The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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Septembeb 21 THENEW YORK CLIPPER. 17 IONO WITH "THE FIFTY-TWO WEEKS' CONTRACT ON EVERY BILL! A "SOLAR PLKXTJR" IB EVERY CHORUS. OBOHKSTHATIOH, TWELVE KEYS ET YOU ALONE TO-NIGHT LEO. FEIST «i INC.. 'uvtoxm Street NEW YORK. 14&T .^Street CHICAGO P. -M. J. STONE wi TBJgP FISCHER WTJJ. WELCOME TOD AT OUR CHICAGO OFFICE ••Milestones"—Klaw * Ktlanger's — Blactatone, „;SS°W^K Slnger'e-Prinee... Obi- ■uffin 1 ^"* it Singer's-Grand Rapids, ^tT 2^L0Sails,tort, Ind.. 20. ••Master of the House. The"—Sam 8. A Lee Shu- belt?Inc.-Thlrty-nlnth Street, New York, 10, •Jnls&K Up. Tbe"-Jos. M. Galtea'-Olym- Malt anu <«* 2Q H 1^*^- 2 3. 28 . .•\init ind Jeff," B— Oub Hill's—Greenville, 8. C .iff SpSntwr* 20. Asbeville, N. 0., 21, Kooiviile, Tenn., 23, Chattanooga 24, Rome, 0^25, Annlston, Ala., 20, Atlanta, Oa., 27, 28.' • ■umt and Jeff," 0—Ous Hill's — New Haven, Conn 10-2lTWort, K. 1., 23, New Bedford, Mass. 24, Brockton 25, Taunton 28, Fall Hirer •Silt and Jeff," D—Ons Hill's—Dover, N. J., 19 Eiston, Pa., 20, Allentown 21. Bcrnnton 23, Httston 24, Wllxes-Barre 25, Bloomsburg 20, \It Cormel 27. Shenandoah 28, "Jlitt and Jeff." E—Qua Hlll's^-Hampton, Vs., 25, Fredericksburg 20. Annapolis, Md„ 27. Win- "MliSoSif Girl, W-IMN * Rlth** —Red {j£? Alta, On., 1», Olds 20. Innlsfall 21, High River 23, Macleod 24. "M Jame Sherry"—Eastern, Pa., 10, Bending SI, Lancaster 24, Pottstown 20. Harrlsburir 28. "\leltlng rot, The"—Llebler Oo.'s—Hurt's Phila- delphia, 16-21, Newark. N. J.. 23-28 "Madame Sherry,"—Woods, Fraxee A Usurer's— Detroit. Mich., 10-21, Cincinnati, O., 22-28. • "My Wife's Family"—Lancaster, Pa., 10-21. Vazlmovs, Mme.—Charles Frobman's—Montreal, Can., 1041, Ottawa 23, Kingston 24, Hamilton 25, 20, London 27, Braotford 28. "Ne'er Do Wells, The"—Authors' Producing Co.'s —-Lyric, New York, 10. Indefinite. "New Sin, The"—Llebler Oo.'s—Powers', Chi- cago, 10, Indefinite. "Night In Venice, A"—Lancaster, Pa., 10-21. O'lJsra, Flake <A. J. PHou, mgr.)—Peterboro, (Int., Can.,- 10, Belleville 20, Kingston 21, Hrockvllle 23, Ottawa 24-20, OgdeiiKhurg, N. Y,, 27, Watertown 28. "Ohl Oh I Delphlne"—-Klaw A Erlnnger's—For- rest, Philadelphia, 10-28. "Olllter 008" — Cohan ft Harris' — Gaiety, New York, 16, Indefinite. "Officer 960," Western—Cohan A Harris' — San Francisco, Cal., 16-28. "Officer 686," Middle—Cohan ft Harris'—Fall River, Mass., IV, New Bedford 20, Newport, K. I., 21, Worcester, Mass., 23-25, Lancaster 20, Atltol 27, Northampton 28. "Officer 688," Southern—Cohan A Harris'—Sioux Falls, 8. Dak.. 10, Mitchell SO, Mankato. Mien., 21, Ban Claire, Wis.. 22, Grand Raplils 23, Stevens Point 24, Merrill 25, Wimsau 20. Menomonle 27, Apploton 28. "Old Homestead," Coast (Frank Thompson, mgr.) —Edmonton, Alta., Can., 20, 21. Calgary 28- 26, Revclatokc. B. O, 27, Knralonps 28. "Old Homestead," Southern (Frank Thompson, mgr.)—New Orleans, La., 16-21. "Oklahoma"—Kllrat ft Ouxzolo's—New Orleans, La., 22-28, "Oilier Man, The"—Cohan A Harris'—Hartford, Conn., 23-28 "Our Village Postmaster" (Clins. B. Mills, mgr.) -—Siwncer, Wis.. 19, Boyd 20. Chippewa Falls 21, Cndott 22, Colfax 23. Boycevllle 24, Glen- vocd 25-27, New Richmond 28. "Ono Day"—Newark, N. J., 10-21. Powers, James T.—Sam S. ft Lee Shubert, Inc.— Newark, N. J., 23-28. "Pink Lady"—Klaw A Erlanger's—Grand Opera House, New York, 18-21, Rochester, N. Y„ 23- 25. Syracuse 20-28. "Polish Wedding, The"—Cohnn ft Harris'—Grand, Chicago, 10, Indefinite. "Point of View, The"—Wra. A. Brady's—Adel- This, Philadelphia, 18-21. "Patting It Over" —Frank Hatch Amuse. Oo.'s (lames Whlttendnle, gen. mgr.)—Indianapolis, I nil., lt^l Terre Haute 22, La Fayette 23. Madison, Wis., 24, La Orosse 25, Rochester, Minn., 20, Eou Claire, Wis., 27, Red Wing. 'Minn., 28. "Price. The"—Clarence Bennett ft Co.'s—Niagara Falls. N. Y., 19. Wellsvllle 20, Hornell 21, Olean 23, Bradford, Pa., 24, Warren 25. Corry 20, Erie 27, 28. "Prince of To-Nlght. The"—Le Oomte ft Flesher's —Brookings, 8. Dak., 19, Madison 20, Pipe- stone, Minn., 21, Bloux City, la, 22. "Pair of Country Kids" (O. Jay Smith, mgr.)— Tipton, Ind., 10). Oxford 20, Lafayette 21. Will- lamsport -23, Oblong. 111., 24, Palestine 26, By- merla, Ind., 26, Sfaelbnrn 27. Dugger 28. Vj l fj ,,n Uodel> The" —Anna Held's —Arch, Philadelphia.' 10.21, Hart's, Philadelphia, 23-28. 'Paid In Full." Eastcrn-nO.'BY Primrose's—Al- bert Lea, Minn.. 22, Humboldt, la., 24, Eagle Orove 25. Carroll 26, Ida Grove 28. Tald In Full," Western —O. S. Primrose's — Washington, Kan., 23, Olay Center 24, Con- cordia 25, Mankato 26, Falrbury, Nebr,, 27, Ivdgar 28, •Prosecutor, Tbs"—Brooklyn, N. Y., 23-28. Quaker Girl, The" A—nenry B. Harris'—Colon- ial, Boston, 10. Indefinite. ( fem* r .P 1 "- ""*•" B —Henry B. Harris'— Wllkes-B&rre, Pa., 19, Reading 20, Harrlaburg 21, Richmond, Vn„ 23-25, Norfolk 26-28. •tobson. May—L. 8. Slre'a—Lawrence, Mass., 19. "'"K. Julia (J. p. Goring ft Co., mgrs.)—St. Louis. Mo., 10-28. 0 ' 1021 W " <,tCk W * ,,h ' »8r.)—Cleveland, "tam M«ld, The"—Werba ft Locscher's—Globe, New York. 18-21. nose Maid, The." O—Werba ft's—Nor- »■««."■' 19 ' Richmond 20, 21. Chnrlottesvllle H """H** i4 - Knoxvllle, Tenn., £5, Chatta- i JW8p .Hi Birmingham, Ala., 27. 28. Beady Money"—H. H. Frawe's—Maxlne Elliott, • „, N '" YMk - Hi Indefinite. ttffifc Money" (Fraxee ft Brady, mgrs.)— tJBBV ■• Mnulon, 10, Indefinite. mI J , M S ne C— H - H - Fraaec's—Kansas Olty, i ■i„~i 10 'Si' 0ra,ha ' N « br -. !M-2«. Hastings 29, Lincoln 27. 28. • Wn *&•&&?$& B P'shcr's—Toronto, Mi }??!• l '««n J lton 23, 24, St. Catharines u&2&* ?6, Woodstock 27. I-ondon 28. Tt^ e 7 "'i,. 8 ?" 1 " Brook Farm"—Klaw ft Bf- '•n«?J*f *2&9K London, 16, Indefinite. ftj"^'.2!?' 'Central — Rowland ft Clifford's, in i**" 1 " S? Oourcey. mgr.)—Angola, Ind., nV..» ub S. ra ,??■ Huntington 21, Blnffton 23, IBPlJK iJti Psnldlng 25, Van Wert 20, ( Lima 27. Ottawa 28. vH^^a^f" Bsslern—Rowland ft Clifford's, SF^SSPHk I"" 1B - Morrison 20, Clinton •u, Rock Island 22. Woodhull 23, Oalesburg . U'S 00 • u BKt * 2e - M ' comb S7 ' "^n? r,, n2^".. w * e iS :n — R*wl»na * Clifford's, ho^r5^ <n o I ?* , i!'„ 0ku y» 10 - MeAlester 20. Okls- tjoma 21 22, E Reno 23. Elk City 24, Amarlllo. ..G^ne.vmeo.T' 1 '*" 28 ' W1Ch,U F * ll • 27 ' flKsJPtf Sonthern—Rowland ft Ollfford'a, 10 H^,'!!, ' W-'W'M' jpgr.)—Tullahoma. Tenn.. NV«,%i h . rit, " , ""'S 20 - Huntsvllle. Ala., 21. r£J.R?£* ,u I. i3 < Jacksonville 24, Gadsden 25. »li£r.L ,ow & 9.*"~ 20 - OWtenrvllle 27, Rome 28. l!?!*lx^*J'« Ol«olt—Rowland ft Clifford's. inc—Orana Baplds, Mich., 16-21, Detroit 22- ' *!&*'** T k t \[J 0out ~ Rowland ft Clfford's, Inc. o.k on 8 ". 1 , 01 .: ngr.)—Olarlnda, la., 10, Bed Ss? ?S' « P J? t i ,nvon,n ' Nebr a 2». Lexington, S&S IS' £?"*J , . a ' Kin - u > *•»«» 28, Marys- "rtoliS.!,? 8 : X WD,r « ,<,n 27 i Belleville 28. Rollicking Bhsnnon" (Al. ilcLean. mgr.)—Oolum- ""'ai°"S 1 ',^ kTOn 23 ' 215 ' TToungatown 20-28. ^Ssdhi^ (?•!*«» * WcVJtty.lac, mgrs.) 'TO" °"3T. Neor., 19, Tecumseh 20, Uoltoa, Ksn.. 21. Osage City 23, Strong Olty 24, New- - ton 25, Stafford 26, Pratt 27, St. John 28. "Royal Slave" (0eo. H. Bobb. mgr.) —Law- rence, Mich., 19, Paw Paw 20, Buchanan 21, MareelhiK 23, Cassopolls 24, Union City 25, • Tekorisba' 2o; Sprlngport 27, Albion 28. "Romance of the Underworld"—Paul Armstrong's —Lincoln, Nebr., 19. "Hose of Panama, The"—John Cott's—St. Louis. Mo., 10-21. "Red Head" — Jos. Bryan Totten's — Louisville, Ky., 16-21. - . "Round Up"—Klaw & Krlanger's—Denver, Colo., 10-21. Slahl, Rose—Henry H. Harris'—Park, Boston, 10, Indefinite. Sotbcm, E. H., anil Julia Msrlowo—Rochester, N. Y., 19-21, Syracuse 23, 24. Skinner, Otis—Klaw ft Erlanger's—Illinois, Chi- cago, 10. Indefinite. Starr, Frances—David Belasco's—Providence, B. I., 20-28. Suratt, Valeska—Sam S. ft Lee Shubcrt, Inc.— Hamilton, Ont., Can., 20, 21. Sidney, George (A. W, Hennan, mgr.)—Cleve- land, O.. 16-21. Scheff, Frittl—Jos. M. Galtes'—Baltimore, Md., 10-21, Forrest,-Philadelphia, 23-Onl. 5. Shea, Thos. E.—A. H. Woods'—Cincinnati, O., 10-21. Stewart, May (J. O. CUne, mgr.)—Newton, la., 10, Iowa Falls 20, Oskaloosa 21, Ottnmwa 23. Centervlllo 24, Fort Madison 25, Keokuk 28. "8prlng Maid, The"—Werba A Luescher's—Jack- son, Mich., It), Tecumseh 20, Ann Arbor 21, Lansing 23, Owosso 24, Saginaw 2.',, Bay City 28, Flint 27. Port Huron 28. "Scrape o' the Pen, A"—Weber-Fields'—Hamil- ton, Ont. Can., 19. "Shepherd of the Hills, The." City (Gaskell A McVltty, Inc., mgrs.)—Springfield, III., 16-21, Indianapolis, Ind., 23-28. "Shepherd of the Hills, The," Wert (Gaskell A McVltty, Inc., mgrs.)—Evart, Mich., 10, Big Rapids 20, Ovosso 22, Charlotte 23, Flint 24, I'ontlac 25, Port Huron 27, ilaglnaw 28. "Shepherd of the House, The," West (Gaskell A McVltty, Inc., mgrs.)—Stillwater, Minn., 19, NorthUeld 20, Rochester 21, Austin 2:1, Wells 24, Winnebago 25, Blue Earth 2U, Mankato 27, St. Peter 28. "Servant In the House, The"—Merle II. Norton's —Meadvllle, Pa„ 10, Oil Olty 20, Tltusvllle 21, Warren 23. Corry 24, Jamestown 20. "Sunbonnet Sue" (Park Ploy Co., mgrs.)— Uhrlchsville, O., 10. Sallnevllle 20, Ileavcr Falls, Pa., 21, Mercer 23, Union Olty 24, Stonelwro 25, Warren 20, Clearfield 27, Punx- sutawicy 28. ... "Stumbling Block, The" (Oscar Graham, mgt.) —Oswego, Kan., 10, St. Paul 20. 21, Vlnlta, Oklri., 22, Sedan, Kan., 23, Codarvale 24, Ox- ford 25, Belle Plalne 20, Anthony 27, Kiowa 28. Thornton, Howard (Jack Jones, mgr.)—Worcester, Mass., 23-25, Syracuse, N. Y., 26-28. "Talker, The"—Henry B. Harris'—Rroad, Phllo- ileliililn, 10-21, Grand Opera House, New York, 23-28 "Tantalising Tommy"—A. U. Woods'—Chicago Opera House, Chicago, 16, Indefinite. "Trarellng Salesman. The"—Henry B. Harris'— St. !,<>uiH. Mo., 10-21, Kansas City 22-28. "Trurellng Salesman. The," Southern (A. S. Stem A Q>„ mgrs.)—'Norfolk. Vs., 16-21. Rocky Mount, N. O., 23, Wilson 24, Raleigh 25, Fayettevllle 20, Wilmington 27, Florence, 8. 0., 28. "Third Degree, The"—United Play Co.'s—Char- lotte, Mich., 19, Owosso 20, Pontlsc 21, Toledo, O., 22-25. Grand Raulda. Mich., 20-28. "Three Twins, The" (iPblilp II. Nlven, mgr.)— Ottawa, Can., 10-21, Berlin, N. II.. 23. Lis- bon 24, Dover 25, Concord 20, Gardner, Mass., 27, Northampton 28. "Thclma" (Smith A Sherraon, mgrs.)—'Midland, Mich.. 10, Flint 20, 21, Pontine 22, Grand Rap- Ids 23-25, Bay City 20-28. "Town Fool, The" (Harry Green, mgr.)—Cnr- thaire. 111., 10, Versailles 23, Bluffs 24. Pitts- ' field 26, Winchester 26. Boodhouse 27, Neho 28. "Town Marshall, The" (Wee A Lambert, nurt.)— East Fepperell, Mass., 10, Exeter, N. it., 20, Lawrence, Maas., 21, Salem 23, Wlscasset, Me., 24, Bootubay Harbor 25, Camden 20, Belfast 27, Dangor 28. "Texas Ranger" (Roy W. Sampson, mgr.)—Port- land, Colo.. 19, Walsenbm-g 20, Trinidad 21, Folaem, N. Mex., 23, Des Moines 24, Clayton 25, Texltne, Tex., 20, Dalhart 27. Channlng 28. "Tlllle's Nightmare"—Lew Fields' — St. Louis, Mo., 16-21. "Ten Nights In a Bar Room"—'National, Chicago, 22-28. . . ' .; . -, : - "Thief, The"—<J. B. Primrose's—Cedar Rapids, la,, 22, Anamosa 23, Maquoketa 24, Savanna, III.. 25, Dixon 20, Sterling 27, Morrison 28. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Eastern—Kibble A Mar- gin's (Wm. Kibble, mgr.)—Altoona, Pa., 19, 20, Johnstown 21. , .. "Uncle Tom's Cohlu"—Terry's (W. G. Dickey, mrr.)—Allison, la., 10, Tripoli 20, Sumner 21, Elma 23, Osage 24, Leroy, Minn., 25, Soring Valley 20. Stcwartsvllle 27, Pine Island 28. Wnroeld, David—David Belasco's—Newark, N. J. 23-28 Walker Whiteside (Walter Floyd, mar.)—Pitts- burgh, Pa., 16-21, Cincinnati. O., 22-28. Wnlker, Charlotte^—Klaw A Erlanger's—McVlck- er'a, Chicago, 10, Indefinite. Wilson, Al. H. (Sidney K. Ellis, mgr.)—Marietta, ()., 10, Charleston, W. Vs., 20, Ironton, O., 21, Portsmouth 23, Maysvllle Ky., 24, Lexing- ton 25 Louisville 20-28. William?, Estha—Arthur C-Alston's—Indianapo- lis, Ind., 10-21, Louisville, Ky., 22-28. "Woman. The"—David Belasco's—Butte, Mont., 10. Mltsoula 20, Spokane, Wash., 21, Seattle 23-28 "Whirl of Society"—Sam S. A Lee Shuhert, Inc. —Lyric, Chicago, 16, Indefinite. "Woman Hater's Club, The"—A. H. Woods'— Tremont, Boston, 16-Oct. 5. "Within the Law"—Am. Play Oo.*a—Eltlnge, New York, 10, indefinite. "Within the Law"—Am. Play Oo.'s—Milwaukee, Wis., 16-21, Indianapolis, Ind.. 23-28. "Whom Does Helen Belong To?" (Oorastock ft Oeat, mgrs.)—Stndehaker, Chicago, 16, Indefi- nite. "Winsome Widow, The"—Florenx Zlegfeld'a Jr. —Colonial, Chicago, 16, Indefinite. "Winning Miss, The"—Little.Rock, Ark.. 19-21. "Where the Trail Divides"—Cleveland. O., 23-28. "Yoke. The"—(Milwaukee. Wis., 16-2*. Zlcxfeld's Follies (Florenx Zlegfeld Jr.. mgr.)— Moulin Rouge, New York, 23, indefinite. STOCK AND UEPEflTOIHE. IVrmsnent and Traveling. Alloa National Stock (Thos. Alton, mgr.)—Rome, N. Y.. 17-10, Palmyra 20, 21, Akron 23-28. All Star Stock (M. H. Onlealan, mgr.)—St. James, Boston, 10, Indefinite. American Theatre Stock (James Wall, mgr.)— American, Philadelphia. 10, Indefinite. Academy Slock (F. E. Henderson, mgr.)—Jersey City. N. J., 10, Indefinite. Brown, Kirk (J. T. Macauley, mgr.)—Long nraneh. N. J., 10-21, Asbury Park 23-28. Balrd, Grace (John Lovcrldge. mgr) — Bowie, Tex., 10-21, Weatherford 23-25. Betsey. Jack, and his Stock—Burlington, la., 16- 21, Bloomlnglon, 111., 23-28. Brocka Stock (Jack Brooks, met.) —Lancaster, Wis., 19-21, Wanseka 23, 24, Klkader, la., 25- 26. Bijou Stock (Geo. H. Hickman, mgr.)—Nashville, Tenn., 16, Indefinite. Belasco Theatre Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)— Los Angeles. Oa!., 10, indefinite. Blthop Players (II. W. Bishop, mgr.)—Oakland, Cal., 16. Indefinite. Burbank Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.) —Los Angeles. Cat., 15, Indefinite. Bjers. Fred. Stock—Tyler. Minn., 19-21, Tracy 22-25, Clear Uke, i*,, 20-28. Breckenrldgc Stock (Ohas. Breckcnrldge, mgr.)— Watorloo. In., 10-21, Geneseo, III.. 23-28. Blanchanl A Thompson Oomedy—Carllnvllle, III,, 10-21. Chase-Lister. Northern (Glenn F. Chase, mgr.)— Algoiii, .in... 10-21, Guthrie Center 23-28. Chnuncej-KelfTer (Fred C. Chnnnccy, mgr.)— Hanover, Pa., -16-21, Phtcnlxvlllc 23-28. Cornell-Price Players (Cornell A Price, mgrB.)— Allegan, Mich., 16-21, Hart 23-28. Cnrlcton Slaters (Varney A Montgomery, mgrs.) —Concord, N. 0.,-16-21, Winston-Salem 23-28. Chatterdon, Arthur, - Stock (N. Appet], nur.)— Kalamasoo, Mich., 16-21, Battle Oreek 22-28. Colonial Stock (Cortland Hopkins, riigr.)—Sum- merslde, P. E. I„ Can., 10-21, Charlotte town 23-28. Carroll Oomedy (Ion Carroll, mgr.)—Spencer, W. Va., 10-21. Crescent Players—B. F. Keith's—Brooklyn, N. Y., 16. Indefinite. Craig Stock (John Craig, mgr.)—Castle Square, Boston, 18, Indefinite. Columbia Plsyers (Fred O. Berger, mgr.)—Wash Ington, D. 0.. 10, Indefinite. Co'lege Stock—United Play Co.'s—College, Chi- cago, 10, Indefinite. Davla Stock (Harry Davis, mgr.)—Pittsburgh, Pa., 16, Indefinite.. De Voss, Flore (J. B. Rotnour, mgr.)—Rhlne- landcr, Wis, 10-21, Augusta 23-28. Dillon ft King's Musical Oomedy—Oakland, Cal., 10, Indefinite. Ewlng, Gertrude (Wm. N. Smith, mgr.)—rawnee City, Nebr., 16-21, York 23-28. Ellwand Stock (Prince Ellwood. mgr.)—Hills- horo, N. U., 19-21. PlttsUcld 23-2.">. Frnnk. John E.. Players (C. Ausklngs. mgr.)— Clayton, N. Mex., 16-21, Trinidad. Colo., 22- 28. Fox's Musical Comedy (Wm. Fox, mgr.)—Acad- emy. New York, 16, Indefinite. Fischer's Musical Comedies <K. A. Fischer, mgr.) —I.os Angeles, Col., 16, Indefinite. Graham Associate Players (Oscar Orshnm. mgr.) —Springfield, Mo., 16-21, Carthage 22-28. (lordInler Bros.' Stock (E. G. nonlluler, mgr.) —Roaevllle, III., 18-21, Slroiighurst 23-28. Gotham Stock—B. F. Keith's—Brooklyn, N. T., 16. indefinite. Oreenpolnt Players—B. F. Keith's—Brooklyn, N. Y.. 10, Indefinite. Oay<1y Theatre Stock (Chas. Franklyn, mgr.)— Hoboken, N. J., 10. Indefinite. Harvey Stock, Northern—Harvey D. Orr's—Ber- lin, Wis., 10-21, Galena 23-28. Hayes, Lucy, and Associate Players—Qoodland. Kan., 10-21. lllllimiii's Ideal Stock (Harry Sohns, mgr,)—Al- bion, Nebr., 10-21, Seward 23-28. Hlmmoleln Players (Ira E. Earle, mgr.)—Elyrla, O., 10-21. Hntton-Bulley Stock—Wilmington, O., 10-21. Harrison Associate Players (Harrison & Nelson, mgrs.)—White River Junction, Vt., 10-21. Harlem Opera House Stock—New York 10, In- definite. Juneau Stock (J. II. Relchert, mgr.)—Milwau- kee, Wis.. 10. Indefinite. Kev.'H Stock (Chester A. Keyes, mgr.)—Chanute, Km. . 10-21. Keith Stock (James E. Moore, mgr.)—Portland, Me., 10, Indefinite. Klark, Gladys, and her Players (J. B. Balfour, mgr.)—Bathurst, N. B., Can.. 10-21. Kllmt A Gaitolo's Stock—National, Philadelphia, 10, Indefinite. Long Stock (Frank F,. Long, mgr.)—Planklnton, S. I)., 19-21, Vermilion 23-28. Lynn Stuck (Jack Lynn, mgr.)—Perry, N. Y„ 10-21. Dunkirk 23-28. Lyceum Block—Fox A King's—Ogden, TJ., 10, in- definite. Morloon Stock (Lindsay Morlson, mgr.)—Lynn, Mass., 16, Indefinite. Marlowe Players (L. I. Montague, mgr-)—Mar- lowe, Chicago, 10, Indefinite. McOord Slock—Salisbury, Mo., 16-21. Murphy's Comedians—Tucumctrl, <N. Mex., 16- 21, Maher Stock (Fbll Mahcr, mgr.)—Tapper Like, N. Y.. 10-21. Manhattan Players (Geo. E. Brown, mgr.)—Tren- ton, N. J., 10, Indefinite. North Bros.' Stock ("Sport" North, mgr.)—Fair Park Theatre, Oklahoma, Okla.. 18. Indefinite. National Stock — Rourke A Brown's—I'luckney- vllle. HI 16-21. Orjdieum Players (Grant Laferty, mgr.)—Chest- nut Street, Philadelphia, 10. Indefinite. Orplirum Stock (T. L. Sheeley, mgr.)—Jersey City, N. J.. 10, Indefinite. Pay ton Stock (M. S. Schleslnger, mgr.)—West End, New York, 10, Indefinite. Payton Stock (M. 8. Schleslnger, mgr.)—Newark, N. I„ 10, Indefinite. Foil Players (Thos. A. Klrby, mgr.)—Bridge- port, Conn., 10, indefinite. Poll Plovers—Hartford, Conn., 10. Indefinite, Poll Players (John H. Docking, mgr.)—hcranlon, Pa., 16. Indefinite. Poll Players (8. J. Breen, mgr.) — Springfield, Mass., 10, Indefinite. Poll Players (James Thatcher, mgr.)—Washing- ton, D. O, 10, Indefinite. Prruchl-Gypiene Stock (O. D. Peruchl, mgr.)— New Orleans, La., 10, indefinite. Prlngle, Dells, and Stock — Edmonton, Alta,, Can., 10. indefinite. Prlncet Theatre Btock (0. L. Richards, mgr.)—• Tnniina, Wash., 10, indefinite. I'roaiiect Theatre Stock (Frank Gersten. mgr.)— Bronx, New York, 10, Indefinite. Plckcrls, Four (Willis Pickert, mgr.)—Warrick, N. Y., 19-21, Flshklll on the Hudson 25-28. Pearl Stock, No. 1 (A. A, Webster, mgr.)—Hunt- Ington, W. Va.. 16. indefinite. Pearl Stock, No. 2 (A. A Webster, mgr.)—Mari- etta, O., 10, Indefinite. Reynolds A Ross Players (Billy Ross, mgr,)— Toledo, la., 10-21, Creston 23-28. Royal Stock (Oliver McBrleu. mgr.) — Montreal, Can., 10, Indefinite. Spooner, Cecil, and Stock (Louis T. Fosse, mgr.) —Meticpolls, New York, 10, Indefinite, Sherman-Kelly Stock (Harry B. Sherman, mgr.)— Rochester, Minn., 23-28. St. Claire Stock (Harry St. Claire, mgr.)— Prince Albert, Sank,, (Jan., 10, Indefinite. Strong, Elwln, Stock—Jlooper, Nebr., 10-21, Bee- nier 23-28. Rt. Clair A Monlressa Musical Comedy—Denver, Colo., 16, Indefinite. Stsmsch-HardB Stock—Mount Vernon, N, Y., 10, Indefinite. Temple Theatre Stock (J. O. Apjileton, mgr.)— Hamilton, Ont., Can., 10, Indefinite. Tcmiieat Stock (J. L. Tempest, mgr.)—Hopewell, Pa., 10-21, Baxlon 23-28, Tolson Stock—Airdome, Fort Scott, Kan,, 10-21. Trims., Sarah, and Thnrlow Bergen Stock—Ban Francisco, Cal., 10. indefinite. Vall-Tnrner Stock (Burton Vail, mgr.)—Mystic, In.. 10-21. Van Dyke A Eaton Btock (F. Mack, mgr.)—Air- dome, Des Moines, la,, 16, indefinite. Wolfe Stock (J. A. Wolfe, mar)—Wichita, Kan., 16. Indefinite. Wiunlnger Slock (Frank Wlmilnger, mgr.)—Chip- pewa Falls, Wis., 16-21. WHEEL HUnLKSaiK SHOWS. Empire—Western. Americans (Ed. E. Daley, mgr.)—People's, Ola* clnnstl, 16-21. Folly. Chicago. 22-28. Anto Girls (Teddy Slmonds, mgr.)—Howard, Bos- ton. 16-21, Grand Opera House, Boston. 2328. Big Review (Henry P. Dixon, mgr.)—Empire, Baltimore, 10-21, Lyceum, Washington, 23-28. Bohemians (Al. Lubln, mgr.)—Buckingham, • UulSville, 10-21. Empire, Indianapolis, 23-28. Century Girls (Walter Greaves, mgr)—fialety, Minneapolis, 10-21, Orand Opera House, St. Paid, 22-28. Cherry Blossoms (Max Armstrong, mirr.)—Mlsh- l«r, AlWMu, 19, CambrU, Joluntown, 20, White Opera House, McKeeaport, 21, Star, Cleveland, 23-28. . • DnfTydills (Arthur Muller, mgr.)—Lay of! week 10-21. Krug. Omaha, 22-38, Dsnily Girls (Abe Gorman, mgr.)—Gayety, Mil- waukee, 10-21, Gaiety, Mlnnepolls, 22-28, • - Danto's Dnuahters (Chas. Taylor, mgr.)—Bowery, New York, 18-21, Empire, Philadelphia, 2J.-28. Ducklings — Lafayette, Buffalo, 18-21, Columbia, Scranton, 23-25, Ornheum, Paterson, 26-28. Follies of the Day (Jack McNamara, mgr.)— Omnd Opera House, St. Paul, 10-21, lay off seek 22-28. Gay Willows (Ixnils Oherworth, mgr.)—Lyceum, Washington, 10-21, Lyric, Allcntcmn, 23, Acad- emy, Reading, 24, Majestic, Hnrrlnburg-, 26, Mlahler, Altoona, 20, Cambria, Johnstown 27, Willie's Opera House, McKoesnort, 28. Olrls From Missouri (Louis Talbot, mgr.)—Em- pire, Chicago, 10-21, Oayety. Milwaukee, 22-28. Girls From Reno (James Madison, mgr.)—Star, Toronto, 16-21, Lafayette, Buffalo, 23-28. Girls From Joylsnd (Sim Williams, mgr.)—Co- lumbia, Scranton. 10-18, Orpheum, Patenton, 10-21. Bowery. New York, 23-28. High Life In Burlesque (Chas. Falkc, mgr.)— Eighth Avenue, New York, 10-21, Howard, Bos- Ion, 23-28. .Turdln de Paris Girls (Morris Walnstoek, mgr.)— F.niplre, Indianapolis, 10-21, Empire, Chicago, 22-28. Lady Buccaneers (H. M. Btrouse, mgr.)—Empire,. Philadelphia. 10-21, Casino, Brooklyn, 23-28. Merry Maidens (Edw. Bcbaefer, mgr,) —Casino, Brooklyn, 16-21, Eighth Avenue, New York, 23- 28. Miss Now York Jr. (Wm. Fcnnessy, mgr.)—Or- fhcum, Paterson, 10-18, Columbia, Scrauton, ti-21. Trocadero, Philadelphia,, 23-28. Moulin Rouge—Empire, Brooklyn. 10-21, Empire, Newark, 23-28. Orientals (Wm. 0. Cameron, mgr.)—Avenue, De- - treat. 16-21. Star, Toronto, 23-28. Pace Makers (R. B. Patton, mgr.)—Grand Opera . House, Boston, 16-21, Bronx, New York. 23-28. Queens of the Folles Bergere—Counlbnn ft Shan- non's—Standard, St. Louis, 10-21, Buckingham. Louisville. 22-28. Rose Bu-ls (Lew Livingston, mgr.)—Star, Cleve- land, (6-21, People's. Cincinnati, 22-28. Stars of Stageland (Wm. Dunn, mgr.)—Bronx, New York, 16-21, Empire, Brooklyn, 23-28. Tiger Lilies (Jsmes Weedon, mgr.)—Trocadero, Philadelphia. 16-21, Empire, Baltimore, 23-28. Watson's Burlrsquers (Dan Guggenheim, mgr.)— Century, Kansas Olty, 16-21, Standard, St. Louis, 22-28. Whirl of Mirth (Bob Gordon, mgr.)—Empire, Newark, Kl-21, Ornheum, Paterson, 23-28, Co- lumbia, frcrsnton, 20-28. Yankee Doodle Girls (Alex. Oortnnn, mgr.)— Krus, Omaha, 10-21, Century, Kansas City, 22- 28. Zsllsh's Own (Harry Thompson, mgr.)— Folly, Chlcai.ii, 10-21, Avenue, Detroit. 22-28. Colombia—Eastern. Al. Reeves' Scanty Show—Columbia, Chicago, 16- ■21, aayety, Detroit, 22-28. American Beauties (Dave Guraii, mgr.)—Star and darter, Chicago, 16-21, Standard, Cincinnati, 22-28. Beauty, Youth and Folly (W. V. Jennings mgr.) —Empire, Qulncy, 19, 20, Columbia, Chicago, 22-28. Bchman Show (Jack Blnger, mgr.)—Corinthian, Rochester, 16-21, Unstable. Syracuse, 211-25, Bon Tons (Jesse Burns, mgr.)—Empire, llolioken, 16-18, Empire Paterson, 10-21, Gayety, New- ark. 23-28. Bowery Burlesrruors (Geo. II. Harris, mgr.)— Columbia, New York, 16-21, Star, Brooklyn, 23-28. College Olrla <n. II. Hedges, mgr.)—Oayety, Montreal, 16-21, Empire. Albany, 23-20, Frank- lin Snnnre, Worcciter, 26-28. Columbia llurlesquers (Frank Burns, mAT.)—Em- pire, Albany. 16-18, franklin Square, Worces- ter, 10-21, Casino, Iloslou, 23-28. Crscker Jacks (Harry Leoul. mgr. I—Oayety, New- ark, 16-21, Oayety, Philadelphia, 23-28. Daulers, The (Chas. B. Arnold, mgr.)—Park, lirldgrport, 10-21, Westminster, Providence, 23- 28. Dreamland Burlraqiiers (E. Trarers, mgr.)—Ca- sino, Philadelphia, 16-41, Hurtlg A Heamon's, New York, 23-2N. Gaiety Girls (Phil Paulscraft, mgr.)—Qlloiore, Springfield. 18-18, Empire, Albany, 10-21, Gay- ety, Brooklyn, 23-28, Gay Mui'queraders JMoe Messing, mgr.)—Stsr, Brocdyu, 10-21, Empire, Hoboken, 23-25, Em- pire, I'oterson, 20-28. Ginger Olrls (Manny Rosenthal, mgr.)—Casino, Boston, 10-21, Gllmorc, Springfield, 23-25, Em- pire, Albany, 20-28. Girls From the Great White Wsy (Dave Cordon, mgr.)—Empire, Toledo, 10-21, Star ind Gar- ter, Chicago, 22-28. Olrla From Happylnnd (K. W. Oblpmon, mgr.)— Oayety, Pittsburgh, 16-21, Empire, Clcrelaiid, 23-28. Golden Crook (Jns, 0. Fulton, mgr.)—Hurtlg ft Sesmon's, New York, 16-21, Murray Hill, New York, 23-28. Hustings' Show (Harry Hustings, mgr.)—Empire, Cleveland, 10-21. Empire, Toledo, 22-28. Jolly Folly (Al. Rich Producing Co., nigra.)— Westminster, Providence, 10-21, Gayety, Bos- ton, 2:i-28. Knickerbockers (Louis Rotilc, mgr.) — Oayety, Kansas Olty, 10-21. Gayety, Omaha. 22-28. Love Makers (Iru Miller, mgr.) — Garety, St. l/oula, 10-21, Gayety. Kaunas Olty, 2 r l-28. Merry-Go-Rounders (Lefflcr-Bratton Co., mgrs.)— Gsyety, Toronto, lu-21. Gsnlen, liuffalo, 23-28. Merry Whirl (Louis Epstein, mgr.)—Oayety, Washington. 16-21, Gayety, Pittsburgh, 2.1-28. Midnight Maidens (Wm. 8. Clark, mgr.)—Gar- den, Buffalo, 16-21, Corlnlhlun, Rochester, 23- 28 Mollio Williams (Phil Isaacs, mgr.)—Murray Hill, New York, 16-21, Park, Hrldgeiiort, 26- Queens of Pnrls (Joseph Howard, mgr.)—Gayety, Philadelphia, 10-21, Gayety, BallTtnore, 23-28. Roblnsoi Crusoe Girts (Sam Robinson, mgr.)— Gayety, Louisville, 10-21, Gnytey, St. I^iuls, 28-28. Rose Bydell's I/imUin Bellas (W. 8. Campbell, mgr.)—Bastsble, Syracuse, 10-18, Gayety, Mon- treal, 28-28. Runaway Olrls (Peter B. Clark, mgr.)—Gsyety, Detroit, 10-21, Gayety, Toronto. 22-28. Social Maids (Itoht. Colin, mgr.) — Kmitlrr. Pat- erson, 10-18, Empire, Hoboken, 10.-21. Casino, Philadelphia, 2.1-28. Star and Garter Show (Frank Welsberg. mgr.)— Standard, Cincinnati, 10-21, Oayety, Louisville, 22-28. . Taxi Girls (Louis Hurtlg, mgr.)—Olympic, New York,' 10-21, Empire, Paterson, 23-25, Em- pire. Hoboken; 20-28. Trocaileros (Frank Pierce. mgr.) —Gayety, Omaha, 10-21, lay off week 22-28. Welch's llurlesquers (Jacob Lleberman, mgr.)— Gayety, Baltimore, 10-21, Gsyety, Washington, 23-28. Winning Widow (Jacob Golilenherg, mgr.)—Oay- ety, Brooklyn, 10-31, Olympic, New York, 23- 28. World of Pleasure (Dave Gordon, mgr.)—Oayety, Boston, 16-21, Columbia, New York, 23-28. MINHTKELH. Big City—John W. Vogei's—Salem. (>., 10, Car- rollton 20, Alliance 21, East LtveriK»! 23, Bel- la!M 24, Waynesburg. Pa., 28, Washington 26, Scottdale 27, ConnellBvllle 28. De Roe Bros.'—Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 19, Bstavla 20, 21, Caledonia 23, Clifton Springs 24, Wetsls- port 25, Clyde 26, Palmyra 27, 2H. Field's, Al. a, (Edward Conanl, mgr.)—Wilming- ton, N. 0., 10, Columbia, H; O., 20, Greenville 21, Atlanta. On., 23-2.1. Huntsvllle, All,, 20, Nashville, Tenn., 27. 28. Georgia Troubadours (Wm. McCalic, mgr.)—Clay Center, Nctrr., 19, Harvard 20, Kearney 21, Shelton 23, Wood River 24, Aurora 25, Hamp- ton 26, alienor 27, Axtell 28. Guy Bros.' (G, R. Guy, mgr,)—St. John, P. Q., Can., 10, Valleyfleld 20. Oorcwell. Oat., SI, Morrlsbnrg 28, Prescott 24, Perth 20. I^wla'—Mlddleport, O., 20. 21. Primrose ft Dockstsder's—Fall River, Mass., 21. Roxell's (Chas, A. Rosell, mgr.) — Chattanooga, Tenn., 10-21, Knoxvllle 23-28. Renlx Bros.'—Duttcrflcld, Minn., 31, Fairmont 28-28. Van's—Memphis, Tenn., 16-21. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. Souaa and his Band (John Philip Sottas, conduc- tor )—Pittsburgh. Pa., 13-21/ Columbus, O.. 22. Newark, mnt., and Zanesvllle, 23. Cambridge, mat., and New Philadelphia 24, Wooster, mat.,- and Mmisfield 26, Uiqier Sandusky, mot., and' Lima '-d. Ilellefontnliie, mat., and Piqua 27, Springfield, mat., ond Dayton 28.. rincisics and wild west shows. Bammn A Bailey's—Son Diego. Cal., 10, Santa Ana 20, 8an Bernardino 21, Phrenlx, Aria., 23, Tucson 24, Doming, N. Mex., 28, El Paso, Tex., 26. Abilene 28. . Barnes 1 , Al. G„ Circus—rintte, 8. Dak.. 10. Wognor 20, Yankton 21, Vermilion 23. Uuawa la., 24, Omnlia, Nebr., 25, Bcrlbner 20, David City 27, Geneva 28. Buffalo BUI (MaJ. Gordon W. LUlle. mgr.) — Oklahoma, Okla., 19, El Reno 20, Chlckaslia 21. Brown's, Frank, Circus (Roy Chandler, mgr.)— Anfiteatro, Buenos Ayres, 8. Amer., 10, Indefi- nite Oreo Vaaquca Ilermnos (Simon Maclas, mgr.)— Pueblo, Mex., 10-24, Mexico City 28-Dec. 2. Gollmnr Ilros.' Circus—Ouymoii, Okla., 10, Dal- hart, Tex,, 20, Tucumcnrl, N. Max., 21, Amg> rlllo, Tex.. 23. Hngenbeck-Wallace (II. E. Wallace, mgr.I— Belvl- dere. III., 10. Dixon 20, Pontlsc 21, Dlooiulug- ton 23, Clint™ 24, Havana 25, Honest Bill's Show—Centralis. Kan., 19, Ver- million 20, Frnnkfonl 21, Rushvllle, Ma., 23, De Knlb 24, Dearborn 25, Agency 20, Eastoa 27, Stewnrtsvllle 28. Lucky Hill's Show—Adams, Nebr., 19, Cortland 20, -Wlllier 21. Miller Bros. A Arlington's 101 Ranch Real Wild West (Geo. Arlington, gen. tisgr.) — Wlntleld. Kan., 19, Ooffcyvllle SO, llortlesvllle, Okla., 21. Rlngllug Urns.'—lola, Knn., 10, Independence 20, Wichita 21. Oklahoma, Okla., 23, Tulsa 24, Muskoxce 26, Fort Smith, Ark., 20, Russell- vllle 27, Argenla 28. Robbliis, Frank A.—Noknmls, 111., 19. 20. Hunker Hill 21, Granite Olty 28, Cnrlln- vilte 24, Jerwyvlllo 26. ' Sells-Flotu—Toiiekn, Ksn., 10, Newton 20, Wich- ita 21, Kansas City, Mo., 28. St. Joseph 21, Emporia, Kan., 20, Ghanuto 28, Olierryvale 27, Wlntleld 28. Shlpp A Feltus Circus—La Pas, Bolivia, S. Amer., 10-20. Aurora 21-28, Valparaiso, Chile, 80- Oct. 10, del Msr 11-14, Santiago 13-31. Btsrrett's Circus (II. H. Btarrelt. mgr.)—Wblto Hlver lunrtloii, Vt.. 10-21, Braltlclnro 23-28. Yi.img Buffalo Wild West and Col. 'Cummins' Far V'nut (Vernon 0. Heaver, gen. mgr. 1—Lincoln, III.. 17, Jacksonville 18, Alton 10, Litchfield 20, Knst St. Louis 21,' Odltimlihi. Mo., 28, Mex- ico 24, Fulton 28, Marshall 20, Lexington 27, Warreusburg 28. ■ FILM SHOWS. AIimkiin-NiinTlnti Motion Pictures — Beverly D, Dobbs—Whitney, Chlcugo, 18-28. "Onrden of Allah, Tlic," In Moving Pictures—< Ooluinbln, 8. 0,, II), Howe's Moving Pictures (Lyman II. Howe, mgr.) —Hamilton, 0., 21. 22. 101 Ranch, In Moving I'lctnres (Wm, J. McQuinn, mgr.)—'Dauphin, Man., Can., 10, Brandon 20, Knurls 21, Hartucy 28, Estervan, Hask., 24, Moose Jaw 28, 20, Reglnt 27, 28. lUlney, Paul J., African Jungle, In Moving Pic- tures—Welter's, New York, 10, Indefinite. Rsluey's, Paul J„ African Jungle, In Moving Pic- tures—Washington, D, C, 10-28. Ralney's, Paul ]., African Jungle, In Moving Pic- ture*—.Brooklyn, N. Y., 10, indefinite. Rsli+y's. Paul J., African Jungle, In Moving Plfl- turea—Usa Angeles, Cal., 10, Indefinite. Rule Bros.' Moving Pictures (F. K. Rule, mgr.) — Downsvllle, Wis., 10-21, Fatrcklld 28-20, Hum- bird 26-28. Thompson's Moving Pictures (Frank H. ThompsOD, mgr.)—Shulsburg, Wis., 10, 20. CARNIVAL SHOWS. ■ Adams' Greater Exposition—Ml. Airy, N. 0., 10- 21. North Wllkes-Barre 23-28. Barkoot, K. <i., World's Orestest Shows—Wells- vllle. 0.| 10-21, New Philadelphia 29-28. Ferari Carnival (Col. Francis Feratl, mgr.)— Waterbury, Conn., 10-31, Allentown, Pa., 23- 28: Johuny Jones' Show—Edenton, N. O., 10-21, Kiltie Carnival—Detroit, Mich., 10-21. National Amuse. Oo. Shows—Oordou, Nebr., 17- 21, Valentino 24-28. Progreaslre Anierleu Shows—Anderson, B. C, 16- MISCDLLANBOVS. . BakeT-Tsngley Show (Chas. R, Welsh, mgr.)— Buller, Pa., 18-21, Beaver Falls 211-28. (treat Raymond (Maurice F. Raymond, mgr.)— .Portland. Ore., 16-21, Seattle. Wash,, 22-28. Hsllmar, Groat—Roaendale, N. Y., 10, New Paltl 20, Blnnewaler 21, Ellenvllle 28, Htuyvesant 24 Ooxsacklc 26, Valalle 26, Stockport 27, Ootioes 28. Mysterious Smith (Albert P. Smith, mgr.)—Bel- mend, Ia„ 19. Tin. niton 20, Renwlck 21, West Bend 23, Rode 24,' Manhattan 25, Sutherland 20, Hull 27, Doon 28. Ksrwoodn, The, Hypnotic Show (M, H. Norwood, mgr.)—Adelaide, 8. Ana,. 18-28. Newinnim, Great—Iroquois. N. Dak., 19-21, Volga 2224, Nonleii 25, 26, llatel 27, 28. Ilouclere, Harry and Mildred (Harry Rourlere, mgr.)—Chsrlottetjwn, P. H. I., (Jan., 1U-21. Antlgomlsh 211, 24, Sydney, N. H., 35, 28, Glsce Bay 27, 28. Hsvldge Bros.' Amuse. Rliow (Walter Bsvl.lge, mgr.)—Hooper, Nebr., 17-21. Todd's Vaudeville (Win. Todd, mgr.)—dteiidcrsoii, N. C, 16-21. Wright's, O. A., Combination Show—Berlin, N. Y., 10-21. LK8T YOU rORUET WK BAY IT VBT CROSS Location for Two Tabloid Stock Cos. Flaying good comedies and dramas. Eight people. Headed by two clever well known stook atari. The beat organizations of their kind In the business. Only guaranteed propositions considered. Address TARLOH) STOCK CO., Equity fildg., Detroit, Mich., care Chas Seaman Photo Play Supply Oo. Clever People that do Specialties write qtalck. X :% LETER HEADS \ Contract*. Tickets, Envelopes, Frea sample*, ale. , . '^ BTAOE MONET, lao. Book of Herald Cuu.Mc. CROSS «TSSRSfk CHICAGO : ■> AT UBERTY-Ai SPECL4LTY MAN Blnger and Hard Shoe Dancer; also small parts. Age26; height 8ft. 8; weight l.m. Prefer one piece. CLARKMCE UOIHJON, Commercial Hotel « - ■ Chicago m