The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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THE NEW YORK! CLIPPER. Skpibmbbb 21 World of Players, NOTES MOM "THB PONCIIKB" ONDUMi —The Brandon Amusement Co 'b production of Hal Reid's breezy Western corned; drama, "The Cow Puncher,'' opened its season at Morrlstown, Minn., on Aug. 16. The com- pany will pay the Dakotag until the holi- days, and after the first of the year will start toward the Pacific Coast. The roster of the company Is as follows: The Brandon Amusement Co., lesoees: I* C. Zelleno, com' pany manager; Harry Burton, business man- ager; Howard Tremalnc, Gernld Van Etten, Lawrence Peterson, Bud Welch, Ivy fituttz, and Gertrude E. Fox. The company reports *ood business since the opening, and they will play numerous fair dates during the month of September. Mr. Brandon's Central "Cow Puncher'' company will open the sea- son at Thief River Falls, Minn., on Sept. 9, and will remain In the Central States. Hahbt Elias notifies us that he recently closed with E. G. Smith's Shows, and Is now with Stetson's Eastern "Uncle Tom's Cabin" company. Mas. Mart Kellt, mother of Hattle L. Richmond, died Aug. 30 at her home In Cbarlestown, Mass., aged eighty-seven years. Notes from the Bosh & Mookb Musical Comkdi Co.—We were compelled to close for a week on account of the death of Louise, tbe Ave months' old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Bush, our principal comedian and character woman. "Snookenu," as we called her, la deeply mourned, and the entire company ex- tend their alncerest sympathy to our "boss" and his lovable wife. After a three days' lay off we opened at tbe Majestic, Muncle, Ind., to capacity business, and good, clean shows have predominated during the past two weeks, We are playing an Indefinite en- Sagement. The roster is as follows: Al. lush, principal comedian and producer; Walter R. Snyder, advance; Jlmmfe Elliott, specialties; E. R. Ray, straight, general business; Mrs. Al. Bush, characters; Nellie Temple, leads; Mrs. Jimmte Elliott, special- ties, and Graham Sisters, specialties. Chorus: Theresa Snyder, Marie Ray, Bobby Roberts, Steve La Roy, Nellie Vole, Hazel Kirk, Wil- lie Homer, Pansy James, and the old stand- by, Arabella. Roster op trb Gertrude Ewinq Co. — Otto Thebus, Will Thebus, J. «. Wright, Wm. X. Smith, Jack White, Edward A. Dunn, Chas. A. Russell, Marie Desmond, Dollle Desmond, Irene Jones. Mrs. J. G. Ewlng, Gertrude Ewlng. Season opened July 20, at Brookfleld, Lorraine Krgne and Associated Platers canceled their last three weeks on the Bell, Olcndorf and Ballard Circuit, so they could play three weeks of Independent time before closing the Summer season, when the mem- bers of this popular organization Intend tak- ing a tew weeks' vacation before starting the Winter season. Miss Keene has not fully decided whether she will return to Grand Island, Neb., for permanent stock, or accept a forty weeks' contract for vaudeville, producing a condensed version of Wlllard Mack's Western comedy drama, "In Wyo- ming." This time, we are Informed, hag been offered MIbs Keene. nag. >., fa Mo., fair week. BAKER AND COOK, Taking encores with "Uncle Joe," published by Tbeo. Morse Pub. Co. WAI/l'ER A. STONEl, HiirliiiKti.n, In., Probably one of the youngest playwrights in the country, having originated and staged "The aimers," Jan. 10, 1012, and "The Butterfly Girl," Sept. 2, both at tbe Grand. In that city, the latter creating genuine surpilsc and appreciation of undoubted talent. Mr. Stone Is a native of Burlington, a valued member of Fischer's Orchestra and A. F. M., No. 278. Notes from toe Harbison Associate Players. —iWe opened at Sherbrooke. Que.. Can., to excellent business. Gladys Moffatt, prima donna and comedienne, and Maude Norwood, Ingenue, are the features. Spe- cialties between acts are given by Harris and Moffatt, Gladys Moffatt, Lawrence Jenkins and Charles Harrison. Following lg the com- plete roster: Chas. Harrison & Win. Nelson, managers; Lawrence Jenkins, character co- median ; Jack McHenry, characters; F. 0. Carll, leads; Martha Owen, characters and old women; Harold Oleson, pianist; Carl S. Johnson, advance agent. Charles Harrison Is featured with Maude Norwood In the play of "Gypsy Bess." The Old Reliable) Is always a welcome visitor. FOHHEST WlNANT AND CHARLES LAITB will bo with "Honest Jim Blunt," In Tim Mur- phy's support. Also Viola Hemlng, Frederic Bond, Frank Losee, Louise Closser Hale, Muriel Hope, Frederick C. Mosley and Harold Meltzer. The new American drama, by Harry Graves Miller, dealing with the double standard of morals and eugenics, received Its premiere performance by the Western company, at Cadillac, Mich., Sept 2. The cast: John Uurkman, Manart Keppln. Mrs, Burkman, Mildred van Hollen. Lucille Burkman, Ce- cilia Jacques, Richard Covell, Seth Halscv, Bruce Armour, Paul Griffith and W. H. Hart'- gan. Gorham A Rowlader are tbe managers. Edward Trail, of the Montauk, Brooklyn, ennounces Louts Mann as his opening attrac- tion, Sept 16, with other first class pro- ductions booked for the season. Habrt H. Hill will manage Qua Hill's "Happy Hooligan," of which a new version will be presented, on the Wells, and Stair A Havlln time. Leo H. Kino writes: "I wish to assure you I got the usual results from my Cliwbb ad. I got a nice company together. I open my company No. 2, Sept 26. My company will be King Dramatic Co. No. 1." Hmilt Lea wag suddenly called upon to play Edith Decker's prima donna role In "The Rose Maid," on Sept 2, and her suc- cess In the role von substantial recognition from the management ,'rf,,- ■••• ,,',.■ -.-:•.;■.•■■•;■..',.■■■ . , ■:K52*. .:*•'-> .'.. ■:■■■.•< . Caeiji&H mm: '^i-^ -•"■■■■• -&^ : - > ; ;:.^^*^*KS VIN-FIZ BOTTLING FLOAT ON EXHIBITION WITH BUFFALO DILL'S WILD WEST AND PAWNEE BILL'S FAR BAST SHOWS. The Vin-FM Bottling Wagon Is the only one of Its kind In the world. It Is a complete bottling, lighting and fiower plant on wheels, manufactur- ng carbonated water, which Is used In bottling VIn-Flz; Is equipped with a combination gasoline engine and generator, which furnlsheg power for operating carbonatlng machine, also for lighting plant There Is also a storage battery, with capacity for thlrty-slx eight candle power lights, burning thlrty- slx hours on one charging. These are the outside lights on wagon, and can be lighted while machinery Is Idle. There are eleven sixteen candle power lights for which current Is supplied directly from generator. Thcso lights only burn while genera- tor Is In operation. In rear of wagon la a 50-gallon copper tank, porcelaln-llned. Incased In insulated box, In which distilled water is first cooled, thence carried through pipes Into carbonatlng ma- chine; underneath wagon are the carbonic gas drums. In the carbonator the water la J5&8R&V3& sarsffeSfc is yssiitsgtfsg mn pft,sed to tte -*■ *SS sua 1000 PERFORMANCES IN THE EAST CHARLES TERMS AND COMPANY IN HIS OWN COMEDY PLAYLET, WITH A MORAL THE PREACHER AND THE MAN Direction ED. F. KEALEY. SECOND TEAR. 150 PERFORMANCES IN NEW YORK CITY. THB GREAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER, THE *"» -THEATRE REVIEW 14 Leicester St., Leicester Square, London, W.C. - - 8i. Sd. PER YEAB • 2a. Cd., Single Column, lack Telephone: 1772 Hadtson Squirt. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS, PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, New York Office: 86 West 25th Street PLAYING THE BEST SULLIVAN and OOr GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICEl Sullivan and Oonaldlne Hldgr., Third and Madison Streets, SEATTLE, WASH. FRED. LINCOLN, - • Gen. Mgr. IN VATTDEV11VLE iSIOINE CIRCUIT GENERAL BOOKING OFFICEl 1440 Broadway, Cor. 40th Street, NEW YORK CITY. CHRIS O. BROWN, - . - Mgr. I1RANCH BOOKING OFFICES i PAUL OOUDBON, 6 North Clark St. cor. Htdboa, Chicago, 111.; MAURICE J. BURNS, 8d and Uadlson Sts., Seattle, Wash.; W. P. BB58B, 965 Market fit, San Francisco. CaL; B. OBBRMATBB, 16 Greene St, London, Eng. HENRY BROWN AMUSEMENT EXCHANGE ROOM ioa, 3(1 SO. DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, ILL. Can always use Recognized Vaudeville Acta ol Every Description. WANTED LIBERTY ACTS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Acts that have not plsjed this terrllcrj. Features desirous of breaking jumps East or West, wire, write or telephone VAUDEVILLE CONTRACTING COMPANY L. CLAIRE MCLAUGHLIN. Qenl Manager. Suite 712-713 Fulton Building, PITTSBURGH, Pi •'THE OFFICE THAT IS ALWAYS RIGHT." A VAUDEVILLE ACT FOR 50c. (NEW STUFF) 2 Meaty Monologues, 4 Parodies, 2 Comedy Recitations Tor Blackface. Jew. Tramp or Kcc, ComediinL all for 50c. HEKB HONAHAN, Box 410, Brockton, Man. FIDELITY BOOKING OFFICES 531 -a -3 Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg., 1403 B'wiy, New York. Phone 0448 Greeley. "Injunct Ionized Circuit-Ant 1-Copper ABency." L. D. MACKINTOSH, Prop. THB EFFORTS OF WuOLD-UK AGENTS AN'D ALLEGED COMPETITORS TO INJURE US ACCOUNTS FOR THEIR DOWNFALL AND PROBABLY FOR A LITTLE OF OUR PHENOMENAL SUCCESS. JA HDtflfU FOR THOSE THAT I SPECIAL, CLUB AND CABARET DEPARTMBM 4V TltLRiS MAKE GOOD \A#ir SEE EVERYBODY Vr\/I WANTED-NOVELTY ACTS GOOD LOOKING SNAKE CHARMER, ILLUSIONS FREAKS, TRAINED ATtTTMALS ■ a tn v4rrVif hsahU fills Inrpoof aolnrv tt\T f( l tl _ Detroit, Mlcfc^ ~mmmi And otter Side Show Stunts. Good time to rlglit people. Give lowest salary for four or more»«B- THE HIPPODROME, INC KELLY & msm WAST PEOPLE M ALL LUES FOR People who arc yonng. ambitious, of neat appearance, and who will study lines as written. »«" especially Al Leading Man and Woman, both to sing ballads: two good Second Business Women.»» csn do characters or soubreues, and be willing to play them; Good Comedian, who will learn line. General Business Man. All to do specialties. This company will play all small towns, so mate saJ«J7 ■» keeping, Yon know our reputation. We employ about one hundred people each reason, ana nooj owe a dollar. This will be a hard Winter, and none but the moBt careful will exist. So ir yon w» be with one that will brlug you back In the Spring, write us, stating all nrst letter. Preference wui» given single people. Company will open about Oct. 7; rehearsals week earlier. „,. h Address KELLY it BRENlfAW, Lalngeburg, Hien.^ WANTED REP. PEOPLE IN ALL LINES LAD J p i ANI8T tUBt doubles small parts. Steady engagement. Hake salaries low as tlicy come ever; week. Tickets If I know you. Small company playing small towns. People with M*riaiuesiw> preference. JDIsorganlzerg and people that boow don't write. Rehearsals start Sep'- » *!? OIBSOW'g DRAMATIC AND COMEDY CO., Stratford, FuItonCu., 1«. »• WBIGHT THEATRICAL LUMBER STILES, BATTENS, SHOES, STRIPS, PROFILE, SHOE Ordere filled on short notice. Prompt delivery our specl*"?- WRIGHT LUMBER CO.. 140-150 W, 38th Sl„ Heijgj -MINUTE 8-MINUTE—SK. E TL'O *-*. — —>- a^h~»?. or ..!! l,c ! t 'S ce Teani t Dutcn Team ' S^^f Te»™. Comedian and Soubrette, '»» C "%I^ Sffra *5?^ 8t ?'l ht » nd Hebrew. Also EIGHT-MINUTE MONOLOGUES for Rube, V}S l ia'mjS» IS&JE? ?' d '., H , ebrew »«»d Old Maid. Every act an ORIGINAL, UP-TO-DATE SCKKAM. Jf"^. SSRiSK.SKi" 0, CashorM.O. No sumps I Other materia?. Send for catalogue* and«nJ astto testlmonlalg. MAgy e , p . THAYER, JIM Broad Bt., Provi'icnce^ SEW HMD flOWNS, SOUBRETTE DRESSES, FIRS ANDRE 000 So. State St., STOCK PEOPLE-WIH sen i H"0<H on approbation. OPERA HOUSE WANTED.—| wait to rest an Opera House li a city not less It does not make any dlflerence to me what, stata th« ^it» in in v,,«r Y* irrannd floor. » tha^SS, in ^S?/ '"flefeica to me what State the city Is In. Must be ground floor, an.l jf £8** Iteenal'Mri «?„^f..'?'? <!, i pt,0 , n mt * exact seating capacity and how arranged. ->« l »* cW e itavTi wl"SL5K! S flm lettcr - J want K> °I^h tfie house Monday, Nov. ll. ; - » m a«y li, Mia. Flgnre on lowest cash rental basis. I want the house for Stook Co. AJ ' Aastfi H. D. RtlCKBR, HOTEL TULSA, TULSA, OKI.AH" j. DR. In omtoerteff ait. pleete mention Clifkb.