The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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20 THE NEW YORK OLIFPEB* SEPTEM&EB14 a m . aaai . .aon. mmmm ■ nan A BPPiH Formerly GAIETY THEATRE LYRIC THEATRE albany, n. y. THE LYRIC EXHIBITION CO., LESSEES THE OLD MASCOT GOLD MINE; RENOVATED W.8IDE AND OUT THOROUGHLY WANTED QUICKLY, BIG ATTRACTIONS Bar ie sque, Comic Operas, Stock Companies and High Class Vaudeville TUree snd mi days or longer. Must have good printing and company 0. K. Wire or write. LYRIC THEATRE, ALBANY, IV. T. ETOTE— "Want big Opening Attraction Sept 14 or 10, 1013. Three or four days. Would consider Orchestra, six people, 'with good Trap Drummer, and Having Picture Kan With machine. WANTED, ALSO LADY DANCERS OF ALL NATION'S For oar Dig Carnival Week, Albanyi then orer oar elrealt, 0ve to ten wjpUi. Address LTBIO liXHIBmOir CO, Lyric Tkoatro, Albany, N. Y. CHARLES BRECKENRIDGE STOCK CO. WANTS IMMKDIATE1.Y REPERTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES Those doing Blnglc specialties preferred. Experience and wardrobe necessary. Bring wardrobe with you. Write or wire. CHARLES bheckekkidok, Mareha'ltown, Iowa, Sept. 9 to 14; Waterloo, Iowa, Sept. 16 to 21. Competent People All Lines WITH SPECIALTIES MANHATTAN PLATERS, Blaker's Theatre, Wlldwood, N.J. SIETCBES 4 to ((People TABLOID SIM Clipper Poit ffljgj. 9nium9m twi la order to avoid mistakes and to lmurr the prompt delivery of the letters advertise* la thla Hat. an envelope- plnluly adure.srd bdiI t Be teat for each letter, nud a written order for the letter, signed with the fall name and address and the llae af Baalaeaa followed hj the seaaer, moat alao be enclosed. Please meatlon the date (or nam* ber) of the C'LlPFEB IB which the letters sent for were advertise*'. LADIES' LIST. Acton, Grayeia Archer Mrs.Sam Fredericks, Fctte, Minnie Fales MrsChasT. Foster, Nellie Allan. Mrs BlUy Aulston, Mabel Anderson, Stella Alajaaa. Hose Ahtrs, Battle K Franklin, Ayers, Trtxle Bragg, Anna Bradhon. Ellen Borke, Eileen funs. MaryBalr Nice. T.m'\j Gartner, Lillian - Bence, Mrs.llert Gilawre, Eleanor Bsrnes, Katharine M Gillette, Marie Goumer. Jennie Brandons, Music Hall, Flostace Hats forty Vaudeville Sketches. Can change twice a week, ah have (Men produced la Mew Tori Theatres and approved by managers and public, McKJNLEY tjUL'AHlC aad DE KALB AVENUE TIIK ATMBS last season, want place for company. Address ULLEI AKERSTROM, 276 Maple St., Brooklyn, N. Y. For JOHN W. VOGEL'S BIG CITY MINSTRELS CORBET OR BAHITONB TO DOUBLE »d VIOLIH, CLARINET, BAND A WD OR* CHEsTRA. OTHER FIRST CLASS MUSICIANS, SINGERS AND DANCERS. NarSt LOWEST ealary. 1 Day ALL. Address JNO. W. VOGEL, Owner and Manager, ROUTE: Rlchwood, Ohio, Sept. U; Wadeworth ie, Ashland IT, Woostcr IS, Salem IB, Oarrollton 20, Alliance 21, East Liverpool 28. oomslVt. "HYDE THEATRE PARTY" Outfit Hyde's Theatre Party was one of the best traveling stock companies In the Middle States, and still has that reputation. Outfit embraces everything, all scenery, drops, furniture, swell electrical equipment and lamps, rues, medallions, prop, trunks, crates, etc., etc. Also right to title and use of paper. Atari. carload of the best material. Everything In good condition, aad can b 3 seen at once. This outfit will be sold cheap. Address W. O. He Wat Ikhs, Oeloron, N. Y., on Lake ChaaUuqua, until Sept. l»; after that, Park Opera Bouse, Erie, Pa. WANTED, MUSICIANS And Actors, People in All Lines and Specialties. Actors Doubling Band, Band Actors, and Orchestra Musicians Tear 'round work. Salary snre. Write or win MURPHY'S COMEDIANS, jgj jjjj. 9, Snytion, Ofclahwa; Week 16, Tycun ari, N, M. <™^—^——^»^———————— mirmmm^^^m aBBBBBl———'^— Wanted for Murdock Bros.-Comedians 15 SEASONS OF SUCCESS Piano plater that doubles band) trombone that doubles B. and O. It yon do a ape rial ty wire. People who can double band and do specialties write. Boozers save itamps. Moving picture machine oper- ator Willi N. U. license that double band write. Eumford Falls, Ms., Sept. 6 to IS. 55SU5 PUNKIN HUSKER CO. ACTORS, all lines doubling Braast MUSICIANS, B. and O. Salary email bat sure. Wire. J. E. OAJIRICK, 415 IT. Clark Street, Chicago. JOIN HEAVY MAN, JUVENILE' OLD MAR, Al LEADING HAS, LEADING LADY, WOMAN FOR EMOTIONAL MOTHER, SOUBRBTTB. Salary tare. One nlghter. Address JOHN F. FRENCH, Fowler, lad. ■WANTED -Top, about 40X50, and Fight and Feature Films. Small Pony for sole. All kinds of Trick Dogs and Doves. Will sell 2 Picture Machines and T Reels Films and lot Slides, nil for »7». Will exchange dogs and doves for films; what have your PB0F.BARRY SMITH, Orau, Pa. AT LIBERTY LEW STRONG All 'Round Comedian or Heavy Man. Stock. Rep. or One Piece. Quick study, sober and reliable. 15 years experience. Low, sure salary. Address LEW STRONG, Room No. SIB, Colombia Building, Cleveland, Ohio. WANTtO SBBBh Bbbb spaaaa F-OP» 1^1bbb.I B *-, MAN for Heavies and Gen, Bos., WOMAN for Gen. Bos. with Specialties State age, salary, etc., In lint letter. "W altbjk DOWNING, Augaata Perry stock Co., wiiumantlo, Conn., week Sept. fl; Arctic, 11. I., week Sept. Is. WANTED REPERTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES Good General Business Man, with specialties. V. A. Varncy, lllllle Smith, Uoy Foley answer. HI'lTON UAII.Y BTOCK CO., Hticynts, p.. week 0 ; Wilmington, O., week 10. AT LIBERTY B. M. BUCKLEY AND WIFE Al cornet and Piano; experience In all lines: small parts; locate or travel. Address B. M. BUCKLEY, Endlestt.N.Y. WANTED S?lSfi. rtAN1ST, prefer one who arranges! AD- I A m?.vJ?. A . s ' J? olh mu8t na 80Dor » D(1 reliable. SO0BRKTR, OBOhUS GIRLS. BUto If could 1i1h.VK.PAIi narlo UltOTi -I..* ... t.-.lA... —.."l. WAra-FOR PERftME.W STOCK Al Leading Man, Strong Heavy Man, Juvenile Man, Comedian with specialties, Character Man, Woman for Characters and Heavies, General Bualuesa Woman. Can place a real Director. Two bills per week. Must Go good studies and able to dress parts. Must Join on receipt of wire. Ah letters to receive consideration. Must contain full particu- lars, salary, age, height, weight, and be accom- panied by recent photograph and programs. Add. ERNEST A. HARRINGTON, Becker Theater, - Shawnee, OhlA. Esmond, Flo Morton, Beatrice Mortimer, Mind Madolyo Marfal, Asserts Eleanor Nee I Mrs. L. It. Fay, Anas Kva Nlbbe, Marie Mack, Bessie Morningstar, Bernlce Moore. Poney Nieoll, Florence Owens, Fie Owen, Mac Pelbam, Una Pembroke Dolly Pete Sisters Powell, Bena Plnder, Tbelma Ross. Miss S. Reynolds, Miss Sidney Rosed ale Bonnie Russell, Sadie Seldon, MiasB.M Swartx, Frances Spencer, Margarette Sbaw, Etbel Spinney, Lucille Smith, Mabel Symonls, AlfretU Turner, Sadie Vincent, Msdge Wright, Miss Woeckener, Mrs. A. 0. Weutwortb, Mae Wileot, Eds H. Wolbert Dorothy Woodford, Mrs. Chat, JACOBS STOCK CO. WILL FEATURE A No. I LEADIM UOY Must hsva appearance and wardrobe. Pleased to hear from people in nil lines. Address ENGLE At JACOBS, ears of Keystone Hotel, Oreeautoarg, Pa. | WflNTEO, TO JOIN QUICK Violin to Double Brass, Tuba to Double Stage, Soon Comedy Act, Musical or any good act to Oflble brass. Add. J. M. COLE. MQR, A WEST- ERN GIRL CO., BayviUe, N. Y„ Sept. is; Bat Shore, 13: Junicsburg, N. J., 16; Freehold, 17; Lakewood, 18; Vlneland, 19; Olaasboro, al. No. 2 DOWN IN DIXIE CO. WARTS TWo Trombones, Tuba, Cornet Soloist, two good Soobrotten, Itlack Comedian that0analog, dance, D'jty horn in band; good Agent, harry it. BUS- BINO. Mgr. No. t Co., Sussex, N. J., sept. ia; Branch- vllle 13, Dauiburg 14, lluUer 1C, Franklin Furnaoe 17, Haokttutown, U. Perm. add.. 04 Main St., Danbary, Oonn. JjrBlKlUU?. mua-_ . Boyd, Miss 3. Herbert, B. H. Bony, Eertba Hauirick, Etbel Carter, Lillian Hill, Florence Chlpmsn, Hicks. Mrs. E. W. Dolly & Otto Carter, Hall, OcorUe Fannie Louise Hamilton, Carson, Mollle Mrs. Cordon Crawford, Hoftmoa. Daisy Catherine Hall, Helen CUrette, Kate Howard, Basel Oolton, Mrs Win H*" 1 ?. .Louise Conrad, Maud Hobbs, l.ucy Curran, Mae Jennings, Clereland Ooldle Lottie V Cutter MrcRoyal Kemp, Marie DeUarmo, Alice Lacey, Josephine DeOhantslTwins Lnnrtry, Leah DeMendes Lnetle Latkam UrsCbs Dodson, Elinor Lano, Mrs. D. H Dodlelgh, Leslie. P<>atrlce Mrs. Wm. Lea, Delia Dale, Viola Lncette, Kittle Doe Sisters Llrujley, Loella Douglas MrsChs. La Tour, Lottie Dore, Irene Marre, Clsra Emerald, Alice Monty. Rally Earle, May Moras, Mutloe Wadlelgb, Ella GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Arnoldo, Mr. Hasaars, Cay Mack. Jno. B. Alnsworth. O. B Harris, Nob Nicholson. Jos. Allison, ahas. Hanson A Nalon, Jno. Austin, Frank Rhodes Nutt. Ed. C. Anderson, Rich. Howell Keith Co NestelL E. H. Alles, IT. W. Hathaway. F. W NeS, Frank Aubrey, Bart Hanna, Ewrt Naden, Lew Barrlngon & Howard, Jos. G. Orland, Lee Howard Hassan, Ilea Opel, Harry Brown, Benj. H Ulckey A Poole, Paul Blsceeux St. Claire PanBby, W. B. Bowser, Chas W Harrington Prof PettengiU. G. B. Bedell, Clarence Halleo, 9. Parsley. W. R. Blttner, Big Hatrery Johnnie Pepper MareleCo Brown, Walt Hebert, Nell I'onso & leo Ileruanl. Boot. Henderson A Perry G. H. Bertram!, Frank Thomas Post, Tom Benton, K11 wood liealy, Dan Plant. Ioj D. Bennett 1'. J. G Herbert. F. T. Persler, J. M. Bsniard, J. E. Hermans Dr. 0. Porter A Clark Bracken, Dod Hoffman, Lew Qulgley, Jack Barry. Mr. & Holtmtn Wbltey Bnssell. J. B. Mrs. Jimmy Howard, Gar ' Reld, .Johnny Billings, Harry llollcnbeek Geo Rob 1 sell. J. O. Booibliek Four Hawley, Geo. Rose. Cbss. Buckley, Jno. Hebb. P.. V. Rafferty. Jlramle Burns, Billy Harlowc, llenry RlrolL Mr. Burke, Billy Johnson. Butk Rush Liny Toy Burt, C. D. Jones, 1m lug Reeves, Clifford Brossus, I'. B. Johnson, A. S. Bowe, Frank Boss, Walt B. Jenkins, Oliver Bith, Joe Beran. Unlph Joaes. Morris Rover. Fredk. Baldwin, Ifowrd Jeffries, Amb. Richmond. AIM. Boettner Ed. 0. James, Lew Rhodes. C. W. Oollnl. W. Johns, Llettc-lyn Scbullk, Fred J. Csmeronl Kunna Tom Seogrland E. B. Cllfton.t, Maslcl Keller, T. Co. Savage, Chas. Clark, Wm. Karger, Ben Snyder, Jack Clark. Geo. Ketinetn. Harry Stevens. Bert Ooburn, J. A. Kennedy, A, Seeley, Col. C. Caiwnann, Billy Klcen & Snow, Geo. W. Cantweil, Jas. I H vnbrook St. Clair, Harry Campbells. Cast. Kramer, Mam stastny, .V. J. Clarence, Gale Lorenz Bros. Seeley, 8. C. Carltou Bros. Lawrence, Jos. Strauss, S. Oartmcll, Tom Lytell, w. B. Sunders, Bert Clougn, Artbar Lawrence, R. E. Stewart A Ooccla, Mr. LaRose, U. J. Bnrnes Cole « Rogers La Rose. Bert Sterling, K. A. Crumley, Walt Lyons, Toby Stephen, J. Bd. Curtis, 3. M. Lewis W. F. Smith, Matt H. Clillds, G. A. Lamont, Bert A Tennyson, Wm. Clark, Billy Leach, Percy Terrlll, Frank Oortlett, C. Lamont, Harry - Cursou, J. W. Lerner. Date decker, 0. Leo, Prof Dole. Jim Lake. Jas. J- Calvin, Lester Lewis, J. Davis, Oven Q., I, S. Verner. - DeWolfe, David McCllntcck Billy VarnelU, The Denton, Ual Miller, M. B. Van. Chas. Del.oris, Dick Morgan, Wm. Wlnton, Bernd. l>eGroote. Kd. Moore, Dayt. W Williams Cecil*. DesRoehera J. B Miller, Fred P. Weston, Alberts! Dnl'ar, Md. Miller, Frank Walker, Jack Dow, Al. Mack, 3. H. Woodford, The Daly, Leo F. Miles Bios. Williams, A- B. DouRlas, Elmer Morrison, C. W. Wright, Mr. & Early, J. P. Mullen, F. J. Mrs. Jno. B. Emmy, Karl Maxwell L. II. Walker, Jnck Elchola, F. W. Martini, Bob Wlnton, Bernd. Krwood, Bobby Mellugb, »!d. Whltebouse Fred Kllery Cbaunlng Masculliu 1 Co Woods, Harry Forrester & McKee, Gee. WhltesMe Fred Lloyd Murphy, Jas. White, Jas. Hy. Fox, F. McCauley Ralph Wesley. H. C. Fitzgerald, H. Maclln, Sim Wood & ftelly Finn A Ford Marx, Jallos Werner, Chas E. Fowler, Eddie Mack, J. H. Woods rbltonOo Oleason Jno. V. Martell. Fred White, Oco. F. Gnrfleld. B. M. Meek. Fred Walker. Bert Glendower 4 Morrow. O. A. Walker, H. I. Manlon Morrlss. I.ju Walters E AJule Garlanl, Wm. Marsball, Jack Ward Frederick Glnckatonc. H. Mcintosh. Burr iWalte. Arthur nillllnnd Dlek Martin, Wilbur Woodw.,nl. V. P Hollenl*cli. Geo. Marchan: FrnnklZalno, Jos. SEE NOTICE AT HEAD OP LIST. Touhey, pat Thomas, D. C. Tennyson,. Wm. Vernon, Benj B. Vlnal, Edgar A. ■. 2. E. WANT IUY Trained Pony Act, Trailed Dtg8 sod Honks Must bo cheap for cash. Will buy Tack On Scenery. Opera House Mgr*. send opcr. time. Week stand, Band and orchestra, MURDOCK BROS.' COME pays.nt'l parts. MUBT give age, height, weight ?,. 12"'' , '!- 8 » l »ffLE*S ,elt « r - I'hoto If possible. . llEN TOY, Hippodrome, bswflgo, K. y„ 8ept,oi4 ( Foster Jhoo^Fpltgn,lO-ai. DIAH8, Bamford Falls, Me., Sept. 6 to It . lTady loiA'Ni WanUng to go West, la willing to play anywhere. Address PIANIST, 16 I'alrvlew Avenue. BALT1MOHS.MD . Business Mgr. or Agent At Liberty Circus exr^rlcuce,,;Kn*wa all the country. Cars of Theatrej Chaster, Va. WANTICD First Class Medicine Performers Sketch Teams, Comedians. B. F,, 9. and D. Dp In acts. Prefer those playing piano and organ. Other useful people write. Show Sept. 23, Hi halls. Chas. Ross ami AlMomcelhv write. WM. F. POWERS, Oregon Indian Med. CO., SB Baldwin Street, KLMJBA, K.Y. WANTED, SKETCH TEAM Man and wife, change specialties nightly, (or week stands and work in acta. Mutt be sober aad re- liable and good dressers otT and on. State lowest salary; I pay all. Show under caavak all Wlh'er in Georgia. MODERN CONCERT CO.. week of Sept. »,V> higlmiu, Oa. Goodwin sbd Goodwin wire At Liberty. The Lambes INA—Soubrettes, log., Leads, Song Specialties. LEE—Second Business, Juveniles, exceptionally strong street trombone, sight reader, we guar, anteo ourselves experienced competent people. Wardrobe, ability and good appearance on and off. Prefer one nighter. ho car. lee lambs, Wavaaota, Texas, Sept. 1H-HO. WANTED, Shakespearian Students For traveling Co. State age, weight, height, eal- ary, photo. MGR. 8HAKK8PEARI- oUALTOWN. IOWA. Gomel, Singer, Pianist and 'Cello Player BIJOU THEATBR, BARAK AO LAKE, N. T. AT LIBERTY, ORCHESTRA LEADER Al Violinist. A.P.ofM. Road or permanent, Any blislncssi C. A. LAWItErtCK, 010 Wain at Ave., Niagara Falls, 5. y. TaTaTh'¥v¥sr<a»i , __'Wlien no date Is HU1 llli--gi, fn , the week of Sept. D-14 Is represented. Adaau A Oarrlsos, State Street, Treotoa. J* *• Adams, Marie, State Street. Trenton, N. J. Adier. Flo, OolumbU, Grand Rapids, Mich. Adler, Fetlx. Alhambra, N. Y. Cat Proctor's, Newark. N. J., 10-21. Adelaide A Hughes. Wlater Garden, N. Y. a Adams A flahl, LttesMe Casfao. Akrpa. O. Adler, Bysaan B.. A Co.. Empress, Milwaukee. Adonis, Shea's, Buffalo. Agouat, bail, W*at« Gsrrtea, f, X. tt Afierir, Agnes, ft Co.. Fair. Syracuse, H. x., Fair, Batxrla, ML , . . Altken-Wbltmnn Trio. Ornbcum, St Paul, Mum.,, Dirratk. 15-11 Alpine Troupe. Rlngling Bros.' Circus. Allen, Minnie, Orpheum, Son Fran., Oal. ALfreds (3). Orpheum, Dulsth, MUu. Alexander ft Seott, 8th Ave., H. T. a Albert A Jbsms, Bewtrl, Boston. Atdres Sisters, OlyBpLt. Boslos. Alvln, Jack. MCKlukM Square, N. I. O. American Dancers, Keith's, Boston. "Antique Girl. The." Orphean*, Sacrasseafo, CeL Anger, Lou, Palace. Chicago. „,_.__ Angers. The, Noaleja Casino, 9a. Beach. N. I. AnArson A EvanB, Victoria, Wheeling. W. Ya. Apollo Trio, Okase'e, WasUlugtoa. Arlsona Trio, Wlllard, Chicago; Katsmsaoo, Mich., 10-21. Armanis (5), Majestic, Cellar Rapids, la.; Or- pheum. Madison, Wis., 10-21. Armstrong ft Clark, Orpheum, Winnipeg, Can.. 23-28. Armstrong. George, Hudson, Union BUI, N. J. Arco Bros., Proctor's, Newark. . . Arllugton Four. Keith's, Boston. Ashley ft Lee, Orphenm, Sacramento, Cal. Asanl Quintette, Sherman Grand, Calgary, Can., 12-14. Ashley. Lillian. Majestic, Milwaukee. Wis. Atkinson, Harry. Orpbeum, Lincoln, Neb. Augarde Adrlenne, Columbia, St. Louis. Aubrey A Flower, Globe, Boston. Avon Comedy Four, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 16- 51. Avers, Sidney, ft Co., Orpheum, Oakland, Cal. Asard Bros.. Orphram. Winnipeg, Can. Barry, Lydla.Orplieuin, Bkln. Baskomb, A. W.. Casino, N. Y. 0. Banos (3). Folly, Oklabom City, Okla.; Majes- tic, Ft. Worth. Tex., 10-21. Barber & Palmer, Majestic, Seymour, Ind., 10-21. Barnes A West, Johaaesburg So. Africa, indefi- nite. Barrymore, Ethel, Majestic, Chicago BaihTiui, Olara, Orphettm, Memphis, Tean. Barnells (4), New Sun, Springfield, 0. Bsrley's Dors, Bljon, Knoxrnle, Tenn. Bamberg. Tbeo., 5th Ave., N. Y. O. Baker, Belle. Hammcrateln's. N. Y. 0. Barnes A Robinson. Orpheum, Harrlsburg, Pa. Basque Quartet. Olympla, Lynn, Mass. BarUetts, Aerial. Keith's. Louisville. Barnes ft Crawford, Keith's, Louisville. Barber, Dolly, Qayety, Indianapolis Bailey & Tear* Sisters, Plasa. Springfield, Mass.. 12-11. Barnes, Smart, Hipp., Cleveland. Barto & Clark, Hipp., Cleveland. Barry, Bdwlns, ft Co.. Savoy. Atlantic City, N. J. Bergen-, Valerie. It Co., Orpbtum, Bkln. Beyer, Ben, ft Bro., Alkambra, N. Y. O. Barrett ft Earle, Bijou, Bay City. Mich. Cerg Bros., Sherman Grand, Calgary, Can., 12- 14: Orpheum. Spokane, Wash., 10-21. Bertiaeb, Orpheum, Sacramento, Osl. Belmont & Ilarl, Orpheum, Denver. Belli, Les Mareo. Orpbtum, Minneapolis, Minn. Belmont ft Light, Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo. Bentley, Weston, Co., Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. Beckwlth, Linden, Poll, New Haven, Conn.; Poll, Hartford, lfi-21. Bell Family, Keith's, Phlla. Bell Boy Trio, Temple, Detroit. Bell A Caron. Park, Youngstown, 0.; Keith's. Cleveland. 23-28. Bestry, Harry, Victoria, Wheeling, W. Va. Bell. Darby, a Co., Columbia, Grand Bapids, Mich. Berrena, The, Keith's, Phlla. Berger. Edgar, Shea's. Toronto, Can. Bernard ft Scott, Orpheum, Beading. Pa. "Between Trains." Keiths, Syracuse, N. Y. Pig City Fonr. Colonial, N. Y. C. Bingham, Amelia, A Co., Orpheum, Wlnnlppg, Can. Billy Boy. Orpheum, Spokane. Wash. huley A Lerner, Keith's, Phlla. BlBon City Four, Keith's. Indianapolis. Blomlell, Ed., ft Co., Orpiuum, Des Moines, la. tilack & McCose, Majestic. Cedar Bapids, la. Bowers. Walters & Crooker, Whiter Garden, Ber- lin, Germany, Indefinite. Borden ft Shannon, Colonial, Norfolk, Vs.; Or- pheum, Harrlsbnrg, Pa., 10-21. Booth Trio, Meyer's Lnke, Canton, O.: Harris. Pittsburgh, 10-21. TO Bowman Bros., Sherman Grand, Calgary, Can., Bogert & Nelson. Orpbeum, Des Moines, la. Bowen, Art, Keith's. Indianapolis. Boyd, William, Orpbeum, Allentown, Ps. grown, Nellie, Winter Garden N. Y. C. Brown, Martin, Casino, N. Y. 0. Brndna ft Derrick, Barnum & Bailey Circus. Brown Bros. (0), Primrose ft Docksuder Min- strels. Bradshaw Bros., Orpbeum, Los Angeles, Cal. Brown a Grant. Orpheum, New Orleans. L*. Brooks A Harris, BIJou, Knexvllle, Tenn. Briscoe,- Olire, Keith's, Phlla. Browns, Aerial, Orpheum, Harrlsburg, Pa. Bryant. Francis, & Co., Orphlum, Lima, 0. Browning ft Lewis, Cook, Rochester. Ureen, Harry, Keith's, Columbus, O. Brooks Bros., State Street, Trenton. N. J. Brunettes, Cycling. Empire. PlttsBeld, Mass. Brenner & Ratliffe, Poll's, New Haven, Oonn. Burns A Fulton, Colonial. N. Y. O. Burnege. Mabel, Casino, N. Y. 0. lturke, John P., Flood's Park. Baltimore, 9-20. Burr t Hope, Orpheum. Los Angeles, Cal. Burkes, Juggling. Temple, Detroit. Burns. Billy. Qayety, Indianapolis. Burns & Oole's Circus, Victoria, Wheeling, W. Va. Busley, Jessie, & Co., Shea's, Buffalo. Burnett A Lee, Family, Pittsburgh. Carroll, Nettle. Trio, Riverside Park, Hutchin- son, Kan.; Novelty, Topeka, 10-21. Canton, AL, Klnrk-Urban Oa. Cameron, Grace, Orpheu'n. San Fran., Oal Case, Charlie, Orpbeum, Los Angeles, Oal. Caasrill'i Wonders, Columbia, St. Louis. Carlelon, AL. Orpheum, Memphis, Tenn. Carson A Wlllard, Henderson's, Conev Islam), Catsloo Bros., Tabor Grand, Denver. Caskle & Webster, Liberty, Phlla Custolluclas (T), MontlceUo, Jersey City, N. J., 12-14- Calto Bros., Pantages'. Han Fr«n„ Cal. Casters (4). Pantages', Oaklktid, Cal. Carter, Lillian, Casino. Washington. Carew, Velda ft Diamond, Lyric. Lima. 0 S2S' *« ^' * °°- J\*y**T. Indianapolis. Carmody A Woolsey, Nelson, Hjirlngneldi Mass., Cnslno Bros., Msjntle. Olar Rapids, la. Celeste A Co., Victoria. Baltimore. CehaHos, Rosalie ft Hilarlon, Winter Garden, N. Chip k Marble. Bronx. N. Y. C Cliunna (4), Touring Euroiie. Chung Hws Oomedy Four, ' Island, N. Y. Chick & Chiclets. Orpheom. Harrlaburg, Pa. p.eyenue Days," Temple. Hamllton?^Oan. Sn?W.. ck J r {l 0 ' 'f.'l'C-- O'^'elsnd. Childhood Days," Priscllln. Clereland. Cbl,»la Twins A Bear. Prlsellla, CHeveland. Clarke A Owen, Sydney. Australia imVii » 0 nudlus ft Scarlet, Orpheum. Duluth, Minn. Clb.per Quartette, Auditorium. Han Bernardino S^E** B * ken,a « ld - »«■"! Plasa. Fr^: Clark ft Hamilton, Henderson's, Coney Ulaad, 9,ul k ' ^" fred v.* °°> Hammersteln's, N. Y. O Olive, nenry, Proctor's, Newark. y!"©:. Wfc P^<,c,or '' , ■ Newart » »«> Ave., N. V> ^* weekly and yearly DO YOU RKALIZE that toe Faablou Deci.i,,, Stagedom set use eiylet tot MjEBgM mS , 0 ' YOuTl Jtrdftoent Is rewpeeted. wSfiiS'S spected. 0-0 originality la respected. Yet If. ft COMES back to fou PEOI^Enhe ladles and o™ EVERY TIME YOD PLAY CHICAGO coma In or 'phone for onr "best salesperson" .u see « we're attB setting the pace on both OTTLsa aad-MOKfi Y 'S WORTS I ot 1 LgJ TooTt ffntf we ARE-alwsTsarjd forever O-O WOMEN'S SHOPS« 23 E. Madison St ana (All 'phoa ai , BArnaon etas. Jot It down.) Oorbt, Allen ft Tyler, Keith's, Boston. OoeaoUy 4 Webb, Temple. Baavflton, Can. Coombs A Aldwell. Temple, Rochester Oortnoe & Co., OumnlaL Oolombus. O Cotllas ft Cole. Crystal, Braddock, p. Colliers (2), State Street, Trenton, N j Cox, Box, Shea's, Toronto, Can. Oooper * Robinson. Empire. Plttsfield, Mm. ■ Union Square, N. Y. 0., 19-21. "' Cross ft Josephine, Bronx, N. Y. C. Crawford ft Delnncey, O. H., Tltuavllle !•« • O. H., Stoneboro, 111-21. '• Creatore's Band, De Kalb, Bkln., 10-21. Crelghton Bros., Maryland, Baltliuure. Crelgbton Sisters (31, Victoria. Baltimore Crotty, George, Hipp., Omaha. Craig, Marsh, Orpbeum, Allentown. I'a Cutler, Edward, Winter Garden, N'. Y. C. Cutty*. Musical, Palace, Chicago. Curtias, Bath, Orpheum, Portsmouth, Va., 12-14. Cutler, Bert, Empress, Denver. Cnmrcings A Oladtlen, Orphenm, Boston. CuUea, Jas. U., Maryland. Baltimore. Davenport. Eva, Bnshwlek, Bkln. Darreli A Conway, Albambra, N. Y, C Davla, Roger, Winter Garden, N. Y. C. Dasle, Mile.. Casino, N. Y. C. "Dancing Violinist," Maryland, Baltimore- Keith's. Cleveland, 10-21. ' Davis Bros., Guy Bros.' Minstrels. Dare Bros., Orpheum, Sioux Cltv, la. Dampiers. The, Berea, O.; Paluavllle, 10-21. Dale & Boyle, Empress, Milwaukee. Daly, Luey, A Co., Keith's. Boston. Davis, Edwards ft Co., Lyric, Newark. R, J., ij. 14. DaTenport, Eva, Colonial, N. Y. C, 10-21. sVArrlUe, Jesnette, Phils. "Dance Dream, The," Keith's, Indianapolis. Davis & Merrill, Orpheum, Wheeling. W. Va. De Lisle, Juggling, Colonial, N. Y. C. De Witt, Burns ft Torrauce, Orpheum, Oakland, Cal.; Orpheum, Los Angeles. 10-21. De Msrlo, Harry, Empress, York, Eng.; Hipp., Aeerlngtou, 28-28; Hipp., Buxton. 30-Oct. S; Hipp., London, 14-19; Hipp., Bristol. 21-20. Demartst, Carl, Orpneoin, New Orleans. La. De Moot, Robert, Trio, Orpbeum, Denver. "Devil and Tom Walker, The," Keystone, Phlla. Dealy ft Butler, National. Boston. De Rose, Nuntey's Coslno, So. Beacb, N. Y. "Detective Keen," Keith's, Columbus, 0. De Vine A Williams, Keith's, Louisville. De Faye Sisters, Cook, Rochester. Devlne, Hayden ft Newman, Orpbeum, Grand Bapids. Mich. De Angclls, Jefferson, A Co., Majestic. Chicago, 10-21. Devole Trio, Keith's, Syracuse, N. Y. Diamond A Brechsn, Orpheum, Bkln. Dlero, Orpheum, Seattle, Wash. "Dlnkeisplel's Christmas," Orpbeum, Lincoln, Neb. "Diamond Necklace, The," Union Square, X. V. O, 10-21. Dlxey, Henry, A Co., Palace, Chicago. Dixon A Dixon, BIJou, Knoxvtlle. Tenn. Dickinson. W. S-, Chase's, Washington; Colonial, N. Y. C. 10-21. Donovan A McDonald, Albambra, N. Y. C. JAS. B. chas. a, Henderson's, Coney C nylon, tins, A Co., Chase's. Washington. C emenso Bros., Chase's, Washington. C Itfsrd & Frank, Colonial, Lancaster Pa. Clutou May. a Co., New, Baltimore rierlse-lvellar-Orogsn Trio. Prlsellla rio»»i.n^ Collegians (3), Sherman Grand. Oalgsry, Can., "«jgj»asss Bed. The." Orpbeum. Kansas Oily. Connolly A Wenrlch. Majeatle. Milwaukee Wis Colonial Septette. Orpbeum, Memphis, Tenn. donovan «n Mcdonald COLONIAL, New York, this week. Dully Twlua, Casino. N. Y. C. Doian A Lcnharr. Proctor's, Newark; Sth Ave., N. Y. C, 10-21. Dooley A Sales, Wm. Penn, Phlla. Doollttle A Steele, Grand, Phlla. Dooley A Welsh. Colonial, Columbus, O. Don Carlos Marionettes, Family, Lancaster, I'a. Doyle, Patsy, Grand, Pittsburgh. Don Fulano, Siiea's, Toronto, Can. "Don." Poll's, New Haven, Conn. "Drums of Oude. The," Orpheum, Denver. Dreams. Marie, Grand, Phlla. Drew, Sidney, ft Co., Temple, Detroit. Drew, Chas., A Co., Sheas, Buffalo. Dupre ft Ferber, Stoll Tour. England, 0-30. Dupre. Jeanette, London, Eng., 9-30. Da Veil, BlUy, Tabor Grand, Denver. Dunhars. Casting, Keith's, Phlla. Earle, Dorothy, Princess, Browuwood, Tex., in- definite. Earl ft Curtis, Keith's, '^ratsrllle. Elding Troupe, Majestic. Cedar Bapids, la. Edwards, "Shorty," New Bun, SprlagUeld, 0. Edna, Mysterious, Hammersteln's, N. Y. C Edmonds, Martha, Family, Lancaster. I'a. Edwaiiis' Song Hevue, lietUi'a, Syracuse, N. Y. Edwards' Kabaret Kids, Hudson, Colon Hill, N.J. Elder Sisters, Prlsellla, Cleveland. Kllnorc A Williams, Colonial. N. Y. O. Ellcs, Harry, Stetson's 'U. T. C." Eastern Co. Eldon ft Co., BIJou, Bay City, Mich. Elmore ft Bartlctt, Family, Pittsburgh. Eliis-Nowlan Troupe, Cook, Rochester. Eidridge, Press. Ori)heum, Harrlsburg, Pa.; Or- pheum, Norfolk, Va., 23-28. Emmett, Grjcle, ft Co., OrpUeum. New Orleans La.; Orpbeum, Minneapolis, Minn., 2.1-28. Empire Comedy Four, Orpheum, Denver, Emmy's, Karl, Pets, Temple, Rochester. Emmett, J. K., ft Co., Orpheum, Allentown, Ps. Entertainers (4), Columbia, N. Y. O. Entwlstle, Mnud Isabel, A Co., Star, Clluton, Mass.; O. H., Gardner, 10-31. Enoch, Olympla. Lynn, Mass. Hugllsh Roses (8). Dominion, Ottawa. Cob. Ernie ft Ernie, BIJou. Kuoxvllle, Tens. Ergottl Lilliputians, Globe, Boston. Eugene Trio, Orpheum, New Orleans, La. "Everywlfe," Orphenm, New Orleans. La. Farkoa, Maurice, Casino, N. Y. C ,. Faranm, Louise, ft Co., Orpbeum, Minneapolis, Minn. Fnrrer A Kgdlvelllus, Wm. Penn, Phlla. Farber Sisters, Maryland. Baltimore. Feuhrer, Robert, Casino, N. Y. C Fernandez-May Duo, Keith's, Indianapolis. Fennelt A Tyson, Family, Lancaster, I'a. Ferguson A Nortblane, Orpheum, Omaha. Ferrell Bros., Keith's, Phlla. Feuton, Marie, Shea's, Toronto, Can. Ferguson. Dave. Union Square. N. Y. C Flttgibbous, Bert, Bnshwlek. Btla. . Fields, W. O, Orpbeum. Los Angeles, CaL Fielda A Hanson, Dutches. Poughkespsle, N. «j 12-14; Hipp., Utica, 10-18; Carroll. Rome, 19-21. Finn & Ford. Olympla, Boston. Fltspatrick, Geo., BIJou. Qulncy, III.. «■"•„,,,. Fltrglbhons, Marie, Columbia, Grand llopius. Mich. Fisher. Lock A Co., New, Baltimore. Fleming, Claude, Casino. N. Y. C. _ Florlmonds (4), Orpheum. Salt Lake City, v. Florentine Singers, Columbia, St. Louis. "Flower of Bagdad. The." Liberty, Phils. Flatlco, AL, A Holland Slaters, Luna Park, Cleve- land, 0.. Indefinite. Fox, Harry. Winter Garden, N. Y. 0. ... Ford A Wesley. Richardson, Oswego, N. Y„ 12-«»> Crescent, Syracuse, 10-21. „ r .ne Foster A Dunbar, Columbia, Detroit; MlK"" Ionia, 10-21. Fox A Hughes, Franklin Stock Co. Forbes A Robertson. Olympla, Boston, Fox. Mort. Orpheum. Boston. Font A Cody. Orptieum, Oraad Bsplds. Mich. Foster A Meeker, Majestic. Cedar llsplis. la. fl Fox A Mlllership Sisters. Hammersteln s. a. »'_y Ford, Edwin, A Co., Henderson's. Coney amsBSB N. Y. - Forrey.' Margaret, Majestic. Chicago, ••*»■ Frlgansa. Trine, Winter Garden, >. i. i» Frey Twins. Bnshwlek, Bkln.. 10-21. French Oi>era Co., Orpheum. Spokane..."!""■ . Franklin Aj GrW Union Square. N. Y. O. •■ l Franco's Monks, Union Square. N. Y. L. , lYe-Jerlek. Ureat, Family, Plttsuorgb.