The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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6 THE NE¥ YOEK CLIPPER. September u THE NEW YORK CLIPPER THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO.(Umltad) nOFMROH, ALBERT J. BOIUE editorial inn Busonsi ittMtawa. NEW lOBK, SEPTEMBER 14, 1912 Entered lone 24. 1871, at Lhs Poit Office it New York, N. T., ts second class matter, under tbe act of Much 8, 1879. AdierLHemenlj—12.80 per lack, single eolnma. Advertlaemeata Mt with border, 10 per ct. em«. SUBSCRIPTION. Oat year. In advance, 14; its months, |2; three montba, fl. Canada and foreign postage ettrt. Single copies will be tent, postpaid, on receipt of 10 eenU. Our Terms are Caah. THE CLIPPER la leaned every THURSDAY morning. The Dnt and laat four pages OO TO I'RKSS on FRIDAY, and tie other pages on TUESDAY. Tho Forma Closing; Promptly ou Tuesday, at Noon. Pleat* remit by npreta money order, check. P. O. order or registered letter. All caah eneloaed with letter la at rlak ot aeadcr. Adalreaa All Comatanlcatlona to THB NEW YORK CLIPPER, 47 Weait 28tli Street, New York. Tel. 2274-Madlson. JUrlalerad Cools iUrtu, "Am-noamr." THE WESTERN BUBEAU at TBI Cuppas la located at Room 509, Aabland Block, Chicago, Warren A. Patrick, manager and correspondent. THE LOUDON BUBEATJ located at 14 Lelceater Street, I«lceeter Square. Ixjndon, W. O.; Henry George lllbbert, manager and correspondent Tan Ouma can >a obtained wholesale and bitail, at oar agents, Brentano'a newt depot, 87 Avenue de 1'Open, Peril, France; Diamond New* Co.. 116 Prtdo, Havana; Manila Book and Sta- tioner} Oo., 128 Kscolts, Manila, P. I. ANSWERS T O CORRE SPONDENTS, DRAMATIC. F, M., Wellsboro.—Answers to jour first four questions can be found la the death notice of Mr. De Kolta, which appeared la Tub Clipper dated Oct. 24, 1003. Concern- ing the machine you mention addreia I. Fleugelman, or the Consolidated Booking Offices, Fitzgerald Building, New York City. CARDS. E. A. N., Dayton.—A la right; the hand counts 20. STOCK ISCOMNGBACK The theatregoer of twenty-five years ago, who remembers the enjoyment he derived from witnessing the performances of the stock companies In vogue at that time, will hall with joy the announcement that "Stock Performances" are really coming back. In- dications everywhere point to the Increasing popularity of this form of amusement, not only amongst the theatre patrons but also amongst managers. The playgoer delights iu seeing his favorites In the stock company, from week to week, Jn different impersona- tions, and his regard for them Increases every time he sees them, The versatility of the characters impersonated by the stock actor affords tho audience a pleasurable pastime In contrasting lis different roles. Managers and owners of theatres so situated that they cannot secure high class attrac- tions, owing to the smallncss of the theatre, or the small city In which It Is located not having sufficient population to warrant the booking of large touring productions, can operate "atock" successfully. Hence they are now giving such careful attention to the details of their plays that at times they excel the original productions. To do this they must have the best talent procurable as Stage Directors and Business Managers, good actors and actresses, scenic effects, etc. Theatrical Producing Managers have found stock a paying policy and are now seeking good locations, where formerly the owners of theatres had to seek these producers and In so doing had to make a financial sacrifice to Induce them to experiment with a stock policy In their respective theatres. The- atrical Producing Managers like Oliver Mo- rosco will Inaugurate a stock policy the coming season where many new plays will be produced for weekly runs (this Is a new phase of stock). While Mr. Morosco did not give this information for publication, It Is not likely that he will object to having his secret divulged. In view of the awakening Interest in stock theatricals Sanger A Jordan, of New York City, have prepared a catalogue containing authentic Information about plays, original casts, scene synopses, also regarding paper, flashlights, cuts, heralds, etc.— which will be of Inestimable value to atock managers. It is reported that the dollar houses of the Western Circuit, under control of John Cort, changed policy within the last week, breaking up fifteen weeks of solid booking for the dollar productions. In all probability many of the houses that form the connecting link In this chain of theatres will become stock houses in the sear future. This change should add from twenty to thirty stock theatres to the list for tho com- ing year. The performers are also benefited by the revival of stock. Inasmuch aa pro- ducing managers visit the stock companies in a search for talent for their original pro- ductions, and incidentally it is one of the problems of the stock manager to retain good talent when he has It, as the variety of the character work of a stock actor gives the talent-seeking producer a line on his ability and often secures for him a metro- politan engagement Stock is certainly com- ing back I « i » HYAMS AT THE COMEDY. , w H *. r T M. Hyams, formerly manager of the J?,?. r .V d Square Theatre, Is now managing William Collier's Comedy Theatre. +»♦» LON FOI,LETTE ON SUN TjMR. Lon Follcttc, after a short vncaTlon, opened over the gun time at Lockport, N. Y., Sept. A and Is booked up for the season. ft THEODORE MORSE'S Real Novelty Song Hit. Words by D. A. ESROM WHEN UNCLE JOE PLAYS A RAG Thla la a GREAT song, and will poll the encores every time. Croat QUARTETTE number, swell "DOUBLE," and a -wonderful "SINGLE." a and no mistake. »nre-nre hit- HEW CORKING MARCH SONG GREA T DOUBLE FLIRTING NOVELTY "THE VILLAGE SAND" "LET" as. "MOON BONG" SOUTHERN SERENADE, LIKE "PHOEBE JANE beT" BEAUTIFUL BALLAD SINGLE "PICK OUT" NUMBER KG TO HAPPEN TO THAT GREAT BURLESQUE "RAG" SONG HIT "SOMETHING'S G0.N6 TO HAPPEN TO YOU" "THAT'S WHY THE VIOLETS LIVE" "ANOTHER RAO" WE ALSO PUBLISH i "AWOTHKR RAOi^"l''> LOVE TO LEAD A MILITARY BARD." "SWEET SWANBB SUE," "WASHINGTON WADDLE." —I.Waatiin ANN,'* "TlaX* COVaWGnWfiTlME MAN," "THREE THINGS I LOVE." ALL GREAT NUMBERS. COME IN, OR SEND FOR THEM. ilI/AB *.T« THEODORE MORSE MUSIC CO., 1367 Broadway, New York. Corner 37th St. OPT OF TOWN NEWS BOSTON. The first week of the sew dramatic season was a brilliant one in every respect The offerings were of a high order, and the slse of the audiences Indicated the playgoers' appreciation of something new and attractive. With the burlesque, vaude- vllle and motion picture bouses excepted, the only change of the week Is the big production of "Thais" at the St. James, our newest playhouse. The parks and open sir theatres have done well this sesson, bat the start was more profitable than the finish, Labor Day potting a finishing touch on their expectancies. Colonial (Frobman, Bleb A Harris, nigra.)— "The Quaker Girl" la now In Its second week. As far as the music Is concerned, It Is marked by delicacy and refinement, and It seems far above the nsual musical show. Holus (Cbaa. J. Bleb, mgr.)—After three weeks at the Park, May liobeon remoTed to this bouse with the delightful comedy, "A Night Out," on Sept. 2. Boston (Frobman A Harris, mgrs.)—The sec- ond week of "The Greyhound" finds the seats of thla large house more tban comfortab!? filled, which means good business. The stage l< suited to a production of this kind, and the usual ad- vantages are being well looked after. Pabk (Harris A Frobman, mgrs.)—It looks now as It Rose Stabl haa carried off the early honors of the current season with her "Maggie Pepper" offering at this house. The theme con- cerns a great department store, and Just now we are enthused about such a great Institution. Maggie has much to do with the play, which la Intermingled with laughs and an under current of heart throbs. ... Tbemont (Jno. B. Schoeffcl, mgr.)—This Is the third and laat week of "The Count of Luxem- burg." Next in order Is "The Woman Haters' Club." Majestic (Wllbur-Sbubert Oo. nigra.)— "The Million" entered merrily upon Its fourth week, 0, with the lnu.cations tbat It will remain In thla city for some time. It is a most amusing play. Hhobxst (Wllbur-Shubert Co., mgrs.)—The last week ot "Over Night," here, met with fair returns. This week, Arnold Daly appears for the first time in tbla country, or It may be said for tbe first time on any stage. In a new American comedy, entitled "The Wedding Journey." St. Jambs (M. H.-Guleslao, mgr.)—"Thais" la the second production to be given at this new house by tbe excellent company of players con- nected with It. "The New York Idea" met with great success. The patronage has been more than encouraging to tbe management. Plymouth (Fred Wright, mgr.)—The second week ot William Hodge, in "Tbe Man From Home," Is now on. The play almost repeats Its former success In this city. It will remain hero until "Oliver Twist" comes In about a fortnight. Castle Square (John Craig mgr.)—"The For- tune Hunter" continues. It Is certainly a play for the millions—a million ot those who have never seen the bright lights of tbe stage and those who have seen them often. It is pleasing to state the play is well down by the atock players. Keith's (B. F. Keith, mgr.)—The following are here this week: Lucy Day and her big com- pany, Eddie Itoos,, Glllett's Dogs and Monkeys, 8. W. Lavern and bis big company, In Boman sports and pastimes; Goldsmith and Boppe, Tom Kvle and company, six American Dancers, Corln, Allen and Tyler, and Julie Oonsales. Obphbuu (Victor J. Morris, mgr.)—Ford and Hyde, El Cleve, Great Tallmann, "Quaker Girls, Love Specialists;" Danny Simmons, Mllda aid Poo, Cummings and Gladding, Mort Fox and Le Hoy, Wilson and "Tom. This comprises all of the bill for current week, tlioBB (Robert lanette, mgr.) — Thla week: Mabel Morgan company, Wilson and Wilson, Ethiopian Four. Grimleil and Henry, Audrey, Wilbur Sweetmnn, Romany Three, Pewitt and ' company, Ledna May, tbe Runtont, Sweeney and Rodney, Ormand Trio, tnd tbe Bays. National (G. A. Haley, mgr.)—Tbe announce- ment ot the show reads as It we were all back to eld times, that la In the way of the billing. It la headed by "Tbe Sultan," a musical piece, In- terpreted by Frank Dethon, Stella Thomas, Fred Du Bols, Fred Holmes and quite a large sur- rounding company. Other acts are: Howard and Lawrence, Frank Maltese and company, Haulon, Dean and Hanlon, Dealy and Butler, Ward and Culhane, and George Wlckman, How abo (G. E. lothrop, mgr.)—Tbe bur- lesquers are tbe Pace Makers. Tbe principals are all In tbe first clnst brigade. Tbe old How- ard's extra features are: The Bounding Gor- dons, Arlington Four, Albert ami Junes, Kelly and Gavin, Green and Weathers, and Kasblma. The Auto girls follow. Walobon's Casino (Charles H, Waldron, mgr.)—The Bowery Burleaquers arc here this week, with the Ginger Girls to follow. Tbe I iislness remains very big. Gaiety (George H. Balchcller, mgr.)—The namesake of the house, the Gaiety Girls, are doing their beat to keep up the Standard name ot the house to whom they are Indented for a home. Tbe World of Pleaaure follows. Gband opbba Hovsn (G. E. Lothrop, mgr.)— The Stars of Stagelaml moved from tbe Howard to this theatre current week, and they are royal- ly welcomed. Following In the shadows are the I'ace Makers. GOBDON'S OLTMPIA (J. R. Coroerford, mgr.)— The Meads, Finn and Ford, Aldrea Sisters, Pro- bers and Robertson, and the Imperial Dancers are those who are billed to be here this week. EownoiN Sqdabk (G. E. Lothrop, mgr.)—Week of 0: Violet Mascotte Durleequers, Les Valadoos, Ben and Era Walker, and Vassar and Arken. Washington (F, 0. Collier, mgr.)—The play- ers are: Eddie Rowley, Kid OanfleM, tbe Stanleys, Vance Hoover, Trent tnd Trent, Windsor, and others. Olii South (P. G. Collier, mgr.)—Louise Hud- son and company, Mullene and Montgomery, Jeans, Jerome and Radlne, Frasce, Ray and Taylor, Tom llatemnn and Francis O'Reilly, KAfiLB— Hilton Laverne. Prof, Carl, Oorwin, and Princess Suaanne. The bills are lengthened sometimes during the week. aftimmath. Tun following are giving new pictures and songs: Bijou Dream, Hub, South End, Bbawmut, Unique. Apollo, Orients. Pastime, Puritan. Bea- con, Back Bay, Premier, Norfolk, Comlque. Niagara, Wlnthrop Hall, New Palace, Williams' Ideal, Superb. Star, Scenic Temple and ROxbury. Tub Mardl Gran held at Revere Beach laat week was a great success. It being estimated that the dally, or rather evening, attendance being over 160,000 people. The alioti keepera were more tban busy and were well paid for their Interests In getting up tbe gay affair. The latest rumor Is that there will be another, moving picture house a little away from the down- town bouses and In the church district; In fact; that the Int mf aii uu in .contemplation Is to bo made from a church now being used regularly, and tbat the plans are fairly well under way, as far aa getting the property Is concerned. Katherink Fbee, one of tbe Violet Mascottt Girls, was married Sept. 1 to Geo. Jerome Buhl, who has for a long time been a leader of the Bowdoln Square Theatre Orchestra. There was s reception after at tbe Tontl Hall, South Boston. Lawrence, Mass.—Oolonla' (Julius Cahn, mgr.) Julia Ring, in "Tbi Yankee Girl," Sept. 2, did good business. Primrose and Dockstader's Minstrels 7. "Little Miss Fix-It" 0, "The For- tune Hunter" 10, Photoplay, "Queen Ellsabetb," with Sarah Bernhardt, 11-14: "Officer 606" 10, P. Paul Marcell Co., in "The Million," 18. Opera House (Julius Cahn, mgr.)—The Mnllcy K Dennlson Stock Co. opened here Aug. 31, with "Alias Jimmy Valentine," to good business. For week of 9, "The Spendthrift" "Madame X" 16 and week. Nickel (John B. Oldfield mgr.)—BUI for week of 9 includes: Pony Moore and Davy, Joseph Dow- ling snd company, Stone, Wabl and Jackson, Richards and Montrose, Boons and company, Zena Keefe, and "I Died." Good business rules Victoria (A. Kellmsnu, mgr.) — Motion pic- tures, with a special feature, to good business. Pastime (Joseph Blott, mgr.)—Pictures and songs to good business. Broadway (Toomey A Demarra, mgrs.)—Mo- tion pictures to good business. PBEifiBS (N. Demarra, mgr.)—Motion pictures to good business. Notes.— Phyllis Gilmore has been eogaged as leading lady for the Malley A Dennlson Stock Co., now playing permanently at the Opera House. The exclusive rights for showing Sarah Bernhardt, In the photoplay "Queen Elisabeth," through New England, have been secured by Julius Cahn, of the Colonial Theatre. Lynn. Hast. — Central Square (James H. Donovan, mgr.) tmslneas bere, with moving pic- tures and songs, continues to capacity. Oltmpla (A. E. Lord, mgr.)—The bouse is frequently Inadeqnste to take care ol the busi- ness here although It has a seating capacity of n,200. The Winter arrangements. ore now on, music Is furnished by an orchestra, 'and one of tbe features tor Sept. 9 and week Is Enoch. Others on the bill Include: Poney Moore and Davey, Howard Truesdell and company, tbe Basque Quartette, and pictures. Miss Lynch Is singing tbe Illustrated songs. . . Auditorium (Mack a Morlson, mgrs.)—The Morlson Stock Co. was seen In "Alias Jimmy Val- entine," by large audiences week of 2. "Forget- Me-Not" week ot S, to be followed by "The Deep Purple." ' Oomiqdi (Al. Newball, mgr.)—Pictures and songs, to capacity business. Drsamxand (Samuel Great, mgr.) — Business is flue, with motion pictures and eougs. Pastime (G. A. Loud, mgr.)—Pictures, to good business. Dream, Ollftondale (Thomas H. Cullen, mgr.) , —Pictures and songs. Music by Prof. Williams. Notes. —Manager Jeff Callan, of the Lynn The- atre, announces the rnenlng of tbe theatre for Monday, IS, with high cless vaudeville Mortimer Snow baa leen signed by Lindsay Mori- eon to head bis stock company, playing at tbe Auditorium. Tbe ladles' orchestra at tbls house is under the leadership ot Hsfel Bicker Moult on. Tannton, Haas. — Park (Marie Kearns! mgr.) Helen Grayce week of Sept. 0, with a strong list of plays. Casino, Stab, Columbia and Kickxl, picture houses, are all doing good business. Notes. — The Westville Agricultural Society will hold their second annual fair IS. 19 3. F. Boylen'g sew theatre Is expected (o be ready tor opening Dec. 1. It will be a modern theatre In every respect, and have a seating ca- pacity of 1,100. it la tbe Intention of Mr. lioylon to lease his bouse rather than to man- age it himself. Portland, Me. — Jefferson (Julius Cahn, mgr.) "Officer 666" pleased large audiences Sept. £-4, "Tbe Trail of the Lonesome Pine" was In- lereatlng, and well attended, 3-7. Primrose « DockBtader's Minstrels 12, "Alms, Where Do You Livel" 13, 14, "The Pink Lady" 19-21. Keith's (James E. Moore, mgr.)—The Keith Stock Co., with Adelaide Kelm and Sidney Toler In the leads, contlones its remarkable run of suc- cess, and the management has promised to con- tinue the stock season indefinitely. "The Liars" was enjoyed by the usual large audiences week cf 2. "The Girl With the Green Byes" 9 and week. Souvenir photos of Ralph Lulcley were presented lady patrons last week. New Portland (I. M. Masucn. mgr.)—Big bills, to big business, has been tbe rule at this vaudeville house, snd the pleasing picture offer- ings lend much Interest to the entertainment Bill tor week of 9: Cycling Zanoras. Moss and Prey, Lasky's "Vision D'Art," Lelghtner and Jordan, Newport and Stlrk. and moving pictures. Gbbslt's (James W. Greely, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and moving picture programs are drawing large attendances. The acta appearing week ot 2 Included: Those Burns Girls, Harry Victor, Al- drea Sisters, Gny Bros.' Minstrels, the Banjo Phlemls, Jeanette Bpellman, and others. A spe- cial double bill Is offered on Wednesday nights. Oasoo (M. 0. Blumenberg, mgr.)—John W. Myers continues in marked favor as soloist, and, with the superb picture programs. Including Pathe's Weekly aa a feature, large audiences rule. Bio Nickel (Wm. E. Beeves, mgr.)—Among the picture offerings week of 2, "The Resurrec- tion," In four reels, featuring Blanche Walsh, was tbe main feature. "Taking a Chance," "Rip Van Winkle" and other pictures of Interest drew big returns. New Pavilion (J. W. Greely. mgr.)—This moving picture and dancing pavilion Is drawing large attendances of tbe best class of patrons. Miss Jamcfl, director and soloist, and the Ar- lington Orchestra, with the pictures, continue. Lincoln, Heb. — Oliver (F, c. ifehrung, mgr.) the Barrow-Wlnnlger Players closed tbe sea- son Aug. 31. Tbls stock company haa played the most successful season of any stock In the history of stock companies In the city. Tbe plays were of the highest class and complete in every detail. The company made many warm friends. The regular season opened Sept. 2, with "Miss Nobody From Starland," for the entire week. Business wss very satisfactory. Booked: "The Bosary" 18, "A Romance of tbe Under- world" 19, "Beady Money" 37, 28; Gertrude Swing and company, in repertoire, week of 30. Lvaio (L. M. Gorman, mgr.)—First half of week of 2: Items Brothers, and Mack and Will- iams. Second half: Cummings and Thornton, and Greevey and Davis. Four funis new each ball Oarnamai (L, M. Gorman, mgr.)—This boose opened tbe season 2, with L. M. Gorman, resident manager. BIU week of 9: "Dinkeleplel's Christ- mas," McKay and Oantwcll, Wilson Bros., Wen- yon Bentley snd company, Kremka Bros.. Harry Atklaon, Keltey and Lafferty, and photoplays. Hamilton, Can.— At the Grand (A. R Loudon, mgr.) "Her First Love," Yiddish Play- *rs, Sept. 9. "The Flirting Princess" 10. 11; '■Kindling" 18, 14: "A Scrape of the Pen" 18 •19; "Tho Kiss Waita" 20. 21. w .• Tempi a (J. G. Appleton. ourr.)—Bill for week pf 9: "Cheyenne Days," Harry II. Richards and Bessie Kyle. Ouunnlly and Webb, Devlin aud Er- wood, Pepplno, Peliuy Bros, OIlVOIJkTIVA'ri. September's Inaugural was marked by tbe re- opening of three more houses. A surprise wis sprung In.the announcement of another change of policy tor the New Lyceum, wblcb baa witnessed a lot of changes since tbe early days when It waa originally Thomas' Hall. Tbe Hart interests have been absorbed by a new stock company, tbe Cin- cinnati Lyceum Theatre Oo. Incorporated by Harry and Edward Hart, W. H. Thompson, Sqnlre Michael Mullcr and Isaac Gottlelb, with capital stock of $10,000. Alterations will be made and Gns Sun will book vaudeville for the house, which will offer attractions similar to those seen at the American last season. ■ ■ Gband Opera, House (John, H. Havlln, mgr.)— George Evana and bla "Honey Boy" Minstrels will arrive Sept. 8. Tbomas W. Boss was greeted last week In "Tbe Only Son,'' Wlnchell Smith's new play. Llxxle Hudson Collier was welcomed in tbe role ot Mrs. Brslnard. Harry Askln pre- sents "Louisiana Lou" IS. Lyric (James E. Kennctsy, mgr.)—The fifth and last week of the successful Lymsn Howe's Travel Festival commences 8. Nell O'Brien's Minstrels open the regular season 15, B. F. Keith's (Obtrlea L. Doran, mgr.)— Victor Moore and Emma LIttlefield will present "Change Your Act: or. Back to the Woods." 8. Others: Gertrude Vanderbllt and George Moore, tbe Vassar Girls, Phil Staats, in "Three Hun- dred Pounds of Monologue and Plsiologue:" the Three Haasens, the Scnmetten Trio, Charles B. Lawlor and Daughters, in "Night and Day on tbe Sidewalks of New York;" and Will Rawls snd Ella Van Kaufman, In "The Willing Worker." Pathe's Weekly. • ■ Walnut Steer (W. F. Jackson, mgr.)—"The Penalty'' Is coming b, after a very hot week with "The Traveling Salesman." Thomas E. Shea comes 22. EvrBBsa (George F. FIsb, mgr.)—George B. B«no, Beetle Reno and company. In "The Mis- fit Army," will camp bere 8. Others: The Three Gerts, Queen Mab and Caspar Weiss, Steve Ju- hass. Will Oakland and Lottie Williams and com- pany. In an Bait Side playlet. Motion pictures. People's (Jamea E. Fennessy, mgr.) — "The Girls from Missouri" are due 8, after a week of the Dandy Girls. American Buresquers arrive 15. Standard (B. K. Bynlcks, mgr.) — Charles Robinson's Crusoe Girls are coming 8. Lsst week Sam Howe's Love Makers proved a live wire show. The Star and Garter Show la coming IS. Auditorium. —A new season, with week day tariff of fire cents, aud ten cents tor Sunday, la on. Tbe first bill was provided by Powell and Wilson, Thornton and Thornton, Harry Glen, De Shields and Marron, und Esther Horn. Tbe Three .Cycling McXntts are beadllners, 8. Cuesteb Park (Isaac M. Martin, mgr.)— Carnival week proved a big success. "Poco- hentss" was tbe siiectscle produced, and John Smith (John Kelly) was the only man In the cast Tbe Indian maiden and all the rest of the redskins were dancing girls, largely recruited from the talent seen last In ''Marco Polo." Helene, a barefoot daneer, and Emllle Hoses la a serpentine dance, provided special terpslchorean numbers. All the employees ot tbe park wore grotesque costumes. The park enjoyed a week of tremendous prosperity. Other outdoor resorts were closed. The carnival continues week of 8. HttJCK's Opeba House. Family and Ryan's Cexiukt still devoted to motion pictures. SEPTEMBER SAVINGS. John Block, former Pittsburgh newspaper man, arrived In advance of Evans' Minstrels. Alhebt BinNBHTEB and Charleb Weidnee are still guardians of the box oOlce at the Grand. Manaoeb T. ATLWARn, of the Grand Opera House, returned to duty with a coat of tan that told of a delightful Summer in the open. Talk of remodeling Heuck's Opera House Is In the air. but no official confirmation Is obtainable. Charles Stcboes came in advance of George Evans' Minstrels. Tub Tiibeb Starlets were the big Empress bit Miriam HaNaiQitEs, billed ss "Bono, the most tieuutlful girl in the world," was the sensation of the Dandy Girls. The Zoo Athletic Saturday Meets were a big success, and Ellis Foote, of Wslnut Hills, captured tbe silver cup and field championship. Hans Riouard Summered In Michigan. Thb Scuusteb Stock Co. will be personally ■"feted by Helen Mercl Schuster this season, and all rehearsals lylll be held In the Orpneum bullroom. There Is slreadv talk of re-enlistlng John Spargur and tbe Cincinnati Summer Symphony Orchestra for tbe season of 1013. Children will be checked at tbe Orpneum dur- ing the season, which commences Oct. 8. Manao.ek Job Giraiid, of Coney Island, Is planning to rpend the Winter on his Florida place. awTB P *J«»>. Cincinnati composer, has written "I Want the Moon." The lyric Is by a news- psper man, Paul GUnert. Springfield, O.—New Sun (San Amusement Co., mgrs.) hill for week of Sept. 0: Hunter and Boss, lour Israelis, and Geo, ' T Shorty" Edwards. Milwaukee, Win. —. Davidson (Sherman fSSSt "Si. " T *'e„'Woman" played to spendld nSaSSS «"**, * N*-., h "™ Fascinating foru^weVo^lsT*' ° e '- BI «*-*»<* Walling? SnuBEBT (Wm.' B. Mick, mgr.)—This boose S^SS? 5 fo .T J 0 * • e * w, '• 9 « with "Bunty Pulls {hi i^wwkVir*' «"«««* nient ' •■»«■-. of*fl"??,~ 0 i*'J& W* "«'•)—»"« 'or week ri.S.~ StL*",^ 1 ** ■ nt, «*>i'*ny. 8ix Klrksmlth j n 'nSSH?"?.,?, 1 " 1 Wenrlcb/Obrts Richards, fcwlt?tta L tld , X,e A r■ b, ' y • "" »""" 3 Gatett (J. A.. Whitehead, mar.)—The Follies SljgB tt^ tolirw audience,TlSudweek! The New Century Girls week of 8. -jg^-v*g< , R * } ^ 0 ?.' "s^ — ™» theatre opened Sunday, 1, with "Tbe Cltv" aa the initial attraction. Mayor Baaing, of this ettyfasaastal in the ceremonies at the dedication, with a VW& speech of praise for I he Baxe Bntaers In takine charge of tbe 8Ur Theatre, and rabVlna it E?f the":ttr« , t?on K )or , wee , k* D o C f , 8" ,, B " b ° We ' Cb ' " .. P o E *t (Ludwlg Krelts, mgr.)—Olotlon nlctnrea V.J"& XS° 1 1,,n »'> ''CsmllfcT^and Mme. R? fS% » "Madame Sans-Gene," were appreciated by large audiences, week of 1 appreciaiea CRtSTAL (Edw. Raymond, mgr.)—In nlace of the usual five acts of vamlevluTfor the week of ?;.c^lS. U •i? ,, .S ,TOOs, !"» B 'ulnlshed as the at- Max Mrj£ ft",J**""" I'ttle theatre, featuring 8l" ot°ZX"r- a "' My ,n,1,led ' ,The Sunn? aM^ny* ""' "^ ffl »'""'*• 2K Columbia (Wlnnlnger Broi mm > tV- win aaonr- to good Malneag j, „,, WNk „ Tbt QM ^ ^^ 9Mmlt CLIPPER <i BUSINESS Df DEl AdverUaementa sot exceeding one line in w, at tbe rate of $10 for one year (62 lauaalTT copy of Thb New Xobe: OLrraa will b» seat'hi to each advertiser while the adr ertlacmentb rnv ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND PICTUitn BOOTHS. "' O. W. Trainer Mfg. Co., 75 pearl 8t, BoBton. Mux AUTHORS AND PRODUCEng. Wm. A. Quick, 2C2 W. 86th St.. New YotkOha. BICYCLE at GYMNASTIC APPARATtt Hart Mfg. Co., 852 Atlantic Ave., Boston, BanT CHIMES. BELLS A SPECIALTIES. B. H. Uayland, SSI Adams St, Brooklyn, N r. CONFECTIONS. Bneckhelm Bros. * Eckstein, 245 So. Peoria 8t Chicago. * GYMNASTIC APPARATUS. 0. A. Bawklnt, 834 E. 27th St.. N. Y. City. MUSICAL BELLS AND NOVELTIES. Edwin R Street, 28 Brook St., Hartford, Com, A. Braunelat, 1012 Grant Ave., Richmond hit, MUSICAL SPECIALTIES. t. C. Deagon, 8800 N. Clark St. Chicago, IE OPERA CHAIRS AND AUDITORIUM SEATING. B. J. Barwood, 120 Devonshire St, Boston, lita, POPCORN, Boeckbelm Bios, ft Eckstein, 245 So. Peoria 8U. Chicago. SCENERY AND SCENIC PAINTER). 0. L. Story Scenic Co., Somervllle Station, Bos- ton, Mass. The New York Studios, 1001 Times Bldg., N. I.e. Seaman A Landls Co., 417 S. Clinton St.. Cblciga. Toomey A Volland, 2813 Market St, St. Louis, SHOW AND POSTER PRINTERS AM LITHOGRAPHERS. Enquirer Job Printing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. SLOT MACHINES AND TICKET CHOPPERS. The Callle Bros. Co., Detroit. Mich. SNAKE DEALER, W. O. Lean, 710 W. Commerce St, San Autos, Texat. STEAMSHIP AND RAILROAD TICKETS. Paul Tanslf, 104 B. 14th St, N. Y. a TH1YTS Kunkely Test A Awning Co.,* 188 Sooth St., B, L THEATRICAL OOODS. Boston Begalta Co., 8S7 Wash. St., Hot too, lUav THEATRICAL HARDWARE. A. W. Geratner, 034 8th Ave. (41st St), N. J. 0. WIG MAKERS. A. Foerer, 521 Wslnut St., St Loals, Mo. WIGS, SUPPLIES, ETC. Percy Ewlng Supply House, 715 N. Wsier St, Ds- catur, III. from Out Yonder" week ot 8, and "Billy" S and week. Racine, Wis.—Bacine (C. H. Gantlet. mgr.) Murray and Mack opened tbe season ot tola bouse Aug. 81. "The City" Sent. 1, "The Shep- herd of the HlHs" S.' Sarah Padden, la "Kin- dling," 5; Jersey Lilies 7, Lorens Bros.* repertoln) Oo. week of 8. , _.. Raw Obphbuu (H. O. Andress, mgr.)—Hut for 9-11 Included: Dick Gardner and Annie Se- vere, with a large chorus, In a musical comedy, "Johnny on the Spot" Fur 12-16: Eight an- ions, Knight and Dyer. Boxy La Rocco, IrledeD- rlch and company, Emll Hoch and couipauy, an! moving pictures. Business good. Alditobium (N. P. Belcnert, mgr.)—A Jlf torlal reproduction of "Oberammergau, 1-4 drtw well. ,_,„ Bijou, Majestic, Giand, Obfheum, Lraiq, Amuse, Gem and Casino, moving picture nooses, are nil doing well, , .... ,. ■ Noras.—0. B. Banther, of Detroit, Mick, u now manager of the Baclne Theatre.....-" 1 "; W. Tlele, a popular resident of tbls city, »bs liss a large acquaintance among tbe pcsfesiRip, is now manager of the Bijou picture house, la tbls city. Detroit, Mich.—Detroit (B. O. Whitney, mgr.) "The Polish Wedding," presented by I* pable company, played to good patronage, seta of Sept. 2. "Louisiana Lou 7 ' week of 0. Gar wok (It H. Lawrence, mgr.) — 'A hob- era Eve" week of 9. - ,„_ _ ,»« Lyceum (B. D. Stair, mgr.) — "Where OS Trail Divides" played to big crowds week of L "A Man's Game" week of 8. ,. _ ta Avenue (Drew A Campbell, mgrs.)—The MonM Carlo Olrls pleased good sixed houses week of a Tbe Girls from Reno week of 8. , tl „ ^-_ Tbmplb (J. H. Moore, mgr.)—A good bill drew capacity bouses week of 2. Bill for week ■ 8: Sidney Drew, Lambert and Ball, Kd. W. WT nard, Kd. Morton, Hlckey'o Comedy Circus, ths Four Rlanos, Bellboy Trio. Joggling Burkes, ana tbe Mooreeacope. _ , _ ■, Milbb' (O. W. Porter, mgr.) — VX ,l *&J? good. BUI for week of 9: Wlilard, Billy Sclieer. Jay Gould, Charles GUI and company, and as Miles cope. Battle Creek. Mich.—1'ost (K. R. gjs* mgr.) Arthur Ohatterton and company, under us management of Nathan Appel, will present j«j Man on the Box," "The Man of the nour, "Isbmael," "Brewster's Millions," "Tbe HouM ot a Thousand Candles," "The Prisoner « Zends.!' "Paid In Pull." "The Squaw Mao ass "Sherlock Holmes," during week of Sept. fc Bxiou (Will Marshall, mgr.)—Bill to'r? l JS[, clnded: Mile. Carrie. Bennett Sisters, Sill ■" son Trio, and Eddie Leslie. For 12- 14 :„,ir Oaavs, Faynetta Monro, Mr. and Mrs. Aswan* Nevlns and Erwood, and Models De Luxe. Norfolk, Vaw-Academy (Otto Wells, •&£ "Mutt and Jeff" opened tho seajoa at Ibis wwj Sept. 2. and played to very good .buslne"?- ' w Confession." 8, drew well. "Alma, V.ere < >» Vou Live," wss accorded a wann "f'^Zv* "Madame Sherry" played to well «ll«i jSg 5-7. "Polly of the Circus" 11. Al «• iitM Minstrels 14. ..„_ _ _,„ nlt\* Gdanbt (Otto Wells. tag».) r -' , Tbe {**»£& played to good returns week of 2. Seven w week of 8. . . „„, , n „ „«k Colonial (C. O. Sgan, mgr.»—""' '"VtgAsj ot 9 Includes: Newklrk tnd Evans Sisters, w^ Iteckwlth, Klutlng's animals. 'Three Lyres, r, Mayne and corn>sny, Three Mori »»»•• Colonial (0. 0. fgan, mgr. )-jBill '<", , - —ig Sister roe fcrn .a. CsmL % Borden and Shannon. Business, week MP". " *%3SL (Otto'-Wells. .agr.)^V.udovll.| •»« motion pictures did good business week m *^ AVBUOAN. WONDDUHD. ABCADE. «**H PtTOSHO AMD Bonita report ssastactor; Buaw—