The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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SEPTEMBER 14 THBNEWYOBK CILZPPEB. J. H. REHIICK, President F. E. BELCHER, Secretary LATEST "Moonlight Bay" Thf. it t Me taming reaeattonal N*f«r m« ».«„(ry. a beanttfal nteledy and a swinging lyric. RUB! COLDBKRC 8 COMIC SONC "I'M THE GUY" With pl*n< y at extra vtn«i. "You're My Baby" A »«ti| Ml the style at-Oil, Tom Beaotltnl Doll," l.y the same «U.n, BROWN and AVER, ami tha» s»»»i«» for ttaeir. P9 THB COMIC aON*> WITH FLMTr »V ULTRA. VERtEl "You Wouldn't Know^Place Now By WILLIAM* and VAN AL8TYNE Tli W li to* r m< eomlc kuk la year*. Evsryuuily U talk lag aberat II, «"d w« h««. II rsa dy prervxilonsalr y. head far IIMW, yoa ii'ii'l nnlu aay mistake putting It In you r net or ihe-w. .. WHEN I WALTZ WITH YOU M By BR YAK Mid GUMBLE Tlir "fntrhlmt" walll Sang OB tile Market In-day. Get It Willi* lt*S n«W, fresh from the yeas ef Ike two be<t wilii long wrltrra In the country. "EVERYBODY TWO-STEP" By JONES and HERZER The w«.tr iu ragtime aeng. A (real t wn-.t.p, a .pirn.I Id rag, a great set ef word., goltahle for any clagle or doable aeu it'. UK w and Ire nuiuiML. .-I 111 111 and His Wonderful Song 1 If Words by WILL D. COBB There la only an* One Edwards, the peer of all melody writers, aaA will D. Cebb baa turned .at mi ef the greateet eomge we have ever aabllshed. It', aaalber "»y tha i.lgmi af the Silvery Mann," and everybody whistled and played that sang. That's what everybody will do with "On a a.a.tirui Nlghi With a Beaatlmi GlrL" Another "Idady l.ou," a* "Lady Aave" ar «tagar Moon," Br ITAJiLEY MTJHPHT >ud HBTRT MABSHALL "My Little Lovin' Sugar Babe" Tula li it. A serenade song, a great deable version, a toag aad dance—a typical atage num- ber, it'b paj»H, ir« new, ir« kf.a i»v now. MARIS OAHIU'I Latoet Sen. Hit "I Want a Little Lovin' Sometimes" A coea eong with a weader rally eomlc lyric. Mlaa Cahlll hu released tble eaag lo at and we can safely predict thl* aaiaber ta be the hit ef nay act aalag this hind ef a sang. IG / / ■ . -a. 1 B 1 m fa • ■ I GRANT and YOU NO'S FAMOUS BALLAD, At the Gate^APa[aceof Dreams "when YOU'RE AWAY" Another "Garden af Beeea" by tha same witters. On* of tha aeaat beautiful ballade •»•' | Thiols tha Bengali New Tork Is talhlng eboat. A kit In twa nrodaatlana an Br.adv.av m. written. I Zlegfeld ekaw aad Weber A ri .Id.. It's relaaaed nrefeealonally now and w* Wait TOO teaing It. In Preparation JJ By YOUNC, CONRAD and WHIDDEN A BMW comic song. Thla I* a pe.els EroryboJy will want ta slag lt| they can't help It, lt'a the drat real ceon eeag slaca "Couils or Mine," JEROME H. REMICK & CO. 68 toYtae 219-221 West 46th Street, New York City DETROIT MOSE CUMBLE. i-fgr. Professional Department Majestic Theatre Blag. CHICAGO We have moved to our New Building, 219-221 West 46th Street (next to Globe Theatre)