The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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24 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. September 14 B.B.&B.SPECIAL THEATRICAL TRUNK f»-YEAR GUARANTEE THEATRICAL GOODS I-OOIC AT THE PRICEt Bound with our Sew Cold- Rollcu Steel Binding Three-ply B. B. & B. trunk wood, hand-riveted tipping tray. SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUERS deposit re- quired on C.O.D. shipments. B. B. & B. TRUNK FACTORY 41K Federal St., ». 9. S38 Smlthfleld St. . +*T Wood St. Factory i 32-40 Isabella St., N. B. PITTSBURGH, PA. B. B. & B. TRUNKS 1 machine earned 815,850 la 28 wcehs, 1001 1 machine earned (17.013 In 20 weeks, 1005 1 machine earned SI0,(I»2 In 25 weeks, 1006 1 machine earned $10,017 In 27 weeks, 1007 1 mnehlne earned $12,802 In 21 weeks, 1008 1 mnehlne r nrnrd (I0.RI2 In 29 weeks, 1000 1 machine earned $18,021 In 28 weeks, 1010 Above figures will be verified lo prospective customers. Write lor catalogue and prices to C. W. PA R K E R Uwenwotth. Km. Earn $35 lo $500 Weekly. Study CTAOF DANCING dlAuE. SINGING Vaudeville Aot», Bketches, Drama, Hate-up, Flaywrltlng. Personal In- struction by phonograph at jour home l( you cannot come on to New Yprr. Write for Illustrated booklet How 8,000 ttadenuancoeeded. Engagements guaranteed. Kalluro Impossible. Alliens Theatre School ot Acting B3d St. and 8th A-o., Now York WIGS TIGHTS \ . . . Cttaloflui No. HOSIERY SPANGLES GOLD&SLVErU csUlogus No. TRIMMINGS STAGE I JEWELRY J • • Citaiogui No. GOLD and SILVER BROCADES SATINS and BEADS Catalogues and Samples upon request. When asking Cor Catalogue, please mention what goods are wanted. SIEGMAN ft WEIL 77-70-Sl Wooitor St., NEW TOHK ■ The Theatilcal Supply Emporium •Back of the NAME ^BESIThink£v?rbUILT STAGE SHOES This Style OO.OO WOOD SOLE CLOGS PlilnKId, • • $3.60 PiiiBt Uathor - $4.60 All Colon, • • $6.00 Ultra out, will not rip. STAQE LAtT tn Oxfords, Supper* and Shoos. Sent C. O. D. If $1.00 per pa DANCING aVndT for Catalog islr Is advanced. FINE MAI'MC DANCING HATS, made to order at 80 cts. per square foot IMEE-i-Y BROS. 739 W. Street Pro. Hoynorkat Theatre chioago MR. SHOWMAN •rices with others and prl then rush as an order. Compare these ra For Cash only. 30 M. Bx6 K Matinee Cards, one Bide, two-ply, 10 M. 8>ix9« or 4x7 Card Heralds, two sides, $9.00 9.00 8.60 —irarw— Jackson Hotel RATES: $4.00 and up; With bath, $7.00 and up. mills HUNT, Prop. JACKSON BLVD. A UALBTKD ST. CHICAGO D-ply 1 M. Tacit Cards, 4-ply 8011.1x12 To-night Dodgers with or without casts, one side only 10.00 lOM.exW Heralds, two sides 0.50 10 M. 12118 Heralds, four pages 12.00 10 M. oxl2 Heralds on lino grade of book paper, lour pages 12.00 10 U.12HH Heralds on One grade of book paper, four paces 17.80 600 Half Sheets, one color 4.60 Best Grade of Block used. Union Label. No Stock Forms. The Chronicle, Painless Price Printer, LOGANSPOHT, 1ND TOM LEWIS Starring In "Yankee Prince," says: Taylor Trunk for me every time; I've tried them all, 1 know. 8END FOR CATALOGUE. C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS CHICAGO: 35 E. Randolph St. NEW YORK: 131 W. 38th St. CARL KETTLER, Pro. and Trcu. HERBEr^EnLER/Setr CARL KETTLER WIG CO. B0OOESSOR T01 WE LTEPNBB WIG GO. fack powders For 80 Tears America's GREASE PAINTS _____ L g* d | n f." cosmetics WIG MAKERS Write for Illustrated Catalog this country Wi« BRAROfl TOH>_«g B—best Issued la STAGE MAKE-UP Wigs rented r<>r all occasions » Mr. Carl Settler gives his personal supervision to the uilnm*. detai of all orders, whether laig-e or small. * BEA0HEY A LAWLER BUILDING N. W. Oor. Washington and Dearborn 8ts. 66 WEST WASHINGTON 8TREET ■ ■ CHICAGO. Ill GET WORLD SUMMER PRICES Look at these prices, cash with order. No stock paper. All special, from your copy. Union Label. 10118X24 heralds, 2 sides, - $10.60 10M12X18 heralds, 4 pages .... 14.60 10M 14x21 heralds, 4 pages. - - • 17.60 sou 4x12 to-nlgbts, one side, e forms, no casts, o.oo 80M same, with casta, .... 10.60 8011 same, two sides, 18.00 80M 8X8 to-nlghta, 6 forms, no casts, - 7.60 80M free tickets. 9.00 10M sxxirx card heralds, .... 9.00 1000 4-ply tack cards, type. • • - - 7.00 600onesheelB, type, black on yellow, - 7.00 1000 one sheets, black on yellow, - - 11.00 600 half sheets, black on yellow, • - • 4.6o looo half Bheets, black on yellow, - - 7.60 Slight additional charge for red and blue on white GAZETTE SHOW PRINTING COMPANY IHattoon, 111., U. S. A. VfURLjIZER-, ORCHESTRAL HARPS The Accepted World's Standard Write for beautiful CaUdogne. Eojt payments. We supply the TJ.B. Go^ernm™with M d.lcalWramrnU The Rudolph "Wurlltzer Co. S7l E.4la. Cincinnati: III «.Wibirt,CM(irs _______EBtttl)ll»tie<l 186« ______ Hl'A LI.HI AN'K DRBSBBR TRUNK. Let our catalogue tell what an Improvement It Is. Bow easy to get at anything. How quickly packed. How use- ful In small room asohlffouler. Holds as muoh as a good box trunk. Costs no more. Strong- est made; hand riveted. So good that we ship It 0. O. D. subject to examination. Send So. stamp to-day for catalogue, to K. BpriPg SU.OOLUHBPS, 0. •VALIDELLA" DANCING CLOGS Short Vamps Price, aU wood sole, $4.00 ; .leather slunk, $6.00; de- livered free. Patent fast enlng. Man- ufactured by Albirl H. Rlimar Shot Co., Milwaukee, Wle. CHICAGO—THE HUB OF TI1K AMUSEMENT Theatrical eostnmes and Supplies— , n „„ HUBERT L. WEBB R America's Leading Moll Order Houes -,mH "« WEBKB CHICACO COSTUME WORKS Importers and Mannfocturers—Theatrical Tights, Make-up, Properties and Scenery. SO YEARS PROFESSSIONAL EXPERIENCE. RENTAL DEPARTMENT Send for Catalogoc-FREE We atcr to Stock Companies, Amateur Cat- Jo. 2-ta «* tatanu. .„_.. da TEC Cat. Ho. 2—Wlp, Btardj, Tlghb, Spanks, and Minstrel Snows. SraJAL KAifi- at „,. ^j^g Md Sb0(J( j^ aftj Wejtnn TO THE PROFESSION. Good*- TELEPHONES CENTRAN OSJOa. AUTO 41-081 142 N. Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL., U. S.A., Opposite Court Theatre "ACME" THEATRICAL TRUNK A Sensation of Strongness TIGHTS AND SHIRTS of every •ascription, Padding, Pros. Snake and Honker Salta, Elastic and Cloth Supporters. Gymnastic Pumps and Gaiters, Spangles and Bullion Fringe. Bend for catalogue and sample of tights—FREE. JOHN Successor to Splcer Bros. 86 WOODBINE ST., BKLYN, N. T. Telephone Bryant 8044 Eaves Costume Co. Manufacturers of Theatrical COSTUMES and UNIFORMS Of Every Deaortptlon 226 West 41st Street, One Block West of Broadway NEW YORK SPANGLES, f 1.00 PER FOUND GOLD OB SILVER Cotton lights, pair $1.00 Worsted Tights, pain -.00 Plaited Silk Tights, pair 2.26 Best Silk Tights 1 B 00 0 Inch cotton topsf *"*„__ ' LIVING PICTURE SUITS Calf, Thigh snd Hip Faddlngs. Gold and Silver Trimmings. Bond deposit and route with order THE BOSTON REGALIA CO., 887 Washington St., Boston, Mass. JOSEPH NOLAN'S SONS Successors to Joseph Nolan MANUFACTURERS Of Leotards, Tights, Shirts, Flo- ture Suits, Contortion, Bear and Monkey Bults, Paddings, Elastlo Supporters, Pomps. Bend for price list. OD and OT Bllerjr Hi. Brooklyn, New York FHOLTOITS HARMONY HINTS F An Illustrated magaslne, containing many |" _. articles ot Interest to muslolans and full _ B descriptions of Bolton Band Instruments. D II OUR BIG BARGAIN LIST II Eof second-hand band Instruments shows a- excellent bargains. Terms cash or Install- Is meat. Old instruments accepted as part as E payment. _ FRANK HOLTON 4f CO. tT »03T Gladys Avenue, Chicago — SLIPPERS SHORT VAMP SHOES FOR STAGB, STREET and EVENING WEAR Satin and Kid AU Colors Send for our new catalog S. ot Shoes and Hosiery. SHORT IIAII'C BHOE \ IMP JAuK O xlioi' 4V5 Sixth A v.. bet, 20 k 80 Bts Tel. 70(8 Had. Sq. irQQ HIQHflRADE llLOO MAKE-UP "Not How Cheap but How Good" Sold by Loading Druggists, Oostumere, Hair Stores and Pept, Stores a§ Fine Magical Apparatus ILLUSIONS, TRICKS. Etc. Grand lCud of Century, fully Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, 25c, free by mail. Catalogue of Parlor TrlckB free. MAIITINKA & CO., Mfrs., 403 Sixth Ave., N. Y. t STARR & SACKS HM „o W N B n,r S * Evening and Boubrette downs, Fancy Stage * ■jr and Street Dresses, Onora Coats and Furs. 1c ik KulldreBB Tuxedos, Prince Alberts and 4t it Kngiish Walking Suits, Silk and Opera * S lists. 3*U N.Clark St.,Chicago. * USED MOVING PICTURE MACHINES bought and sold on 10 per cent, basis; Star Pin or Sprocket Wheels, 86c; Main Shaft use; Intermittent Shaft, 660.; Hull Tickets. He. per ; 60 Carbons, $1.00; Arc Lamp, 02.28; Stereoptlcons, $12.00; Calcium Jet, t2.26; Film lo. a foot, any length; Acetylene Jets, $2.60; Honvy Condenser Mounts, $1.10; Asbestos Wire, 6c. per fool; Wire Connector, 6c. Hundreds of other hargalus. (Cataloguo 1 . L. HK'l /., 1,000; CoiideuHers 30a E. a;i«l Streel. New L. ■ oik City. MIDST OF 8EA80N TENTH, 10X80, 40x80, 40X80, 60X8O: 2400 FOLDING GHAIRS, LOT OF SPECIAL M. P. CHAIRS, HAND ORGANS, PRKSSDItK LAMPS. Send for Free Bargain Booklet. THE R. H. ARMBRUSTER MFC. CO. SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS CATARRH CAPSULES, m i ii [DISCHARGES LUCY GOODMAN SECOND-HAND GOWNS ■ VBNINO GOWNS, STREET DRHBMDB OPBRA COATS, FURS, ETC. B4t B. Btate Bt. 'Phono Cal. 1288 OHIOA OO FREE-MAGIC aTALOGUE-FREE Catalogues now ready. All the latest Improved Kopu. Chain and Sensational Escapes. Newest Creations In Advanced Illusions, Spiritualistic Ef- fects, Clialloiige Mind Heading Acts, newly per- fected Card Tricks, Ventriloquist Figures, Books, Puezlea and Jokers, Secrets, Plans. Apparatus, Tables or Accessories. W. ALBERT TRIPP, Rout e 10 , New Bedford, Mass. Performers °K 0 na tu y n o l i y r picture with $4 and receive one out snd 600 letterheads, finely printed, a bargain FINN THE PRINTER, 24 E. 21ot St., Niw York BE AN ACTOR! I can place you on the Vaudeville Stage. Moat fascinating, profitable profession In the world. Experience unnecessary. 1 assist you to got an act and engagement Method endorsed by managers. Thirty years' experience Instructive book FREE for stamp. Frederi c La llclle, Sta. C, Jackson, Mich 105 MABIC TRICKS **S;£ZT 9 JOS. O. KLEIN, 1103 Broadway, N. Y. Soubrette WIGS Mode of Natural Wavy Hair, 22 In. long, In aa- sorted shades to golden blonde. SPECIAL PRICE SIO.OO All kinds ol Theatrical WIGS, from $2.60 to $100 THE WIGGERY 04 E. MADISON ST., CHICAGO CONTRAGTS IJETTKR BBADS, INVELOFBS. TICKETS, PASSES, CARDS, Etc. Write for samples. ffebb Ptg. Co., sri Bo. D e arborn St. Chicago, il l. CDCC MAfilO ,9,z CATALOfi ■ llE-lS "■■*"■" 208psgeB.Sendee. ■ ■■■■"•■•stamps for Pocket Trick utidpartlcu- srs. MAGIC CO., Pept. I, 270 W. 89th St., S. Y. NEW 212 PA6E ILLUST. MA6IC CATAL Containing cuts ot Leading Conjurors, 60c. New C2 pngo book Catal., 10c. None free. D. LIS! W flltOY. 103 Court St., Boston, Mass. CIRCUS & JUGGLING Apparatus, Rolling Globes, Clubs, Batons, Guns. Wire Walkers'Apni tor catalog, EDW. uratus and Novelties. Stamp VAN WYOK. Cincinnati, O. THEATRICAL. WIGS Toupees. Ladles' Hair Goods. M. Stein's Make- up. Send for Price List GEO. 8IUNDHELM, 232 W. 41st St, New York. Tel., 8720-Bryant MUSIC PIANO ARRANGED ORCHESTRA Kelodlos written to song poems. Ref.—Wltmark * Son. W. B. NELSON. 118 W. 86th Bt, N. Y, THE OLD RELIABLE' Planten-s or bL acK C V c CAPSULES iFowCATARRH &DISCHARGESI GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS. Unquestionably the best Professional Trunk on the market regardless or pries. Made in all sixes. INCLUDING LOWER TRAY SOIn.long, 10In. wide, 28In.high 32 In. long, 20ln.Wlde, 24 In. high $16X8 84 In. long. 21 In. wide, 26 In. high $kVM i SOIn.long. 22ln. wide, 28In,high $16.00 88 In. long, 23 In. Wide, 27 ID. high $16.M 40 In. long, 24 In. wide, 28 In. high $17.00 ACME LEATHER AND TRUNK WORKS 1TI W. STATE BT n CHICAGO. "ONLY ONE BESTI The EMERGENCY Steel Clad Fibre or Canvas Covered Professional Trunk, Absolutely Guaranteed Our Steel Clad XXX TK Strongest In theland. 82 . . $10 1 34 . . ii I It'i not the price that's -rh- m i : la but the qoallty 40 . . 14 J Wardrobe, BUI and Fibre Trunks of all makei, new snd second hand, at attractive,! , prices, always on hand. Special Sixes of Trunks or Cam made to order. Repairing dons. No EMERGENCY BA66A6E and REPAIR 60, 25 EAST 14th ST., N. Y. CITY (NKAR B'WAY.) _ ._ BRANCH I Oth AVE., Cor. 10th BT. BRANCH I 8th AVE., Cor. 4UI8T. , etc. And all Electrical Equipment for Lighting Productions, Vaudeville Acts, UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC STAGE LIGHTING CO. 240 W. 50th St. NEW YORK Phone- Columbus 8041 THBATRE LIGHTING OU R "PRCIALTY FOR EVERT P0RPOSB 1,000 STYLES ESTABLI9EIBD 18S5 WHITE FOR OAT. Wo. 41 116-117 So. Wabash Are., CHICAGO. ILL. NBW YOBK OFB-ICB. 11(10 Broadway SEATTLE OFFICB. 508-10-12 Fleet Ave.. So. BAN FRANCISCO OFFICE, 728 Mlsilon St The A. H. Andrews Co. COSTUMES WIGS SOUBRETTE DRESSES TIGHTS GOLD AND SILVER TRIMMINGS MAKE-UP Write for CntnloKiie, "SUSS^SSSSSSSl 80 I*""; 6 *, ««'<> lllustrntlo-im. _,, t .Ufa FRITZ SCHOULTZ & CO., ll> West I.nko St. (EBtaWUhea 2B venrs). C""'"L1 ■ n__RPWHfA-' MEDICINE MEN, AGENTS. AND VOLTAIC ELBOTRIO INSOLES AND INI prollls. Just what ynu Bre looking for. 1 of Insoles and get complete price list and' Its kind In the U. a NTRBKTMBN. BLbt-V' 1 .,. , n0 tt'g lALEi 18 are g. oflJ that.sell ami j ; »y ^, , sond ISc. tor »^Vl°J-S" Kh i^"" cnt « SECOND HMD (JOWSS, SOUBRETTE DRESSES, FURS WIGS. lb «BV$l.iOdo^up; InsolWj»~^ ollUl pairs up; lnhale-rs, not :. do». up. K&st seller, »>r *• Send to-day. . (Estb. 18 18.) Inc. 1801.) ».. THE ELECTRIBjf PLIANCE CO., Wrtiig Wjj 6( 0So.StateSt.,Chl«..BO ir Stylos In Utiles' H*r » TOUPEES, GREi _ U PAINTS And the Latest and Most Pop*. » _ _ A. M. BD KH & CO 119 N. Ninth Street Phil" 1 delP* 1 *