The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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l*r TH1NEW YORK: SEPTEMBER 21 AAliiAliillA, mm\ CREAM ¥J2 3 TTT¥f»_VfJ w v >R REMOVING MAK At all good drag and dtautntot itom or dlract, postage prepaid, on ractlpt of 78c. for plat tin. Pltaiairt, quick and aconomlcal to uso. No wax or pirafflna; won't grow hair. Improves tho complexion. STEVENS OO. 1188 BHOAPWA T, HEW r M fTttfifTt' MM O M TTTTTTT** 1 UawdcvUle Route Pit DeaihtlnibtProtwioa. Circus Pern. Armando Harlli, a well known Phila- delphia baritone, and • nephew ofApcllna Paul, the prima donna, died la the FhUudel- phla hospital, of tuberculosis, on Sept. 4. He was In his fifty-second year, and prior to his ... . i _*. -*- da- lAKn'n Parnnllr 1 "TWO BILLS" NEWS. BT a. C. COOFCR. The trafl of the "Two Bills" would seem to be an endles* one of unbroken prosperity. Illness was organist at 8t Joan's Catholic judging from the enormous patronage ac; Church, and at one time was soloist in the cordedr the Wild West and Par East In all Cathoilc Cathedral choir. His Illness had territory covered so> far this season. The aroused much sympathy In musical circle*, tour across Iowa, i\ebraslra, and Kansas was and arrangement* were being made to gWe a a veritable triumph for Colonel Codv, per- concert In his behalf. The funeral took place aonlly, for it was In thaws 8tat«8 that his from his home, No. 145 North Hubj Street. early history was made. In Fremont, Net)., Haael McCrnmo, wife of Cbas. Barnes, 1G0 delegate* of the Nebraska Federation of and a well known leading woman in the Labor attended the afternoon performance a Middle West, died at the German Hospital, a body. Governor Aldrlcb, of the State, ,,, 10 . zl< waln „ »(,.»,, Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 22, from catarrh of and party, came from Lincoln; Mayor DC4- Crawford's Oomedlans—Horse Cave, Kj., 18-21 Supplemental Mat—Reoelred Too Lata for ClaaalncatloB. Aubrey Stock (D. Otto Bluer, mgr.)--Clarks- burg, W. Vs., 10-Nov. 1. k , _ "Al*s*maland" (W. A. Thomas, mgr.)—l*il«i- • ton, Nebr.. 21, North Platte 23. Paicton «, OfaUala 25, 20, Ob.mwll 27. Sterling. Goto., 88. Bowdlab Stock (A. N. Bowdlsh, mgr.)—Dillon- Tale. O.. 10-21 Belgarde Fall* "Bunt* Boch< "Balance, Mich., 22. "Bunch of Keys. A."—Ocular Bsplds, la., 21. Colton. Jeasle (J. B. Richardson, mgr.)—Manilas, III., 1(1-21, Walnut 23-28. NOTICE—Si'." «... £•.*.? Sept. 1«-21 la **a>*e*e»te«L Alilngdoa, W, L.. A Co., Keith's. jpaaOOAJfe Y. Ad*ms, Marie, Plata. Springfield, ataaa., l*-«. Adelaide ft Hughes, Winter Garden, «. I. u. Adonis. Shea'a, Toronto. Can. Adler ft Arllne, Dominion, Ottawa. Oaa., Proc- tor's, Newark, N. J., 23-28. _■ Adaaas. Mubelle, A Co., Keith's, PterlaeBC*, n. i. Adler, Fellr. Proctor's. Newark, M. *. Adder. (4), Majestic. <*d« B M* 1 »A * **- 28 ' Aiu^wftn».n 23 lrio. OjamSM M Orpheum, Winnipeg, Can., 23-ZS. Alnsiey. Bob, NUoa, PhUa. Alpine Troupe, Blnfllog Bros.' Circus. Allen, Minnie, Orpheum. 8« n , Fr » n H.? Alfreds (2), Orphenm, Winnipeg. Can. Alex (8), Orphenm. Montreal, Can. Alfredas, The, Colonial, Erie, Pa. the stomach.' The funeral serrleea were held at the home of her parent* In Davenport, la., Aug. 20, and burial made in Oak Dale Cemetery. She leave* a husband, a daugh- ter, father and mother, two sisters and a brother. nan, of Omnia, and fifty of his friends, mo- tored from Omaha, to visit the colonel and take In the show, The enthusiasm of both the visitors and the vast audience on the appearance of the vet- eran scout, was almost a riot. While the American Dancers (0), 23-28. . "Antique Girl. The," Orpheum, San Fran., O0U Anger. Lou, Temple, Hamilton, Can. Apollo Trio, Maryland, Baltimore. "Apple of Paris." Keith's, Co umbos, 0. Armstrongs .(4)^De_Kalb i BHn. m _ f ^^^ Charles A. White, who was manager of first public performance of the Wild West the Bmpreas Theatrn. in St. Paul, Minn., died was given In North Platte by Col. Cody la Bent 4 In Ills apartments at the Empress '83, It was In the form of a celebration, Hotel. that city. Mr. White bad been In poor however. The first WId West eve* given by health for some time, but Insisted upon stay- a regular road organisation was In Colum- lng at his post, anti was there for a while bus, NeU, whore the show reappeared Sept. in the morning if the date he died. He went 11. to vast crowds, some of whom came ser- in st Paul from Chicago where he had been enty-flre miles to greet Buffalo BUI and take managed of on?of the^ulllva^ ft Consldine In the 1»12 edition of Cody and Lillfe alii- houses. For fourteen years provlous he was ance. The terrible horse epidemic in Kan- press agent for the Rlngling Bros.' Circus. so» and Nebraska remains unchecked, at this Pearl Klnc.IJ, an actress, coinmlttod suicide by drinking carbolic acid In the Mar- Juette Hotel, St. I.onls. Mo., on Ang. 6. .tttors found after her death Indicated that nht bad been recently la Chicago. Miss Kln- cald had been la St. Louis but a short time. writing, the consensus of opinion being that it Is contracted from contaminated pastures ■nd streams. Major LUllemad* a flying trip to Oklahoma recently to look over his interests In that State, rejoining the show In Milwaukee. He Earle Stock (L. A. Karle, mgr.) -^Upper San- duaky, O., 18-21, Chicago Junction 23-18. Gordon. Kltty-^Xos. M. Oaltea'—Buffalo, N. T., 23-20, Bocbeater 28-28. "Girl and the Outlaw, The," Western — Bert Moaner's (Leo F. Harrison, mgr.)—Strawberry Point, la., 19, Greeley 20, Lamont 21, Water- loo 22, Glsdbrook 23, Dike 21, Allison 25. Tripoli 28. Altl Vista 27, Besman 28. _ "Girl From U. S. A"—Woods A Chalkrr's—El- . lensborg, Wash., ISO, Taeoma 21, Seattle 22-28. Aracos, The, Crystal, Milwaukee. King Stock (Leo 1L King, mgr.) —• Springfield, Archer ft Carr, Savoy, Atlantic City, «■*• Mo.. 10-21. Armstrong ft Ford, Empire, P ttsneld, Mas*. Murphy's Comedians, No. 2 — Covington, Term.. Arnaman, Milt, Empress, Cincinnati. 1*21. Ashley ft Lee. Orphenm. San Fran., OsL Murphy's Comedians, No. 3—Fredonia, Kan., 16- Ashley, Lillian, Colonial, Erie, Pa. 21. Atkinson, Harry. Orphenm, Omaha. Neb, Murdoch's Tent Show (Al. Mnrdock, mgr.)— Auger, Capt, Geo., * Co.. PorUaad, Me. Bethel, Me.. 10-25. AusteUs (4), Cosmos, Washington. Orjihcuia Players (Mills. Palmer ft Brown, nigra.) Aurora Trio. Majestic, Cedar Rapids, la. Armanis (8), Orphenm, Madison, Wis. Araumag *'Clark. Orpheum,- Winnipeg, Can.. 23*28 Arlxona' TrU), Kalamamo. Mich. - - ■ Ardell. Franklyn, ft Co., Orphenm, Spokane, Wash. , , _. Artkoncs, Jack. Globe, Boston. —Bar City, Mien., 16, lndennlte. Prlngle's Players (Len Goheen, mgr.) —Cripple Creek, Colo., 16-21, Victor 22, Leadrllle 23-28". Primrose A Dockstader's Minstrels (Wm. Wsrm- lngton, mgr.)—Haverhill, Mass., 10, Taonton 12 M A. m wSnesday;8«t. t at la* MOM Portion of the exhibition. While the B. B on Clinton Avenue, Montlcello, N. Y. Mr. nnd Mrs. Brown went to Montlcello from Hchenectady about five yeara ago. At that time the Viola Wilson Stock Co.. of which Mr. Brown wis proprietor and owner, was a repertoire company that had gained consider trains are now largely composed of steel cars, every one of the trains tor coming season will be of that material. The Pittsburgh Car Co, holds orders for this equipment, de- livery to be made in Trenton, N. J., Feb. 1, The death of Brigadier General Hayes, able" renown'throughout the Northern part P 0 P a »"'r known as "Plgnttaff" Jack Haye*. of the State. Mr. and Mrs. Brown went to Jn the days of Indian warfare, was a sad Montlcollo and played there, and finally de- Mow to Colonel Cody and Major Burke. His "ded to make that village their home. 'Mrs. wn, Dr. J. M. Hayes, Is the snow's physician, llrown had been In usual good health during »c was called to Asheville, N. C, and ar- the day and evening, Sept. 3, which she had ■pent with her family, and retired at her usual hour. A short time afterwards Mr. Brown heard bis wife breathing heavily, hur- riedly summoned a doctor, but she passed away before the physician arrived. Mrs, Brown Is survived by her husband, one son rived shortly before his demise. KELLERMANH ENGAGEMENT OFF, The announcement was made by the man- agement of the Fifth Avenue Theatre that Annette Kcllermann would appear there Aiery. Van A Carrie, Empress, St. PsOL Mum., Empress, Winnipeg, Can., 22-28. . , Aron Comedy Four, Proctor's, Newark, N, J., 5th Ave.. N. Y. 0.. 28-28. Ayers, Sidney, ft Co., Orphenm, Oakland, Oal. Aiard Bros., Sherman. Calgary, Can.. 10-21. Aiard Troupe, Crystal, Milwaukee. Baskomb. A W.. Oasioo. N. Y. C. Bartos (3), Majestic, Ft. Worth, Tea.; Majestic, Barnes t West,' Johannesbarg, So. Africa, todea nlte. _ . . Barber ft Palmer, Majestic, Seymour, lad. Ballerlnl. Clara, Orpheum, New Orleans. Barrymore, Ethel, ft Co., ColnmMa St Laol*. Harry & Wulfurd. Majestic, Milwaukee. Barto ft Clark, Palace, Chicago. Baldwin, Jean, Portland, Me. WHEN YOU PUY CHICAGO the "afternoon stunt" Is to Inspect ™ E «SL Ho e iew ITU "HITS" Eve a atuied and wea-m*nnered saiesmiS * saleswoman If you prefer, CALL OH *0U ATVnrST hotel, at any hour yon wish, and give m «5 BEST PIT aatfthe greatest shoe VAlJuK yon 0 SJ hadt WHY MOT, sure enough! ' oa 0T «r You JustYEY IT. Find out why O-G SHOES a» the steady reliance of the beat stage ^Vta America, *" OtCOVMOR*|-a WOMBK: 23 K Madlsoi. UOI.nniCH VT gnd jo« So. State Sireet MKN: fl Bo. Clark and 2» S. Bute (1st floor i (ATI 'phone*, Harrison M08. Jot it down.i Oolllas, Jose, Casino, N. Y. O. Cotton, Lolo, Orpheum, New Orleans', Malesrl,. Cooius A Bmraett, O. H., North Bay, Ont Can Colonial Septette, Orphenm. New Orleans.' Connolly, Mr. & Mrs. Erwln, Orpheum. Seaiiu Wash. "' "Concealed Bed, The," Orphenm, Memphis. Teon Cortwell, Kobt., Family, Palace, Chicago. Corbett, Jas. J., Nixon, Pblla. Connelly, Hugh, Majestic, Arctic, It. I. Cook ft Stevens, Pontages', San Fran., Cal. Coombs A Aldwell, Temple, Hamilton, Can. Coghlaa, Bow, ft Co.. Shea's, Buffalo. Oorelll ft Gillette, Orphenm, Montreal, Can. Connolly ft Webb, Dominion, Ottawa, Can. Cooper A Robinson. Ualou Square, N. Y. C. Conlln, Steele ft Carr, Union Square, N. X. 0. Cotter ft Boulrlen, Hipp., Cleveland. Courtiers, The, Garrlck. Wilmington, Del.; Unloa Square, N. Y. O, 23-28. Oollhu, King, ft Clifton Slaters, Victor!, Bal- timore. Collins ft Cole, Arcade, Toledo, O. Columbian Musical Four, Victoria, Wheeling, w. Va. Colonial Minstrels Orpheum, Wheeling, w. Va. Crawford ft Delancey, O. H., Stonesboro, Pa- ll, a. Bhelby, O.. 23-28. Creatore'a Band, De Kalb, Bkts. Orelghton Slaters, Keystone, Pblla, Cross ft Josephine, Oriihenm. Bkln. Crane, Mrs. Gardner, ft Co., Bushwlck, Bkln. Cutler, Edward, Winter Garden. N. Y. 0. Cutty*. Six Musical, Majestic. Milwaukee. Cullen, Jas. H.. Keith's, Phil*. rvirtu ft Wilson. Howard, Boston. Cunningham ft Marlon. Colonial, N. T. 0. Curri* ft Karle. Kaunas, Cincinnati. Curtlss, Both. Orabb. BalUbnry, N. 0„ 19-21. Curtla, Dorothy, Nelson, Sprlngflald, Haas., 1»- 21. D'Arvllle, Jeannette, Pblla., IndeAnlte. Davis, Roger, Winter Garden, N. I 0 Dmto, Mile.. Casino, H. Y. 0. Dnraplers, The, Palasvllle, O.; Marion, 23-28 Dancing Violinist. Keith's, Olevelsnd; Keith'a. Atlants, Oa., 28-28. Darla Bros., Guy Bros.' Minstrels. Dnre Bros., Orpheum, St. Paul, Minn. Barlowsi Breakaway. Liberty, Bkln., 16-18: GtJ*- Daniels A Conrad, Empress, Han Fran., Cal The general was interred with military week of Sept. 23, under arrangement with honors, In the cemetery at Arlington. He was well known to many persons In the pro- fession, In whom he wns greatly Interested. Mrs. W. F. Cody, daughter and son-in-law, Joined Col. Cody for n few weeks' visit at Floyd L, llrown, and one daughter, Lena E. ! *°'} 0, ' i '. Brown, who has attained considerable sue- Mr »-, Charles N. Thompson, wife of our cess in the theatrical world, being at present genial business manager, Is also a visitor, in support of Jcre McAnlflfe In vaudeville. " tho group of lions connected with Harry Funeral services were held at St. John's Wilson s performing wild animal arena don t Church In Montlcello, Friday evening, Sept. rtop showering their offsprings on him, ho 0, and Interment wni made in Van Patton will soon have a plethora of those animals, */ ... .. .. .- linn i\f tnnm Tlln,.lr llnau .,„,,,, | L (,,1, 4,. frtlll Wm. Morris. Miss Kcllermann arrived from Europe last week, but the engagement was evidently called off suddenly, as flho Is not underlined for next week's bill. The Annette Kcllermann show will open at Philadelphia next week. It looks as It the Fifth Avenue bookings would be confined strictly to U. B, O. acts for some time to come. 0 10 Cemetery, Fair Haven, N. Y William T. Etanh. Sept. B. K». Davidson, Sept. 7. John M. Kbnton. Sept. 5. CAnnit Msrana, Sept. 0. William Masblb, Sept. 18. Loo Davikpobt. Sept, 10. Whits, Sept. B. May l'oun, Sent. 10. Mash La Sallb RABiNorr, Sept. 0. Joseph Mbbiv, Sept. IS. IIaiinctt N. Kutoaa, Sept. IS. Mas. Lobbtta Looillb Daelbt, Sept. 13. Mama Db 0. Salvatti, Sept. 10, Ono of them—Black Hess—gave birth to four healthy cubs, Sept. 2, which makes an In- crease ot eight since tho season opened. Harry Is yelling "sufficiency." He has bis animals booked for a tour of South America at tho close of the Two Bills' season. Burt Davis and wife, the famous rubes, continue to receive much space In the local Srcss en route. The show goes direct into klahomn, Texas and I/otilstnnn, after n few FLASHES. "ii vi', the Blood," whose name has oft of late ben used on the stage, and Lefty i>liV~L<s"luarOTr'OrVheuni'rwinnlpeg, Can ley Square, N. Y. C, 10-21; Fslr, Ooblesklll, N. Y.. 23-28. Banta Bros. (4), Family, Wllllamapoct, Pa. Baldwlna (4). Grand, PhUa. llarnes A Robinson, Colonial, Norfolk, Va. Baker. Belle, Buahwlck, Bkln. Harry, Lydla, Bronx, N. Y. G. Barnes, Stuart. Keith's, Indianapolis. Bnuveua, Paul, Bijou, Qulncy, 111., 10-21. Bachelor Club, The, Caalno, Washington. Eeckwith, Linden, Poll's, Hartford, Conn.; Keith's, Providence, R. I., 23-28. Berg Bros., Orpheum, Spokane, Wash.; Orpheum, Seattle. 23-2H. Belmonta (2), Sth Ave.. N. Y. 0. Bennett A Hamilton, Mosart, Elmlra, N. Y. Hell Boy Trio, Shea'a, BuBTulo. 23-28. Bell ft Citron, Keith's, Cleveland, 23-28. Benway A Dayton, Altmeyer, McKcesport, P*. i Family, Pittsburgh, 23-28. UertlHel). Orphi-um, San Fran., Cal. Louie were arrested In Kldgewood Heights, Long Island, Sept. 14. Tub Royal thbatri Co., of the Bronx, was incorporated last week at Albany. 'I'm Buunb THRATBE Co^, of Brooklyn, has been Incorporated by K. C, Rounds, U. P. Ciciey and Oene C. HoUon. Tobonto'b Mtraic FiavivAL will be given NEW lilEATHK FOR COR9B PAYTON. Another new playhouse Is to be added to tUc rapidly Increasing list of the Newark, K. J., show shops. A $300,000 theatre Is to tie built on the Southeast corner of Hnlsey atiiuilH in Knnsas, exhibiting In New Orleans at the New Arena OcL 7. Nnhan Franko's Oct. 6 and 0. Orchestra will provide the music. The solo- So far political Interest In tho West seems lsts will be: Alice Nielsen, Orvllle Harruld, to be confined to those who make it a Jeska Swartz, Alfredo Ramcllo, Jose Mar- bualneas. done*, Rodolfo Fonarl, Arturo Tlbaldl, Ma The plain, work-o-day people apnear to be dame'Gadskl. Madame' Rosa OUtsks, Albert too busy making money In this section to loso Sonldlng, O. Campanarl, Antonio ScotU and Blssett'ft Scott, Uammersteln's, N. Y. O, 23-28 Bentley, Weston, Co., Orpheum. Des Moines, la. Bell, Dlgby. ft Co., Majestic, Milwaukee. Bernlrlcel Bros., Lynn, Lynn, Mass. Beers. Leo, Orpheum, Boston. Bell Family, Shen's, Buffalo. Berger. Edgar, Shnbert. Utlca. N. Y. Bennett Glrla (3), Orpheum. Reading, Pa. Berlin Madcaps. Savoy, Atlantic City, N. I. Beyer, Ben, ft Bro., Colonial, N. Y. 0. Berger*, Valerie, ft Co., Bronx, N. Y. 0. Beaumont Bros.. Majestic, Washington. Berg ft Williams. Majestic. Waahlngton. Beatry, Barry, Prlscllla, Cleveland. Bingham, Amelia, ft Co., Sherman, Calgary, Can., 10-21. time discussing the merits or demerits of the Yvonne de Trevllle. Big City Four,'Buahwlck. Bkln. "Bull Hoosors," the "Stand Patter*" or the . "Thb Charitt Gnu," will come to the Blxley ft Lemer, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y. , "Progressives." Verily, it has been a great Globe, New York, Sept. 28. Bison City Quartette, Keith's, Syracuae, N. Y. Stroet and Branford PUce there, and (one i^ e8 i dcnt | a i year for tno tented exhibitions, Bbllb Blanch* will be with "The Sun Biondell, Ed., ft Co.. Orpheum. Kanaaa City, Mo. l'nyton lias IcaBed the house for ten years, at up to dstc ' Ua - , t cont | n ue unUl tho first Dodgers." Blancbard Playeni, Colonial, Columbus, O. •n annual rental of 126,000. The house will of November. "Taw Etbbhal Walm" will shortly bo Blond Trio Globe, Itoaton •cat_oycr 2,000 people, and devoted . produced by Joaeph Hart, with Cyril Chad- Black A McOooe, BIJo o. jjatae y,JUJMj. . wlek In tho loadlrVi role. Boidea ft Shannon, Orpheum, Harrlsbnrg. Pa., Davis. Mark, Orphenm, Peoria, III.; Majestic, Bloomlngton, 23-28. Darrell A Conway. Empire, PlttaOeld, Man. Davenport, Era, Colonial, N. Y. 0. De Witt, Burns ft Torrance, Orpheum, Los An- geles, Cal.. 16-28, De Mario, Harry, Hipp., Accrlngton, Eng.; Hipp., Rnxton, 80-Oct. B; Hipp., Loudon, 11 in, Hipp., Bristol. 21-20. De Beryle, Slmone, Grand, Pittsburgh; Grand, Syrecuse. N. Y.. 23-28. IK'lni, Orpheum, Portland, Ore. De Mont, Unlit., Trio. Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. Dcluiore ft Light, Columbia, St Loula. De Aniens, Jed, & Co., Majestic, Chicago. Deeley ft Butler, Lynn, Lynn, Mans. De Trlckey, Coy, Nickel, Lawrence, Mass. ft Oneida, Savoy, Atlantic City, M. 1. "Detective Keen,'' Buahwlck. Bkln. Devlin ft Elwood, Obaae'n, Washington. Delmar ft Delmar, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y.; Keith's, Providence, R. l„ 23-28. De Vole Trio, Keith's, Oolumbos, 0. De Vine ft Williams, Keith's, Cincinnati. De Grey Fonr, Bijou. Qulncy, 111., 10-21. Dereau, Wells, Family. WllUamanort. Pa. Denver, Mr. ft Mrs, Murray, Orpheum, Grand Rapids, Mich. De Mar, Grace, Academy, Fall River, Mass., 18-21. De Palme's Dogs. Orpblum, Lima. O., 10-21. "Diamond Necklace, The," Union Square, N. Y. 0. DlKon ft Fields, Orpheum. Seattle, Wash. "Dlnkelsplel's Obrlstmss," Orphenm, Kansas City, Me. _, Dickey, Panl, A Co., Palace, Chicago. "Dick, 1 ' Temple, Detroit. Dickinson. Rube, Colonial, N. Y. O. DIxey, Henry B., Hipp., Cleveland. Dillon, Wm., Orpheum. New Orleans. Dolly Twins, Casino. N. Y. 0. Donalds (8), Orpheum, Seattle, Waah. Don ("talking dog"), Keith's, Pblla. Donovan ft McDonald, Keith's, Providence, B. I. %^&ffiffil&'J8n2?%**?:& MVHPHYTIS.TSPBINCHSSVICTOniA. ' the house is expected to he completed by August, 1013, There will be no gallery, lint the New York State Fair at Syracuse, N. Y., the balcony will be divided Into three 'pc- has been honored by n visit from tho Taxa- tions—a row of boxes, then eight rows of re- many boss, Charles F. Murphy, ot New York, served Beats* and a family circle. The roof nnd his braves, at the fair grounds, Friday, will be built so that a roof garden can be Sept. 13. Mr. Murphy and his party were added. In Syracuse to attend the meeting of the 3 slt>" Princess Victoria, feature attraction at JSFSgJ^&A^^ M&£fl6S&%,*+ i W. »** a V..—r Vn»L Ota a- a Va I a* SB I fl«*amlan W V hi nP " . _ _• aS_ _ ■ * i". n ». . ■»«» They wlir open at the Moulin R«Qge, New ^^ t Walters ft Crooker, Wlntergarten, Berlin, York, 23. ' Germany. Indefinite. Cecilia Loftiib arrived 18 for a tour of Bogert ft Nelson. Oriibeum, Sioux City. la. the Orpheum Circuit. Bobby ft Dale, Orpheum, Des Moines, la. MB8. FlSKE will open Oct, 14 at Montreal, Boyd, Wlltlsm. Savoy, Atlantic City, N. J In "The High Road. earn, fl ind. P Democratic 8tate Committee and, although a Intebmibsionb were again Installed la the HAINEY'S AFRICAN HUNT PICTURES very busy man, found time to make the little Kelth nougeg on sept. 16. IN BROOKLYN. l,dT an extended visit at the Invitation of TuB ncw Lees Amusement Co., ot Brook- . ,, „ , ■ ,.,,„. . . Commissioner Geo. W. Drlscoll nnd her man- i__ ha , AUf . U8t Lees. Charles Yost and W. B. M ii 9"te& Afr ' ca 1 H. un £.Pi ct '; l , M8 Ji r * agera; Tho Princes* was delighted with tho \fSL5f, directors. v '" ,r '™ jpw In their third week jA the Majestic The- T f tlt fton , ^ , iIn0US politician, and chatted the Nutley Amusement Co. of New Jersey. atre. Brooklyn N. Y. These wonderfiil pic- wlth nlm for 80mo yjg. She delighted him ,, iS^riwrated by A P. Dickinson, Hugh jure* havomaie a great hit withi the Brook- wltu j, er charBcterlsUc rendition of "Harrt- i|aJnhJWudJoU £ Ia*Vl* i lynltes, aud wMl remain at the Majestic for gtn ... Ajaong those who met the princess gho^f^bb, formerly of Portchester, N. two more weeks. No dotmt later on these «| th Mr Mllrp by were: Wm. McAdoo, Packy Y u g° B o DCae d theMajeitlc.CoS N Y. pictures will bo shown at the Academy of McCabe, John McCoy. Wm. P. Kelly. Edwnrds I "- nl Music, under the auspices of the Brooklyn LazunBky, and several other politicians of Institute. , Dr. F. N. Glover, tho lecturer, has note " s ■ made a hit with his aurMences In his Inter- esting description of the great African hunt. 4 ««■ PHOTOPLAY DINNBR A SVCCE»S. Tho recent Photoplay rtllner held at Hen- derson's, Coney Island, was so much of a suc- cess that it was decided to hold another In three months time. Messrs, Seay, Hoadley, Lnug and Harvey being appointed as a com- muted on arrangements. + »»■■ WALTER MORTON, DIRECTOR. Etta Johnson (white), wife of Jack John- son, the colored pugilist, committed suicide by shooting, at Chicago. Sept. 11. Fritzi Scurtf, In "The Love Wager," "8TIRRINO UVE8 OF BUFFALO BILL opened at Ford's, Baltimore, Sept. 16. AND PAWNEE BILL." „ Ibv,n ? Bbblin has arranged with Wm. . Morris to appear for five weeks at the Hip- urownles (3), Empire, FlttsOeld, Mais. Providence, R. L Hatnmeritetn's, Bonita ft Hearn, Grand, Pittsburgh. liowen, Art, Keith's. Louisville. BoydeU Trio. Victoria, Baltimore. Boudtnl Bros., Columbia, Grand Rapids. Mich. Ilowser, Cbas., ft Co., Poll'a, New Haven, Conn. Uoliemtan Quartet, Kmpress, Seattle, Wash.; Em- press, Vancouver, II. C, Can., 23-28. Brown, Nellie, Winter Garden, N. Y. C. Brown. Martin, Oaalno, N. Y. C. Itradna ft Derrick, Barnum ft Bailey Circus. llrown Bros. (0), Primrose ft Dockstader's Min- strels. Brotlshaw Bros., Orpheum, Los Angeles, Cal. llronte, Beatrice, Orpheum, Winnipeg, Can. Uremens (31, Columbia, St. Louis. Bradley ft Tapper, Grand, PhUa. Bristol's Ponies, Broadway, Columbus, 0. Brown ft Lawson, Colonial, Columbus, 0. Bradley, 0. W., Howard, Boaton. i^i, h _ E...-I, n Pnntu>r aasorriB lo upijear »or hvb wreaa ii iuu iai|i- urownles IS), umpire, Ptttsneia, dook dv rrnna i,. v.ouper podromc, London, England, later this season. Brenner ft Ritllffe, Keith's, Provl T?i i 3. ,° >Z'l TosiMl DONNBLLY, cx-proprletor ot Don- Briscoe, OUve, Grand, Pittsburgh; .'hJLS 0 ?^ J„Kh nelly ft Hatfield's Minstrels, Is now with N. Y. 0„ 23-28. ■aSFJP" P John w - V 0 *"' 8 al « cltT Minstrels, doing ' .„ S. 0 ~i_ii A «. «e thrinini, principal end and monologne, and producing It is nned witn deser Ptlon* of thrilling j nfl 0 P h , 8 n farL>9g ^ h b , ^J^g. adventures In both their Mtcs, which aw Mg A B1Q ^dd suow will be held in Paterson, In Mr. Cooper's happiest Btylo, and It is* book jj j Noy IjTJS that every American who Is Interested In -..m' m E u BI Widow He-JUbbibd" Co. Under this title a has been published by Inc., New York. In Un- covered the lives of these two noted plains- j-jj- w "vVsjeTs "Big City Mlnstrela, doing Buraege. Mabel, Oaslno, N. Y. 0. nienfrorn thelp childhood up. ..,„..„, principal end and manologne, nnd producing gurke John P., Flood's Park. Baltlmpre It is filled with dcacrjptloaa^ thrjUln| J ne 0 f i >aTO farMB w ft n ' D | K success. B ^~ Vess ^1° Wash™ l 23-28 ' Burr ft Hope, Orpheum, Ogden, U. Burke, John ft Mae, Orpheum, Minneapolis, Minn. W. Grant Blackford, manager of B. F. the frontier life ot his country, In which the gtranded at Indianaimlls ProDrieter H & Si™ •A'™itil l, S , 5 U «' t a * n Keith's liarlem Opera lUse Stock Company, central Ugure. in the kook'plafcd oo lav ^tot\^S^U\, VeXte'd most of V^rBS&SEtfSLS* portant a part. has engaged Walter Uorton as stage director. ♦ ■ > Hefflich's Hall, at Paterson and Sum- mit Avenues, West Moboken, N. J., has been turned Into a theatre, seating 1.100, and opened Sept 10, with "Alias Jimmy Valen- tino." Raymond Whlttnkcr 1b lending man. Onirics Kuttler Is the lessee and manager. Coubb Paiion has leased the Garden The- atre, New York, nnd will Install his stock company, headed by Minna PhllllpH, Oct. 7. WAtvraa Poui.tbb Is requested to commu- Thb Mardi Gbab l^STiriTiEa drew great crowd* to Coney Island, New York, last week. On Saturday, V. Kocl a carpenter, foil off a "HenHur' r racer, and was probably; Roger*, of the Plaza Hotel, the girls to reach their homes. Me. "THE WOMAN HATERS' CLCB" PRODUCED. "Tho Woman Haters' Club," a three act Canton, Al., Klark-Urb*n Co, Burbank & Danforth, Globe, Boston. Busley, Jcsale ft Co., Shea's, Toronto, Can. Burkes, Juggling, Temple, Rochester. Burns ft Fulton, Albambra, N. Y. 0. Bush, Frank, Pantages', Denver. Carroll, Nettle, Trio, Novelty, Topeka, Kan. JAS. B. 0HA8. «. donovan "» Mcdonald KEITH'S, Providence, R. I. Dolsn ft Leabarr, Stb Ave.. N. Y. C. Don Fulano, Keith's, Syracuse, K. x.; 5th Ave, N. Y. a. 23-28. , _ Dow ft Dow, Francal*. Montreal, Can. Donovan ft Murray. Victoria, Wheeling. W. Va. Drew, Chaa., ft Co.. Bhea's. Toronto. Can. Drew. Sidney, ft Co., Temple, Rochester. "Dream Dane*. Toe'' KritVs, LoulsvUle. Dupre 4 Ferber, atoll Tour. ELgUnd, lfl-Oct. 1. Dunn. Harvey, Altmeyer. WcKeesport. Pa. Duncan, A. O., Orphenm, Heading, Pa. Dudley Gertrude, ft Co., Cosmos, Washington. Dunbar, Jas. B„ Cosmos, Washington. Earle, Dorothy, Princess, Brownwood, Tex.. •*• definite. Earl ft-Curtis, Keith's, Indianapolis. „ Ebncr ft Bates, Proctor's, Newark. N. J.. « *»• Edward's Song Berue, Shnbert, Utlca. 9. Il Bllas. Harry, Stetson's "U. T. 0.." Eastern Co. Eldrldge, Press, Orphenm, Harrlsbnrg, Pa., or pheum, Norfolk, Va., 25-28. Elfzabeth, Mary. Orpheum. Spokane, Waah. Eldon ft Clifton, Nickel. Lawrence Mass. Elinors- ft Williams, Orpheum. Bkln. Ellnore, May, Empress. Denver. .. Kldoru & Co., Columbia. Grand fapMs ,. M"*,^ Emmett. Oracle, ft Co., Orpheum, Minneapolis, Minn., 23-28. „ — _ Emerson* (8), Albambra, N. Y. O. Emmy's, Karl, Pets, Bronx, JU T. O. Emerson ft Baldwin. De Kalb, Bkln. Entwlstle. Mand Iaabel, ft Co.. Gardner, Mass., 0. H.. No. Attleboro. Zl-28. Entertainers (4), Orplicum, New Orleans, English Roses (8), Orpheum, Montreal, l*". Errnc ft Wagner, «ew, Baltimore. _ Esmond, Ed., ft Co.. Orpheum. A "cntown Pa. Eugene Trio, Orphenm, MlnntapolU. Mian. Kveretts (4), Francals, Montreal, Can, Farkoa, Maurice. Casino. N. Y. C. ..,,-,„.«,• Fay. Two Ooleys ft Fay, KeltVs, Indlsnaf Proctor's, Newark, N. JL 23 : 28._ fatally Injured. Luna Park closed Sept. IS opcrotta, Americanised by George V. Hobart g!~ TO cn.rti e orn^iT f«*A»VA.°"rLi Proctor's, Newark, N. J.. 23-28. for the season. Steeplechase will stay open from the German ("Die Fraucn&es8er"),Tvai g^?',^, 1 c ' rgSKS 1 N^! eSBSt °* L S w,hrer ' 9 *R~S>*»> lfT% 2: p,„i Mtna. Indoflnltely. Henderson'* wUl play split given Its tlrst American production at Court §,3% fields^Orn^nm MemDhla Tens, Jergason * ^rt^ne. Orphenm. St. P^aui » wt*k aho?s at tho end of th. reguY.r HOMl, Square Theatre, Sprlngf^, Mass Friday, aSS' ^ SSSSt D.Ve. ISfffeiwtO-m 11 nlcato with his father, who arrived from Sopt. 7, and will be with the Annette Keller- England. Id care ot Cliptkb. maim company this season. They return tc Man. B. McHalb), of Holly, Mich., requests England next May, under contract to H. B tfliut her son communicate with her. week shows at tho end of the regular *cason, Square Theatre, Springfield, Mass., Friday, caraoa ft Kingston; Howard Bwlon ,.--—— ■ -~. -^.t -j-^ ., Sept. 28. r^Ta m. . Scpt l 8 i K U ,w tella , tUe atorjf of two lorars. o.rmen, La B^olSheVm: 1W,'. 111., 10-22. tgSSFlEE? WK HtSfflOP"' lUBNsa and Kino returned to America separated by the male member's Jealousy, and r™n,^ o™.™ rv. u.Ji— tr-i_ 3"i„*"a 1. Fenton, ■ ine, jum ure, «"ww"^ n Marlnclll for two years. .-UP NEVER GETS HARD Caruso Opera Co., Hudaou, Union lllll, N. J. tho reconciliation brought about by the other Corter, Sasann, ft Minstrel Maids. Bonita. At- Dolly Castle, Salllc Fisher, Joseph Santlcy, lanta, Ga„ 15-28. Walter J. Lawrence and Leslie Kenyon score Carter ft Spencer, Henderson'a, Coney Islsnd, N. heavily. Others In the cast were: Mrs. _ *•• 33-28. Stuart Bobson, Jane Bliss, Amelia Bos<', Cameron, Daisy, Prlacllla. Cleveland. Helen Latten, Elsa WardTGracc Robinson, SjgSSj L -*"«f}£ i «.V ? aj, * ,T rf. ^•MfJ"* « Adcle Bemlngton, Kitty Baldwin, Gladys C °y S Bosalle * Hlta " on . Winter Garden, N. Fell* ft Barry Girls. Bronx. N. Y. O. Feldners, The, Victoria, Baltimore. Fields ft Hanson, OarrcJ. Rome, N. *.. Orpheam, Green Bay, WtavSOOtt. x 10-21; Carroll, Cacmo Lane, Alice M. Stewart, John Donahue, Chas. W. Kaufman, Snlts Bdwards. Albert Macklln, Herbert Connor, Arthur X. Snyder, Harry Levlan, Walter P. Hearne. Business staff: Jack Brehany, manager; Jos. Chadrrick Trio, Keith's, Syracuse, N Y A. Ulngham, stage manager: Chas. McEwen, Clarke ft Owen, Sydney, Australia, IndeBnlte stage carpenter; Alfred M. Jones, electrician; Clipper Qnnrtette, Plaxa. Freano, Cal.. 18-21: Fisher, Maybell, ft Co., Pantoaea', San I FltBglbbons, Bert, Hudson, Union Hill FItsglbbon, Lew, ■ Mh " r-nweU. J S 1- Cliunna (4). Touring Europe. Clialouer, Catherine, Emnress, St. Paul. "Cbejennc Dnys," Temple, Detroit. Chip ft Marble, Omhesm. Bkln. I. Lo» eU • 0 M •* , • Edward Smith, property, The pieeu_ contains a number of catchy musical numbers. 0 s» ELSIE FERGUSON RETURNING. Garrlck, Stockton, 23-: 25-28 Clnrk, Owen. Orphenm, Seattle. Wash. Claudius ft Scarlet, Orpheum, Winnipeg, Can. Clay, Geo., Colonial, Columbus, O. Olooieneo Bros., Olympla, Boston, Elsie. Ferguson, who will appear In the -ciow^Tbr"'Oth^Ve °M Ph v ni ?.' a"""**** Can. urpBewB, ureen »■», """••.•'_," r>i nloi well Fiemming7 cTaude, Casino^ N. Y. v,- Flatleo, Al., ft Holland Sisters. Luna Park, u"> land, Indefinite, _ Florlmonrts, Les, Orpheum. Denver. Florentine Singers. Orpbeum. Memp Ms." "Flower of Bagdad. ThV' &JJWa »- "g* Bill. Fletcrjer, Ohas. Leon*ni, Hanson, Onion a. r-rcano. DM,, 19Z1; N. J- -.^ n.nlds, 25; Prlncesa, San Fran., Flanigan ft Edwards, Majestic. Oedsr Bapi". In., 20-28. .. _ ,, For. Harry, Winter Garden, N Y. o. Pre ,o. Foster ft Dnnbarr, Mystic, loma, Micb., w™ land. Cadillac, 23-28. • • . w T Ford ft Wesley, Orescent, Syracuse, H. *• For ft Hughes. Franklin Stock Oo. Forrey, Marguerite. Majestic, Chicago. _ g FomWier. Ella, ft Bro.. Hammerstela ». 9. *• Foster ft Dunbar, Prlsdlla. Cleveland. rrlginn, Trlxle, Winter Garden, K. »• •»