The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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18 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. September u Oh, Ton Performers! Oh, You Telegrams! Oh, Xou Long- Distance Phones! Oh, You Extra Mail Carriers in Boston! HERE 18 ANOTHER HIT, BY THK WRITERS OP "BVBKTBODV LOVE8 A. CHICKEN" 64 LET'S DO IT AGAIN 99 Tae iom that will have ths entire theatrical world stepping an their toes morn lag, noon nnd nlcht. A gem of a lyric set to a whirlwind syncopated melody. We've said enough. Henri ■ ^ and you will put It on right avray. ^ ■»»■■ ror It NOW FOR THE SALARY HAISBIt, ENCORE GETTER, AFPLAUSK WINNER EVERYBODY LOVES A CHICKEN •The blggeit natural song hit ever written. Lyric* nnd made by BOBBY JONES. More new and original business nnd esYects can be dereloped in the use of thle wonderful number bv nnvi. <■ and act* of every character and description, than any other. * •"vanetloa* PHOFE88IONAL COPIES AHD ORCHESTRATIONS MAY BE SECURED BY PERFORMERS WBITLM Q AND ENCLOSING PROGRAMME O'-NlGIXji <fc STORY, ...... 218 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. When in town you will always he welcome at the CHICKEN ROOST, at 818 Tremont St., where a pleasant greeting Is assured you at the hands of HAPPY O'NKIL, and CHICK STORY. ROUTE LIST. Routes Intended for This Column Must Reach This Office Not Later Than Saturday of Each Week L -_ to Insure Insertion. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. Arlias. George—.Llebler Oo.'s — Wsllsck's, New - York, 8, Indefinite. . . Aborn English Urnui Open (Milton ft Sargent Atjorn. mgrs.)—Toronto, Can., 16-21. "Amaioos, The"—Oharles Frohman's—Dnke of York's, London, 0, Indefinite. "Angelus, Toe" (A. 0. Delamater, mgr.)—Wash- ington, D. 0., 9-14. . _ "An Aatec Romance" (0. V. Bean, mgr.)—Chest- nut Opera Home, Philadelphia, 12-14, Manhat- tan, New York. 10-21. _ . •'Alma, Where Do You Lire?" (A. E. Ssndera, hut.) —Salem, Mais., 12, Portland, Me., IS, 14, Belfast IT, Rockland 18, Bar Harbor 10, Bangor 20, 21. "Arab, The"—Jones 4 Crane's—Osceola, la., 12, Charlton 13, Mt. Pleasant 14, Burlington IS. "Alias Jimmy Valentine"—Llebler Co.'a—Indian- apolis. Ind., 12-14. Billle Burke—Charles Frohman's—Lyceum, New York, 0. Indefinite, Brian, Donald—Charles Frohman's—Syracuse, N. Y., 9-11, Utlca 12, Boehesler 13, 14, Buffalo 16-21. Booth, Virginia (R. W. Laltbe, mgr.)— Shnrbot Lake, Can., 12. Blair, Eugenie (Geo. H. NIcolal, mgr.)—Roches- ter, N. Y., 8-14, Washington, D.C., 16-21. Belbnont, Sarah—St. Louis, Mo., 914, Loulavllle, Ky., 16-21. _ . Block Pattl Musical Comedy (B. Voelckel, mgr.) —-Shelbyvllle, Ind., 12, Onwfordsrllle 13, Terre Haute 14, Mt. Vernon 10, Evunsvllle 10, Hopklnsvllle, Ky., 17, Olarksvllle, Tcnn., 18, Nashville 19, 20. Paris 21. "Bohemian Girl," Atlantic (Milton ft Sargent Aborn, nigra.)—Dover. S. J., 12, Blaston, Pa., 18, Allentown 14, Beading 16, Lebanon IT, Lancaster 18, York 10, Harrlsburg 20, Bcranton 21. "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A. Brady's. Ltd Playhouse, New York, 9, Indefinite. "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A, Brady's, Ltd. —Son Francisco, Cal., 9-14. "Bunty Pulls the Strings" — Sbubert-Brady's— . Comedy, New York 0-14, Newark, N. J., 10-21. "Bunty Pulla • the Strings" — Shubert-Brady's— Milwaukee. Win.. 8-14. ."Bunty Pulls the Strings" — Shnbert-Bridy's— St. John. N. H., Can., 16-19. "Bird of Paradise"— OHtct Morosco'a—Oarrlck, Chicago, 8, Indefinite. "Blue Bird, The"—Llebler Co."a—Syracuse, N. Y., 8-14. "Brewstor'B Millions" (Al. Rich Producing Co., nigra.)—Crystal Kails, Mich., 11, Calumet 12, Hancock 13, lroowood 14, Ashland, Wla., 13, Bessemer, Mich., 16, Rice Lake, Wis., IT, Bralnerd, Minn., 10, Staples 20, Little Falls 21. "Beverly," Central (Geo. A. Sullivan, mgr.)— Oamdeu, N. Y., 12, Oneida 13, Auburn 14, Oanajohnrio 10, St. Jolinsvllle 17, Oxford 18, Corning 10, Addison 20, Oleau 21. "Baby Mine," Eastern—Wm. A. Brady's—Dover, N. J., 10, Easton, Pa.. IT, Allentown 18, Honosdale ID, Scrunton 20, Buighamton, N. Y., "Balkan Princess, The"—Columbia, S. 0., 12, Charleston 14. "Balance, The," A (A. J. Hicks, mgr.)—St Johns, Mich., 12, Saginaw 13, Flint 14. "Balance, The," B (Gordon ft Rowlander, uigrs.)—Fort Atkinson, W1b., 12, Janesville 13, H tough ton 14, Madison 10. "Billy, the Kid''—Wm. Wood's (Herbert Farrer, mgr.)—Huntingdon, Pa,, 12, Houttdale 13, Al* toons 14, Barnsboro 10, Du Bols IT, BlalrsTllle 18, Turentiun 10, Latrobe 20, Oormellsvlllc 21. "Bachelor's Honeymoon, A" (Gllson ft Bradfleld, mgr.)—Swea City, In., 12, Marathon 14, "BulterBy on the Wheel"—Lewis Waller's—In- dianapolis, Ind., 10-18, "Dobs. The"—Wm. A. Brady's—Brooklyn, N. Y., "Banker, the Thief and the Girl, The"—Orbits- Poulos Amuse. Oo.'b — Oak Harbor. 0.. 12, Akron 13, 14, Lorain 10, Sanduskv IT. Clifton Crawford—Henry B, Harris'—Park. New York, 9, Indefinite. Cohan, Geo, M.—Cohan A Harris'—Hartford. Conn., 16-21. "Concert, The"—David Belasco's—New Haven, Conn., 18, 14, Belnseo, New York, 16-28. "Count of Luxembourg, The"—Klaw. & Brian- ger's—Tremont, Boaton, 0-14, New Amsterdam New York, 16. Indefinite, * "Charity Girl, The"—Geo. H. Lederer'a—Roches- ter, N. Y., 1018. "Oountry Boy, The"—Henry B. Harris'—Colum- bus, O., 9-14, Dayton 10-21, "Olty, The"—United riay Co.'a—Mason City. la.. 12, Oelweln 18, Waterloo 14, Cedar Rapids 15, Traer 10, Tama IT, Annmosa 18, Savanna, 111.. 10, Rock Island 20, Davenport, la., 21. "College Boy"— Ollntcnvlllc, Wis., 12. Oconto Falls 13, Oconto 14, Breen Bay 15, .tei v Lo n . don 10, Mattoon IT. Tlgcrun 18, Gillett 19, Surlng 20, Wnbeno 21, "Cow Puncher, The"—Howard Brandon's (L. C. Zellcno, mgr.)—Ollnlon, Minn., 12, Browne Val- ley 13. 14, Glenwood 10. Morrla IT, Uraeevllle 18, Wheaton 10-21. "Onsey Jones"—Rowland ft Clifford's—Iiidlnnapo- lis, Ind., I0-)8. "Ooninwm Law, The"—A. H. Woods'—Wheeling, "Climax, ' Tho"—Jos. M. Welter's—llrooklrn, N. Y., 0-14. "Cow and the Moon, The"—Chaa. A. Sollon's— St. Paul, Minn., 15-21. "Oounty Sheriff" (Wee ft Lambert, mors.) ply. mouth, Mass., 10, North Attlehoro 17 Kbkox 20. m Wew 8 Brlt»Tn ST" * ■** ■ ■ *" » ■^KSk,T»Se? ^ MB> *-*»P««t. kt» n "of'liideSnlte7"' H " *' r ' ,,M, '*- 9b <' 1 »rt, Boston, Daly, llernnnl—Omaha, Nebr.. 12-14 De Kn\in Opera,, (Daniel V. Arthur, mgr.)— Knlcktrlurker, "New York. I», Indefinite. "Discovering Amerlen"—Lewis Waller's—Daly's New York, II, Indefinite. * ' "Divorce Question. The." City—Rowland ft Ollf- ford'B. Inc.—Jersey City, N. J., 10-21 'Divorce Qii..sll«.,i, The." Night Stands—Row- land A Ollironra. Inc.—Relvldere, 111., 12. nc- lelt. Wla., 13. Mndlwin 14. La Crosse 15. K-an »".''«.!* ! 5 , ,! l,w " , «7' M,ml - "• llsHtlnm. 18, Iti-d Wing in. Faribault 20. Ownlnmin 21. KIIIiibp, Julian—A. II. Woods'—Milwaukee. IF YOU WOULD BEAUTIFY - and Promote a more Healthful Tone to Eye- lids, Kyelaeoes and Eyebrows and prevent JlndenlraWe Conditions, try Murine and Murine Bye Salve. You will like Murine. la dally use to Beauty Parlors, Wla., 9-14, St. Paul, Minn., 13-18, Minneapo- lis 18-21. "Ell and Jane" (Louis H. Dale, mgr.)—Sumner, Mo., 12, Browning 13, Green .City 14, .Rich- land, la., 10, Brighton IT, Hedrlck 18, Monte- suma 19, Thornburg 20, North English 21. Fnrnum, Dustln—A. H. Wood's — Kansas Olty, Mo., 9-14. Fairbanks. Douglas—Cohan A Harris'—Philadel- phia 10-28. Foy, Eddie—Werba A Lueacher's—Newark, N. J., 8-14, Brooklyn, N. Y.. 16-21. Farnnm, William—A. H. Woods'—Brooklyn, N. Y., 9-14, Newark, N. J., 10-21. "Fine Feathers"—H. H. Frssee's — Cort, Chi- cago, 9, Indefinite. "Fanny's First Play"—Sam S. A Lee Shnbert, Inc.—Comedy, New York, 16, Indefinite. "Fortune Hunter"—Cohan ft Harris'—Pittsburgh, Pa., 9-14, Rochester, N. Y., 10-18, Syracuse 19-21. "Fortune Hunter" (Ernest Schnabel, mgr.)—But- ler, Pa., 12, Du Bols 18, Bradford 14, Kane 16, St. Marys IT, Rldgway 18, Warren 19, Jamestown, N. Y., 00, Oorry, Pa., 21. "Freckles," Central (A O. Delamattr, mgr.)— Warren, Pa., 12. Oorry. 13. Erie 14. "Fortune Hunter." OoaBt—Rowlnd A Clifford's, Inc.—Ottawa, HI., 12, Aurora 13, Jollet 14, Hammond, Ind., 18, Kankakee, 111., 16, Hoopes- ton, 111., IT, DunTlllo 18. Urbana 19, Charles- ton 20, Mattoon 21. "Flirting Princess" (H. P. Hill, mgr.)—St. Catharines, Ont, Can., 12, Brentford 13, London 14. "Faust"—Manley k Campbell's—Waupaca, Wis., 12, Marshfleld 13, Merrill 14, Wausaa 16, Tomahawk 17, Phillips 18, Ladysmlth 18, Bar- ron 20, New Richmond 21. "Factory Girl, The" — National, Philadelphia, 8-14. "Girl From Monrmartre. The"—Charles Froh- man'a—Criterion, New York, 9, Indefinite. "Governor's Lady, The"—Ml Belasco's—Re- public, New York, 10, Indefinite. "Garden of Allah, The"—Llebler Oo.'s—Audi- torium, Chicago, 8, Indefinite. "Greyhound, The"—Wageobsls A Keeper's— Bob- ton Theatre. Boston. 8, Indefinite. "Get Rich Quick Wslllngford," Western—Ooban A Harris'—dndlanapolls. Ind., 12-14, Mllwau- , kee, Wis.. 15-21i ■ . "Girl ot My Dreams"—Jos. M. Gaites'—Mon- treal, Can., 8-14. "Girl From Rector's"—.Wm. Wamsher's (S. A. Mitchell, mgr.)—Homer, III., 12, Mofltlcello 18, Decatur 14, Ashland 16, Jacksonville 17, Virginia 18, Beardstown 18, Alexia 20, Strong- hurst 21. "Goose Girl"—Baker A Castle's (Fred G. Will- iams, act mgr.)—Durham, N. C, 12, Winston- Salem 13, Greensboro 14, Charlotte 10, Spartan- burg, S. C, 17, Greenville 18, Anderson 18, Abbeville 20, Athens, 6a., 21 "Graustsrk"—United Plsy Oo/s—Decatur, 111., 13, Bloomlngtoo 14, Jollet 15, Aurora 10, Syca- more 17, Harvard 18, Janesville, Wis., 10, Elk- horn 20, Rocktord. III., 21. "Girl at the Gate, The"—Harry Aakln's—La Salle, Chicago. 8, Indefinite. "Girl of the Mountains" (Wee A Lambert, nigra.) —Lykens, Ps„ 12, Roversford IS. Brldueton, N. J., 14, Phcenlxvltle, Pa., 10, West Chester IT, Centerrllle, Md„ 20, Pocomoke City 21. "Gamblers, The" (Ed. McDowell, mgr.)—Brad- ford, Fa., 12, Wellsvllle, N. Y„ 13, James- town 14, Olean 10, Salamanca IT, Hornell 18, Penn Van 18, Oornlag 20, Elmlra 21. "Girl In the Taxi"—A. H. Woods'—Crown, Oat- Mann. Louis—Werba k Laescber'o—Grand, New "Rosary, The," Circuit—Rowland k Clifford's. York, 9-14, Brooklyn, N Y., 10-21. Miller, Henry—Klaw k Erlanger'a—Rochester, N. Y., 18-21. Mnrpby, Tiro—Llebler Co.'a—Middle town, N. T., -12. Hudson, New York, 14, Indefinite. MaeDonald, Christie—Werta ft Lnescher's—Provi- dence, R. I., 16-21. "Million, The"—Htnry W. Sauge's—Majestic. Boston, 9, Indefinite, Inc.—Lansing. Mich., 12, Kalamazoo 13, 14, Grand Riplds 15-21. "Bossry, The," Coast — Rowland ft Clifford's. Inc.—Leon. la., 12, AlMa 13, Ottomwa 14, Fort Madison 15, OnterrlUe 16, Osceola IT, Oreston 18, Clarinda 19, Bed Oak 20, Platts- mouth, Nebr., 21. "Rollicking Shannon" (Al McLean, mgr.)—Im- perial, Chicago, 9-14, Columbus, 0., 16-21 "Model, The"—Charles Frohman's—Harris, New "Rosary* The" (Gaakell ft McVltty, Inc., mgrs.) York. 9. Indefinite. "Merry Countess. The"—Sam 8. ft Lee Shnbert, Inc.—Casino, New fork, 9, indefinite. "Modern Be"—Mort H. Singer's—Detroit, Mich., 9-14, Flint 18. "Modem Eve"—Mort H. Singer's—Flint, Mich., 18. "Muter of the House, The"—San 8. ft Lee Shn- bert, Inc.—Thirty-ninth Street, New York, 9, Indefinite. "Matt and Jeff." A—Cos Hill's—Schenectady. N. Y.. 12. Albany 13. 14, Glens Falls 16, Troy IT, Amsterdam 18, GloversrUle 19, Utlca 20, 21. "Mutt and Jeff," B—Cue Hill's—Raleigh, N. O, —Newton, la.', 12, Guthrie Center 13. Adair 14, Neola 15, West Point, Nebr., 16. Fremont IT, Lincoln 18. Falls Olty 19, Tecumaeh 20, Holton, Kan.. 21. .. . "Round-Up"—Klaw ft Erlangtr's—Kansas City, Mo.. 9-14. "Romance of the Underworld"—Paul Armstrong's —Kansas Olty, Mo., 8-14, Omaha, Nebr., 15- 18. "Royal Slave" (Geo H. Bubb. mgr.)—Allegan, Mich.. 12, Fennvllle 13, South Haven 14, Ben- ton Harbor 16, Hartford IT, Lawrence 18, Paw Paw 20, Buchanan 21. Stahl. Rose—Henry B. Harris'—Park, Boston, 9, Indefinite. 12, Fayettevlle 13, Wilmington 14, Greens- b."??" 1 }-",' k ._o.™ a a. r— ahni.,t fne — hom ib Hnii.tmn IV rih.rintt. in (i«»« Buratt. Vileska—Sam, 8. ft.Lee Shnbert. Inc.— boro 16, Salisbury IT, Charlotte 18, Greenville, S. 0., 18, Spartanburg 20, Asheville, N. 0.. 21. "Mutt and Jeff," O—Gui Hill's—New Britain, Montreal, Can., 9-14, Hamilton 20, 21. Ssthern, E. H.. and Julia Marllowe—Scranton, Pa., 16, Rochester, N. Y., 18-21. Conn.. 12. Waterbury 18. 14, Mlddletown 18, -F*a i&Jf 0 ^*!;",! T T lv ih„Hu w B.I. Merlden IT. Winated 18. New Haven 1921. Bch*lf, Frttri—S_ara _S. A Lee Shnbert, Inc.—Bal- "MuVt"Vnd*ieff,'"""D^urllJuiton,"N/^ flK il? w !jL U<L B 18 : 21 „ , Brnnawlck IT. Pl.lnSeld 18, Dover 18, Easton, ^H',. • —Cincinnati, O., Pa., 20, Allentown 21. 15-21. "Missouri' Girl, The"—Norton A Blth's—Bdmon- Sidney, George (A. W. Herman, mgr.) — Fort tou, Alta., Can., 12-14, Wetaaklwln 16, Settler Wayne, Ind., 12-14, Cleveland, O., 10-21. IT, Castor 18, Red Deer 19, Olds 20, Innlsfall Stewart, Hay (J. E. Cllnc, mgr.)—Manchester, 21. "Man Higher Up, The"—Jos. M. GaUes'—Olym- pic, Chicago, 15, Indefinite. la., 12, Waterloo 13, Grlnneil 16. Oskiioou 17, Ottumwa 18, Newton 19, Iowa Falls 20, Mason Olty 21, WANTCD For THE MIDNIGHT EXPRESS MMUrfcnbrettow1tt8r*claltles. SmtcaUuffi and jour very lowest. Address <-■""> ant EDWIN GARY. BANCROFT. Ml fiH ^M Am "A" JJ]D~ AN AGENT For Stetson's U. T. C. Co. Address LEON WASHBURN, CHESTE R, fk AT LIBIRTY "■ EXPERIENCED CHARACTER WOHAH Btock, rep. or tabloid, only reliable cornDaaiTa SKETCHES M0N0LOG3, PARODIES, ETC., OF THE HIQlIgST GRADE, written to order only. Prices and tsrma reasonable. Db rose a Rhodes, mss BOX 138, BOOTH BEND, INDIANA. W1STED, STOCK COSIPM? To play on stmres In Theatre In Philadelphia p. Address 0. D., CLirPER.' 'Milestones"—Klaw ft Erlanger's—Liberty. New "Spring Maid. The"—Werba A Lnescher's—Grand York, 17. Indefinite. "Milestones"—Klaw ft Erlsnger's—Blackstone, Chicago, 23, indefinite. "Merry Widow Re-Married"—la Fayette, Ind., "Miss Nobody From Slarland"—Mort H. Singer's —St Joseph, Mo.. 12. nssimova. Mme. Alia—Oharles Frohman's—To- ronto. Can., 9-14. Montreal 16-21. ."No'er Do Wolls, The"—Authors' Prododns Oo.'s ^Lyrlc, New York, 9, Indefinite "Nlgnt in Venice, A"—Lancaster, Pa., 10-21. O'Hara, Flake (A, J. I'lton, mgr.)—Toronto, Can, 9-14, St. Catharines 16, Gait 17; Brant- ford 18, Peterboro 19, Bellerllle 20, Klngatoo "Obi Oht Delphlne"—RUw ft Erlanger'a—For- rest, Philadelphia, 11-21. "Oliver Twist"—LWiler Oo.'s—Illinois, Culcoso, 6, Indefinite 18, Big Baplds 20, Owosso 21. "Bhepberd of the Hills, The," West (Gaakell ft McVltty, Inc., mgrs )— Merrill, Wis., '12, Rhlnclanler 13, Antlgo 14. Wausau IS, Marsh- fleld 10. NelUsrlUe 17, Menomonle 18, SU1I- water, Minn., 19, Northflelrt 20, Rochester 21. "OflPcer 666"—Cohan ft Harris'—Gayety. New Servant In the House, The"—Merle H. Norton's mm *B*f.^ Mi fWs ^l"**.-!*. }«• America Theatre Stock (James Wall, mgr)-. Michigan City 16, Benton Harbor, Mich., 17, American Philadelohla 9 Indeflniie Arbor 21. Qjr» N J 9 Indefinite .v™* ' B Sn ,P On t C ciln P iA A ,"-Weber-Fleld.' ik ^WJa£' gT^Oahumw, >„.,_.. TOD, UTJt., UAH.. IB, 19. Tima RnafAn Q truleAnito "*$&» <? B ^J"*" g» -W>1l<l.» BrVwrKft 8t VT Mauley, »gr.k-lfstf*. McMttj, II*., mgrs)—Grlnneil, la., 12, Ot- town. N. Y. 9-14 Lone Branch K j itii lpr , inSwiA'i^! n, . h,B "• l ' e,,rt, • IU - 16 - 18, »$E 8 5S £$ ^««" oi:/-^, 1 . "^c^ltS toc^mSi 1 !" SaCaS $££*£ ' Btls^ Stx. Stat* (Oliver Morosco. mgr;j- Bg^.*» y.» »F»>l aa sjAal CjT /,.lllaK. 12, Lo, AngeKs, Cal.. 9, Indefinite. . ,-. East Jordan 18, Traverse Olty 14, Manistee 18, Buhank Stock (Ollrer umo™ „,— \ , ' ... Ludlngtou 16, Cadlllae IT, Reed Olty 18, Kvart ""SSi,, -OaLT 9. lndfnnlfe ^'' ^ ?* Bishop Players (H. W. Bishop, mgr.)—Oailaad, Cal., 9. indefinite. ,.- Breckenrldge Stock (Oharles Breckenrldee, ant.) —MsrshaUtowo. la.. 9-14. Barrlngton Stock—Spirit Lake, la., 9-H. ' Barrett Players (O. G. Muntne, mgr.)—Lake —Lisbon, Falls, i Pa t < •i -. ago, 0-14. "Girl From U. 3. A."—Woods ft Chslker's— Hamilton, Mont, 12, SteTensrllle 13, Missoula 14, Wallace, Ida;, 10, Spokane, Wash., 16, Lewlston, Ida., IT, Walla Walla, Wash.. 18. North Yakima 10. "Girl From the Sunny South" (W. C. Downs, mgr.)—Mllllnocket, Me.. 12. Island Falls 13, Houlton 14, Mars BUI 10, Presque Isle 17. "Girl ot tho Underworld," Central (Weo ft Lam- bert, mgrs.)—Lonacoulng, Md., 12, Berlin, Pa., 13, Boswell 14, Irwin 16, Oharlerol 18, Donors 1,8. Waynesburg 20, Washington 21. "Girl of the Underworld," Northern (Wee ft Lambert mgrs.)—Danamora. N. Y., 12, Kssez 18, Westport 14, Rlltabethtown 10, Koene Val- ley IT, Lake Placid 18, Sarunac Lake 10, Chateaugay 21. "Girl of the Underworld." Western (Chaa. Par- if?' .t"8r.)—Auburn, Iud., 12, Hartford City 18, Anderson 14, MUroy 16, New Castle 20, Muncle 21. Bodge, William—Llebler Co. 's—Plymouth, Bos- tou, 8-28. Hituhcock, Raymond—Cohan ft Harris'—Atlantic S 1 "' .?• i." ? -11 > Trenton 12, 13, Lancaster, Pa., 14, Pittsburgh 16-21. Hoffman, Gortrude (Oomstock ft Gest mar.) Lyric, Phllsdelphls, 16-28. "I?"? 7 Psnto"—Lew Fields'—Broadway, New York, 8, Indefinite "Heart Breakers, Tho"—Mort H. Singer's—Cal- gary Alts., Oan.. 12-14, Vancouver, B. O, 10, , IT, Victoria 18, Seattle, Wash., 19-21. "Iloiiie of a Thousand Osndles. The" 0. S. Primrose's—Pontlac. Mich., 16. Illlnglon, Margaret (Edward J, Bowes, mgr.)— Guclpb, Can,, 12, Hamilton 13, 14, Gait 16, Stratford IT, 8t Thomas 18, Woodstock 10, St. Catharines 10. "In Old Kentucky" (D. Oensadlne, mgr.)—Prince Albert. Sask.; Oat:., 12, Saskatoon 13, 14, Ed- monlon, Alta., 10-18, Calgary 10-21. "Introduce Me"—Harrlsburg, Pa., 13. Kolb & Dill's Musical Comedy—San Francisco, Cal., 8, indefinite. "Klsslnit PrlncesB" (I. M. Schwarts, mgr.)— Two Rivers, Wis.. 12, Neonah IS, Applcton 14. ".Wdiiapned for a Million" (H. H. Perry, mg".) —Slnyton, Minn., 12-14, Huron Lake 10, Lake ...Park IT. Oc*4oa 10, Odin 20, Balaton 21. "kindling"—United Play Oo.'s—Burllngtoa, la.. 12. Qulney, HI.. 14. Altoo 15. Contrails 1«, RfllngbRm IT, Taylorvllle 18, Jacksonville 10, Urbana 20, Bloomlngron 21. Lloyd. Alice—Werba ft Lnescher's—Fall River, Mass.. 12, Now Bedford 18, Newport, R. I., Ji' N .f w Lo,ldon . Obnn., 10, Springfield. Mass., IT. 18, l'lttsfleld 18, Butlaad, Vt., 20, Bnrllng- ton 21. ^ Lewis, Dnvo—Rowland ft OlIITord's, Inc. (Dave Beyniotir. mgr.)—St. Lents, Mo., 0-14, Imiier- lal. Chicago. 15-21. . 'VLlltlo Miss Brown"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd.— ...'orty-i'hrlilh Street, New York, 9. Indefinite. "Lion ami the Mousx. The"—United Play Oo.'s Beldlng, Mich., 12, Owobbo 13, Mlchlgsn Olty, Ind., in, Holland, Mich.. 16. Musk«on IT, Traverse Olty 18, Boyne Olty 20, Rsst Jordsn 21. "LUTht Hternal. The" (M. B. ft B. W. Rice. mgrs.)—'Woodstock, Ont., Can., 12. St. Thomas 13. 14. Branuford 10, IT, Guelph 18, 10, Peter- bore 20, 21. "lottery Maa, The"—<Merle H. Norton's—nu- rou, S. Dnk., 13. 13, Watertown 14. Mllbank 16, Ortoavllle, Minn.. 17, Wtllmar 18, Benson ,18. Wahi»ton. N. Dok., 20, Detroit. Minn., 21. "Louisiana I-ou"—Harry Ankle's—diansas Olty, Mo., 15-20. "I/nilslana Ix)u"^Harry Aakln's—Detroit, Mich., 9-H, Otnolunatl, O., 15-21. Mason, John—Oharles Frohman's — Harrlsborr. t+. is. acaam is, 14, ^ •>a-»-l.»', York. 8, Indefinite. . "OBcer 666, - ' Western—Cohan ft Harris'—Salt Lake Olty, U., 12-14, San Francisco, Cal., 10- "Officcr 666," Middle—Ct ban ft Harris'—Lowell, Mass., 12, Salem 13. Concord, N. H., 14, Law- rence, Mass., 16, Brockton 17. Taunton J 8, Fall River 18. New Bedford 20, Newport, B, ., I-. 21. *~ Falls. Pa.. 21. 'OlScer 600," Southern — Cohan ft Harrl*'— "Seven Days"—Norfolk, Vs., 0-14. Greeley, Colo., 12, Laramie, Wyo„ 13. North "Talker, rbe"Henry B. Harris'—Broad, Pblla- Piatt, Nebr., 18. Columbus IT. Norfolk 18, delphia. 9-21. Stoux Falls, S. Dak., 19, Mitchell 20, Man- "TantalUlng Tommy" — AH. Woods' — Chicago ..ft B,u i., S i llnn -„S 0 ' >e^,l ,Iou » e ' Chicago. 9, Indefinite. ' Our Village Postmaster" (Ohas. B. MlllB. mgr.) 'Traveling Salesman, 7he"—Henry B. Harris'— —-Medford, Wla., J2, Rice Lake 13. Colby 14. Louisville. Ky., 9-14, 8t. Louis, Mo„ 16-21. = *? i5' 5.°. rcne8tcr 10 - Tnor P l 8. Spencer 19, "Third Degree, The"—United Play Oo.'s—Te- »J& y & 20 ' 0M . p J! e J! s Fal1 " 21 - cunweh, Ulch., 12, IpsllsnU 13, Bay City 14. Old Homestead," Coast (Frank Thompson, mgr.) Saginaw 16, Manistee 16, Ludlngton 17 CadJJ- —Reglna, Sask.. Can., 12, 13, Prince Albert .Jac IS, Charlotte 19. Owosso 20. Pontlac 21. ..,, W ' Saskatoon 16-18. Edmonton, Alta., 20, 21. "Three Twins. The" (PhUlp H. Nlven. mgr.)— "One Day"—Hart's, Philadelphia, 8-14, Newark ** " ■■■■ ■' ■»«»«« *• — '-i^ 6 N. J., 16-21. "Pink Lady, The"—Klaw ft Erlanger Amsterdam, New York, 9-14, Portland "Pasaers-By"—Charles Frohman's—Utlca, N. Y., 18, Syracuse 20, 21. "Polish Wedding, The" —Cohan ft Harris' — Grand, Chicago, 0. indefinite. "Pomander Walk"—Llebler 0o.'e—San Francisco. Cal,, 8-14. "Putting It Over"—Frank Hatch Amuse. Oo.'s (Jsmes Whlttendale, gen. mgr.)—Olympic, Chi CT laKattlLr^aSil rt "rZL°?.J ~?" k <*** Manafleld. O., 8. indeflnl.e.i AJSS "nSS^oTw. ^G'reeniel^ t^a'S i SS^^»S = ^ m -^*" W ? "■• ._ . „, _ „ „ „ Chambersburg, Ps„ 8-14. Hanover lfl-:i! SnnconDet Sne" (Park Play Co., mgrs.)—St Cornell-Price Playera (Cornell A Price, ngn.)- S*!il' ii' }?! ot, V* ffi yP*, 14 ' B*"""* Rochester, Ind., 8-14, Allegan. Mich.. 10 21. ?^ n .a lfl TiF! l ? 8 ?ii Juu « tl S , .. 1T ' .ff ew ,- phUa,Iel- Carleton Sisters (Vsrney ft Montgomery, mgrs.l- pala 18, Uhrh-hsvllle 19, Snllnevllle 20, Beaver Spartanburg, 8. O., 9-14, Concord, N. C, 16-Jl. Claremon N. H., 12, firattleboro, Vt. 13, , «, B ft" 1 y»"« »j St. Johnsbury 10. Newport Clerelan •s—New ,17, Sberbrooke, Cau„ 18, Ottawa 19-21. ■ College 81 id, lie., "Thelma" (Smith ft Sherman, mgrs.)—Bast Jor- capo 9 dan, Mich., 12, Grayling 13, Cheboygan 14. ' Onaway 15, Alpena 16, Harrlsonvllle 17, West , Branch 18, Midland 19, Flint 20, 21. "Travellag Salesman, The," Southern (A. 8. Colonial Stock (Cortland Hopkins, mgr.)—Oi- ford, N. S., Can., 12. Truro 18, 14, WeitvUle 18. 17, Summerslde, P. E. I., 19-21. Carroll Comedy (Ion Carroll, mgr.)—Grayson, Ky„ 9-14, Spencer, W. Vs., 16-21. Caatterdon, Arthur (N. Appeil, mgr.)—Battle Creek, Mich.. 6-14. Crescent Playera—B. F. Keith's—Brooklyn, N. X.. 9, Indefinite. Craig Stock (John Craig,' mgr.)—Castle Square Boston, 9. Indefinite. Columbia Players (Fred G. Berger, mgr.)—Wash- ington, D. 0„ 9. Indefinite. Colonial Players (R. H. Mclaughlin, mgr.)— Cleveland, O.. 9-14. Stock—United Play Oo.'s—College, Chi- . 9, Indefinite. Do Voss, Flora (J. B. Rotnonr, mgr.)—Shawano, Wis., 9-14, Rhinelonder 16-21. Daila Slock (Hsrry Davis, mgr.)—Plltalrarra, Pa., 9, indefinite. Nortollt I6*i' m8T " ) — Blchmona . V«-, 8-14,' Dillon ft King's Musical Comedy—Oaklaml Cat. '"^l iff 1, .J^o , (H "E y 8,™' mgr.)—Wyo- Pox's Musical Comedy (Wm, Foi. mgr.)—Acad- r^ s>.I^A _PrtoesTlUe 13. Manlto 14, Cnba emy, New York. 9. indefinite. •<Ti2.'.. M D^ m i. 17 /o La £"& 18 ' Carthage 19. Flsoher's Follies (B. A. Fischer, mgr.)-lx» er's—Pierre, 8. Dak., 12, Dead wood 13, 14. Belle Fourche 16, Rapid City 17, Pierre 18, Brookings 19, Msdlson 20, Pipestone, Minn., 21. "Pt-nalty. The"—Kllmt ft Gatsolo's—Cincinnati, "Pair ot Oountry Kids" (O. Jay Smith, mgr.)— Plymouth, Ind., 12, Nappanee 13. Pern 14. Marlon 10, Frankfort 17, Lebanon 18, Tll-ton 19. Oifortl 20. La Fayette 21. "Qtraker Girl, The," A—Henry B. Harris'—Co- lonial, Boslon, 9, Indefinite. "Quaker Girl, The," B—Henry B. Harris'—At Untie City, N. J.. 12-14. Easton! Pa., •JS". JL '.. - « . Oreenpolnt Players—B. P. Keith's—Biooklyn, N. tBM. T 1 "* ~t9- h Primrose's—Hsnnlbal, Mo.. I.. 8. Indefinite. .,« 14 ', Q "J. UCT .' Il i> "•.. Gajety Theatre Stock (Ohas. Franklyn, mgr.l- .? c ." g*"-»**»• Eastern—Kibble ft Mar- Hohoken. N. J, 8. Indefinite. „„_ t i n *.. (WlD .'- KI . bbI *' ">»'•)—Pottaviile. Ps.. 12, Georgia Stock (Geo. O. Kail, mgr.) — M ddle- Reading 13, 14 -Pottstown 16, Carlisle 17, town. N. Y„ 12. Goshen 13, Monro* 11. Kb* ..., v ? ti '!S im 18, Altoona 19. 20. Johnatown 21. Bton 10. Arkvllle 17. Uncle Tom's Oabln"—Terry's (W. G. Dickey. Himmelcln's Players (Ira B. Earle. mgr.)—San- ggT.)—Oermanla, la.. 12, Brlcelyn, Minn., 13, dusky, 0„ 9-14, Elyrla 10-21. . , Northwood, la., 14, Rocktord 10, Greene 17, Harvey Stock, Northern—Harvey D. Orr'a—I* .,^ M V kT !L ,e 18 - A,llB o n 19. Tripoli 20. Sumner 21. dependence, Ia„ 9-14, Berlin, Wla.. 10-21. Uncle Tom's Cabin "—Stetson's (Leon Wash- Hayes, Lucy, and Associate Players—Logan. Kan, burn, mgr.)—Lancaster. Pa., 12. 13. 9-14, Goodland 16-21. IttntlC Ulty. N. J 12-14 Vnatnn P. In tar ^,,T^/ MAUV "" rt ' L °-. *^, Id. u-1., ^(XHl.nna LV-41, - . ScrS.ton'lT'. 18. W Ito-BaVre 19 BeaAtoi 2o' *?' ?"/ B — 8t " r * HavllnWersey City. N. Hlllman's Ideal Block (Hsrry Sphns, mgr.)- Harrlsburg 21. ' " eaau W -»• /-. »-14. v Franklin. Nebr.. 9-14. Albion 16-21. Robwn, May—L. 8. Sire's—Hollls. Boston o talker Whiteside (Walter Floyd, mgr.)—Buf- Hswley Block tJamee Hawley. mgr.)—Otnani. Indefinite. 'alo, N. Y.. 9-14. Pittsburgh, Pa., 16-21. Nebr., 8, Indefinite. Relnlmrdt, Mme—St. Paul,'Minn., 12-14. "Roso Maid, The"—Werba & Lnescher's—Globe, New York, 9-21. "Rose Maid, The," C—Werba ft Lnescher's Walker, Charlotte—Klaw A Krlumrer's—\icvict. pendetice. Ksn., 8-14, Chanute 16-21. er'a, Ohlcogo, III., s, Indefinite nuv/ssu Knickerbocker Stock (Eugene J. Murphy, m|r-)- Willtanta, Baths—Arthur O. Alston's TVtmlt Ssndwlch, I1L, 8-14. . „ u . Mich., 0-14, Fort Wayne. Ind.. 15, i^iianapo- Kelth st<Kk ( Ja,uc » B ' Moore ' nurr.)-Portlsni ,fl - 21 - Me., 0, Indefinite. . Stock (James K. Dunseith, mr-»— Park, Waverly, N. Y. r 815 Frank B. Long. mgT.l^arindi. leuandrls. 8. Dak., 16-18, Plankla- mm 1— "'"" 0L aociery-—Mam 8. ft Lee Shnbert Ine *"> 18-21. _ .. , -1 Wyndham's, London, 8, Indefinite msn ->— --Lyrle Chicago, 9, lodefialte *"""*"• Inc - Le. Deaka. Florence (Ohas. A Gordlnler. mgrl "Beady Money," Road — H. H. Frnxee's St ^oman Hater's Olnh, The"—A. H Woori.' —Manlins, 111., 10-14. _ . * Ix>ula Mo., 014. Kansas Olty 15-21. Springfield. Mass., li-U, Tremont. Boston lT ^J™ 0 at *<k (Jack Lynn, mgr.)—Salamanca. K "Red Roue. The"—John O. Flsher's-Ottawa .,JS (M,ll i*' «»ion, iu, T ,_ 14 f 1(J2I Can., 8-14. Toronto 10-21. >»<i»w«i i n«u«» •»•«,. .- . . I - sne. Tei-. pan "Belwca of Bunnybrook Farm"—Klaw A Erlsne- er's—Globe, London, 9, Indefinite "Rosary. The." Central—Rowland ft Clifford _, Ju^iS5L B, ift 1, ?B"i*J? ,a >S* •**, "-* h .?L'' r ^*""'"»» Oo.'s—Milwaukee. '"MMnatUn°Op?ra l House, New Yort."t-14. 10, Ooidwater, Mich., IT, Angola, Ind., 19, ..rS?" "'S, 1 ,;, .. „. BIsrIowe Playera (L. I. Montague, mgr.)—Mar Antrum 20, Huntington 21. ' ' *'v7taao*» Widow"—Florens Zlegteld's Jr—Co- k>we. Chicago 9. 1 "Rosary, The." Eastern—Rowland ft Clifford's, .J. 00 "- Chicago. 9. Indefinite. ^ ■"—«»- .. w ." c - «J ^"i^'^S'' I&L ,2 ;n K, S Dort 18 ' Boekford Sft ,?«**r»-Ooaan ft Harrls'-Baltlmore, 14, Elgin 15. Amboy 16, Dlnon 17. Polo 18 -. M 5". *"**• — ""™. Sterling 19, Morrison 20, Clinton 21. ' a 'r« , «' rtt tbllles—FToreua Zlegfeld'a Jr — ■•*»" Western—Rowlsnd ft OlIITord's, ,ln *"•«♦. Ne ' *ork. 0, indefinite ■"■ "Whom Does Helen Belong TotV (Oomstoe* * ***'. I n ». «hd her Stock—Abilene, Tn., 9-H- Oest. mgrs.)—Studebake* Chicago, 15 ludefl- P"* 1 " Bro »-' Stock—Racine. Wis.. 9-4. m . nlte. . "• '"• " ,anl Lyceum Stock—For ft King's—Ogtlcn. U., 9. » •s Within the Law"—Am. Play Co's— F.ltir,**. oennlte. - ■ 19 .New York, 11, Indefinite. . . *" ,,ngr ' »r. nh .,,,- a ,„i, m.rr, fflsv Blanev. mrr.)- Manhattan Stock (Harry Clay Blaney. mrr.)- STOCK AND RSPHRTOIRB. 'Rosary. The, Inc.—Lamar,, Mo.,18. Oarthage 13, Sprlngfleld 14, Joplln 15, Vlnlta, Okls.. 10. Tulsa IT !-..,„,.. 2T — -—- Mjj^^^Henryetti 19, McAleiter 20. oJ: Alton »'™ "Rosary. The." Southern—Rowland ft Clifford's Inc.—RuoHcllvllle. Ky.. 12, Gallatin, Teun.. 13 IjcIuiihiu 11, r freesUoro 19, -Mou- ., Indefinite. MorlBon Stock (Llndasy Morison mgr.)—''J""- Mass., 8. Indefinite. . _ u«m«. Mnsonlc Stock (J. J. Gsrrlety, mgr.)— LouUvuir, Ky., 9, l-.ulefinlte. _.. o.n.hnrt ■McOord Stocft—Chlllicothe, Mo., 8-14, Ssllsborj Maher Stock (Phil Msher, mgr.)—Ixike PI« !l1 Al A, ft,Hi <»• *W»u7 ■syr.)-^ObAll^;oir>. No^"B^ v Btcek"7FralA r a ' CWs^sjjfc, HanrlsS Wt. ftJLA, •T.-4 ? f " J:o «»ir : i») J.*.' North, tngr.)- ii,t\ , t- 11 f •■■