The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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THE NEW YORK CI-IPPER. September 21 RUNAWA & \ m vnKjhc>toB.*an m^ndoubtbdl* this «^*5^^^£^^^«^^ EVER PUBLISHED, AT OWD TOMB. --FIBB HIT. ' '".■» that ia wnr in call / H i» Wordi JUIDAEW C. STERUKO f ! ' ; ' SMI A RUNAWAY HARRY VON TfLZER ALREADY SWEEPING THE COUNTRY. GREAT BONO FOR MAN OR WOMAN. NOTHlNd BUOOE8TIVE. JUST A CATCHY 80NG MMLUWUI A R rH GREAT BIO LAUGHS. - ^/i V:i_J / TMIsVsoS <: - lOOKs Iilli P, A V~- YOV CAV'T 'STOP IT/ A-llKTTKIL M>\<! THAN ^'H >IK ;»UK,VM MAX - 1J r THK Cl-K VKR \VK1TEIV .TrMMni M<>\At;o; : : Worts WILLIAM JEROME A RUNAWAY Music HARRY VON TILZEE li -I >.al-. ••■1 if.'i':[' •»« OKI WHAT A GREAT LITTLE SONG. A BRAND NEW IDEA I GOOD FOR ANYONE. WE HAVE A CORKING DOUBLE VERSION FOR BOY AND GIRL. H n YQI A:- RUN A WA^Yi: V: 15 1 : 011 ; < 11 1 .>: Ol I , SO,V i; Til AT .- K V V inv is. six(;i,\(i. . Tiiis is tmi; uks i' :co<>.\ ,so\c;.i:JV-. vkajis,. t tiik iu.'rji.ic want: .1. ..!■>.,.• ..,;'< ...I LflBfTlhir/ll II: '«. lii- 11 .••.l-'il'' 11 :. 11 ,ogi-. u ~~ ~/ si in i <!•• ii'i'l'M «.: 1 :<:■! 1;;.; .t.u v/ ,; <; r- jiiis ti: . ; a woisroJaasTJi, Km song BETTER THAN'Vp|6g, QW ME." FULL OF LAUGHS? BED TWO GREAT CHARACTER SONGS , * VIO-E-AIN STILL PURSUED H E CAPTAIN, OF THE CORSET SQUAD BRIGADE OUR PRESENT BIO HITS " : OH! MR. DREAM MAN RAGTIME QQBHIM MA IM _..„.. PVPIAIi NOTICE- VViiKV i.v t;iiKAGO, <aj>j. at tiik gjiaxd .opuka -jioirsE uciluixi! XILIERMUSIt^ ^Acldross all mall to New York Office - .■ ^ i'*-_ .>,- ■:i<;..iv i ,; ;>i',iv-il P!fi sess §rt«S :tniS>REViEWED.;:: : ;^^ ■JltS 111 .DlJuhil/. • ■:•! ,!.. -I •.■:■: ;!.•.,• •,■..'.'. , ;i '•The Strniificr nj>|J the Tnxlenb" '•' (■MmN^Ar , Mwfli'fl e »fr 1 l 1 - ..(Bote ,rjccelvcs. an. inv totlpn., to A social futeg^t6,aect)irtpftn> net,' Pie decides tq 1 go Blohp. ,B4jrj |lffttf|Vl8|dAa:Int(!r,'6t some' other chip1 pSjlng attention ,tq her/ 1 and lie.pnally dresses and Kafs_to_jbt dnufcb himself. There he.finds tierpclng weir onred for by a young chip? »Hd- Ills' jerflotrsy ts< 'drdilscd ' ' ItSsH da taken 111, nnd when Marry Jb ladvlscd to call a,,twUio,.j»]flas,fcyengc vW Ue (changes, nlaces tWUWLRMM^ but .Rwc's, slight, fllkss. n»isea,6IT 1|0 n<) w .puroflts dpclde vo.uffe, " ry Is Ignorant or their pintciittoi), and after dtiving. Jic» jaacUlflc. nt" ft 'dlxiy tfllWi Tfmsfi 10 ride Inrtlior and ifRVc, ljitor Roric'AM litr escort lcnve Sot home hi »u- Mhtir'/«ut6ttiiJhllCi<'!but'l the machine brcnkB ilbwn^tTnl Hnrry jiracKllsiio drive tluuu liouio in IiIb taxi. -Arriving«» Koto's- house lie de- cides t(n«rftU/((ip.Hls,f^ v buf ft(lfr,i three fours' »tnj jjlMs. It «p anil gocs.JibpiV. The WHOIatlrie Ui'it n«r : wfortaftHe unit itf,iprethi4r! , ta l nd;,rtsklnfe.' rotglVeiieas: Harry lbses no' tl m6j_ln'' r6n<ihlnk 'Ms'swdet- hcnrt'8 house ana'llmlllljt'wotliided feelings. fitilUsMf JWJrt! tlwi sJ,lu»HonB,,dccld«dl 1 y inter-, CS^'Ofi.Snlnnlsiil *nv.- .Iifo'i. '{j-.v ■.■;"»«•:;, "li'. .MtifniT ?u\ vmi. ii ri l'i' -'v.;■...,■! t;- ;:■ nni^ta'Jh^ FltrMlnur Innttnot^ (Svlljt). ,., iii»qn« liclcnd.-rt Sept. 10. i;'-...,-ii », K /"dttuttftiWIliT'ctlfliirticc' is!tlic <oulnldatlon ^ >K?ffiJ«SK» i?(\rt"-ln 'Oib : lifiisti.--'Kftiintry; i'T{l|lyVKjch't dlfrinUsed frc-tn IiIb Vosoia''hprtsb Uj\ the 1 .gltl's' ^ittlpf. 1 inneii' toTor. 1 ;* ;,AJtJiongU: tie •'chBVact$B are weH'ienotifrtl! acted, the- story goes Bounding •a!bntt*wttfi''but-'little Interest att^chda until its ^0036,0*, Mvfiuge^ is «?comri!lsh«i; > c ;!rod. ■"*'----.-..i-.'--;;... r ;«-: ; . ' .nV [,' • \ !■■"•■> ■>■*!'{ "The Anclent^l'ori oit Jai)i>p."'<Knjem). Released ifep'ti; it, : v ... V The plcture'.sib^Sittibl^lett.plfty.eri mak- consclopsnew<uidv«ieBra Billy'ot the a«ack f f hr ^^?^ffi^?^ Kont'SJbfttM blood'ls araosed. and he seti^i5???®...?-i?f57..5* i5L.^-JSM out lng out la fight they back (^ the;; rcsumao. SJSSd^SrS' .- It Is'■»'.»tron»-..drama tic • etory, with the cliff »«,«& tot«*ed. i Tho plunso frotn the cliff H.'ietaaUooaVajid the success-.'of the plctui»v-J* ! 5iti*Uk.ed In tho'•• npj>lauso:r*"The l f lEhtiMK)jte»Une.t^i4rtW' fWm the audience. BlSowto'K^v-- /-■'" \- '•«' • '■•'•'• -■ Tod. «<Tgt;W v |*OfCJCBW^^-f^tefrif»ph). "TJu- I Jb tenor's Lesson" (Ensanay). .-. Releaaiea Sept; IS. --L The Slmkln sisters keepa hoarding bouse In the village of Green Valley, and are much lh f -loYe Mm Jonathan 1 'and- DaTld, 'the Til- lage's leading 'fashton-plates. Itabel - and Clarice, two Tvtasomtrerty-glrlsrsecure rooms at theolcLmaicV- pln/ie, apdlmmadlately start a flirtation .wlft- : the boobs, Jonathan and PVrtd, and .at : a. b,arn dance their turkey trdttlhg; disgusts the old spinsters; jand they tart .the gjris, out of thett- hon'se.: Jsabel and Chirlca write, I'the', boys , • r pf tholr predlca- '-.that lf.the.boyB will sail jflll.mirTjr th'em. JopatbSn ck fo'.the"-'rMjch,-returns- the stolen tnoney hltjtfwSeQieart's father,' and happlhcss is aunw.'.s'S-'f «•;••'■ iV'S'.:-' V-'V'V ■"'' '...••,.''■••. Ou; nre begin they pastl nh an Inter as na a III nt th Ilnndi rob h from vnnt They i:ngln ! I<ord lunkei provli him to Op Hind the w coup! nnd left n r !i$\'Sept:..W.. jS'hl*.partner; Jack Lowell,^; '-$■ ^.iaBd.'ffe aee.fhem at W»*j?; ; .pWtura .in.ittdla, whS*-;«: .cheating at 'their faVorit* Bke^hclr escape on an elc- th'ewA UIr.doo' servant, <Who , at,they disguise thcmselvcfl ttendDfcKlviU being glv«nto T» pativts 'contribute money' _ *nd,.' after tMy -hare, left," Lowell attack tho high priest, Jack also steals a'costly jewel f the god. although tho sor^ that a curse will follow btm. the elephant and escape- to WI--Is'.now prosperouB and loses sis wealth-, ond Ony «lbtf:i*o',gate his .downfall W^Bbi'daoifnter Grare to ."^raie ;glr"l, ; thoogh enga«d ! ced- to' rtarry Handall. r The' ■wis nnd David get bnsy on the 'phone and ar- range to have a double wedding If they c" tell their land. The Simkin Bisters hear till from their own 'phone,, and believing taeffl- belvis to be the lucky maidens, hasten to tae luiOw'.Of the peace and tell blm to «ee«"J Wtte-boya' farms for them. Later they seo Jonathan and David enter the ''marrlap llcefttt^'offlce, and.decide to go meet tt*. B«fte poor-old girls are dumfounded when tlft^eor opens and Jonathan and DHW er^rSB.^with IsaheUe and Clarice as their re- spsjewe spouses. .'< .: ''• . xl. IgBsUctoM teres comedy which, vrtti «{ soccesslve amusing situatlons.Js a sure IMS; maker. The flltn IB ■« comedy »u«ea SSir Btf rt to finish, and eTer/.charactcr « »•" acted. ''.■•'. ■'.->..■ . .' ■ ■ ■ ■ ' Vy ' -'-v ' - v - -'--' "Blsok ReJintyT.' (pnthe). - n'cleaacd Sept. 11. Sentimental lntereet places this $&»£ tb».*>regwnn4isV'». ^i«*¥S*!2R5 TTin old "utorv of '."Block Beauty' waf.,? 1 ^ndall'S home,' ehtsr-hnd ■MlKftia **■;^Kenr. Ktit*;-*--1 ■ - *.. • .*",:.';-,,•", ldow, sees her way clear to mnrry V™ &&£ ^""W Greyson, the man she loves. nmri w«iii i» "llETnAYED FOIl LOVB.»-. [,,,11 A tragic picture that ^ ■^3,"^,^^^ Released Sept. 21, by George, tt#..: ,i ' di d ■■.-■•J '..,:■!i 'I A I..,: I Ir.vhir. ",nn(n ";,' vi IfUfntl .•:li: .<>:: i.i-.^ vi- rcth-ir. mi-; •r)l-^-«- i>-b*» ""/ „u2 «nm- a fire In his stable, awakens the ramiiy,«" mons the ,-Pr.e, fighters by ,ringing the nn bell, and later ho» thfe'horse saved Its o*w from losing the home bywinnlng the «»» at a trotting meet. And later when mltfor tune again overtakes the home, « ud '/.bo* of BlK«t.B«Bdty' '"• *'WatM"^ «»« M me new .owAer-. overworked the horse, »» the old owner..was. able, to rc-huy o» Hoamy.;an4 allow Wm .to: spend his last w In restr,,,.,! .v.,,; vji, bi.> •'..'' _viw,Mt The Btory: to'commendable ■8 nd ;.,T,* I tn»lll. meant to bi sensational,. haB one ""•JJS, wherein the horse beatr » Held of w minus a driver . ■ ■* »-»- , ;/1 - iro'i y i iri'i'ff ?■■'■•■" • ■' «TI.e Co.fc'pliHty v 'W , Catiline^,, ..-..ifto i.'...uT,M'-ta i i^|«*se), .,:•* H , Catiline »nidi ; ,bl» .conspirators n.e« ^ plab •irebelHoa :to!flre BJ"??;,,; ciusei* rlebtB and to condemn the weal hj » w They are overheard+by* a. female spy. , carries, 1»ei:»»wa, to, ^feeto.-tnH 'ne « , orator • plans tp destroy,Cf-.f"?.« ^ ,|^eu«e« At the W aenhte.meetitig cl J5I, t ; r to "" QttUine ,aV r bwb^s.ilj» ft «^» J ' ch ip,b.r, cHntlr..CfttnM,Tuabef ^J5He Mrtl* f»i Wws, r in'whlctnJvBt^ -one..of■«•»!■»« ^r^