The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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September 14 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 23 C. M. MILM.*** 1 ' *• ATHIEOBLMAlf, Vice Pre*. M. R. BHEEDY, gee'y. DBNJ. S. MOS8, Treaa. CONSOLIDATED BOOKING OFFICES, m. FITZBERALD BUILDING, Mm aid 431 Stmt, In Y«t Cltl Telephone,! 5*51—MM-6453—3*13 Bryant. 'or*y Weeks BOOKINO-Forty Weeks MILES CIRCUIT _»„.„.Jii , X!Ji?5JL^, W j; F fe UBOBI, ' ,AI1 ' CIRCUIT MOSS AND BRILL. CIRCUIT SHKBOV CIRCUIT THEATRE BOOKING CORPORATION AFFILIATED VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT PLAYING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE. BEST Honmi, BIST Treatment, BKST Engagement CHICAGO OFFICES I 1»3 North «■*«. , Phone, 1031 Randolph BOSTON OFFICES l 330 Tremont St. Phone, liOTO Oxford === ^ = TUB GREAT BAUL1SH VAUDEVILLE PAPER, THE MUSIC A * D THEATRE REVIEW 14 Leicester St., Leicester Square. London. W. C. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS, - - - - - 8a. ML PER TEAB PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS. . . Sa. 6d., Slnale Column Inch New York Office: 88 Wert 25th Street Telephone: 1772 Madison Squire. "playing the best in vaudeville SUUUIVAN a»r-»d CONSIDINK OIROUIT GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE i_ GENERAL BOOKING OFFICE I 1440 Broadway, Cor. 40th Street, NEW YORK CITY. CHRIS O. BROWN, ... Mgx. Sullivan and Conaldlne Bldg., Third and Modl.on Street., SEATTLE, WASH. . Gen. Mgr. FRED. LINCOLN, BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES I PAUL GOUDRON, 6 North Clark St. cor. Madison niilciiro IIL: MAUBICB J. BURNS, 8d and Madison Sts., Seattle, Wash.; W. P. BEESB. 965 Market St, San Francisco. CaL; B. OBERMA1KR, 16 Greene St., London, Eng. FIDELITY BOOKING OFFICES -,.-11-2-3 Knickerbocker Theatre Bids., 14 Oi It' way, New York. Phone 0448 Greeley. The 'INJUNCTIONil/.ED CIRCUIT" AGENCY. L. D. MACKINTOSH, Prop. Tie eirorts of would-be agents and alleged competitors to injore us accounts for their downfall and prob*bly for a little of our phenomenal success. i A IDDDItfl FOR THOSE THAT I SPECIAL CLUB AND CABARET DEPARTMENT 4U nfifin.3 MAKE GOOD WE SEE EVERYBODY VAUDEVILLE ACTS WRITTEN TO ORDER AND LEASED ON SMALL WEEKLY ROYALTY. Bare several high class Dramatic and Comedy Sketches for sale to intelligent people on easy payments. No manuscripts submitted for perusal and no trust. PLAY DISTRIBUTING CO., Childs Bldg., I Oth and Chestnut Sts., PHILA., PA. HENRY BROWN AMUSEMENT EXCHANGE ROOM 103, 35 SO. DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, ILL. Can alwavya nae Recognized Vandevillo Acta of Every Description. IV 4 TVT'tf ll ACT3 0F EVERY DESCRIPTION*. Acts that have not played this territory. " - * *T X mi MW Features desirous of breaking jumps East or West, wire, write or telephone LIBERTY VAUDEVILLE CONTRACTING COMPANY L. CLAIRE MCLAUGHLIN. Gen'l Manager. Suite 712-713 Fulton Building, PITTSBURGH, PA "THE OFFICE THAT IS ALWAYS RIGHT." A VAUDEVILLE ACT FOR 50c. (NEW STUFF) 2 Meaty Monologues, 4 Parodies, 2 Comedy Recitations for Blackface. Jew. Tramp or Ecc. Comedian), all for 50c. HERB MONAHAN, Box 410, Brockton, Mass, PROFESSIONALS « NOTICE Are yon In need of wardrobe for the stager We carry an immense line or LADIEV EVENING, DINNER and RECKFTION GOWNS. Evening Coats and Capes, and a full line of Fur Coats and Sets. Gentlemen's Sack, Outawty, Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits, Prince Alberta, and a full line of Overcoats in all weights, fur lined Coats, and everything pertaining to a lady or gentleman's wardrobe, suitable for stage or street wear. Call or write. We ship goods, C 0. P., with privilege of examination. A deposit of not less than $6 required with all orders. MRS. L. 8CHEURB. Oil4-0a0 Moat h Street, between Oth and 10th St.., Philadelphia, Pa. CORNELL-PRICE PLAYERS ' 58th CONSECUTIVE WEEK. Young Woman for Goneral Business. Some Heavies. Young Man for General Business. Also Property Man. Those with Specialties preferred. Good wardrobe indispensable. State all particulars drat letter, CORNELL and PRICE, Sept. 9-14, Rochester, Ind. Specu salary. with lowest salary. Address IN ALL LINES FOR "THE GIRL AND DRUMMER" For one night stands over small time. People with singing voices given preference. Young, good looking men lor leads, juveniles, heavies, characters and comedian. Women for juveniles, characters and heavies. Strong specialty people, play parts. Must dress part on and off, and have ability and ap pearance. Want Al Advance Man, that can book and route and not afraid to use brush. Boozers, yel- low lingers, invalids and knockers stay on*. No babies or dogs. Tell all in first. Address J. ELWYN HcBRlDE, General Delivery, Kanaaa City, Mo. WANTED-NOVELTY ACTS GOOD LOOKING SNAKE CHARMER, ILLUSIONS, FREAKS, TRAINED AMIMALS And other Side Show Stunts. Good time to right people. Give lowest salary for four or more weeks. THE HIPPODROME, INC., Detroit, Mich. (Owing change from Vaudeville to Picture House) First Class Trap Drummer No picture bouse considered. Member A F. of M. Formerly Temple Theatre, Grand Rapids. Mlcb. ^ Address EUGENE HUNT, care Of Hermitage Hotel. GRAND RAPIDS, MIUU. OPERA HOUSE WANTED.—I want to reit ao Opera House In a city not less than 50,000. It does not make any difference to me what State the city Is In. Must be ground floor, and not seat less thau 1,000. In giving description state exact seating capacity and how arranged. Give location, ■icense and every detail in first letter. I want to open the bouse Monday, Nov. 11,1012, and close May 14, 1013. Figure on lowest cash rental basis. I want the house for Stork Co. Address DR. H. D. KICKER, HOTEL TULSA, TULSA, OKLAHOMA. /Hebrew For\ I Hot Air. ) \\ e are Progressive*, bat not Bull Schinoosere. V\ r believe In Tra.ta, became we have a Monopoly on Trnth. We believe In Suffrage, because we work for Women. \V <■ believe In Low Tariff, because we charge lea. than other*. Wp are Protectionists, because we guarantee our goods. We will »rnil catalogue and price Hat on request, which will prove every state- ment we make. t OUR SPECIALTY IS EVERYTHING FOR STAGE WEAR. WOLFF, FORDING & CO.. 20 Eliot St., Boston, Mas?. TRICKS t TRICKS! TRICKS! Urgeat assortment of Tricks, Jokes and Novelties In the world. Send 2c. stamp for illustrated catalogue, 104 N. CLARK STHEET. f% * TTITI CRrT A M 115 STATE STREET. (Main Store). \f* w« JT EiJUOJHttXVlN (Palmer House LoSty). EVCRY COMPANY On the road carries some of (lie light, strong TRUNK Are YOU still using heavy wooden Trunks r 8ftn AMSt CtoC0 WRITE FOR CATALOG C. Victor U Co. WILLI AM 41 Ellis St. STREET, BAX, Inc. MKW YORK CITY Memphis Agent, Mack Trunk Co. 102 s. Main St. In amicering ads. fletut mention Clipper. UaiKkDille notes. Salrot Comedy NOTES. — The company hns been playing Eastern and Northern Ar- kansas during the Spring and Summer, to excellent business, using tabloid plays and vaudeville. We had six people, making from three nights to two week stands, but closed two weeks ago to take our Summer vacation. Since then we have been out In the heart of the Ozark Mountains, about fifteen miles from bureka Springs, Ark. The fish are biting finely, and two or .three pound boss are a part of our daily menu. Fresh vegetables from the farmers, delicious country butter, just laid eggs, buttermilk, apples, pears, peaches and corn that "drop' Into our basket as we pass, after a two mile jaunt over tbc mountains to a farmhouse, taste like real life in the open. And, by the way. Miss Arnold (Mrs. Salroy) can make "some" apple dump- ings. In one week more we return to the road, and all this will be but a memory, but It will linger through tbe coming season to entice us back when Summer comes again. Thera In only one regret out here, and that Is the lack of Tun Old Uelable. May we see it soon fgaln, and may tbe busy workers In The Clippeb office who have stayed there during the hot days, join us (in fancy, at least), by our campflrc and vat a "mesa" of froth fish. A. M. Kitto, of the Washington Quartet, was hi New York last week. They are play- ing vaudeville and cabarets on the Coast. Warren H. Stetson, Fred White, and P. Mal- lory are the other three members. Led Mitchell sends the following: "Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shelly, professionally known as Shelly and Mack, mourn the loss of their daughter, Helen, aged three years, who died of diphtheria on Aug. 24, after a seven daya' Illness, at Page, W. Va. She Is greatly missed by the whole company, as she was a most engaging child and a favorite with all. We wish to express our sympathy for their great bereavement." Amelia Stone and Akmand ICalisz have canceled the Orphcum circuit. The Ehpbess Thbatru, formerly the Lyric, at JopUn. Mo., opened Its season Aug. 25. and will be booked this year by Harry Miller. J. Aldiuch Lidbet and Katharine Trayer hare returned to New York City after an ab- sence of fifteen months. Their success was most pronounced and New York will no doubt have on opportunity of witnessing now their clever, singing, comedy operettas. Manager Wilcox, of WUdwood Park, Danldson. Conn., closed bis season Aug, 31. The bill Included: Bob Richmond, Morgan and West, Tom Ural and hl3 dog, John Lb Clair put on the clown number for the amateur circus at the Greenwich, Conn., Armory, Sept. 6 and 7. Herbert Monahan, the well known writer of vaudeville sketches and songs, was se- lected to write a parody on "My Old Ken- tucky Home," for the Mayor of Brockton, Mass, and the City Council, at their recent annual outing. The mayor led In tbe singing of the parody, which met with decided suc- cess. Lulu Glased will open. 23, at the Colonial, New York, assisted by Tom Richards. Mark Davis, In his latest version of "Hans, the Grocer Boy," la meeting with big success on the Western Association time, and has a fifteen weeks' contract over the Interstate circuit to follow. The Uoyal Troupe of Japanese Athletes, twenty In number, have been booked by Chas. Pouchot, their American manager, for a tour of the Orphcum Circuit. Opening in Memphis, Nov. 18. Fields and Hanson will open on the West- ern Vaudeville time at Green Bay, Wis., Sept. 30, with season booked solid. Ben Kahn has been appointed manager of the Lyric and Bijou theatres, Chattanooga, Tenn, Thb Grand, Hamilton, O., which opened the season Sept. 2, will split weeks with Richmond, Ind., Instead of Lima, 0., as here- tofore. Griffin and Emmett, presenting their comedy novelty, "His Wife's Sweetheart," a sketch from tbe pen of Frederick Allen, are meeting with pronounced success over the Bert Levey circuit on the Coast. Ted and Corinnb Breton play the Or- plieum, Rockford, HI., week of Sept. 0, It being the anniversary of Mr. Breton's de- parture from the some city twenty years ago. Wabneb's Juveniles write: ''We are en- joying a prosperous season through tbe South, playing for Sam Massell, of Atlanta. We are booked at New Orleans for ten weeks, to open Sept. 23." The Klein Bros, write: "Just finished four weeks In the South for Sam Massell, of Atlanta. The act was a big bit In every house." John Pollock will have charge of the press work for the United Booking offices, Including tbe Orphcum circuit. Several members of the Vaudeville Com- edy Club saw themselves in moving pictures, presented for a private view at tbe Amiricnn Roof, 31. The reel contained the views taken at the club's outing at Brighton Beach also a set taken of the Eddie Foy family, ot their New Iiochelle home. BRANDO The Handcuff Kind, yix "ftri# sUbfrila TraiepoH f-'" bul nnra 1 •or law' 1 W* «*D t&sa urn***- »«■«■ WE vM£i*S5a°.V?*B. SECRET UTMI8DE Jfyt SEC FOR YOURSELF J 1Q< HEADQUARTBRS FOR MONEY-MAKING AUTOMATIC INSTRUMENTS ON EASY TERMS Military Band Organs White Queen Orchestrolaa Charter Oak Orchestrolaa Empress Electric Pianos You can have SPLENDID MUSIC at a Very Small Expense WRITE FOR FULL Amusement Parks and Concessions, Roller Rinks, Moving Picture Houses, Restaurants, Cafes and Ice Cream Parlors, Billiard and Pool Rooms and alt other resorts where people congregate for amusement and recreation INFORMATION LYONS MEALY 23-72 East Adam* Street Chicago :\A/ ANI HOIN, "THAT REGULAR RAG" SOME RAG By K. II. BEITTKL and KDQAR SKLDEN. COMING SOON WATCH FOR IT and Edgar Seidell Music Publishing and Production Co. *'^»ta. ViSS, "t* vJgStV CENTRAL TRUNKS 2«ln., $8.60; 281n., $0.50; 32In„ 110.50 ; SOln., $11.60; 40ln., 118.00. Circus Trunks, 24x18x18, 18.00. Bill Trunks, 30x23x10, Inside, $12.00. Utho. Trunks, 42%«28%xl2. Inside, $16.00. Shipped on receipt of $3.00, bal. C. O. D., except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount. CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY. Est. 1884. 81MON3 k CO., 8. W. cor. 7th h Arch Sts., Phlla. NEW YORK COSTUME CO. Scad &, for Catalog C. 136 pages 140 N. Dearborn St., CHICAGO C/\«m tt jur n « original designs Br our own artists \J JS 1 (J lfj. J". |9 Burltiqus Drasisi a Specialty FROM ONE TO ONE THOUSAND ESTIMATES FURNISHED BROADWAY THEATRICAL COSTUME CO. ™&SB^VItf:n%&7r PLAYS For STOCK, REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COMPANIES LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Books for home amusement. Negro Plays, Paper. Scenery, Mrs. Jirley'i Was Works. Catalogue Freel Free I Free I SAMUEL FRENCH, 28 Wt.t oSth Sl„ Hew York. NEW YORK CALCIUM LIGHT CO. Electric Stage Lighting APPARATOS FOR SALE OR RENT 410 BLEECKER ST., AL Y. PHONE 674 CHELSEA WIGS TOUPEES, FOR STAOE and STREET OSCAR F. BERNNER 105 WEST 471k STREET. NEW YORK CITY, Near Ota. Ave. LKIUHNKll'S (UtEASfi PAINTS, POWDBHH, ROUQKB, KTU. GILLISS KANSAS CITY OPEN TIME Have a. FEW OPEN WEEKS for good Combinations, Drama, Comedy, Mlu- •trele, etc. Write or wire. E. S. BRI6HAM, KANSAS CITY, MO. WAIN (1 WANTED P-OF* IMPERIAL PLAYERS PEOPLE IN AIX LINES From Leading Man to Props.; only experienced repertoire people need write. Those doing spe- cialties given preference. State all (list letter. WALTER F. SMITH, Manager Box lflfl, - - - Minneapolis Minn. WANTED QUICK Violin to Double Brass. Other Useful People, wiite. Two car show. Long season. Money SDItK. Address BIO CALLAHAN DRAMAIIC CO., Ohenoa, 111., Sept. vi 14; (irldley, 111., Sept. 10-18. At Lltiertv > Experienced Clarinet 8 bels Inst j. Tune to any piano. Also Library Orcli. Niwlc. Orcb. work preferred. Can do siagc bits. Will furnish hair. asb to put out Kep. Stock Co. and small Orch. Tell It all. Address OLARlNRT, 6709 QUIN'CY AVE., U.EVKLANI), O. Wanted for Vaudeville Sketch Three actresses for 18, 25 ond 38 year old lady parts. Young Juvenile Man, All count do specialty. Also partner for musical Let wautvd; must bo violinist. Full particulars fiist letter. Salary $25 and all. tib'O. It. HTEUUljNS, SOUIIS POINT, N. Y. WANTED AT ONCE JUVENILE HAN FOR LIGHT JOVMLE COMEDY One With Specialty Preferred Must join on wire. Will advance ticket. Make saia y right. Long season. Address CHAM. K. MILLKlt. Union vlill-, N. Y.. Sept. II; Mlddleiowu VI, Cos lieu la, Monroe 14, Kingston 10, Araville 17. SCENIC ARTIST That Play* Small Parts. Also other Dramatic People for "per- manent ■lock." VAN DYKE Si BATON CO., De* Moines, la. Must lie young, handsome and well experienced, with modern wanlrolm. For PERMANENT bTOCK THEATRE that runs the yottrnrouud. Delightful seaside health resort. Addrt-H* CAPT. \V. O. AMBNT, Bentley Orand Tlinai re, Lon g H »ucl», Cal. WANTED QUICK MUSICAL COllEIIV PEOPLE CHOUU8 OIRLS, JEW (KUIKUIM, HOUBRETTB to Lund Numner*. who can ilng and ilanr.ei LADY PIANO PLAYER, Al STAOE MUil. who < an play u pari, PROPERTY MAN, Onml fi iiit I Ilia AOENT. AI TON di AM1K11- HOA'S PULLMAN TOURIST MldlCAL COMEDY CO.. Poavernenr, N. Y. SHOW PRINTING Wei, H. Aston Prin t, Detroit. Catalog. H.Y. PLAY BUREAU PLAYS ii now located at Trt moot Theatre, New Yoik. Oel New Catalogue. NTTKFrA. AfTS 10 largo Mimical Hollows, U1UJ1LHL HV/lJ—iow pitch. $io. 4 Tune Mlllhtrydong, »li. 10 Organ I'lnes, $4. In perfect condition. JOHN NALON, IMS Htnrllnu- Plncn, Hrooklyn. N. Y. NUNLEY'S CASINO,South Beach, Slaten Island Meyer A May, props.; Win. Blibor, mgr. All lint claos Vaudeville Acts dealring time, write WM. SILBOH, mgr. No act too big for this house. WANTED TO PURCHASE, lor Spot Cash, at Bargain Prices, LARGE SIZED TENTS In good condition. Address W. W. SAROENT, Whalom Park, Fltchhurg, Haas. WANTED AT ONCE For Senroli'a United Tent Show, Man with Sensa- tional Acts. Must change for week. Straights in acts. Add. Senrob's United Show, Jilterson, Iowa_ SACRIFICE A large Stock of Imported Street Evening Clowns, all dlaoilptlonH. slightly used. MK8. 0OIIBN, 6-jm nl XT1I AVE., N. Y. Phone 4D70 Urecley. VAN FLIET 47 WEST 28th STREET, NEW YORK. MUSIC ARRANGED ffiSS&S,!* Words written tomuslo; music written to words. References, K. A. Mills (Music Publisher!. K. 8. 8. uUMTlNQTON, care 0L1FPKK, 47 W. attli Bt., N. Y. SKETCHES, M0N0L0GS, Patten and Parodies, written lo order. Good original work; reasonable p-Icea. JKNNK A MARTIN, Sox Oil. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. sinrox: Have yon got our latett aong hits? Ot'S WINKLER, Room 31, Orand Opera Home Bldg,, Chicago, Ills. PLAYS DUJK A KITZU CATA1.O0 oY Professional and Amateur I'lays,Sketches, Mono- logs, Minstrel Jokes, Recitations, Makc-UpUoods, Etc.,sent FKEB. UiKllAI.D, m Aim bt.. New lork. A VERY SMALL, HANDSOME TRICK PONY Stamp for answer, Hero's your chance. Address Prof. PamahHslka, No. 2327 N. Sixth St., Phlla., Pa. I Heal Uair, urop Wig, ii; Negro.!tto.; Ureas | wig, Import Bald, Soabrette. each; .« yds. Orepe Hair rwool|, II.00. Ask Cata- logue Papier Mac he Heads, Uelmeti, eto. I iopoitar, aJlppert, ua^i Foona Ave, a, i