The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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•24 vWm itmrs&Qms: ^i^p^m 1 SJEFREHBElt 21 B.B.&B.SPEGIAL THEATRICAX TRUNK TIGHTS Silk Opera Hose Md Stockings ARE OUB SPECIALTY the BUST and 5-YXAR GUARANTEE 24-in Mn.. 18.00 l-in»>; 16.00 i&m 17.00 0-lnK.' 18.00 21nr: 46.00 LOOK AT THE PRICES t ? BguudvithwK.SewCpM- RoMp.d Steel -urndlnp B. & B. trunk JhreerplyJ wood ' tra «_ CATALOGUERS deposit re quired on C.O.D. shipments. wrRC-uiy ,JJ. o, a. a. iiuiik ood, hahd-'TlVoted tipping ay. SEND FOR FREE =±= B. B. & B. TRUHK FACTORY :•' 41B Federal 81,, K. S. £•••••-. ifelthneld St.. 447 Wood et. "act or r« 3a-4<> iaanolia St., K. B. P^MmmuB pa; % * B. TRUNKS __, *lne earned 8in,8(>0 la 28 weeks, IDOt , 1 taeehlne earned 817013 la SO weeks, 100 J J1 n SMBlne earned ?lfl,r,U2 in 25 weekn, 1000 j 1 ■ *t!ilae earned 110,017 In 27 weoks, 1007 11 n HMM earned 812,803 In 27 weeks, 1008 1 n inching earned 810,8(2 In 25 weeks, 1000 11 raoeblnc earned «18,o2,l In 28 week*, 1010 fAbdve figures will be verified to prospective jjcustoiucrs. Write lor catalogue and prices to ! C£,W. PA R K E R Lcavomvorll,. Kas. Earn $35 to $500 Weekly. Study ! DAKCIHG • SINGING vaudeville Actn, Sketches, Drama, Mako-np, Playwrltlng. Personal In- struction by phonograph rit your homo ■' if yon cannot como on to Now York. ■Write for Illustrated poohlot how 8,000 students succocrtcd. HnguQomonts •jpanrnnteod. l'uiiuro Irnposntbio. Alliens Tfceatro Scficol uf Acting QUillTf PRICES the I.OWK8T Gold and Silver Brocades, Silks, Sating Theatrital Jewelry, Spangles, ete. Gold and Silver Trimmings Wigs, Beards and all Goods Theatrical CtUloguM and Samplis upon requsst When asking for Catalogue, please mention what goods are wanted SIEGMAN ft WEIL THE THEATRICAL SUPPLY EMPORIUH ^acr or the NAME THE EDISON KINETOS &&Z3m®<xmBl UNDERWRITERS TYPE B An Unsurpassed Moving Picture Machine From Every Point of View SPECIAL FEATURES "Once used, always used" OlilffwTrriillliH ~~" ~"~Pli I "iln iinf'ii 'IIIHIIIIIilMI IIPFiMIIIWIlliliiyilliyBIII ||i|'|(Jji.l of Edison Underwriters' [f > ou vc just about given up a11 83d fit- ond 8th. Ave,Now York .'-•■•~iorw— •• Jackson Hotel »4ioo : 'Ma vKJ-fm batbflT.Maiid'up.;' FRANK HUM, Frop. ■JACKSON tfiOTpt " HALSTriDSlY CHICAGO VfURfl S"..J II' . 1! i .ORCHESTRAL HMPtt 41* Aewfted World'* SttSaartJ Write for beautiful Ostatognc. Wesnpply tbe v4 - (jtoverom'twlUiMnaSc«nn*rnmenU Bur peymento.' Thff^Rudolph wurlitaer Gov ■SIIE;4lh.C(ncInnml:44l'".Waliasb,C«leiie KalAl.tluhfil in«.« ' SPANULE8, 81.(M> PB3R POUND GOLD Olt'SILVBB;, ' Cotton Tights, psirVi*. .5w.-. Worsted 'rights, pair >tl!00 ... 2.00 Plaited Silk Tights,,pair........ 2.20, BcstHllk rights I onn 9 Inch cotton tope f •• ••'-•-• •■.'•• ••-■» trerNO"PiGTUiMi suits, \ e Calf, Thigh anil Hip radfllugs. -..' Gold and Sliver Trimmings. 'Bend deposit and routs with'order -THE BOSTONREGALIA CO., 887 Washington St, Boston, Maw. 2« wfr> •- Joseph lBffi¥3Si . Sacoessora la Joseph Nolna .' - -HANUVACTURBRS..':'. , Of Leotards, Tights, Bhlrts, PlC . tare Salts. Copiortion, Bear and t- Hontcey »ufts. Puddings, K1MU0 Iflapnorure, Pn»ps v .Send foi; pftoeJtat.. ,^; T 1 J?J '» p} ( OB and 07 KHery Bt. Uroolilyn, New YorM Fine Magical • Apparatus Tj. ILLUSIONS, THIOKSj'-Etc. Orarid'En'a Of Century* fullj mustr«t(4 'llOOKCATA- LOGUE!, 2fic, free by mall. Catalogue of Parlor Tricks free. MA.RT1NICA & CO., Mfrs., 403 Blith Ave., N. Y. BE AN ACT0RI l&JSSI&Z&g Most fascinating, proOtable profession In the world. Experience unnecessary. 1 a«Blst you to got an aot and engagement. Molliod endorsed by managers. Thirty years' experience. Instructive book FREE for stamp. Frederic La Belle, Sta. O, Jackson, Mich eg&laifl^NDs; m m 1/41 n* cwt-n solid oolo sjsos SUll MM tat nt mil •uml.Mtel W. (nihIn tbern, Sm th«m nrtfHStn sir. ■win Otltr - l« Tin.., in, ) at u n cn»i< ilr,, I ,1 It 11 111 ».l 1 ,111 M t»| C O D In ImivUm CUM r»«I •' Ml Mai _ l*»t.nt Ha, ttn,i Inttadad. It t T..».,,«.,. 1,,L | ln |HSUInS.tM«M THE OLD RELIABLE" PLANTErrs oR BLA cK C & ^CAPSULES iFonCATARRH &D1SCHARGESI This Stole *e.(H TOM LEWIS Starring In "Yankee Prince," nays: Taylor Trunk for me every time; : I've tried them all, I know.' . ' SEND roa^TALOOTJlV fc'A. TAYLO? TRUNK WORKS ' CHICAGO •• 38 E. Rkndolfta St .:, 1»: .NEW YORK: 131 W. 38U. St, '. ; SHOES WOOD SOLE CLOGS Plato Kid, - • $3.50 P«Uot Uattisr - $4.50 All Cetstra, . - $5.00 Kxtra neat/will not rip. STAGE LA1T to Oxfords, BUppers and Shoe*. Bond for Catalan Sent C.rOt Djt fi.00 her jpalr Is advanced. PINK MAl'LB OANCmO HATH, nude to order at «0 eta. per square font.'' M IE EtY BR OS. \ .. TUO W. Mod I.on StrMt Opp. gaymarket Theatre '.", OHIOAOO "A I, I DEI, I. A" DANOINQ CLOGS ' r "vY — ■• " •*■•'• Vsissips) ' Prloa, «U wood sole, 14.00; loithsr ahsnk, 15.00; de- livered (res. Patent tut. cnlng. Man- nfactored by Albert H( BUmtr Shoe Co., MmUk, JUL HIQH0RADE MAKE-UP "Not How Cheap Ifl x* but How Good" ■old by-ltSHMUsaa Dmiguu, ' " ■ Cost umere, Il»lr Htores ■ . ^nd Popit Btorea. ' MUSICAL GLASSES Xylophone^, Rattles, , Muclcal EloctrlcBollB .- JW-HB-SOLOPlkONB-NillW' Mtt«l< nl Viawef Pots. Coins, Fan- , .—— noU.HntUsnihs„fowlBelU,etc.,fitc. Catalogue ttud full .lufuruutlun on receipt, of ffiSo%i ^# AUNE ' 88 >, lv » a t»r»nt, ] Av»., Klok. ened bearings throughout 1 a # The Edison means ixrtainty of ' success. It projects^the : sHarpest,; steadiest pictures, is^a simple ma- v j, Rollcrsi Heayy./BrasW Terminals \ on coh^ecting cords, set oTHeavy ty$ ■ ! *_ m &M - , %,. ,-W vafter'anqing tntfiqiletjp machines a a n •Extenjjon L«Sgs, four of tfhich |f M failure, l^ite to*i$y]or catalog. > S r* c ; >*are i|-; inchris in ;diamete,r.' AS .iC.SOQ and *a copy^lp'the Ediso'ii' • % "' '>?Very substantial stand, ^'fe m \& ■■ Kihetogram. g|.-.•. „•'•!/. •/;■&:■£.?•. K ^ .3 ) JT I Jj .- .< M«f BMSS Price, with Rheostat, 110 volt, 24-40 amperes, $22S.OO Price, with 110 volt, 60 Cycle Transformer, - $245.00 Si' •' ' ' ' r '; ' "M ■' '. nWffRnTlF PtSif^(Tri PTIPA^FC. s Sept2i^"Mary in!'Stage Land," ^j^WpeL^J^Cmi^-^^liSkkl aealtB , tUruyi«l; EUliUil KCLGAOti ? ,. jhe third story of "What Hap?>r, %" t^ Resort of :Iildla." 1,000 feet "•' t ■■ ■; _.W->- .\ ■ •.,' ■;■ y pened 'to' MftTy," produced -«i -' y' '.,;' Descriptive,'• •'•'''■.'• :'". p - .'- "% '"■'■■«' ,7t Ti' _••' co-operat[0a.wlth;''The / ullic^' Oct. 5r-"The Usurer's Qrip," by The* Sept. 20—"Hearts and Diamonds," *y.Her- bert IS. Morgan. 1,000 feeC ~ g eD t Dramatic. feet. ,T 6e»cFlpliv¥.^ Sept. 28—"How Bobby Joined the Circus," 050 feet. Comedy. ■ , 'Tho[1,Ittie''yirl'fJ*xt r '0oor," by Nino! Bhosdes. ','1,000 feet. dcmUSsTk ~-M wk Sroti 25—"Cynthia's AireemAtV^bj'.Mahel fjj afcSyeen. a.OOO Ne^fComedy. . Mury," vt-,- co-operatron.Tvith 'The- La0UB*. World." l,00O-fsct.;pranistie. 'Ostler Joe," from the well known poem by Qeo. It. Sims. " feet. Dramatic. ,*.? b/i-MgHflft-miP ApiSiuaaji lWV(Hin\^l|i(ri[C'ouniAl! l > by ''B¥nn1Ste'r r Mcr.Wn. feet. Dramatic. Oct. 1 ':) _flpl 5r-"The Usurer's Qrip," by Theq. dore Huntington. Produced I: co-operation with the RusieL I -Sage FounUatlou, Division ol j--Remedial Loans." 1,000' feet; V--Dramatic-.- ■. '• •', H " ry« lome.' Colorado Springs, Colo. ,1,00$ Oct. Oct. "A Curable Disease." a stery it '<' the.- Union Printers' Home,' ( Cpj6«d6Spf . K feet" -Drimatlci . 8^"TMet'S , elBe Colors," by Bsa- ?; nlster : Merwin. 1,000. feet B DiJtoatic.'--;^ • ■' •' i' 'j O^-'TJiicle Mun and the Minister, 1 ; re by, .Wxed , Nanklvel, the orlei' DifoT of "Uncle Mnn."„,;l,0M feet. Comedy.'.- : v$ Si! | ¥ 5th Edison Release Beginning Monday, Sept. 23 V'5 The great popularity of Edison pictures with the public has made it advisable to announce an additional subject each week/effective The release days oi Edison subjects there- after will be Monday, Tuesday, 'Wetine&ayr--'- ^ff^MKEffiifiSBl^ Friday and Saturday. ' LUCY GOODMAN SECOND-HAND BOWRS ■TONING) GOWNS, 8THBHT OIUUMsBS OPBRA COATS, FURS, ETC. S34T 8. State St. 'Phono Col. 1389 OHIOAOO 1FREE-MAGIC CATALOGUE-FREE Catalogues now ready. All the latest Improved Hope, Chain and Sensational Escapos. Newest Creations In Advanced Illusions, Splrltunllstlo Ef- fects, Oliallongo Mind llcndlng Acts, newlv por- fected Card Trloks, VentrlloqulBt Figures, Boots, Pussies and Jokers, Secrets, Plans, Apparatus, Tables or Accessories. W. ALBKRT TRIPP, Roqte 10. Naw Bedford, Mass. Performers Tn!3 picture with $4 and reoelve one out and 600 letterheads, finely printod, a bargain FINN THE PRINTER, 24 E. 21st 81., New York MIDST OF SEASON TENTS, 10X80, 40X80, 40x80, 60x80: 3400 FOLDINO CHAIRS, LOT OP SPECIAL II. P. CHAIRS, HAND ORGANS, PRESSURE LAMPS. Bend for Free Bargain Booklet. THE R. H. ARMBRUSTER MFG. CO. BPRlNOFlKIiD, ILLINOIS VAN FLKET VobVavb ■ MONK V . In both tbe purchase pride and In freight, HTBKI, FIlArTK NON • BRRAKA- DL.K TIIHATUK CHAIRS. . . ; Large stock. Oan ship immediately. .. Several lots of Second-Hand Chairs for sale at especially low prloes. Also seating for out of door use: Address Oept. K.8TEKLFCR- N1TUHR COMPANY, Grand Haptds. Mich.: New Yori City, 160 (th Ave. Boswn: W* Congress St. Phlladel- phla eiOFlanders Bldg, THHITB *NM (tlllHTN of every dearrlptlon, I'ndtlluyr,' Krliir, OooUe And - Jliinkey NH, Ulnatlo and OfOth Supportrm. Crmnsstto l»umpi hnd ••filters; ■pansles and Bnlllon Frlnse. BeBd,for cstslogue and-sample of, JOHN SPICER ';'■;- incctswr to Bpleer jftPJiSr^l SB WOODBINE ST., BELTN, N. T —rr:,- .„...,,.... ... rr~^i J 4 And all Electrlco^'tfqulpmistit Tor'I.tKhtlng Productions, Vaudeville Acts, ete, UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC STAGE LIGHTING CO. t,^'.( aSJei tv'TM V.v;."'tvi Li ESS l; ; i£l IV'J *; 50111ft; rsh rj l&t%<x?^&£e& — g Columbus Emms ^3®^ ^.^^j^,^^X^. T&± USED MOVING PICTURE MACHINES bought and Bold on 10 percent, basis; Star Pin or Sprocket Wheels, 86c: Main Shaft 46c.; Intermittent Shaft, 66c.; Roll Tickets, 6c. per l,00O; Condensers, 40c.; 60 Carbons, $1.00; Arc Lamp, 12.26; Stereoptlcons, 112.00; Calcium Jet, $2.26; Film lea foot, any length; Acetylene Jets, $2.60; Heavy Condenser Mounts, $1.10; Asbestos Wire, 6o. per foot; Wire Connector, 6c. Hundreds of other bargains, (Catalogue). L. HBTZ. 300 Ha »3d Street, New York City. CATALOG of Professional and Amateur Plays, Sketches, Mono- logs, Minstrel Jokes, Recitations, . . — Make-Up Goods, Etc., sent FREE. A FITZGERALD, 20 Ann St., Mew York. PLAYS 111UK A FITZG 4T WHIT Will ITBEET, NEW YORK. MUSICIANS-Use Our Songs And Instrumental Numbers. Sendpostago for Free Samples. Agents wanted. NEEDHAH MUSIC IIOUBB, Oopt. 4T, St. Louis, Mo. 105 MASIC TRICKS ^ir JOS. O. KLEIN, 1103 Broadway, N. Y. GET^ IT tN "CHICAGO--THB IWB Ojb: THE AMUSEMENT .WO.BLP ■! .HUBERT. Jkl^a-irtsrttsilUifllUI Order Hone* ■ « OH " * W *~ illl'iM P »<• MlJ "t<f» ;...'.,. f»U i.Hl 1-. HA -..11 "ltl"^ls 1'ltMrllt ,..^_ ,_. CHICAGO COSTUiVIE WORKS ^$£M£)^Bi^^ '*'■■ ^1*125 ieenVryT" M YEARS PROM!Ss¥|ipi|iAU^*PJ^Iil|NOB. | RENTAL DEPARTMENT S ip^ l ^^fer FREE I «it/Nd:''2A.GoW'ana ! '(fostum% 8 Qt. Ho. 4-Boob and Shoes, Indian and Wete» TO THE PROFESSION. Goods. TELEPHONES-—CENTRAL Oii09. AUTO 41-081 142 W. Dearborn St., OHIOAOO, ILL., U. S. A., Opposite Court Theatra DO IT YOURSELF^ Don't let Everybody Do It, and yon stand Idle while tkey pasa toy. * d»" WOLFF, FORDING & COMPANY'S famous dressvs onee a year, Is a sure cure for an aenemlc act. Send for oar Catalogue, which will toe fbrwaided to you on re<i ii est. ST., M, MASS. MEDICINE MEN, AGENTS, AND ATRKBTMEN. BI.EC1' 110 „,, VOLTAIC BLBOTRIO 5NBOLE8 AnI> INHALERS aro goods that sel a »l /■; of ^ proQts. Just what yon are looking for. Send 16c. for sampe Eiectrii. •._.,„» of orjnaoles and get con ipleteprico list and lcumre from ihe largest sjm» doW n lis kindlntho U.S. Bells. $1.10doz. up; Insoii ..... JBi Sslrs up; Inhalers, 60c. doz. up. Fast seller, « *• end to-day. (Eslb. 18T8.) lno. 1801.) a... THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., BMB-fW. -»•