The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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September 21 THE NEW YORK GlilPPEB* $5 ta.i. c. b. jniaw,"^* * ranrnatuuM, vise ft« ■. jl ihkedt, b«> r . CONSOLIDATED BOOKING OFFICES, i™, ^■^^EffK' fUZGERAlfl BUIUIH6, SrwrfwJi u, 43* StTMt, New Y«t City Plioae M HjMSlalph Telepheaest Mn-S«6S-M»»-«Ua Bryant. Forty Wooke BOOKING Korty W no k tftXBI CIRCUIT ClJNaIBOIlAM-Fi.CEGBl.WAlI CIB.CU1T HMI UD BRILL. CIIICUIT UlKBDVcniCOTr THEATRE BOOKING COIIPOHATIOH tFULUTKD ViCDBVILLB (UlUCIT v PIATIWO THE BKST IB VAUJgVILLE. BEST Hone—, BBT Troatssent, aS* Tr« anent St. e, WN Oxford After ■ successful season as DIRECTOR GENERAL of the YOUNG BUFFALO ymjO WEST AND COL, FRED CUMMINS INDIAN CONGRESS AND FAR EAST (Combined) which closes on or before November i, 1912, I WILL BE AT LIBERTY And offer roy eervices as Manager, Agent, Press Representative or some responsible position in the amusement line, lor the Winter season, open time between Nov. 1, 1912, and April IS. V9> BOOKING AGENTS, FAIR MANAGERS AND PROMOTERS, ATTENTION! I have under my direction and control, and can supply promptly, Blanket Indians, Cow. boys, a troupe of Australians (The Three Waites, Champions of the World), Stock and and Bull Whip Manipulators and Boomerang Throwers, a troupe of Singhalese (Panik- kiya's, the best) from Ceylon, India; Russian Cossack Riders and Dancers ( Geor- rian's). a team of Refined Singers and Dancers (Ray Hartigan and Frank Grlmley) in a Brisk comedy skit, entitled 'THE ACTOR AND THE SWEDE," Swedish and other character work, leaders and sensational. Address Col. Fred T. Cummins Care Of CLIPPER, 606 Ashland Block, Chicago, 111. GORDON HAYS STOCK CO. Al Heavy, one Character Man, two General Business Men, Character Women, Heavy Women, Soubrette with speclsKtes. Specialty people given preference. Bnsb-ians for Orchestra; Director with scripts. Youth and wardrobe necessary. Salary sure. South aU Winter. GORDON HATS STOCK CO., DonaldaonvllU,, La. MAE LAPORTE CO. illMI MAIM One with ipeclalty preferred. Good Hue of parti In Buch plays ss "THE WHITE BISTER," "THE OPEN WINDOW," "DOROTHY VERNON OF IIADWIN HALL." Etc. Bust loin on wire. State all Address JOK McRNROE, Attics, Ohio. Waited, to Join on Wire, Too Useful Ton Actors, TronbORO, Baritone and Cornel Double B. and O. and stage. Wire lowest. Hotel Show. We pay all. Brandon. Vermont, Sept 23; Proctor, Vermont, 24; Rutlaud.Verroont, 2S: Falrhsven, Vermont, 2fl; Oranvlllc, K. Y., 27. THOMAS L. FINN, ROBINSON BROS.' VERMONT CO. wanted Q.ITICK—flood singers, dancers, comedians, sketch teams and musical artists for Baaltby A Blackbnrn'a two-car tent show, Opera Houses In Winter. We never clou. Tbeblggetst two-car medicine show In America. Bleep at hotels, eat at car; Pullman dining car service. All expenses after Joining. Money sore. State fully whit yon can and will do; when you can Join. Address DR. LEON BLAOKBORN. Preston, Kan. MAGICIANS Look I Just what yon want. Ball bag escape, packing caie escape, fOasseaeeescape, spirit platform sad sack, paper nag escape, Par- isian box and sack escape. Iron bos escape. The above seven escapes with rail drawings, 60c. Prof. Mlrto, B44UJ Ave-. B'klyn. N. Y. WANTED-A11 kinds of tents, small jwnlea, feature suns, Debts. FOR balk, all kinds tnck dugs and doves, two picture machines, lot alms cheap. Will exchange dogs, doves. What have yonf PROP. HARRY SMTra, ORATZ. PA. LEARN TO ACT •tag* Dancing, Etc. "UetoDaUlocvcrr MtaU" Back, fig, Skirt, Charae Vert, Optra, ■315 SiniW Vaodevm. Acta, VetlaiDi 9 NEW MONOLOGUES all pippins—Including while and blackface, Hebrew, Dutch, Irish. Tramp, etc.. In MADISON'S] Price One Dollar ^lBUDSETNo.14 Contents also Include 10 orlglnaal acta for 2 males, 7 new acts, for male and female, a great minstrel first part, a complete one-act musical comedy; also red-hot acts for two females, for mole quartettes, and an almost endtemi assortmentof slilewalt natter, gage, etc. Price Oae Dollar. Hack lasses ont of print, except Numbers 10 and 12. Will ■end both for 11.60, or Budgets 10,12 and it for $4 JAMK8 MADISON, «**•» Third Avemm, New York. Skates**. Acting Braenatle Alt, Eta ENGAGEMENTS SECURED School Always opes P. J. BJD0B. and TEN OTHERS II No. La Salle St., OUIOAQO.ILL I11.I.V ORGANIZED MELODRAMATIC STOCK CO. FOR PERMANENT STOCK Two bills a week. Percentage. To open sot later Hum Oct. 1. Tell an first letter, flood opening for right people. AddressTHOS. J. BAYDKN, Bgr. ana Prop., Star Theatre. Scranlon. Pa. HEAVY and CHARACTER BAN and GENERAL BUSINESS HAN. to double Band: CHARACTER ana OENKBAL BUSINESS WOMAN with SpejUl- tles, MUSICALS doubling Band and Orchestra, PIANO to double Tuba. Useful people write. Going into opera bouses this Fall. AIIBIKTTA dc PDLLEII'I COMEDIANS, Roodhowse, Ills. Wanted (or "East Ijniie" Han for Carlisle, Woman for Barbara. Prefer married couple. Bute salary. Fay own. Long season. Send cats and program. Bust be 6 ft. 6 or over, dree well and be strictly sober. Other people write. Add. BOB., KINO'S "BAST LYNNE," Canandalgna, N. T., Sept. a. WANT T« BUY Trained Pony let, Trained D«gs and looks Host be cheap for cash. WUI bny Tack On Scenery. Opera Honse Bgrs. send open time. Week stand, Band and orchestra. BURDOCK BROS.' COMEDIANS, Bethel, Me. ORIENTAL DANCEB8, STOCK WOMEN, SINGERS and FIRST PABT WOMKV, Glwe two to fosur weeks. A. HAMMERLY Bijou Theatre - - Hamilton, O. SHOW PRlfiKG^A-: Hall ub to-day a S-cent stamp for Price List snd Catalogue. Dodgers, Heralds, Deters, Tickets, cards and Business Stationery. Prompt delivery guaranteed. HAaELBY SHOW rtUWT, MS W. Front Street, Berwick. Pa. WANTED FOR MURPHY'S COMEDIANS, Mo. 3 A good character man, that can do general busi- ness; capable of doubling band preferred. Wort year round. State lowest eatery. Bust Join on pi!!!L- Wlw i BRT HBfc'VTU.B, Manager Murphy's comedians, Fredonla, Kan., all this week. WANTED, Novelty People White or donble. Acrobatic, musical or man with machine and films. Bed. show. Week stands, B. B. wAUDIO, Daacosabe, Iowa. THEATRE IN Philadelphia, Pa. First claaa condition. Seating capacity 1300. Apply by letter only, to ALBERT SINGER 889 Kelly Street - ■ Bronx. Maw Yorit City WANTED FOR A PfTORESSIVE MED. CO. ALL MB SKETCH TE1H Who can change for six nights. Those playing piano or organ preferred. Season opens Sept. 80. salary and all particulars In first letter. Ticket* to any part of United States to reliable people. Address QILBBRT A EVERETT, 800 W. BROADWAY, LOUISVILLE, KT. WANTED QUICK YOUNG, GOOD LOOKING WOMAN FOB STRONG INOKNVK PAUT, GOOD JTrVBtBILB MAM One who will manage stage and handle small amount of scenery. Bust be experienced and re- liable, and able to Join on wire. Pay own tele- grams. L.KO P. HARRISON, Manager, Bert Moaner's'The Girl and the Outlaw." Lamont, la., Sept. a; Oladbrook, 23. Dike 24. AUtson 26. LIBI CLEVER INGENUE Can handle Soubrette Leads. 6ft. 2X In.; UOlbs.; sge 22. Experience, wardrobe and appearance. INGENUE, ( are of N. Y. OLIPPKlt. Heavy Ban. good, deep voice: Intelligent Char- acter-Comedy Old Ban, donble low comedy; Juvenile, small part, good reader and voice: Slags Mgr., useful, dye acenorr. No boozers or ctgaret- ttsta. Medium sized men. State ail, size, ago, salary, weight. Long season. Bako salary low. O. TARNUM TBFrT, RHODES, IA. WANTEDe l«pertoire People ii All lines Send photos, program*, and state lowest salary, all first letter. No time to correspond, address JORDAN DRAMATIC 00.. OBN'L DEL., LORAIN, OHIO. CLARA TUROTER WANTS UNION PROPERTY MAN snd CARPENTER To W.F.BA ■lay small pan RRT. Hen* Bote Intel, Bnnbnry, Pa. WANTED QUICK, Straight Nan Wmi 8PECIALTIsW, 0001) SINGER. State age and lowest salary. C. FALKS. New Hesse Hotel, IMltabarab, P«. Clipper Post Office. Ita order to avoid mistakes and to ■Mure the prompt delivery of the letters advertised la tale list, aa envelope plainly addressed mnat lie eent for each letter, and a written order for tbe letter, alaraed with the (all saw and address aad tbe llae of bnalneaa folio-wed by the sender, moat aleo be enclosed. Fleaae mention the date for num- ber) of the CLIPPER la which the letters seat for were advertised. LADIBn' LIST. Allen, Eva AulKton, Mtbel Anderson Lllll.o Arnold, Jerale Addison, Velma Blodfett, Mm. I. M Bradley, Uarlon liuntlnn, Eroma Brink, Jostle Bkxtgvtt. Ida M Banks, Amy Oorrflu Bra.Edw OUrk, Maud A Haael Oollla., Anna M. Clifton, Elm.r Camobtll. Jessie Cleveland Ooldle Bant, Bay B. Oralf. Marietta Ooltoa, Mr. Wm Cease DorothyB Clayton. Zclla CUrt, Rachel May Dlston Madeline Daaln, Beatrice Utxou, Bodonle Demaey, B«a«le DeScueUe. Dorothy De Follrrt. Kvelyn Dorscy Maud L. DesiuoiKla Milk- Karl, Mona Estlii, Marie Fearreoll EssleA r'or<-»t, Dorothy Vrytt, Beatrice Flnl.y, Dora Fuller, Agnea Folye, Ooldle It. Flood. Alice Orant, Nettle Oetwst Gertrude OrlSIn, Bale Golden, Orayce Gllmotv, May Methven, Oracle Mabloni M.ybele Gerald Florence May, Ptla Gordon, Alice IIoMn, I.oulae Uandy, Sadie Holmes, Ellrabeth Martin, Blanche McDonlel. Henrietta MvUr Margaret Nesbltt Blanche nemhaw, Vlnnle Not, Wlnnlfrad Hyde, Prankl* llarvry Mrs.Doe lUrrla, Bobby Harrlsa, Bay Howard, Msrfaret Hopklne, Erama May Harris, Vlala Irving, llmldie Jones, Mm. Horry A Kerr, Beatrice Kohl. Frances Keelej, Lillian Ktncald, Evelyn Lynn, May Lambert, Emma E Lapln, Ruth Lawremx, Mn. E. 8 Lea, Delia Leonard, Josephine Lawrence Madge Allen, Eddie Austin, Fred Ail.uiHon. Carl Austin, Frank Alluiu. A Wlnlleld Adklus 1 Slirnnon Anu.trocg Billy Ailami, Geo. It. Allien,.Beit Adams, lt.rry Browu, Geo. H. Bund, Barry B. Belford, O W. fire. nun. EdW. Brown, Frank llrlltonn, MualC. Bettlnger, L. J ilrsilinim Mr, JlliiKtiuru. RoSSCl Bell, Nelson Barrotrs Warren Bonney, E. D. llolilwlu. Barney Barrett, CliaaO. BernBtcln. M. llaruet. It A. Buckliurdi Chi Baums, Musical Uruce, Alt. Bentley Musical Browu, BvnJ H Carlisle. J. V- Cunlngliam, Carl Crowley, Jaa. T, Cornells. Peter Collins, Fred Clayton, Murray Cste.B. 3. Clayton, Frank OoueU-ar Alfred Cotton, Frsuk Costlo H. B. _ Cuufield, Wm. F Cushman's (\»ueily Co. Carlyle, Jno. 0, Carroll, Theo. Ciiarmeltea Jules CollliiB & l.omile Cullen, Frank Cross & May Christy AHok'sn Case, Howard I. Oouuolly. Hush Crane. II. 0. Daly, d.B. Duncan, Koy Davit, Jack Daute, Flunk Lynlirook Lilian Leone, Minnie Leslie, Fay Lee, Kitty MsgKsnt, Tiny Martlu, Theresa Martin. Blanche Mavis, Cells Morrettl Carmen Marlon, Ruby llorrls, Annie Mlgnon LaPetlte GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Patterson. Flo Proctor, Lotta Porter, Rosa Powell, Victoria Pearl, Violet Piatt, FJIa L. Phelps. Lillian I'elbain, Vna Khe, I^uralne Russell, Joule Iteno, Arnn Reade, Roma Randea, Dannie Keener, Oorlnne Ronton, Ida Rivers, Addle Klley, Glenna Bellly Mrs.Jack Rice, 0 Bl.ncbc Smith, Beatrice Sterling, Miss I. Self, Dora Soller, Rdlth Mn rid Smith, Daikle Shaw, IilMh Blnwnone Maggie Teed, Mollle Thompson, Turner Mies B. Vincent, N.dcge Wsithaina. May Wolbort Dorothy Wallace, Trlxle Waehtrarn. Blanche Wools, Ansa Western, Helen Oordou, U. B. Gordons, Flying Garden, Geo. E. Oleuroy, Tbos. Garrlck, Rich Guernsle, W. B (llliliiy, Ceo. B Herring, Ira llodgklni, Bart HeSron, Tom Henderson, O. A Howard Rogers Henuuu, A I. llooiier. Frank Howard Billy HamUton, Col Q Hemnel. Guitar Hanuon, J. C. Howard, Billy Uyima, Johnny Her*. R. D. HJylllutpiUead B Henry, A. Ill, Chat. Imi'Stsi. Burt June, lUlul. J antes. Alt P. Joiiusoo, Leater Jackson, Ilarry A KsU Jerrard, J. T. Joues, 1. 0. Jarno, Dan L. Ksniey, Mr. Keely, Ono. A. Kohlcr, 0. Keeley, Uua E. Knlii, Milo J. Kramer, Fred B Kelly, Bllllo IverHhuw A Stone Klein A Clirton King, Hnrry D. Kline, Harry Klllley, Villi II Kreas, Tom KeniHKly Tomey Keeler, II, J. Kildor. J. F. LaFrance. Dan Lovctt, Kddie Leater, Win. 11 Uiwls, Arih. F. I.liiileinaiinH Two Lawrence, B. S. LcVelles, Flylns I>eVarda. W. S. Lerlu, 15. f^eonuril, J. B. Loreot Trio DeVenion Frank l.eivls. l<*ilgar Deluiar, Dan U.ll^wia, Clias. Darenport H. R Ln Tort, W. C. Donovan A McDonald Donsiettl Bros. Usui', Dan Donhaar. Jas. E Dead, W. C. DcWolf, David Deiiew, Thos. Deltoln, Frank Krnle, Eddie Rarte, Jay Urmnett, Eugene Edwanls A Kcrnell Elliott Adelbcrt Earle, L. A. Ferguson, Dick Freeman, Lew Falurdo Flood & Enno Francis, Cat E. Feeley, Mickey Kerrl, Capt. Fulkuer, Fred Forrest, Wm. Gontales Adolph Gorrell, Al. Golden, Billy Gravetta, Tbos. Golilstone, Mr. A Mrs. Ph. Lnferty, Grant Lai'ort, Joe 1 ci'. Tbos, Lawrence it. I, Lester AMowrle Marshall, B. B. Miller, Frank Moya, Thos. C. Mattcraon, Albt Marioe & Alilo Morrlsaey W. E. McCuo. Wm. Mathew, C. F. Merwtn. Geo. C. Miner, Frails Mitchell. Wm. McAnnllun, Joe Maaaey, Molt Mnrtcfl, L. B. McKee, It. O. McQlnlcy. Bob & Eva Murray- Maekey Oo. Macdonilil Bob. Melrose, Don Mitchell. Jos. A Mjent. Jew Newton, LltlyS. Nelson. J. V. New, Will Tbos. Newell, Fred Nelll. A Carrol O'Urlcn. Frank Proctor, Ray A. Pari., Unnel Paul, Oliver M. Patterson. M. J. Paul, Hurry A. Park, Winifred Powers, Eugene Power, Win. H. Poweri, Eugene Patbys RtockOo. Froaaer, ReeaeV Plllard, Jno. Purtello, W. A. Palmer, Italic Pearce, A. C. Peters, E House Pauling, Art. L Esjwll. Leo Itussell Harrian River. II Fletch Rodrlglea Mai. Richards, B. Roland, Jack Badgers A 8L Clair Rice, Ed. Richardson, F. Heed, Cyril lUioaderi, R. ft Itlgby, Arlliur lteutfrow, J. N. Rueker Dr. H.D Romalne Manuel Ktnini.i."* Itnw. Reed. Hans RuyinniKl Jnck Ray, Jno. J. Kathlniii F. II. Blley, Dan Slilolll:,, T. Stewart, II. M. Htelllng. Kr.HlW Heyminir, F. V. Knviler. TIhih. Smilb, R. W. Sourw, Tbe Rt. Laurent 0. Spry, T. B. Roper, Edw. Blevers. II. F. Sbiger, Henry Stanley at Scanlon Batter, Jack Tinnier, Wm, Tinner, O. II. 'fowler, Dave Tucker, H. R. Tuller, B. F. Trapptrt. Harry Udell, Chts. 15. Valll, W. J. Voce. Torn Van Dora, Horry Van, Chat. A. Vallnry, Major VsnSelmlek. E. Van, Arlhnr Watson, Geo. Wlnton, B. Wells, Ben Walck, R. C. Wiwdward, V. P Woodward. H A Weston. Clyde Webb, Walt Wheeler, Jack Walters, Fred Wright, Jno. B. White, Allen O. William:!. W. B West, Ford Walck, E. 0. Yankee) Robinson Clscus Yeagcr, Edw. Yiird, Geo. Yockney. Jno. Zanies, 3. Zimmerman, Mr, gamer, Casper Zletow. II. ll. SEE NOTICE AT UEAD OP LIST. DoYou WANT MILfTART GOODS? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMY or NAVT SUITS. TENTH, GDN8 and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Oovernmont Anctfon. Ho matter what yon want ln that Use, I can supply It Bsw or second hand. Send for catalogue, B. ii. ABRAHABS, 222 South St, Philadelphia, Fa. Hosotofs, Parodies, etc., written to order. Prices and terms reasonable. All work guaranteed. Ob ROSE A RHODES, BBS., BOX US. SOOTH BEND. INDIANA. MOUNT LOWE Towering 6100 feet ln ths sir; the crowning glory of the Southland, and rsavched and climbed by modern electric oars to the 5000 foot hsnghL THE SCENIC WOOTERLAWD TRIP OF THE COWTINENT Sand for Illustrated Folder Describing It Fully Pacific Electric Railway TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA HIGH-CLASS STOCK PEOPLE in all lines for our No. 3 and 4 Companies FF.IIMA.VENT STOCK, OSK BILL A WKJ2K Oan also use for our No. 2 Show HEAVY man, Al COMEDIAN and YOUNG CHARACTER WOMAN that can do hsavles. All of the above people must be yonng, good looking and have plenty of the latest wardrobe. All mnst understand the English language and know how to apeak It. State age, height and weight and lowest salary In first letter. Do one considered without late Photo snd past ezperlenoe. Oan also nse two Boenlo Artists. Address HOKNB STOCK OOMPANT, Park Opera Ilowse, Erie, Pa. STRONG SLIDE TROMBONE, for Band and Orchestra Also FIRST CLASS COOK AND PORTER Ban and wife preferred, for finest two oar week stand show, en tour, state are, experience and all. gore salary; year's work. Address Wll.LlAB TODD SHOW, Henderson, N. Q. CLARA TURNER for one piece, week stands, man for Jnvenlle, man for characters, man for general business; ntso woman for general business. State lowest salary aud other particulars In first letter. Photos re- turned. VV. F. BARRY, Mgr., NetT Hotel, Saabnry, Pa. LEO H. KING WANTS PEOPLE IN ALL LINES FOR PEKMAK1KT STOCK AND REPERTOIRE GOOD GENERAL HITS. BAN AND WOMAN, that can look and play anything cast for. All pooplo mus have good appearance on and on*; Specialty People preferred. Also Waot People in All Lines for KINO DRAMATIC CO., CLIFF SWAN, Manager Address LEO H. KINO, Springfield, Bo., In cars King Dramatic Co., week Sept. It, Permanont addrvaa, itiis BIUH10AN ATK,, 8T. LOUIS, BO. FOR THE OLD RELIABLE JESSIE COLTON CO. In Repertoire. LKADIN'I BAN. CRN. BUSINESS BAN, WOMAN for CHARACTERS and OUR. BUSI- NESS, WOMAN for INGENUES and BOUBRKTTi's. Prefer thoss doing specialties. Bute lowest salary ln first letter. Week stands. Pay own. State heigbt. welgbt snd age. All photos returned If reauasteo. Rehearsals at Orion, 111., Sept. SO. J. B. RICH ARDSON, Bgr., Banllus, 111., week of Sept. 10; Walnut, 111., week of Sept. zn Orion, III., week of Sept. no. WTANTED MUSICIANS, ACTORS, ACTRE88E8 All lines. Two good Comedians. One show a day. No parades. Year's steady work. Cornels, altos, trombones, baritones, tubas, clarinets, drummers, singers; good advanco agent; good billposter: good boas canvas man. Two car tent show. No afternoon work. Bnslclans double stage; actors double band. P. C. SOHMBLB, Martlasaai-f, w. Va. IT LIBERTY for U Psrisansnl Stock Versatile Leading Woman Leading Man Strong enough to Feature Capable Director Young, experienced, reliable and quick stndy. Address Q. 0. VOI.NKY, Colonial Annex, Sixth Slreo at Peun Avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. WANTED QUICK FOR STOCK Soubrette and Ingenue, General Business Man, Property Man to Play Parts, Scenic Artist Other useful people, who have wardrobe snd oan act, write. Must loin at onoe. Address OSCAR COOK, Qalesbarg, Uls. GOOD SINGLE ACT Blackface Man, old tltue Med, Comedian who ess play banjo preferred. Address JAB. A. PARK, MOR. V. \v. PARK DRAMATIC CO, Oadadea, Ala. WANTED, FOR PERMANENT STOCK One bill a week. Two matinees. No Sunday performances. PEOPLE IN ALL LINES State all first letter. Remember, eight performances a week. Buko salary accordingly, Will Buy a Second-hand Spot Light in good condition. Cliiro Kvaua, write. GEO. L. GRAVES, care of E. Kovacs, Bijou Theatre, Perth Amboy, New Jersey. MURPHY'S COMEDIAN'S No. 2 S PEOPLE IN ALL LINES, for Rep.-0IIARA0TER HAN to double Band, CLARINET PLATER to donble Stage or Specialties. Can uhs good SPECIALTY TEAB to double Stage. TRAP DUVH to double Stage or Specialties. Pay jour own hotel. MANAGER Ml llPlIY'B COMEDIANS, Covington, Teats. I want the name and address of every clever Band Actor In tbo D. 8. I am continually putting out new shows—and tney are continually stayino OUT AND BAKING BONEY. I have exerted every effort to make my shows the moat desirable of all repertoire shows, especially from the performers point of slew. Salaries an re every Sunday morning, snow or no show. No hold back. Never close. At pr. sent can plaoo Two Good lieavj and Character Ben, Two flood Leading and Heavy Women, flood Reper- toire Comedian. All must be clever. Send photos If possible also late programme, which will be I h-,ve shows In NowBexlco. Kansas. Address HORACE MURPHY, .'143 St. Nlcliolaa Ave., New York City. returned. HEAVY MAN AND GENERAL BUSINESS WOMAN, A SPECIALTY TEAM THAT CAN DO SINGLES AND DOUBLES 1% oasiccrisp a4t. pleate mention Currss. «•»« »»«fol psopto write, B. 1. BLBTHEN, Alrdome, Laurel, Hiss.