The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September 28 RUNAWAY YEAR RUNAWAY YEAR I have been writing eongjp> since 1892 and I can truthfully state that never at one time have I had such a buneh of sure fire hits. Not newspaper hits, but real encore getters. Every song mentioned below Is a hit. Wore hits to come I Follow us this season! A POSITIVE SENSATION TUB GUBATKST >OVKl/T V. -SOXOWirt VK \ Hs.: FOR. BOTH MALE OH FEMALK. LOTS OF EXTHA VKUSF.S, THE GREATEST MARCH BALLAD IN YEARS IB HI man THE BETTER THAN "I WART A GIRL.." GREAT FOR QUARTETTE. GREAT OPENING OR CLOSING SONG. THE FIRST OF THE GHOST SONGS THIS SEASON SS ! aa «15 A GKEAT SI.S'<»LE, A CIIKVTDOlIllLKjAXB ACKKAT BSSKMBI.K SOVU;' A St'KK FIllR'HIT, JIMMIE MONACO'S GREAT MOON SONG M. A BEAUTIFUL SPOT LIGHT SONG. BETTER THAN "MR. BREAM HAN." IT IS GOING TO SWEEP THE COUNTRY. L3 WILLIAM JEROME AND HARRY VON TILZERS GREAT NOVELTY SO] I n v % WK HAVE A /GREAT PQL'HLE .VERSION FOR BOY AM) GIRL. UO.VT OVKJRMOK THIS SONG. SID YOU SING "PICK OR ME 7' "WHO PUTS ME IN MY LITTLE BED IS EVEN A BETTER KID SONG. FILL OP LAUGHS JJ A REAL NOVELTY COON.:SONG "JUST A LITTLE LOVIN jij THIS IS A CORKING SONG. GET IT AND TRY IT OUT A NOVSLTY SONG "THE VILLAIN STILL PURSUED HER" AL. JOLSON'B BIG HIT! A GREAT NAHCX SONG "THE CAPTAIN OF THE CORSET SQUAD BRIGADE" FULL OP LAUGHS! SPECIAL NOTlCE-"K.v BoitNSTKlN will ijk at ooii Chicago office for the next four weeks, grand oi>eka iioisk HARRY VON TILZER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., 125 West 43d Street, New York Olern of Players. I Edna May Spooner Notes. —Mlsa Spoouer v ol "Tim itEu Rosk," the musical comedy In Iwhlch Zoo Harnett is starring, under the di- Ji-cctlon of John C, Fisher, Is again proving .Jllself nn excellent box ofllce attraction, and J.—Mlsa Spoouer <r ul irmg the past five weeks has played to ca- oponcd her road tour at the Grand Opera paclty business throughout the Canadian House. Brooklyn, In the problem play, "The provinces. Business was uniformly good In Price Sho l'ald," by Kr Lawshe. The rolo Halifax, St. John. Quebec, Montreal and of Stella Barton gives Miss Spoouer great Ottawa, "The Bed Boso" played the Princess opportunities, and alio made the most of Theatre, Toronto, week of Sept. 10, procced- every one of them, gaining new favor with j ng direct to the Pacific Coast. The or- licr audience by her portrayal of the difficult role. Her supporting company has been carefully selected and includes: Mary Glbbs Spoouer, In a character rolo written espe- cially for her; Herbert Ashton, Earl Talbot, Kdward Walton, Jack Dennett. Charles 8. (filler, Walter Brown, Margaret Lytell, Elizabeth Wltlpps, Jns. A. Lawson and Marl- borough Hardy. The route will Include: Chicago. St. I.mils, Kansns City and cities of the West, where Mlsa Spooner Is already «n established favorite. Mai: AnnoTr, of the Western "Millionaire Trump'' company, Informs us that on Aug. 17. in Chlcngo, she was granted a divorce from Joe Weaver. Minnie O'Cunnor, wife of Frank W. Na- son, manager and proprietor of the Newport House, at Newport, N. II.. has returned home after two very successful surgical oper- ations, performed at the Carrie Wright Hos- pital, where she was a pntlcnt for eight weeks. She wishes to thank her many the- atrical friends for remembering her on her birthday. Gko. W. Uu' has closed his "Old Time Minstrels," under canvas, have a dramatic company, to Geo. W. Blpley's Dramatic Co., In a reper- toire of popular plays. The company will carry a band, and Us season will open Oct. 7. playing week stands. Manager Ripley Is nt his home, Homer, X. Y., completing ar- rangements for ttio tour. gnnlzntton numbers many competent players, including: Zoe llarnolt, Russel Lennon, Mau- rice Dnrcy, Wayne Nunn, Bly Brown, Wnltcr II. Co licit. Laura Jaffray, Nelson Rellly, Charlotte Phllurlck, David Recso, William H. Conlcy. Gladys Farvln and a big chorus. The production requires two seventy foot bag- gage ears to transport. Notes from tub Frank Players. —The John E. Frank Players, featuring Nellie Wattcr and John E. Frank. Include: Clar- ence Ausklngs, manager; John E. Frank, Jack Dalroy, C. II, Adams, Allen Fisher, Harry Lee, John G. Kelly, Nellie Watters, Ada Hunter, Inn Fcninorc, Marry Barry, Gladys Love and Gladys Hunter. The com- pany just came off the Dixie Alrdome time, and are now playing In West Texas and New Mexico, with a week In Colorado. After that will go In stock at Albuquerque, N. M. Wc arc always glad to get tub Oid Re- l.uni.K down here. Our opening play Is a three net comedy drama by Mr. Frank, called "The Love Pirate." We expect to be up North In December on John Cort time. This and will lu-reiifter wl " o* *' 10 oal ? 8t0CK company to play the I to he known as wp3t Theatre, Trinidad* Colo., this season. Minnie Tiiornb Is playing the leads, and Fred C. Barron, the heavies, with the Win, Triplet Stock Co., touring Iowa. Fred W. Wondhu has assumed the manage- ment of the Onawa, Iowa, I. 0. 0. F. Opera House. "Millionaire's Wipe" Co. Notes. — The members of "The Millionaire's Wife" com- pany were the guests of the Matt lec Stock Co. at the Warrick, N. Y.,Opera House, on Satur- day, Sept. 7, at the matinee. Manager Mat- tlce came over to Florida, N. Y., where "The Millionaire's Wife" company was playing, and carried the company over in his auto and did everything to make It pleasant tor the visiting troupers. Both companies are enjoying good business. Harry It. Vickers writes: "The business of Kirk Brown company since the opening has been phenomenal. At Danbury it was a turn-away at every night performance, and the matinees were very big. At Mlddletown the past week the business, despite the heat, was capacity, and on two nights a complete early sell-out. The press of that city lauded Mr. Brown and his excellent attraction, The Timcs-Prcag paying Mr. Brown a tribute when they devoted a half column editorial on his rendition of 'Othello.' Manager Ma- rauley has surrounded Mr. Brown with the strongest company ever In his support, pro- ducing a series of play successes staged In a manner that this attraction is noted for. If Iho business of die past six weeks Is any Indication of the future. Mr. Brown is due for a big season." Marie will give a single per- formance on the last night of the Toronto Musical Festival. NOTICE . HALF TONE PICTURES In the read- ing pa^ea ot THE CLIPPER will bo Inserted at these prleeai Front Page Cot 105.00 Double Colnmn $ 10.00 Blade Colasaa Uaudwiiie notes. The team of Kennedy and Lee have agreed to separate. Mr. Kennedy and his wife (Maude Kramer), of the Kramers, will be seen shortly in a new act, and will be known as Kennedy and Kramer. Haskell, Dvbry and Paul report that they have tried out their new sketch, "The Family Doctor," written by De Rose and Rhodes, and It met with Immediate success. Addison and Livingston are with the C W. Park Dramatic Co., doing their specialty and meeting with big success. Clever Conkby, who wsb put out of the club Juggling game last January by paralysis, put over a Dutch monologue In Grand Rapids, Wis., recentlv. Ho will perfect the act later on and climb back Into the vaude- ville rankB. Hunter and Boss, known as "Five Hun- dred Pounds of Comedy," have finished eight weeks for Sun. and have signed for ten more weeks, after which they will come East Thb Four Aerial Bbnos will play the State Fair. Pueblo, Colo., ae a special free attraction In front of the grandstand. Samuel and Lucy Linoerman, the former a ventriloquist nnd magician, have closed a very successful season at Hollywood Park, Baltimore, and are home m Philadelphia to ploy local engagements. Harry Tenn D.vlton writes: "I closed my alrdomo time In Nynck. and have four houses, putting 1n pictures and vaudeville. on» night each week. I am associated with Johu Hetm- oerger." i». i i. S i lAJ " ,T ! c i Itrookl ™. Ie showing the I anl Rnlnej pictured. The regular season opens Sept 30, with "Over Night." The Ikmiso has been renovated during the Sum- mer. ■ Goodwin and Goodwin write: JJe are touring through Maine, with Wclsc ComOT Co. Mrs. May Goodwin celebrated her twenty eighth birthday, and was remembered by w- entire company. Manager Wclse nnu ■*■ presented her with a diamond locket ana go'" chain, and after the show wc had I '"PP"- A 'huge' evening was enjoyed by an. »» always have The Old Reliable on lian0 .- Vic Lb Ror and Mab Cahill ■»■«"* eight weeks for Bert Levy, in San Hanoiw»- Calton and Darbow write: "We opened in Ed. Hayes' 'Wise Guy' comedy, for tllc . w !. 0 em Vaudeville Association, at the A'JJ'X Theatre, Chicago, week of Aug. H. ™° £ act was such a hit that wo were hat dean " tracts for forty weeks. We are on t• c »'', State time. Act is known as Edmoud u«J«" Flflycrs " Alfred Florknz will leave ""'„^! 0 '!? Family Act, and win put on a lhreo «c which will Include his wife. Slices Kinq Kollins nnd the KHfton «««« opened on Marcus Loew time ^'l'"-.^^*,*. hue Notional and Greeley Square raca"* 1 New York, for tea weeks. , cm. Florence Evans Baeb, of Baerand^. writes: "I broke in a now single I " 5 ccnUy. and it was suoh a big f!>g£*£8 n a now smsiv ■.■■- ... „ such n big 5Sg*J« that the W. V. M. A. banded out i.u wj contracts, with more to foHow. "I' 0 " 1 !? Academy and Casino, Chicago, Sepi- » w y. Vallejo and TJtica finished on <7 C "'.jd M. A. tbno recently, la Houston. TO. JJ are now on a tour to the Pacine (.<"»'. lag booked solid until June, 1013. lMator Chas. Hcywood Is engaged ns i':-f"~ fM f, and to do his female specialty in •«yg3 with Lewis' Minstrels. All two nndI ssg night standa Mr. Lewis, ma""- r " 0 f Opera House, Mlddleport. O., Is immt* the company. They opened Sept. '»•. H u. Louise La Boora has signed »» n "• Wife's Family" Co.