The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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BEPTEMB EH; 28 THE* 3STETW -YDBK" OMPPEIL 11 •c AT IT" BTOIAT-IT'S NICE AMD RIPE: TI1H JVICIBST PLUM OS THE SONG TUBS OF 1V1J4 KISS YOUR HONEY BUNCH NIOHT Il"at OBOWIbTG BIUUKR EVERY DAY. PICK IT MOW AS© OBT THB "GOOD" WW OF IT FOUR OTHER PLUMS ON THE SAME "HIT TREE" "DON'T GET CARELESS, HONEY DEAR" "LOVE IE SOME MORE" "ONE SWEET SONO OF LOVE" "WNAT A LITTLE BEAR YOU ARE" THERE'S HOT A. HOUR. ORB IN FARMER HENRY'S ORCHARD OF SONO HITS. ORCHBSTBATIOHS WOW READY IN AST KB*. BHMD STAMPS Y CO., Mas. Pub. - - 701-3 Pantages' Theatre Bldgr., SAN FRANCISCO, CAX. WHBH IS 'FRISCO, IM)N'T FORQRT TO CALL OS US MTT OF TOWH HEWS „„ „, tK „t week »ce« the »easoa In Ciill swing. „ r ,f*i2<S«Sr of the Chestnut Street Opera E"L ,viti FrHI Hclicff. lii "The Lore Wiser." "TIniiettc K« Hermann, at the Lytic. Theoo y ""' A Imii S oBc'ii :s the Walnut, which la &W for 3oT«U« Bobect Drouet, In "The "T^MMW. SUubert. nig n. )^TUe Kail sea- I? iairresting vaudeville bill, which consistsof X ..reSa "Le Danse do I'Oplum," Tate's Mo- WJ^SdWmS MM ami King. Blanche hiii In"The WaU Street Girl." 30. vu'nu'iii (Messrs. Sbubert. mgr«,)-Rol«er B. it-meiYbegins, 23, a two weeks' stay, with "la- !h« C*h«" u Ibo opening attraction. "The Point i Vtov" ciiJecI. 21. a ancceaafnl two weeks' atay. elves bis drat local view, 23, of fcle- vaXi a Husband." 'The T»lker» departed jl ifler A saUafsctory fortnight's stay ii,iLstnut Strkrt OrRRA Housa (Nlxou * Biirrnifiit la for two weeks. Iiiuibst (Nlxou ft Zimmerman. mars.)—"Oh, Oli Deliililne" has "truck the popular fancy, gj to drawing splendidly. Tbe third and Anal week Uu 23. "Tbe Trail of the Loneaomo Pine' ^flAimicic (Nixon * Zlnvnerman. mure.)— Dnug- h" Fairbanks baa a role that tlta him ycry well £ "Hawthorne. V. S. A.." which audiences of lu,. ilie saw for tbe flrat time last week. The Slay lit a mixture of llio fantastic, romantic ;iud llie melodramatic, and moves quite smoothly. Assisting the star In adding to the suewss « tue show bl Alan Pollock. Martin L. Alsop and itunley Holmes. Tbe second week starts Jd, CiiSstnut (Frank Williams, aigr-)— r "e °r- nhcuin "lock offering week of 23 Is "The Bun- ting Girl." Lsst week was a gala occsslou, as It slunullied the return of Robert Ingetsoll niul Carolyn Oates, In a sumptuous production of "An Kucuiy of tb» King." Tbe houses were crowded, mil lavish applause greeted the return of tlie stars is well as Virginia Howell, Walter Lewis and •'lorence Iloberts. "Seven Sisters" next. Aiikuican (James Wall, mgr.)—Tho stock puis on "Men and Women" 23 and week. "In the Pal- ico of the King" was acted, to Jammed bousei, Inst week. Grace Huff, John Lorenx, and Marie Warren wero well east, aud carried off Ihe hou- ers. "The Deep Purple" 30. National (Joa. M. Kelly, mgr.)—Tbo hllnit k (innwlo stock appears In "Montana I,Im- bed" week of 23. Tbe time honored "Tin Nights In ii liar Idiom" baa not lost any of Its popu- larity If last week'a bouses were sny Indication. Aacit (J. U. Buckeu, mgr.)—"The Olrl from Toklo" 23-28. "The Parisian Model" greaily Housed tbe pntrous last week. M.irle Beau- innlo wus the star, and her dancing and singing were well liked. Hast'h (John W. Hart, mgr.)—"The Parisian Model" 23-28. "The Melting Pot" met with aiiieb success with the houses of line slxe lust week. Burma (E. J. Uulklry, mgr.)—Dante's Daugh- ters 23 anil week. The Lady Buccaneers were ludvfatlgable entertainers lsst week, and the big houses showered big applause upon John 0. Han- son and Harry Stepplc, the live ones In the liur- k-siiuus. Tbe Seveu i.uroiloH, In a poslug act, were llie feature In the olio. Olrls froiu Jny- lunil next. Tnui-AiiKiiu (Sam M. Dawsoa, mgr.)—Miss New York Jr. Is due 23-28. The Tiger Lilies nhnw lust week was op to the usual good standard, and tnrre were twelte big bouses on hand to wel- come llieiu. Matt Kennedy Is tbe rupld-lln.- come- titan, niul he scores big. Muaa Itaymond, wbn lends tbe feminine contingent, Is also a popular autnlier. Tlie Whirl of Mirth follows. Casino (Rllns & Koenlg. nigra.)—The Social llalils are scheduled for 23 and week. Tlie Dream- land Company was a rattling good production, lo splendid returns, 10-21. Dare Marlon Is tbe iliiniliiiitlug fenture of tbe show, and whatever Je illd met with the keenest kind of approval. Tbe lion Tons 30. Uavrty (John P. Gekbnrdt, mgr.)—Tbe Crack- er Jiii-Us are due 23 and week. The Queans of Paris was tbe liveliest kind of a show, to crowded •(■uses. Inst week. Koler, Norton and Hall are up in iiutc comedians, who see to It tltnt there Is i"i' a dull moment lu the burlesques. Kvuns uud .nwrence. tbe Pram's, slid Al. K. Hall were the brat liked numbers In the olio. B. V. Kcttii's (H. T. Jordan, mgr.)—Vir- ginia 1 lamed uud company Is the big curd week <>f .M. Others ure: Bert Klttgll.lwn, Mnxliil 1 rrsj. nnd Dohby, Linton and UwTtMt, the Mn- ',[ ,„ ( . ;orJ o'» Highlanders. Hum Harris, Charles ». Wclier, Devlne uud Wlllluuui, aud Plllls Psnilly. •ml moving pictures. OMMD (Stair 4 Havlln, nigra.)—Week of 23 in . ""•'' °° e ot tu « vaudeville aennon. Tie ill '"\ . 1 ;°." r B,ll, » Brothers, the McCaruers. Oce uud Mole. Buth Baker, Edna Welch aud com- I'imy, ana moving pictures. Tho Fall sea-wn atirts 30. with "Madame X." ■»r% P *?, H ! Wm ' w - Mlll * r - nigr.)—Week of Si. »f Harl " Kiddles, Annie Hart and rom- pnny. Adonis O'Donnell. Wolf and Kaufman, Keld M.nters. Billy Davis, and moving plctnres. n£V"JK? (M - w> Tnylor. mgr.)—Week of 23: BuS! S°l w Troupe, "The Vampire Fool," Ju< ■ ? rtl1 . D " d ''I'llaii, Sprague aud McNeece, and moTlug idcturca. , Mxok (Fnri'k Leopold, mgr.)—W<ck of 23: ih»flfiSPWjy E»ldencc." Earl and Vincent, a ?i ^", ,M, } r "< M«lody Four, Murray Bennet, and moving pictures. LiiiKarr (kr, w . Tayio^ m gr.)_Weck of 23: Rui n ,,„'i * UD A*M »nd nompauy, Temlrof Arabs, A in S" rt Dann ' L *" t( ' r i KelI «'t «'■<• Ualier, ture, 8l ' t ' llMr B1 " 1 WHIUtna, and moviug pic- anee l 'sa°?n"tK ( i Pr,,,k D " nont - mgr.)—The «ttenil- I «»i ULSii ,h , 1 * ae "" m u » s o**" lulte satlaftlcg ! ? ll0w wa> rul1 of real entertainment, and taiL. 1 '"'. "•fining » numlwr of new snugs gSJ?? **' A new skit. "Tho 110.000 Barla-r." roumle.1 out • oomplete nnd enjoyable psrform- *IA U pl! , .'»5." IA * , V, F °'""'*'"lll'». P«0PL»'B. Ol.TM- Aii'iAMiu?^ . Ll Pauo "i Viotobia, HMaamo and AMiAMiiiu give vaudeville ,iud moving pictures. MOT MM. has^toen"iTiSlS':. * Dl « »»uJo»»le house, which "™" un<lergolng construction for more than localed' „.!''"'£ ""T? iu «<*>"> 0I « ■»•* 23. It Is Avenue SLif"" 1 " 11 ," 1 A»enue, near Allegheny It h? th« 1^,'iL? 1 * mile from *• People's Tlieatn' Idl Itlon at ifilSl* Oounly Fair held IU flist ex- 'R 21 The oJ^T' ! "I 1 "" 0 of ,n, » "•»• on «•"' ga*y Vm^ " "'«• »"" •*• "Ideshows Aiiwrlcan Stort'TS"** ls » newcomer with tho <«i mean stock Company. I| c makes his debut &S^t^S^LSES&' t ""Sft* ft '"»"' foriuanec at iL jSSHr" . ,or l " 1 opening per- ■■ice, at the Academy of Mnslc. on Oct. 24. p«V) HnSSt' An".i'hT A1 y ln ttfi" '!• "^"oids. Sent. HI "I iVii„ w*""■ .. ln "Wl't." week of fll "t• lnelid7n?wm Klrk ?& n*r.)-Aii nil atnr Marie K a"n,l^"", Ul!k Jf!?l. Bdmund Breese. "oro, ana Constance Collier, present "Oli- ver Twist," week of 23. "The Hose Maid" week of 30. Ouand (John P. Harris, mgr.)—Bill for week of 20: "Tbe Dance Dream," Stuart Barnes, Her- man Tlmberg. Chadwlck Trio, Lora, Josettl Trio. Klutlng'a animals, Sampsel aud Itelley, and mov- log pictures. Business good. Duquimnu (Denny Harris, mgr.)—Tht Harry Davis Stock Co. present "Hello, Bill" week of 23. "Tbe Love Boats" 30 and week. Business capacity. Lycbum (0. K. Wilson, mgr.)—Jlllly B. Van and IU*. Beaumont Sisters, In "A Lucky Hoodoo." week of 23. "Where tbe Trail Divides" 30 and week. Business goad. Harris' (Ed. K. Salter, mgr.)—BUI for 23 and week: "The Act Beautiful." Eira Kendall, Min- strel Four, Martini Sisters, Bovls & Darley, Pits- Simmons and Cameron, Two Parkboffs, the Starr Trio, William Jerome, and moving pictures, busi- ness capacity . Oatbty (Henry Kurtzman, mgr.)—Tlie Merry Whirl, with Prank Moore aud Thos. K. Smith, nnd a large beauty chorus, week of 23. Beu Welch's Burlesquers week of 30. Khnyon.— Bill for week of 23: Louis and Pee- ble's Minstrels. Ravlo Troy. Oberllii Trio, tbe Baileys, Three Troubadours, Marie Shaw and com- pany, and moving pictures. Business good. Family. —Bill for week of 23: Tlie Two Hoods, Ruby Caldwell, Joe Austin, Jean Oulne, Itenway mid Dayton, Dubarry and [.eigb. Prince and Wayne, Jack Scuzell, and moviug pictures. Busi- ness good. Kxpositiiin. —limes' Band ana new features. Business good. Notbs.— iLocs! patrons of tbe Nixon have looked eagerly forward to tbe engagement of "Tlie Rose Maid*' Berue. and n good business should lav done Kdlth Decker, who Is with the "Rose Mal'l" Co., is n favorite ln this city, and Is sure to receive a pleasant reception from her many friends Mclntyre nnd Heath are hooked as tbe headline act at Ihe Grand for week of 30. Hcranfvu, Pat. — Lyceum (T. It Gibbous, mgr.) "Mutt and Jeff" Sept. 23, "My Wife's I'uir.ily" 24, 23; "The (Sir! in the Taxi'' 26, Pom (John II. Docking, uigr.)—Beginning 23: tbe regular vintilevllle seiimin opened with Sl- iii'in and Osterniiiu tiuil compuny, Bordon and Slnmuou, Hubert Henry Uodge ami company, Beu Linn, Stuart aud Kelley, Lew PaUnorc, aud Del Franco's .Miniature Circus. Ai'ADBMr (A. H\ Wlnslrom. mgr.)—For week of 23, new photoplays, changed dully, and t|>eclal features. Ouluuiiia (O. Nelson Tceta, mgr.) —Monte Carlo lilrls 23-23, Whirl of Mirth 20-28. Bijou Driaus, Hiitodiiomk. Manhattan, Won- iikiih, Victoiiia and Wn.Miiria.AMi report good returns, presenting moving pictures. Erie, Ph.— Majestic (J. L. Gllson, mgr.) George Evans' Minstrels Sept. 23, Yuleska Surult, In 'The Kiss Wnltz," 24. dm i'.miiia. —Dork. iiiii.iim.1i. (A. I-:. Wescbler, mgr.)—Bill for 23 and week: Johnson, Howard and Llxette. Ida Grauesou, the Khrrloclw, Anderson nnd Evans, uud others. I'aiik. —Col. Home's Sto.'k Oi. opened the wi- sh 23, with "The Third Degree." Vici'iisiA. —This house opened 23, with vaude- ville and moving plclnres. IIai'i'y Hour. —vaudeville and moviug pictures. Niith.— Waldemere Park and Four Mile Creek Park are closed. Ijiu.-unt.-r, i'n.—Fiiltaa (Charles A. Yecker. mgr.) "Mailuiu Sherry" Sejit. 24, "Kaoat" 20-28. "Tbe Sweetest Ulrl from Dixie" Oct. 3-5. "Mutt and Jeff" 7. Colonial (Charles M. Howell, mgr.)—BUI for Sept. 23-23 Included: The Ureal Johnson, Clous uud Hoffman, Mr. anil Mrs. Stlllnion. nnd tlie. a uitar Four. For 20-28: Dan Dawson Bar- bour and Tynn. Mills und iloulton, and Old Sol- dier Fiddlers. Family (II. E. Dnane. mgr.)—BUI for week of 23: Rutan's Hong Birds. Ezler and Webb, How- ard TriieHilulp ami company. Henry Frey, Grace De Man, Cornelia and Wilbur, and De Pra. Altoonu, I'm. MhdiliT (I. O. Ulshler, mgr.) Gay Willows llurlesiiuers Sept. 25. 26; "Tho Yankee Prince" 27, "The Olrl From Rector's" 2H. Oni-iisuM (A. 10. lleiiiuan, mgr.)—Illll for week of 23: .Monarch Comedy Four. Hayes aud .Mi».Im1, Stowart uud I'lnlnv. and Bernard nnd Si'iirth. PASTIlta. IllJilU. GllASl). Ikbal, I'AI.ACK. FAM- ILY, and National, picture bouses, all report good business. Carhonilnle, Pb, —All places of amusement in this city remain closed In compllunce with the mayor's Interdiction. Tbe smsllpox scare ls vet exsnsldered a public menace, and tlie mayor Is coiiatrulug the State law regarding contagions dis- eases In Its literal sense. But us yet there has not been a fatality, nor a severe case of sickness that lias been designated as smallpox. Baltimore, Mil. — Ford's (Onas. K. Ford, mgr.) Henry Miller, lu "The Rainbow," Sept. 23 and week. William Fnrnum, III "The Littlest Itebel," 30 anil week. AimiToniDM (Prank Mcllrlde, mgr.)—Annette Kellermann Company week of 30. Aoapemt (Tunis Dean, mgr.)—Bill for 23 and week includes: Musical Kleins, Margo uud Frits, Berg and Wilson, uud Fiddler nnd Sbcllon. iIiii.miiay (William Itlfe. mgr.)—"The Eoy De- tective" week of 23. "Oklabomu" 30 uud week. Oaybty (William Ballaaf. mgr.)—Queens of Purls 23 and week. Tbe Social Maids week of 30. Empibk (Geo. Rife, mgr.)—Tiger Lilies 23 and week. Miss Nuw York Jr. week of 30. Maryland (Jaa. L. Kernan, mgr.)—Bill for week of S3 Includes: Ous Edwards. Kid Kaburet, Scott and Kcnuc, Charles Leonard Fletcher, Illsou City Four, Halllgau and Sykcs, Louis Granat, und Landrey Bros. Nsw (Geo. Schnlder, mgr.)—Bill for week of 23: Buster ltrowu Girls, Sndle McDou-ild and compuiiy. Rand's Musical Dogs. Mary Gray, Mar- ion and Flnlcy, and Straub Sisters. Viotoma (Ohas. E. I«wls, mgr.)—BUI for 23 and week Includes: O'Karos, Harriet Nelson, Soiier and Lone, Five Bragdona, Geo. Leonard "nd company. Mack and Barges. Lieut. Rldrldge. Paul Van Dyke. Fred and Primrose, and Hrowu and Iluekeii. Buffalo, Jf. Y.—Star (P. 0. Cornell, mgr.) Kitty Gordon. In "The F-ncbantress." Sept. 23-25; Millie Foy, lu "Over tbe River," 20-28; Mue. Nnslniora week of IU). T«ck (Messrs. Shubert. mgrs.)—Aborn Eng- lish Grand Ojiera Co.. In repertoire, week of 23. "Banty Palls the Strings" 30 and week. Siisa'm (M. Shea, mgr.)—Bill for 23 and week: Mme. Olga Pctrovs. Hell Hoy Trio, Henry Olive's .Spirit Paintings, Master Gabriel and company, Billy K. Wells, Kd. F. Reynard, Rumnlo and Del- mora, Rice, Sully and Scott, and the usual kliielogrnnb pictures. Business Is good. Gardiin (M. T. Mtddleton, mgr.)—Tlie Merry- Go-Rounders, with George p. Murphy, week of 23, to be followed by Runaway Girls. Business big. Lai-aybttr (0. M. Bagg, mgr.)—Olrls from Reno 23 snd week, Oriental Burlewiurrs week of 30. BaoADWAT Ahrrnai.. —The clly has Ibis great ball nearly ready for occupancy is tbe new con- vention hall. Large eveats and productions may now be accommodated. Boeheater, S. Y. — Lyceum (M. H. Wolff, mgr.) "The Charity Olrl." with Marie Flynn. AnnnlKdo Wliltford. Blossom Seeley. Clnnde Oil- llngwnter. nnd Henry Fink, drew well Sept. IB. IT. Ekldle Foy 24. 20; Kitty Gordon 20-28. "Tb* Pink Lady" 80-0ct. 2, "Tho Woman." s, 6. SiinnsCT (Elmer Walters, res. mgr.)—"llunly Pulls the Strings" S3 and week. "C. O. D." Oct. 3-J. Haass (Frank R. Parry, mgr.)—"Mutt ami Jeff" 23 and week. Thurston week of 30. Tiisi'ij (J. H. Finn, res. mgr.)—Bill for 23 and week: "Oheyenne Days," Macart and Brad- ford, Kalmar aud Brown, "Dick," the writing dog; the Primrose Four, Ethel MoDouougk. Mer- lin, Lull Bros., and moving pictures. Corinthian (\Vm. Hums, res. mgr.)—The Mid- night Maidens week of 23. Albarny, X. Y. — Harmanos Bleecker Halt (Edward M. Hart, mgr.) Margaret Anellii. lu "Egypt." a new play, b/ Kdward Sheldon, scored a big success before a large audience, Sept. 20. Weber A Fields' new offering. "Tbe June Bride." 21, was presented for the first time on any stage, and pneked the house. "A Man of Honor" 23* 25. Primrose & Dockstader's Minstrels 20, R. H. Solheni and Julia Marlowe. In "Twelfth Night." "As Yon Like It" and "Hamlet," 27, 28. EMrias (Jas. H. Rhodes, mgr.) — The College Girls 23-23. and Ginger Girls 20-28. PsocToa'M (Howard Graham, mgr.)—Vaudeville and moving pictures, to large business. Majkstiii (EiiiII Deii'bes. mgr.)—Vaudeville and moving pictures, to good attendance. Eltnlna, N. Y.—Lyceum (Lee Norton, mgr.) the I.ii-ram Stock C". begin Its second week Sept. 23, presenting 'Charlie's Aunt." with tlm exception of 26, wheu "Baby Mine" will bold the boonls. MoiAitT (G. F. Dunbar, mgr.)—Bill for week of 23: Edwards' Circus, Spe.'tor Bros.. Fox aud Ward, Conne and Somette Trio, Bootblack Four. S|«ncer and Williams, De Aiun, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilbur. MAjasric (M. D. Gibson, mgr.)—Bill for week of 23- Six Snrsblne Olrls nnd Boys. Kid Can- lleld. Harry Suuber, and Ed. De Corsla and com- pany. COLONI/.I. (M. D. aibson, mgr.)—Photoplays attract large audiences. Tbe present policy will be continued thtoughout the Winter season. I flea, N. Y.—Mujestlc (Ford Anderson, mgr.) "The Pink Lady" Sept. 23-25. "He Pell In Love with His Wife" 28. SutmmrT (Wllmer * Vlneeut. mgrs.)—Bill for 23 and week: Heruitno Shone and company. Gold- smith and Hopiie, the Quaker Girls, Howard nail Lawrence, Three Kinersous, Britt Wood, uud Laura Buckley. IIii'i'iiiinii.MK (J. P. Quliin, mgr.)—A good hill was iitiii.Hitiiv.t for w«H'k of 23. Liimhkho. —London Belles 23-25, Jack Singer's Hehninn Shows 20-28. ABitAxanA (Henry Lax, mgr.)—Motion r'e- tures. OnrimuM.—Pictures. Gem. —Plctnres. BluKhamtou, N. Y.—Stone (Pred union, mgr.) fsudevllle and pictures. Abmoky (C. Shcehau, mgr.) — Vaudeville and pictures. Notm. —The Blngbointoii Fair aud Carnival ls being held Sent. 24-27, four days und four rights. The vaudeville attractions Include: Du Hludo's Sheep. Carl Daman Pumlly, .Seven Marions, Mario De Rolset, Leona Lemar, Alisr's Polar Hears, Flexion, aud Judge. Hnrtfnril, Cnsin.—Parsons (II. C. Parsons, mgr.) "The Other linn," g new play by Eugene W. Presbrey, was produced here Sept. 23, by Cohan * Harris. George Nash Is featured In the coat. Pom's (W. A. Ascough. mgr.)—For the fare- well week ot tbe Toll Players, beginning 23. "Mary Jane's Pa" la given. The regular vaude- ville season beglui 30. HArrroRO (Fred P. Dean, mgr.)—Bill for week of 23: James Kennedy nnd company, Amlna, Bob Ferns. Mori- nnd Stone. Caldwell and Carlton, and Dick CroHus. IlAiiTrnnti. —Jimmy Glldei, Whltnker Bros., Paul Cavllll, and tbe motion uictures comixxe tbe bill for week of 23. Happy Houa (llnrrlaon Harris, mgr.)—Plo- tures. to guild houses. Eui'tHK (P. L. McMahon,—Change of pictures dally Is attracting large crowds. New Haven, Conn.—Hyperion IE. D, El- drcditc. mgr.) "Juno Mudness" Sept. 23, 24. I'm.i'n (E. O. Edwards, mgr.)—Bill for week of 23 Includes: (Jims. Isivenherg and company, Mosher. Hayen and Moaner. Billy Mi-Dermott, Gordon and Mnrx. McDovltt. Kelly nnd Lucy, the Jungtuan Fumlty, Scbreck and Petclvul. I.oiiIh v I II«-. li'y. Macau!. -y's (John T, Mu- cnnlcy, mgr.) Dunlin Famum, In "The i.liih-st Itetsd." Sept. a««0| Al. II. Wilson, In "It Hnppeued lu Polsdnm," 20-28. SHuusur's Masonio iJ. J. Garriety, mgr.)— "Alma. Where Do You Live?" week of 23. Walnut Su-mcrr (C. A. Sliuw, mgr.)—Estha Williams, In "A Sinn's Game." week of 22. GAykty (O. T. Taylor, mgr.)—Business at this theatre Is Increasing. Htar ami Garter Show week of 22. Bui-KiKiiiiAM (Horace MrCrocklln. mgr.)— Queenu of tlte Folles Uergere week isf 22. Kiir.i's (J. L. Weed, mgr.)—Bill for week of 22: Henry I!. Diiey und company. I.lila Mc- Millan mid company, Phil Stoats. Boulta and Ileum, Zeno, Jordan uud Zi'ii'i. Six Klrksinllh Sis- ters. Ilursle.v Troupe, and the Kellbioapc. IIippouromu (Max L. Simon, mgr. I — "Thus Mauy Souls" features Ihe lllius for week of 22. Olyhfio (Max L. Simon, mgr.)—"When the Heart Culls" features week of 22. Cbthtal (M. Switow, mgr.) — "The Penalty" features v.-is-k of 22. Columima (I. sIiikiii, mgr.)—"The Olrl of tlie Golden Run" features week of 22. Casino (I. Simon, mgr.)—"The HnlMJrcods' Sacrifice" features week of 22. Obpiisuh (I. Simon, mgr.)—"The Catholic Federation Pnrnde" features week of 22. Novbltt (M. Levenson, mgr.)—"Down by the Sounding Sen" features week of 22, Avrnub (M. A. Shaw, mgr.)—, "The Pitched Show" features week of 22. SlAjBSTio (L. IMttmar, mgr.) — "The Hindoo Curse" features week of 22, Noras.—The Consolidated Theatre Company, a motion picture combine, which promises to cut some ugnre In Kentucky, Southern Indiana and Tonnes*!*, recently completed sn arganlatlon. In Loolsvllle It will control the Orpheutn, Casino and Crystal theatres It will bnvo a enpltollxatlon of KiOO.OOO. with the main offices In this city. O. T. Crawford, of St. Louis, Is president, William Hlmrlns. of Lonlsrllle, vice-president. Judge W. Allen Kinney, secretary and trcaaarer; Irrln (.'. Simon, manager. Plans have already been for- mulated for the ealahllshinent of four new the ntree Tlie motion picture bouses played lo largest crowds of the season week ending 21 Messrs. Scrlhner, Wnldron and Mack, the censor committee of the Columbia Amusement Co.. eolii- plcted their, official visit here to look over the Onyety Theatre, mid left for St. Louis, li>. They were vciy much gratified over tbe way tbe affair's of the local playhouse have been conducted, aud l.lghly complimented Manager Charles T, Taylor. Indianapolis, In.I.— Mural <Frer> J. Dslley. mgr.) "Within tbe Law" week of Sept. 3. Nell O'Brlcn'H American Mlustreia Oct. 2. 3. Eicolisii (Ad. F. Miller, mgr.)—"Paralfal" (In English) Sept. 93-25. Duatlu Ftrntiin. in "Tlie Littlest Relsd." 20-28. Rousa's Hand f)ct. 1, Geo. Evuus' Honey Hoy Minstrels 2. Park (Anderson & Zlegler. mgrs.)—"The Shep- herd of the Illlls" week ot Sept. 23. Vaughn Olnsor Co., In "A Grain of Dust." .'Ill-net. 2. Colonial (Holdtn A Kd wards, mgrs,)—"Tho Confesslrn" week 0 f Sent. 23. Kuril's (Ned 8. Hastings, mgr.)—Bill to? week of 23 Includes: "An Opening Night." I^ons and Ynsco. Maxlni'a Mislcls, Dooley and Sayles, Three Keatons, Cadets De Oascogue, Say ton Trio, and Louise Sttckney's Circus. Gaybty (Dixie Amuseincnt Co., mgrs.)—BUI for week of 23 Includes: Four Hawallsiis, Tliomp- son and Carter, Sheldon and De Onma, Jacobs and ltertraud, and Three Cyclniilnus. Family (II. CI. Argenbrlght. nurr.) — Vaude- ville and plalures. Empiok (II. K. Burton, mgr.I—Miner's Bohe- mians, featuring Cbarmlou, week of 3. Queens of the Folles bergere week of 3D. I.a Fayette, Inrl. — Dryfns (Orn Parks, mgr.I "Hutting It Over" Sept. 23, "The Whuird of wt.eland" 2T>, "A Modern r'.ve" 37, "Tbe Littlest Itebel" 28. Family (D. W. Manrlce. mgr.)—Vaudeville and moving pictures. Hill changed Monday and Thursday. Booked sy W. V. M. A. I,villi: (Win. Johnson, mgr.)—This house Is being enlarged and renwtleled. Am: (I.. KIcik', mgr.)—Pictures. Mlchltcaa City. lad. — Orplienm (Otto Hunker, mgr.) on Sept. 16. "The Spring Mnbl," with ijeue Lmirska us prima iloiuia. nnd J. II. Giddsworlliy as I'cluce AlsiUr. uroveil to ls> the musical event of the season, and drew a capacity audience. Sept. 18-22, Four Marx lire*., in "Mr. Green's Reception." Lynn, Mas«. — Central Square (Jsiues H. Donovan, mgr.) Bse Isjslnss with moving pic- tures and 11 lu st nil Hi songs. (ii.vmi'ia (A. K. lAjrd, mgr.)—Vauvterllle niul moving plclnres. AuiirruaiUM (Hark & Morlson. mgrs.) — Tho Morlson stock Co. presents "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch" week o'. 23. "The Deep Purple" week of 30. Lynn (Jeff Callan, mgr.)—Tlie vaudeville sea- son onencil here Id. CnuiQUI (Al. Newh.'ill, mgr.)—Business con- tinues good, with pictures uud songs as the pro- gram. Drbami.and (Rsmnel Grant, mgr.)—IlbistrnHd rongs and the latest motion pictures, to good busi- ness. I'astimk (E. A. Loud, mgr.)—Moving plctun-s, to goisl hniisas Iiiikau, Cllftombilc IThomas II. Cullen, mgr.) —Pictures anil snugs. Notbs. —Mortimer Snow, lemllug ninu of Hie Morlson Slock Co., was unable in appear In "Fnr- get-Me-Nol" week of to, owing lo Illness, and Russell Suge played the purl of Sir Horace Welh.r, Barbara Hall, of Chicago, Who Is well known In this elly, lies announced hrr engngi- meiit to uu Indiana xeutlcinnn. Miss Hall was connected with the I'lielnn Comedy Co., which played in Lynn a year ago. IHIIford, Slaan. — Lnlus Nlpmuc (Dan J. Sprngne, mgr.) Is closed for Iiikai. (Nodcn Ii I'ei'h'im, mgrs.)—Motion pic- tures and Illustrated songs. Lyceum (l.nhy Ilroa., mgrs.)—Motion pictures and Illustrated Hongs. Norm.—The H. KS. Morgan estate, which ron- trolla Ihe Music Hall that was destroyed by Are early this year, don't Intend rrhullillug the the- atre, und have placed the nroiwrty on the market. This leaves Ihla and the surrounding towns without any theatre or ball suitable for vaude- ville or dramatic shows, nnd If one wishes to see a real nhow they must hike to Boston. Woousocliet or Worcester Tbe Idenl ftstored "The Land- ing of Coluiubaa" Ulms last week, and packed the house and turned hundreds away G. K. Moore baa secured a lease of the Town Hall, at Ilolllslon, and will show moving pictures for the Winter, nopklulon will also be under tbe sans.' management Austin & Hold, managers of tbe Msrse Opera House, Frinklln, will hereafter glvo four nights each week to motion pictures und vaudeville shows. Lowell, Mass.—Owru House (Ralph Ward, mgr.) May Itobsuu, lu ''A Night Out," Sent. 23; "The Million" 24. Paul Marcel Co. 20, Christie Macliiiimlil, lo "Th.i Spring Muld." 27; "Tbo Common Law" 28. Kami's (Will II. Stevens, mgr.)—Illll for 23 and week: (Jordan IJldrld and company, Eddie Ross. Ixirelta and Dud, tlie Three Brownies, Berulvlcel Iiros., Gnodiill uud lister. Spedonla Sisters, sud Marsh Orolg. Unit, No. (JnmiM Carroll, mgr.)—Bill for 23 and week: Maria I lor ion ami company, Verona, the Three Donalds, John Farrcll, Casey and Knnlls, and photoplays. Auadkmy (Ed. Church, mgr.)—Illll for 23-23 Included: Enoch, Wilson nnd Muck, and Midline niin Montgomery. For 20-2S: l,oiil«e Iluichh.s and company, the Henu Briimiucls. IK'verruiix and Prim, and the pictures. Hatiiiway's (K. Weston, mgr.)—The Drama Plnyers present "Tim Linn und Ihe Mouse" i'l nnd week. "When Knighthood Was lu Flower" 30 and week. Notr. —All of tbo picture houses ure doing good business. Fall lllvi-r, Maaa.—Savoy (L. M. Aims, mgr.) Chrlsllo Mucdoniild, lu "The Spring Mnbl,' Sept. 23; 1'nul Mnrcell's Players 25, "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine" 20, "Mutt and Jeff" 27, 28, Aborn Ois-ra Co., In "Tbe Bohemian Olrl," Oct. 2. Acauiimv IL. M. Uous, mgr.)—Business ls ex- cellent. Bill for 23-25 Included: James Fulton und Mattle Chnate, Hnelgel and Duna, Blanche Huntington, ami l-es Coplamls. Hii-ou (at, II. Gowlhne. mgr.)— Attractive fflnia and gwnl vaudeville ure drawing goisl Inislnesa. Prrmirr <!.. M. Boas, mgr.)—Business con- tinues good with pictures und vuudevllle. Illll for 23-25 Incluiled: Miller aud Hnascll, Will Lucy, uud, as a feature nim, "The Orleans Cosch." PALAoa (A. IL Ashley, mgr.)—Motion pictures and Illustrated songs. Ltriu (Ed. Dolirrty, mgr.)—Motion pictures and Illustrated songs. Star (E. Mlehelfeldcr, mgr.)—Motion plctnres and Illustrated songs. Nickklookon (Walter Tllgelow, mgr.)—Motion pictures niul Illustrated songs. Subnio (U. U. Archer, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Sprlnirflrld, Mass,—Court Square (D. O. Gllmore, mgr.) "Tho Bohemian Girl" Sept. 23. "The Spring Maid" 24, 25, "The Rose Maid" 2(1 28. Creatine's Hand 211, "The Man from Home" SO-Ort. 2. 1'014'h ((lordon Wrlghler, mgr.)—Tbe slock compnuy presents "Old Heidelberg" flii-Oct. S. Gilmoru (P. F. Khea, mgr.)—Tlio (linger (llrls 23-25, Jolly Follies 30-Oct. 2. Nbi.son (II. I. DIllHiback, mgr.)—Bill for ii- 25: Zlnka and her dogs. Whitlnkrr Bros, und Grace Edmonds. for 20-28: Policy Moor* and Davla, Swen and O'Day, nnd Bob Ferns, and the pictures. PLAXA (Goldstein Bros., mgrs.)—Illll for 21- 25: Tanner and Porter, Kyim and Bell, Eddie Coe, lllmberg. Marlim snd Day, Bessie Brown, niul tbe pictures. Arurli,, Hum:. EnisiiNIA, Gaiety, ilr/ina. Grano, Mirtioi. Niivsi.ty, I'Ai.Ai-r ash Supway, moving picture houses, report good business. I.nwrenpr. Vnaa. — Opera ITouse (Julius Calm. rear. I the Malley ft Denntsun Sloek Co. iipesenl 'M'nder hVnithern Skies'" week of Hepl. 23: "The Kaslest War" week of 30. Colonial (Julius Cshn. mgr.)—"Tbe Trail of I In- Loucsoine pine" 21, "Tlie Million" 23, "The Pink Lady" 25, Ohrlstto MacDviiald, In '"Vbe Spring Malil." 28. NicgKT, (John R. Otilflelil, mgr.) — BUI for week of 23 Includes: Hums and Ollflou, Eldou uud Ollflou, nnd Emerson and Baldwin. ViirroRiA, Pastime, IIroapway akii Pkrmier arc all dolog good business, with motion pictures. Notbs. —Katherlno Cutler bos lieeu engaged M leading ludy for the Malley A Dennlsun Slock Co.: Arthur llehrens, leading man of the Malley ft Drnulaon Company, has Iss-ome s great favorite with the [nitrons of the Opera House. laouton, Masa.— Park (Marie l.curns, mgr.) "Matt ami Jell" Sept. 20. Casino, Star, Coluuiiia anu Niukkl, moving picture bouHcM, coutliiuo to druw big huslucss. Nutks. —lloylcn's New Tlicatro Is rapidly near- lug cotnpletloi The Six ltrowu llnvs., with Primrose ft Dockstmler's Minstrels, made a de- cided bit In their musliul turn at the Park, 20. Montreal, Can. — His Majesty's (II. Q. Brooks, mgr. I Alice Lloyd, in "Little Miss Fix- It," week of Sept. 23. Christie MacDounld, in "Tbe Spring Maid," week of 30. Puuti.-iiaa (II. C. Judge, mgr.)—"Over Night" week ot 23, "The Blindness of Virtue," week ot Ml Ori'iikuu (G. Drlscoll, nurr.)—Bill for week ot XI: Zoldn Sears and compuny, Lambert und H.:'. Rlcliarda slid I\vle, Five Muriels. Bedford ami Winchester, ringer Mhlguley and com|iany, Hulidi Smalley, and Ihe I'olilu Ilrolhers. FhaNOAIm (J. (>. Ilouley, mgr. I—Moving pic- tures and vaudeville. Bill for week of 23: Mltss snd Admoat, Klruuril Hamlin, llrauu .(isters, l'ruuk and Kddlr Rnymoiul. anil Toledo. (Utirrv (F. Arnold, mgr.)—The Isimluii Belles week of 23. lichman 30 ami week. Royal (0. Mclirlcu. uutr.) — "The Price She Paid" 23 and week. "A Man ot Honor" week of 30. London. Can.—ftrunil (John It. Mlnblunlck, mgr.) "A Scrape o' the Pan" Sept. 21. "The Now llnrimild" 23, 24; "Human Hearts" 25, Miim-. Nnslawva 27. "The lied Hose" 2S. Majmstid (Thus. Luguii, mgr.)—Suiuiuy Smith ami moving idetui'iss. Star. —.Moving plclnres. • llNiqus.—iMovlug pictures. Priniishs. —Moving pictures. Nothh. —Percy Hill, a well known Ciliiadlnii, wss here, reieiilly, with "The Flirting Princess" Co Tho First Methoillsi Cliurcli clmlr have urrniigisl with David BIsiHinm. Mailnine Nordli-A mid Mnte. llnlloek lo give onlerlnliiiiietila at the Grand Upcrn House on Oct. 2(1, Nov. 12 aud isr- 10 (lis.. It. WendlHrrg lectures In the Audl- torluui week of 23 Mrs. W. I.. Stmviul. wife of Malinger Stewart, ot ihe Sloddart Stock Co.. and also Ihe Princess Theatre. Is rapidly recovering utter undergoing u serious uuerallon. St. John, Can. — Opera House (K. II. Sisniivr, mgr.) "The Furlimc lliinler" 50-Oel. 2. Alice Lloyd 4, S, Win. IlllWIrey, lu "Duuily Dick," 11. 12, Niokku— Gertrude Lo Hoy Mas Tout Watcrni:, In songs, ami the moving plclnres . Gem. —Anne Ncwlngton, In songs, and tbe mov- ing [ileum's. IIniqiih —Moving pictures. Nta».— Moving pleturea. Lyiiiii. — Vaudeville and moving pictures. Notbs.— Owing to cancellation the Opera Mouse shows moviug pictures smi viimluvllle week ot Sept. 23 Harvey U Watklus, or Ihe Keith Interests, was In lawn IS Will Uurleloii. ot "The Pink Lady" Co., was In town 12. visit- ing his father Lmlovlci Vrooni, recently ap- pointed manager for Margaret Aimlln, is a nntivo of this cllv. IliiiiiUton, Can.—Grand (A. II. Loudon, nigr.) "The Red Hose" Sept. 23, 24; "The Mar- loiM'ttes" 25, 2(1; "The Girl ot My Dreams" 27. 28; "Tho Siren" 30, Oct. 1. Tkmixb (J, (1. Apple ton. uigr.)—Bill for week of 23: Wilfred Clark and company, Ed. Mor- ion, Al. and Fanule Steailmatt. Alitor and Arllue, Ism Hoffman, Mr. and Mra Stuart narrow. Notsm. —The Minmtaln Theatre has closed for Hoi season Mr. and Mrs. (I. if. Summers nro resting at their lioiue here. Pi-or In, III. — Majestic (Henry Naudiueyer Jr., mgr.) "Kindling" Sept. 24, 20, "A Modern Eve" Hi. Oai'iimiM (Fellr. 0«ienlM>rg, mgr.)—Illll for 23-25 Included : Tbe I* Vails, Zlg Zag Trio. Mack niul Williams. ItinlcllnV ami Hall, and Lasky'a Six HotssFB. For 20-20: Four Gates Bras., Mae Curtis. James It. Medium and company, Hancy and llayncs, Moore's Lnils and Lassies, and pic- tures. Lycsiim (Pellg Drceiiberg. mgr.)—Bill for 23- 25 included: Al. Allen, Tuxedo Comedy Four. Ver Vallu uud coumatiy, aiul Great Keller ami his Scotch Lassie. For 20-211: Hughes and Bulls, Frank nnd Kate Carlclon, Mailelyu sbowo, Frank und Nellie Ellison, and jilclunss. I'RiNcass (Heaver Amuse. Co., mgrs,)—Vaude- ville mid plctnres. Datu-sut's (Martin Dcmpsey, mgr.) — Slock burlrsi|iie, amgs uud pictures. OOLVUMA. GaasoRNT. Da Lnxs. Emiiisss. Il- linois. Lirrrty, Royal, Sanoauo and South Shir Airuomm, plciuro bouses, mxirt good busi- ness. <Tiilii<-y, r:i. Rmplro (W. L. Busbr. mgr.) —'The Arab" Sent. 22, "Tlio lUisury" 28. "The Fisrluno Hunter" 21). Iluou (W. N. MisOonm-II, mgr.)—Hill for 23- 25 Included: Tbe Sliloulas, Marie lloaal. Mona- Incn. Meuda K. Morris, ami Htago Door Jolinaks, with Trlxle Oliver. For 20-28: Gravel tu l.e Vniidre cuiupsiiy. Tiller Sister., Vlollnskl. (Jtiiir- tnsi Holllduy company. Notm. —The Schneider Carnival CO. are playing n week'a engagement it Baldwin Park, begin- ning 22. niooRilnoMoii, Ill^-Chatlerlun (OTias. A. Tuckacs. mgr.) Jack Betsey Co. Sept. 23 nrul week. "Loulalanu Lou" 27. Majrstiu (Gus Sclutdu. mgr.)—Vainlovllle ami moving pictures, (Jas rLi (Guy Murllu, mgr.)—Moving pictures. Hcknio (Chris Jackson, ingr.) — Moving pic- tures. Hot Surinam, Ark. — Now Iflrrlo work Is beliMi rushed toward completion. Noras The Arkansas Stale Fair will open Nov. 11. The newly elecled Governor. Joe T Robinson and Clitunp Clark lute preslileiitlai camll- date, will be the guest of honor. A magnlUci'iit Hssctacle ("Tlie Bnuce of the Nullous") will be WW of the opening attractions, and a receptluu cmtmlttco of three hmidred has heeu appointed '.••.V:? 1 !* Jonl « B Dramatic O... which pluyisi at the Alrdome tbe past two weeks, closed their engagement Saturday, Sept. 21 Whlttlngton Park cloned, 14. alter a moat snecessful season. Tlie Lyceum slid Princess, and Central the litres, offering moving pictures, are sll living well. Tho Photoplay, re-cbrlslerjed Ihe Iloynl, 0|>eMd H. Tho house lias Isim completely re- built and reftirnbihwt, and bus more than ilouldeil Its scaling capacity. It Is without doubt ono of the ffnest In Ihe South, and a veritable bower of beauty and iwmfort. The pictures an- Ihr.nvu on a utw rndliim screen, with two of the latest (I A Powers' luachlnvs. which are opernleil from <t con- crete bwdh outside tbo rear of the building. An orchestra of live pieces, with traps and mrelianl- ral effects, mill realKui to Ihe pictures, inde- pendent films uro shown. Ft. Worth, To*. — Majestic (Arthur 0. Best, mgr.) Janet Adslr and Florence III-key headed a line vaudeville hill Sept. 10 and neck IIykr'r (Phil W. Greenwall. mgr.)—Madam Tint Whitney and bis Smart Net Co. IN, h> llippotiaiiMK (L. II. Itmiiy. mgr.)—Iter) Lewis. Helen Ilcnslrom, Hlppoilronie Qnartelte, and photoplays. Sa»oy (Prank Norlli, mgr,)—The Prank North 5'ih "Wiidure"^ *** "** 0B "°"' w, " k U l0.