The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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SEprpEM?BBBI'?fi r EHm<%mW ^QRK GlilPBBBi afe UOVDONPLUMBS WE ftiafe this offqr. only (js-g , cau$e.:ol .unsettled business conditions , ^e ( lrj^hiete ;,,and : our desire, to. toscpthe factory, running \ most-semsationar plume loffer evei hiade^Kithis mMtir- Tnese vet^ plurh<$ • (just 'from ourj; factory) arkubw.' i being soldhyexr elusive-, f ik)i without our trader,., mark, at <fjv,e rjfc^a™ times the prices we ask. XhtRftef °' the'plunrje.instantly'refunded.'J •/ ywd 1 ? HMM fkS&it&fl Our._4A^ rant '* trade-mark on every ' pltfn*;aWtKe'Yegul:p; price is stamped on a We mutt warn readers that while it is possible for, them to buy other makes of iplunKi' afcltpeae pricesrthey cannot ifeti.ondoriquarity—or ■ W Meat ^ci^ed''-' 3 ^ckM Art-' >-Special Price .^95 Price .v.M- Hi. hi nfutM f L•,«Nolc^plt|lV:«litl|e»bof«•w^ll't**h^.p^a^. , t. <, , 7.fe-»fiitliali^Ki'flursif ( Jvft 1 f4"kyi6tttiat,,;*.9S 10.75-23 Incheslong; Hutsdouble,ifnoiied .', 8.SB',; 1S.7S—25Inches' longjftveidoublo.linptt'oo, : V.9B. 'J.7J-I5 Inches long i II • aKju^XIn ai_,-.c- jl»l ,'l! 38 | 98'' ? u .(Si.; w«h«4 «Mrtt.i >i»m Bin •« a>Upt^ a 1 »C"-iA\(ii;rl-\l 7i' M'J'^TS ,'A , riuiu'u wIuWkdI C. 01i>..wltk Brlvllti*-or fjcum- Inailon upon receipt of 50c to rover cxprrssa£c, ;:te,s«^itrfip^W!tw»r>:a^M'riv.jtidirt»^ chsruri. Smnd for catalog d l^tr*)iFiaJi.rBU B . ItitftiinV' " 1101. Saint HhIimii, E. 0 70S Cilia CorflXtn'. 3. A, : I NEWS ;. i*. a. WEnsTEri's attractions. " Alfred A. Web'stef will be a factor among the permanent-Stock managers this season. On Labor-^Dny he. opened his Pearl Stock Co. (No.^1), at'tuo Huntington,Theatre, Hunt- ington, W.- Va M a maiden town Tor permanent fctoclc. Illscompiinj opened to capacity, scv- erahhundrcd people belne turned away, and immediately after the fnitlal performance of ;.'Th£ Lion and the Mouse/' which he wisely selected as his ..oponlng play, the PcarT Stock Co. became too talk of the town, and seats halve begun'to eelt rapidly for three-weeks in advance. Pearl Evans Lewis heads the Hunt- ington .■company. This clever little stock star 18 welt known, as she headed the Pearl Stock Confer Dfty-four weeks at Brie, Pa., to phe- ' ieflal business, Mr. Webstor plays'the e'oppos'lto her, and among the other peo- ple' -with-this orgnultntton are: James Mc- ifiodgn,; Stttrt Frcls, Leo Hdha, Fred Strong, /Curies Karmont,'- Henry 'Lench, James Cos- r «flt>, f ^Btt«a May, Lilly ■ Morris, Minerva Dencau, Carrie Lowe Murphy, Alice Dei Grand, Leroy Frltzlnger, scenic artist, and Harry Beeves, "roaster carpenter.- Alme Todd Jr. Is acting manager for Mr. Webster. Manager Webster's Pearl Stock Co. (No. 2V ' li" (encarslng Tor"ah all season's run at Marietta', <). It was such a success when It played a three weeks' engagement there dur- ing, the''extreme hot weather that contracts jvcre., signed for the season. This company 'Opened'Sept. 0. / A third company opens the middle of Sep- tember In an Eastern city., said Ma&nger Webster will have no less Wan Ave in full swing before .'many weeks elapse. Nothing but .the- best royalty plays Will be offered by each-company. "Girls" pTSyaYH 1 T ' will'be the second to be followed by "Brew- l i t hi i V \ Combination Pralrls Whistle. a, • 'TM tan InjIlaU .» t Mril ... animal, ' Aatdnli'i \t«uMen<l« l/jmklnr tlum Ul|«,» joe an* fcVuMUailrt. th» Itntrooeni' li.concealed In .21.' [.»'. ,.eMl»««rlh«»ieatli«nd dottrtlon la'lnpnilblo. »lwlM»«ti«atliiluu»mju» „„'! eeethem tret, ih.lmirte ■Jldcllnioeejmlr. Bcjji, If-.Joii like fuo, sot one. Trice* ««u> full, nWoUaneiiia okic eatalof rax*, MUMS, HwiHa^ut» ( ,yc o.,Tist n. w»Tss'*i , ..'bl:e»toR, , itt. HAIR ON THE FACE ."V ; Nwk ami;-A*D)sr-\ Inslantiy removed "wit hont injury to the moat delicate - akin.' la. oompoandlng, an . laconiplelo mixture was »o- oldentally spilled on the bftok of the hani* WMtilng afUrwa] p'6+ at/HimtfngtoB, . 'st'ef's' Mllllonk," while his Marietta company opon,8|In. ¥ /'Patd In Fu ll." '"'.'': , PHIL MAltalR CO. NOTKS. . / Wo are now, pigylhg the fair date*. The business has been exceptionally good, - We harre Juat finished a ten weekB tour >of the Thousand Islonids,; tvnd the resorta In North- ern New York, BlVHyj' the njem*er«"of the company a chance to combine business with •pleasure, which they dlaV •-.'<• T!W4V played the Cape Vincent Fair last week.—Cape ■ Vincent is -a beautiful -fishing wsortcn thoSt Laiv?enee River, above clay- ton; Si WeVproda'cea a , Wart ' wWtteji'. from SKryi'J. Holmes' stotr-'-Sf V-The-.HpHlastead 6b'"trf» Hillside," by'Phil Manor, sUr "of the company. The piece made an instantaneous ant. Every play In the repertoire Is from .the pen PC .this yeraatUe comedlatt—"Jolly" PhlfMane^- •' • ' . ' '..' The members of the company are well, and <U1 Unite In- saying "This Is the most pleas- ant [engaienfeat and the most prosperous company fn the stock game," ,< We-play "the GOuvcrneur Fair, next,'then Jrjto: i the Adirondack mountains for three weeks, which finishes a three years and half tour, i . ..' - '- ■'■:,' ' Mr. Maher la strengthening tils company a we.ek Oi-iiTtewikBH. . i ft I forgot' tO,'*»y we. are wearlnir j»vercoals »nb here;-/'*-'-:. V. :„,...'-^ --••—• KHI'I'H'S < UK I I 1 <il] IS I1IU PIiAYS. jj.Dramatlstr^rve, reaaoB,i-to: be cleased ,Uy -trie fact that 1 B:F;KeiTh rtfh noW offer nine weeks of high royalty bookings to Broadway Building, board 'of Wl 1 Jcctlon "tofnais upon the;pliy<i to; be prcaoSt- fed'W th<KBltf Circuit: All, pjr will be p|*yed tofaach'.of the no,- lam ic. JMassbn, ..Oitf.. gehetal;. stnge,>diroctor for the New York stock theatres, and J. r J. Mnlont-y. the general manager, visit sll new' productions on Broadway;.to, stndy their 4c- BlrnhllltjK for iBbpck. ,'iAulhocg are' thus per- tain of hiv.'-additional nine weeks for the plays Beleottd, the. thedtrea, bctng theflartem, Opera' goose, \.Qre«aipouit, ! Orescent"! and Ootliiiin, in NeiyiJfoiIrL atidj houses IrpPrqyl ' dence, rhiltiilelphjs, Toledo. I'drtland,' Me., i..nd Umlbn am/N. 'J. £OTe* will be given productloha,JwMlc^4^I.IV_-'dupU<'jite ^.ti'e ord- inals. .Jll, The--Aubrey- -fltock -Co;,- -afterTa- -sixteen dUcv«mwStJiai W enBlrWss complete! Jfe naftiedthe nWaWs^ry 'f •modhJ. _ t*al ot Jr f'FJwnntea and tn,o hair dlsappoars aslf -(LSfftJftSaT."'"^LpANNOT 1'AII.. ..ModeDoeuperaedea JISm^G 11 !;' ,£"<»*'I'WPln-Of refinement, ali.'d re-, commended by all Who hayetcstcil ll« merits. Mo- <tene laoew for sale at drug stores, or will be sent " T «S»ft™'B«f©ty mafllnj cases on recolpt oflLOp! per bottle: Postage stamps taken. Address Bronchial Troches Relieve Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Coughs,-Bron- ohlsl nnd Anthtimtlo Complntnts. Unexoelled for clearing' the' voice..' Sixty yeaVs' reputatiotl. Free from;pp|a^a'<)r,^nytblni;harmful. i( So.ld,,l)ojtoi) r .Sample'iiviiled.freefl!."..: " JOIQI I, UjttOWN & SON, Boston, Mass. the theatre at once oabtractefl -.wHJivM^/Hlt- j ■ucr to. play an } lndcnrilte cuartntentyi/Tha ' 1 ,-jy?«JftwJa''itts;cla>tfc.-ssja»9f, antt.tnis;- ls - big.^TBv'en fho h*a£3uU--hot^wered The company has.been the r the construction of'a new :- Itounn-r iNOEanoi.r,, leading man'With'toe Orpheum Stock, missed his Kuropoan steamer, and as a 1 result his return .will be delayed ; until tlie end of this weok. He will Appear In the production of "An lOnemy to the King/' ■ an 16.:' *"' ' ■•'■■ eS-rri •:..:' . ■.: -., ; * fTHB >HoiAfnar Stbmt, Baltimore, Mtt„ , opened Sopt. 2, with the Kllmt & Onizolo i Stoek Co. a ;'. " ..■: '-r^i Tbb MAifsriain Stock Co. closed Scpt, i 1, UJectcic Partf, Newark. N.J.: . J Mi '/ ::.-.-i". ;. ,/■. -■.:■): (*Jp. ".,.,';: •;';; A >i< ' /-.1 ; .:/. /,l.||lf i^TBas', Compan* rlosea «k -e^imgemonC at .'tho NoTra Fnoii xn« Lrcnnat Stock Co., at! ' ,TjJB CaauaroM, Si Oadtn, U., llert Fox *V Walter King, mana- i a |lftt)ai .yeek^'.;.etocL serai and owner*—Wo.had a. revel surprise j Hampton Pnrk Atrdomo, CliflrleStoni V.-T, for the patrons of our house Thursday nJcht. I Saturday, Sept. 7, to wlmt In suld to'ho'(hi Aug. 29. . Immediately after tho last, act ht ! fatgeat MiMness over' dot.0, nvt'ttjlsf tfopdufi ■iDqra- Thorn" the atage was bcftiillfully ! Summer resort.' The playMi and plays imvi decorated, and the curtain rose on a bonotf- ; batp, extremoly popular with the.UharJi Jul wedding scene, surrounded by the' entire I playgoers, who will no doubt regn ' comnsmy. with Aggie Jtarlon Stutti and Walter - King, aa bridesmaid and best man, Stella Powers was married to llert For, by Bishop Mlddfoton. ' ne the.attendance- cause of. plank ' itTC, tbeaf and' "compictt'd' will be one of the. IOMu itSe .State. lllliiur is .organlzlbg another. Aubrey -Mr. ompnny > >', BEFORE AND AFTER THEATRE mm., mmamm hmmttm B«lMna •Mr,:-i M os»ip6prjtAii : .':='^'i iwr-H amft^MKBTMIUMtM ,Fg iT ^iBAJFifl^ra i MTjsic ft'30 to i a!,m^ GOWNS PA^HET-T,sQ 3 Son«tata?at^oH<CAQO VAN WYC1C, Cincinnati, O. pftlv'/r .M'.iiij ,o i»ii:unI*, • ' ii i , i i I i> U'ili|i l>riii';<!i ffj U>/jiII>' vi, « jieeaed. by. with ntnri The ceremony was wit- "Iiocked to the limit" hquto, mm CMIt-ti Mm iiPiiTvV S',ayl»l_ ItK.Hi.bjiji'-)^ l> '.l^lO'/l ii .eidt'i'ii-.z/ tZJi :.:•:;: $ 01 .Ofl'Al I. |i|rv wit .V( .... ST >iiK'.V::'i L' toti! .are y three hundred turned away long before eight-thirty. ,After .the wedding an favnrltfw depart. Already. numerous reaMcet* for tho company to- i turn' there next Summer.. The wnnkjv-inatli nccs, have been regular turnawnya; the largiiHt ever known 'n the;" timt the ftlrdomo hsa been open tht;nva Hpuime}J ml 'rhq foilWf? company.f or, tlw ,i-oad,-tUo.,No. A -c< OJayini«Bermancnt,srocL\ -v., 1 ! * "•. ' 3 Ii •'•■•:■.:.. -. - ' ' I..- ■■ . * „■ ' ■ I J - :•• ....'.• -/. ; lltltlUS^l'AUHI.'V.SON. NO'l'Ua.' . •(. I Th,o HarrlaParklhsbh -Co,; NoL' 2, will tour i the ■ inlddle, West;' and carry' 'tbirty-flve ' peci^ i pic, fand'and orchestra.' ' " :••' ';'■■■'■ ■••• i " One « the' grvSt feature with Co. No. 1 j la" the challenge blind and orchestra, number-1 rn'g' twenty'pleceJ.'a'n-rl'tbe •mctobers Of ^oth band and orchestra" have been the- talk of ! every city vltltad A t comblebs roattr^'nuav • beting sixty tfeqpje, will ajmear later. -,-... 1 t ■The'Harris (fmnd,• at?Blooinlngt«n,'Ihd., I liVenJoylngwe good basloess : iwttb .vaudeville | ana pictures, .Some.of the, largest produo- ] tlons op. the road, tli|s seaspp are Rooted for BJoqmJngtpin uatf. Mr. dlnrrls',other, houses, , ( XOHSE PAYTON'S NEW TUK Villi:'. U| l :r*.At.w".'., * ■ -''-WRVI/A1LKL.' "t'i. ,: •,•^■ f .T./ I ,v, rtiil^ li^ilWttit m i ■ I >>J t'' f' 'f'-'Vy i erd attractloia-, opened Its eighteenth annual .ST^li^K^A^-^St^''^' lour nt.Frankfort; Ky„ July*22 (fair week), LffinnSSf 9 . fhlnf™"^fe^-^'iSS.'Ji?? »»d *«" b W plsjlng falr.datcs alnce, and \ x£, \t>& <f ln'.«l?^ r ,fl W S»122r'*C fffffi ' In spite of warm father and oppoiltlon Unvnfertl .(Piace^and llalsey Street, in the . i,,, R i rr .R» hn^ heen t-nmi ncarrtrf Wc^ffrvrrfmUBcarenr-cdfltre. work ' iy Iftj *^n.r^«»l irUi ,a;ifj5'.wa<'k9. The house rst Ing. Ih tho roarer of the comnafly; Vli't'IJa*el informal reception) was held on the'stage for | CarlotOrj. Hpisy Caricton. (f«l« Lyons HcnW the members of the company and their close Ma'bel Mows, IWwiti Vnrrley,' J.-' N. MonV friends. Bdllb Lindsay and Chas. Hutrs, i gomery , Hobt^ J, Parkluspn,. ftussojla,,,!* who joined the company Aug. ,20, are fast T''»t, Icdmund Moses.' Jj. J. Ji-Iynn;: Qi' VI bi'comlng favpritea,.., ,,.„;; ,, •,.', -. .,, , I Bryant «nd H, II, Itpach, agortU '4'n? It/Pi) i .Jbromd Stomi Joined B, F. Keith's Green- 1 n „ , L. r< S d /1 wfl 68i > W* 6ct >\' XI ".rWSaW 1 point 1'layora last,week, opening as Doctor \f*% 9 A £. W«ln Yurnoy, Is fllracljpg,,wjhfa K'croben?. In.'The,Great.Divide?'.i Another. | «* J'JSK '■ • t *«° rnnnsger. _-. member who Joins the cast, of rTbe Thief." UflrHfW SnittB»,wns, tho ilril, oC|tlu» IW which follows "The Great Divide," la. QU- : «i»m i Atsoclatdd I'Juj/ers to. ,ah!lvt' 'at tM berba present with the Poll Coal- | Olympic,Tbeatro,, jpilsworth, fn,. and,began ''e for tho coming ," ' . Silly.. tv G, , Sidney, general mana, vlnjnnis, . treasurer,., and, Qtit, . BDW, 1IAI.Z, , Featuring the Jotv^Morrla Co.'a publications. ('Annof.r. Cosibot Notes. —Tble old, etaoa- <>reJhafl.iK9,tb.oa- r^epular prices win li » FgglgTaTKg .gj-. Mn.~ and MiikJ.,..Dn-'ic Suk/ioi Jbavo closed n succeasful Summer season At Lexington, Ky„ week of Aug. 12, the company played to ca Tho IrgO the »«fry> performance. *"-14l . apd " Kentucky Hasterh tour opens Heuf. lG, nt Spc;.^. wJ^' T Irlbf\lg'fc ,, West' Yli'slnla, Ohio,: Pcnnayl- iyfala'hna'NcW Jersey, ■Ho'ster: Toft Carroll, cii*aii;' H. Tdri-y," nfefiard' Cramer, iwbert I the Spencer, W. Va. The tobr imny, In Hartford. The rent-of tho com- Bt dn<ta to prepare for tho coming pany laxnade up aafollowsti Adra AlnnJee I otVJiia company. In, and Oobert Giocker, who have'the leads; • comedy, entitled "A Marriod Bachelor." A Willlaim Macauley, Oeorgo Storr* Fisher, > prosperous Winter sen too in looked for. Mr. Leonora Bradley, Jack,Boache, Harry McKee, ' eldnoy hassceuwd thq following uooploj; Dick stage idirector.;. Frank ,Whltfceck, who had i CotaWrti ■ Gene'-McDonOldf -AlexaWMi**««(! the Tamplo Players In Camden, M. J., and ' <•«'*; Wm. Wllaom George MarrJgale.'iWnU last year managed the tour of George Bid* ; F.yW S'lrerHs,. Il&rrv 0. Sidney; Mrs. >CUv ney'a I'fBusy lwy" company m the Coasti I «onUqa,£»nder, Fjoronce llandolph- Mrs: hsa charge of the house, with Harold Hevla : Hdlth rCemfbrr.'.Mftrldn Anetto; 8»)Jy, WJTpJi In the box office. . • i ..,'/-,. ... ! Vlnleta,;. Uarry ' N6*«s jtiom ' t«rn F« Stock Co.; ! KJdSw JUL*. supporting Bdwin Woever. —This company MoDonald, director, just closed a fifteen weeks' engagement a' the'•■ Colonial Theatre, at Brantford/'iOnt, and enjoyed a most delightful Summer: their | snow. first stand on the road being Qoderlch, Odt i Jo«ei>ii AjrhoN ToTjujif, form Business wan excellent, the a It. O. sign be- ! rector of tho Manhattan Opera Ing in evidence on several ovdaslons, and W, ,'New York, opened the Auditorium, M, McLean;' monagot 1 of the Victoria Opera ; 0.. In "Rea Itcai!,'.' vorlttrn bv hlrotelfi' House; at aoderich, doc! a red the iWklin \ saUrti) baT clefer plele! ^ ' y6> Stock Co, to be the beat that has ever played | hi. w ii ' ,. „ his towa, and ho'secured them date, Sept. 11-18; Oar rostor is as follows ICdwlu weever, Ed. Keooe, Hempstead Prince) ,. Lorcn Sterling, Dan Fondcll, J. h. Mockeand; , the CUrttnry.'New'York/antldau'ghfc'r,' arrived Marion' I,, Franklin.. Ixiulsa Browblng; Ella | frorn.UniflAnd.-§«pt.; 12. : ..j, ,,•> 11> "a"t ' M ,GBitAi.DrNn nenon will, close,..with ,tb» at.; ■ tJr*opo|fa(, fltdck 4rTdp.In.av Cejb>t)jlt,$$1], ra Jlouae, fltecsy torlinu, Toledo, L. v L c u t0r, ,'L 0 ^ < H r 2 O'til 10 "^ ftcad/^«rit^»y / hUMclft' J «iu| id the Franklin ! sabft to boTclefer plece. -, - J\ 73 hns evev iilavod | —ew —^ m i nn , ...... ■em for. bis fair 555=5 V^ 1 [T.;M ?.■> ? ! !^K x fidS j' |thoC«nfnry,'N«W'YorVnn»dfltfgh'fc'r, , arrtv Dnnfcl Baldrjdge, L. C. Smith, May Uyi' " m rtnfl l rom|j/vnv,Miss Myrtle, comedienne; Frank : and Melville, comedians. Corley; Aleoe Mcril).' Kuth Hewitt and ilyrtlo HoinV'tf. <' Vaudeville dots: Ttie Great Kento mil rnuiK mm .^eiviiie, couicumiiH. -..- .... / Tin;' Ai.niin Sroek Co. closed at Keith's. Aug Sent. . GKonaE L.■ KeKNbdt Is playing leads With PtowidenCe, Aug. 31. - The hotist opened with validfrvillei'Sept. »,'•■''"< ■■i - n GRoiioE L.- Kbnnbdt ls'playlng the Premier Stock, at the Hdlllday Street, Baltimore. Collins, Lilly Hughs and Franklin Fox. Tin: Drama Platers opened their season at the Playhouse (formerly Hathaway Thea. Ire), 'Lowell,' Mass,; on Monday, Sept: 18, In. stead of Sept. 1 0; as originally announced, In r 'The Charity B*1l." Kendall Weston is pert- . sonally to supervise all departments mt -Ihe I "'■'' •', theatre.' • •' ' A '■ .-.::' -ir, I-' " TUB BtrPln TifKATns 'Stock,' Provldencfc, It. I.. liM-luihis Alice'L, Taylor, Hotter Bat. fon, John T. Dwyor, Itoy Phillips; Irving fiAncaster, John A, Preston, stage manager.-; Fred Button, i Malcolm Clifford. The'stock will continue Indefinitely, •.- ■ w. t h, , iiajichms reports success ,tn , creation of Dr.. Wcstvver, In thcpilayiontll •(The Balance.'!-.i ,.-,.• r el j .'Mistffm 1BZD H ft •III: III T i"> :m.i|» nii'n.'iir Illlll.T/ll. II IIAI.F TONE! PIOTUnioa In the vend u Of r|. Hl o « l.ll'l'lill rrlll bi lu«t-rl»<l nt <llreif> prlorai tn« eusen bf THU, AH.II'l'iCU will,iM Pfnnt I'mrr lintv'.'.V..^ ffW.OO nor u I >i a I * (»i»,.ii . V.. T '. " DATE BOOK , , ,., , MenMon tltla Pnpex" ', " The M. STEW COSMETIC CO. -neX .717)0 >j|^ii{Sgn .? •' v < .'j, atKno "I. '• ■ : III ,io, mw II . . ' Ml . 1 -1IWW WI r<@/>*s&£) moumtwrnmBt