The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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22 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September 21 TMI To rapport MAUDE tojimuho.t, Good Repertoire People ■ «„..■ u..h.7uiliiid lTA«w1oa Ttnntt nn(a. Including M*n for Lend* and Heavies. Don't nils represent. Prefer people doubling band or dolnt specialties. Others write Must be reliable. Tell all first letter. Address JACK BROOKS. Lancaster, Wis., until Sunday night; Wauieka, Wis., 23, 84; 1? Bkader, la„ li. M. 27. 28. WANTED, FOR Frank E. Long Stock Co. COMEDIAN With strong singing and dancing specialties. Must be clever In blackface, Dutch, Irish, etc. Change for one week. Hake salary reasonable, as season Is long and sore. FRANK E. LONG, Vermillion, 8. Dak., Sept. 23-28; Boone, Iowa, Sept. 80-Oct. 8. ATTRACTIONS WANTED For DEW {40,000 THEATRE Modern conveniences. Capacity 860. Population 4,500, with 8,000 to draw fro o. ' ' F. A. HEATH, Becy., PISEV1LLE, KY. AT LIBERTY A © E NT Join on wire. No ticket. J. A. WILLIAMS, UNITY HOTEL, 882 Washington St.. QARY, IND. WANTCD LEWIS & WILSON ROAD ATTRACTION Agent to book and wildcat, Colored Musicians, two Cornets, Baritone, Bass, Trombone. Preference given those th it double string In orchestra. State all In first letter. Address OKIEN LEWIB, care of TBRRV'B BIO CO.. BOX 1S8, LITTLE SIOUX, IA. These are Oar Shows. PARTNER with scripts, for Rep. Stock, Threo Women, Fonr Men. I play small parts, also Clar. Id Orcti. Will furnish one-half cash. ED. STOGD1LL, 6706 Qulncy Ave., CLEVELAND, O. ISABELLE TURNER WANTS FOR THE TURNER DRAMATIC CO. Comedian and Gen'l Business Man, must do spe. claltles. Othor useful people wrlto: Mystic, Iowa- Bept. 18-81, Albla88-28. BURTON VALE, Manager, CONTRACTS LITTIB HKADS, KHVKLOPKI). TIOKCTi, rASSBB, OAKDB, KtO. Write for Samples. Wrtb rig. Oo.. 448 Bo. Dearborn St. Ohioago, Ml. TYDBMAN, formerly ot "LESTER BROS. AND tydkm AN." Straight Han. Will loin any act that li booked up. Good appearance. Ground tumbling and hand to hand work. V.TYDEMA N, 612 Balloy Street. Camden, N. J. At Liberty, PIANIST K. P. ORONRIHEYBR, Pen. Pel., Brie, Pa. WANTED Med. Performers and Piano Player BILLY McCLMTOCK, Fait horn, Mich. sxxktg- xa RS Have yon (tot onr latest song hits? DCS WINKLER, Roam 31. urnnil Opera Mouse Bldg., Chicago, Ills. CDCC MAGIC 19t2 CATAL0Q ■ ■■■■■^■'BtampsforPooketTrlokandpartlcu- Mt, mOI0OO.,DepLI, 2WW. 88th St., N. Y. NEW 212 PAGE ILLUST. MA6IC CATAl Containing cuts ot Leading Conjurors, ISOc. New S2 page book Catal, 10c. None tree, W. D. LEROY, 103 Court St., Boston, Mass. MUSIC ARRANGED SSS&K? Words written to maslo; muslo written to word*. References, F. A. Mills [Muslo Publisher). E. 8. S. HUNIINOTON, care CLIPPER, 47 W. jgj St., N. Y. it Liberty, Victor L. Walters AFTER SEPT. 30, BARITONE AND STACK. Height, 6 ft. 7 In.; weight, l&o. AddrcBi GEN. DEL.. LAMAR, MO. WANTED Sketch Team and Single For MED. SHOW CO. Open Sept. 23. Boozers won't last. II. J. LANE, Plaao, la. At Liberty-CLARINET Al experienced man. Icarry three sets lusts., tnao to any pitch piano. Concert or dance orch. Wrle. ED. 8TOOD1LL, 6709 Qulncy Ave., Clevoland, O. ABSOLUTELY HUIIIKST VALUE PAID For Discarded Gowns, Furs, Wraps. Diamonds, Jewelry, etc MRS. COHEN, 629 SIXTH AVE., N. Y, Phone 4670 Qreoley. ECZEMA Also called Tetter, Salt Rheum, Pruri- tus, Mllk-Cruit, "Weeping Skin, etc. ECZEMA CAN 1IB CURED TO KTA1, and when I say cured, I mean Jiat what I say— O-U-R-E-l), and not merely patched up for a while, to return worae than before. Remember. I make this broad statement after putting ten years of my time on thin one illaoase, and handling In the meantime a quarter of a million cases of this dreadful cllsesH a. Now. I do not care what all you have used, nor how many doctors havo told you that you could not bo cured—all I ask Is just a ohanco to show you that I know what I am talking about. If you will wrlto mo TO-DAY, I will send yon a FREE TRIAL, of my mild, soothing, guaranteed ours that will convince you more In a day than I or any one else could In a mouth's time. If you are disgusted and discouraged. I dare you to give me a chance to prove my claims, By writ- ing me to-day, you will enjoy more real comfort than you had ever thought this world holds tor you. Just try II and you will sec I am telling yon the truth. Dr. J. E Canuidiy, 1664 Park Square, Stdalla, Mo. References: Third National Hank, Scdalla, Mo. Could you do a better act than to send this notice to some poor sutrerer of EczemaI gggkgBje notes. Mart B. P. Transit has been very busy all Summer arranging for the publishing shortly of new stock acts, twelve new paro- dies. 'Mary's' Wit, No. !1." filling orders for stock work already published, and writing much special material. Many of her old patrons return from time to time for new material as needed, and In some Instances have ordered two and threo separate and dis- tinct acts. One of her latest endeavors, a Woman's Suffrage opening for the act of James and Francis, was written for them by Mrs, Thayer, and they report flue success with It everywhere. The new opening was put on for the first time in Providence last week, and was one of the hits of an excel- lent bill. This team certainly know how to fiut stuff "over" to get out all there Is in t. They are so plensed with the act that they have commissioned Mrs. Thayer to re- build it around special scenery and add more material to It, and when fashioned into the set they have in mind, It should be one of the most artistic, original and funny acts on the boards. Alice Roixabd. contralto soloist, with Whitney's Operatic Dolls, finishes her con- tract with Mr. Whitney, Sept. 16, and will join her husband, Charlie Heclow, and In the near future Heclow and Bollard will produce a new singing and talking act. Mli.b. Am will play vaudeville this season, opening this month, after a long rest, at Smlthtown, L. I., N. Y. Sibyl Bbennan, comedienne, who played the United time last year, is this season working with Jim Diamond. They opened at the Orpheum, Brooklyn, last week, and scored a hit. The act has been offered a solid season's booking. Thb Babnblls, woo recently concluded a route of five houses at Broadway Theatre, Logansport. Ind., for the Co-operative Vaude- ville AsBOclatlon.played the Orpheum The- atre at Belolt, Wis., three days, to break their Jump to St. Paul. Minn., where they opened at the Gayetv Theatre, on the Web- ster Circuit, Sept. 12, for six weeks. They will go to the Coast this season. Millard Bros. (Bill and Bob), after spending ten weeks on their farm, at Eagle Mills, If. Y., opened on the Pantagea Circuit, at Calgary, Can., Sept. 9, with twenty weeks of Western vaudeville time to follow. Thb Sixth Sthmt .Thbatrb, Coshocton, O.. baa been leased to T. J. Bailey and C. L. fllihrrt, who will conduct it as a high class vaudeville house, with one or two road at- tractions weekly. It opened Sept. 4 with the Black Pattl Co., followed 6 by Vogel's Minstrels. Wc are Informed In an unsigned com- munication that Corlnne Snell, a vaudeville performer, was seriously Injured In a rail- road wreck on the Ontario and Western Roll- road recently, and that she is In the La- fayette Hospital, at Buffalo, N. Y. WILLIAM OBOSS AND GLADYS JACKHOK, who were to be featured In a tabloid musical comedy over the Western Vaudeville Mana- gers Association, have canceled same, and are booked solid for the coining Sanson over the same time with their vaudeville act YOVNO AND YOUNG, Making good with Harry Von Tiber's songs. ■■< *> << ■«»» »i>,io«.<a'«ii'mi»rt«»o Haahb and McGinns have changed their act this season from Irish and Dutch to straight and Dutch, with a fine set of new material, which Is meeting with big success. Al. Lrwis and May Gordon, the new pro- dueore presented their "London Fire Brl- fade" pantomime act at the Taylor Opera louse. Trenton, N. J., Bent 0. Am unsigned communication reads: "Mar- ion Allen, the dancer, presented her hus- band, A. E. Tenney, comedy juggler, with a baby girl, at their home In Greenwood, Moss., on Aug. 16." ' Lawrence, Hunt, Stars and Lawrence, all people who have been with big Broadway successes, have been organized by Clarence Hunt, for a mixed quartette, and are booked solid on United' time. Thb Fidelity Booking Offices are at high tide these days and nights, If one Is to judge by the constant flow ot managers and nrtlBts to and from this most popular agency. In fact, the Fidelity's business has already outgrown its present quarters, like- wise Its office force, and additional office space adjoining will be occupied Sept. 15. Also Bert B. Perkins, the genial manager In charge of the routing department, will have an assistant ia Geo. W. Englobrcth, a well known Western agent, until the opening of the Eastern branch. Theatres at Derby, Conn.; Mamaroneck, Irvlngton, Oswego, Little Falls, Cortland and Ithaca, N. Y.; Barre, Rutland and Bellows Palls, Vt„ are the latest to avail themselves of Fidelity service, meanwhile the engaging of John w. Ransone (as Cel. Roosevelt), Mile. Delores and company, Four Lukens, Lesch's lions, Robcrtl's animals. Pour Musical Comets, Wll- lard Price and company, Three Musical Ran- kins, Juggling La Bells, Esmeralda and Diaz, Three Houghtons, cyclists; Les Paiges, Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Friel, Margaret Severance and company, Pete Da Mar, Mysterious Eve- lyn company, Thermos Arktos, Five Dramatic I'lnvers, Irish-American Racers, the Water- melon Trust, sixteen people; Atlantis, Flake and Jack, Coyle and Murrell, and others, will run the total of standard acts now playing for Mr. Mackintosh beyond the tour hundred mark. Sadir Fairfield (of Morton and Fair- field) mourns the death of her mother, Mrs. R. A. Stokes, at Oakland, Cal., of heart failure, aged eighty-three years. She passed awav Aug. 24. Remains Interred la the family plot at Cypress Lawn Cemetery, San Francisco. Cat., ot which city the deceased was an old resident Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Parrish. of Decatur, 111., visited their son, 8. Alvnrado (Parrlsn), nt rcorln, III., where Mr. Parrlsh was play- ing on the Western Vaudevlllo circuit. This was the first time they had met for two years, ns Mr. Parrlsh had been playing Eastern time. Tub Thrbb Lkioiitonh, whose home city Is Decatur, ill., wcro entertained Inst week, on the stage of the Btjnu Theatre, Decatur, by ahout fifty of their friends. The perform- ers from the Empress, the Bijou, and the members ot the cast of "Louisiana Lou" were invited, and a jolly good time was passed. Al, Gbrrkr, the. New York song writer, nnd Martha Belmont will be seen In vaude- ville. DON'T FORGET FUNK'S "THE WIG MAKER" FORMERLY McVlokers Theatre Building NOW at 412 North American Building Northwest Cor. Bute and Monroe Bts., CHICAGO Telephone Bryant 8044 Eaves Costume Co. Manufacturer* of Theatrical COSTUMES and UNIFORMS Of Every Description 226 West 41st Street, One Block West of Broadway NEW YORK Em BRANDO The Handcuff Kind. H "Tmt Utortai T I mhh I SW •*« SlstflbC*' WE giBSfeSEL^sWSffS x SECRET Cfliusff |Av SEC FOR YOURSELF Iff BOSTON, MASS FHOLTOWS HARMONY HINTS r An Illustrated magazine, containing many f articles of Interest to musicians and full _ Q descriptions of Holton Band Instruments. D II OCR. BIG BARGAIN LIST fl Eof second-hand band Instruments shows aa excellent bargains. Terms cash or Install- Is ment. Old Instruments accepted as part Ba E payment *• FRANK HOLTON & CO. fc »63T Gladys Avenue, Chicago — UNIFORMS and COSTUMES ANY CHARACTER. Cowboy, Clothing and Equipment, RUSSELL UNIFORM OO. B'way, 48th St. and 7th Ave.. New York. ATTRACTIONS We are now hooking attractions for the coming season, and want to hear from all high-class shows that can make this town. Give full Information In your reply and you will hear irom us quickly. Address MANAGER KATHLEEN TI1KA- TRE, jjjl gj, Moultrie, Oa. Soubrette WICS Mode of Natural Wavy Hair. 12 In. long, In as- sorted shades to golden blonde. SPECIAL PRICE 810.0O All kinds of Theatrical WIOS, from $2.(0 to $100 THE WIGGERY 04 B. MADISON ST., CHICAGO J STARR & SACKS ■TSSWK"* S It Evening and Soubrette Gowns, Fancy Stage if ft and Street Dresses, Opera Ooats and Furs, * If Full-dress Tuxedos, Prince Alberts and $ dnlta, Silk and Opera £ Hark NL.U.hago. J * Kngiish Walkln v Huts. 3*3 N Herzberg's igretteP Mint Arcade, Phlla., Pa. Jm Heron Aigrettes branched in any I *jj dCBlred quantity toabuueh. 'Write ^uy for Illustrated Catalogue C. ^■ T MUSIC ARRANGED PIANO ORCHESTRA Melodies written to song poems. Ret.—Wltmark A Bon. W. H. NELSON, 128 W. 86th St., N. Y. PLAYS N.Y. PLAY BUREAU Is now located at Tremont Theatre, New York. Qet New Catalogue. SKETCHES, M0N0L0GS, Patters and Parodies, written to order. Good original work; reasonable prices. JENNE A MARTIN, Box 32. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Song Poems Wanted CASH OR ROYALTY TO YOB. AGENTS WANTED KOKOUIIPUHLICATION9. NEEDHAM MUSIC HOU8K, 4T-B, Bt. Louis. Mo. A VERY SMALL, HANDSOME TRICK PONY Stamp for answer. Here's your chance. Address Prof. Pamahaalka, No. 2827 N. Sixth St., Phlla., Pa. WANTED VAMPIRE DANGER, THREE BALLET GIRLS and GOOD SOPRANO, VAMPIRE, Care of CLIPPER. Poets. Authors Get Cash for Your Songs and Stories MUMP BALES CO., 4T-*. St. Louli, Mo David Perkins and Philip Browm have secured the rights to the farcical college sketch, "Tom and Jerry," by Sidney Tolcc, which was presented as a headline feature some seasons ago by frank Mostyn Kelly end IMwnrd Calvert, over the Orpheum Cir- cuit. The sketch has never been seen In th-j East outside of New York City. Messrs. Perkins and Brown will play the sketch them- selves. Their former sketch, "Friendship," will continue to be played by Henry Mar- grave and company, now on Pontages' time. Mas. Billy Hall (Efllc Prny) Joined her husband In Jersey City, week of Sept. 1). Hilly Hall and Al. I'ltiard arc with the It 111v B. Von Co. AriAin anp Dahn were compelled to close In the middle of tbclr engagement at the Colonial Theatre, Richmond. Va., week of Sept. 2, through the Illness of Mr. Adair, For First Class ii STOCK THAIS ff By MARIE Mm play Is a CLEAN, beautimi Egyptian Romance, espeohiJlj written for CLEAN slock i„, m . .hVaas teen produced with artistic andI hoge FINANCIAL, SUCCESS by the fill",". 7"; nananers, Percy Williams, Harry Davis. Grant Laferty. NOW on 8. Z. Poll's ENTHtK h%9 liril*, Wuohlnirfrm nnd BOBtOn tO follow. "*"K THIS This pi clftfls manager, circuit; Washington and Boston to follow. Keep Your Eye on.Jamaica. Address MARIE BORAS, Jamaica V V. II 12 13 14 ONLY ONE BEST! The EMERGENCY Steel Clad Ou Bteeiaad XXX TK Strongest In • bs ]nii If J not the price that'.., ty!,-. tut the quality Wardrobe, BUI and Fibre Trunks of ai, m .,„ new and second hand, at attr,!" e l"' prices, always on hand. ■*■• Special Slses of Trunks or Cas.. made to order. Repairing <lonp. »,! disappointments-prompt a«rvlr.° 'PHONE STtnrfESAST 3h" "" EMERGENCY BA66AGE and REPAIR CO 25 EAST 14th ST., N. Y. CITY (NEAR B'WAY.) MI BRANCHi Oth AVE., Cor. leu, am BIIAWCH, Sth AVE.', Cor! 41« BT.' CARL KETTLER, Pies, and Treas. HERBERT KETTLER StcT CARL KETTLER WIG CO. SUCCESSOR TO WM, HBPKEm WIO CO. face POWDERS For 80 Years America's wioh GREASE PAINTS ___ ^""p g _ BRARna COSMETICS WIG MAKERS TOUPEES Wrlto tor Illustrate* CatsUotr E-best Issned la this country STAGE MAKE-UP :: JJ %££*** dsftWoW BEAOHEY A LAWLEIl BUILDINQ N. W. Cor. Washington and Dearborn Sts. 56 WE8T WA8HIWQT0H 8TBEET ■ ■ CHICAGO. ILL. "ACME" THEATRICAL TRUNK A Sensation of Strongness GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS. Unquestionably the best Professional Trunk on the market regardless of price. Made In all slies. Prices, INCLUDING LOWER TRAY so In. long, loin.wlde, 23ln.hlgh %um 32in.long, aoin.wlde, 241n,hlgh iii.oo 84 In. long. «In. wide, 26 in. high tllM 86 In.long. Kln.wlde, 26In. high ju.oo 88in.long, 28ln. wide, 27ln.hlgh tujo 40 In. long, 24 In. wide, 28 In. high „ in.oo ACME LEATHER AND TRUNK WORKS ITT W. STATE ST., OHIOAGO. FOR EVERY PURPOSE 1,000 STYI,ES ESTADL18IIBD 1805 WRITE FOR CAT. No. 41 115-117 So. Wabash Ave.. CHICAGO, ILL. NEW YOBK OFFICR, 1103 Broadway 8KATTLK OFFICE, D08-10-12 First Ave., So. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 728 Mission St. The A. H. Andrews Co. fi^MRTYAMPSHOES^ T^llb For Street and Stage Wear ^ N ' A complete line ot Pumps and filljjpcrs In all shades, (or evening wear; Aorobatlo Clog and Ballet Shoes kept In stock tst. rami/ lei. BSOO-7 Chelsea. write tor catalogue no. a. I.MILLER. 1554 Broadway, New York. PROFESSIONALS - NOTICE Are yon In need of wardrobe for the stager We carry an immense line of I.ADIE*' EVENING, DINNER and RECEPTION GOWNS. Evening Coats and tapes, and a fall line of Fur 0 an and Sets. Gentlemen's Sack, Ontawny, Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits, Prlnco Alberts, -nd a fall line of Overcoats In all weights, fur lined Coats, aod everything pertaining to a lady or gentleman's wardrobe, suitable Tor stage or street wear. Call or wrlto. We ship goods, 0 0. P., with privilege of examination. Adoposltof not less than 16 required with all orders. MRS. In BOHECHH, Ott*-»ao South Street, between Oth and 10th Sts., Phila delphia, Pa. centralTrunks $8.00. Bill Trunks, 80x28x15, inside, $12.00. Lltho. Trunks, 42ttx28Hxl2, Inside, *1«<W 7&N2£&J£8lalL t £ S8.00, b*l. C. O. D„ except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount CENTRAL TRDSK FACTORY, Est. 1864, SIMONS ACQ S7W. cor. 7th A Arch Sts., rhlja. WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And the Latest ind Most Popular Styles In Ladles' Hair Dressing A. M. BUCH & CO. , u 119 N. Ninth Street - - - Philadelphia THEATRICAL LUMBER STUPES, RATTENS, STRIPS, RAILS, SHOES, PHOFIL, K,STACK FLOORING.Bte, Always on hand for prompt shipment. Write for delivered prices. Shipments made in any quantity desired. .. 1 »!'?£i OHN CILLESPII LUMBER COMPANY 22d AND LAFLIN STREETS, OHI0A0O, ILL is founded on good products. When yon want trunks gel l" t ho best In the market. FIBRF- TRU W *< Ices 08 146 W. 45th STREET. BEND FOR CATALOGUE C. \A/1 L_I_IAIN/1 BAL, Inc. - m . - - mw york ottj In antwertng ad*, pkaie menHon Clippbb,