The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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September 21 f THE NEW YORK CT.IPPEB. 13 tcljkj TIME 5DLDIE SH 1 eX-/\ND-ti?S '!</ \VMiX\ KEEP AWAYf!!Mi!iiFELLnW^ii^^^ N &\ITOWOBILE I iSV't N <j , bo (\m-1 n\ iJ.'i* ra j.iK£V/\. 'l v w THE THE VIOLIN 3 i ' ^n. 'VeRS iYXi-MUx v?UN(j HE FINEST MAN jBIJP i<j.1§H^fr|V-iflJMfi ! '. * '.4VS-3Uf W: NATION' UTIFUL ND ■ I : -\NT rDUR GARDEN^LOVE •I' ■ WONt'V; : r~- ■ ni-iui l \ IN DIXI )5T0N Office' Chmv DA'fr ^:RaMS7X^; T\GR. . FRftMK CL fvm< tffilM*' aHnMaBaBMBBaaauaiaaaHS — West on Labor Day, and after a 'brief ncnoan la these parts, will Invade tlic Bast, It Is Mr. Moore's Intention to double the number of his touring companies within a month or two. Ho now has three elaborate produe- t tlons under way. €IIAS. KILPATRICK IN AUSTRALIA. Chas. Kllpatrlck, featured for a number of years In America as the champion one-legged lleyclo rider, and later identified, with, the : C. W. Parker Carnival Enterprises, is in Australia, and has charge of all of the con- cessions at tho Crystal Palace, In Sydney. This amusement place Is one of the most unique and luxurious of its character In the world. A section of It Is devoted to moving pictures, and has a seating capacity of 1,800. It is claimed tbe penny arcade Is the largest in existence. There Is a Winter garden, which l» patronised by tbe elite of Sydney. The Crystal Palace is operated by tho J. D. Will- iams Amusement Co., Limited. BUD ATKINSON IN AMERICA. Hud Atkinson, one of Australia's best known amusement .promoters, is In the States contracting with representative art- ists and agents for a circus and Wild West which Is to tour the Antipodes under Mr. Atkinsons direction, opening in Sydney Dec. ->»■ i ■.' " Mr. Atkinson arrived Id Vancouver three weeks ago. He spent six days at Calgary and witnessed the "RoundV-Un," a frontier $« lc pration arranged ond produced by Guy Wcdlck. which, according to Mr. Atkinson, was a remarkably successful afTalr. Con- i? u , B n,B Journey to Chicago and the East, Atkinson spent a few days In Minneapolis, and arriving In Chicago Inst week lost no time In conferring with Individuals who con- templte making the Australian lour. He has plnci-d orders with lithograph Arms for ample billing matter. rhc Bud Atkinson Circus and Wild West wm ne transported on thirty cars. The ag- KWSffl **» S 1 ™ '"» initial performance In the public park at Sydney, where It will con- iinuo for three months, with Melbourne for inrec months, New Zealand for three months ana three months In the small towns of Australia to follow. People engaged in the Ji- ,M !.,?. t * tea wl " » a| l "om Son Francisco the middle of October. ai- A, lnter «stlng to record the fact that of .v «inaon was one of the early pioneers p...5fi m , 0Tln ff picture business In Canada. ™» J" h L n * himself In Australia, he was «,„.. , the „. Promoters and for a tlmo the Sydn? dlwctM of a ° Crystal Palace, in . r c , 1 , 08el y Identified with J. D. Wllllama, gen- kh)l y , teco o-nlied a» the "moving picture ISLSL Au »tralla," Mr. Atkinson has had a ■pienaid opportunity to study conditions In HJ, lan * of the kangaroo, and he and his associates are firmly convinced that the pco- Jnrt TO,,i"U, nlla w "> welcome, a real circus !»«,..« .. We8t exhibition. The tour will weeks In. th ,nterr upted work for flfty-two HmS££*S Zjmmdrman, manager of the toaSSS^RSSS* B "««ge, supplied a large BlSiw °. f Pertormers who will act for Joseph nival ;,„*• $'„ owns duTta P tne « l08ln K CBr - "%"' *«««. 10-22, at White City. mSS, ifi*«H Theatre, on ■ Tolrty^flrst the «li. JF r wS"!*JW Fifty-fifth Street; IImiiS? ' on „. Milwaukee Avenue, and the Pla?ed^ , v.?5i« P .',W tn 8treet ' al1 of wnl<:n ScfuTi.. »u?. vl " e Ust sea80tt aBd changed to ner li,""'! 111 or *"o acts for the Sum- prescnt. contlnue the latter policy for the Chle«^ BR K CoHTMLi has landed Jlrroly with 01rt?»4«2r a 3 r 5' t0 ? r8 ln flls ncw P art ln " TnB Bdbtok Holmes will begin' b^twontictli season in Chicago, at Orchestra Hall, on Oct. 0. "Tun Bibd op Pabadish" will fly West- ward after the evening performance of Sept. 28. "Egypt" follows for nn indefinite run, Tub German Theatre Stock Co., under di- rection of Max Hanlsch, and with the back- ing of wealthy German-Americans, began its second senson Saturday, 14, In the ro-deco- rated Bush Temple, now called tbe German Theatre. Booking of the Congress has been taken over by the new Prank Howard-Sllver-Fen- ucssy offices, Grand Opera House Building. nit an iioN Walsh returned from Detroit Saturday, 14. He wrote and staged the new act for Arthur, Richards and Arthur, who opened at the Plaza Thursday, 10. His "Rag- time Fireman," published by Wltmark, is being featured by Blllle B. van and Beau- mont Sisters, Ed. Morton & Fields' Minstrel*. Flo Abler and Boss was the feature at the President week 10. Gabt Deslis, in "Vera Vloletta," with Harry Pllcer, is a recent booking at the Lyric. RivBnviEW Exposition, San Souci and Forest Park closed '15. White City re- mained open this -week,, closing 22. Guy Miihviu.b will direct tbe new Boston Theatre', Clark and Wasbliigotn. Peter J. Schakper is planning his Eu- ropean trip, commencing Nor. 12. Freu Fischer and Mort Sharp mndc good In a recent tryout, and got several offers of time. Johnnt Small and the Small Bisters have accepted contracts from the association, extending to 1013. J. C. Matthews has added Glen Burt to his "scouring" staff, and several new houses have been added to the Hmntgea Circuit. Kettering and Marvin have opened a press bureau In City Hall Square Building. A rumor, not confirmed, has It that a com- pany of West Side business men arc to take over the Haymarket Theatre and conduct same as a ten cent vaudeville house, playing five acts, with changes twice a week, J. Rosenthal, formerly of the Wonderland, Is being considered for manager. E. G. Mills, manager the Salt Air Beach, Salt Lake, Utah, Is In Chicago. SOCIETT ACTORS WILL GIVE THREE PLAYS. Rehearsals will soon begin for three plays to be given by the Lake Forest 1'lnycrs at Ravlnla Park Theatre, Saturday evening, Sept. 21. Grove House, a home for con- valescents, will be tbe beneficiary. Fred Donnghcy, of Lleblt-r k Co., will coach the players gratuitously. The playcri Include: Mrs. Arthur Aldls, Mrs. Laird Bell, Dorothy Linn, Countess Glsycka, Kathcrlac Jones, August C. Schllllngcr and Murray Haines. Chas. S. Dewey Is to be stage manager, and Mrs. J. Allen Haines will have cliarge of the entire committee of tbe entertainment. As- sisting there will be a committee selected from the Grove House board of directors. « ' Tne management of the La Salle Opera House flatly and categorically makes dcnlel of the rumor that Will rhlllipx U to with- draw from "The Girl at the Gate" in the im- mediate future, making wny for Mortimer Wcldon. . It Is simply n coincidence that Phillips and Wcldon should have played here together last March, In "The Rose of Panama." Observers of that entertainment do not need to be Informed that two perform- ers could hardly be less unlike for the pur- poses of musical comedy. Weldon Is under contract to the La Salic management, which is Just now without a berth for Mm. It Is expected thru, tig will return to "The Hose of Panama," in wnlcn he was very successful. Phillips, has. mnde a definite and deserved bucccs-j in "The GUI at tho Gate," aud in to remain under the- Ln Salle mnnngement for the run of that piece, at least. AARON J. JONES BACK FROM TOUH. Aaron J. Jones, head of the l)rm of Jones, Llnlck A Scharfer, who own many theatres end other amusement enterprises In Chicago. has rcturued, after a live month tour of foreign countries, In search of recreation, ml venture* and stage innovations, lie came back with a healthier regard for Chicago than he ever had before, and no says that the citi- zens of this city are more selective, pro- gressive and advanced In tbelr taste for amusements than Id any of the capitals of the Old World. "The Europeans excel us ln stage meclinn- WANTED, FOR SAN ANTONIO, TEX., HARVEST JUBILEE, OCT. 19 TO 2B 600D CARNIVAL COMPANY AND SHOWS Concessions and Outside Attractions. Nothing too big. Texas crops this year, biggest In history of the State. San Antonio tbe biggest i ity In the heart of tbe favored section. Prospects f >r phe- nomenal attendance and big returns. Write or wire FRANK UKNNKIIT, San Aatonlo, Texas. SI STEBBINS ORIGINAL, ADVBIITISING Ht'HK Young Buffalo Wild Wwt and Cummins' Fir East street™, canvassers, agents, auctioneers, SCHEMERS and CARNIVAL MEN YOU NBED US-WK NEED YOU. Write for Catalogue. Hailed free to Dealers. VINE Eat. 1880 Terre Haute, Ind. 1 SI Prices Right. We Challenge the World. Best Work FINEST EQUIPPED STUDIO IN THE UNITED STATES WB ARE IN A POSITION TO EXECUTE OHDRR8 IMMEDIATELY AND TO GUARANTEE DELIVERY ON TIME UNITED STATES TENT AND AWNING CO. EDW. P. NEUMANN. Jr., Prcn. WALTER F. DRIVER, Vlce-Pres. EDWARD R. MTZINOKR, Secy. W4-!48 NORTH DESPLAINBS BTIIEET, CHICAGO, ILL. TENTS AND SHOW PARAPHERNALIA WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Managers are Invited to In- spect the Banners made by us for ARMSTRONG'S FAV AND LEAN PEOPLE, RIV- ERVIEW EXPOSITION, OBIOAQO. FAVORITE RENDEZVOUS FOR REPRESENTATIVE SHOW PEOPLE THE WELLINGTON HOTEL X. D. CUMM1NQS, Usnager WABASH AVENUE** CHICAGO, ILLS., U. Si A* Europun. Cits and Buffo! Service Unexcelled. VISIT THE INDIAN ROOM Official Hr.dcia.rtrri for Tbe CarnlvsU^ra' Anuria.Hon of America UII Streetmen Venders and Clipper Merchants Don't forget that the BEST AND BIGGEST HOUSE between the ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC WATERS IN AMERICA IS IN. 8HI To bay yoar supplies from. Tbe goods yon handle la oar spoelal bsslnees, and we have the LARGEST VARIETY OF BEST SELLERS. SEND FOR OUR CATA- LOGUE. Wo send bo catalogue to consnmers, so when reqaeatlng a catalog-no state what bnalneie yon conduct. Wo protect oar onitosnera BY KEEPING OUR CATALOGUE FROM CONSUMERS' HANDS. CAMPAIGN COODSMPNOVELTIES Yon win do brisk piofltable business If yon We manufacture these goods AT PRICES NO ONE N«.H1TP1T f^f\ 237 339 Madison St., . 3I1\J 1V.1L. LU. CHICAGO, ILL. Get onr big circular of these lines, handle oar attractive teUera, CAN BEAT. ' Address "(HIPPER OEPT." I»m, In tlin production of scrota rirtoN, Phi. hIuiik and novel trick". Tliey iilnii kIvi> inure time nnd attention to ilovrlnplni; Um and contortion IxtN anil tile like trade*, which are Inherited down no line of venerations. As lion tamers and animal tnilneiH, too, titer stand supreme, lint when It hhom tu wliole- Home comedy, orlKhi'il Hltiuitlims nnd Initia- tive In flndfnjr means (or Hwayliitf the, emo- tions, their performer* are a century hehlml." Sir. Jones brought with him Hie American rlKlitH to an In Mini incut of wonderful alm- plleliy with which one enu m.ilic IiIh own mitvliitr picture*. He nlm> hrmulii n ron- NlKiiment of eouvrnlr button hole wutclicH for I.Ih frtcmlH. He was accompanied by Ills finally und enjoyed the slKblneeliiK and touring Inv monHcly nnd returns refreshed and ready to plunge Into the most active HeaHon In tits lilntory of his firm. I'eter J. Hchncft r,'ons of Ills associates, net him In New York, where ho toured liy motor to greet him at He- doek. They Mien traveled In Mr. Hchnefer'a car to lion ton and the White Mountains. Mr. Rrhaefer Is still touring In the Khbi, and will continue his vacation In- definitely. « STAKI'OK THE I.A BALLS OPHBA IIOUHB. Tho Staff of the La Balle. under Hurry Askln, managing director, Is: Win. 1, I'utter- son, auditor; Hurry A. ltcnson, trensiirer; Hen M. Jerome, munlc director; John Decker, scenic artist; Jack II. Justice, chief usher; Charles Mast, stage manager; ileorge I'ni'ks, carpenter; ltoscoe Major, electrician; Kxndiis Carroll, property man; Mux Stewart, adver- tlnlng agent; Mrs. K, Strouder, wardrobe. EUGENE WALTER IN CHICAGO. Eugene Walter, who has been In Chicago for a few days, preparing Arthur Ilyron for tho role of John Hrnml In his play, "Fine Feathers." at tho Cort Theatre, will be well represented In tho Loon theatre district this week with "Kino r'entners" and "The Trail of tho Lonesome I'lnc." Mr. Walter returns to New York Monday. 0, to begin rehearsals on his new play, "A Plain Woman." • ABKIN TO MJII.D NEW LA SALLE. Harry Askln, manager of the La Halle -The- atre, Thursday night announced that plans were being drawn for a new theatre, to lie built on tho site of the present one, which will be ready for operation at tho opening of the 1018-14 season. The. new building will be strictly fireproof. "The new theatre will bear the same mime and will bo of the Bame Interior plan and size ns the present one," snld Mr. Askln. "Wo think that a small; cozy theatre Is much mors attractive than n large, barn-like auditorium. It makes the public feel more at home. They feel closer to the actors. It will be on the second floor, as now, "The Interior of the new theatre will be of white marble. The exterior will be of (Ire- clan design, simple hut attractive. \ When completed wo will have the coziest and moxt comfortable theatre In Chicago. Work on the new building will .commence Immediately at the elose of tho present etuson." Hans for the new La Halle Opcnn Hohso coll for the expenditure or about (loo.oixi. The part of the building facing Madison Htreet will remain as It Is. hut the theatre firoper will be new. It will not be topped iy a skyscraper, as has been reported. « FINE ABT8 THEATRE. The new Fine Arts Theatre (Music Hull reconstructed) will be'dedicated a fortnight Ire advance of tho time diflglAally set. On Htpt; 30 some popular iaembats '. of tho W. cago Grand Opera Company will gt"o <u I !