The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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ia THE KHTW- YOKEE OEIPPEE. 8ki*tem bkr 21 €€ • » ""When You Hear an Irish Sons" A an«t be.ntlral song »d choral by MAURY VERONA. Undoabtedly the greatest Irl.h Song written I* years. GREAT MELODV. SWKEPWO THE COUNTttV. JUST WHAT Till , WARTS. «V»R*BODV TALKS ABOUT IT. TOTJ UBS WO 2IUSTAKK PITTING IT III VOUR ACT. GET IT WHILE IT 'S PttK BII. A SURE FIB.K HIT. Professional copied Bent only upon »« of late ud s.nrop for mailing. REGULAR PIAHO COPIES sent postpaid to amy nddress <n»a leeolpt of 15 CJEHTS »a postage stamps. ***ln aiO CO., Keith & Proctor's Bldg., 1193 BROADWAY, NEW TOBK. TT.n a WRITE TO THE England————— 113S uCBl US many good (hlng. bat b«lt Of «11 I'mri, the MMtp of quality m< parity — there's 1JM years of reputation behind— Pears' SOAP , I Jr. • CAt for Iht Vixtwtti ■ NimjMjHIBI £»** (WESTERN) With the Darlings of 1'nrlB, at Miner's Bowery, Sept 16. Chas. B. Taylor is giving the Western wheel patrons n first part nod burlesque with a five act olio bill. "Three Brown Hat*" Is new, has a number of funny situations, and comedy worked In, and was i,.,,,..™ n a-nr 11 well liked. The burfeaque la the same as ..... . __ -. J"?» jS StimJSSS'wrhti last season, the -'court room scene," entitled ...*&£> IgJgg ^Lg 'g-'Bg™J? g* "The Trial of Mile. Fifl." In which J. Theo 5SSy i ^ M ^B M S n Wffln^^.rgft , S? i..t Murphy holds down his well known char- VSS^^ U %£SSSfKJ?n!tJ^SJ& S3 enter <>f inrtcp Wiirn'nv ami no usual ifpra baturday, boarded the Barkoot Special and .he HI,? nbnreof lau?h« V proceeded to the town of Masslllon. Mr. Bar- The olio Dortlon of the bill Is made no of * oot navln K ln ils PO«»«M«o» a contract with LIII&YrnXd 'a^Ncllle MonUo^who 1 * In' g» ]*&<*^SS*«L <**»«T. <in- troduce a number of nest dances, which ESS. ^J^S^L W vLHtSSZm a» ESS pleased. Chas. O. Harris and Chas.'P. Let- "trUifffSi ™ mm U?e« 0 k Lost ford, • musical team, were well liked sad „„i: rl S?i y T^L,? w . Lf?,Hr?,i^' .,»h got over. Sam Warti snd Eddie Lynn, in ■fgj "**. ttT^ 1 1 longs and^ dances, proved..them,elve. P.'^ W^re^d^re^e^Vha^ky^. V " Next week we will keep the enterprising BARKOOT BITS. BI T. 0. SCOTT. M BOWERY BCRlESpilS SHjiTSS^iS ^^B^iS^fiM'^ «f (EASTERN). , nomcnal strength, and hi. work was clean HS^HSLFHSS^-J'S. H£~Sl Viva De Long ably as Columbia, New York, Sept. 10. Snappy burlesque of the Hortlg A Seamon strength, cut and of merit, slsted him. The big feature brand li produced this week by the Bowery g,;» rB , i n character gagement looks about as good •• we could wish. It la a real, boosted, advertised event, or the oil,, wan filadvn the Elks again being behind it. and for one aonra ooenlns: with a *•»> Irish Jew Murphy says that 'AH roads songs, opening wiin a . . N phiiannlnhV" which deals of the efforts made by the detec- tive to recover a lost Jeweled garter. Eddie 1 ltrgerald, as Patrick O'Sbaughnessy, and Jack Qulnn. as the detectives' press agent, me featured; also Mabelle Morgan, the new who makes good without nn each song a hit. As a singer of character uongs she Is the big noise In burlesque. J. Theo. Murphy, always a big favorite with the Western wheel boys, romped along throughout the entire show, getting every- ceisiona and "nosing" around for more. 'Chore Is also a strong suspl Ion thst he has a it. K. Sam Raskin, manager, producer, etc., etc.. of the world renowned Raskin Troupe of Russian dancers, singers and musicians, and THEATRICAL REPRO, PHOTOcn a»9 WEST 48d STREET (Opp. American Theatre), KEWvonk **U« Uobby displays. EaUrgemanta. Copies of all kinds. Sittings taken at studio at ?*«.„...>., Mall orders promptly attended to. Send for price list. Telephone Bryant 4699. v Ross r? w< *> WANTED QUICK FOR EARLE STOCK Clever Ingenue, Leading Woman, capable of playing and dresst feature parts; Character Woman, Large Character Man. °* first letter. Dong and sure ennm... . 16, Upper SanduakV, om^?^S^ Other useful people write. State everything, with photos, first letter. right people. Adelaide Hastings, if at liberty, ' Junction, Ohio, 1 wire. Sept. 1 WANTED, FOR "THE GIRL OUTLAW^CO Leading Man, Heavy Man and Woman, Sonbrette, Character Man and Woman. Ladv Warn- H. parts, Prop. kUn to play parte. Agent that can wildcat. Salary must be low. Send nhotna w p!, f '^ CM. ANDERSON, Manager "The Olrl OatUw" CoT. Erie p», LIBI JACK F. GOODWIN ■—-, Address QilN. PEL., PARKER8B0RQ. w. VA, Experience, ability, appearance. 6 All sure Are. "I Want a Olrl," "Oh. You Beautiful Doll," "Ragtime Violin," "Get Ton Alone To-Nlgnt," "Root. E. Lee" and -'You're My Baby •> Get Busy. Coin or stamps. JACK EDWARDS, 47 W. M8tb Street R y prima donna, who makes jtood without nn ihin-Yn the comedv line that was in sight ? UBS . la ? osneers, singers ano musicians, nna effort Miss Morgan is a tall, graceful, flnoly of.*", ^em as the female reporter and frci L h '£ 0 ™ Broadway, has broken Into the proportioned wofan. looks well In tights, H^tWaTl^HrS'sN! ™ n . k ? °'S f 0W %»,S r fil r t ^fe^?8S "qj^-SK 1 **?*™--* —*. a. Performance: 8 Severat changes of new "cos- " L & n kJ r ?£ t l£ \"22!!, t to .hoSd snleoilld performance, to big business The Veutlome opened Ha season 10, with "Alma, Where Do You Live?" Loennnport, Ind.—Nelson (0. A. Tlnlilen. mgr.) "Little Mlts Susau" Sept. 17, "Wizard As" the wYdow she 'was" much .ought by Kg"" ve?7 much In evidence which "N the show for him. Answer-lt should 0 T\vi»el.nd" 21. LyuT.THow^ T»ftl pictnre. „ n'Hh.,,ahni..u •!•« U, Nil 1m. lilntHl iV._>"r.""™_ v .V/ .--Jl. i._ " * uvu «- ,: ' """■■" ool monev. ML "A M™l..rn K»e" 2B "Tlie T.ttltnt nehel" Ioalph Ash was good In a German part. Chas. Let ford was nicely drafted. Cbas. O. Harris was a good sheriff. Sam Ward and Eddie Lynn were there. Nellie Montrose was a cute little Irish trick, with the brogue much in evidence. Amelia Richards and Lilly Crawford looked o™crtake. nice. Mr. O'Shoughnessy, also by Nat Levy, played M |,„ Scar9 wore ' to „ dTunt age, by Cbas. Jansen In his usual Hebrew style, but with many new little stuntB. Mr. Fitz- gerald had a alg assortment of new sayings and funny tricks, and was genuinely funny in the part, also In the specialty with Mr. Oulnn, who had the rnpld-Hrc talk and ac- tion down pat. Sain Brown was agnln. tbe ready boy as the detective, and H. A 8. cen- tululy knew what they were doing when tbey retained him for the show. Minnie Leo has burlesque soubrette, says her lines with (heir requirements v n delightful pastime, to expect from her with the acting as O'Shauglmessy's daughter, also with tbe voice and the footwork at the right time. Edna Green, as the maid, and inter tbe telephone operator, alto hnd many get money. George B. Bennett and his smile are here. The World's Greatest was honored with a visit from Red Onion while at Defiance. Judklns told us he was on bis way to Little Old New York. It's a cinch be has tbe best 28. "A Modern Eve" 20. 'Tbe Littlest acbel ST. Business Is good. Bioadwit. —This theatre bas been leased by E. E. Cunningham, who also operates theatres at Columbus and Madison, Ind. Three reels of pic- tures and one vaodeTllle act, wltb plcturea I inn , _ f • n _ ,_ „ n ythlng he may changed dolly nud the vaudeville three time* each Idcnce. "'J";". 0 . 1 . CTery 0DC cre anyming ue wuj ^^ are J|w atttnctlon , Business Is cspaclty. Mr. Barkoofs "Circus Royal" Is doubtless Ilo ^ . ... .U. ZW . ......II..... ..I........ ...1.I..I. h«, liuiu. Tha nnmbera In tho flrat nnrt were • "Hinrnr one of tne flnc8t *t»dlum shows which has inenumpers in inonrsi part were, ougur . , . ,. . , N , . h . Notbb. —The staff for the Nelson It: C. A. ~ 11, in 1 > 1 > u i>> r; s ne I 'I i ik. treasurer; \Vm. sieliitiurt, muiilcai director; Carl Kecver. stun Ora Sliater, electrician; Cliester Wood la the Burlesque, "Hail to the Judge" was the opener. "I'm the Judge," by J. Theo., wus O. K. Crawford and Montrose snng Hearts In tbe Highlands." "Why the Boys eourse, Oscar V. Babeck Is "Looping the JJ». McDoualil stage manager; Miaa Uelen Cly- Ilealh Tran Ijmo •" Ji Samnvoa In nreaent- *""• "nualcal director; Percy Wllmn, electrician; IX^yLt&AJt »«K?»*«i. %EZ2L Il,..«-ll HU.lrtr.nd». ,loorm.,,....,.d. B. Shafer Important moments, which he took good cafo v ,;„"i 0B ^. vivalJc Loii- "In Gav Pnr."e'" of. Lillian Vedder. plomp and lively as ever. Jj .„ "°acira- "Enhraham ' Jones "^ndcu'r- waa In evidence In the second act as the SB** Henrl1 ' i 'P nraliam Jon « 8 . » D «l cur " log his "Plying Cloud Swing';" the Marvel ous Wilson is entertaining with his "Upside Down'* stunt: Prince and Princess Nelson left this city. 5, for Chicago, to Join the "Busy lzsy" Company aa electrician Starting 0, tbe Ark, Grand, and Tokyo theatres, offer two reela i,^ r „i«..n e t ft™. 15 '"' J *"' ,nd ' uru,,hed Chorus: Mildred Moraan, Ethel Hoas. Ma- "SL'SESL.nSLt .»^.n»«t m.,^1 i„ bcl White, Oroyce Kcadc. Marlon Andrews, A.h£ li %Zl■ VL^Mll 1? JSfIrU.1 and »««> Welttaan. Mabel Hall, Irene Pierce wor^manshljS? sfssWlSl and g-y, BtchardB> Brownle Beiman. Clo Lam- "The Military Man" was well suns; by BHESa.nSffiSaW^taa^BW . Kdna Green. Tncn "The Plata. Clothes llan, f ' T 1 Sf.V* T w5SLy , '' "1.*.. 'XSlJiSr IWSl and always gets his bit Of course, he has widoivT 7 -W 11, pl.yed toB.'B 0 "The S3 t mm lionier " recnln 8. '''" ,an a strong show behind him, and one of tho from Rector's" 10. Aborn Grand Opera Co.. In swellest fronts on the road. . ^The Bohemian Girl," 18; "My Wife's Family" by Mr. Brown. "Widow Charming" was soloed by Miss Morgan to several encores. "Twenty-one Years from Now" was a lively kicking number by Jansen and Brown and Misses Lee and Morgan. Eddie Fitzgerald had his ehance singing and dancing In "I Lovo to Hear An Irish are walking the tight wire, and Patsy Relaa of pictures nod one" Illustrated" song, and the Is doing the clowning the same as ever. cozy will give three reela and songs a A. Zlbble la still telling them lots of things Holilen, ot the Nelson Theatre, waa in lndlan- tliey'd like to know, lots of things they ought spoils week ot 2, attending the opening of the to know. Zlbble will have to DC real good Colonial Theatre, which Is under tbe management now. of hi» brother. t B,, S S} u f ln ' , uow , 5* ndl ! n «" ttiAHt of loiBCBater, Pa—Fulton (Charles A. Yeck- Joseph Dion ■ animal show, is a hard worker, er, ragr.) luymomi Ultchooek, In "The Red Olio. aim, DETROIT, OPENS. This new Eastern wheel bouse was opened A death which will be felt in all corners of 18-21. the carnival world occurred here last week. Coioniu. (Charles M. Howell, mgr.)—Business "Rowdy," a swell bull terrier, owned by ! » .•»»* Dl " '« W-J, 8 Included; Amir Hart Harry Ackley, an old timer, now In the deco- KLSKW86 G i. ta0 ".o C » r ,*'«V J ," <;U , fflP^E * nfl rating buBln/sB. was drowned while swimming ^ "2 &£?& B3&3 rW: • nil ubuciuk u A A«vu lO IK" *» i"»» TniB new KSStem Wheel BOUSe Was Opened """i'K » u «™i»" uruwiiej nunc .-ii.uiius Morrla Beasler Loekrtt and Shears and nnmfh* Band," at the head of the iada and lassies in by Clark'a Runaway Girls. The new In the river at this place. To say that Harry Bandolnh LOC ** tt ana «"«■". «>* Dorotnv In novel ami pretty Irish suits; he also house Is centrally located, built according to Is grlefBtrlcken wouW he putting it mild. j-amii.t (Howard R. Doane, mgr.)—Bnslnen fiddled for them to dance by. the latest models, and seats about 1,100. Charley Miller, the shooting gallery man, f0 od. Bill week of 10: Miller. Eajrle and Miller. Tho Quartette (Fred Mack, Billy Kelly. Wm. Roach, formerly at the Academy Chi- purchased from Carl Stockman, last Fall, his Harry Victor. Gavin and Piatt, lnglls sud ltiad- Marcy Donnelly and Vic Plant) had several ctg0 i„ the manager. Klcctrlcla outfit. Charley, here's hoping yoar Ing, Oere and Delaney, Maud Kramer, and Sophie good selections to offer and received encores for the same. Minnie Lee, In pink, then sang "Every body Two-Step," In lively style, with all the girls In jilnk tlghu. "What Art the Wild 3. Herbert Mack, Charles H. Waldron and Sam Bcrlbner, who arc on tbelr tour of In- spection, attended tbe opening. S'"«ie«~ rfm7.nir»"Vii« creeiiv veiiow CllAB. Mason, who was rehearsing for the ba'hTng sXnombcir 8 A* Vwt'-./'tben g£ ^Zew'uo' offfe' ^^ "' scored by Miss I-ee and Mr. Brown, in "Do °"°d ana turew up tne part It Agnln," Miss Leo working the chorus dlf- ~i fcrently for each encore, of which there "EGYPT'S" OPENING, new venture will be successful. Herman Reusing Is a real modest yonng man, but we must observe that be Is some fisherman. We're Alabama bound. e furnished JS^SS^M^SSS'^«S£. TiiVn-w^osm" &S by the three comedians, with Mr. Brown SSfSflla for '^vnt "—s—1 n nlwnya In the thick of It. pnernaua ror ligypt The olio lmd Kceler and Don, Jugglers, nlng scenery t," left New York Bept REIS9 HAS DIG SEASON. In company with Edward P. Neumann and Walter F. Driver, of the United States Tent tern representative of 'fes visited the Nat Helss Carnival Company, playing at the Wis- consin State Fair, at Milwaukee, Friday, 13. The visitors were royally entertained. Re' Everett and company. Siruntiin, Pa.— Lyceum (T. M. Gibbons, mgr.) "Tbe Quaker Girl," Sept. IT, 18. John Mason, ln "The Attack," 13, 14, with a matinee, 14, drew good houses. l'ou (John II. Docking, mgr.)—For week of 14, the Poll Stock Co. presents "Little Johnnie Jojies." "Mrs. WiKgs of the Cuhbage l'atck," 8, and week, drew mod business. Acaogmv (A. F. Wlnstrom, mgr.)—Photoplays, changed dally. Big amateur night on Fridays. Columbia (0. Nelson Teets, mgr.)—Girls From Joyluiid 10-18, Miss New York Jr. 10-21. Tiger Lilies, 12-14. drew good houses. Manhattan, Hij.hi Dseumis, Wonoeiilano. WOMMaa, IIiitooiiomb, ViotoIua, ano Stab, all 14. for Albany. Tne HarmauuB lilcccker whlTdld particularly and nceuifte work ^Jao^ny "fa *to' WV^ W wYll "retSta According to Mr. ltelss, the season so far inm&mSnmSSZtgSm EbU with the bounding halls. They appenred In KJJH 1 ■ P wcdnesdiv ^d^rhuAdaV cvcXct h » 8 beeo ver y » ood ln »P ,te of u«>taw"d «„ » , «• lt ™ e " , "" ! movl "» P"""« cjosea on_ wcunisuay ana inura ay evenings, wpathpr r n nrt rtlr,ni. In the Snrlnu and earlv St. Punl, Minn.—Metropolitan (L. N. Scott, mgr.) "Tbe Woman" played to very good busi- ness and made a hit Sept. 8-11. Mini' Fauny Itelnliort, ln Yiddish plays, 12-14; Julian Kltlnge, In "The Fascinating Widow," IB aud iveek. Oui'iiKi.'M (E. C. Burroughs, mgr.)—The hot full dess, with the comedian In clown white T. Miss 3' w 11 clve two. bdccKI ' ™tter conditions ta the Spring and early Brown, Lee and Green again offer tbelr three act, singing "Kentucky Sue," "Fellow with the Auto." "Itagllme Soldier Mon," and "Ghost of the Violin," la One style and vnrlous changes of costumes by the two girls. The second chorus, with a by six suffering husbands. Tbe Bcene was the Suffragette Jail, rcmiadful of "High Life ln Jail." Miss Morgan flashed on In white lights, singing "I'll Sit Right on the Moon," to several recalls. "Fishing" was the num- ber led by Miss Green, equipped wllb a rod and line. private performances. Tho first public per fonnancc will be given on Friday night, Sept. SO. On Saturday the company will travel to Pittsburgh, opening at the Alvln Theatre '. 28. OHARAOTER, COMEDY AND BITS Bom 46, t I NEW BERLIN, 1». Y. t" Minnesota State fairs were record breakers. While not big the Mlwaukee week was very cood. Opening Monday, 16, at Nashville, Km, the Kelts Shows will play a string of m^mjSatS^mSSSTSS^^^SVK State fairs ta the South, and tbe prospects For week of 15: Bert Leslie and company James . • company, besides the star, arc: Maude"Do- fo , r t D ? J? Bt *, ot . ■»• 8eason J» rc exc *P tlon : J - Morton, Steln, Hume and ThomnB, Adele For- act showed a lively opening Snd 3 ilk t Vrr mon nam hf a llldn ally bright. Heiss has a number of splendid Bjiaon and Edna North aue, Eugene Trio, and baby carriage parado, formed !!„„ B J ""^ JjJ-k"cur'rle? Eilloft Etevtlr' »™" B - Princess Patricia Joined at Mllwau- Dare Brotbcra. ' »•■"' *"»«» Stanley Dak WMf red North B irr C^aruth kce - Phil Ellsworth and W. H. McFnrland, , B"""*" fi iey..L»«irK, Wilfrid North, flurr t, itn, , considered the kings of the circus side- l«g "je hoard. .. show business, have attractions, and are K?? 1 * weal ladles thought the piece a little too Iowa City, lo^-Bnglcrt—the MM** ?W- making plenty of money. Secretary Brown, ,k ne '.u'V.' sought municipal interference, but house, erected by W. H. Bnglert, of this eiy, u of the Iowa State Fair Is enlovln^ a two i^.' « uth ,°rltleii coiih dered the piece 0. K. 'The almost completed, and It Is expected hat Uk *Jg Jg»_rg»a.f»P»-? *HP»sT- , -f*a Cow and the Mooii" IB niul week house will open Sept. 18. Mr. Kn.tlert bas Mr RoIbs and hlB Mover Xoela tea E«Pa«ss(W. S. Brewster. mgr.)-Bnslness Is signed a contract with Klaw A **&*,£ tea. good. Bill for week of 18: The Three 8pa Bros., bookings. The policy of the boose will he both Monday, Sept, The principal members of the Henry Vnughan and Van Dyck Sheldon. "THE OTHER MAN." Cohan & Harrla will produce Eugene W. J'rcsbrcy's drama, "The Other Man," at Par- Harry Von Tiber, from a front scat, bit son'a Theatre, Hartford, Conn., next Monday HKillTHTOWN, N.J. OPERA HOrjij wanls one show a week. C. FRED BCHtjiii? Manager, too Liberty Btreet, Trenton. K. j utt FIR8T CLASS SPECIALTY TEAM Wita strum, T.lne of Bpeclaltlei to Doable Genoral BasiaeBB Parts General Business Man. with strong special. tics, who can sing Tenor ln Male Quartet Good First Tenor Singer for Mole Ouirtct B&T f&£& K. Fl " t cl0M stKi HAflVEY D. ORB, Galena, IHs. WANTED QUICK. FOR »-One Night Stand Attractions-it DRAMATIC PEOPLE ALL LINES. ONLY THE BEST PARC! COMEDY PEOPLE Doubling specialties. right people. Can place 1 kind. R. M. JOHNSON, 8ALKM THKATRE, SALEM, MASS. A year's work abead for e TWO AGENTS, ilreoi uve wire mm or m AT LIBERTY Prefer management vaudeville or picture home Wonld '-buy In" right house or attrauuoo. If you did not get tbe money last season on tbe road er Is your boose, YOU WANT MR. 1 OKT RE8DLT8. CHAS. A. WATSON, Box 124, Oentreport, N. Y. ROnCL-KDIG'S "EAST LYRRE" Joseph King's "Bast Lynne"Co. pleasedfl packed booses here during New York State Fair, week Bept. 12,18,14, in 12. I consider It the best Co. Mr King has ever had ln tho play, and 1 hivo played bis cos. for the past elgnt seasons. STEPHEN BAST able, Mgr. Bastable Theatre, Syracuse, N.V. P. 8.—Home rents 1700. WANTED QUICK, UP TO DATE S1N6IN6 AID DANCING SKETCH TEAM, msn and Wife; most change for week; singles and doubles. WILLIAM WEI8ER, Kelletlsvllle, Ps. JOHN E. LEWIS AT LIBERTi OBCHESTRA LEADER (Vlolii) AT UBEilt Dp In all braacbes. Vaudeville and pictures. Loca- tion preferred. Would travel. Address BEKJ. U. BROWN, 302 West Mth Street, N. Y. City. with u greenback, which he placed on tins night, Sept. 23. hook. The other fisher girls didn't catch any- Gcogc Nash will create the the rules of the Jail to the Irishman, who was thing. Lillle Vedder, in red, cut a stunning in "The Other Man." Others principal i ln the rota cast PARKER SHOW HAS A FIRE. The fire fiend visited the Parker carnival figure, and was quite n success In explaining will Include Charles A. Stevenson, Harrison aggregation at Tuscola, 111., about 0 o'clock treated to a masBiige with un uxe. Fitzgerald i.nd Qulnn then gave their piano and singing specialty, of which the audience couldn't got Hunter, Clifford Bruce, Thais Magranc, Car- men Ncsvlllc, and others. #-•-»> lAirogh. ' fibs Morgm; In spangled"oriental " A "CRAPE OF THE PEN" PRODUOEO, costume, assisted by other dancers, snng "Oriental Cairo." "The (ihost of the Goblin Graham Moffntt, who wrote "Bunty Pulls the Strings,'' had his latest play, "A Scrape Man" was Miss Green's offering, attired In a of the Pen,' produced at Ills Majesty's The- tOiowy block und white bodice and white atre, Shcrbrooke, Out, on Saturday night, tights. She was assisted In the dance by Sept. 1-1. ♦ »» RBMICK'S NEW QUARTERS. J. II. Remlck A Co., including Frank E. Belcher and Mobo Gamble, are now housed In their new and spacious quartcra at 210 West Forty-sixth Street, New York, which building has " requirements, scheduled lor this week Itlll.v Kelly. A lively ttaalo let out the troupe. The chorus: Louise Wallace. Ray Morris, May IrlBh, Ida Kcndrlck, Belle Robinson, 1-velyn Rivers, Gumhald Salvoy, Rita Con- iMirK, Nnn Cnrr. Ponies: Clara Masters, Martctte iStibor, Anna Plener, May Btanton, Vivian Stanton, Florence, Fay D'llmtir, Olys Lynn. Tbe staff: Harry Abbott, business mnnu- ?tr; George !!. Harris, luanttger; Eddie 'Itzgernld, stage manager; A. Gibbons, mo- nks) director; Al. Galarri, carpenter; Frnnk Connor, electrician -, Jack Maggard, property man ; Anna Pleper, wardrobe mistress. Mill. Tuesday evening, Sept. 10, and the "Dragon Gorge" attraction was totally destroyed, In- volving a loss of several hundred dollars. OUT OF TOWH NEWS - Biezuiihls, Tenn.—Lyric (Ben). M. Stain- back, mgr. I "Oklahoma," week of Sept. 8, bad splendid patronage at every performance. Van'a Ureater Minstrels week of Id. East Eno Pask (A. B. Morrison, mgr.) closed Its season 8. Ohfhidic (Max Fabtab, mgr.)—Good basliicaa Meek of D. Bill for week of 10 Includes: Marlon ilxth Street. New York, which Little, Field'a Florentine Singers, Graham Mof- been specially prepared tor their fat and company, Fields and Carrol. Baruea and The real aouscwai'mlDg la Crawford. Nip and Tuck, Keno, Walsh and Mel- Leoigo Garden. Van aud Carrie Avery, Catherine vaudeville aud legitimate sbowa. Chclennr, anil the Harmony Beaux and Bellea. Notbb. —The uew opera bouse at Waiieoais, !«■. QlAJID (Tlieodore L. Hays, mgr.) —Sum Hlee has been opened The Weitluc the new opera SP" , , J 1 "„ D " ,r / ,, ! ,, V ul0 fQlr business week of 8. honso at Toledo, la., was opened 12. by the SW<- Ibe Follies of tlie Day week of 15. The New Oen- han Grand Opera Co., in "II Trovutore." Tbe tur>- Olris 22 and week. atroetnre la entirely modern and tasJMDW Majsbtic (H. B. Mitchell, mgr.)—Business Is equipped. The playhouse la the gift of Mrs. I • good. Vaudeville aud moving Uclures, with en- O. Welting, whose name it bears. She prrteotw tire change of bill twice a week. it to the city. Staii (John T. Kirk, mgr.)—The French Maids , ,„ „ p... •"dUie Wohrast-UlTers Ught pictures drew well . Hartford. Conn. — Parsons' (II. C. isr week of 8. For week of IS, the Jersey Daisies. sons, mgr.) Geo. IL Cohan opened the StWOI' »»» Siasuanb (0. F. Hose, mgr.)—This iwpulnr his new play, "Broadway Jones," Sept. If; "JJ place of auiusemcnt contluuea to give nne bills week's engagement. "The Other Man, mm weekly, and Is drawing good bouses. George Nash, week of 28. „ „ .„..,„ Rlehuaond, V« Ycademr (Chaa Rri». I'ou's (W. A. Accougb, uwr.)—ion IjW™ Bijou (Harry MoNlveu, mgr.)—"Tbe Anitelus" V f lfl V F1 V M ^ rry . «•»'•«■»*'"• "/»*., "■„ Rtbel entire week of 10. ' -"gems , Dorothy Ourtla, Leonard and Al h .^ °!Y!*^ <F- Ei fcron,. ,ngr.)-Bm f„ week ^L^L?^ aBf ' JM * UU " , • "° of 18: Eckert and Berg.' Ted Clark" Blake and ""!i "" "".IS"?- . Amber, Jack Lynn, Joe? Fantoi^B AwleteV aSd - Bm ". 1b < p ; l - "cilahon rose, and motion pictures. the motion pictures. " ui "" * A«ieie», ana I'BiNcnsH.— Vaudeville and moving pictures. Kuriaa (Louts Myers, mgr,) Bill for week of Majostios, Alamo, Oirb.ju.ton, I'alacb, 10: Valerie Bergere's Plnyers Smllelta ttMer, Qossjf. Cowniai.. Pabtiuss, Jot, Dairv. Osii, Bnckley Moore, Larry OUffo™ Harry B^t™ and doing well PAT CASBV'S NEW OlfB, Tat Casey has a big act In rchearMil, writ- Royal,' Poxin, and Savot, " picture bosses, are company,' anV'motion pl'ctnrei ten, by Dorothy Raynol, entitled ••TheNon; ''"i'J*.™ 1, ,..„._.... n- .'„_ .. . _ Lirru, Vit-ros, Visoinia ano Rax, motion pic- Bgv.j—Xlotloa pic- tures, to good attendance. \_Tall Haity Hoob (Harrison Harris, mgr.)-*» pictnre house continues to do well. Hew H»Ten, Conn.—Hyperion (E. n - B1 ' drldgv, mgT.) "Mutt and Jeff" Sept 'Of',, jo ivin'i im n Kitoanta. mar.)—Hi" lu U.«. TWO DA7.ZI.KIi" MARRIED Charles Raymond and flonlta Lepea were Wcpathy, with a cast of 'five people married Sept. 10, nt the Little Chn " Around the Corner. (For full account wedding sec next Issue.) .,_.„. v v K . . .. .. ., E. K. Nadel Is Mr. Casey's producing man utica, N. T., has proved to be a profitable ager. stand for Eastern wheel shows. Albany la - ,- also showing good receipts, and could easily ,„.„..„ aaawoai aa .am. ., be made a week atand. "COMIhQ HOME TO ROOST." Gbac-b Mantei.i, Ib 111 at the Pbllanthroplc pmr? which ls"To"bere^hria"tcned , ""li:3b Jg*&k ****** , foruLAS, aso Mbtmovoli- to'myJ r \"^M£FS£t'&E£; ZtfiX JP&jQjb^ESfo b*^*'-"^ P. M." It Is n farce comedy, snd deals wllM **> sirdomes. are drawing good patrouage. hot weather. *""• "*"""' •» *2&L£lui abntttadn wd Wells, PaU« a were 'e'epathy, with a cast of five people, Mr. Nashville, Tena.—Orpneam Geo H. Hick. BarMngrton, la. — Grand (R. F. Holmes. Quartette, and Bessie La Count. Church C*»*y has leased the playlet for five years in»u. mgr.) bauaear U big. Bill for week of uibt.) Jack Beasey company sept 10 inn week w " r "" e ' *"" "^" ,c "jT„ , w s i .unt^ from Dorothy Raynol, whom he has engaged Kept 10 Inclodes: De Mleuele Bisters, Cheater B. -The City" 22. * ""* " ""' StaBeawille, O. — Scbnlts IWaJ I■' ,unl OI to play the Ingenue. Tom Fallon will play *>»«;«««>. Annstrong and Lawrence, snd Dick Oabbick (J. M. Boot, mgr.)—Business la fair. ""Sf;* N «" ?' Brle " % VJ". Bnnd 23 "K the lead. Thompson and company. Palaoi (L. P. Blank, mgr.)—Moving pictures "anted a big house. Souse's Band mh K K Nad.t 1. xr,. r-«.o.'a n »Ar. n i.. man. PaiMcna (Harry Htwlekum. mgr.) — RoseU's of aceses ln BurUnztou turned saSa aUS —.a- 25. PaiMCBsa (Harry Svlelram, mgr.) — RoseU's of scenes la BarUnglou turned neoole war aaek Minstrels had packed houses week of 0. Bill for of 6. * p ™ p " ,w,x **" ir. and week: Mite Mow, Mosart Trio. Olbaon and Ralney, Fields and Tltbs, and Palfrey and nartin. Drown and company. Buoo (O*o. U. Hickman, ngr.)—"Ten Mights k basinets. For OSTHItTit (K. R. pletur CbbbIoK. II. •* rcca!" Harris, mgr.) - V***' 11 " *p>>z*f!Jv • Harris & 8elwyn started rehearsals of the ■ , , Hospital, nfth Avenue and One Hundred and above named play Tuesday, Sept. 17, at the Seek of l«?^^ vanlte f«Vre» • Twenty^lghth Street New York City. Visit- Fulton Theatre, New York, the flrat per- o» t .tal7 "2tV ALiiAaix5uL' Rax ano Bo>ita Ijig davs are Wednesdays, Saturday, and Ban- formance will be given Oct. 14 at the Hollis are presenting motion plcturS. to good reuma. days, from 1.S0 to 3.30 r. m. Street Theatre, Boston, Mass. Notss.— Bin-" -Rlngllng Bros.' Olrcua, 0, gave a here SF" ,W / 5- T W>r, mgr.)—Moving pictures, and moving sL S 9 "" 1 If:, ^yl. ssgr.)— Moving pictures. Qudibx's (W. 0. Qvlmby, Nsuo (Allender a Co., nigra. (-Moving pic- Warns of pictures dally to big business. "JV ,,,re *- ... .. -_. views of the city, taken recently, arc news g— IR H- " w ,'»«. mgr.)—Moving pictures, aa a special attraction week of 0. ^tkre! .. N ^^.■~^ff , '„ p,4,,M, "d Was Rfngllng. of Hirronaous (C. W. MorHjon. m|r. > the "Klndlln" Co.. were entertained by Mr? and reels daily, four on Sunday. Business » ■"Jo* Mrs. L. Klafeld, aid friends, daring thilr stay AaaaicAK (James Colluis, awr.)--This a— daring their stay Ambbicaji (James OjfsJJfE has been re-decorated and Is doing wen.