The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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T£3fr NEW YuitK CLIPPER. September 28 CHICAGO NEWS ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED AT WESTERN BUREAU OF NEW YORK CUPPER, 505 ASHLAND BLOCK, RANDOLPH AND CLARK STREETS, CHICAGO - Theatrical Lawyer EDWARD J. ADER J • He, CLARK STREET, CHICAGO Prictlce in all^ State _«nd_U. S. Courts, ADVICE FREE. Bros.' and Barnum and Bailey) h. T1> _.. more money for us this season than -2 before In a (Ingle seaaon. nawa22?J*2. that the country generally Is on the Mondat, Sept 23. at this theatre 22. Otle Skinner, In "K3§- act r, -''•• - i. ..™.«7 n » ih« PhirBffB met,- opened a limited engagement to-nlgbr. to bring htm Into the front ranks of the "n*..*™* K Optimism is rampant on the Chicago "q^mx <Samuel V. Oersoo, mgr.l— 'TSie famous.• Charlotte Morton and company Roberts, Four W !JE-Ja _ „« „,,..., ,„. i™., #.,.. .„,! BJrd of Paradise" closes 28. and will be <ol- cloacd tho show with an act In "which the Academy ( It I. .protean novelty, and promise, eluding• m-I. «d1 Edith Raymond1 Jotnnj '^teW ig htm Wo the front ranks of ?----%& Bros ", | nK ^ wceka t0 •SBWsKtfcsscTsontf There was a time when the long faces and lT ° U J.Tarmody, mgr.),-ThU 1912 closed rngement of Margaret court room scene from. "Madame X" is very long established House nas a »°' ,u "''5 8 un ^" w w rooHB .™ ,„ lMrt ln -«. fneldon's "Egypt^ In prominent. The Apollodid a .wonderful tarf remains cyal season, ««er season and under W. W. Cochban. arrlv d in <*£■»*.> AnX 8 ?n ^Ed a ward D lS ^^ , iV , « ■» l^w^ S'^^^^^w^ •*•« £25? ?&*&«&'« a SS all Bummer. aS°d continue, to have every ^-^J^^^AFSSatS^ P^^W "M^^^ffi and unbounded faith is the future tor gypsy. producer," manager, actor, author, music pub- _ Cost (U. J. Hermann, mgr.)—"Fine Feathers" continues prosperously. "Bache- seat occuoled ' * Joying prosperity. An excellent wii is P/e- tie saw: "iwj returned from a flylnglri. ViSSimi (WB Heany. mgr.)—The Jupi- serried week of 23. Including y. First hsTf-- to Blous City, la. where I conferredwhj terB^X A r, ( ^re% H e e feIture% 16-18, J&t The Btatofcjbe feynol^^cr.^M^el, -jrW^^'jOj^o. .^Lll.le, ag ibqinia (W. m. Heany, mgr.j—xne jupi- «""«:« k^» «■» -« b """Til V.atVr.T Mlakel ni» Brother, were the feature for 16-18, but The Bimbo., be ^o'^^stcrs, Miskeij my Berta carried away applause honors when Hurst and Mrller Dallas tonians, ^/^K JS had likenesses of Roosevelt and Taft Four. „L«* bAll-\«a ftft* _■! « Bbow to Norfolk "The "Help Wanted" wlumn. of the dally lor. and Benedicts," fcJaeto-D. Ha.g. £ «er» ft™~,™V&Wvelt and 7£S Four. L^rt hiif-Vera Stanley and Six and Fremont, Neb. Leaving tte Twrui? papere-the true Indicators of business con- «P*m Oct 6, with Ralph Hera and Grace ^^ M B ™ n ^Vhl,e i^ thiSngh Jer Bong Birds. Banks Brazil Duo Emmett and Show, I .pent a day with ft. A. Farlowe t aitions-are offering positions to thousand.. GoodalL ,, ___ ^ „____ SfC^" Th! Sd^nci aoXuded Emmett, Florence'Lester, Joe Holman. _____ banker friend of mfne. In. Omaha. ! tiJlJ ditlons—are offering positions to thousands. Voodnll. npon thousands In all branches of Chicago's Geo. M, mercantile world. There Is work for every- one. The railroad, are being Uxed to their utmost to provide ears to move the unprece- dented crop, that have been harvested in the Middle West. The hotels ate crowded with buyer, from all part, of the country replen- ishing their stock, from the wholesale house, ln Chicago. A bustling air of activity I. apparent everywhere. Money is easy In Chicago There Is plenty of money The wise producer knows this, the most magnificent and expensive enter- Ummenti eve? devised for the amusement_of Jere Grady jB company, Earl and Curtis, the public are now beln; cago. New circuses are the coming season. Big arc'being prepared. New theatres are being Cohan's Grand Opiba IIotbb (Harry J. Ridings, mgr.)—"A rolls* Wed- ding." Oltvpic (Sam Lederer, mgr.)"—The Mau, Higher Up." Pbincesb (Mort H. Singer, mgr.) — "A Modern Eve," which has entered upon the third century of its Chicago run. Wuitnbi (F. O. Peers, mgr.)—Beverly B. Dobb's Alaskan-Siberian pictures. Majestic (Lyman B. Glover, mgr.)—(Bill Emmett. Florence Lester, Joe Holman. maer ineua oi mine,, in umabe National (John Barrett, mgr.)—week the Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows at Red oat 22, "Ten Nights ln a Bar Room." la., where they played to capacity at nlehL Imperial (Kllmt & Qsaiolo, mgrs.)—week Coming East, I visited the Famous lloblnjo. 22. "Life's Shop Window." ,..„ Shows at Lima, O., and the Tiger Bill 8kw Chows (A. Kink, mgr.)—Week 23, "Alias at Fort Wayne, Ind." * sno * Jlmmle Valentine." Although urged to disclose his plans, Mr. Savoy (Tom CbamaJes, mgr.)—"Kitty Hart, Cochrane declined to make an announcement. ind"Itearev "and" cinteor"were also well Ste. Bosley and Charles Pierce. Jeanette Mil- bat It is generally understood that he co£ ana searcy ana canteor were ai.o wen o* M^ri-van Alrtyn and Ernie Loos, Ha- templates. In company wRh a party of We«t 'ILLA8D (J. G. Burch, mgr.)—With cooler «el Raglsnd. the Four Manning Sir-' "Dance of Light." The audience applauded Roosevelt until It gave out There were Taft supporters, but they had less enthu- siasm. It was the same at every perform- ance. La BerU has a pretty act, and at thai time of year should be In great demand. White Brothers and Sister were between these acts and made good. Carter and Car- ter i liked. WlLLAKD Sisters, Fior- Majbstic (Lyman B. Glover, mgr. —ami "'."'"fj'. «*• w.«"«™. ■"■■V—: "• "* ""{.'" ZZL1 TJ^ter' fiavov Trio Harry Kranzmau, gss pii^^m mmmjim em^^- ^e amusement of Jere Grady and company, Earl and Cui g launched In Chi- Hermany's Novelty. Being organized for Palace Music Hall (Mort H. Sin vaudeville novelties mgr.)—.Week 23: Homer B. Mason ana 1 X: constructed ln many populous neighborhoods Prosperity la In the air, and the old "cam- paign year" bugbear Is being shamelessly ignored. „ . Some idea of the tremendous flood of pros- perity which has come upon the whole country may be gathered from tbe fact that tbe In- crease in this year's corn and oat crop alone over those of last year is greater by 142.000,000 bushels than the entire wheat crop of the United States for this year. The Presidential year Is having less Influence on the amusement business thsn ever before. guerlte Keeler, The Elliott Savonas, McKay snd Cantwell, Cbas. Drew and company. James Cullen, Schailer and Jordan, Cart Merest, Rayno Bull Terriers. Columbia (E. H. Woods, mgr.)—Week of 22: Cooper's Beauty, Youth and Folly. Week 20: Harry Hastings Show. Hamlin (Hopkinson Bros., mgrs.)—The show for 19-22 was beaded by Tom Linton's Jungle Girls, an act that scored a big hit. "The Scoop/' one of Oliver Labadle's new acta, was very well liked. Romona Ortls opened the show with a wonderful display on the wire. Austin and Smith followed with a The bill for the first half of week of 23 in eludes: Al. Lawrence, In "A Night ln Edel- weiss," being a strong feature. Others on the bill were: Tbe Carl Pantzer Trio. C. H. France and company, Gnerro and Carmen. The.last half of the week an equally at- tractive program is announced, including: Thos. Q. Seabrooke, the Five Armalns, the Bel-Canto Trio. Valentine and Bell, Kramer, Bcllclalre and Herman. Indiana (Ben Levee, mgr.)—This coxy family theatre made a ten-strike when the management secured the society favorite, Relnc Davis, for the first half of the week of 23. On the same bill are Brazcolo Duo and Harry Thompson. Miss Davis holds over for fhe entire week, and during the last half shares honors with Sherman McNaugb ern capitalists, to put out a show neit season.' 1 LOUIS E. COOKB RB-BNGAGED. ^.»' , lii;S n »°. , ' "~—'"" *■ —"— Considerable Interest Is ateched to tbe ^obthAmebicaii (W H. Morris mgr.)— confirmed announcement that Louis E. Cooke De Vm, iKSal and Stone featuring Ar- £.as *?«?_ r « n ««?^ A 8 . f e ? er ?' !*?.'.of_tl Two Bills Show, for the season of 1913. This announcement will occasion no surprise oa tbe part of tent show men at large, for Mr Cooke has been so clsely Identified with tbe development of tbe Buffalo Bill-Pawnee Bill FarioV Wvgow Denton, Flo Jacobson. Shows that It was to be presumed that he Recto's (&a7 RJchter mgr.)— Under- ™"d continue n general charge of tie mSwBk Tot 23?W Bernard* o&atloa * and F " r Ea * thur Stone, the worloVfamous blind pianist; the Great Santuocl, and. the Original Ca- baret Quartette. -. Conobbss (Frank Howard, mgr.)—Week of 23: The Four College Boys. Burke and FA T CH AT. Little credence Is placed in a rumor being; circulated here that the Two Bill. Show will tour Australia, following the olose of the Lilt; OlUUDt'lUCUi. UUBUIcaD luuu v. > v» in, iu» v. — — _ People have been holding back for three or moderate degree of success. The sketch was four years wslting for something to happen, third. SI Jenksln fourth position, made: them Something has happened, that something laugh, and the Jungle Girls closed tbe show. being big crops, and^herc Is no reason why " Warrington (Geo M Gatts. mgr.)—The » u n 8 '° eB t B h .""cooH&li days beaai^7 For the *• H - Oovtusr and P. P. Stabin, proprle- ovcrybody In "he .bow business should not G™ce Hayward Stock Co Is meeting wltii """,.'"* j 0 ??' k **f 22 the Seven Hcchlanl t0 « ot the Dlxon °1* n Hons «- D ' Ion ' in - nail snared uuuurs wuu oultiuhii aiL-.iuugu* ZTJZl^JZ Z*~ZZr*i n *i,* nwft^A at.tAB ^^bZ 4 (W.H. Raynor, mgr.)-Good cos and W-ild West for Au.tralta, la in Chl- buBlneBS has been the rule at thlB theatre ca »> this week. a !?. be busy now. pronounced success, presenting excellent bills opening are a big feature. 'Also onVe sSa£ blllare called at the WesterntBarjau of The Clip- Blg crops scatter busy times everywhere. Jn a very commendable manner They aro ?£? V°I«'^jUs BonTle GaXl BerttS ^eb. while In Chicago, last week, looking >re labor Is required to gather, handle securing the best dramas possible, and tho g« iS^WtSSnmESr Uayl0r<1 ' Bertle after some business. The Dixon seats 940, PJKEJ •=■=-« E»' — g3 '4bXendthrift" P Ttc%^ e e "of I^U (J D. ConderSan, mgr.)-Bob Al «* •«•'■ «■ *■ "ttrmctlo. «. alternating the company to! Grace Hayward, Albert Mor- *2gL**JS*&*>!&. »»? ££?*& More _ find transport tbe bountiful harvest; more supplies, machinery, implements and trans- portation facilities are put In use. There Is more money to buy thine, with, and more to spend for recreation. The big crops favor, ably affect the balance of trade so that every interest and all the people everywhere re- end plays E. & K attractions, alternating with moving; pictures. <?. W. McCuhbex has established Winter rlson, Harry Manners, Harry sfedley, Frank terfally to entertaining for the> entire^week auirterg tot hl8 new shtw ,„ open nert Den thorne. William Webb, DolUe Davis, SJ_ * s -. Also , m tne bill the nrst nan are. 4 Dr)lu , a t Two Dot Mont Minnie IlKdcllffe, Mayme Tay or, Walter Pouli The Three Ameers, Frank A. Tralnorand ep ^ "^ William A Lavellb is In Chl- ter. Lew J. Welsh a/d Robert Jonc.. ^^W^ C °T^ 1 Si^ M Th"™. th HSl« cago, and considering offere k coi- Casino (M._B,«er, mgr. -Under #™ &1™*** ttl.*g 8 P^-PSS paiy' of moving picture players for a series Ax interesting rumor (not confirmed) hit it that Jerry Mugtvan has concluded arrange- ments to take out the John Robinson Tea Big Shows, under his direction next Sprint. Mugivan's rise ln the circus world has beta of a meteoric nature, for within less tb» a decade he has arisen from a hnmblc rank to that of the proprietor of a circus, and It may be recorded that he has and Is muklcg a lot of money. IT Is reported that the Young Buffalo Show will close tbe season early ln October. Clabencb Habvey, the comedian, was en- tertained at a dinner 17, tendered him by hi. fellow members of the Winter Garden Co, now playing ln Chicago. It wa. tbe occa- sion of Sir. Harvey's fifty-first birthday. The management of "The Poilsh Wei- ding" Co. entertained the visiting aviators ln Chicago, at the night performance, 16. Max I.illle, Glenn Martin, Horace Kearry, De Lloyd Thompson. Anthony Jannus and will be seen Maude Lillian Berrl, Olga Sleek, Bessie Kranklln and Percy Bronson. Tbe production will be staged by Frank Stam- mers, Hi.ackhtone (A. J. Pltou, mgr.)—Season opened Saturday, 21, with "Milestones." Colonial (James Jay Brady, mgr.)—"The Winsome Widow." McVicker'h (Geo. C Warren, mgr.)— "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine." "Gct- Rlch-Qulck Walllngford" follows. Chicaqo Opera House (George Kings- bury, mgr.)—"Tantalizing Tommy" closes 28. Richard Carle and Rattle Williams, In "The Girl from Montmartre" and J. M. Barrio's "A Bllcc of Life," follows 30. Powbbb' (Harry J. Powers, mgr.)—Basil Macdonald Hastings' English play, "The New Sin," was produced for (be first time ln America, at Towers' Theatre, 17. It Is a remarkable drama, containing a big theme argued magnificently, and 1b admirably cast. The idea upon which the plot 1b based is: Should a man continue to live, If by living he mukes life Impossible for others? Mr. Hastings has chosen a bachelor, an artist of some success, who baa been cut off by his father's will from any share of a huge estate, end a small multitude of brothers and sisters, bb long as he shall live. Upon his death they will come Into comparative wealth. They are mental and physical incompetents and, too weak to become rogues, Buffer, and bleed, the one who stands between them and their in- heritance. The characters are an admirably chosen and contrasted group. Tbe chap who faces this situation is a most human, most lovable fellow, whose sympathies prompt him to self-sacrlScc. His two friends are a simple, brusque member of IsrllHment from the labor ranks, and an author of hooka with a keen mind for analy- sis of character. There Is the Incompetent brother, cowardly and eager to shoulder his crime on another. There Is the fat, sensu- ous, prosperous haberdasher who precipitates tli-.' crisis. A quaint type of venerable serv- ing mnn snd a morbid money-lender round Louis. Happy Harry Hbea, a strong local favorite, was a big hit on the bill week of 1C. Another act worthy of particular men- tion was Arthur, Richards, and Arthur, in a new act recently arranged for them by Bran- don Walsh. Kroll Hoch and company were well liked In a charming playlet, entitled "Love". Young Dream." Follt (J. Fcnnessy, mgr.)—Jardln de Paris Girls week of 22, Miner's Bohemians 20. Btab and Gabteb (Dick E. Rider, mgr.)— Gay White Way 22. Empibji (I. H. Herk, mgr.)—Miner's Amer- icans 22,- the Rosebuds 20. Lincoln (Wm. V. Newklrk, mgr.)—Vaude- ville. Abhland (A. E. Weldner, mgr.)—Vaude- ville. Ellis (W. Johnson, mgr.)—Vaudeville. Pastime (W. Beadell, mgr.)—Pictures and vaudeville. Alcazar (A H. Talbot, mgr.)—flcturcs and vaudeville. Boston (Guy Morvllle, mgr.)—Pictures and vaudeville. Grand (Duke Bramman, mgr.) —Vaude- ville. Hay market Is dark.. .. Linden (C. S. Hatch, mgr.)—Vaudeville. Lyda (George Hlnes, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. Monroe. —Vaudeville. Obpheum (Geo. Moore, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. Buou Dream (S. Faller, mgr.)—Vandcvllle and pictures. Premier (C. J. Schafer, mgr.)—•Vaudeville and pictures. Palace (Ellis F. Gllckman, mgr.)—Vaude- ville. President. —Vaudeville and pictures. Royal. —Vaudeville. Schindler (L. Schlndler, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and pictures. Star.— Vaudeville and pictures. Weber's (Weber Bros., mgrs.)—Vaudeville and pictures. Wilson (M. Llcalzl, mgr.)—ThlB theatre enjoys a very high class and exclusive pat- out the list. The characters—all men—aro ronage, and it 1b only by presenting the best Interesting, admirably conceived, and acted hills obtainable that the management has by players of unusual skill. In all respect been able to win and bold the classy clientele to the bcx as a dramatic factor, the woman that patronizes this theatre. The big foa- ls rot mimed. Cyril Kchrhtlcy stands ln the turcs of the first half of week 16 wereMenlo forefront in this splendid cast. He plays Moore's "Lads and Lassies" and the Melrose the role of a down-and-outer with fine dig- Comedy Four, both acts receiving much ap- n'.ty. He Is subtle ln working out delicate ptause. Other, on the bill: Doollttle and Blluatlons. and carries the heavier Into the Steele, Foster and Meeker, Ansonla Trio. lighter vein with no less of dramatic pros- During the last half of the week Wilson tlge. At nil times his presence was accepts- Franklyn and company carried off the lile and pleasing. With him must be men- honors In a snappy sketch. "My Wife Won't tloned 0. P. Reggie, in the difficult role Let Me." In the supporting company were: of tbe weakling brother. Tbe cheapness, the Lucy Parker, Charles Robinson, Japlc Mur- splnelessness, the fear of facing a difficult dock and Leslie Winter. Fredrick Ireland life, the panic of physical cowardice were and his Dancing Casino Girls, including remarkably Interpreted. Arthur Rowycr, in Noma Cntto. Joslc Ncvans, May Cousins, the role of a wordy servant, wins an lndl- Catherine Kllng. May Lewis and P. W. Miles, vldunl success. The servile philosopher as scored another success, Moore, Tinker and he presents that worthy, Is as much a'trl- Oardner were also on tho bill. Thos. Q. iiranh of skill as the author's delineation. Seabrooke, late star of "The Isle of Cham- Julmn L'Estrnntc and Harvey Braban play pagne" and "A Chinese Honeymoon," Is the the author nnd labor member la Parliament underlined feature for week of 23, cnpltally, and Roland Rushton sketches In a Rood portrait of a German moncv lender. The ensemble Is above cavil at any point. "Tbe New Sin" hns been provided with a fourth act for Its importation. The play Ziboprld (W K. Zlegfeld, mgr.)—Cecil Lean and Florence Holbrook, ln "Tbe Mili- tary Girl." .■Mabi.owe (L, I. Montague, mgr.)—Stock week of 23, "Oliver Twist" The Marlowe now ends happily, when It formerly stopped! Players under the direction of Louise Ran- vrlth the grim and grewsomc third act. For dolph, nave met with merited success. Pre- eomc this ruins the logic of the argument, scnttng standard high quality plays, hand- yet so well hag the grafting process been somcly mounted, with one of the best repcr- done It must be admired aa an evidence of tolrc companies ever organised to play In technical skin, une plain Interior setting, Chicago, the engagement so far this season complete as to atmosphere and detail, suf- has been an artistic as well as a financial flees for the four acts. triumph. "The Spendthrift" week of 30. Lyric (Samuel P. Gerson. mgr.)—"Tho Apollo (R. L. Jncoby. mgr.)—There was whirl of Society" closes 28. "The Blue good business the first half of the week of 16, Bird" begins an Indefinite engagement 30. and the show seemed to please the audience. Cnu.Kiin IKugenc McQltlan, mgr.)—Dark. Lieut. Griffin and Princess Zita opened the Rtimieiiakeii (10. J. Sullivan, mgr.)— bill, nnd got a liberal amount of applause. "Whom Does Helen Belong To?" Carroll Drew followed, and made the folks. JA Sa , u ' b !™0 Askln, mgr.)—"The Girt laugh until they were .tired. M. Daniel at the Gate." . . lighten and company held third place with It.LlNoiH (W. J., Davis, mgr.)—"Oliver .the .sketch, "Tho Game." which "-is liked. Twist" closed a most successful engagement Art' Adulr was nest to closing, with a "new ORIGINAL ADVERTISING RUBS Young Buffalo Wild Wilt and Cummlm' Far Esit Secondhand: 20x80. SOXM, 20x38, 33x40. 24x42, 34X48, 24X60,30x60. 80X46. 81X60, 86x60, 80X60, 80x70, 40x80, 60x00, 60x120, 80x120, 80x140, and about 200 smaller tents. Sldewall by foot or mile, for sale or rent Largest stock of new Tents ln the State. Every size and shape. Write and slate your wants. D. H. KEIin MFG. CO., - - CHICAGO 100T MADISON ST. STRIETMEN, WnttUU, mm, AUCTIONEERS, SCHEMERS aid CAPITAL B YOU NEED US—WE NEED YOU. Write for Catalogue. Mailed free to Dealers. t-EVIIM BROS. Bat. 1886 Terre Haute. Ind. Buffalo Wild West and Col. Cummins the heart of the West Side Ghetto, has Intro- ist. recently came into an Inheritance duced free censored moving pictures for tbe of $35,000 ln cash, and It Is reported that benefit of tbe younger members. They are rolvfh th« henehta that ensue ^«c.«v \«a. **. ijvuiwi^ci, *n6*./—u«w^* %»-*-" ^=-* o.»i,« "K-aw"mA'u» pony oi muring picture piayens ior n Eyeries u* uiuj« muiuinua, nmuunr jannus ana Alain we repeat-there Is big money in the present efficient management this thea- g «r« n "** * rkB - st »nton and May, ^^^^^ f a ^, e f or West, covering his- Famum Fish were some of lie slrmen it- :SixA»E:',."AT.'s s«StS?K*SS ^l^i^^tjlj=^^ 5P.°fe ■ »-nniv limited hv the caivicltv of the 1m- Others on the bill were: Betty Vance, Law- VmtrmM The"Woffle; statemen't rence nnd Harve, Mangels. Ward and Bay, shows that the production took *8,280, Sat- t UUmNfe m M & ttasm rE _ urday night, 14, and on Wednesday matinee, t .£tf±S M .-„°.°J„ er i'"^.^iiT^ViSSS 18, $3,072. SouBa's Band will give a con- Jive family theatre Is prospering nicely under cert Sunday matinee, Oct. 18. " . the ?ISL22 5P2SL& ^"JC^ffiS Ambbican Mubic Hall (George Jordan, •*• J25m?["sS^S, e n£&£?.* $ rt.i & mgr.)—Opening of the season 28, with Kotb win-Melville Stock Company, of East St and Dill, In "The Politician." In tho ceet he Intends to launch a tent show next season. For a number of years he was general agent for the Gentry Bros.' Shows. Oscab Raoland has been secured for "The Military Girl," at the Zelgfeld Theatre. straight run pictures, and not on church or religious subjects. The Policemen's Binbvolt.nt Associa- tion will hold Its annual benefit entertain- ment at the Auditorium Theatre, beginning Thb Grand Opere House, Oshkosh. Wis., Oct. 27. for three weeks, with Harry Askln. has been taken over by Hyman & Butterfleld, "The Girl I Love" as the attraction. nnd will be devoted to vaudeville hereafter. W. a Buttebfield was ln Chicago list Victor Bbown has left the Collegt Theatre week. He announced that J. Jolly Jones, Stock Company. formerly manager of the Majestic at Water- "Tmb Polish Wedding" is billed like a loo. I*-, would succeed J. B. McEowan as the circus. Geo. M. Cohan's Grand Opera House Butterfleld representative of tne Western did not sign the agreement to do away with Vaudeville Managers' Association. He else email billing, sniping and window work. announces a successful opening of vaudeville "Bonk" Allen (Henry E, Allott), a well at the Rowland Opera House, at Pontile, known character In the circus world, died at Mich. Mr. Butterfleld tells of the success of his residence ln Chicago 14. The deceased 'ean Weir and company, ln "His Last Of- was fifty-four years old. He 1. survived by lense," a novel dramatic and comedy playlet a widow. Interment was made at Forest which recently opened on that tour. "Tbe Home Cemetery 17. "Bunk" Allen, at one set has scored a big success." remarked time, was owner of the AJhambra Hotel, ln Claude Humphrey, the United Booking Office Chicago. In 1900, with John Barton be representative here, who Is using the playlet had the privileges with the Sella & Gray on some of the biggest bill. In tbe Middle Shows, and later was associate owner of the West. Younger Bros.' Wild West, and with George Axel, Chribtensen ha. been booked for Little and Danny Robinson exploited the the Hippodrome, St. Louis, in October. Famous Robinson Shows. William O'Clabe had an offer for a sea- A new comedy act, entitled "Pots and son In Chicago to appear at the biggest plc- Pans." was tried out at the Marshfleld week ture houses and ln cafes, bnt could not be 9. Don W. Stuart, manager of that theatre, I. Interested ln it The cast: Bob Meyers, Edwin Nlner, Juliette Niner, Frank Richard- eon, Jessie Hueston, M. Harris. JOHN RINGLING IN CHICAGO. John Rlngling arrived in Chicago from the Barnum Show Tuesday morning, 17. and, with his family, registered at the Annex, where he remained for two or three days last week. In an interview with the Western representative of Thk New Yoek Clipper Mr. Rlngling said: -"Our shows (Rlngling SID Prices Right. We Challenge the World. Best Work FINEST EQUIPPED STUDIO ffl THE UNITED STATES AVE AKB IN A POSITION TO EXECUTE ORDERS IMMEDIATELY AND TO GUARANTEE DELIVERY ON TIME UNITED STATES TENT ANN AWNING CO. EDW. P. NEUMANN, Jr.. FTes. WALTER P. DRIVER, Vlce-Pres. EDWARD R. LITZINOER, Becy. 22-28 WORTH DESPLAINXS STREET, CHICAQO, 1XX. TENTS AND SHOW PARAPHERNALIA. WHITE FOR CATALOGUE. FAVORITH RENDEZVOUS FOR REPRESENTATIVE SHOW PEOPLE THE WELLINGTON HOTEL E. D. CUMMINaS, Manager WABASH avenue" CHIC AGO, HsXiSee TJ. Se A t European. Cafs snd Buffet Ssrvlce Unexcelled. VISIT THE INDIAN ROOM OflBcUt Headquarters (tor The Carnival Managers' Association or America TJII Streetmen Venders and Clipper Merchants Don't forget that the BERT AND BIGGEST HOUSE between the ATLANTIC AID PACIFIC WATERS IN AMERICA IB "" mmm IM. SHURE To buy jour •applies from. The Roods yon handle la oar speelnl basine.s and we have the LARGEST VARIETY OF BEST SELLERS. SEND FOR OUR CATA- LOGUE. Wa send no catalogue to eonesmera, so when; a Catalan ■ talc what builnni ynu conduct. We protect our caatomen BY KEEPfti OUR CATALOGUE FROM CONSUMERS' HANDS. n^anjnan CAMPAIGN GOODSanpIMOVELTIES Oet our big circular of these lines. Von will do brisk profitable business If ran handle oar attractive seller*. We manadaetnro these goods AT PRICES NO ONE •wtiSFfm? N. SHURE CO.^cXaof ?&?•■ Induced to give op vaudeville. Olive Eaton, who baa long been a fa- vorite In Davenport, la., appeared at the American in that city last week and proved a itroag drawing card. iFLOttisci Barb (formerly of Barr and Evan.) offered a single, at the Academy, tne last bar! of last week. , Hilluan- and Roberts are back to C.t cago, after an enjoyable vacation. Maiie Nelson and Rodney Ranovs and company were at the Julian Theatre for we opening week of the season. _. La Bebta appeared at the Virginia Tne- atre recently, and displayed likenesses or Taft and Roosevelt In connection with ner "Dance of Light" . „ „ . L. H. Rose and Compant, In "A Matter of Custom,"' will open at the Orpheum Circuit, at Cincinnati, O., Oct. 6. I. M. Martin, the Cincinnati manager, was ln Chicago last weeK. He has purchased a four acre tract of land between Waterloo, la., and Cedar Falls, known as one of the highest points In Iowa, ana Slans fourteen bungalows there, which will oe evoted to his thcatrictl friends. The Idea u a Summer resort for show folks, snd It is re- ceiving much attention. The property Is on the Cedar River, which affords fine flsnlEg, boating nnd bathing. . M „ Abnold IIirrch remains the representative of the George H. Webster Clrcnlt. to Chicago. WHEN IN CHICAGO Are Cordially Invited to Hake Headquarters at the Wastero Bureau —or— The New York Clipper In the Heart of the Klalio 505 AsbluxS Block. Cor. dark k Radolph PHONES I CENTRAL IM9 1 (auto u-w It not oonvenleat toean, KAIL ROUTES AND NEWS ITEMS. HAVE TOUR KAIL SENT IN OUR CARE. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER is not con- ventional. It la original, aggieeslve, im- partial, reliable, and above all, IT HAS A CERTAIN ORIGINALITY AND DIBTINO. TIVENE6S WHICII PLACES IT IN A CIASS BY ITSELF,