The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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September 21 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 9 At tla.e» EJVEPXfUE THEATRE, Brooklyn, tHis LOVEY MART GREENE THE ANNA HELD OF BURLESQUE With the MOULIN ROUGE nilT OF TOWH NEWS BOSTON. Two new and Important offerings for current H , «2: "The Woman Hater's Club," at the ELSand "A Butterfly on the Wheel," at the ■5KrV" °*he Mrd ifarte" l» being played ? ,kI r-«.tl* Sature Company, and we are greet- S wlfn^e" hU?» a?the burlesoue and vaudeville Eonles tome of the production, new to Boston ^t^n^n haven't panned out ai well as ex- SSSUKS MJ be given anesrly birth on the S5w The weather favors good attendance. t»suo\t (Jw>. B. Scboeffcl, mgr.) — "The „"„ Hater's Club." a iuualc.1 comedy, adapted tornthe German, will have It. arst presentation in . 1«M city at this house 10, under the man- .nment of A £ Woods. The principal members tftoZ cut Ire. Snllle Fisher, Walter Lawrence, &ly'c..tles? Joseph Santley, May Stewart, L*iue Kenyon^ Mary Ambrose and John Donahue. The pie ™ U ataged by George Marlon. The en- iiiemtat will continue for three weeks. "The Sun" °f Luxembourg" bad three weeks of fair bB $m-sotr (Wtlbur-Shubert Co., rrnrrs.)—Lewis Waller presents this week the London success, "A Butterfly on the Wheel." In the cast are seen: W°»OTa Shannon, Amy Estlob, Luc a Moore, Bve- lyn Rrrtohm, Charles Quatermaln, Elite Nor- wMd. Herbert Budd. Richie Ling and Nicholas Jot Arnold Daly did good business during hrs onf'week of "The Wedding Journey." Oa'tls Sqoabb (John Crslg. mgr.)—"The Third Degree" la the stock attraction week of 16. In It Mr. Craig appears as the lawyer, and M.ry Young- as the younger Mrs. Jeffrlei, the role originally acted by Helen Ware. Good re- turns attended the fortnight of "Th« Fortune Hunter." '. _ Hoius Stbsbt (Charles J. Rich, mgr.)—The scarcity of good attractions Justnow Is revealed by the f.ct that this house, wheh Is one of the highest cUss In Boston, Is obliged to close Its door. thU week, after being open only a fort- The season commenced Sept. 2, with May Bobson, in "A Night Out." which opened the season at the Park. Aug. ». Fair bu.lnes. was dow there during its run, and it was obliged to ricate. owing to the coming of Rose Stabl, In "Msggle Pepper." "A Night Out" has not been a financial succesi, and the last two days of Miss Robson's stsy at this house, "The Rejuvenation of Annt Mary" was revived Paes (Charles Frohman, Rich <fc Harris, mgra.) —The third week of Rose Stahl, In "Maggie Pep- per," Is now under way. Both the play and play- er, hsve settled down for a long stay In this city, and will undoubtedly establish another record run for tot. house. It didn't seem posalble th.t Mist Suhl would find a vehicle to equal "The Chorus Lady." She has, however, and the plnyseekers realise the fact. _ Colonial (Frohman & Harris, mgra-)—Capacity houses rule hers where 'The Quaker Girl" Is In her third week. Ina Olalre and Perclval Knight take the honor., but their associates are all good. Boston (Frohman-Harrls Corp., mgra.)— r The Greihound." which Is In Its third week, to highly dlTertlng, and la a blending of the beat elements of farce and melodrama. The big star revival of "Robin Hood" Is announced for 30. Majestic (Wllbur-Shubert Co., mgrs.)—The fifth week of "The Million" began 10, and there remains but one week for the public to see the dishing little comedy. The entertainment will hug be rembembered. PtTMOorii (Fred Wright, mgr.)—William Hodge, In "The Man from Home," Is another at- traction that registers the third week of Its present stay In the Hub. The comedy will re- main another week, when It will be succeeded by the big "Oliver Twist" production. Br. Jauss (M. H. Gulealan, mgr.)—"Thais" Is drawing large audiences to this house. Man- ager Guleslan bss given the play a most careful production, and his enterprise In securing It for a stock offering has won well deserved praise. The next attraction In preparation is "The Dawn of To-morrow." Keith's (B. T. Keith, mgr.)—The big attrac- tion this week Is a come<l7 playlet, entitled "Honor Among Thieves," by Frank Craven and Scott Welsh. The production Is msde by Joseph Hart. Others on the bill are: Bobble Gordon. Great Jungman Troupe, Gas Tan and Joe Bchenck, Mullens and Coogan. Harry Puck and Uabelle Lewis, Will Setron, Romany Trio, and Seymour and Dupre. OavHttJK (Victor P. Morrl.. ragr.)—The act. for the week are: Mile. Vanity, Robert and Robert, Grace De Mar, Edwin Holt Players, Silly and Larsen, Kreeland and Clark, Leo Beers and Msry Keongh. Olom (Robert Janette, mgr.)—For the first ■alt of the week: Dl Mar's Circus, Dave Rafels' "On the Form," Watson and West, Moore and Elliott, Carl Grees. and AI. Edwards. For the Utter half: Burbank and Danforth. Met! and Ueti, Sutton Trio, Blord Trio, and the Rays. National' (G. A. Haley, mgr.)—The bill Is headed by "The Lady and the Prince," a mu- sical comedy. In which eighteen people take part. Another feature Is Gaonda Huraanus. the me- chanical man. Other acts arc. Billy McTlermott, Hayward and Glbbe, Loretta aud Bud, and Light- wr and Mitchell. Oltmma (J. E. Comerford, mgr.)—Sander.' Troupe. Oletoense Brothers, Richards and Mon- trose, Hallen and Fuller. Stone, Wail and Jack- son, and the Four Munlchs. Howabd (G. E. Lothrop, mgr.) — Teddy Si- nonds' Auto Girls are supplying tho burlesque portion of the bill this week. The Howard's own olio Includes; Kenney and Hollis, Four Regals, Floyd Mack, Ben and Eva Walker. Otrrtin and Wilson, James and Francis, Carson and Kingston, and 0. W. Bradley. High Life In Burlesque comes next week. Gbanb Opesa Horrsc (O. E. Lothrop, mgr.)— The attraction current week 1. furnished by the race Makers, a gathering of clever comedians J™ pretty girt that (he Howard audiences thouprht the beat they had viewed m a long time. The Auto Girls are due to follow. Tvaldbon's Casino (Charles H. Waldron. mgr.) —Crowded house* kept laughing and applauding o» performance given by the Bowery Burlesquers •u last week. The olio was a corker. The Ginger Girls 10, and then the Columbia Burlei- (men. w£fi"* T - <0w> - Batcheller, mgr.)—This week the World (.f Pleasure Co. furnishes the fnn. The 2™ y o 01rU ■■« with great favor last week, the tunny Qua Fay getting over a lot of good laughs. >ext week. Jolly Follies. u. T? w .? 0 . m S°-«*»» (O. E. Lothrop. mgr.)—Violet Sr* 1 !?'^ 8 Merry Maids, In now song, and dances, ureat Zoyarroa, Harry Gilbert, and flaronskl. Washjnotow (F. G. Collier, ragr.)—Louise Hud- son and company, Mullane and Montgomery, Hugh rSE^i, Wilson and Mack. Frnzce and James 5r n,r , »n» booked for current week. old South if. O. Collier, mgr. 1—Week of 1(1: USf n H re and company, Princess Surrana, Rollins JM Hunter, Deveraux and Prlnn, Wm. Browu, •nd M.rlon Del Parro. APTMMATH. New-pictures and songs aw noted at the fol- rTk l? oJ 10 '"'-' ,; B| J° U Dresm. South End. Eagle, p^.i. Sbnw , m,t ' Hnlqne. Apollo, Orlenta, Pastime, J2L. "' ?*•«">• Back Bay, Premier. Norfolk, WMll2 u '■. ?'"»«■ Wlnthrop Hsll, New Palace. 53*5? Superb. Star, Bcenle Temple and ^PaiataosB 1K0 Doo»T«T*n»i are meeting with treat success In some of the neighboring cities. HERE AND THERE IN BURLESQUE 1912-191: «■ BARRETT <fe DUNN™ PRINCIPAL CONEDY AND STRAIGHT. With Moulin Range Co. Chas. Baker and Bertha Gibson AUTHOR, ACTOR AND PRODUCER SOUBRKTTK WITH TBDDY 8IMONDS AUTO GIIIL9 "The Boys Behind the Laugh." WATSON and COHAN With MISS NEW YORK JR. MYSTERIOUS VALDO ftSJS and IRVING HAY "SS** With MISS MEW YORK JR. EDDIE D. COLLINS 8TARRING FOR Charles Dstnlela, In "Whirl of Mirth." TOD BROWNING PLAYING OPPOSITE EDDIE COLLINS WHIRL OF MIRTH CLYDE J. BATES Character Conediai—Whirl of Mirth DICK MADDOX CHARACTER COttRDIAS. with "LADY BUCCANEERS" HARRY STEPPE THAT HEBREW GENT. With THE LADY BUCCANEERS. ANNIE GOLDIE Character Songs With the LADY BUCCANEERS Clara Gibson THE ELECTRIC SOUBRETTE With the Lady Buccaneers MAY YUIR PRIMA OONlf A. With "PACE MAKERS." II THAT DAINTY SOUBRETTE With PACE MAKERS. HUGHIE BERNHARD With Tom Miner's BOHEMIANS 8th Ave. The*. - High Lift In Burltsqui Bowery - - Dintt'i Daughter* Miner's, Bronx ■ - Stir* if Stagehand Miner's, Newark, - - Whirl of Mirth HARRY LE VAN With Dixon's Big Review CEO. F.HOWARD A. SILAS HEMLOCK WITH DIXON'S BIG REVIEW IVIona Raymond THE 810,0(10 BEAUTY With MATT. KENNEDY'S TIGER LILIE». Harry COLE and HASTINGS Anna (WHITE HAWK) Cavrllol^Iodtaon 1™° FATHER) With MATT. KENNEDY'S TIGER LILIES. Harry Fields THE HEBREW FUNSTER Principal ComeaUn with the MERRY MAIDENS. Geo. F. Hayes "EZER1AH 8LOCDM." RURAL EXPERT 0ROH- 0N0L0QIST. MERRY MAIDENS. With the K0DL1N ROUGE CO. Lee Sisters and Willie flack Entertainers In Songs and Dances. With THE MOULIN ROUGE CO. JOHN E. RILEY "THE BUMPING IRISHMAN." T. W. DLSKINS' YANKEE DOODLE GIRLS CO. JOHNNY MURRAY DALE and HARRIS MAX SPIEGEL'S COLLEGE QIRL8. SEASON 1013-13. Fred Reese aod Mitchell Kittle Featured with THE DAZZLERS. BOB DEMING CHARACTER COMEDIAN Miner's "Americans." VIRGINIA KELSY PRIMA DONNA With FOLLIKS OF THE DAY. Ralph Rockway THE CARUSO OF BURLESQUE With THE NEW CENTURY GIRLS igw DENTISTRY mo spring TO THE BURLESQUE PROFESSION. SPECIAL RATES AND EASY PAYMENTS. All wort guaranteed. L. N. BUSS, 227 Grand St. West of Bowery, NEW YwRK. • '1 rt\ si y. > re , to - '. ((. I > They will come to Boston a little later la the SLAnoAO Luor DiiT and her company attracted large gatherings ot friends to Keith's last week, where the elerer dancer headed the bill. Hap Ward Is In town, and I understand he and partner \oken, will not go out this season until the flection Is "Thi DoKBvn," In Klnemocolor. still remains a strong drawing card ut the Treraont Temple, where It has been kIncc last Spring. The tall season seems to have alTen It a new lease of life. Dak Sullivan, well known locnllr as a com- poser, has submitted a utUHlcal romnlr to Henry W. Savage, which the latter, before his ih>imrture for London, promised to produce early In the new Bbn Stbvbks was In town all lost week mak- ing changes la "The Count of Lu«utbrurg" for Its New York premiere. Mllford, Maaa—Lake Nlpmue (Dan J. Sprague. mgr.) motion pictures unit vaudeville. This Is the last week of 'lie season. BUI tK>gl»- nlng Sept. 10 Includes: Carter and BTuford, Sadie Bodgers. Ed. alarsh, Elmo Simpson, Pernnt and King, Claud Austin, Johnstone anil Wentwortli, Tom Keene, Wallace Mockey ami Evelyn Joyce. Sunday attraction, Wallbam Braim Band and Ted Snyder's Serenaders. Business big. loaai, (Noden A Perliam. mgrs.)—Motion pic- tures and Illustrated songs. I.TiEoa (Luby Bros., mgrs.)—Motion pictures and Illustrated songs. NoTkf,.—Nellie Burt, an old timer, made a blu hit at the Lakd week of 0. with her old time song and dunce act Sky Farm, a resort of the performers for the last eleven years, was fired 10, but by hard work was saved from ruin. ......Claud L'sher, of Claud and Fannie Usher, the sketch team, lost his first crop of hay from Ma farm bought this Summer. It was In the Darn, which was completely lost Lynn, Mass. — Central Squire (James If, Donovan, mgr.) plctnreg and songs continue to good business. OlThtru (4.1, Lord, mgr.)—This boose to MUD ROUGE CO. (WESTERN). The Moulin Rouge opened at Miner's Bronx. Sept. 0. Butler, Jacobs, Lowcry *. Moynlhan have given the Western wheel bur- lesque patrons a show that will make then alt up and take notice. Krom an entertain- tng standpoint the Moulin Itougc will bo hard to equul. Joe Fields, the well known, ex- ponent of flcrman comedy, and Patsy Bar- rett, the Irish comedian, hold down the prin- cipal comedy roles, and arc supported by a really great cast and n handsome and ex- ceptionally fast working chorus, The book for "The Toast to Paris," by Max Armstrong and Edward Shnfer, Is brim- ful of fast lines and funny situations; tho scenery Is very handsome, especially tho "Moulin HoiiRiV' with now costumes. Tho show goes along with a dash. Joe Fields, as Adam Souse, was voted great an the pickle iniiiiitfiietiiror. Ills work wns a big feature, and he kept the audience in laughter. I'atsy Barrett, as Michael Sullivan, gave a clever performance, his Irish comedy being one of the bright features. Corlnne De Forrest plays a French pnrt, «p'i Ig one of those linn Woking brunettes of a French type, has a figure and wears gowns. She has a voice and the right Ideas of put- ting over her songs, wblrh get results. Charles Dunn, In straight and character parts, contributed work of the Al variety. Lovey Greene looked charming and displayed some handsome gowns in model form. Her voice, thoroughly pleasing, managed to get the required results, and she was well liked. Lillian and Alle Lee were nrways on the Job with their fast work. Both girls sing and dance well, and their specialty with Willie Mark was a hit. Ray Levitt has a good voice and knows now to use It. reads his lines well, noil got over. Willie Mack Is some dancer and con put a rag song over Just right. Ills work showed class. The opening scene showed the Moulin Rouge, Paris, with n lively number as an opener. Corlnne De Forrest sang "The Toast to Paris." Joe Fields put over "Can't Live Without Girls" to many encorcB. "You'ro My Baby" wns the goods, slipped across by Ray Levitt, Willie Mack and the Leo girls. "On Ze Boulevard" wns nicely rendered by Charles Dunn. "Ghost of the Goblin Man" was a swell offering, nicely bundled by Lovey Greene. The second a<!t shows Maxim's. Tho count, disguised us master of cor«monlcs, announces the cabaret rntertalnment, also shows models. This act lg full of action and good numbers, and is a most enjoyublo portion of the show. An opening medley of songs, by Charles Dunn, was the curtain raiser. Lillian Lee ripped over "Just a Little Loving." "Parl- slenne" was a big hit, sung and worked up In truly Gallic style by Corlnne Do Forrest. The specialty of Leo Sisters and Willie; Mack was a big lilt. The trio work hard, and their effort Is mom thnn appreciated. "When I Get You Alone To-night."' by Lovey Grceno. was Immense. Joe FleldB and Patsy Barrett worked up the funny comedy for this number. "Everybody's Two-Stop, sung by Willie Mack, got tho hands. The Texas Tommy Dance was a good offering by I.«c Sisters, Hay, Mnek, Fields, Levitt, Green and De Forrest. "Vlrglc from Virginia" was a hit offering by Alice Lee. "The Tale of a Wlmlo" •was worked tip with much comedy by Joo Fields Pntsy Barrett, Chas. Dunn and Misses Darling and Armstrong. Then "Sallndy," by Lovey Greene, and finale, ■Chorus: Helen Knox. Oernldlnc Podren, Mary Martin, Minnie Manning. Gertruda Mack, Jac. Grey, Loretta Had, Kittle Ben- nett. Jessie Cole, Allen Armstrong, Bcntrlcn Darling, N'lna Radcliffc. Jennie Sewcl Allen. Alice Adnms, Lillian Wollherg. Ida Carney, Viola ltosa, Elsie Armstrong, Meredith Wag- ner. Clara Koch. . _. .. Staff: Frank Caldcr. manager i Frank Woll- herg, musical director: Fred Bursaw, carpen- ter: Albert Craig, electrician. The eovcrnlng board Is bound to mark this show down as^'O. K." Odo. doing capacity business with vaudeville and pic- tures. Coiiiqub (Al. Newhall, mgr.)—Pictures and Illustrated songs. Business continues big. AUDiToaiuu (Mark A Morlson, mgr.)—Tho Lindsay Morlson Slock Co.. in "Foravt-Me-Not." week of Sept. 10. "The Deep Purple" 23 and week. "Alias Jimmy Valentine" proved a great success for two weeks, closing 14. Lrax (Jeff Cnllnn, ragr.)—The season oi>ciied here 10, with a vaudeville program headed by Mrs. tleorge A. Ulblmrd and Wlrley Birch, In a row sketch. Others arc: Savoy Trio. Four Texas Tommy Dancers, Tom Kyle and company, Wood Brothers, Stuart and Keeley, Deeley ami Butler, anil the Bernlvlcl Brothers. Manager Callan'a staff of assistants are practically the same as laat acison. Big business marked the oiienlug. I'ASTiiiu (E. A. Loud, mgr.)—Pictures and songs. DnsAKtAHO (Samuel Grant, mgr.)—Excellent business wltU pictures and songs. Dbbam. Cllftondale (Thomas II. Calico, mgr.) —Pictures and songs. Lowell, Mm.—Opera House (Ralph Ward, mgr.) "The Fortune Hunter" Bept. 10 and week. Kumlay concerts ot vaudeville and pictures began 15. MiaAtHACK Sqi'Ass (James Carroll, mgr.)— Bill for week of 10: Hauler and Jarris.' Ethel Hharrow, Knsono, Great Rajah and company, Claire and West, and photoplays. Kami's (Will II. Stevens, mgr.)—Bill for 10 and week: Potts Brothers and company. Those French oMrls, Dave Ferguson. Three Musketeers, Marshall and Trlbhle, the Lolas, Lew Fltzglbbons, and the Great Merlin. Acaoimt (Ed. Church, mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion pictures. Putiiousb (K. Weston, mgr.) —The Drama Players present "The Charity Ball" 10 ami week. "The Llsn and the Mouse" Is In prciinration. Nots. —The Albarobra has been sold lo Nellie Hurt. Universal Film Co. pictures are being shown. Miss New York Jn., with Watson and Cohan, had a raoBt successful engagement at Miner's Empire Theatre, Newark, last wc6k, the two olio acts being especially well liked. Lillian Houston had the bunch with bcr nil the way, while Mysterious Waldo, with tho help of a live announcer, was well liked. Tho comedy put over by Watson and Cobun, the singing of the principal ladles and I he work of tho twenty-odd handsomely costumed choruB makes this show a good drawing one. KarnkY First, the dancing Hebrew and parody singer, rcportB meeting with big him- cess with the Cracker Jacks, Introducing his specialty In the first part. Eu. Daviuhon died recently at Sarnnue. N. Y. Tiib RoniNHON Ciiiisok (liitr.s Include: Chas. Robinson, Jan. F. Hulllvan. Dnvit ««<««*. Kd. Manny, Jns. Falco, Llbhy Mandril, Frnnkle Martin, May Bernhardt, Freda Lehr and Mabel Lee. "In Ills Son's Place" and "Cohen and tno Gay Widow" ore tho two comodlaaj. Helbk G. Lawtok Is doing tho Apache Dance In "The Dance of Death," with Bert Weston and Barry Milton, with tho Dlnklns Stock, New Orleans. CmiiNNH Do Forest, prima donnn with Butler. Jacobs A Lowery's attractions for tho ?ast three seasons Imported six new gowns rom Paris, which she displays this season with tho Moulin Rouge. Corlnne says that tho coral anil rhlnestone costume Is an origi- nal creation that took first prize at the modlBte salon. In Paris, last Fall. This Is a real stunner, and the talk of burlesque pa- trons. Bio wr.HK, Sept. 0, for Dave Marlon's DrenmlanderH, at the Gaiety, Newark. Marlon hung up a box scorn thot will likely win tlio pennant for this city. Newnrkites liked the show so well that numliers were turned awav. The Friday night amateur Is still proving b big attraction. Leon Evans Is WMrtnit a big smile, and everybody around the house Is happy. / Ln t /.. • THE COUNTRY STORE. "The Country Store," the novelty Intro- duced to tho patrons of Miner's Bronx, Sept. 11, proved to bo a big success. In order lo reduce the high cost of living the manage- ment of Miner's are giving twenty-five pres- ents to their patrons every Wednesday night. At tho opening of tho first Country Store, Edwin D. Miner explained to the audience Just bow tho store would be conducted. The stage represented a real country store, with counters and shelves tilled with all kinds of wearing apparel and provisions. The Imly members of the Moulin Rouge Co. acted Iti the capacity of salesladies, dressed as coun- try lassies. Those receiving presents Inst Wednesday, and what thoy received, are its follows: Iiertha Friedman, ham and cali- bago; Dorothy Greenbaum, kimono; Iteu- tr'~> Goodman, ono pound cold cream ami face powder; Miss Bornun, sweater: Mrs. Ford, bologna and can. baked beans; MIbs K. Buckner, broom, dust pan and duster: Emily Dicgler, shirt waist; Florence Tnrbush, three aprons and dust cap; Olive Kingston, gold rap tor tooth: Irene McAvoy, two pounds chocolates; Mrs. Gordon, skirt: Mrs. .tuck Cohen, order for tuning piano; Illldu llurbsl, side of bacon and cabbage; Mrs. M. Sliopm r, ono pound colfeo and grinder; Florence Har- ris, three pounds wieners ana Jar miiatnrd; I'. Goldstein, chicken and one-half ears corn; Henry A. Kaplan, crate of toma- toes ; J, It. Miller, order for four shaves hair tonic; John O'Brien, sweater; Edward McNamara, sack of potatoes; Joseph Dlno, derby bat and bottle renins ; O. J. Clinton, hottfe of claret and bottle bromo seltzer; Halvntor, head cheeso and can spaghetti; Eddie Katz, pair Adlcr's shoes; William J. Btinc, two shirts. s "THIS CHICKEN CHASICItS." About 2 a. ]»., Sept. 12, Managers I'bll Isaacs and Leon Evans, and their wives, were returning home after having partaken ot an elaborate repast at the Hotel Navarre, Newark, N'. J, Mrs. Evans stopped suddenly end excitedly exclaimed: "Look I A Chicken ; Force of habit, at the word "chicken," put I/eon and Phil on edge Immediately, anil thoy started to make a capture ot the lone- some bird, but, like all topllno "chickens," this bird was not to be captured by a mana- ger so easy. Phil Isaacs finally made the capture. Now the bird 1b conllnotl In tho bil\ room of the Gnycty Theatre, where Dun Rohe Is putting It through a regular course ot fattening. a DAVIS MARION CI.EAMVti UP. Davo Marlon reports that his Dreamlands broke every known burlesque record In Ho- hoken, N, J., then cleaned up In 1'aterson for three days. Newark, N. .1., wns a record ■week, with S. It. O. tho dally occurrence, at the Gayoty. t John Arthur Informs us that I'bll Ott Is the author of tho book for tin; Jolly Follies, Mr, Arthur wrote n musical comedy hook for the show, which Mr. Ott replaced by. his own hook, hut Mr. Arthur's name was retained.on theJirogrum as author. MtitiK changes tire noticed In tho wheel shows. Charles Mason and Stephen Paul have replaced the Klein Bros., with tho Guy Masniierndors, and Charles O'Tnole, as the Westerner, gave way to Harry West. 'Adit Ayrcs and Kdwurd Trevor are now with the Queens of Purls, In place of Pierce and Itoslyn. Tom Robinson and Charles Ott have replaced Begley and Betts with tho Jdlly Follies, ICniTH and Wm. A. Jhnkh, of the Znllnh Troupe, wero married Sept. 11, at the lOmptrc, Indianapolis, after tho show. Zallnb gave the bride away and was maid of bonor, A supper was given by Mr.- Blser to tho en- tire company. Including Lcnn La Couvler, Nlcklcs and Croix Sisters, Belle Gordon, the Folly Comedy Four, twenty chorus girls, and Manager Hurry Thompson. Anna Spharh celebrated her twenty-eighth birthday at the ISudld Hotel, Cleveland. All members of the Gay White Way Co. w<;re present. The pleasant time that cveryono enloyed will long be remembered. ViHfliMiA ItoruHN Is receiving congratula- tions on her Bpeedy recovery. She nns re- joined the Midnight Maidens, although still favoring her Injured limb by refraining from the light fantastic for a while. Iiibnh Goodwin, lute of the Watson Show, Is confined to her bed with ulcers of tho stomach. She would like to hear from friends, at 8B5 Monro o Street, Brooklyn, N . Y. mamgeiis m m m notes. BY OLIO. Sim Williams Is adding dully With his Girls from Joyland. Jimmy Whhdon looks wIbo and says noth- ing. Jim is some manager, aud knows a goutl show wlii.-n he sees It. Frank Fkkhman Is another smiling kid. Frnnk'H In town billing for Hilly Dunn, In Circus fashion, in the Bronx. Wai/jtii Meyer's billing tho Auto Girls like a circus. In Boston. Two weeks to go In Uenntown. Hbnry Dixon writes his big review lias rounded In good shape, and ho had some week In Philadelphia, Pa. Walter Grbavbs says the big troupe Is playing to H. R, 0. dally, and the drama Is the big noise. Wm. C Camrron has his Orientals on tho road again, and he suvs It looks great. I,BW Livinhkton snys the Hose Buds got tho money over the oitftilgliters last week. Social MAIM cleaned up on Fourteenth Street Inst week. Rout. Cohen, he alwoys gets the do re tnc. W. V. jKNNiivriH reports Tlenuty, Youlb. and Folly Is getting the kail. Lay oft this week : out In Omaha, next. Phil Isaacs, manager of Mollle Williams, sew turnaways on One Hundred and Twenty- fifth Htreet Inst week. M/ih Mkhhinij says ho will have his troupe la good shape a. soon as Ida Bmcrson re- covers her voice. vt'C. .1 V-T