—"The Cli- max" this week. Edna May Spooner. In "The Price She Paid," proved a big hit here week of 2 and turnaway business was done all week, despite the warm weather. "The iioss" week of 16. , OaPUBOu (Frank Kltholz, mgr.)—Bill for week of 0 Includes: Mclntyre and Heath, Eva Taylor and company. Tom Waters, Dia- mond and Brennao, Lydln Barry, Rdwsnls. Ryan and Tlcrney. Mile. Martha nnd Sisters. Relnc's horses, Valeric Bergere and company. Bush wick (Benedict Blatt, mgr.)—Bill for week of 9: Rva Daveport, Bert FlUgib- boris. Scott and Keane. Gordon Highlanders, Mark Murphy and company. Three Yoscarrs. Conlln, Steele and Carr, the Zanettos, and Master Gabriel and company. Cmscxnt (Lew Parker, mgr.)—The Cres- cent Stock Co. presents "The Third Degree" tills wee*. "Mother" week of lfl. The eom- pany is as popular as ever. Gotham (Pauline H. Boyle, mgrj (Jothnni Stock Co. presents "A Woman's week, Gay Masqueradcrs 10 and week. Bos.- ncBs is excellent , _. ( .,,i, Gaikti (Louis Krelg. mgr.)—•»_■■ this week. Winning WWows week of IB- Oasiho (Chas. Daniels, mgr.)—Pjt vThitM High Ufe in Burlesque this week. Merr Maidens week of 16. Lady Buccaneers fel- low. Sunday eoneerts are popnlar. FTltob (A. M. Ughton. mgr,)—High cU-i vaudeville and latest photoplays. . Ds Kalb (Ida I. AekerpaD. oPi'TJ?' for week of 9: May Ward, the D'^« FJ 1 .,' Dolls, Sells Bros.. Rose Tiffany, WhlttO; Unman Dolls, Toledo and Price, the waic wrights, arid six photoplays. Creatjw ss his band will be the headllner week o. ss, 8HurEix (William fheehy, mgr.)-i« vaudeville continues here, with piH" changed Mondays and Thursdays. »an Bernhardt, in pictures, is the special attrat Hon this week. . pwoolaji Oxroan (Cyrus Gale, mgr.)— mow* and vaudeville. . _. _„_ > v B ncV LiBERTr (Edward Strauss, mgr.)— "b 0 " vllle and motion pictures. ,- h ,,,. Bijou (George Schenck. mgr.)—*u^» . atrc is presenting Loew's vaudeville, to gw buslneBS. »__,VaudevlH! Jones' (M. T. Jones, mgr.)—*»•>»" and pictures. _ _—\ yauilf- Fifth Avwwirn (M. H. Saxe, mgr)—"" Vll rt e o?Af'ffiu. Loew. mgr.)-r*e Ut* "•SS (Wm Pox. mgr.)-Vaudev.l.e + pictures. . S)I tsii°> Columbia (A. Sle*«el. mgr.)—"' 1 ^^o^r^wr^mgr.J-Vauderine aa« '"Sic (Herman Wackc, mD-V.* vllle and photoplays. ^ mrr )_Vaoo> Lihpbn (A. n. Schwnrta, mgr.' vllle ad photoplays. ~ h «.«rn will op« Nonta—The ijonUnk Theatre * „„; Its season annmanrW « * _ ** .JS *« Wny" this week. For week of 16, "The Third Degree" will be the offering. (HI.FNM1NT (Frederick Whrtbeck. mgr.)— The Green point Stock Co. presents "The Great Divide" this week. "The Thief" 10- 21. Rmpirf (George McManus. mrr.)— Ths Whirl of Mirth this week, the Moulin Rouge week of 16. Lycbuu (Louis Phillips, mgr.)—The Ly- ceum Stock Co. presents "A Minister's 8wcct. heart" this week. Stab (Frank Clark, mgr.)—Bon Tons this booked for the coming season a" ■ l a „g that this popular tteatrci has ever ^ Manager Edward Trail has oaaes w ,. study of the kind of attractions tn« .— lynltes desire, and has sw»aylJ* w sBj attractions that are sure to ■"■Ej* noo-'Jj opening week at all of the B t ■ *£, ^tit proved record breakers '» «»'",% BushajJ* opening bills at the Orpheum and »j e were op to the usual •» B °*^ C affectel mardl g^as at Coney •»JL" na .„ D l E ^ nfl t. Wt » baslness at the theatres "^""in for»« r enouRh to make it as nottcttw* » s ■ years. . : '