The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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8 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. SEPTEMBER 28 THE N EW YORK CL IPPER NOW READY! THE FRANKQOEEN PUBLISHING CO.(UmiUd) THE ■ CLIPPER = RED BOOK noramoBi, ALBERT J. BORIE EDITORIAL ABD BDIOCail MAJViQB NEW XOBK, SEF1EMSEB 28, 1912 Entered Jam it, 1876, at the Poit Office at New York, N. X., u second elm gutter, under tttlltol March 8, 1879. Advertisements—12.80 per inch, single eoloma. Advertisements Mt with border, 10 per ct extra, SUBSCRIPTION. One jeit. la advance, f4; fix months, f2; three ■Bonus, |1. Canada and foreign postage eitra. Single copies Kill be aeot, postpaid, on receipt of 10 cents. Our Terms are Caali. THE CLIPPER is issued every THURSDAY morning. The flrat and last four pages 00 TO PRESS ea FRIDAY, aad the other page* on TUESDAY. The Forma Closing Promptly on Tuesday, »t Ifoon, Pleats remit by express money order, cheek. P. O. order or registered letter. All caah eneloaed with letter Ii at risk of sender. Addreaa All Commtinlcatlone to THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, 47 West 28th Street, New York. Tel. 2274-Madlaon. BtffUterti Cable Hirrtt, "Adthoiitt." THE WESTERN BUREAU of Tub Clipper Is located at Boom SOS. Aabland Block, Cbictgo, Warren A. Patrick, manager and correspondent. THE LONDON BUREAU located at 14 Leicester Street. Leicester Square. l.ondoD, W. 0.; Heary George Hlbbert, auosger and correspondent Tub Clipper oik bb obthnbd wholbsalb and uniiL, at our agents, Brentino's newt depot, 87 Avenue de 1'Opera. Parts, France; Diamond News fj... 12S Prado. Havana; Manila Book and Sta- tionery Q>.. 128 Escolta, Manila, P. 1. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. AND DATE BOOK r-i I9I2-IOI3 For Boa It contains the Dames and addresses of laa*. agers, VandeTlUe and Dramatic Agents In New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh San Franclaco, Canada, London; Music Publishers; Railroad Agents; The- atrical Clubs and Societies; T. M. A. HeaO- qnarters : Railroad and Steamship Lines, etc, and other Information. Sent only on receipt of 10 cents (stamps or coin), accompanied by a coupon cut from THB NBW XOBK CLIPPER. FRANK QUEEN PUB. CO., LTD. Piblfslers THE NEW YORK CLIPPER ALBERT J. BORIE, Minsglng Editor 47 W. 28th BTRXXT, HTW YORK ATTRACTIONS AT THE MEW YORK THEATRES. HIPPODROME ethAv.,43-4*. Daily Mat. at 2. Best Seats, $1. Ev.8. UNDER MANY FLAGS ENTIRELY NEW SPECIALTIES U/lliTCD PlOnCM B'wayA60thSt | Evgs.8 if 111 I lH UAHUlIi Phone 0260 cols. | Sharp wkviiddo Tnea., Than, and Sat. a, *« UllflEBS 60c., 76o., and Best Seats *I.vv The Passing Show of 1912 ""■•*• PLAYEOUSE "* b8 '"""" BRADY'S of Broadway. Phone, 282B8ry. Ergs. 8.10. Kata. Wed. and Sat. 110. BOUGHT AND PAID FOR Direction WILLIAM A. BRADY, Ltd. Ergs. 8.16. Kata. Than. and Sat. in. East 48th St. Theatre L, 'Phone 1T8 Bryant LITTLE MISS BROWN By Philip Bartbolomae, author of "Oyer sight." OUT OUT AND Bend This Coupon and Ten Cents for a oopy of THE CLIPPER RED BOOK AND DATE BOOK (Fpr 1012-1913) To THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 47 West astb Street, New York F. D. DRAMATIC. Sunbury.—"The Dawn of a To- morrow" was first acted in New York Jan. 25, 1009. Sir Oliver, Fuller Melllab; Glad, Eleanor Robson; Dandy, Henry Stanford; lloit, Aubrey Jiouclcault. BASEBALL, J. D. II., Nashua.—As you state the bet, A loses. MISCELLANEOUS. J. L., Cortland.—John L. Sullivan de- feated Joke KllralD for the championship of mont of the human family? where In the world Is there to be noted any such amazing and uplifting activity as that which characterizes the present efforts of our own Kalem Company, whose survival of hardships in (he effort to bring Palestine to our very doors has so appealed to the public Iiress all over the world that the enterprise b now regarded as on a plane with the dis- coveries of the North and South poles. The writer feels that be should also call attention to the character of the releases that now come forth as an almost daily oc- currence. No careful observer can fail to be impressed with the evolution that Is going on. Even the comedy productions teach an object lesson far more often than not Who shall say that the Edison film, "The Grouch." with all of its laughter provoking scenes, did not have for its main purpose the better- th c world, and thereby became champion. REARING THE ZENITH PERIOD OF CINEMATOGRAPHY. 1)1' BOBEHT OBAU. If It is true that the manufacturers in the film Industry arc amassing fortunes as a re- sult of the Increasing vogue of the silent drama, it Is also true that there is at this time unmistakable signs of prodigal expen- diture in evolving educational film. The Illograph's "Man's Genesis" and "A Pueblo Legend" are wholly nntheatrlcal in concep- tion and execution, yet they provide incen- tive for the most delicate artistry on the part of the players. It Is Just such produc- tions (and they will multiply In the next few months) that caused that modern exponent of stagecraft to exclaim that the "art of cinematography possesses the divine spark." • » » "Daniel Frobman presents Madame Sarah Bernhardt, In the photoplay, 'Queen Eliza- beth.' " Tbc above announcement la to be seen In front only In towns In -, Is now tbo most compelling attraction since «"tics on these weekly papers. A five or ten the art of public entertaining came into be- dollar ad. is often all that Is necessary, but "* , woe betide the actor who refuses to give up." What an amazing story those few words From ... a-./.i, ..utird "ttmtt" <« r»» In Mr. Frohman's announcement unfolds 1 It *«»«»*«'«««»«««* Oraft, in The shows very clearly how the gentlemen who world, on Sunday, Sept. tt, mi "GRAFT." "Performers of prominence have to take of many moving picture theatres, not advertising space in theatrical publications or in the largo Cities, but in the email .__ ... ., oas t P d' bv the alloeed dramatic i In every county where the silent drama ,** ure f oaslca D l tnc s"egca dramatic . . _ _.T i ~ < i I . _ A * -•.* _■ Sllvl 4-1 CIO AH VhAflA l»AAl,l H Tnnn... k M **«• A_ *„•-. have been catering to the entertainment of the American public along older lines, no longer regard the moving picture as a tem- porary fad. and that the dean of theatrical managers from the speaking stage bus gazed upon the spectacle of a moving picture show solving the problem of his exclusive Lyceum Theatre after ono piny after another had been sent to the storehouse because the public could no longer be attracted to the playhouse In sufficient numbers to pay expenses. The announcement of Mr. Frobman Is sig- nificant, too, In that It discloses tbc advent of We wonder what papers are meant 11 4. O THE KEITH DRILL SYSTEM. B. F. Keith has instituted a rigid system of Are drills and uniform Inspection In all of his New York bouses. Every Tuesday, before the matinee, fire drill Is called and the mem- bers of the staff go to fixed stations. Exits and firo apparatus are tested, quick com- munication made with fire headquarters, the asbeBtos curtain lowered, and every precau- tion taken that would be of aid to the pa- SIT. Comedy, 41st East of B'wsy. Phone JIM Bryant. Ev. 8.16. Mats. Thnrs. and Sat, 2.16. GranwUle Barker's London Company IN Fanny's First Play DDAATVU7AV Theatre. Broadway, cor. 41st St. DJK.UA1/ W AI Telephone, 101 Bryant Evgs., 8.20. Mats., Wed. and Sat, 2.20. Wed. and Sat Kata., wo Orchestra Seats, f 1. LEW FIELDS PRESENTS Hanky Panky B. r. KEITH'S UNION SQ. THEATRE. B'way ft 14th St. Phone MOO Stnyvesant Matinee Dally 26C.; Nights, 260. to $1.00 Marshall P. Wilder The Courtiers, Six American Dancers, Mr. and Hrs. Mark Murphy, Robbie Gordons, Three Yoscarys, Joe White- head, LynchandZeller.Orlea Bros.. A NIGHT IK A TURKISH BATH. B. F. KEITHS aHEATER NEW YORK CIRCUIT COLONIAL ■ BU8HWICK ALHAMBRA ""ESSEEX.™ DRO.U OREE.1POIST ORPHEUM GOTHAM F.F.Pioctor't 6th Ave. B"WayA28th8t. Daily Mat. 26c. Eves. 260 to fi 2 CONCERTS Son., LIS A 8.16 All-Star Bills THEODORE ROBERTS & COMPART JOE WELCH RYAN-RICHFIKLD CO. Carrie Reynold., Atob Comedy 4, Fniaa * Pieks, Don Falano, Two Bel- mont*, others. NEW ABlSTBtDAH^rBirUw^r Evea. 6.16. ELAW A ERLANGER Present The Count of Luxembourg A Musical Romance by FRANZ LEHAR, composer of "THE MERRY WIDOW." T TOT7DTV 42d St near B'way. Mats. Wed. LID Li If 1 X and Sat, 2.16. ELAW A ERLANGER Present MILESTONES By ARNOLD BENNETT and EDWARD KNOBLAUCH- As played to crowded houses at The Royalty Theatre, London CLIPPER BUSINESS DTO p g: Maxine Elliott's S£ Evgs. 8.80. Matinees Wed. A Sat. 2.30. H. H. Frazee announces JAMES MONTGOMERY'S New Comedy READY MONEY B'way and 89th St CASINO Eves. 8.10. Matinees wed. and Sat 'Phone SS46 Greeley TEE MERRY COUNTESS EL 39th STREET BC Evgs. 6.16. Mats. Wed, and Sat, 2.15. THE MASTER OF THE HOUSE I VRII* 42d St. West of Broadway. Phone I IKll. 1218 Bryant Evgs. at 8.16. Iwl IIIH Matinees Wed. and Sat 2.16. THE NE'ER-DO-WELL CHARLES KLEIN'S Dramatization of REX BEACH'S Novel. WALLACK'S 55aP Evgs.. 8.25. Mats. Wed. (Pop.) ft Sat, 2.20 LAST WEEK Jtv <d -r W a—■ •££ GEORGE 4%. XI M^m M. 39 99 The Llebler Co. Managers, In Louis N. Parker's Play fATCTV B'way and4«th St Evgs.8.80. fjrrVLaSa 1' X Mats. Wed. and Sat., 2.30. Another Cohan ft Harris Success. OFFICER 666 The Funniest Farce In Tears. BtDIIBI Ist^ WestiMSt Eves. 8.16. If ■ r W ■>!■■«# Mats. Wed. 4 Set, 2.16. WILLIAM ELLIOTT and DAVID hELASCO Present "THE GOVERNOR'S LADY" A play In three acts and an epilogue In "Chlids'," by ALICE BRADLEY. BELASGO } THEATRE. W. 44th St Mats. Thnrs. and Sat at i.15. o Weeks Onl Advertisements not exceedbu one u» i. u will be pobliAhed. properly claialDed £\h U IS* at the rate of »10 for one year (52 iii»ii 0dw copy of Ths Naw Tobb: CurVaa wUl'k?s21'eJ to each adtertlaer while the adTerUa«nen!T £? rung. * T"""™ 1 » r©. ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND rifxi Dt. BOOTHS. rlcTlI RB 0. W. Trainer Mfg. Co., 75 Pearl 8t; Boston Ha. • AUTHORS AND PRODHCEns' Wm. A. Quick. 252 W, 86th St, New York CI., BICYCLE * GYMNASTIC APPin\Ti.' Hart Mfg. Co., 352 Atlantic Ave.. Bw'oJ iS* CHIMES. BELLS A SPECIALTIFU B. H. Mayland, 851 Adinu 8t. Brooklyn'Ny _ CONFECTIONS.' aicVf 1 ? BN "' * Etl " tela ' 245 ■»■ p«tu at. GYMNASTIC APPARATUS. C. A. Hawkins, 834 E. 27th St, N. 1. City. MUSICAL BELLS AND NOVELTIES Edwin B Street 28 Brook St., Hartford Sni A. Brauneitt. 1012 Grant Ave,. Rlchoond Uli MUSICAL SPECIALTIES. J. O. DeagoB, 8800 N. Clark St.. Chltifo 111 OPERA CHAIRS AND AUDITortirjf SEATING. •""«■ H. J. Harwood, 320 DeToaahlre St.. Btxtoo Km POPCORN MANUFACTURERS Boeekhelm Bros. A Eckstein, 245 So. Ptorli 81 Chicago. " SCENERY AND SCENIC PAINTERS O. L. Story Scenic Co., Somerrllle Station, Rot- ton, Mass. The New Tork Studios, 1001 Times Bids. N I n Sosman A Landls Co.. 417 8. Clinton St., Chlcim' Toomey ft Volland, 2312 Market St, St. Louuu ' SHOW AND POSTER PniNTEnS AID LITHOGRAPHERS. Rnqnlrer Job Printing Co.. Olnctaoatl Oilo Planet Show Print A Eng. Home, Ctattnam, Oct SLOT MACHINES AND TICKET CHOPPERS. The Cattle Bros. Co., Detroit. Mlcfa. SNAKE DEALER. W. 0. Learn, T15 W. Commerce 8t, San Antonio Texas. ^^ STEAMSHIP AND RAILROAD TICKETS. Paul Taoslf, 104 E. 14th St, N. 1. 0. TENTS. Kunkelr Tent A Awntag Co.. 163 South St, M. I. THEATRICAL GOODS. Boston Reislia Co., 387 Wish. St., notion, Uue. THEATRICAL HARDWARE. A. W. Centner, 634 8th Ave. (41st St), N. I. a WIG MAKERS. A. Faeger, 521 Walnut St., St. Louia, Mo. WIGS, SUPPLIES, ETC. Percy Ewing Supply Boose, 715 N. Waier 8L, De- catur. III. DAVID BELA800 PRES ENT8 THE CONCERT Oct. 1, FRANCES STARR. Hon., Sept. 80, Mr. Tim Murphy, in Honest Jim Blunt. an epoch wherein the greatest actreBB of her ir ons £ f ^ c ?°" BC ' n , c " a « ot a conflagration. «• ■ .. ... M & . "• . ThnilrVII fill r\W Vntk If Alth liminnn m ma Aha*vma.a4* time—the tltuness of two centuries—may be teen in her latest and said to be her greatest portrayal In moving picture theatres before the divine Sarah can be seen in the legiti- mate theatres. Heretofore we have had to wait two to four years before the Bernhardt . productions could bo seen here. Now the pro- a11 tlmDS ev " ?ry 1 employee Is under espionage ductlons ore made possible almost slmul- }» sssure absolute courtesy toward the pub- Though all of the Keith houses are fireproof, the organization against fire Is perfect. Before each performance every day every uniformed employee is lined up before the house manager and reviewed for neatness. A spot or a missing button means a fine. At DA 1317 68th St.. Col.Circle. Evgs. 8.16. Hats- FaTaXJJsa, Wed.8at.,2.16. Wed.Mat.,60c.-$1.60. "OLEVER-EXCELLENT-SDCOESS."-World. "CLIFTON CRAWFORD AT HIS BEST. "-Globe. CLIFTON CRAWFORD """".""i"'"' "MY BBST GIRL*' UTTn*2l"lfcI *4th St., nr. B'way. Eves, at 8.15. nuUOUn Matinees Wed. and Sat at 2.16. MR. Tim MURPHY (LIEBLER ft CO., Managers.) ID an extravagant comedy by WM. BODEN HONEST JIM BLUNT ELTINGE 42d St. Theatre WITHIN THE LAW Just W. of Broadway. Phone S420 Bryant Evg. 8.20. Mats. Wed. and Sat. 2.16. Wed. Mat Popular. THE AMERICAN PLAY COMPANY Announces A NEW PLAY of TO-DAY NOTABLE OAST OP WELL KNOWN PLAYERS. GEO. riillllV THEATRE,Broadway A«3dStreet. M. UtWUI Evgs. 8.16. Mats. Wed ft Sat:, 2.16. c &? COHAN and his own Company In MR. COHAN'S LATEST COMEDY "BROADWAY" JONES HURRAY HILL THEATRE Lexington Ave. and 48d St., N. Y. This viveek. GOLDEN CROOKS COLUMRIA THEATRE BROADWAY, 47th STREET, N. Y. This week, WORLD OF PLEASURE possible tancously as a result of the amazing vogue of the camera man. No longer is It necessary for the playgoer of limited means to stand for hours In line, after having denied himself necessaries in order that be could witness the consummate artistry of the great French actress; instead of three dol'ars for scats, he can revel in the sumptuous production, precisely as given In Paris, and all he has to pay Is ten cents for his seat, and, mark you, lie does not have to lie. The Keith system has been put In oper- ation in New York under the direct super- vision of E. F. Albee, general manager for Mr. Keith, and J. J. Maloney, who Is in charge of the theatres taken over from Percy G. Williams. ♦» » NANCE O'NBIL IN TWO-A-DAY, B. F. Keith, through General Manager B. V. Albee, announces the engagement of Nance O'Nell for vaudeville, In a new dramatic Journey from his little home town to some sketch by Alfred Hickman, entitled "Joan of large city In order that ho may be able to Arc." The playlet, which 1b written around say. "I havo seen Bernhardt" The film of one of the history making Incidents In the "Queen Elisabeth" can be seen in the Ko komos and the lloonvillcs Just as soon bb it Is released. Moreover, if there are any per- sons left whs Btlll decry the moving picture to the extent that they will not enter the temples of science, then the rural Inhabitant "has a lot on them," for we must remember thnt Bernhardt 1b now Bcvcnty-onc years of age. and her artistic activity In this country may a* any moment come to an end. No more striking illustration of the uplift & Evans now In progress In fllmdom can be conveyed to the reader than the Information Just como MRS to us from abroad that the distinguished locletoires ot the ennobling Comedle Frnn- calse ot Parti are to capitulate to the im- llfc of the Maid of Orleans, will have a cast of twenty-four people and an elaborate pro- duction, said to bo unprecedented in vaude- ville. The opening date has been fixed for October 14, at B. F. Keith's Alhambra The- atre. Miss O'Noll, In "Joan of Arc," will play the largest cities of the nation over the time originally allotted to Mmc. 8ara Bernhardt The act Is under the direction of Albee, Weber « X » HANNAH M. FRENCH DEAD. Mrs. Hannah M. French, known in the theatrical profession as the mother of Mrs. posterity, may be benefited. What this means »£' ^t.^'after'T'shor? M Tor more than thirty ycarB Mrs. French, through her daughters' interests, had been identified may bcBt be understood when It Is stated that, save for a period of two weeks In a I<ondon theatre, this model organisation from the house of Molllere bag never been permitted to appear outside of tbe almost sacred precincts of the old Paris playhouse, but now American p'tygocrs may enjoy soon the screen productions of "Tartuffc, "Lc Gendre de M. Pnlrlcr," and even the more modern works, some of which might other- wise never be made known here. American managers have always en with tho profession. ««» BERNHARDT'S VAUDEVILLE TOUR. Tbe American tour of the French actress will begin, under the management of Martin Beck, about Dec. ID. Her repertoire will conslBt of the fourth act of "Queen Elizabeth," the fifth act of 'Camlllc,' 7 tho fourth Aiuericnu imumfcci r* iiitve always en- vbuiiiii-, iiiu luunu act of "La Tosca," dcavorcd to bring to this country the superb the fourth act of "Theodora," the third act bnlletB from the Empire and Alhambra music ot "I-cs Bouffons and two one act plays halls. In London, but tbe cost of transports' tlon alone has made such a procedure well nigh prohibitive, and even if this great treat had licen bestowed by some intrepid itn THE CO-OPERATIVE CIRCUIT. According to reports of receipts, the Co- Ks^«Tt»mta't*arthc 1, orIgYn.I 'in: KSJDrf£ rrLC n v ed f 0 r°r n !v, T ^ {erpretcrs of these tcrpslehorcan pageantry w .?li,i°. S'fciL?JH , J9effll £ r ?.?L.£ would remain in England while * ' would bo sent here, but now, tin., enterprise of an English film company, four of the moBt Imposing ballets of recent years , 1|Jpa „ . „„„, . .._,_ arc to be reproduced on the moving picture wjui »» uooo van. seats. screen. The Marcus Loew houses will honor coo- It must not be understood from the fore- pons clipped from the Sunday, Sept. 22, cdi- going that American manufacturers are to be Hon of a New York dally, for two orchestra outdone by their foreign colleagues, for no- or box scots, when mailed as directed. ,„. , w«:i> ■« uuie, uh ii wos onginnny lormoa. a •i h!m,,,„o n »">ber of houseB and shows will be dropped. hromrhfh. i Inrt ' 8 Theatre, Philadelphia, Is one of the ™f ,!"* houses now looking for other attractions. FIRST CLOWN NIGHT. Geo. Lc Mairc was In fine fettle In the presiding Beat for the first gathering of the new season, Sept 10, and a house full of mem- bers and guests took part In and enjoyed the Jolly proceedings. Con Conrad had charge of the piano during and after the opening repast Those who contributed to the entertainment were: Frank Conroy, Billy Emerson, Vlnee Bryan, Joe Keaton, Bernard Granville and Wm. Rogers, Jim Diamond. Johnnie Stanley, Alex. Carr, Felix Adler, Patsy Doyle. CHS Gordon, Those Howard Boys, Johnny Ford, Joe Goodwin, Sydney Falk, George Moore, Harry Cooper, Les Copeland, Paul Barron and Jock Mackay. The register showed these names: Ben Linn, Frank Otto, Eugene Barnes, Jos. White- head, Sam Shaw, P. C. Armstrong, Marvin Welt, George Le Mairc, R. West, Irving Cooper, Ned Norton. George Delmore, M. S. Epstein, Jack Curtis, Louis Cohen, Lem Iloyce, Jack Goldberg, Charles Doty, Ed. Ray- mond, Bernard Granville. M. Godfrey, Ned Norton, Clay Smith, Joe Mitchell, Tom Grady, Arthur Hopkins, Joe Dunn, George Weedln, Les Copeland, Joe Keaton, Johnny Ford, Sydney Falk, Frank J. Bates, Jock Mackay, Billy Hart, George Austin Moore, J. Meyers, Jack Dillon, Phil Dalton, Patsy Doyle, Harry Turner, Mort Fox, P. Barron, J. Goodwin, Vincent Bryan, Ashton Parker, Al. Sassen, Fred Yen sen, Joe Rosenthal, M. Rosenthal, Rich Fcnke, Frank Bobm, Hugh Cameron, J. H. Wilson, Jay Whldden, Ted McDonald, Henry Bergman, Mr. Lipman, Dr. Iskovltz, Jack Sidney, Alex. Carr, Dr. Sa Doer, Fred McDonald, Cliff Gordon, Al. Farrall, Herbert Ward, Arthur Thusha. Fred Ferrcll. James Emerson Walter Daniels, William rarratt, Ollle Hoffman, Arth Melster, W. H. Jacobson, Irving Fleishman, H. Matthews, H. Van Cleve, H. B. Somer, Arthur May, Spencer Carlton, J. E. Ince, E. Howard, W. Howard, Bert Bnow, M. Cohen, Willie Howard, Gene How- ard, Monty Brlce, William Kilpatrlck, Samuel Lehman, Mondy Cohen, Jack Sidney, Con Conrad, Lester Wells, Ralph Edwards, Johnny Stanley, Charles Aheam, Felix Adler, Fred Comlskv. J. p. Conlln, Arthur Alexander, Jake Wlllard, Eddie Carr and Chas. Rafsky. w» t» MR. SMITH WEDS. An unsigned communication reads as fol- lows: ' ItusBell E. Smith, author and play- wright, was married at Greenwich, Conn., on Saturday. Sept. 21, to Ruth La Due Morris, a non-professional. "Mr, Smith Is a son of Edgar Smith, the librettist, and is the author of many plays and short stories In the leading magazines. His latest play, 'The Honor of the Bench,' Is to be produced thin Winter In New York. Mr. Smith Is also the nuthor of 'The Garden of Fate' and 'Tbe Lighted Match,' both dramatisations of novels." YIDDISH THEATRE NEWS. The Ideal Theatrical Co., composed of Jacob Cone and H. Cblamowiti, have taken over the lease of the Lipzln, New York, end will manage the house for tbe season. Frank Howie Is electrician of tbe house. Madame Lipzln Is appearing In her repertory. The new Yiddish theatre at Chrystle and Houston streets is to be conducted by David Kessler, Max H. Wlmer, B. Thomashefsky and J. Edeltatein. four gentlemen who will probably control the entire Hebrew theatrical field In a short tme. The opening of tbc house was announced for early this week, with a new musical play by the People's Theatre Co. The Kessler Second Avenue Theatre Is run- ning a series of favorite plays, to good pat- ronage. Jacob Adler and company are touring the country. Thomashefsky's Co. arc producing musical shows at the People's, New York. 4< » "A SCRAPE O' THE PEN." This new Scotch play, by Graham Moffatt will be produced at Weber's. New York. 26, by the company of imported players. In- cluding: Agnes Bartholomew, Helen Balrd, Adah Barton, Lila Barclay, Jean Hamilton, Marie Stuart, Jean Power, Helen MacGregor, Kate Evans and two little girls. Jean and Mllllcent Evans, and Carl Lyle, W. C. Robb, Leopold Profelt, Roy Cochrane. J. Crlchton Russell, Fawcett Lomax, Edward ChcBter and Angus Adams. Stuart Forbes will be in charge of the production. s»» JOHN MORRISBY IN NEW YORK. John Morrisey, the veteran manager of the San Francisco Orpbcum, and one of the pio- neers of vaudeville, arrived Saturday, Sept. 21, on a vacation. Mr. Morrisey recently retired from the Orphcum, after twenty years' service. He has been offered another theatre in San Francisco, bat his future plans are yet undecided. < ■ > "THE PROSECUTOR." This new police plsy, by Franklin Sea right Is the attraction this week at the Grand, Mrooklyn. It Is adapted from "The Red Mouse." and the action Is laid in the New York Tenderloin. •*.» NORMAN BRENNER HERE. Norman Brenner, leader of the orchestra nt the Grand Opera House, Youngstown, O., Is visiting Now York He was the guest of J. C. Rlgby (of tho Globe Theatre, New York), at the Friars' Club. ■*«» MARGARET ILLINGTON'S LONG TOUR. Margaret Illlngton closed a tour of forty- six weeks, at Burlington, Vt, Bept 21. SA.JV FVRAIVOISCO. (SpccialdiBpaichto The New Yobk Clippeb.) Columbia. —The second and last week of "Officer 666" began 23. Cobt. —On Sunday, 22, a special four weeks' season of Lambardt Pacific Coast Grand Opera Co. began. Tbe repertory for the first week Includes: Sunday and Friday nights and Wednesday matinee, "La Boheme;" Wednes- day and Saturday evenings, "Conchlta;" Tuesday evening and Saturday matinee. "Lucia ;" Thursday evening, "Travlata." Alcazar. —Sarah Truax and Thurlow Ber- gen, supported by the stock company, pre- sented "Lady Windermere's Fan" for week of 22. Orpheuxi. —Bill for week commencing Sun- day (matinee), 22: Nat M. Wills, E. Fred- crick Hawley and company, Mclntyrc and Harty, Annie Kent, Williams and Warner. Lasky's "The Antique Girl," Ashley and Lee, Bertfsh. and Daylight motion pictures. Empress. —Bill for week of 22: Bud and Nellie Helm, James Reynolds, the Four La- della Comlques, J. Albert Hall, Kretore, Belle and Mayo, and Twilight pictures. Pawtaoss'. —Bill for week of 22: Apollo Trio, "The Star Bout," the Lillian Sisters, Dudley and Lorraine, Proval, Capital City Four, and Sunlight pictures. OUT OF TOWN MWS Portland, Me. — Jefferson (Julias Cahn, mgr.) May Bobson, In "A Night Out," Sept. 20; •The Million" 27. 28. . _ KriTB'a (James E. Moore, ragr.)— "Seven Mi- ters" week of 23. after which it is innounced that Adelaide Keim, the popular letdlug lady, will (to to her home for a month's vacation, sue wUl return for the Winter engagement. » ld J r r Toler, Allan Mornane and some ot tbe other players wUl also be absent a few weeks, dur or which time Eda Von Luke and Dick Tborntoi will assume the leading roles. , , Nbw Portland (1. M. Sloshcr. roir.l—Bin for 28 and week includes: Qua Edwards Sex- tette, Thomas Holer and company, Gelrer. -Mor- gan Chester and company, Juggling Nelson, ana moving pictures. , „„. Gbkelt's (James W. Greely. nutr-'— 0 *"; business roles. VaudevUle and pictures Is the attraction. „ „ . .. Cisco (M. C. Blomenberg, mgr.)—Moving pic- ture offerings, and songs by Inez George coutluue to please. Attendance Is capacity. Eio Nickbl (Wm. E. Beeves, mgr.)—Moving pictures, to big business. , ,„_ Nrw Pavilion (J. W. Greeley, ■**.)—>' «• Blllie James, the popular vocalist and director here, together with the Arlingtons and motion pic- tures and dancing, continue to popularlie mj new resort. _ ., . Nbw Cm Hall.— The Maine Mnsle r™-?™' Wm. R Chapman, conductor, featuring lime. Nordlca, prima donna, and other noted singer?, ii booked here for Oct 14-10. ' New Orleans, La. —. Orpbeum (Jules F. Blstes, mgr.) good business ruled week of hepj- 16, and the splendid bill, headed by "Lp.o, gave blft satisfaction. For week of 23: Marlon I...t e- held, tbe Florentine 81ngen, Graham Ms"at s Players, Barnes and Crawford, Boxy ta,," 0 '^ Carroll and Fields, Keno, Walsh and Melroae. and Nip and Tuck. .__ „,. Cbrscknt (T. 0. Campbell, mgr.)—"The Old nomestead," ably presented by a splendid com; paoy, had good business week of 15. "Oklahoma week of 22. , _ n ,„ OaixNWALD (Hy. Greenwald, mgr.)—The Din- kins A Stair Burlesauers, having Pogill" Joe Msndat aa an extra attraction, had good busi- ness week of 15. A change of Mil Is promised for week of 22. - _ ,., __ Ltbto <W. Peruchl, mgr.) —Tbe PcmchlOyp- zerw Stock Co. played to fair business week or 16. presenting "The World." Week of 22, T™ Silver King." NOTBS. Tub fashionable Talane begtas its season, 22. with "Alma, Where Do You Live." . „. Tub Two Bills Show Is billed here for Oct. 5, 6. Tbb O.ty Council cow has a bill before It. no* known as the Censorship bill on moving pic- tures, which is being hotly contested, but toe outlook Is that It will become a law. If t u°«. a iocai committee of men and women win J"J£ ness every moving picture, and pass upon :t •*"' re It is shown the public. Jackson, Mich— Atbenacmn (H. J. Porter. mar.) Nancy Boyer Company week of Sept. " •Tbe Shepherd of the Hills" Oct. 5, Arthur Chatterdon Company week of 6. _. B Buon (Frank B. Lampman. res. nyr.i—""' 22-25 Included: Albert Donnelly. Geo. Snndre«. John T. Ray and company, Faynetta Mirnroe sun Waterbury Bro« and Tenney. For 2IV28: west onl Norrls, Rothe and Anthony. J. S. Nugent st.n company, Tom Maboney, and the BrooniMic* Witches. , ,„„, Rax (0. A. Kuhlman, mgr.)—Motion picture*. Cbowm. —Motion pictures. - ■- TaarLB (J. J. Relder, mgr.)—Motion picture*. Ideal. —Motion pictures. _ .. „■-. Bo» Tok (Wm. Carroll, m*T.)—Motion pic- tures.