The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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September 28 THE 2STEW YOBE OBIPPDEB. V „«- iRen Leo mgr.)—Tho Mil for 19-21 'J'&rf'lten Bera»t«r. who appeared success- Included Bcr> «"£■? „',—„ gander, and ren- * a % .cr^nnaT^obuV ^ChlrlMrtbl" an- other" Sgfc?* flnd Wd W ' 01 How I NM d -.X°^-.i,» How «.V'\f«rfe Cloak" Is an act In which a .•The Magic '-'"j^ f tb() cloa |, changes \ unch ™fdcnl Into dancer., who do an Orl- threc w a,dc !" , a , na to a Spanish dance, respec- ental, a "£"£,." W £ c n the charm Is com- tlT i'& «m hunchback changes Into a hand- gg *U SSIWwffiS beloved by the VpHf.^and" Dartes. a couple In white. Mo L% rtSced ^Wllsoa, Toil's All," "I'll Ml® ■£■« You" and "Ghost of the SateWwS their <*erlnga, with fair re The\llllaa Leas Trio W**J*k*»J*» 1 1- .infflnB a French song, the man play- 8£a waTtef. A wlo on the musical bottles i„S xvCnone duets kept them busy for a * wie A rent In full dresa then brings In a KS* which happened to be a cornet, bouquet, wnica f^i tH k ^j- , nc ud . ?^h?i in a hora onil'dram exercises. Florence Moore soloed. In soprano, "Silver Threads Among the Gold" and "1 Love You" bel fi R arr;"La r y C . C o C n T fnd company had a sketch wherein «i crook, by clever disguises and Im- nersonatlona of a policeman and a detective ?t opportune moments, secures possession of Lome stolen diamonds, and finished by tying £n1 those Interested In his capture together. The story Is altogether unlikely but enter- tslnlnsr and the disguises are perfect enough to foof'hls victims thoroughly. Onrson and Wlllard, as German tourists In Japan, entertained with their comedy con- vwR-ulon. and also were well rewarded for their parodies, mostly on political subjects. A parody on "Robert B. Lee" earned them many recalls, which they accepted In novel ,t7 Ar'thur May Co. presented, an act showing how a young city chap who bought some swamp land from a country sharp got the best of the bargain by impersonating another nwMrtrn customer, at a better figure, and, at the same time won the daughters hand. The two country constables were also well clayed, and the whole act was well Hked. The pictures wire: "Hearts and Dia- monds," Edison; "Chased by Bloodhounds," a Vltagraph conrlc. with John Bunny; -Tho Klamm Itavlno In Switzerland,' a Chios icenlc: "Max's Tragedy" and "Automoblln The bill for the first three days of tho week beginning Bept. 28 bad a number of acts new to vaudeville, and a fairly good program was offered. Kdlth Kenny, a double voiced character singer, rendered several songs, fler act. though a little weak, man- aged to get over. Her last song. In male attire, was not up to tho standard. "A Night at the Wedding," with a cast of three, was Impossible. The act was badly written, though well enough played. narry and Kate Trumborn have a plnno and singing act thnt Is sadly In need of good nialerlai. Harry's piano playing Is of the blue note variety, the talk Is old. Kate Trumborn has a good voice, but Is batl'y handicapped by lack of support. Tho Seven Porto Itlco Girls and Saulsbury have a very pretty offering, which Is nicely staged and costumed. The girls arc good ivoikers, their voices blend nicely. The young lady who leads In songs and dances Is s clever performer, who dances exception- ally well. Saulsbury, the male partner la tbc act, Is too stagy. The act might get better results without him. K11II.I and Dunn have a fair act, but It is badly put together. The girl whistles well, and 'ploys nicely on the saxophone; the boy sings In good voice. The act arranged a little differently would be a good offering. Wrlllc Smith was the hit on the bill with his staging specialty. He put his Bongs over lu good voice, knows how to get results. This act would go well over .lie big time. The Three Golds have a bright act, with Jots of good, fast lines worked Into excellent comedy and songs. The Hutch comedian In the set Is very clever. The trio have the making of a star act. ICdward Horton and company have a big time offering In a sketch written around a loving pair of newlyweds. The act Is well written and well played, and scored a hit. Olio. j PROCTOR'S FIFTH AVENUE (ous mccune, van.) That the new act policy Manager McCnne started at this house several months ago haa Wen a big business booster can be attested oy the size of tbc audience at each perform- ance. Monday matinee. Sept. 23, found almost every Beat occupied by an audience) that was most liberal In applause. iheodorc Ilobvrts, supported by Florence tmytlie and u clever little companv, pre- sent ud for the first time on Broadway "The ■taw of Shasta." (See New Acts. > t n „?°i "•'eh. "hat clever portrayer of the 1,. 1 . character, found much favor with a SfflFS °' ne ? material. In bis own orig- in ^2 y ^J*?. 0 *. * funn y monologue on the mJrini J)R h , ,lvl S*'' and had to * audience fonnluce laughter during his entire per- will^LffinHON" ot °> e Program. Many SJiSWWl clever woman as Josephine MsS% H".' *t att 8be ni18 no* * ar 8 " r - ?lnSff.* n 7- t i ,,n ? Bh f n " cvcr attempted. The '« ond dancing of all members was of nnn y n f n te ycd -. J no fcmal ° Impersonations bi one of the nicks enm<> tn fnr <»^.i ..■>. cores. the picks came In for several cn- secn'j 6 £SE F°3&> Four - la a comedy school took aho',' Cd . 7 b * New Scu001 Teacher," SSLS?"* *. Aoz ** cncorcB, nnd then the ?eBu>? C . e n BU,lIe » ttem come <>nt again and ES2S .. 0n . a Beautiful Night" The aklt Is loZ S sHmm m «t its kind that ha. ever bobua? ! nei, » cd here and contains enough fS a w? i SUp . Dly " evoral act »- j0B a™'", act hi. ". h cn awcter, made tho hit of the fancv Tf le J oca L. 8ty,M of lancing took the mml -I 0 ' audlen ce, who responded with comn a L en . Corea '. J rh0 *- J ' Ryan-Klchflcld Mim rVL p ". 8entcd "The Rejuvenation of "w Acts*f y ' W,th n,ucn = accc8S ' <Sco Kl« r wSi??. jnolds ' l° rmer soubrctte of "The deeld.ii'hu and ^o Rc<1 Rogc -" KarlA a a£l»* ,n a new act (See New Acts.) •Ma&fiLSP* E ." loM ' »» an entertaining M.^"?'' callcd " Th * Publisher," show In a «r.PMi f i 0rm t r ls tau £ nt to aln * a song islllar'S. . anll l£ h ? U8e ' 5 one "bo Is fa- "ut , . t ?i,I l, ? ltr, , ca A. wl ya, It Is very amusing. SkVbSX. "'1** i n ?atregoer It Is far above aSL*!?**-. Goodwin was at the piano nnd pfartS,"^ 6 !" 18 , ablll 'y ln several styles of of thJ'hl *J1 * ect1n « with much succcbs. One hlStrSSSl en<:oro winners was the play- own wav ti »f t t rc ? aercd ecvcral aongs In her own way that Just about got over. laoivnviw 1 ??, 0 ' E " u " ne Intelligence" is wrttet r «S*J IP te tne hor» that reads, olhw itimf. *?' ^K"? 8 and performs many to the S?« s ;. ,g 9™* Bnd 0" surely lives up fiuly revl^. rnmm ng ' *" tDe act has been Itilff jSffiSS*,? tu , ese columns several times t >c B"m? 1 B 8 Jop t0 n ?°.i Dt . 0 deta " 8 - Th « act met ^prnwZ^ 1 "" , 8reetea ■ on lts uastic oerf°. f ™I lnioat A were 8ecn ln a gym- c Perfo rmance (Sec New Ac ts,) Jack. «WS jS5?* "'^•J-Vaudevllle ^cass"a na ^ n 0tl0tt C p S ut l^ofsky, tn'gr.)- KEITH'S VNION SQUARE (BLMBlt r. B0QEB8, MQB.) . The current weeks bill, beginning Mon- day matinee, Sept 23,1s topped off with three or four acta of headline calibre, and B aa well balanced an entertainment as has been seen here since B. K. Keith again took hold Marshal: V. Wilder, attcr many year* of absence from the variety stage, was the premier "arouacr of laughter?' with his Midget of humorous anecdotes at the opening show. To open the act Mr. Wilder uses a mo . tlm L J! ,c {!F'.. enti0ed " Th o OrcateM Thing In the World," one of the many he acted ■ a " r ' n * •»'■ engagement with the Vita- graph Company of America. It served aa an appetizer for what was to follow, and the audience Immensely enjoyed his witty stories. "A Night ln a Turkish Bath." one of Joseph Mart's costly productions, with the scene laid In the cooling room of one of those "boiling out" establishments, followed Mr. Wilder on the bill, bnt such did not affect the smart points of this act There Is plenty of fun, some good singing and snsppy comedy ail through, and It served as novel entertainment for the fourteenth Street audience. The Six American Dancers couldn't find a more fitting title to their act They arc with, out doubt the best sextette of clog dancers on the vsudcvllle stage to-day, and the three Ktrls of the team are as lightning fast on the wooden soles as their male partners. Tho net Is beautifully costumed, and tho members work before a pretty brown velvet drop, ln two. From tho time the three girls appeared ln knee length red, white and blue costumes. until the act closed with the sextette ln a perfectly executed dance, the audience Just sat back and enjoyed them Immensely. Lynch and Zeller, those rapid Ore club Jug- gling boys, surely deserved the applause they were accorded. This team only works "ln one." but they know how to satisfy with their unsurpassed tossing of but six clubs. "The Coal Strike," refreshened with new stuff, ls still the vehicle with which those old favorites, Mr. and Mrs. Hark Murphy, manage to please, and they were given a big welcome at the opening performance. We arc all compelled to creep along in years, but Mr. and Mrs. Murphy keep their wit as young as ever. Robbie Gordone. In a posing act repro- duced fourteen different famous statues. It would be hard to pick which was the best of the lot as Miss Gordone has ahowed rare Judgment in choosing the poses. She la a beautifully formed woman, sad her every number drew forth liberal applause. "A French Clock," "The Lion's Bride" snd "The Death of a Dancing Girl," were among those that were most applauded. Joe Whitehead Is all that the program Btates, "In a Bunch of Squirrel Food." Joe managed to entertain with his dancing, but his requests of "What shall I do?" addressed to the audience, Is rather tiresome. "The Courtiers," one of B. A. ltotfc's most elaborate musical productions. (Nut Red!) The net Is on a par with anything that this "producer of good stuff" has ever attempted. The duet singing and dancing numbers, by J. Kllcoyne and Alma Moore, were accorded big upplause, while William Gnlpen and this same couple did nn operatic number well. The Instrumental musical end of the net Is well taken care of by the seven other mem- bers. The act has quantity and quality. S. W. La Veens assisted by a company of four, hi feats of strength, scored finely. (See New Aets). 'The above act took the place of the Three Yosearrys, at short notice. Tutl. » Mnnhnttati Opera Hoaae (Frank O. Miller, tngf.)— An Azlec Momance, a apec- tscular piny In four acts, by Orestes rtuli Bean, music by Harold Urlcb. Produced by the author on Wednesday tvcnlng, Sept. 18, with this cast: Corlnnton Hubert Warwick Seautnu Edwin Ardcn Mhlblon J. Arthur Young Alma Charles B. I Ian ford Korlbor. It. 1). MacLean Ncpblah George C. Guuther l.emun Bonglas Graves Amulnkl William A. Mvans Lamarck Frederick Guest Zruos ; Thomas U'Malley Ncluiina James Forbes Zobu Frank Hunting llattol Clifford Leigh Bella Ionise Hamilton Manetau Josephine Bowers Zoan Ze Isobel MlnrJe Tittell-Brune As a matter of record Tub Clippbr an- rounces that the above play wan given but live presentations and then withdrawn. It had been played In Salt Lake City, Utah, several years ago, to excellent business. At that time It was called "Corlnnton." On Monday night, 23, the stock company re- turned for its last week, presenting "A Man's World." E. H. Sothcrn nnd Julia Marlowe will commence u five weeks' engagement at this house, Monday evening, Sept. 30. Tbc hill announced for the first week will Include : Monday and Tuesday nights and Wednesday matinee, "Taming of the Shrew i" Wednesday nnd Thursday nights, "Hamlet;" Friday night. "Romeo and Juliet;" Saturday matinee, "As You Like It;" Saturday night, "Twelfth Night" s Criterion (Cbnrlea Frobmnn, rngr.)— TnHtuHziny Tommy will be produced here Tuesday evening, Oct. 1. Globe (Charles Dillingham, mgr.)— The Charity Girl will be produced here on Satur- day evening, Sept. £8. ttalph Hcrz. Hay Cox and Blossom Sectcy are Included In the cast. Knickerbocker (narry G. Sommers. mgr.)— Oh! Oh I Delphine will be produced at this house on Monday evening, Sept. 30. Hudson (Henry B. Harris, mgr.)—Rob- ert Loralnc, ln Man and Superman, will open at this house Monday evening, Sept. 30. Dclasco (David Belasco, mgr.)—Frances Starr, ln The Case of Becky, will open at this house Tuesday evening, Oct. 1. Daly's. — "Discovering America" closed Sept. 21. Henry V, with Lcwla Waller and Madge Tlthcrodge ln the leading roles, wilt be revived here Monday evening, Sept. 30. Fulton (Henry B. Harris, mgr.)— June .WihIhcs* Is at this house, opening Wednes- day evening, Sopt. 25, wltb Iledwlg Belcher, Rcnee Kelly, Charles Wnldron and Edward Emery included In the cast Olympic (Maurice Kraus, mgr.)— Win. ning Wltfotct week of Sept 23. Gaiety Girls follow. Savoy (Rosenberg Bros., mgrs.)—Motion pictures ln which leading stars appear Is the attraction at this house. Grand Street (Harry Hcckman, mgr.)— Vaudeville and motion pictures. Columbia (J. Herbert Mack, mgr.)— WMrf of Uirth week of Sept 23. Columbia Burlesquers follow- West End (R. C. Hunt, mgr.) —Tho Corse Pnyton Stock Co. present, for their last attraction at this house, beginning Sopt. 23, "The Charity Ball." The regular season opens 30, with Broadway attractions. The stock company have had a most prosperous season In overv respect. Harlem Opera floosie (F. Sellmsn, mgr.)—Business continues to improve. "Alias JImmv Valentine" this week, with "David Ha rum" to follow. Ilurtlic * Seaman's Masle Hall (S. Hurtlg, mgr.)—Dave Marlon's Dreamland Biirlesqucrs are the attraction for this week, nnd they should have a record run, as it Is a tip-top show. Next week. Cracker Jacks. Allmmtiru (Doc Breed, mgr.)—This house cannot nccommodatc the crowds half tho time. The bill for this week Includes; Edna Goodrich and company. "Botccllve Keen, Belle Baker, Cross and Josephine, Trey Twins, Conlln, Steele and Cnrr. Cooper and Robinson, Lambcrtt. and the Three Alex. Proctor's One Hundred and Tvrenty- ■ ttb Street (C. O. Allen, mgr.)—Reports are of the best from this house. Bill for first half of the week Included: Maxrne, Spcro and Lovtne, Blake's Circus, Lollypop Girls, Mclvln and Thatcher, Robert Strauss and company, snd Williams and Williams. BUI for '.10-28 includes: Dcnsmore and Cantor, Joe Hard- man, Cycling Brunettes, Palmer and Lewis company, Fairbanks and Loughiln, Maud I'arker and company, and Sadlo Fondallcr. Klft-aty-alxtai Street (I. Bernstola. mgr.) —BusiBcsa continues good st this house, and the offerings are up to the standard at ail times. Nemo (Jack Lowers, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures arc doing big business here. Odeoa (It. Decker, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pletares, to good houses. Loew's Seventh Avrnne (C. Sewards, mgr.)—Packed houses rale here. Bill for 23-26 Included: Hall and Clark. Raymonde. Iloyd and Nelson, Toomer and Hcwlns, and Madge Maltland. Rill for 20-28: Be Faye bl&iers. Mr. snd Mrs. Thomas, Milda and) Don. Anderson and Golnes, "A Night ln a Park," and Master Rubin. Keith's Bronx (Harry A. Bailey, mgr.) —A record business Is being done here. Bill for this week: "Night Follies, of San Fran- cisco," Odlva, Mrs. Gardner Crane and com- fony, Mayme Remmlngton and ber Picks, lave Ferguson, Ben Beyer and Brother, Fred Watson an Rcna Santos, Bert Melrose, and Bixley and Lerner. Metropolis (Louis Fosse, mgr.) — Ca- pacity business rules and the attractions de- serve same. For this week, "Sold for Money." Next week, "Forty-five Minutes from Broadway." Prospect (Frank Gersten. mgr.)—Busi- ness Is good here. For this week, "The Chorus Lady" ls the attraction. Family (A. Simmons, mgr.)—Pictures arc drawing fairly well. National (Harry Loew, mar.)—The bill for this week Includes: Eivla Bates, Rollins and Kllfton Slaters, the Stnntons, Granville and Mack, "The Avenger," Al. H. Wild, Grace Dixon, Ford and Syde, Alex. Herman, Dcland, Carr and company, and Olympic Trio. Miner's Bronx (E. C. Miner, mgr.)— The Pace Makers are tha attraction for this week. Loctt's Filth Avenue (Albert Loew, mgr.)—This new house ls doing finely and their attractions arc always good. Torkvllle (Eugene Meyers, mgr.)—Busi- ness Is first class here. Bill for 23-28 In- eluded : Gene and Arthur, Nine Krazy Kids, "Gent with the Jimmy," Floyd Mack, nnd the Browns. For 20-28 : Ed. and Jack Smith. Roland Carter and company, Tollman, That Singing Trio, and "The Avenger." Trt-raont (Jake Wells, mgr.)—The Emma Bunting Stock Co., at popular prices. Tho company Is above the average for cheap slock, and in Miss Bunting's short stay she has become quite a favorite. For this week "Polly Primrose" ls the attraction. Star (Jack Leo, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures continue to draw good houses. Washington (Harry Thons, mgr.)— Good vaudeville and pictures, to usually filled houses. Riverside (Herman Goldman, mgr.)— Crowded houses always. Good entertainment can nlways be found at this popular resort. Gotham (Lcp Solomon, mgr.)—This week's bill Includes: Leslie Moroaco and company, Jack Murphy Trio, Roberts and f'lillrtera, Chester and Jones, Dot Drew, and Silver and Duval. CONTINUED ATTRACTIONS. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. ACADEMY OF MUSIC.— 'Tho Girl from Brighton." fourth wcelt. 1IKLASCO.—'The Concert" (revival), sec- ond and last week. BROADWAY.—"Hanky Panky" eighth week. CASINO. — "The Merry Countess," sixth week. CRITERION.—nattle Wllllami and Richard Carle, in "The Girl from Montmartre" and "A Slice of Life," eighth and last week. EI.TINGE FORTY-SECOND BTREKT.— "Within the Law," third week. EMPIRE.—John Drew, In "Tho Perpleied Husband," fourth we>k. FORTY-EIGHTH BTREKT. — "Little Mlas Ilrown," fourth week. GAIETY.—"Officer 068" (revival), seventh HUDSON.—"Honest .Im Blunl," second and last week at this house. HIPPODROME. — "Under Many Flags," fourth week. KNICKERBOCKER. — "RoMn Hood," (re- vival), seventh and last week. LYRIC—"The Ne'er Do Well," fourth week. LYCEUM.—Blllle Burke, ln "The 'Mind the Paint' Girl." third week. J1AXINB ELLIOTT.—"Ready Money," sixth week. NEW AMSTERDAM.—"The Connt of Lux- embourg," Bccond week. PARK.—"My Best Girl," third week. PLAYHOUSE. —"nought and Paid For," fifty-second week. REPUBLIC.—"The Governor's Lady," third week. THIRTY-NINTH STREET.—"The Master of tho House," sixth week. WALLACE'S.—George Arllss. In "Disraeli" (revival), fourth and last week. WINTER GARDEN.—"The Passing Show of 1012," tenth week. WILLIAM COLLIER'S COMEDY.—"Fanny's First Play," second week. » Brooklyn,, N. Y_Montauk (Edward Trail, mgr.) did excellent business week ot Bept. HI. In spite of warm weather, with I.ouls Mann, In "Elevating a Husband" William Farnum. in "The Littlest Rebel." opened Mon- day, 23, to a packed house. David Warfleld, in "The Return of Peter Grimm." has a tre- mendous advance sale for week of 30. Academy or Music.—Abom Opera Co. will present a spectacular production "The Cnlmes of Normandy," here week of Oct T. llsiMiiwiv (Loo C. Toller, mgr.)—-"The Little Millionaire" week of 2.1. William Far- num, ln "The Littlest Rebel," did good busi- ness here last week. Henrietta Crossman, In "The Real Thing," week of 30. Majestic (John R, Pierce, mgr.)—The regular season will open here Monday, 30, with "Over Night." The advance sale la large. The Panl J. Rainey African hunt pic- tures are playing the final week of a very successful ran. Gband (Henry Bellet, mgr.)—"The Prose- cutor" week of 23. "One Day" 30 and week. Ouphbum (Frank Kllholz, mgr.)—BUI for week of 23 Includes: Blanche Wslsh and company, "Honor Among Thlcvts," Andy Rice, Three Shelvcy Boys, Pat Kooney, and Marlon Bent, Darrell and Conway, Cunning- ham and Marlon, Richard Wally, and "The Trained Nurses." Biihiiwick (Benedict Ulatt, mgr.)—Bill for week of 23 includes: Bessie Wynn. Moore and Llttledeld, Van nnd Schcnck, NVwbold and Grlbbln, Felix Adler, Lloyd and White- house, Four Rlanos, Ergottl and Lilliputians, and Mabcllc Adams and corapiuy. Cokhcent (Low Parker, mgr.)—The Cres- cent Stock Co. presents "The Nigger" Ibis week. "Mother played to goodTbusiness week of 16. "The Commuters" 30 and week. Gotham (Pauline II. Boyle, mgr.)—The Gotham Stock Co. presents "Mother" this week. "The Third Degree" proved a big hit last week. "The Nigger" week of 30. GRF.BrJroiNT (Frederick Whltbcck, mgr.)— The Grcenpolnf Stock Co. presents "A Wom- an's Wav" this week. ''The Thlef.V last week, drew packed houses. For week of 30, "The Third Degree." For Stock- 1 -For Road By KLXISON HARVXT Founded on the novel of the same nsmo, by Anatolo France. Can be done with 13 people. Has a full lino ot special and attractive lithograph punting. For terms, address A BmniOAM AHCSBWENT ASSOCIATION, 837 Knlckerboeksr Theatre Bldg., 1W1 Broadway, r». Y. City. 500 OTHER PLAYS WITH SPECIAL PAPER FOR STOCK, ROAD AND REPERTOIRE Bhpibs (George McManua, mgr.)—Stars of Stagcland this week. The Moulin Rouge Burlesquers made a bit last week. The Pace Makers week of 30. Casino (Charles Daniels, mgr.)—Lady Buccaneers this week. Merry Maidens played to good business week ending 21. Dante's Daughters week of 30. Stab (Prank dark mgr.—Bowery Bur- lesquers this week. Merry Whirl week of 30. Gay Masqucradura made a big hit here last week. Gavfty (Louis Kreig, mgr.)—Gayety Girls this week. Ginger Girls week of SO. Winning Widows plnyed to good business here week ending 21. Lyceum (Louis Phillips, mgr.)—Tho Ly- ceum Stock Co. presents "Pawn Ticket 210" week of 23. FtXTON (A. M. Llghton, mgr.) — High class vaudeville and tho latest photoplays. Da Kami (Ida I. Ackerinan, mgr.)—BUI tor 2,1-25 Included • Thomas Jefferson and company, in a version ot "Rip Van Winkle;" Guy Brothers, Richards and Montrose, Kivo Orcmans, and Helen Gannon. Kor 20-28: Will Marlon Cook, Abblc Mitchell, and other strong attractions, with six Interesting photoplays. Skubkbt (William Shechy, mgr.)—Locw's vaudeville continues here with program changed Mondays and Thursdays. C'nrlln and Hollldny, ln "The Battle of Bay Rum," Is the extra attraction this week. OxitiRD (Cyrus Gale, mgr.)—Photoplays and vaudeville. Libhbty (Edirard Straus;, mgr.)—The latest motion pictures and vaudeville are being presented here. Bijou (Georgo Schcnck, mgr.)—Locw's vaudeville, to good business. Herman Llch, In "Dope," is tne extra attraction this week. Jonp.b' (M. T. Jones, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. Fifth Avrncb Of. If. Snxe, mgr.)—Mo- tion pictures and vaudeville. Royal (Marcus, Loew, mgr.)—Tho latest photoplays. Folly (Wm. Pox, mgr.)—Pictures and vaudeville. Columbia (A. Slchel. mgr.)—Six vaude- ville acts and motion pictures. Combdy (Wm. Pox, mgr.)—Pictures and vaudeville. Olympic (Herman Wackc, mgr.)—Photo- plays and vaudeville. Linden (A. II. Schwartz, mgr.)—Photo- plays and vaudeville. CHICAGO NOTES. Rutu Pbbulb.i assumed Harriet Stondou's rele aa the prima donuu of "A Modem Eve," at the Princess, Sunday night, 22. Mlos Peebles' recent Chlcugo appearances Include "The Girl I Love" and "The Bachelor! Ilellm," „ ,, "The SraONOHB Lovu," a iilny by Dnvid G. Fisher, a Chicago actor, will b>> produced next Thursday, 20, at Elkhart, Ind. "MILESTONES" PLEASES IN CHICAGO. "Milestones," a sentimental English story of three generations, was presented at tho Blnrkstonc, Saturday night. 21, before a Inrge and appreciative audience. It Is a s ! mplc story of s family excellently told and charmingly acted. Malcolm Cherry, Owendolin Floyd and Blanche Ripley proved themselves versatile character actors ln their portrayal of youth, middle life and old age, Cronln Wilson showed a careful appreciation in' the changing times. Maroe HiujhcI! pro- vided the comedy situations with rare good scat. Cathleen Doyle and linn Vcnulng wero delightful In their characterizations. One setting was used throughout the play. On Monday, »0, the new Pine Arts Thea- tre will be dedicated with the first secies ot performances of Wolff-Pcrarrl's short opera, "The Secret of Huxaanc." Alice SCoppllll. Alfredo Costa and Francesco Dadl, of the Chicago Grand Opera Company, will glvo the performance. Atllllo Pnrclll will con- duct Thb new Chicago Theatre, OH South Statu Street, was opened Saturday, 21, under the management of Sol. Flchcnbcrg and 8. II. Scllg. The Dream (JIris were the first at- traction, and capacity audiences huvo been tho rule. This house will be handled In con- junction with the American Theatre and the l;. s. Music Hall. Among the principal players who will ap ..•ar lu "Get-Rlch-Qulck Wnlllngford," nl UcVlrkcr's Theutre during Its two weeks' engagement beginning Sunduv, Sept. 20, aro pear lu "Got-Rlch-Qulck Wnlllngford," at .\f tHgMSSS.1 John Webster, a son of Nellie McIIcnry Kanehon Campbell. John G. Sparks, Joaepli Sweeney, Junius Matthews, Calvin Trbbctts, Delmar S. Clark, Murcla Malncll, Arthur V. Gibson and James C. Mack. Linii, the European dancer, Is presenting a number of female impersonations that aro new at the Empress this week. 'Tun Miihicai. Maid" ("Das Muslkantcn Mnedel"), the new op"retta by Georgo Jarno, proved a good choice for the opening hill at the German Theatre, formerly the Bush Temple Theatre. On Wednesday, 2D. the dramatic wing of the organization will raukn Its debut In Leo Tolstoy's "Thrall of Gloom" ("Macht der Plnatumlss"). MiuITARY MAID 'MOVES. The engagement of Kolb and Dill, In "The Politician," at tbc American Music Hall, lias been postponed, und announcement was uiado by W. K. Zlegfeld, Sundny. 22, that "Tho Military Girl," the new Leun-llolbrook mu- sical comedy, will move tb the American Music Hall Saturday, 28, where It will con- tinue for an Indefinite period. This produc- tion has played to capacity audiences at the Zlegfeld Theatre for the past buvcu weeks. inn bookings at the Plaza week of 23, first half: Win. Fleming and company, Deyer nnd Deyer. Bennett Sisters, Bonesettl Troupe, Coogan and Parks. Last half: Prcd Ireland and his Casino Girls, Grey and Peters, Ha'l and O'Brien, Whitfield and Ireland, Burt Niiepartl and company. Thb booking nt the Casino week of 23, first half: "The Fourth Ward Romance," Jlmmlc Dunn, Emll Chevrlel. Last half: Clever Clark, Bromley and Pearson, Mllano and Alvln. Flavin was the hearlty featured member of the cast, and the whole show made good. The principals: Felix Rush, Chester Nelson, Geo. It. Alexander, Charles Mac, Bob Demlng, Charles Barrett. Margaret Flavin, May Went worth. Esteltc Colbert. FOLLY. "Everything sold" said Manager Pcncssy, before the curtain went up on the opening performance of tho Jardln do Paris Girls Sunday, 22. A big feature of the olio was the Tlerney Four, who closed a most success- ful four months' engagement at the Congress and White City cabarets previous to Joining this show. The principals: Joe Madden, Kef. Ticrney, Stella Gllmoro. Delhi Paytollo, Lydla Jopscy. Helen Marvvlle, Cbas. Tlemey, Jnmes Tlerney, Dave Harris, Fred Tlerney, Tom Nolan, I,eo Stevens. Besides the Tler- ny Pour In the olio w»ro: Mile. Pongcro and company, In Living Art Studies, nnd Rosalie Rose. Staff: Morris Walnstock. manager; Kam Lewis, representative; Leo Stevens, singe director; Fred Brooks, musical di- rector ; Dnlw Sncics, carpenter: i.'hns. Tull, electrician; Myrtle Young, wardrobe mis- tress, COLUMBIA. I,ate comers were disappointed on the opening of Cooper's Beauty, Youth and Folly company, Sundily night, 22, for tho capacity of the bouse was sold out early, "Tho Blue Rose" was presented In two acts nnd pleased. The cast: Billy Walsh, Leslie Clnlre. Bob Algler, Frank E. Lynch, Dolly Webb, Tom Mcltne, Lotllc Blackford, Lucia Cooper, Jus. E. C ooper, Billy Walsh. THB COLUMBIA CONCERT. On Sunday, 22, the Columbia was filled for the evening performance. The bill was mostly male. George Smedley plnyed banjo and mando- lin selections nnd concluded with the "Mis- civre," plnyed on ten different Instruments, mounted 011 nn easel, to big applause. Spencer and Williams, a bright couple with a good dancing and tinging act, scored. The young man says: "Don't forget to walch me once In a while," when thu lady raised her skirt In the dance. Tale's ".Motoring," with Its queer happen- ings while tho auto Is stalled, got its usual laughs. Ln Prance and McNabb, black fnce enine- dlnns, miked with each oilier through llu> grating of a Jail window, which happened to bo rubber. Alf. Grant nnd Ethel Hong exehnuged rep- artee of tho bright kind, und nl. also gave his tough song and dnnie, nnd sang "ihey Had Me Down." Miss Hong looked pretty In while und pink. The Carhos Brothers presenled a head and Intnil balancing ml Hint Included much meri- torious work. (See Now Acts.) Dnolcy nnd Parker two singers nnd come- dians, were well liked, iwpcclnlly Mr. Donley, In his eccentric work, Incl'idlng 11 "Lauder" Imltstlon, In "She's Ma llntey." He worked Ills mobile feiiiures to good advantage. Mr. Parker siilocil well. The Three Unseals put over their plalln singing act In a number of suitable selec- tions, nnd certainly madii an awful fuss over "The Ghost of tho Violin." Rosalro and Brevost, iih tbo two Jockey acrobats, have a good Set of tho table nnd chair comedy sort and the comedian lied n few new, lively siimts, while their straight acrobatic tricks also demanded attention. A Lubln »lm closed the show. Mill. NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE irmxT wkkk'h isstjsb of TUB NBW YORK CLIPPHH dated October V, Will iiinuln matter of sjrsat Intersil to OlAOUS AND CARNIVAL 1'KOPl.K FAIR SBGRBTARIICS and ALL IDBNTIF1BD IN ANY WAV WITH OUTDOOR AMUSEMBNTB D. A. MVKHS BUSY. Barney A. Myers, the well known booking agent, who returned from Europe last week after a four months' stay, received a cnblo on Tuesday informing him that Carroll John- son appeared at the Allium Inn, In Glasgow, ■eotland, and scored a decided sucrcss. The Jnstrcl plays lu one, offering n neat singing and dancing act. Mr. Myers has booked lilm abroad for nn Indefinite period. Mr. Myers has booked in London, for two solid years, Maximo, the clever wlro per- former. He opens In November. Collins and Hart a prominent Myers act, will appear as special features of J. ('. Will- iamsons pantomimic production In Austra- lia. They open tnere In December for n sea- son of thirty weeks. At Jts conu'luston, tun IIUII VI Hi,* l, J .1 « IMh *»,. ■»,» * Wl, ,,,r,,w|, ,,... luilr will return to America to play for a ifi-w -weeks. They will then go to llu play there until Hllfl. BURLESQUE IN CHICAGO. Monday, Bept 23. HTAIt AND GARTER. •Capacity business greeted the Gay Whlto Way Burfosqiiers on tbelr opening, Sunday, 22. at tho mar and Garter. A uniformly good show was given by thu Gordon-North Amusement Co. The principals: Harry D. Ward. Sam Ileum, Dan Healy, Jus, Rowland, Ken Ryan. Ed. Jerome. Helen N. Elcy, Gertlo He Milt. Harriet Lee. Battle Raymond, Estclle Barry, Edna Uylanu. Executive staff: Frank Perley, manager: Geo. Lcavltt, general press agent. EMPIRE. Not a scat left at 8 o'clpck. was the report from the Empire, Sunday night, 22, on the opening of Miner's Americans, Margaret So great a success has Bsrtle Fowler Mined In England that Mr. Myers found no difficulty in booking her there until linn. The Four Diving Norines (two men and two women) have been given time by Mr. .Myers, In England, for a period of two years. Until 1015 will Will Lucy's unlcycle act remain in England for tbo amusement of l.iltlHh theatregoers. Mr, Myers reports that Josephlue Davis will return to London In March. She has been booked for one jear. Sharp nnd Tureck will appear In London, under II. A. Myers' direction the remainder of this year and the whole uf next. Mr. Myers also announces thu jppenrance lu London In May, of Bchroedor and Cbsnv pelle. The Four Messenger Boys sail for Europe In May, opening In 1/indon. They, too, bars been booked by Mr. Myers. Charles Wuyue sad the Sis Incubator Girls will open In March la the British metropolis. E. V. Hawley and company will play their well known act. "The Bandit," for sixteen weeks In London, opening in May. Mr. Myers has grown 11 little stouter, but looks to lie In the best of health. w« 0 THB GltEAT RAYMOND RBMAIN8. The Great Raymond has not returned to tho Orient, but Is at present on tbc Cort Circuit, to be followed by Shubert nnd South. cm time, booked for him by Richard Pltrot. * ■ » "JINE MADNESS." This new piny was announced for Bept 25, at the Fulton, New York. Thu first perform- ance occurred 21, at Albany, N. Y. ««» MRS. PAT OAMPDBLL YBRY ILL. A cable from London, Eng.. .lulls of tho serious Illness of Mrs. Pat Campbell. Llttlo hope ls given for licr recovery.