The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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1* THE ]59tEty I^BK Ol^P^ESR, Seftbmbeb 21 WANTED A FIRST-CLASS Must be Sober and Reliable, Conversant With All Angles of Circus Advance Work, Capable of Conducting Opposition Cam- paign, Aggressive, Experienced. A GREAT BERTH FOR THE RIGHT Long Contract to the Agent who can deliver the goods at a Right Salary. Address Quick. Gar* the Western B.r.»o, HEW YOBK CL.IPPKR, 005 Ashland Block, CHIOAQO. lua Bllou playhouse a performance of Wolf- ivrrarl'a little opera, "The Secret of Bu- unn.V It will be tbe second part of a doubl* bill, and will be preceded by some ilivertlttement yet to be arranged. The opera wll 1 be kept In performance for a week. Borne doubt la expressed aa to whether Wlntbrop Amc» will make hla pro- duction of Schnltxter'a "Anotol" cycle at tills theatre. Shaw's "Fanny's Flm Play," with which he was to have opened tho sea- aon at his LltUe Theatre In New York City, will be acted at tho Comedy Instead, and "Anatoi" Is needed, therefore, for tbe Ames house. _________^_ BURLES QUE IN C HICAGO. COLUMBIA. Tho "Sold Out" sign was displayed thirty minutes before the performance of tbe At. Hooves' Big Beauty Snow started Sunday, 15. It was the first real cool day this Fall, and tbe crowds of pleasure seekers could not be accommodated. Hooves' show lives up to It* tltlo find reputation. Andy Lewis Is a real comedian and has good support. The olio contains: Anita, a talented violinist; tbe Four Dancing Belles, who aru at- tractive and present a lively act; Cath- erine Ilortcr, toe dancer, and Zclia Russell, it pianist, with a lively repertoire. Al Beeves appears In the afterpiece, and while lie talks too much about the money ha has made and spent, sings a personal song full of egotism and self poise, reminding the audi- ence repeatedly of Jits elaborate production and pretty girls—It must be Admitted he has t iii-iii . EiiriRB. Capacity business greeted the Qlrls from .Missouri, at the Umpire opening, Sunday, 15. Kvb Mull Is featured. The principals: Fred Unwell, John Bowers, Herbert Terry, Francis T. Keynolds, Joe Milton, Joe Darccy. John Barton, William II. Beyer, Jessie Towers, Lois Herri and Leah Tanner. Show girls: Marguerite Green, Vera Williams, Elsie De- vei'e, Mario Wilson, Mildred Fletcher, Jessie »nd Dolly tisterbrooks, Christina Hall, Sylvia riltcliiird, Eunice Itlvcrs, Ethel Barbour, Su- zotto Bradford, Edna Yates, Annie Bond, ('lain Stanley, Grace Burke and Grace Moore. Stuff: Lewis Talbot, manager; Harry Kin- berg, business manager; Joe Milton, stngo malinger; I. Roscnfcld. mimical director; .lumen Shcii, carpenter; Stuart Johnson, prop- erty man: George Hcnkel, electrician, and Annie Kluibell, wardrobe mistress. FOLLY. "Sold Out," was the statement at 2 and 8 o'clock Sunday, Hi, nt the Folly on tbe opening of Zolluli's Own Company. The star's dancing Is ns big a feature as ever. Tho supporting company: Harry Ucntley, Sam Barrett, Ohas. Nichols, Win. A. Jones, Bella Cordon, Marie Croix, Pert Crols, Lew Pete], Lena Ln Couvler, Ben Souaeffor, Joe Milieu - , Loller, Betel, Woods, l*eone, Mrc Mills, Ben- net, Clark, Earl. Iluyler, Wall, Bcutley, Men, Smith, O'Neill, Muhon Couroy, Emery, Itandull, Klssoll mid S. Mills. The olio consists of: Lena La Couvler, songs: Charles Nichols and the Croix SIs- lers, the Folly Comedy Four, made up of Ij'W Petel, Win. A. Jones. Ben Schaeffer, Jos. Miller and Belle Gordon. Staff: Mana- for, Wm. C. Cameron; business manager, lurry W. Thompson: stage manager, Charles Nichols; musical director, A. L. Barber; machinist. Ike Wall: electrician, Ed. Flem- ing ; property man, John McGarry. STAR AND GARTER. Cook and Lorcnz presented their American Beauties to overflowing houses at tho Star and Garter, opening Sunday, 16. s BETT9 & BIXNEB NOTE3. Through the efforts of Don Mcancy, a Chi- cago iicwspaitcr man, Virginia Grant made the biggest hit of her life nt the Pnllsndes Park, a week ago. During Mr. Mcancy'* recent visit to New York, for the Interest of Ills paper (Chicaiio Examiner), he met Miss <inint, who wns In need of a good song. He recommended a waltz number, entitled "There Is No Little Girl Like You," published by Belts A Hluner Co., of Chicago. The song vim given a trial at a matinee performance In New York, where was received with much iiiiplause. Miss Grant, known as "Vaude- ville's Enchaulross," decided to keep the song In tbe act. The result was that the song was the hit of her act at the Palisades last week. She will play the Sulllran-Conslillne Circuit The song wns written by Herbert lllnner and "Don" Meunev. "We're all good fellows," Hnld Mary Cecil, In* writer of n column In Tin: .Veto York He- line, lust week In Chicago, where she wis playing the comedy part In George llolmrt'.i 'I'liimly sketch, entitled "A Hot Time In liiiwka." being played by Dlgliy Belt aud loiniinny. This remark was made when somebody asked her how she liked Don Meaney's new song, "There Is No Llttla Girl Like You," while lie Is singing. "I am always ready to do a good turn for a fellow newspaper man," said Miss Cecil. "We're all good fellows." We don't quite agree with Miss Cecil, but we are positive she Is. LATEST FROM CHICAGO e» route to Bamboo. Persistent rumor Is circulating that W. B. Prsrtlta will be gen- eral agent of Youne Buffalo Wild West next seison. Bay Thompson and hla horses hare Young Buffalo Show Saturday to play •Southern fair and park dates. It Is reported that Arthur Byron will soon leave the cast of "Fine Feathers." "Whose Helen Are Your was presented -at tho Studebuker last evening, to "fair slied audience. If tbe piece had vitality It would be a good target for tbe censor and his power of suppressing. There seems too much lack of snappy dialogue and persiflage. The cast: Teddy Webb, Wlllettc Kersbaw, Lee Kohlmar, Jane Marbury, Beatrice Ingram, W. H. Long, Arthur Uolman nnd Florence Ockennio. . _ Wabubn A. PATglCK. OUT OF TOWN NEWS WASHIKGTOK. Fine weather, good attractions, and good busi- ness telli lb* tale for last w«ek. Aoadbhy (I- W. Lyons, mir.)—"Tbe Angelas" was a novelty, and with a good cast, was well received and did good business, week of Sept. 9. "Madam X," with Eugenia Blair, week of 16. "The Olrl ia the Tsxl' T week of 23. Bbunco (L. Stoddard Taylor, mgr.) —This house will oi>en with tbe Paul 1. Balucy African Hunt moving pictures, tor two weeks, commencing Sept. 10. Columbia (Fred G. Berger. mgr.—Al. H. WU- sob opened the regular Mason ln "It Happened In Potsdam," and tht star and play wm well received. Tom Lewis, In "Tbe Yankee Prince," week of 10. "The Searchlight" week of 23. National (Wm. H. Rapier, mgr.) opens with "The Otber Man." week of 30. Pou'a (James Thatcher, mgr.)—The Popular Players bave done many good thins* since com- ing to Washington, but they have done nothing tetter thau their performance of "Pierre o' the Plains," in wblcb they maile s decided hit. A. II Van Daren, Duncan Penwartlen, Loola Balaes and I. Hammond Dslley, were excellent. Ixetta Jewel was good, as usual, and the rest of tbe company gave s performance that was enjoyed by large sndhmces. "Tbe Thief" week of 16, "Psld In FnU" week of 23. Casino (A. Julian Brylawskl, mgr.)—The new auutafearat his started In to win back all the old perrons and to make new ones, by giving excellent programs of high grade vaudeville set sod new pictures. BUI IS; "The Dacbelor Clab, Suit, 17. Light Monday inat'nee audiences at the Palace Music Hall, but tbe business grows during the week. Bather difficult for the best of variety talent to evoke much enthusi- asm with a small audience, bat thas week's bill pleased this afternoon. Grace Van Studdlford, the hcsdllncr, was charming ln a selection of songs. Paul Dickey and company, In a comedy sketch, "The Come-Ilack," with live people In the act, was well received. Geo. VV, Jones and Ben N. Deely provided considerable enjoy- ment la their new offering, "Hotel St. Reck- less." Joins scored In the rendition of the ballad, "I Like a Girl with a Smile 'Like You." Charles B. Lawlor and Daughters, In "A Night and Day on the Sidewalks of New York," a vocal character sketch, occupied a prominent position on the bill and made good. Louis Meyers, singing comedienne, was given sevoral encores. Hal Stephena and company. In famous scenes from famous plays, met with approbation. Barto and Clark pleased with a musical comedy sketch. Herbert's dogs entertained. Robert Cottrcll Family, equestrians, were billed, but failed to make connection In time for matinee, but will open to-night. Jefferson Dc Angells nnd company were the liiughlng hit of the Majestic show this after- noon. The usual capacity audience was pres- ent. Dc Angells plays an outraged husband ln a lively farce, "All nt Sea," and gets Into a burlesque German disguise that was greeted with shouts of laughter. While he resorts to the seltzer bottle and rubber chicken, they are legitimately Introduced, and lie certainly was amusing. In the supporting company were: Helene nail, Joseph Merrick, Holllstor Pratt and Casper Laveeu. Homer Llnd, in a three scene sketch. "The Opera Singer," pleased with his baritone songs. The act Is too long and the plot similar to "The Music Master." Tinea poofe nsslst. Marshall Montgomery Is a marvelous ven- triloquist, cleverly disguising his work even white eating and drinking. Ethel Oreen more than nindc good with three songs. Ger- trude Vanderbtlt and George Moore pleased with novel dances and souks. Lora. disguised as a gymnastic parrot, did mind reading, nnd later displayed marvelous ability In read- ing numbers. Swor and Mack, black faced comedians ; Kcba and Inez Knufinian, and the Swala and Ostnman Trio completed the bill. Majestic bill for week 23: David Belaseo's •Madame Butterfly," Little Billy, Staley and Blrbeck's Transformation, Mrs. Frank Far- num, the lUnls, Jerc Grudy and company, Earl and Curtis, and Heruiany's Novelty. Indiana Thbatrr bookings: Last half— Bernard and Harrington, Coogaa and Parks. Benny and Salsbury. Paul and Azella, and Seymour Happy Family. Herbert S. Muddy arrived to-day, en route to Detroit, to close contracts for Connors' Indoor Circus, to open tho Winter season there Nov. 18, for one week, under auspices of tbe Moose. Following Its victory with the Alhnmbm nnd Weber's theatres, the Chicago Federation of Musicians yesterday prepared to go after the Criterion Theatre next week. Welsh's Musical Bcvlcw moves from the Alluuubra to the Criterion, which Is now employing a non- union orchestra. Tile musical director, who ll a union man, will be called out. and tho stage employees and billposters will strike ln sympathy, as they did Sunday, at the South Hide theatre. There Is also a rumor of a threat by the Musicians' Union to place all houses which abandoned orchestras on the unfair list. This Includes McVlcker's, Powers', Blaekstune and Cort. Jack Johnson, heavyweight champion, se- cured an Injunction restraining the manage- ment of the Pckln Theatre from exhibiting moving pictures of his deceased wife and the scenes nt her funeral. "The Man Higher Up," which opened at the Olympic, Sunday. Is a mild little play about politics, too talkative and full of long socialistic speeches Instead of dramatic ac- tion. The cast Includes: Edward E. Ellis, brother of the dramatist; Janet Boccher, George W. Wilson, Eugene O'Rourkc, Georgo Parker, Francis Byrne, Albert Perry, Edgar No it is, Illchard Mnlchlon, Frank Illsby, Au- brey No.ves. George Schllllngor, George Spel- vln, Geronie Gaylord. Herbert Todd, Harry Owynette, Kate Jepson, Mary Bcrtrand aud Grace Henderson. Alt X. Singling passed tufough Chicago, the Three Boas Sisters, Sheridan and Sloane, Frank lino and Vloletts, Don at. Olalr, and new pictures. Cube's (Miss H. Wlnnlfred De Witt, mgr.)— Big boslnesa rated week of 8. Bill for 16 and week: Gus Edwards' "Kid Kabaret," with twenty klever kotnlcs; Bvs Taylor and company. Les Perry and George White, James Devlin and Mas Rtwood. Kate Watson, the Bichardlnl Troupe, Lools Grsnat, tbe Animated Weekly. Cosmos (A. Julias, Brylawskl, mgr.) —BUI week of 10: Oertrnde Dudley and company. Band's moaleal dogs, Charles W. Llttlefleld, Rob- ert H. Martin, James B. Duaber, the Austell Four, and new pictures. Sunday concerts, with "That Orchestra," do capacity. Gatrv (George Peck, mgr.)—The Qlrls from Happyland. with Billy W. Watson and an excel- lent company, made a big lilt and did capacity business week of 0. The Merry Whirl week of 16, Ben Welch's Barlesiiucrs week of 23. Sunday concerts do well. Lyceum (A. 0. Mayer, mgr.) —Tbe Cherry Blossoms pleased large audiences week of 0. Gay Widows Co. week of 10. the Big Review week of 23. Majhstio (Tom Moore, mgr.)—BUI week of 10: Four Mtialcal Hodges, Bertha Gllmore. Pedal and Keya. Beaumont Brothers, Berg and Will- iams, and new picture!. Sunday concerts do well. Moras. Manaobb ft. W. Culm**, of tbe Girls from Happyland, bod tbe glad hand for Tub Old Bs- luBLr, and It waa appreciated. Till last of the l'opnlnr Columbia Players has nt laat left Washington. Prances Nellson goes to Atlantic Oltj tor s much needed real, and Arthur Bltcblo left for hla home, where he will rest up. James Tiiatciieb, resident manager, hun re- turned, after a short vacation, and la right on lll<" spot. Tun (lAiinnr, under Tom Moore's management. Is doing nicely with pictures and scoreboards, nnd will so continue until the baseball series is over, thru a definite policy will be anaouueed. All the bouses have ihe scoreboard ferer, and all manage to do well. Louis ILusms, comedian, of Poll's Popular Players, packed his grip and left Washington Rnti.rdiiy. Sept. 14. for Bridgeport, Conn. Mr. 1 bilnes made many friends, and be was a capable eoine-llau, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Nixon (Thos. F. Kirk Jr., nigr.) week of Sept. id, Baymond Hitchcock. In "The Red Widow." Wilton Lackaye. la "Oliver Twist," week of 23. Business continues good. Alvin (John B. Reynolds, mgr.) — Walker Wlilteslrtes. In "The Typhoon," week of 10. Mar- garet Auglln, In "Egypt." 23 and week. Laat week, "A BatterOy oa tbe Wheel" was well re- ceived. Business good. Grand (John P. Harris, mgr.)—Bill for week of HI: Mabel Taliaferro and compear. Bonlta and lieara, Olive Briscoe. Richard Wally and com- pany, Jewell's manikins, Slmone De Beryl, Johnny Johnston. Bplssell, Quail and Mack, Kenny, No- body and Piatt, anil moving pictures. Business capacity. Next week, "The Dance Dream" will be tbe feature act. Ltcbdk (0. It. Wilson, mgr.)—"The Common Law" week of 10. Billy B. Von and the Beau- mont Sisters, In "A Lucky Hoodoo," week of 23. Business good. Duqueunb (Dennis Harrla, mgr.)—Uarrla Da- vis Stuck Co. present "When Knighthood Wns in Flower" week of 10. "Hello Bill!" 23 and week. Mary Hall, Corllsa Gllea and Denny llurrls continue to Increase In popular favor. Leslie Austin left the company last week, going to Kew York. Business capacity. Habius (Ed. It. Salter, mgr.)—Bill for 10 and week: Fonr Klllarney Girls. El Oota, Voider. Morgan and company, Three Booths, Tower Bros. nnd narrow, Kip and Klppy, Casey and Smith, Edwards Slaters, George Watson, and moving pic- tures. Business capacity. Mr. Salter has re- turned from McKeesport, where be was busy at- tending to the opening of the Altinyer Theatre, owned by the Harris Amusement Company. Family. —BUI for week of 10: Nat Barnhardt, Hughes nnd Curth. Chess nnd Checkers, Jordan and Francis, Joe Howard, Mimical Winters. Ola Udburn, the Carrays, and moving pictures. Busi- ness capacity. Kenton.— Bill for week of 10: Will J. Horn and company, Prof. W, N. Van Don, Lucille Sa- voy and company, Paul Van Dyke, Howard and Walsh, Breunau and Wright, and moving pictures. Business good. KxroBmo.t.— Souib and hla band give two con- certs dally. All amusements arc doing well. I.urge out of town excursions dally. Business at One point shows records. Kxnnywooo (A. 8. MeSwIgan, mgr.)—Band oorcerta aud vnrloui other amusements attract large crowds. Diiiichig three nights a week. Concessions doing '.veil. Gaiety (Henry Kurttnmn, mgr.)—Billy W. Wstson and tbe Girls from Hapyiiland week of 10. Billy and the Watson Slaters bave many friends here, and are alwsya accorded a royal reception. The Merry Whirl week of 23. Newark. \. J.—Newark (Geo. W. Bobbins. mgr.) William Farmim. ln "The Littlest Rebel." week of Sept. 111. Ktlillc Foy wns a big hit 0 and week. David Wardeld. In "Tbe Betnrn of Peter Grimm," 2li and week. SuunBUT (Lee Ottolcniml, mgr.)—This house Iiegnn Its second reason 10, with "When Bnnty Pulls the Strings." James Powers, In "Two Little Brides." week of 23. . Pboctob's (R. 0. Stuart, mgr.) —BUI for week of 10 Includes: Louis A. Simon and Kath- rvn Oaterman nnd company. Avon Comedy Four, Felix Adler, "The Olrl from Milwaukee," L'blua and Picks, McPevItt. Kelly and Lncy, ' Three . Josetti Bros., ami Smith aad Gander. "Spirit Paintings" proved Interesting to large anldtoces • week of' 8. Obpiikdm (SI. S. SchlesliiKor. mgr.) —The Oome Pay ton Stock Co., ln "The Third Dearree." 10 and week. Mabel Bmwnell and Clifford Stork are well cast. "The Crisis' was well liked week of 3 "A Oentleninu of Leisure" 23 and week. Jacobs' (Geo. w. Jacobs, mgr,)—"One Day" 18 sad week. "The Prosecafor" drew fair busi- ness » and week. "Tbe Melting PBt^wert of M. Btonaa (Frank Abbott, ssgr.)—The Whirl of Mirth; with Eddie B. Collins featured, week of 18. Miss New York Jr. drew good audiences 9 and week. Moulin Rouge week of 23. Gaybtt (Leon Bums, ragr.)—The Cracker Jacks week of 18 with Ruby Leont and Beatrice Harlow featured. Dave Marlon and tho Dreamland com- pany dM Bne business week of 9. The Bon Tons LTMo'TlLa Stuart. «gr.)-BIH to. ; 16-18 ta- elades: Sickles and Alien. J. J***£**?J* company, Spero aud Lortne. HartcasOe sd« eoaa- SET Henry *Tey, and bUib-'. Oossady JSreas. For tn-21: Walttoar Trio. Crane and Olare. The Street Pavers of Paris," Joe Wynn. Jos. Daley and company, and "The Mystery Olrl. WashinotoM (O. B. Neo. mgr.)—Pictures aad vaudeville. Bill for 16-18 Included: Lucille La Verne aad company, who was a stock .favorite here several rears ago; the Ollppers. SUversad DnVall. Canarls and company, Usher and Whit- cliff, and Shalk Tracer. Jerser Cltir, W. J^-Maieatlc (F. «..»»> dersoo. mar.) "The Divorce Question" week of SepL 18. "Madame X" 23 and week. Bon Tow (Ed. Oadugan. mgr.)—Variety, naov- ing pictures aBd IllBBtrated soaga week of 16. Acadbmt (F. E. Henderson, mgr.)—"The Con- vict's Daughter" Is presented by the Academy Stock Co.. week of 10. , „ Uontiosllo (M. S. SoaiesilBger, mgr.)—Vs- rlety, moving pictures and latest songs, OarasDH (Thos. L. Sheeley, mgr.) — "Alias) Jimmy Valentine." by the Orpbeum Stock, 16 and week. "Old Heidelberg" 23 anil week. Nora.—•Bnslness at all the resorts Is excellent. Trentoa. N. J. —State Street (Herman Wahn, mgr.) bUl for wet* of Sept. 10: Sam Cur- tis and company, Mabel Carew, FoUette aad Wicks, Mllsno Duo. PaoU Cremenesl. Walsh and Redden, Wilson. Thorsten and Steward. Opppelt, Four Grovlnls. and the photoplays. Beoab Stbbbt (Herman Wahn, mgr.) —The Manhattan Player. In "Deep Purple," week of 18: "The Nigger" 23 and week, Notb.— The Inter-State Fair and Industrial Ex- hibition will be held In Trentoa 80 to Oct. 4. In- clusive. It will mark the twentr-flfth anni- versary of this big State event. Hoboken, V. J.— Gayety (Cbas.- Fraaklyn, mgr.) "The Persecutor" Sept. 16 and week. "One Day" 23 aad week. Empibi (A. M. Bruggeiaann, mgr.)—Boa Ton Burlesqaers 18-18, Social Balds 18-21, Gay Hasqaeraders 23-25. Taxi Olrla 26-28. Ltbio (O. S. Biggs, mgr.)—Variety, moving picture* and illustrated songs. Detroit, Midi. —Detroit (B. O. Whitney, mgr.) "Louisiana Lou" played to Mr crowds week of Sept. 9. "Madame Sherry" week of 18. IR0EI-TO OPT OF T OWR NEW$ ^ J *^:.- :: ,v S South Carolina.. % }! Tennessee }; ^lrgmu..:;::;:;;;; II sp- Gabbiok'(B. H. Lawrence, mgr.)—"A Modem Eve" was well patronised week of v. "Blue Bird" week of 16. Lyceum (E. D. Stair, mgr.)—Eatha Williams, la "A Man's Game," drew crowded houses week of 8. Vaagban Glsser aad company, In "A Grain of Dust,' 1 week of 15. AvBNua (Drew A Campbell, nigra.)—The Girls from Reno, to good attendance, week of 8. The Orientals week of 15. Temple (J. H. Moore, mgr.)—Packed houses rale. BUI for week of 16: "Cheyenne Days," Marcart and Bradford, Kalmar and Brown, Dick, performing dog; Primrose Four, Ethel McDon- ouah. Lots Bros., Merlin and the Mooreoscope. Miles' (0. W. Porter, mgr.)—Business good week of 9. Bill for week of 18: Lillian Morti- mer and company, Four Sells Bros., Kent's Seals, Kathakellar Trio, Kllliau and Moore, Ben S. Hor- Ion. and the Mlleseope. Notb.— The opening attraction of tbe New Gay- ety Theatre will be Clarke's Bouawsy Girls. Indlnmapolla, Ind.—Mm-at (Fred J. Dslley, mgr.) "A Butterfly.on the Wheel" week Sept. 10, "Within the Law" week of 23. English's (Ad. F. Miller, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures of I'anl J. Balnrj'a African Hunt 10-18, "Putting It Over" 10-21, "Parsifal" 23-25, Dus- tln Fsrnum 20-28. Pabk (Anderson A Zlegler, mgrs.)—"A Man's Gsme" week of 18, "The Shepherd of the Hills" week of 23, Colonial (Holden ft Edwards, mgrs.)—"Alms, Where Do Yon Live?" week of 16. Kkith's (Ned S. Hastings, mgr.) — BUI for week of 18 Includes: Maaon, Keeler company, Stuart Barnea, Fay, Two Coleya and Fay, Frey Twins, Earl nnd Curtis, Phil Staats, Parrel Sis- ters, and Kremka Brothers. Oatvtt (Dixie Amusement Co., mgrs.)—BUI for week of 10: Fred nud Eva Uosart, Slber and North. Cuashly, Lnngton and company, Maile Itowland. aud Scheda and company. F.mfibb (H. K. Burton, mgr.) — Jardln de Paris Girls week of 16. the Bohemians, with t'liiiruilon featured, week of 23. Note.— "The Merry Widow Re-Varrlcd" Co. stranded here 11. Professional friends helped tbe members to get out of town. New Orleans, La.—Crescent (T. O. Camp- bell, mgr.) "Tho Common Lav" was the offering week of Sept. 8. The company gave big satis- faction, and conalderlng the warm weather, busi- ness waa good. "The Old Homestead" Is here week of 15, with "Oklahoma" 22, "Seven Daya" 29. The staff tor the season Is: T, C. Osmpbell, man- ager; Abe Sellgiuan, treasurer; Nick Smith, as- sistant treaaurer; Wood BaUard, press agent; V. L. Nicholson, secretary; Wilbur Campbell and Markey Dempsey, ticket agents; J. E. Oarvey nnd H. F. Qolnu, advertising agents: Edward Denecamp, superintendent bnlldlng; Chns. Mall- let, musical director: Jss. Dunn, stage carpenter; Wm. Johnson, assistant stage manager; Mike Dunn, llymnn; Cbas. Dolseau, electrician, and Lawrence Green, properties, Obtheuk (Jules f, Blstes, mgr.)—Good boat- ness wsb reported by Treasurer Marclante, for week of 8, and the entire bill won appreciation. For week of 10 the bllt Includes: "Lolo," Wm. Dllllon, Ye Colonial Septette, Tbrnber and Madi- son, Miss Sydney Shields aud compuny, Al. Carleton, and Clara Ballerlnl. Prof. Tosso and hla splendid orchestra and the latest moving pic- tures continue In high favor with Orpheum pa- trons. r Lybio (Sf. Peruchl, mgr.)—The Pernchl-Oyp- »ne Stock Co. had fair business week of 8, pre- sentliig "Tlielma." "Tho World" 15. Gbesxwald (Hy. Qreeowald, mgr.)—The Din- kins ft Stair Burlesquers had good business week of 8, and pleased. As an extra attraction foe week of 15, Jos Mandot, the lightweight lighter, has been secured tor the week. "At the Caba- ret" and "Lookout Below" will be the acts of- fered, w ith a lot of specialties introduced. Lakayettb (Abe Sellgman, mgr.)—Splendid moving pictures drew sood crowds week 8. Betty and the Rose," "The Indelible Indian" and "Anguished Hoars" were the featured Alms. c,e I e,Bn *« <>•—Opera Boose (A. F. nam. mgr. I Tbomus W. Boss, In "The Only Son," week or Sept. 10. Colonial (R. H. McLaughlin, mgr.)—House Is dark for 10 and week, Will re-open 23 HirroDBoMB (H. A. Daniels, Bigr.)'—mil for week of 10: Henry F.. DIxey. Havlland and Thora- toti Be le Story, Hosel Weston and company. Stlchneys-Comedy Clrcns, Hursley Troupe, Cotter nnd Boulde», and .loe Jacksou. I'bohi-bc-7. —. ueor^e Sidney, la "Busy lsxy." week of 10. "Where the Trail Divides'' 23 aud ,,. a >H*Z !£' H - Ml «»«els, mgr.)—"The Woman hi the Case" week of 10. J%^b£S& ( 1?.' n - 2 ' rt ' r - "gr.)—"ThelmB," by the Holden Players, week of 10 DoTonKSB (W. B. Garyu. mgr.')—This aew ,h **?*' •Boated at Euclid and Fifty-seventh ?F*£ ,, . 0 ' ,cl> * , . , , lt * ll00 " Monday night. 18. with the Dutchess Players, ln "Nobody's Widow." The AT , ^^i n ^!. u . ,lw W ""cbell Harris, Bertha Mann. W. D. Oprbett, Rebetca Bldgley, Carl Birch, ami ^S?* M^belena. "rhe Vlrgiulan" week of 23. Stab (Drew ft CimpbeU, mgrs.—The Rosebuds 16 and week. hJ&Mn! Si •*- ",«*""*• mgr.)_Harry Hast- lug s Big Show week of 16 laT a 3!&Ft ( J''i E -i ^l. D » r >-I"» 'or week of IS. vEfi N a k «LTruth/' Daisy Cameron, Foster and Dnnbar, George and Gilbert. Will Moore, Three Juggling Millers, Harry Bestry, Ivy and Ivj and pictures. Columbaa, O. — nartman (Lee M. Bods. mgr.) "Putting It Oier" Sejit. 18, IT. Routiieun O. F. Luft, ragr.)—"Faust" 16-18. Kbitu'b (Wm. Proaaer. mgr')—Bill for week ?f, »°: De Vole Trio. El Ma Morris Lv.Ta Mc iSL„ V', 1 ? l "™ in ^- Francis Ysles snd eompanv. lour Musical Mi.esMnnl Amsto, Mathews: and Alsbnyne. Four McNallrs, ami the pictures. RnoanwAY (Wm. James, mgr.)—Bill for week f,v™° ; P ?* t0n ' H """. r ■*■ ltuM - »oa<tla.. Wash- SSL"* , com P«"». Lawrence Johnson, Bristol's ionics, and iiletures. Colosiai. (J. A, Maddox, mgr.)-.Bm for week SAN FRANCISCO r«t«ClOldl»lWfC*tOTHB NlW x*0BK ClIPP„! AttractlcmB week of Sept 10: Columbia.— Monday. 18. marks the be. gtaning of a two weeks' MM of "Offlcer Con. —Sunday, 15, begins the third a*j Iast week of "BoigHt andTald For " a * eUTOT.—Sunday, IB, Kolb, Dill'and e nn . Kd&ei 5 ^ 1Ua * LuU * i Berri, ta"i n ^ •Alcasab.— Monday, 16, commencement of 3<dal season of Sarah Truax. and 'ihurin. ergen, supported by the house stock coin, wwy. the opening; play being "Mrs. Dan?* Obpiiiuu. —Opening Sunday (matinee) 1-.■ Jesse L. Laaky's "The Antique Girl" with Fletcher Norton, Doris Wilson, Maud k1,i and a company of sixteen; Hubert Ashlevanii Al. Lee, Williams and Warner, Bertlsh Wm H. Thompson and company, Billy u ou i' a a „"j Belle Ashlyn, Howard's Movelty, the Taklnas and daylight motion pictures ' Bmpuss. — Beginning; Sunday (matinee) 15: Ada Mitchell, John B. Wilson and Tea Geisha Girls, Llna Pantzer, Rogers and Mack- intosh, Mile. La Deodlna, Holden and llerron Danlela and Conrad, photoplay of "Qucn Elisabeth." by JIme. Sarah Bernhardt and conxpany, and Twilight pictures. Pamtaobb*.— Beginning Sunday (matinee) 15: Maybell Fisher and company, b'red 7.i> bedle. Cook and Stevens, "The Lions Bride" and Sunlight pictures. of 18: Oeorge Clay, McOee and Reese, (be Bias- chard Players. Brown and Lawson, the Minstrel Four, and pictures. Hioa Stbbbt (C. W. Harper, mgr.)— John O'Donnell. la "Roltlcklng Shannon," week of 18, "Tbe Common Law" week of 23. Rochester, N. Y.—Lyceum (M. E. Wolff, aagr.) a new comedy drama. "The Searchlight." bad Its premiere here Sept. 8-11, and was well received. "The Siren," with Donald Brian and Julia Sanderson, did S. B, O. business for tbm performances. 13, 14. "The Charity Olrl" 1018, Usury Miller, ln '"The Rainbow." 19-21; Rihlle Foy. la "Over the Biver," 24, 25; Kilty Uonlou, In "The Bnchantres." 28-28. Sucbbst (Elmer Walters, mgr.) — '"ihe Woman ln tbe Case" 8-11. Cbas.. Howe, In "In Africa," 18-d8. "Bncty Pulls the Strings" 23 snd week. Bakbb (Frank U. Parry, mar.)—Kngenla Blair, In "Madame X," did excellent business week ending 14. "Tbe Fortune Hunter" 10-14, llllly B. Van, ln "A Lucky Hoodoo," 18-21; "Mutt ami Jeff" week of 23. Tbmflb (J. H. Finn, mgr.)—Wm, Rock anil Maude Fulton proved to be a great drawing card week ending 14. BUI tor 18 and week: Sidney Drew aad company, Maude Lambert and Ernest Ball, Rd. F. Reynard, Ed. Morton, the Cow Rlanos, Joggling Burkes, Hick's Comedy Circus, Ralph Smslley, and moving pictures. CuaiirruuN (Wm. Burns, mgr.)—Rose Sydell's London Belles, week of 0, was a rattling good show. Singer's Show, with Lew Kelly and Watson Sisters. 10 and week. Nora—E. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe's eo- gsgement. booked for tho Sbubert Theatre 10, 20, was canceled. Buffalo, It. V.—Star (P. a Cornell, mgr.) Donald Brian, In "The Siren," week of Sept. 111. Kitty Gordon 23-28. Eddie Foy 2U-28. Taos: (Messrs. Sbubert, mgrs.)—'Walter Jones, In "Baby Mine," 18 and week. Aboru English Grand Opera Co. week of 23. Siiba's hi. Shea, mgr.)—Bill for week of 18: The Belt Family, Williams, Thompson and Cops- land, Andrew Kelly. Mack and Walker. Mclotlie nnd Groves, Archie Onrl aud company, WinhIs and Wooda Trio, and Rosalind Ooghlan and company. Cabmival Doubt.— Bill for closing week, be- ginning 10 Includes: Grace nicker, Allison Pax- ton, unite Fuller, Loralne Fisher, Iaabclle Hoff- man, and Frances Bloibam. Oabobh (M. T. Mlddleton, mgr.) — Midnight Msldrns week of 16, Merry-Go-ltounders 23 aud week. Business wss good week of 0. Lafayette (O. M. Bagg, mgr.)—Monte Carlo Girls week of 18. Girls from Reno week of 23. Columbia (Charles Bowe, mgr.)—.Pictures con- tinue to attract good business. Albany. X. T. — ILtrmanua Bleecker nail (Edward M. Hart, mgr.) "The Power Behind ths Throne." "Bohemian Olrl" and "Mutt and Jeff" made ap ths attractions week of Sept. 0, and all drew excellent attendance. Edna Spooner, In "The Price She Paid," 10-18. , „ F.otibb (Jss. H. Rhodes, mgr.)—The World of Pleasuro and the Winning Widow companies di- vided week of 0, and both did well. Columbia Burlottquers 18-18. „ , _ I'soctob's (Howard Graham, mgr,) —Moving pictures and vaudeville, with two changes of bill weekly, to good returns. _ . MiJEBTio (Emll Delchea, mgr.)—Continuous vaudeville aad moving pictures, to eruwneu houses. Nora—The Gaiety Theatre Is now undergoing a eoinptete renovation, aad new seats will lie put In. The house wilt be known hereafter as tne Lyric, The opening Is not as yet announced. Syracuse, K. Y.—Empire (Frederick Ooge, mgr.) Henry Miller. In "The Rainbow," ** 1U-18; Chaa. Cherry, In "The Passers-lly. i»- 21; Eddie Foy, in "Over tbe River," 23; Ilnsel Dawn, ln "The Pink Lady," 28-20. Wiamwo (Francis p. Martin, mgr.)—so lain snd Msrlowe, In "Twelfth Night" and Ham- let." 23, 24. , „ M . Rastabxjs (Stephen Bastable. mgr.)—Buse W; dell's Loudon Belles 18-18, "Tbe Fortune Hunter 18-21 Gbahd (Cbas. H. Plummer. mgr.)—Bill for week of 14 Includes: W. L. Abingdon and com- pany, the Cbadwlck Trio, Bison City Four. Samp. sel and Rellly, Billy K. Wells, Don l'ulsuo, H«r- tenberg Brothers, nnd the Five Martells. Baltimore, Mil. — Ford's (Cbas. * Ford, mgr.) Frltsl Scheff Sept. HI sad week, Heury Miller, in "Tbe Rainbow," week of 23. Academy (Tunla Dean, mgr.)—Vaudeville i« 21, vaudeville 28-28. , ,^.,. Hollidax SiBjarr (Wm. Blfe, nigr.) — ™ Montana Limited" 16 and week. "The Boy Detec- tive" week of 23. __ _ . „„.. Gayety (Wm. Bsllauf, mgr.)—Ben VTele W lesquers 10 and week, Queens of Psrls 23 owl W< K»tmB (Geo. Rife, mgr.)—Heath's Review 10 and week. Tiger I.llles follow. ... ... Mabyland (Jss. L. KentBB, Bsgr.)--Blll lor week of 18 Includes: Mclntyre and Heath, vm Clayton and company, Linton and La*"" 1 ^;,,„ «, 1 WHsoa, Robert Fulgora. Three Lyres, Romalo ami l>e!ano, and Apollo Trio. . _.., «„ r ViOTOBii (ChaB. B. Lewis, mgr.)—»l' ™. week of 10: L'Amonro De Artist, Bayer aid WJJ ner. BoydeU Duo. W. J. Sherry. &'•* Jg Mlehels, the Great Monohan. King. Colli" ana dittos Slaters, Teek snd Tech, Mack and Waif". %mwj?a Sehnlder, mgr.)-BUI taf « g* week: Weston, Bachen aad.companr " nr K, 1 wrt- too's dogs, Laurie aud Allen. Kalhryn nu»w son. Huater and Davenport, Errac and wags* and Dave Lnhin and company. Colambla, 8. C—Wwr T gHr^if'BtM Brown, mgT.) "The Common Law" oih-iicu,,'" house Sept. 3. "The Old Homestead ■>• ,, Crmfeasten" 11. under suspces of 2*«" «• Catholic Ohnrch. "The Balkan Jnnce-p, ■• "Nanghty Marietta" 14, ''Po ly »' ^* 0 ,f„resl 14. "The Osrden of Allah" (In rBoUoii Pjrr» J, 18. 18: Fields' Mbistrela 20. tMjj ^!LS» John Poollos wrestled for middle-weight chtmpi ""h^-The South CarollB. **«**& tat Mechanical. 3oclcty will bold Ita annual wr 28-Nov. 2. Tnn Elk Grand Thentre at^"j/'Ji,« none-d on Aug. 20 with Thomas Boss, rhe Only Son." G. D. Sprsgg •^■SH it of the house, leased by the »P™»» ger Amusement Co