The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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£ t. X 20 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER, September 21 if THERE IS NO LITTLE GIRL LIKE YOU' And there If no little was like tlili one. If yon think thin la one ol thostC'evexy day? sort of song*, yon are mlntakon. It's different In over? respect. Yon will realUo this whoa yon receive a copy. Woltc Arranged lor Quartette. BURGLAR MAN pp MUDtWI BUSINESS!! BUSINESS!!! Lota of It, Every lino U ohaoli fall of It. Great double number. If yon oan uso It that way, send, for extra sheet. "WAY DOWN ON THE MISSISSIPPI Another "WAY SOWN ON THE SUWANKE RIVER" and "MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME." This 1* positively a great song, one ol those "up-to-the-mlnnte," old time ballads that never die. We are getting great reports on this number. Beautiful harmony all the way through Don't pass this np. BETTS * BINNER COMPANY, 143 N. Clark St., CHICAGO, ILL THEATRES and OPERA HOUSES Ws isssrt aevartlasauat* Is tils eolanui at a special rata or $i.7B per agat* line for I swntas (or II tlaus). TM* will aaabla local oaoatns Sksap tit lr koisM premlatntlr and eoaassallT tor* tk* sviaafsts of compulse. Daring tk* as* tk* at. is raaalBf w* will stat **ek adver- tiser a copy *( Hi Ourrts ft**. «AIKTYTIIKATnK,Rlchland,Ga—Inde- pendent attractions only; pop., 3,000; 4 railroads: excollont growing population; adjacent small towns; good open time Co right attractions. Write or wire Beall Bros.^Owna, and Mgrs., Lumpkin. Oa. ALKHAUA THEATRIC, Elizabeth Olty K. 0. Pop. 8000. Beating capacity 800; stage 21X26; dressing rooms; electricity, Bteam beat. Wanted, first class attractions. Addi ess Kramer A Nutter. WANTED—Good Shows, for Fraternal Ball, Oxford, Mil. Beating capacity 825. Population oi town, 1400. flood for ons night shows with band. STAR THEATRE, Tower Olty, Pa., Schuy- klll Oo. New house, new scenery, steam neat and electricity; scats 640. flood show town. Drawing population 7,000. Wanted, first class attractions Add. W. J. Henry, Owner and Manager. WANTBD.-To Book flood nigh Class Shows. New Hall, flood show town. 8. 0. 600. Bt. 20x80. Keps.O.K. BREVARD AMUBB. CO., Brevard, N. 0. ROAD SHOW MANAQKR8 - BARTOW, FLORIDA, Dixie Theatre, under new management, flood town and surrounding country. Up-to-date bouse. ATTRACTIONS WANTED for coming sea- 1 son. For open dates address E. w. McOORMIOK, Manager. | FLORIDA LYCEUM ""$££%** I Seats 1000. Stage 20X80. Full scenery, dressing I rooms, complete; electricity, steam heat, all Intent Improvements. Wanted, First Class Attractions. V, Address PAltKEK A OABTERL1HB. PLAYS. BKKTCHKB, ACTS, ETC., ' Written to ordor. Terms for stamp. GAMBLE jb Do JARNBTTB, Kaot Liverpool, O. MUSIC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED for any instrument or number of Instruments, Songs.Words and Music, Sketches, etc. BendsUmp, OH AH. L. LB WIS, 420 Rlohmond St., Clnolnnatl, 0. MY NINE PARODY HITS, $1. Three latest, |i; Monologs, $6. Sketches, cash or roy- •Ry. For quick reply, Inclose stamp to F. J. LA PIERRE, den. Del., Aahcvllle, N. O. Perm. Address, It. 412 Lakosldo Bldg., Chicago. HAVING cancelled contract, WILL SACRI- FICE an Elegant Mlnk-llned Coat, Boautlful Per- sian Collar, Black Broadcloth Shell, for $36, cost 1226. Also Exquisite Ennlnette, latest stylo sot of Furs, |40, cost (176; never worn. Bargain of s lifetime. U. Chaso, 118 E. 28th St., New York Olty. PERFORHBRS-Bend stamp addressed en- velope for sample copy of Entertainers' Directory. Prof Ltngerinan, Voutrlloqulst, 706 North 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. I WANTED— Med. Peoplo; Novelty Man, change foronoweek. All kinds of good perforators. Pluno Player, change specialties for one week, fllvo sal- , sry first letter, It Is sure. I pay all after Joining, i FRANK CAREY, NEW KOS3, MONT. CO., INI). TOBACCO HABIT — llow to overcome It quickly, easily, lastingly. Book free. EDW. J. WOODS, 684 SIXTH AVE. 438L. NEW YORK CITY 15 M. ACT. Sure-lire. Words and manuscript music to three unpublished comedy songs, coc. A. 1). BTANOHFIELd, 726 ltltnor St., Phils., Pa . POR SALE-CURTAIN for Vaudeville Act. 24x82, In two parts: blaok velvet; cost $160, will sell for (76. 8INQER, 877 Fourth Ave., New York. FOR SALE— Handcuff Aot, Box Mystery, Mall Bag, Spirit Cabinet, Comedy Maglo Act, Store- ontlcon, Slides, and a Complete Magic and Picture Bhow; also many other bargains, circulars for BTAMP. OEO. A, RICK. AUBURN, N. Y. WANTED -Pianist who Is there to read and fake. 1 want one who can play Sales, Specialties and Overtures of Class. No Cripples or Pappy Ouyes wauled. Must bo a llvo ono. Other useful peoplo write. Dr. Frank 0. Kolth, Carrltigton, N. Dig WANTRD-Small Ingenue; also Heavy Woman aud Man; also Comedian who can do Characters, and Full Acting Company for porn utiont stock. Salary must bo small, but sure. Ticket? If wo know you. Address Bon Lumloy, Mgr„ euro of Crystal Palace, Wilmington, N. O. WANTBD-LADY PIANO PLAYER who oan Work is acts and do specialties. Can oiler long, pleasant engagement. Also SKETCH TEAM anil COMEDIAN who can nut on acts. Other Useful People write. GERMAN MKD. CO,, Oneida, I II. FOR gAljjB-- Films, $2.60 to IB per red. Two aiid three-reel features, $20 up. Used machines, S40. New underwriter's models. $in>. Light ro- uters, $16 to $25. Odd slides, 6c; sets, $1. Model B gas outfits, (26. „FOR RENT-",000 feet films, any makes, Class A, $12, ono shipment; songs and posters freo. Will buy Dins, touts, mnolilnes. a. DAVIS. Watortown, wis. WILL BUY GOOD TRICK DUG. Prefer while wire haired spaniel or poodle. Must be young and woll broke. State all tricks, ago aud lowest price. WM. YAGER, - _ 1218 N. CLARK ST., OUIOAQO, ILL. JUGGLERS AND MAGICIANS. -My new book tells how the moat difficult tricks with balls, clubs, hoops, prates, hats, < Igars and many others of all kinds can be oaally learned. New methods for quickly learning to Juggle 6 chilis, 7 balls, 6 pltlos, also from 2 to 12 Im'ls, 2 to e clubs, 8 to 0 plates. Urtmral of now Ideas. Price. $i, postpaid. Address carl MARTELL, 3H!4K McDonald Avtiium, St. Louis, Mo. In aiieieertiifl oo«, filctuo mention cliithu. Show Printing Look at these prices for cash with order. No ship- ments made 0.0. D. Union workmen, Union Label. 80M 8x8 to-ntghta, e changes. 1 side, no casts, $9.00 80M 4x12 to-nfghts, l side, o changes, no casts, 10.60 J0M 4x12 to-nlghta, with cast and synopsis, - 12.00 30M 4x12 tonights, printed both sides, - 16.00 10M 8X10 X card heralds, . - • . . 10.00 10M 0X24 heralds, both sides (or 7x21) - 10.60 10M12X18 heralds, 4 pp. (or 0x24, both sides) 13.60 10M 14X21 heralds,4pp. (orioi,x2»,bothHldes) 17.60 80M ladles free or coupon tickets, • • • lo.oo M0 half sheets, from type, black on yellow, 4.60 1000 half sheets, black on yellow, - • .7.60 600 one sheets, from type, black on yellow, T.00 1000 one sheets, black on yellow, • • • 11.00 1000 tack cards, 11x14, one color, • • 7.00 We carry no stock paper. Above prices are for special forms from your own copy and outs. Good snipping facilities. Catalog of stock cuts. Corres- Sondence Invited. GAZETTE SHOW PRINTING OMPANY. MATTOON, ILL.. U. S. A. WANTED QUICK THEATRE For Permanent Stock. Two bills a week. PEOPLE IN ALL LINBS SCENIC ARTIST to act. Arthur Lewis, write. ADDBE88 MGR. SELECT STOCK Room 505, Aihlind Block, Chicago, 111$. Cl*sn,bright,*nappr S new Idea., Mndcuie price Written by Indiana nawipapar nan. Addreai W. W. Ilunkl. TO \ Ol'R onDEB. Ashland Dlk.. Chicago ftFW Op.nlnj. Arranged I N.w Croat- Sketciie Fir* FurnUhed. Acta Rewritten, brlnfs copy ol my n«w llloitralrd 100 On my style of work i ntwlllultraltd "FIZZ" AT LIBERTY For HEAVIES Experienced. Sober, Reliable Man. Have Al modern wardrobe. Age 22. weight 146, height 6 ft. 11 In. Rep. or one night. Reliable managers only. Address job. toniutti, 1888 S. 14th St., Sheboygan, Wis. FOR SALE "Now Model Powers No. S Plctnro Machine, good as new. Economizer. 200 folding chairs, wur- Utzer's Elcctrlo Mandolin Quartette Piano. 46 nieces of muBlo. 4 Eloctrlo Fans. Everything for A. 0. 110 volts. WU1 soil separateor all together. Cosh only. No. trade. WEIMER & O'HARA, Clearwater, Neb. AT LIBERTY (lolilift Cole SOUBRETTES and INGENUES, Singing and JU V. HEAVIES and CHARACTERS, DIRECTOR, with Script* If wanted DanclnsrSneelaltles Address HARRY KIEFFBR 10IT W Austin Street, Nevada, Mo. WANTED AT ALL TIMES Experienced Concert Hall Woman, Lady Bag Fun- di era; also Trapeze and Ring Performers. No matter who you aro, write In. You work here from 7.90 until 12 P. M. You room and board out. No matinee or Sunday work. Address GALLAGHER'S GEM. THEATRE, 40-61 BROADWAY, BUFFALO, N. Y. "EVERYBODY'S DOIN' ME" New PARODY, with stage big. 26o. per copy. 7. F.TARSONS. 01 LIVINGSTON 8T., NEW HAVEN, CONN. At . THE CALLAHANS FRANK build and paint. Gen. Bus. Experienced, sober and reliable. FRANK CALLAHAN, ST N. Second 8«r«*t, Ironton, Ohio. HAY flUY BltllTIIEItS 1IISTUL8 WANT STRONG CORNHT, double Second Violin. Others write or wire per Route. FOR VAUDEVILLE ACT FOR $200 Can be worked by man or woman. Aot now work- lng. Address II. CLAY, caro of N. Y. CLIPPER, MUSIC ARRANGED Composed for Piano, Orchestra; also operas. Low terms. Call or write. A. URETUDIAlt, 11T Bast wild St., N. Y. OUT OF TOWN HEWS OtaVOIJVJVATI. September days have been scorchers. George Evans' "Honey Boy" Minstrels put In an awful week—parades in tall, silk lints and evening frock coats, with the mercury sizzling at -aver 100 de- grees! Theatrically, things ore moving , slowly. It's the weather. Chester Park, the only Sum- mer resort open, baa been crowded, anil the sup- plemental season la proving tremendously popular sad successful. Two more theatres.aot tnfo'Tull swing S?pt. 15—(he new Lyceum playing (Jus Sun vowlorllle bookings, and the Lyric getting from Howo pictures to minstrelsy. A cool wave ar- rived, aud made the last cluj-s of the week de- lightful. • . • ' • ('.hand Ornu House (John H. Havlln, mgr.)— Harry Askln presents "Louisiana Lou". Sept. 15, after a week of Oeorge Evans'. Minstrels. "Ma- dame Sherry" 22. . . • i . ' ' Ltbio (James E. Fennessy, mgr.) — Nell O'Brien's Minstrels will open the regular season 15, after Ave successful weeks of Lyman H. Howe's Travel Talks. Walker Whiteside follows 22, in "The Typhoon." B. F. Keith's (Charles L. Doran, mgr.)— George 7. HoUirt's romance of real life, "Open- ing Night," will be the feature 15. Others: Maurice Freeman and Nadlne Winston, In "Tony and the Stork;" La Toy Brothers, Frozlnl, wiz- ard of the accordion; Maxim's Models. Derine and Williams, In "The Female Drummers;" Barry B. Lester, and Zeno, Jordan and Zeuo. Potho's Weekly. Walnut Stiibet (W. F. Jackson, mgr.)— Thomas K. Shea will come 15, presenting "A Man aad His Wife," "The Bells" and "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hvde." "The Country Boy" 22. RHPnrHB (George F. Fish, mgr.)—The Plcchl- nlanl Troupe of acrobats are hendllners 16. Others: Gaylord and Meron, the Three Ixirettm. Milt Arnnmoii, and Currle and Earle. Motion pictures. i'Kdi-i.n's (James E. Fennessy. mgr.)—The American Burlesqners are coming 15. Eva Mull. n dainty little darling, was the kit of the Ulrls of Missouri, appearing in both "The Littlest Leading Lady" and "The Little Rebel." 3. H. Oiirtln's Hose lluils arrive 22. St/ndabd (R. K. Hynlckn. mgr.)—The Stor and Hurler Show Is due 15. Charles Robinson's Crusoe Girls ure popular here. They put on "In His Son's Place." Llbby Blondell. a favorite, was a spirited Gaby De Manuel. American Beauties will lie in full bloom 22. AuDrroniUM.—Phillips and company, in the sketch, "Stage Struck," are coming 22. I.nst week's bill was provided by the Roth-Rosso com- pany, Jimmy Logue, the Hartmans, sad De Fur and Estes. Nsw I.rCBtru (Harry Hart, mgr.)—With (Jus Sun vaudeville tills house re-opens 15. !.. My 11 Warren Players, In "Olteeso and Crackers," are the headllners. Five acta and three reels of pic- tures are offered for a dime. Chester 1'aiik (Isaac M. Martin, mgr.)—The season closed Sept. 10, after another week of carnival features. IlxuoK's Oi'kiia House, Family, and Ryan's CKNTuiir continue to show motion pictures. THISl-IAN rOlNTEBS. Burin-ess Manaseb Charles Stdrokh, of Geo. Evana' "Honey Boy" Minstrels, gave the lads of lis? Working Boys' Home quite a treat NottAii Leahy ano Goldis Quitman appeared in diving contests at Chester 1'srk. Tin: Hawaiian Sinoebs are at the. Blue Grass Inn. Helen Abrrnatht Is the soloist at the con- certs at Henry Wlelert's Pavilion. John Philip Souba and his band come to the Grand Opera Home for t«\> concerts 20. Tub Cincinnati Thbathh Co. has changed Its name to the Standard Theatre Co. Work of building the new house on Walnut Street will soon begin. Helen Hopes Is soloist at the Schuneslng Gar- den concerts. Tio M11.0. of the Bison Olty Quartet, at B. F. Keith's, once sold Ttmei-atari in Cincinnati. William Brown, a deep sea diver, who claimed to have worked on the Maine, was apprehended during bis stay at Chester Park, and given a rldo to Georgia. Requisition papers were Issued for him. Knurr acts, twice a day, and a cabaret show Is the Orpheum policy la brief. fiionoa Sohoettlh Is once more In tbe tress-- ■rer'a office at B. F. Keith's, having severed his convection with the Cincinnati Olub for the season Elinor Navarjit Is a nc<v soubrette of tbe German Theatre Co. She comes from Vienna. Hans Hobcrt Is another addition, and Hans Foratner and Anna Colllul-Senden return. Tho season opens Oct. 0. Will Oakland* singing won him much ap- plause at the Empress. Lois Bbiiri made nnltc a hit with the Girls from Missouri. Franxib Martin la the petite soubrette In "Cohen and ttie Guy Widow,", which Is staged by Robinson's Crusoe Girls. Gracb Hals, hi "The Penally," received much praise for her iircseutullou of the role of the erring mother. ) aclty 15. Send for New Catalogue Stating Kind Desired THEATRICAL CATALOGUE of Show Print- MAGIC PRINTING. Hypsotlim, Illusion) Ing. Reoertoiro.:Stock. Circus,- Wild ; Mind Reading, Etc. Wsi't, Tsnl Shows, Etc: ^MINSTREL PRINTING; While or Colored, FAIR PRINTING :Fai«r:R»c«<:\A,ialion:; : VVitr, or WlthouJ Title. Etc FAIR PRINT|NG,;Fair5. R*c«. Aviation, »uto. Horse. Sibck\Shbwsi r Etc" WESTEHN PLAYS, tic Printers L.thograpriers, Engravers,; <mM0> chic MOVING J.PI Cry H Er. PR IN Tl N G. Etc. ■Royalty Plays wild Prinlmo. on Hand; for every Kind ol 'Amusement Enterprise WRITE ST./.ITduiS OFFICE - 7TH AND ELM STS. GOSTUHES SOUBRETTE DRESSES WIGS TI6HTS GOLD AND SILVER TRIMMINGS MAKEUP Write for Catnlonue, 80 pases, OOO lllaetratlons. FRITZ SCHOULTZ St CO., 19 Wesi Lake 8t. (Estahllslicd 25 years), Chicago, III, :im NO E3UP N.Y. Have your TRUNKS and SCENERY MOVED by O. J. CLINN A SON. - -47 West Swan Street We hare the most complete line in Buffalo. Phono 12S1 8HNK0A, or write ahead, NEW YORK COSTUME CO. Send <c. for GUlo* C, \U pages 140 N. Dearborn St, CHICAGO ORIGINAL DE8IQN8 BY OUR OWN ARTIST! Burlesque Drones a Specialty ESTIMATES FURNISHED COSTUMES FROM ONE TO ONE THOUSAND BROADWAY THEATRICAL COSTUME CO. w ££&k\l*l:&:r PLAYS For STOCK, REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COMPANIES LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Books for horn* amusement, Negro Plays, Paper, Bcenerj, Mrs. Jarley'i War Works. Catalogue Free I Free I Free I u amii tci, icricncii, 28 West S8tb St., New Tork. NE\K7 YORK CALCIUM LIGHT CO. Electric Stage Lighting APPARATUS FOR SALE OR RENT 410 BLEECKEft ST., N. Y. MOM (574 CHELSEA WIGS TOUPEES, FOR STAGE and STREET OSCAR F. BERIMNER 105 WKNT 4711s STHK1CT. NHJW YORK CITY, Keor Ola A«. LgIOHNER'8 ORBASE PAINTS, POWDERS, ROUOEB, ETC. . TRICKS t TRICKS! TRICKS! Largest assortment of Tricks, Jokes and Novelties In the world. Send 2c. stamp for Illustrated catalogue 184 N. CLARK STREBT. {% » TTTTT dTlATAT\T 115 STATB STREET' main Store). W* «J. P flaMNaUlan (Palmer Hon se Lobby). "CAMKRAPHONK" TALKING PICTURE! OUTFIT FOR SALB, COEsSIBTINO Of JKtU£P1&I&! li 9 MACHINES, ELEOTRI0 H0TOR, RECORDS, HORNS, 8,000 FEET OF HI* TALKING, SINOTNO, ACTS, ETC. PRICE, »1K>. ' O. B. B9IBR8UN, Newark, N. J. »a_K IN ALL LINES WOOD-RAT STOCK GO. <"""""" WOOD-RAY STOCK CO.< WB8TBMI \f^?£ *J? n tt ?, d Woman, two young den. Bus. Women, Comedian with specialties, Al II' an Man, two Gen. Bus. Men, Al Piano Player, Soabretto. with specialties. WRITE or WIRE QUICK. "WOOD & RAY, Brown wood, Teias. Hamilton, O.—Smith's (Tom A. Smith, mgr. "The Traveling 8aleamnn." Sept. 10, to eapaclt luminous, dcorge Evnna' Honey Boy Minstrel Lyman II. Howe's motion pictures 21, 22, (Iiianii (Joliu B. .McCarthy, mgr.)—Vauilevlllo and niotlou pictures, to Rood returns, AiiiniiMK, Eaole, Stab, Uoyal, and I.vum ' photoplay houses, report excellent returns. Notes. —A reception was tendered Shep Camp, of "Tho Traveling Salesman" Co., 10. hy ono thoumiiu! II. P. O. E. brothers, at Eagle's Tem- ple. Mr. snd Mrs. Camp are residents of Ham- ilton, and Mrs. Oamp Is here to look after their Invalid daughter during Mr. Camp's tour Ethel Sullivan is a newly added member of the Orand Orchestra Manager Smith, of tho flrond, In pleased with the season's offerings that ba*0 played this house, and contemplates booking nothing but the best traveling attractions this wlnler Danny Brannon has been appointed treasurer of Smith's Theatre. Drayton, O.—Lyric (Mnx Hurtlg, mgr.)— Vauitcvlle, three performances dally. National (Olll Ourroughs, mgr.) —.Thou !•: Shea ' In "The hells," "A Man and Ills wife" and "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" week of Sept. 0 "The Country Boy" week of 10. Business is good. Victosja. —Dark. Majehtih, Aumtobiuii, Jbwsi. anii Bijou, mo- tion picture houses, are dokag Uuu busluwi, DE RUE BROS. IDEAL MINSTRELS WANTED-JOIN ON RECEIPT OF WIRE. . =__ Al HEAVY IVIAIM Must be tall, wltn oxporlonce, abUlty and wardrobe, for repertoire and extended stock cng-»KOBM |10 for the . Salary low, but sure useful peoplo write. .. and Now York, send open tlmo. State _ LOllNE - _ —1-\A/VIM ©O ■S u J , . r ?. t ,lSS ,or ' I2 r 68 ™ or sneceas. Just finished season S2 *g&ku£3i E fiWTN, Formlnetonj N. liampshlre. manaobus In Nor,' tag'"" 1 Wanted for Murdock Bros.—Comedians »o 8BASONS OF 8UCOBSS j. whS«i P iT«r. t i h „ a L'i 0 ? 1,lc SS* n,1: 'fombone that doubles B. and O. If yon do a opeelalty wire. iwg»