The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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' September 21 THE NEW YORK. OLIPPEE. 5 INDISPUTABLE ORIGINATORS "COWBOY FILMS. Y»'ECONTINUE 10OFFTRLACKWftit MR.G.M. ANDERSON , (POPDLARIVKNOWN AS MONCHO BILLY.)IN 7HRIUING STORIES y OF EARLY DAYS iN:'WEST£RN AMERKA.'STACED UNDER THE PERSONAL r>^f£//r//^ M G~ '.NOlBiN -W fc. B.U and ■ o«»i. of una flln, $» » reel and op; 24,000 ft. of fine stock, no worn out mm, Jo. and ui>, 800 Sat* » M 01 iw « . is end op. A Power No. 6 Machine, $100; Edison Exhibition Machlno. 180: Model fS^"t£MJoniiie,$». l»i»b«rj"ii^ ww»» *J^ «•«"•»••.•'good. B oaiojna -~-^ QALLOT 70 Chrtatonher Street, H. T. Cltr. SELIG NOTES. * killed, hl» own body being found far In ■trance of bis own men. - A dramatic story of the ol<T days o re- Mlloo in the Roman Empire. Its^rnterest Is awe the average picture of thla style. "SCESUS ALONG T11B BALBBN0 COAST." (O. KLBIN'B.) sin the aame reel with "The Conspiracy of htillne" Is this splendid picturesque Hubject. 2d Sows a very Interesting bird's-eye view rt scenes within and along the coast of fclemo. i __ Toa - "The Indelible Stain" (Sell*;). Released Sept. 12. Padre Argos, In an old mission Tillage, Is jilnlaterlnK wonderful treatment to the sick mt£Sl' Among his flock Is Maria a wounr passionate girl, who confesses to the Sdro that she. had^ been, wronged by the Sirthless Juan Mendoza. One night Maria *Ta the new born babe on the church steps and begs the a home, but all •fuse at Pledad's (the gossip) warning, save *e wife of Eduardo.the village baker. The 1 «adre rebukes Pledad. foe her .un-Christlan Syngue, "and- Bhe becomes art, enemy ■ of. the .taker's family.* Twenty years elapse and we ace Elsa,-the little-outcast, grown up, and Beautiful, but Ignorant other origin. Pedro, « e son of. a "rich": merchant falls in love with her and aaks';the-consent of .bis father, lot the old maif.-isjtold by, reyepgetuhPledad at Elsa's or,iglp,-#od'he ' threatens his son with disinheritance-.should, he marry Elsa against• hls.wJsho;.Pedro'»vc.. slowly van- ishes, when; he: weighs .his'father's, threat, and, deserted and .realizing .the stain that is anon her, she the church, takes the tell and we see: ber disappear into the con- teat as the bride. of. the church. . '• • A beautiful dramatic story that holds one feeply Interested rthrougbout. . The admlra- Bon wc hOId .-for/the padre and the sympa- ftetlc live for.-the child makes this picture a tremendous success. Its characters are gaperbly 'acted .and .the scenes picturesque. ■Dr. Sklanem'a Wonderful Invention" (Kalent). Released Sept. 11. Dr Sklnnem's business Is poor until he dreams of a wonderful Invention that will make the old young again. He first tries it an the housemaid, and successful In knock- tig off about twenty years of her life, he •roceeds to become prosperous by "re-making" all the old maids, and falling In love with tach in turn. The picture gains Its object In producing hughs. SARAH BERNHARDT IN PICTURES. Those who have never had an opportunity *f seeing Sarah Bernhardt act should lose «o time In securing scats at Loew's National Theatre, In the Bronx, and the BIJou The- atre, Brooklyn, Sept. 19-21, where the Divine Sarah is "appearing" in moving pictures. She fe seen in toe character of England's great aueen, Elizabeth, in the gripping drama of (bat name, in which the greatest living actress flayed In France. As a matter of fact, the (Ictures were taken In Madame Bernhardt's »wq theatre, at a special performance given tor the moving picture operators of the Fa- mous Flayers Film Company. The pictures are remarkably clear, and foe wonderful emotional acting of Bernhardt fc clearly shown. The character of Eliza- beth Is. by the way, one of her greatest, and the critics who have seen, her in the role lave written pages in praise of her acting. The photoplay runs about one hour, and everything that ocean la explained by a lecturer. Bernhardt's company Is a large ane and includes many noted actors and eatresses, who portray the noted personages ft Queen Elizabeth's time — Lord Bacon, Bisex, Nottingham, Shakospeare, Countess of Sottlngbam and others equally as well known to those familiar with England's history. It Is a splendid picture and holds the In- terest of the audience. It la also a lesson In English history, for the original order of execution of Essex signed by Elizabeth has •sen photographed and li shown on the screen. ■The reel will play the entire circuit con- trolled by Marcus Loew. Coupon. a "RICHARD III" A COMING FEATURE. The feature photoplays are becoming more and more popular. A coming feature, "Rich- ard III," being made by the Richard III Film Co., bids fair to equal any picture play yet seen. The well known actor, Frederick Warde, and a company of capable players, are now at work under the direction of Jas. Keane, who arranged the scenario and who is personally staging It. Work wag delayed tut week on account of a severe electrical storm, which totally destroyed some expensive scenery. M. B. Dudley la president and gen- eral manager of the Richard III Film Co., and Arthur S. Marks, advertising and sales nasager.. The release date will now be In the latter part of this month. s M. P. E. L. of A. SARATOGA MEETING. _ A meeting of Local No. 2, of the New York State Exhibitors' League, will be held this week. In the Lyric Theatre, Saratoga, N. Y. This meeting has been called by Mr. Geo. Wright, president, for the purpose of en- larging said local by the numerous exhibitors In the surrounding districts of Saratoga. Mr. trigger, the president of the State, and Mr. Aseher, the national vice president, and II. W. Rosenthal, the secretary, will address the members, and matters pertaining to the New York convention of 1013 will be spoken of at the meeting, after wblch a banquet will be given to the members and their wives and friends. . . _The .following well-known Vltagraph riajers have promised A. Coleman, chairman •r ttio ball committee, that they will nosl- ~2. y B ' ten< l Uie second annual entertain- ment and ball of the Motion Picture Exhibi- tors, to be held at Paim Garden on Thursday ftJNng, Nov. 14: Florence Turner. Edith gwrey, Lillian .Walker, Flora Finch, Kate Ad.i e « ? n<1 / ,company Mrs, Mary Maurice, £2r e iJ!" OKtAe, John Bunny, Ralph Ince, tSL. Delan i :e ?i- Van Dyke Brooke, Kenneth S» Md Harry Mayo. Arthur Johnson w8 apjear ° " ° f the LuMtt Com l >aD y mi^Z^fS. fl KVred in a life-saving epl- F ? ihihmJ fed n by tnc Educational Film and »f !?h C 2"," Waterbury, Conn.; last heweif C*!H . ln , n b »thlng suit, she threw Bi „J. n J?' ?' a «** A-bandy patroli gSEP&JI* f, ^ m th <> track, but not be- little bU. bumped by the car just a ESSANAY NEWS. Beginning Wednesday, Sept. 25, the Bs- sanay Co. announces it will release a fifth film, and on each Wednesday thereafter. The constantly Increasing demand for Essanay photoplays throughout the entire world Is the best reason In tbe world for supplying It, therefore look for the corking new releases each Wednesday. The new date will be filled with selections from comedies, dramas, melo- dramas and Essanay's world famous Western productions. "THB ADVDNTURB OP THB BCTTON" Is ttl« title of Essanay's new Wednesday release on Sept. 25. It is a corking good comedy drama. with a bully plot splendidly portrayed by tho Essanay popular favorites, Thla Is the be- ginning of Essanay's feature weeks. For some time the Essanay studio hag been mak- ing elaborate plans to accommodate tbe new Wednesday release, snd a score of fine films are ready to be selected from. The week of . Sept. 23 will be an especially attractive fea- ture one for Essanay, and tbe following re- leases are herewith announced: Tuesday, 24, "Across the Broad Pacific:" Wednesday, 25, "The Adventure of the Button;" Thursdav, 26, "A Little Louder, Please P Friday, 27, "The Voice of Conscience;'.' Saturday, 28, "An Indian Sunbeam." • ' The Essanay Co. ' announces they have completed the massive tb,ree,reel productIo)i :of'-RbbeH r of •Sicily',*' a "dramatization of Longfellow's wonderful poem. Essanay's adaptation promises to be .unquestionably a masterpiece, surpassing anything' of 'American manufacture, In point of production, stu- pendous scenic settings and'novelty. What Ho I' "Alkali' Ike" Is In Chicago! Blew in the other day from'the West with a slx-sbooter dangling from each hip, .and got the reception of his'life.' "Alakll"' Is sure some popular.' Whisper! "Alkali" Is featured In some cracking'comedies now In course of production at the big Essannv'Chicago studio, and.they are bigger, and better, and funnier than anything he has ever done! Just put that down In your mental vest-pocket, Mr. Exhibitor, and get ready to book I CIKES AND ECLIPSE FE1TVKE8. With scenes set amid the picturesque surroundings' of the French Court as It was In the seventeenth century, "A Cavalier's Ro- mance," the Cines film to be released by George Klelne Tuesday, Sept. 24, Is a charm- ing love Idyll with gallant and richly cos- tumed courtiers and beautiful noblewomen as the principal factors,' and love. Jealousy, bitter rivalry and the Inevitable duel on the "field of honor" .forming the theme and main action. Anthony Novelll, who Is .always especially fine In romantic drama, again ap- pears aa a .valiant champion of the fair sex. Self-abnegation and a life's devotion form tbe basis around which. the. Eclipse picture drama, released Wednesday, Sept. 25, entitled "The Sacrifice," Is- bnllt. Major Browning's renunciation for trie sake of the little girl he found lying asleep In her dead mother's arms after the storm of the battle between his soldiers and the rioters has passed, teaches a sweet lesion of humility which cannot but be of benefit to all who view, with tho finer appreciation, this splen- did film so ably presented by the capable Eclipse players, assisted by a large company of supernumerles. George Gasibabd, who so humorously por- trays the character of Mr. Stout, in the Clnus films, will be seen In tbe release of Saturday. Sept, 28, as a country yokel—a "come-on. ■ SCREEN CLUB BEING FORMED. There Is an active movement on foot to supply a long needed Institution for the betterment of social activities among the different departments of the motion picture business. This movement is headed by King Baggot (Imp), Calder Johnson (ilornina Telegraph) and John Bunny (Vltagraph). A meeting waa held at Bryant Han Thurs- day evening. Sept 12, at which were present a number of persons well known In the motion picture Industry. King Baggot was chosen temporary chairman ; Calder. Johnson, tem- porary secretary, and Frank Powell, tem- porary treasurer; A number of speeches were made, all being In favor of this new club, which will be called the Screen Club. Mr. Baggot appointed Messrs. McGUl, Smith, Johnstone, Apfel, Daly and Saunders as a committee to draw up a constitution, and Messrs. Bunny, Henderson, WUlet and Brc- non as a membership committee. ■- i The Old StA3 Theatre, on Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa., bag been converted Into a first class moving picture house. The build- ing has been renovated, and will now seat about COO. The policy of the house will be to present a first class, entertainment' at popular prices, and special care will be given to ladles and children. The ' Standard Motion Picture Theatre Company of America has been Incorporated at Albany by Eliot K. Conden, Jobn C. Maraclc, Ed A. Davis, Maurice Davidson and We P. Elsenuardt. A. C. Bates, Harby Levinb and A. H. Strauss have formed the Liberty Film Co. Thb following 'local temporary officers have been elected for the San Franclsce con- vention : Charles Rothschild, president: W. A. Cory, recording secretary; N. K. Herzog, financial secretary. The convention was herd In 'Frisco, Sept. 10-18. Chah. F. Atkinson writes: "I bought from Fred Nlblo In May, just before he sailed for Australia, his nine travel talks, with the 1,400 colored slides and 30,000 feet of mov- ing picture films, with the exclusive right to use his name with the same. I have ar- ranged with W. D. Bradetrcet to present them as a series. In a condensed form, as special educational features in his scenic the- atres at Boston, Providence, Cambridge, Wal-' tham; the Auditorium, Maiden, and tho Mer- rimac Square Theatre, Lowell, commencing ■Sept. SO at Maiden. I shall give the whole scries, one each week, In each of the six cities." Thb Cobt-Kitsbe Company demoistrated the Chromb-Klnetograph (moving talking pic- tures) at St. Timothy Hall, Wlssablckon Bta- tion, Philadelphia, Monday afternoon, Sept. 10. John Cort, tbe president of the com- pany, invited the New York dramatic critics and other Interested persons. John Cltmbr Is now publicity man for thc.Gaumpnt Co. . ... John Kenton, a producer for the Atlas firm, died In St. Louis recently. The Eclair Film Co. employees will hold a reception at Cella's Hall, Fort Lee, N. J., Sept. 27. - . Tub Bay View Hotel, City Island, N. Y., was the scene of the outing of tbe Than- houscr forces, Sept. 7. A lot of contests were polled off with entertaining results. Thomas Nash, right hand man to W. N. Scllg. - and tor several years past spcrln- tendent of plant for the Scllg Polyscope Co., has.' departed for Los Angeles to assume charge of the affairs of the Pacific Coast branch of the.Sella Co. ag general manager of the Western 'Sella, studios. Mr. Nash Is well known and liked In film.circles. He has been connected with Mr. Seilg for over four- teen years. In addition to tbe Edcndale plant, tho Sellg company have a three hundred and twenty aero wild animal farm In Los An- geles. They also have under long lease a treat many of the famous missions of Call- ornla and several large tracts of land In close proximity to the Edendale studios. Six Eroducers are at present connected with the os Angeles branch. James L. McGee will remain buslnegg manager of the Log Angeles branch. Henrt McRae, of the Sellg Polyscope Co.'s producing staff, will leave the Chicago studios at an early date for the Edendale studios. Max, the world famous, dare-devil aviator, will take active part in a special and original motion picture by the Scllg Poly- scope Co. of Chicago. Several specially ar- ranged (lights will be given by Mr. Llllle. both in hydro-aeroplanes and biplanes. In several of the scenes he will carry a passenger. The passenger will be Kathlyn Williams, tbe Sellg leading lady. Mr. Llllle will also play In a number of dramatic scenes In addition to his sensational flights. Among the Internationally famous authors who are now contributing scenarios to the Sellg Polyscope Co., are Randall Parish, Molly Elliot Sowell. Albert Blglow. Paine, Bertrand W. Sinclair. B. W. Bower, Roy Nor- ton, B. M. Ferguson, Capt; Charles King and Marjorle Benton Cook. Chas. E. N'ixo.n, who wrote the scenario of "The Coming of Columbus," "Daughter of the Confederacy," etc., and adapted Randall Parish's story, ''When Wilderness Was King," for tbe Sellg Polyscope Co., will write ex- clusively for the Sellg Co. While playing In "So-Jun-Wah. and the Tribal Law," Myrtle Stcdman was dragged from her Indian pony and violently thrown into a huge cactus bush. It will be some days before Mies Stcdman can resume her work. Among the recent visitors to the Canon City 'Studio of the Sellg Company were Capt. E. II. Stedman, father of Marshall Stedman, tbe manager, and Mr. and Mrs. Cunlo, parents of Lester Cunlo. On Sunday, Sept. 8, Jobn Thomas, a promi- nent citizen of Canon City, gave a picnic to the members of the Sellg Company In. honor of Myrtle Stedman. ■ « AMERICAN FILM ROTES* S. S. Hutchinson, president of the Ameri- can Film Mfg. Co., who has just returned from Europe, tells some Interesting things of theatre advertising in England. "I found many theatres In the heart of London adver- tising exclusively 'Flying A' days," said Mr. Hutchinson. "The custom Is spreading fast, and seems to be highly successful. Theatres are more pretentiously decorated and gen- erally show more attention to detail In that manner than wc do here. In addition to the usual posters ure ninny colored banners and flags, all combining to make a most inviting bid for business. Messrs. Amer, of Columbus; Mnndolhanra, of Cleveland, and Blackman, of Detroit, ail representing branches of the Mutual Film Corporation In those cities, were Interested visitors at the new factory and studio of the American Film Mfg. Co., last week. ' ■ GET TWENTY-ONE YEAR LEASE. Harris & Qoldstonc, who arc heavily In- terested In moving pictures, have leased from w. E. D. Stokes, for twenty-one years, the large plot of ground on Broadway and Ono Hundredth Street, New York, next to tl.e Carlton Terrace Restaurant. The deal was closed last week, at the Stokes farm In Ken- tucky, where Harris & Goldstonc were guests. It will be one of the largest alrdomes in the city, If not In tho country. Its only at- traction will be moving plctres. A full or- chestra will be engaged. * CINCINNATI FILM NEWS. George Havlln, a boy with a splendid voice, ,1b making a big hit in song at the Alhambra, West Fifth Avenue. "Anona'g Baptism" was a picture at the Family that-drew applause. It was one of those heart stirring films. Herschel Mayall was featured In "A Cele- brated Case" at the Royal. The Cincinnati moving picture men and the Covington and Newport locals are to have an outing at the Zoo Oct. 2, and take motion pictures of tbe event. . i PATHS vs. DIOGRAPH. At the St. George Cricket Grounds, Ho- boken. N. J., on Saturday afternoon, Sept 7, baseball teams representing these two large moving picture concerns, met la a battle, which resulted in an easy victory for tho Pathe boys. Score. 9 to 1. ■ » ANOTHER "MOVIE." George II. Chapman will erect a one story moving picture house. 44 by 86 feet, on Orthodox Street, West of Paul Street, Frank- ford, a suburb of Philadelphia. It will have a 500 seating capacity, and will cost |10,000. BBlVBASBf. THE HOUSE OF • SELIG SBLIG FIVE A WEEK. THB INVINCIBLE PROGRAM . ; • ■Jftj"*;. BREAD UPON THE WATERS The dramatic story of an ox convict and his battlo against society. A story that tells tho human side of the uneven struggles for exlstoncc. About looo feet. • o.t, i, ma. WHY JIM REFORMED A powerful story of Western Ufa. A man while under tbe Influence of drink Is led to believe that he has committed a crime. Ills awakening teaches him a great lesson. About looo feet. o.t.s,iois. THE PIRATE'S DAUGHTER A dramatic and picturesque talo of Old Dlrlgo, tho famona pirate, who harried the California coast during tho early part of last century. AN EXOBLLKNT FEATURE. About 1000 feel ■■ THE GREAT DROUGHT Oct. 3, MIS. A story of the ranoblng life of tbe West, and of that memorable period when the rain failed to fall and the crops were burnod by the sun. Very dramatic About 1000 feet. ' o.t.«,Mis. an ASSISTED ELOPEMENT One of those breezy, original, nautical comedies that have made tbe name of Sellg famous. Just the Kind of picture that will make your audience send their friends to see It. About looo feet. ARE YOU MAKING PREPARATIONS FOR IT J Tbe plctnre that all fllmdom will «o literally crazy over. The most thrilling, all-absorbing wild animal picture that Sellg haa ever produced. The money maker of the century. IN TWO REELS BOOK IT TO-DAY ITS ON THE WAY DONT DELAY U/>e Selig Polyscope Co. 20 EAST RANDOLPH ST. CHICAGO, ILL. time reel, "Oastrovlllarl, Italy" (Travel). Oot. 1.—"The Island of Malta" (Scenic). Op aims reel, "How a Brave Man Died (Hlst.-Dr.) Eclipse. (G. Klelne.) A Oonntry nollday" (Com.) On same reel, "New Plymouth" (Sceolc). —"The Sacrlflcc" (Dr.) -"A Trip Tbroneh Delglum" (Travel). On same reel, "A Foe to Kace Suicide (Com.) Edison. —"The Governor" (Dr.) -"La»y Dill Hudson" (Com.) On same reel. "National Soldiers' Home, Va." (Dtat.) —"Hearts and Diamonds" (Dr.) —"The Grandfather" (Dr.) —"Benares and Agra, India" (Dew. I On sumc reel, "How Bobby Joined the Circus" lOom.) _ . -"The Little Girl Next Door" (Dr.) —"Cynthia's Agreement" (Com.) —"Mary In Stage Land" (Dr.) —" 'Ostler Joe 1 ' (Dr.) -"Calumet K" (Dr.) Holies. —"The Prisoner's Story" (Dr.) -"The Beach Combcre'' (Dr.) Lnbln. —"The Sleeper" (Dr.) —"When Knthcr Had His Way" (Dr.) —"A Child's Devolkia" (Dr.) —"Turpentine Industry" (Ind.) On sams reel. "No Trespassing" (Com.) —"His Pair of Pants' 1 (Com.) —"A Gay Time In Quebec" (Cora.) —"The KcnegadeB" (Dr.) —"Uu«ter MM the Ovpslts" (Dr.) On saint' reel. "Swimming and Life Hav- ing" (1ml.) Sept. 27.—"Glued" (Com.) On samo reel, "The Water Wagon" (Com.) Sept. 28.—"The Doctor's Debt" (Dr.) Sept. 30.—"A Girl's Bravery" (Dr.) Vltavraph. Sept. 10.—"Capt. Barnacle's Waif" (D».) Sept. 17 "The Troubled Trail" (Dr.) Bent. 18.—"A Vltagrnph ilomance'' (Dr.) Sept. 20.—"The Indian Mutiny" (Dr.) Sept. 21.—"The Adventure of the Italian Model" (Dr.) Sept. 23.—"Hobby'a Father" (Dr.) Sept. 24.— "His Lordship tho Valet" (Dora.) Sept. 2fi "Bill Wilson's Gal" (Dr.) Sept 20.—"The Signal Fire" (Dr.) Blograph, Sept. 16.—"Stern Papa" (Com.) On aame reel, "Love's Messenger" (Com.) Sept. 10.—"Two Daughters of Eve" <Dr.) Kalem. Sept. 10 "The Parasite" (Dr.) Sept. 18.—"In Peril of their Lives" (Dr.) Sept 20—".Chips of tbe Old Block" (Com.) On same reel, "Tlllle's Bird 1'nrm" (Ed.) Sept. 21.—"Tho Grit of tbe Girl Telegrapher" (Dr.) Sept. 18.—' Sept. 25.- Oct. 2.- Sept. IT. Sept. 18. 8ept. 20.- Sept. 21.- Septa3. Sept. 21 Sept. 25- 8ept. 27.- Sept. 28.- Sept 30.. Sept 10.- Sept. 20.- Sept Ifv Sept. 18. Sept. IB. Sept. 20.- Sept. 21. Sept. 2:1.- Sept 25. Sept. 20. Sept. 10 Sept 17 Sept. 10. Sept. 20. Sept. 10. Sept 17. Sept 18 Sept 10 Sept. 20 Sept. 21 Sept 17 Sept in Sept 20 Sept. 21 Sept. 24 Sept. 20 Sept. 27 Sept. 28 LICENSED FILMS. Hello-. . "Die Substitute Model" (Dr.) Tho Brand Blotter" (Dr.) 'Into the Genuine" (Dr.) —"Life and Customs of the Winnebago Indians" (Dr.) Pathe. —"Patbe'a Weekly. No. 38." —"The Elopement" (0. G. P. O.-Oom.- Oolored). On same reel, "Gerone, the Venice of Spain" (Travel-Colored). —"The Bandit's Spur'" (Dr.) —"The Desperado" (Dr.) —'IMax's Tragedy" (0. O. P. O-Oom.) On same reel, "Tbe Edmunds Klanun Ravine" (Travel). —"Silver Mood's Rescue" (Dr.) Essanay. —"Neptune's Daughter" (Dr.) . —"The Mixed Sample Trunks" (Com.) '"Ttf* F i-iw.i ITaai" iTUvm. l Sept IT. Sept. 18. Sept. 10. Sept. 21. Sept. 20.— Sept. 10. Sept. 21. Sept. 23. Sept. 28. Sept. 15. Sept. 17. Sept. 22 Sept. 15. Sept. 17 Sept. 20 Sept. 18. Sept. 21. INDEPENDENT FILMS. Ganmont. —"Queen Elizabeth's Token" (Dr.) —"Oaiimont'a Weekly" (Top.) —"Klugs In Exile" (Dr. 2 rrels). —"The Funeral of General Booth" (Top.) On same reel, "Tho Eclipse of tbe Him" (Scenic). "The Stolen Cub" (Dr.) Comet. "A llonnd-Up in tbe mils" (Dr.) "The Heir to Bear Creek ltancli" (Dr.) "Heaping the Harvest" (Dr. I —"The Bustler's Treachery" (Dr.) Majestic. —"Cupid vs. Cigarettes" (Coin.) —"Thorns of Suvc^iw" (Dr.) —"Mary'* Chauffeur" (Com.) Tlia'nuonaer. —"Orator Knight and Cow Churmor" (Coin.) —"The Mall Clerk's Temptation" (Dr.) .—"Two Souls" (Dr.) Reliance. —"Caleb West" (Dr.-2 reels). .—"The Bedemptlon" (Dr.) —"The Love Test" (Com.) —"Alkali Ike's Pants" (Com.) —"Aero** the Broad Pacific" (Scenic). —"A Little Louder, Pleasel" (Com.) —"The Voice of Conscience" (Dr.) —"An Indian Sunbeam" (Dr.) Clnea. ' ' . (O/Klehie). ■' ■ Sept IT.—"Traditional Customs In Sooth Italy" (Top.) On same reel, "A Gun Factory" (1ml.) and "Amain, Italy" (Travel). Sept. 21.—"Betrayed for Love" (Hlst.-Dr.) Sept. 24.—"A Cavalier's Bonuace" (Dr.) On OUT OF TOWN NEWS Milwaukee, tVIe—Davidson (Sherman Brown, mgr.) Iiillan lilting*, In "The Fasci- nating Widow," pleaxed largo Louses week of Sept. 8. "Get-RIch-Qulck Walllngrord" IS and week. Hhubsbt (Win. K. Mick, mgr.)—"Bunty Pulls the Strings" opened this house, and played to large and appreciative audiences week of 8, "Within the Law'" IS and week. Maisstio (J. A. Hlglcr, mgr.)—Bill f«r week of 10: Digby Bell and company, Jack E. Gard- ner. Six Musical Cnttya, Salerno, Barry and Wol- ford. Sully and Hussy, the Snyton Trio, and Schaller and Jordon. OATrrr (J. A. Whitehead, mgr.)—Tbe New Century Girls idonhod good slieil houses 8 and week. Dandy Girl* week of 161 the Girls from Missouri 22 and week. 8axi (Kdw. Raymond, mgr.)—A musical revue, feiturlng Bube Welch *M Kitty Francis, was a hla bit week of 8. "The Yoke" 15 and week, "Tbe Cow and the Moon" 22 and week. l'Aim-r (Ludwig KroUs, mgr.)—Motion pictures of Sarah Bernhardt, in "Oamllle," and Mme. Re- Jane, in "Madame Sana-Gone," continued to de- light targe audiences, week of 8. Tbe regular season of German slock opeaed Sunday, 15, with "Alt Heidelberg" as tho opening attraction. Su- derinaiiii's "Johannsfeuer" 18. Crystal (Edw. Raymond, mgr.)—Bill for 9 mid week Includes: Five Aracos, Vbyte, I'clsrr und Wbyte, Helen l'lngree Players, Asard Trou|ie, und Tyson nucl lirowu. Junbau (J. H. Reicbert, mgr.)—The Juneau Stock Co. presented "Brown s In Towa," t» splen- did bUHlness, week of S, "Cumberland '01" IS mid week. Coluaima (Wlnulnger Bros., mars.)—The Wln- nlnger Stock Co. presented "Tho Girl from Out Yonder," 8 and week, "billy" IB and week. Rnclne, Wla. — Itaclna (0. H. Banther. mgr.) Jersey Lilies Sept. T, Lorena Bros.' Co. week of 8, "The Blue Mouse" 10. "Get-Rlch- Qulck Walllngford" 22, "Officer 000" Oct S. Nkw unviitmi (II. 0. Andreas, mgr.)—BUI fur Week of IB la headed by Max Bloom and com- pany. In "The Sunny Side of Broadway," Five other acts are also Included. Majubtk', Grand. OariiruK, Dunn, Lrato, Gem, Akusb and Casino, picture, houses, are all doing well. Portland, Me. — Jefferson (Julius Oahn, mgr.) Primrose A Dockstnder'* Minstrels Sept. 12, received a big reception. "Alma, Where Do You Live!" waa tho agreeable musical offering, 13, 14, to excellent returns. "The t'lnk Lady" 10-21. Keith's (James E. Moore, mgr.)—"The Girl wlth» the Green Eyes," by the stock, week of 0. "Mother" week of 10. Nkw 1' (I. M. Moshcr, mar.)—Large audiences continually Oil this house. Mill for week of ID: George Auger and company. NorrIs IIa- hoons, John Le Olalr, Edna Lawrence and Daly Bros., Jean Baldwin, and moving pictures llaHv'i (James W. Oreely, mgr.) —Vaude- ville and pictures nro featured hero to excellent returns. Casuo (M. 0. Blumeiibcrg, mgr.)—Among the excellent lint of pictures shown last week was "A lUiniiince of the Omst." a Lnbln release. I'atlie'a Weekly Is a valued feature, inei George him returned aa vocalist. Bio Kiukbl (Wm. K. Beeves, mgr.)—Motion pictures, to capacity attendance. Nbw Pavilion (J. V. Grecly, mgr,)—The en- tertainment offered here Is motion pictures. Mu- sic by Arlington Orchestra, with 'Miss llilllo Jaraea as female baritone.soloist. Nora.—Subscription lists are open for, tbo an- nual Maine Music l'Vstlval, W. R. Chapman, con- ductor, at New City Hall, Oct. 14-10, with Mme. Nordicu star prima donna. Denver) Col. — Broadway (Peter McCourt, mgr.) "The llound-tu" Bopt. 10 and week, Oiu'ltsuM (A. 0. Corson, mgr.)—Bill for week of 10: "Tho Lending Lady," Lew Bully, William Raynor nnd company, Lea Four Florlmond. God- frey and Henderson, Klmoadet, flying Weavers. and Pathe's Weeky, Eupaass (Geo. A. Bovyer, mgr.)—Islll for 14 snd week: "A Wyoming Romance," Rlcol's Baxo- phona Quartette, E, J. Moore, Le Roy-Harvey Company, May Elluore, Hanlon and Hanlon, and Ganmont's Weekly. Pantaobs' (J. J. Cluxton, mgr.)—The season opened IB, with a bill including: Toklo Myako Japanese Troupe, Prank Bush. Mr. anil Mrs. William Morris, Howard and Dolores, Ernest Alvo Trio, snd moving pictures. Tabor Gsand (Peler McCourt, mgr.)—Bill for IS and week: Throe Harding*. Blondy, Jack Irvln, Texas Tommy Dancers anil moving pictures. - Tbe regular season will open 22. IlAKan (Harry Ward, mgr)— fit OlnlrMon- tressa 'Musical Comedy Co. is doing splendid business. Montreal, Can.—Ills Majcsty'n (II. Q. Brooks, mgr.) "The Girl of My Dreams" drew rd houses Sept. 0 and week. Mme. Ntshnova, "Tho Marionettes," week of Hi. Alice Lloyd, in "Little Mlas Klxlt," week of 23. ramoBBS (II. O, Judge, mgr.)—Valeaka Su- ratt, In "Tho Kiss Wulti," did good business week of 0. Robert Muntell 10 mid week. OaiMiHVU (Geo. Driscoll, mgr.)—HiHni'ss Is good. Hill for week of id Includes: Olga I'e- trova. Wilfred Clarke and company. Eight Eng- lish RdKcK, Doc O'Neill, Al, mid Fannie Stead- man, Hickman Bros, and company, and Correlll and Gillette. FnANOAIS (II. 0. Judge, mgr,)—Vaudeville ami moving pictures, to big business. Bill for week of 10: Hnrali Myers. Smith and '/Mo, Honaon and Douglas, Itobt. Vivian and company, Dow and Dow, and the Four Everett*. Royal (Oliver McBrlea, mgr.)—"A Man's WmM" drew fair business week of 0. "Tbo Power Behind the Throne" HI and week. GAinr (Mr. Arnold, mgr.)—The- Columbia Burlesquers did big business week of 0. College (lirls 10 and week. Hose Hydell's London Belles 23 and week. Hamilton, Can.— Grand (A. It. Loudon, mgr,) "Billy" Kept. 10, IT. "A Hcrnw o' tho Pen'' 18, IB. "Tho Kiss Wslts" 211. ill, "Tho Red Rom" 23, 24, "The Marionettes" 25, 28. "The Girl of My Dreams" 2T, 28. Tbhplb (J, 0. Appleton, mgr.)—BUI.for week of 10: "In Old New York, ,f Rice, Scully and ' Scott, Lew Anger, the Seehacks, Mott and Msx- fleld, and Coombs and Aldwell. Taunton, Mnaa, — Park (Marie Kesrns, mgr.) the Helen llr.iyce Co. offered n strong list - of royally plays, tn large andleneea, week of. Bent. 9. "Offlcer 000" 18. Nora. —■ Taunton's Ave moving picture houses are nil doing good business, with changes In reeig each Monday and Thursday orenhur.