The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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22 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. September 14 Grease-Paint and Burnt Cork Removed Without the Aid of Cold Cream It easily, quickly and thoroughly removes all trace of grease-paint, burnt cork or any- other make-up, without the. aid of cold cream or without the slightest injury to the most delicate complexion, leaving the skin feeling cool, clean and comfortable. "WASH-UP" MADE BA8Y FOR SALE BT DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS " WIL L DO IT" WM. WALTKE & COMPANY Used and endorsed by the leading members of every branch of the profession. •''.„". . - " We want every member of the profession in the United States to test the merits of Lava Soap. Send iis your name and address, and we.will send you ABSOLUTELY FREE A SAM- PLE CAKE OF L AY A 80 A P. SAINT LdUIS, U. S. A. r or SALE—An outfit fori Slater Team, confut- ing of 2dresaes with underclothes; 2 wigs, natural, early, best of hair; complete boi of iru»he-up and ether intJe necessities; dresses a rich pink. Write ANSA PETEB80N. Gen. Pel., Indianapolis, ln d. WANTED, FOR PERMANENT Stock, Juvenile Man and Woman, also Ingenue. Other useful peo- ple, writ*. Join on wire; ticket if we know yon: aalary must be low. Add. UEN LUMLEY, care of Lumley Stock, Crystal Palace, Wilmington, N. 0. WASTED, Sketch Team, also BlngleComedlan, for Med. Show. Week stands. Ueo. Lavette, write. KEYSTONE COMEDY CO.. RADIUM, MINN. WAFaTETi For "IRISH PIPER" CO., Juvenile WAallEl/ Man, Irish, Jew or Dutch Comedian; Violin to donble band. AJlmustdospecialtles. Low. •alary. No tickets to strange™. Open Sept 30. Re- hearse one week. Add. Ben Oraner, Eaglnaw. Mich. GOOD PARODIES are the most sure applause getters. Thirty- two of James Madison's latest and greatest parodies are to be found In HADISOB'S psiq Hew] BUDGET No. 14 Content* also Include 11 funny monologues, 10 original acta for 3 males, 7 new acta, for male andfemale, a great minstrel first part, a complete one-act musical comedy; also red-hot acta for two females, for male quar- tettes, and an almort endless assortment of aldawalk patter, gags, etc. Price one Dollar. Back issues out of print, except Numbers 10 and 12. Will send both for Jl .so, or Budgets 10,13 and 14 for $2. JAMES MADISON, W** Third Avenne, MUSICAL BELLS For Sale or Exchange AUTOMATIC ORCHESTRA In perfect con- dition, comprising Piano, Drums, Chimes and Cymbals combined.' A Great Money-maker for Saloons or Dance Balls. Banjos, Mandolins, Sleigh Veils, Staff Bells, Wooden Xylophones and Wire Dulcimer, Two Standard Trombones and Oases. ONE ROYAL PHOTO OPTICON with Doable Lenses, with Trunk, at a bargain, SLOT MACHINES Two Mill's illustrated Song and Slot Machines, One Mill's Orlp and Dumb Bell Lifter, One Mill's Eleetrlo Chimes, Orlp and Lung Test, Heltht and Strength, One Home Trainer for Bicycle. PROF. BO tCH, 0T3 "West Madison St., Chicago. Sketches; C!tm, bright, inipp7 new Ideas, Moderate priest. Wilttta by Indiana ne»ipiper bid. Address W. W. Dankl. TO YOUR ORDER Miners'Ills.,Cklup MEW Oo.idnts Arranged I N«C Fix. Furnished. Acts Re- written. bring! copy ol my oewllli ' 100 pais book, " G*l aa Idea of my style of work "FIZZ' AT LIBERTr, After Sept. 12 SCENIC IBtlST For Flnt Class Stock Only. THURMAN F. BRAY, Per Add. 160 E. HUNTER ST., LOGAN, OHIO. AT LIBERTY TOM OAKLEY Heavies, Characters ;JIt. 10 In., 106 lbs, age 38. RETA OAKLEY Heavies, Characters or Second Biz; 6 ft.e lu., 140 lbs., age 82. Excellent wardrobe. U years' experience tn Stock and Rep. Address 633 4th ST,, NIAGARA. FALLS, N. T. ATTRACTIONS WANTED For SEW $40,000 THEATRE Modern conveniences. Captclty 810. Population 4,600, with 6.0W to draw fro n. F.A. HEATH, Secy., l'l \ II.I.K, KY. 1ST VIOLIN, FLUTE AND CELLO Work evenings only. Muat be good readers. State If you sing any. Uood Jobs for sober, reliable gen- tlemen. Address MOR. OPERA HOUSE!, Hunting- don, Pa. P. s.—Want to hear from Jack Johnson, who was with Wm. Todd last season. WANTED, FOR REPERTOIRE Man lor Emotional and Dramatic Loads. Woman lor Ingonua and Soubrotti. Palmer, Nob., Sopt. 14; Kearney, Neb., Sept. 10; IhUaway, Nob., Sept. 17-21. Join on wire. Address lUAWESTON-RAE. SECOND-HAND GOWNS STAGE AND STHEKT HARNETT, S03 So. SUU St., CHICAGO MR LOCAL MANAGER Is there an opening in yonr town for a man to lead band or orchestra, teach violin, Instruct young bands and do theatre and dance workt Anywhere. Far West preferred. "Musician," Pcteraburg.Mlob. A Singing and Dancing Comedian, who changes jnlghUy, and a Sister Team. Stock Co, State all in fart letter. ION-CARROLL, Grayson, Ky. WANTED TO SELL OR RENT A Urge place of Amusement In Philadelphia, Pa. Address A. B., CLIPPER. OUT OF TOWN HEWS PHIIvADBIvPHIA. A belated bat wave, last week, discouraged somewhat the attendance at the downtown houses that opened on Labor Day. The current week seea the prcmUre, Sept. 12, of "An Altec Prbv ceta," at the Chestnut Street Opera Home, and "Ob, Oh, Delphlne," at the Forrest, on It. Annum .(Messrs. Shubert, mars.) — "Whom Does Helen Belong To}" like numerous other Ger- man farces, la susSclentiy audacious to make It iniercitlng, and thoae that saw It last week found it highly entertaining. Wlllette Kershaw la easily the central Bgure In the play, and scored a big bucccss. Teddy Webb and Leo Koblmar. as tho two husband", were also very acceptable. Wm. A. Brady'a production of "The Point of View", begins a two weeks' stay, O. . UaoAii (Nixon A Zimmerman, mgrs.) — "The Talker" proved to be a successful show, to well Oiled bouses, hut week. Tolly Marshall achieved a big success In the leading role, while Florence Alalone, as Mary Mallom, divided honors with the star. The second week begins 9. Cusstnut SURER Ormu Hoosa (Nixon A Zim- merman, mgrs.) — The Orst production of "Aa Altec Romance" bat been postponed until 12. Fosbxet (Nixon A Zimmerman mgrs.)—The premiere of "Oh, Oh, Delphlne," baa also been put off-until 11. (iAitnicK (Nlxun A Mmmerman, mgrs.)—Howe's travel pictures were the biggest kind of a drawing can), and despite weather conditions, last week, the crowds were large. The second week betas 0.' CiiKHTKtrr (Frank Wllllaraa mgr.) —The Or- pbeum stock presents "Lady Huntaworth'a Experi- ment" 9 and week. "Mrs. Wbrgs of the Cabbage Patch" waa cleverly revived last week to huge bouFea. Florence Roberts wss an Ideal character- isation in the title role. Edward Dunlevy, aa Hiram, and Alice Rlker, as "Lovey Mary," also won big applause. "An Enemy to the King" 10-21. AnsniOAlf (James Walt, mgr.)—The stock ap- pears In "The Hypocrites," 9 and week. "Char- lotte Temple" waa greatly liked by the big houaea last week. Grace Huff and John Loren were en- tirely at borne la the leading roles and with their clever associates gave a very well rounded per- formance. National (Jos. M. Kelly, mgr.)—The debut of the Kllmt and Gaxzolo Stock Company, last week, In "The Gambler of the West," waa a Mg suc- cess. The houaea were of big proportion?, and the acting of Marcus F. Hoefa and Adelaide Dai- Ion entirely pralaewortby. "The Factory Girl" week of 9. Ancii (James H. Bucken, mgr.)—"The Melting Pot" 9 and week. "One Day" which was the opening attraction under the new policy waa re- ceived with favor, by fine houses, last week. Hart's (John W. Hart, mgr.)—"The Proeeca- tor" was a well liked melodrama which began the season, starring Sent. 2. "One Day" 0-14. F.mpibi (E. J. Bulkley, mgr.) —The Merry Maidens are tenants week of 9. The Hlfb Lifers brought along with them 2-7, a show chockful of novelties. The attendance waa big, and the comedy of Pat White highly refreshing. Henry and Frances, Barnett and Bell, Charles Falk, Leathe Keeney, and the Erfards alto contributed their sbare of the entertainment. Lsdy Bucca- neers next. Tbocadrro (Sam Dawson, mgr.)—Dlxon'a Big Review Is on the schedule for S and week. The Gay Widows were typical of their name, and gave Stetser, mgr.)—The season now coming to a close was a proBtable one.' Last week a number of fraternal organisations and a baby show swelled the attendance. Tub Grand opens Its Fall season on 30, with Eugenie Blair, in "Madame X." Taa Garrick begins its Fall season on 16, with Douglaa Fairbanks and Irene Fenwick in "Haw- thorne, U. S. A." :_'. Joseph Morbis, who conducts a music publish- ing business In this city and In New York, will Incorporate bla business. Application has been made for a charter with the Pennsylvania State authorities by Joseph, Marcus I>. Louis, Solomon and Hyman L. Morris. Harrlabarsy, Pas.—Majestic (Rela Circuit. mgrs.) "One Day" did good business Sept. 4. John Mason, tn "The Attack," 12; Delia Clarke, In "Introduce Me," 13; "The Bose Msld" 14. OarHRVK (Wllmer-Vincent, mgrs.)—S. R. O. business week of 2. Bill for.week of 9: Lasky's "In the Barracks," Sam Harris, McMahon, Dia- mond and Olemona, Barnes and Boblnson, Chick and Chiclets, and Aerial Browns. Notk.— Rbeba Le Nore Musser, of Harrlsborg. a graduate of the Weatwortb Dramatic School, New York, and who has appeared In minor parts with a number of companies, was married 7 at Denver, Colo., to J. Bay Brown Barnbolt, for- merly of Lancaster. Altoona, Pa.—Mlahler (I. 0. Mishler, mgr.) the extreme warm weather of the past a-eek hin- dered the theatrical business here, and Miner'* Americans did fairly well Sept. 4. 6. "My Wife's Family" 6, "The Wolf" 7, moving pictures 9, "The Common Law" 10, Rosebuds BurreMuers 11, Jobnson-Flynn fight pictures 12, 13, "Billy, the Kid," 14. Oar-HStnc (A. E. Denman, mgr.)—Bill for 9 and week Includes: Gielnler and La Fose. Billy Wells, and Four Lociera. St. Paul, Minn.—Metropolitan (L. N. Scott, mgr.) Chauncey Olcott played to big business week of Sept. 1. hi hla new play "The Isle o' Dreams." Toe piece wss well received here, and served as a vehicle for a nombr of new songs ty Mr. Olcott. "The Woman" S-ll, Mme. Rein- oardt. In repertoire. 12-14; Julian Eltlnge. In "The Fascinating Widow" week of IS. Sutranar (Frank O. Priest, mgr.) —The Big Revue did good business week of 1. Week of 8, "The Yoke." "The Cow SQd the Moon" week of IS. Obphifm (E. C. Burroughs, mgr.)—Business was big week of 1. Bill for week of 8: McOon- uell and Simpson, Lester, Nonette, George H. Watt. Altkea-Wbltman Trio, Tyson and Brown, and Meredith and Snooter. Grand (Theodore L. Hays, mgr.)—The Yankee Doodle Girls week of 1. The Daffydllls. with Ah Ling Foo, week of 8; for week of IS, the New Century Girls. Bxprkbs (W. S. Brewater, mgr.)—Charles A. White, the popular manager of this theatre since last April, died at 4.30, afternoon of Sept. 4. In his aprtments at the Empress Hotel. Bill for week of 8: Marseilles, Fred Morton, "Fun In a Barber Shop," McGlnnis Bros, and Prince Flore. Majrstio (H. S. Mitchell, mgr.)—Business continues good. Vaudeville and moving pictures. Star (John T. Kirk, mgr.)—The Black Orook Jr. Company did good business week of 1. The French Maidens week of 8. Starland (O. F. Rose, mgr.)—Big business with vaudeville and moving pictures. Pmnclbb. —This boose, rebuilt and enlarged, will be ready for opening 5. The frontage of the houre has been widened, and the auditorium en- larged and extended back, which will greatly in- STR0N6 SLIDE TROMBONE, for Band and Orchestra Also FIRST CLASS COOK AND PORTER Man and wife preferred, for flnat two car week stand show, en tonr. Stats age. erpartence aim m Sore salary; year's wort. Address WILLIAM TODD SHOW, week Bcptlo, Utueto". x c "' WANTED TO SUPPORT THE FAVORITE KEYES SISTERS First-class general business man with ability and real wardrobe. Union property man. Scenic artut at once. Opening In Ohio. ' Will boy another Kllegl effect machine. ' CHESTER A. HE YES, Mgr., Independence, Kate., and per Route WANTED—ROURKE & BROWN ATTRACTIONS We want for the national STOCK CO., two General Business Men and GENTTEE L Heavy man This company Is now plating to the largest business ever done by a traveling stock organiuUon lu th' Middle West Those doiDg specialties win be given preference. For the SI YORK STOCK CO we want the best people obtainable. Salary no object. People In all lines write. We WILL PAY tn« LIMIT, and advance tickets. We are playing ALL ROYALTY PLAYS. Staging every play with special scenery, and carrying ALL our own properties. We warn managers of companies and theatres not ti PUT "MT DIXIE GIRL," "THE ANGEL OF THE TRAIL," "ON THIS 8WAHEE BITER" and "CATOBIHO THE BLAME.". WE OWN these plays, and will prosecute anyone Infringing onr rights in the Middle West. Address J AS. B. KOTJRKK, week of Sept. a, Albion, ills.; week of Sept. is, Plnckneyviiie. WANTED, FOR THE AL. 6. FIELD GREATER MINSTRELS FIRST VIOLIN, For Orchestra to Doable daiinet in Band BILLY WALTERS, Bandmaster, aa par CUPPER Rom,. a lively show last week, to the usual big houses. John Hart, In a dope oharacter, was cully tbe big hit, while tbe Five Alarrous and Mile. Silbcrg were the best liked numbers In the olio. Tiger Lilies IS. Casino (Ellss & Koenlg, mgrs.)—Ben Welch and bis company Is the offering 9 and week. Mol- lis Williams, at tbe head of her own company, found a dozen big houses waiting her last week. The star la aa Industrious worker and her act was distinctly pleasing. Harry Shepherd, Clem Bevlns, and H. A, Turner also furnished a section of the tun. Dreamland Burlssqucrs 1(1-21. Gatdtt (John P. Eckhardt, mgr.)—The Golden Crooks week of 9. Their predecessors were the Merry Whirls, who had no trouble In keeping the fun going at fever heat. Moore and Smith were In great form, and furnished the comedy in huge blocks. Queens of Paris follow. B. F. Kami's (H. T. Jordan, mgr.)—Zelda Sears heads a diversified bill week of 9, which Includes: Oliver Briscoe, the Bell Family, Bliley and Lerner, the Four Casting Dtinbare, Mile. SI- mono De Beryl. Andrew F. Kelly, Phlna and com- pany, and moving pictures. Wat. Pbnn (Wm. W. Miller, mgr.)—Week of 9: Doolcy and Sales Farrer and 1'irJlrelllus. Metropolitan Minstrels, Puck and Lewis, Frank Rae and company, Swaln-Ostmaun company, and moving pictures. Gbanv (Stair A llsvlln, mgrs.)—Week of 0: Uathaway'B Monkeys, Doollttle and Steele, the Qlockere. Marie Daturas, Mrs. Peter Maher aud company, and moving pictures. Nixon (Frod'k Leopold, mgr.)—Week of 9: Macy Models, Toomer and Hewlns. Newsboy's Sex- tette, Rag Time Trio, Harry Le Olalr.and moving pictures. KareTONB (M. W. Taylor, mer.)—Week of 0: "Tho Devil and Tom Walker," Caroline Frank- lin Biid company, Laurie Ordway, "lu Wyoming." Rose and Michaels, the two Heddsrs, snd moving pictures. Liberty (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 9: "The Flower of Bagdad," H. T. McDonnell, Mmnrord nnd Thompson, Wm, Schilling, Oaskle and Webster, Meuta Trio, and moving pictures. Di'uont's (Frank Duniont, mgr.)—The popu- larity of Duinont'e Minstrels wss attested by tbe splendid houses Inst week. The old favorites, as well as .newcomers, were all srarmly welcomed. 'The German Bnenwrfcst" and "Looting the A an Stables." the two skits, will he continued for the current week. Willow Grovr Park (J. D. Davles. mgr.)— The season cane to a close on 8, the two concilia- ng weeks being devoted to Souse's Band, which broke all previous records for attendance. Tbe season was quite successful, desplto unfavorable wentber conditions, Wooobiur Park (Wm. O. Martin, mgr.)—The season at this sosort also came to a close on 8. cannon's Concert Band drew big crowds last week. The attendance during the season compared favorably with that of laat year. Point Bbrbzc Park (Fred'k McClellan, mgr.) —The first season of this resort came to a close B. The one feature which waa a gigantic suc- cess was the motordrome, where racing erents took place three times weekly to capacity testing attendance. A number of big amusement projects* will be built there during the Winter In time t« neit season. lluou. grand. FonRrAoan's. Oltmi-ia. Co- lonial, Palacs. Victoria. MAjaHTto and Al- HAMMIA give vaudeville and luorlng pictures. Wasuinoton I'aaa; sn Tiu DaiAWAU (II. F. crease Its seating capacity, and will make It one of the best vaudeville and moving picture bouses In Ibe Northwest. The exiicnilltnrea will run up Into tbe thousands, but are warranted by the Popularity of the management and the uniformly big business which the house has done In the rast, the Beating capacity baring been entirely Inadequate to tbe patronage. Notr. —Tbe Minnesota State Fair was held week of 2. Tbe opening day broke the record. with something like 125,000 people attending. The exhibits in all lines were bigger and better than ever before. Nashville, Tenn.—Ornhetra (Geo. H. Hick- man, mgr.) bill for week of Sept 9: The Paroffs, Harry Fen telle and Viola Valorle, Clinton and Nolan, Trovollo, and others. Princess (Harry Sudekum, mgr.)—A musical comedy, entitled "A Winning Miss," drew nne business week of 2. RoseU's Minstrels 9 snd week. Bijou (Geo. H. Hickman, mgr.)—TAls house opened with a Labor Day matinee, to a packed lxaise, with a high class production of ''Okla- homa." "Ten Nlghta In a Bar Room'' week of 9. Ortstal, Butb, Aliumiua Hex. and Bonita, motion picture bouses, are doing well. Sotbr.— iRlngllug Bros.' Olrcus, G. for two per- formances The Vendone opens 16, with "Alma, Where Do You Live?" Knoxville, Tenn.—Staub's (Fritz Stsnb, mgr.) "The Balkan Princess" opened the season at this house Sept. 2, aud played tn big business. Al. G. Field's Minstrels 0, "The Onfesslou" 18. Bijou (Fred Martin, myr.)—Tbe new policy of vaudeville was Inaugurated at this house 2. The bill for week of 9 Includes: George Wilson, Brooks nud Harris, Ernie and Krnle, Dixon and DIxoh, Barley's pantomime dogs, and motion pic- tures. Gbano (Frank Rogers, mgr.)—Vaudeville, to good hsslncss. Majkstic, Gat, Rrx, Cbtbtal, Bonita and Lyric, picture bouses, are playing to One busi- ness Dubnpjne, la. — Grand (John H. Maclay, mgr.) H. O. Wilson presented "The Two Or- phaus" Sept 1, and "A Final Settlement" 2, with the following people: Camilla Dabl. Bert Norton, Helen Lorraine, W. J. Smith, Stewart Kemp, W. T. Hays, Lillian Alexander, and Otto Glrard. Business was only fair on account of the extreme hot weather. Mr. Wilson sends re- gnrda to Spencer Oono. Hugo Koeii presented "The City" T, 8, the Shechau KugllsU Opera Co. presented "II Trovatore" 10. Majestic (Jake Rosenthal, mgr.)—This bouse will open for tbe season of vaudeville It). Two alx act performances will tie given each week. playing matinee and evening. Changes of hill will he made on Thursdays and Sundays. L'Nton Pare Trbatrb tjake Rosen thai, mgr.) —This resort will close 14 after a very success- ful season. AiSDOxa (Jake Rosenthal, mgr.)—Tbe Onr- side Stock Co. will close Its season 14 after a very successful engagement. Pbincrss (H. W. Fulton, mgr.)—Pictures have drawn very good business here throughout the entire Summer. Star (A. O. Thompson, mgr.)—Pictures. Ktlid North Is a feature la song. Anus* (A, L. Stevens, mgr.)—Pictures. Riital (A. L. Stereos, aigr.)—Pictures. DMUslaJro (A. 0. Wrliit, wr.>—Picture*. WANTED QUICK WHITNEY STOCK CO. Tall. Heavy Man and Clever Character Woman Wardrobe, ability and sobriety POSITIVELY KSSEKTIAL. Tear round engagement. Bute in, weight, height and lowest salary. Also send photo, late programmes. Add. WELSH AMD Walbourv, Flushing, Mich., 12, IS, It; Dnrasd, Mich., 18,17,19, 15m. Dutch Stump Speech, $2 15m. Silly Kid Mono., $2 SKETCHES AND MOK06. TO ORDER J. W. ACHENBACH, 217 Hull St., Brooklyn. H. Y. WANTED. FOB "THE MISSOURI GIRL" Small Sonbrette, with specialty; Tall Comedian, for ZEKE, with specialty; Heavy Man, Charac'er Men, Ingenue, with singing specialty: Character Woman, Property Man, to donble tramp; Man Pt->n*t, donble small part; Acting Manager, Working Agent and Second Man. Bute age, height, weight, salary. Send late photos and programmes. MERLE n. NORTON, 35 South Dearborn St., CHICAUU. STOCK PEOPLE I1Y ALL LINIf* Who have made good and still can. INI Wardrobe and experience. INKSS IVIAIM AT ONCE. This Is bard work, bnt money absolutely sure, and all year's work guaranteed (T 70s make good. Ticket? Iflknowron. Frank Gallagher wire. JOB AROMOFF, Mgr., Princess Theatre, Ft. Warth, lea. SARAH GIBNEY STOCK CO. To Join on wire, TALL, HEAVY and CHARACTER HAM. Good ttsefal people In all lines write. Absolute sobriety first essen'lal. We will stand half of fare to loin. Address ^ WILSON <V BREWER, Sontb Porcupine, Ontario. LEGITIMATE ACTORS Gent'emen, educated, sober. Must have good voioes snd be able to learn and speak lines Intelligently. and wear clothes gracefully. Between the height of s ft, T and 6 ft. 10X In. Strong comedy, old man and low comedy—may be a little stout. Good heavy, line juvenile lead, good gen. bus. pans. 8 ste age, weight, height, experience and send photos and programs. Do not misrepresent. Longseason. Hod' erate,snre Salary. State all. H1LUAHD WIGHT, Wight Theatre Co., New Sharon, Iowa. THE GIRL FROM BROADWAY 00. YOUNG LADY PIANIST, CHORDS GIRLS, STRAIGHT MAN, IRISH COMKD3AS, Va„ mn., k„ i ..i * .. ^EAJMMG WOMAN, SOUBHETTK. _._. Yon must bo ladles and gentlemen. Tell all first letter. Tickets If known. Be ready to loin on wire. TH08. AITO.V, Oonverasear. M. Y., !*•_ s^Bf^Bfjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj >JMMM B............ M _^ ^^_^^^^^^^^^^ * HVOl J1A A VH s wmnjasav-ai - ^^.»aM B»R) Wanted Quick, for "THE NIGHT RIDER" Company £?&«*' 25* h ot work J. mMt ■? ftble w mal£e h,m£9lf generally useful; Manager, who la notafjais ?J l Sl t it_ 8a L 8ri S 8 1? 00 "" 11 * t« the times, election year. Pay own. Will advance tickets to those who are known, ■endphotos snd programmes. No fancy salaries considered. „._ -,„„ Address EMP1RB AMD8KMENT COMPANY, MAJB8TI0 T HEATRE. PfNDLAV. OSIO^ WMTED-MBOM BROS. OKU TOUTS CAWOT T on L peo ur'it. ,n aU UnM - Men double Dr W"- MttslolAns for B. and O. State lowest: we pay all; Hotel show, winter season opens Sept. 30. THOS. h. FINN, Hooslek Falls, H. '■_ P»a O. J. SMITH'S "PAia OF €0IIBTRY KTOS" C#. WOMAN FOR JUVENILE a*r unfa, ugSm+fiZcnL u. WANTED FOR Other Musicians and Performers. Best ot acwj modatlons, and salary every week gff^Z co a- Winter, sonth. Must Join quick. «J»2rwrlU' trac 'or six pH»ee Italian Band. Vff",v3fcE D. H, GILLESPIE,Swart, Va.,sen- aw