The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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jSjuprrMBEB 28 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1& is and ;*B^to" r ; two CM- cojtoms above the^ Arctic circle. Mr. Dobbs ""000 for Jo«t one por- "T a wilruB hunt In the 8 styles hl8 entertain- ment a tourographolos of Alaska.* It It well named, lor, accompanying the motion views upon the screen, he delivers an entertaining lecture. The Alaska^Slberla pictures should make a great hit In New York and abroad. "U/in" Adams and "Bob" Aid**- two CM- customs above the Arct! .„« aimers are playing the English music has been offered S10.0C «fo «M«5US.' Hon of a reel depleting Km T management of th« Lyric Theatre Arctic Sea. Mr" 1*86. Xgim _**■"■-■»._._. rr\, nm Aav afte>mnrm V.A. An merit a tnnMoronHrtlo™ ■ «T P U a free lecture Tuesday dMtH on !8? the Blue Bird," bylm ancea U nnaaM Moiws assumed the pert of Capr, n.^?h In "The Bird of Paradise," at the narrlck Theatre, succeeding Frank Sheridan in Sat role. Mr. Morris has been stage ».nT«r of the company ever since "The Bird of Paradise" was originally Produced. Mr Sheridan has been transferred to the Ji,'t of "Fine Feathers," replacing Arthur Byron, who has gone East to join ifra. Fiske. Ads rier."8tanliy Dark WEINGABDBN BBANOHBS ODT. "Iizv" Welogarden. In acquiring ownership of the Wonderland Theatre, flalsted and Madison streets, Is planning to create a mint- itire burlesque circuit around Chicago and nearby outlying towns. Under hlnmanage- ment the Gaiety, formerly the Trocadero. has thrived conspicuously since he took hold, ond encouraged by the splendid patronage, be Intends to add other theatres to his n£9EJSJ » N *^ Am > Coupant, In "The E ew &. M k!T ,ed U,u, • a PP ear t0 >* one of the season's hits on association time. The offer- ing was at the Indiana Theatre for the four days ending Sept 22 and was well liked It will be seen at the Wilson and Wlllard the- atres In December. Haicl Harrington is XSSST* Ut - BerMrit '» wpport this J - J »» f«J' »»A» Hau, returned to Chicago last week, after a tour of Harry Haun's Ohio Peoria this week, and Frank Thiefen, if the £•„.; ...,C. « e * V "P« C| «1 trip down there 12 f e !v a •' ,to « • on the act. The chancei are nssodadon! *'" ■*" th<! MM0 " *" ■* j^THnnn Selsob ran back to Chicago for b. d A 7 . °J **?• L* 8 ,', week - •"*« Playing time present possessions. Welngarden has earned Lociixb Cox has joined the Sellg Players an enviable reputation for presenting snappy and la worktag under the direction of Oscai dock burlesque, and he prides himself on Eagle. via moral and clean performances. Ethel . 'Woi his moral and clean r performancea. Ethel Woap reached Chicago that Johnny Collin Reynolds, a favorite at the GaUty, - the lend in the opening show at " land. MILLEN COA8TWABD BOUND. De Witt C. Mlllen, who visited the large cities last season as press agent for Norman Hackett, In "Satan Sanderson," la In Chi- cago doing special newspaper work. He will leave for the Faclflc Coast shortly, visiting the important cities en route. Eva Fallon has been engaged .o alternate with Gertrude Bryan In the leading role of "Little Boy Blue." II. W. Savage has engaged Cecil Cunning- ham to play the role of queen, In "Some- where Else," by Avery Hopgood. "A Night in Edslwbiss, ' a song novelty owned by Sternad, Van and Heasbell, was tried at the Plaza Theatre week 9. The com- edy, music and lyrics were written by Will Harris. The Victoria Theatre, a new neighbor- hood house at Sheffield and Belmont avenues, will be opened 29 by F. A. P. Gazzola and Robt. E. Blcksen, with David Lewis, In "Don't Lie to Your Wife." The Chicago Theatre Society announces that the Irish Players from the Abbey Thea- tre, Dublin, will play a month's engagement st the new Fine Arts Theatre, formerly Music Hall, beginning Monday, Dec. 30. Homes Lind will play next season In "Be- hind the Times." Ralph Hekz will postpone his appearance in "Bachelors and Benedicts," and will return to the cast of "The Charity Girl," in New York. Louise Randolph's Marlowe Theatre Co. will give special matinee performances in the new Fine Arts Theatre, this season. T. C. Glxason, the operator of the College Theatre last season and season before last, Jlans to resume management there as soon as e can assemble a new company Gatts, Peck tod Sackett have surrendered the house. Laviomb Simtehb and Kul have started on their regular vaudeville tour, and are meeting with much success. J una London Is now a member of the 1. Kalmund Burlesque Stock Co., at the Gem Theatre. John Dickens has been issued a permit for the building of a one Btory brick theatre, to cost $6,000, at 5321 West Madison Street. Elsie Bbandon, of Dunn and Brandon, left the American Hospital, 17, where she was operated uoon. H. Kahn, who built the Ellis, Foster, Ho- man and Home theatres, goes to Europe shortly, for a month. Frank Hunt, known to the theatrical pro- fession as the owner of Hunt's Hotel, has been sued for divorce by Mrs. Lola M. Hunt. John IUxtkb will go to Toledo for two ■?*»»*■ Will Rosslter song hits, Including "All Night Long." Foster-Meeker, In "Who's Who," are planning to Invade the East RODNEX RAINOUS AND MARIE NELSON Will play a return engagement at the Julian week 30. Gordon and Marks, "Texas Tommy" dan- c " s .have returned to the Congress, as have the College Four, who have been engaged In- definitely. Jeanettb Lodden Is playing at the Ca- i X.5? " A fourth Ward Romance," by John J. O'Connor. ..n? 0ME ^ M,Ma hag 'eased his Interest In Oh a Side Street" to Wm. A. Tralnor, who Is appearing at the Julian this week. James S. Sumner has opened a Chicago pmce In the Interests of the popular sonc, •Some Day You'll Remember." tciBKaT Van Alstxnb and Abher B. bami/els are promoting songs for Remlck. The Lodise Amusement Co. opened the yew Langley Theatre, Sixty-third Street and u °«ley Avenue, 28. ,„!■** LflNo, formerly a Saratoga cafe on- icrtainer Is appearing at the Pastime after a long Illness. Mil and Mrs. Jim Rcthebfobd, after a successful season with the Sclls-Floto Show, Oct 3 °™ the Panta 8 eB Circuit, opening The Three Meade Giblb made good at uiclr opening at the Indiana, 19, when a number of managers were present to see their Al. Jobmn, Maurice and Walton, and uarence ^Harvey, members of the Whiter 2KS5 Co-, assisted the players of "A ■*» Eve" in celebrating their "third century night," Tuesday. 24. ma Willard Theatre will celebrate Its second anniversary the week of Oct 7, with the ^aiin rMn ' ln " B,p Van W!nWe '" « .»? 1,I ?. UID Kettering, press agents, an- nounce that they will conduct the press i£!EPt! n ^ f . Jame » Hamilton Lewis, candl- a t? r ,Fnlted States Senator. a. E. Meters has been Glen Bdbt is now "fixed" ln J. C. Mat- thews office, and states that he has brought six or eight of the leading houses of Northern Michigan with him. Homer Lind at the Majestic last week, W i"v. 1*2 ne ^t aea8 °n in a legitimate play, Behind the ^Scenes," written by Adelaide Stedman and himself. He has U. B. 0. book- 5E l ? at m'L k ? ep . h \P ff^K ""til March, when he will begin to frame up next season's production. Banks Winter, father of Winona Winter, will leave for Europe within the next few days, where he Intends to close contracts Si SS° rKe E * wa 'des for the appearance of Miss Winter In London next season. NEW FIRM LAUNCHES ATTRACTIONS. Jake Sternad formed a firm of Sternad & Van a few weeks ago. They sent forth a number of attractions in vaudeville, the most successful of which was "Van's Scotch Minstrel Maids," which opened at Hammond last week. Mr. Sternad announces the or- ganization of a new firm for the production of vaudeville sketches, which will bear the name of Sternad, Van A Henshel. This firm will continue to operate from the Crllly Building office, and their drat attraction Is A Night ln the Edelweiss," which opens at the Wlllard Theatre. ' &2SS) THAT MELLOW MELODY This song started us on the road to success and is still traveling at express speed. A sure fire hit for any act, any time, any place. ^yS2?J THAT SYHCOPATED BOOGIE BOO After hearing all the other mysterious numbers send for this one and be convinced. Being featured by all the headliners. Great for singles, doubles, trios, quartettes and especially great for audiences, which pleases the managers. 3* Stop) Spot light, j FIND ME A } GIRL MIDNIGHT VAUDEVILLE AT STATES. An unusual program Is announced for the cabaret entertainment at the States Restau- rant, for week 23, and includes: The Four Alberts, with Russian songs and dances; Lillian Stelger, cornetlst; the La Favorita Duo; Milllcent Kendrtck, singer and dancer; Grace Lewis, lyric soprano; the Curtis Sis- ters, singers and dancera; R. Raymond Ray- mouth, tenor soprano, and Twelve SoldK-r Boys, consisting of a dozen young ladies, under the leadership of Grace Lewis and Will Dickey. CHARLES E. Brat will Arrive In Chicago the latter part of the week, after an extensive trip In the West. Maybe he will announce his plans at that time. Flotd Williams, whose 320 pounds, com- bined with a whimsical manner of noting, have brought him many plaudits in the mu- sical comedy field, la staging e vaudeville sketch of his own writing. He will, as usual, burlesque an Ingenue part. He will be sup- ported by a cast of five players. The week of Sept. 30 will see the first presentation In the West of tbe famous spirit paintings, which have created a sensation In Hammcrsteln's. ln New York, this Summer. The Indiana Theatre will be the scene of the first offering. REINE DAVIS AT INDIANA. Another stroke of astute managerial ability Is evinced by Manager hevce, of the Indiana, In the securing of Rclne Davis as the head- line attraction for his popular South Side theatre this week. Miss Davis but two weeks ago headlined at the Majestic, that being tbc third time ln a year she has appeared at that house. TEXT SHOWMEN IN CHICAGO. A. H. Barkley, Harry S. Noyes, "Bill" Rice, Al. F. Gorman and Fred Gollmar were registered at the Wellington last week, and reported excellent business for their re- spective attractions. George C. Aiken, traffic manager of the Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows, was a Clipper Bureau caller, and conveyed the pleasing In- formation , that "Uncle Ben's" bankroll Is swelling with every day's exhibitions of the big Peru circus. Herbert 8. Maddy Is enthusiastic over the prospects for Connors' Indoor Circus, which is to open at Detroit ln November; The ag- gregation will'be' transported on seven cars, and the program will be made up large'y of feature acts now with the Hagenbeck-Wal- lace shows, including the elephant and me- nage acts. Geo. C. Aiken will be tbe traffic manager, and George Connors, the director general. The Connors Indoor Circus may appear In Chicago this Winter under the aus- pices of a fraternal organization. Maddy Is now negotiating for the Chicago engagement. It is probable that the Gollmar Bros.' Shows will play a long season South. Reported that Young Buffalo Wild West nnd Col. Cummins' Far East will close early in October. Rumored that the 101 Ranch Wild Wo*t will Winter either at Ponca, Okla., or at Hut Springs, Ark. It Ib reported that Danny Robinson Is doing nicely with his carnival company. John Rkigllng. has purchased a Winter homo at Shell Beach, near Sarasota, Fla., next to C. N. Thompson's estate. ..With a BOY This one started at a 60 mile an hour clip and is going faster every day. The double version we have makes it a wonderful flirtation number for man and woman. Send for it at once and be among the first to introduce a real hit. 4 Llt°J j I'LL BUILD A WALL AROUND LOVEIAMD ■ A beautiful melody with a beautiful sway wedded to a beautiful lyric told in a beautiful way. A production in itself. AND WE HAVEN'T REACHED THE END OF OUR LINE 4 Engineer GEO. W. MEYER Who engineers the music Fireman, 8AM M. LEWIS Who puta sure fire in the words Conductor MELVILLE MORRIS, who pilots them to suoaess Guards, Trainmen, etc., MOE KLEEMAN, RALPH EDWARDS, JACK WELLS. ARTHUR LANCE, HARRY RUBY and JOEL CORIN G60. U). C0E96R OOOSfC CQ 1367 Smadwcw, (Rtgal BMg, 37W9. of the graph- a. m. meteds has been appointed general next to C. «. Thompson's estate, witn a oirector of the National Realty Conroany of town houses ln London, a beautiful residence Burro n """' V-U"«I»«U1/, vi. Ofc«.« n„t,-„ In rhlr-Qcrn a fi O Moving pictures have been made Hagcnbcck-Wallnce Shows on tbe lot, graph- ically depleting the events of a day with that circus from the time It arrives In town until the last stake is pulled at night, and said to be the most Intensely Interesting ensemble of motion views of this charades ever, projected. 1 According' to "Bill" Rice, the Rice & Dore Water Carnival Is meeting with splendid busi- ness, and will make a long season. The Herbert A. Kline Shows are In St. Louis this week, and a number of Cblcagoans will visit the aggregation. Nat M. Relss. reports big business ln the South, and announces that ne intends to ma- terially Increase his equipment for next sea- son, for he believes 1013 will prove a banner year for tent shows. K. G. Barkoot is laying bis lines for 1013. He has some novel Ideas which he Intends to develop. While not confirmed, a rumor is current that Barkoot will put on a big Ori- ental attraction at the Panama-Paclnc Ex- position, to be held ln San Francisco In 1016.. Much Interest is being evinced In tbe show now being constructed at Two Dot, Mont., under the supervision of Chaa. W. McCurren, who has had a wide experience in all branches of the tent show business. ■ Open- ing early In the Spring, this new show should make a lot of money in the Far West and on Berry and Berry, Six Brown Bros life In the East singing this song. Donlta will ploy tbe Julian next week. This clever elnger has played practically every theatre ln Chicago in the past six months, and has been given the time all over again. This speaks well for. the act. Like Flo Adler, Jcanctto .Adlcr, Johnnie Kink, Morty Livingston, Bobby Crawford and several other acts, she is using "There Is No Little Uirl Like Vou" and "Burglar Man." ' i HARRY L. NBWMAN NOTES. "Take Me Back to Dreamland" Is one of the greatest hits of the year. This ballad Is being sung with great success by Frank Mor- rell, Orpheus Four, Mason and Murray, Kthcl Kirk, Fred Reese, Howard and Saddler, Fred Gerrity, Boutin and TlllBOn and I'nrker. Johnson and Paul, Freed and Bertln, Llzette Howe, Murray and Mack company, Gus Sun's Minstrels, Belle Story, Billy Clifford, Prim- rose Four, Jack King, the cabaret quartettes, at Rector's; North American and Boston cafes. Chicago; "The Girl from Rector's" Co., Ray Raymond, Anna Woodward, Alice Walsh, McFarland, Weir and Leopold, Three Harmony Kings, Luclle Langdon, Blanche Mahaffy and Herbert Cyril, Three Weston Sisters, nenry and Francis, Flo Adler, Edna Whistler, Glrard and Gardner, the Grav Trio, .on the whole,- show a ght side of the ledger. fine Buffalo. «h»JJ55 H E - , B «»*«n l» Pleasing In recon- ESS M. c ™' on of >"•■»*<*, " A Ne "* tm&£5& -Fbakcbs M-irpht is using •vS*f?$Z£i2!* monol0 « ue - wltn th0 a "- cw M ^r r . ,,I ; W8 ' b "stow and Bailbt are Rnh.l i? JW theatre at Ogden Avenae and »i°oey Street, to be named the Norman. _-,P° B »S BREAKS ALL RECORDS. ■wSa %,«»* fJlMMUil at the Whitney DohSi ;„ 8 V day nl f ht - 8e Pt- 29. Beverly B. conrt?;*S e famoU8 ilaskl "Plorer, will ta X.wi,£ki a .. lao ." t remarkable th?« if, h £ A '»8kan-8iberlan m«». which r^ rcd „ aD4 thlrt 7 an ™ la Chica-". Saratoga. coiiu n ..n *l x '"orda In this city. Dobbs Bud Atkinson Is expected in Chicago from not .rr a „ 'Vi 8 ' * ye« r ta Chicago, had he New York this week. He will sail for Au- Yorv .£2*1 * t0 .Present his pictures In New stralla about Oct 15, where his circus and PniJrl? J* te J ln London, Berlin and Paris. Wild West will open In Sydney. Dec. 16. with . „ of ample means,, and endowed It is reported that Frank C. Cooper has n an ordinary degree of positively denied the rumor that he. Is to the Coast and ln Canada, where It Is said a tour will be made. ' H. S. Rowe is "framing up" for next sea- son.. As.associate proprietor of tbe Norrls & Rowe Shows, be gleaned a lot of valuable iray Trio, .. Knight on the Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, a big hotel and health resort at White Sulphur Sprngi), Mont, and a Winter home in Florida, Mr. RlngUng will have little cause, for con- .. corn as to where tie can while away his experience, and is considered, ont^of tbe beat leisure hours. * - Harry S. Noyes Is frank to say that while the Great Patterson Shows' have enjoyed JSL business will, balance on the bigger seasons than the present one, the 1011! .on tl right l _ It is probable that Al. F. Gorman will pro- ex pe all around men In tbe circus business. Recent'advices: from Sam C. Ha Her, who Is making bis headquarters at tbe Conti- nental Hotel, San Francisco, Indicate that great progress Is being made for thc'Panama'-' Pa<" nnd ' Dyer, Garden City Trio, Elizabeth Maync, Holmes and Wells, and lCvelyn Clark. ■ . . ■ ■ ' a ■ " ■ NEUMANN IN CHICAGO. . . West Badrn, Ind., Sept. 22. (Special dinpatch to TtlB Cl.U'PBK.) Edward P. Neumann, president of tho United States Tent nnd Awning Co., arrived hero from Chicago this morning, and Is regis. :cl. ' mote a series of Indoor events on his own account this Winter. E. C. Ta'bott. general agent and traffic manager of the Great Parker Shows, was In tcred at the West Baden Hotel! He intends Jaclflc" Exposition, and that the .section to r to remain here a week or ten days, taking the be devoted to amusements will be represen- wafers and playing golf. iiV-11 "*.;V"." remarkable engagement, manager or tne ureat i-araer snows, was in three h,m^* B l!5 n : B . l ,^£. lan J nov !? g J p i ctu ?es Chicago last week and registered at tho more than tatlve in every sense of the word. m BETTS 4% BINNBR NOTES. ' Clyde linger and Jerry Sullivan have joined hands, and are the talk of Chicago, In a clever singing and talking act. The boys broke the act in at a small bouse on the out- skirts of tbe city, and the following week were playing one of the biggest houses In the city. Sullivan Is one of the best piano plavcrs In the country, and- Hager is known from He states that his company has plans under way for the erec- tion of a new factory in Chicago, nnd is en- thusiastic over general conditions In the tent show field. OUT OF TOWN HEWS Detroit. Mich.- mgr.) Charles Cherry, • Detroit <I>. C. Wbltne/. In "Passers-By," week of artlatin -T Jr*"_■» orainary aegrce 01 positive y arnica me rumor mi ue i» m »- •-- --—•-«. ■ »■... — . .——. . —- yean in SS ^Wfl °«ring his twelve launch a new show next season- with Lon B, coast to .coast as an exceptionalI entertainer. ao«",M A'e'ka and his trips through Siberia, Williams. ^e b o TB are using 'Burglar Man. 'a new PlctereL' d .\ m 2 8 t r e n '» r xable«crlcs of moving W. W. Cochrane made a flying trip to character song from Ihe catalogue oi Bolts A encei nV.J. n,c JL have delighted Chicago audi- Pittsburgh Saturday, 21, to look after some nev■ aH v! tte past Summer, nt the WWt- steel construction contracts. local XL i received endorsement of the According to report, the 101 Ranch Wild ■undo IS^». , Prominent educators. Thou- West contemplates playing an extended en- 7Z2S. 2 "cnool children have had an onnor- ■il. ■■ *ii" ^S" h ' Te had an oppor- thcre?v*fS?rt h ' ,e . Pictures and avfobentHei "creby, tor they tell a vivid Bto^ooSe and ?igement on "Chicago lots "next season. The Belts* oung Buffalo Show "cleaned up" a tidy Like You. Blnner. Virginia Grant opens at the Empress Sun- day. Hundreds of her friends arc awaiting her opening with anxiety. She wilt feature Betts A Dinner's "There Is No Little Girl bunch of money here this Summer. Violet McMillan Is making the hit of ber Sept. 23. ' uabbii'e (B. n. Liwrence, mar.)—Nell O'llrlen's Mtnitrcla week of 23. Lyosox (E. D. BUlr, mgr.)—Vaoxhan 01a*er and compaar present "The Ronarj" week of 22. ATBNDS (Drew * Campbell, nigra.)— Znllah'a Own Company week of 22. Gavstt (Wm. Roaehe, mgr.)—Al. Reeves' Bin Show week of 22. ' • Tsmf-lb (1. II. Moore, mgr,)— • mil week or 23: Stella, Mayhew and Mile* Taylor, Rvn Tar- tor, Connolly and Webb, Bert Terrell, the Five Mowatts, the Three Laugdons, Clara Inge, Peal- ton and Goldle, anil the Mooreonoo|M-.' (0. W. Porter, uiifr.)— Bill for week nf 23: Tom Tinton anil bin Jungle Qlrls. Kilwnril Jnse «nd company, Chester's Canines, Neil Orajr, Illmictie and ICiljrtlie IUymon. Oliai. Kennlnytvii, oad the MllracoDe. Denver, Col. — Broadway (Peter McOourt, mgr.) Carncgle.AliHka-HltwrJnn motion pluturen begun a two weeks' enKaxement Bent. 2,1, OBmxtm (A. O. Carson, mgr.)—Dill for 23 anil week: Bertha Kallcb and company, Pauline Mo- ron, Carl McCulloiutb, NellMm's Hoys anil Otrlx. IllKli Life Trio, the Kemps, Davies Family, ami I'utlie'H Weekly. Tabob (iiuNii (Peter McOourt, mgr.)—The> regular season began 22, with "A. Romance of the Underworld." . Rui-sbsh (Geo. A. Boryer, mgr.)—Rill for week of 21 Includes: "Models of Jardln do Paris," Huiiliy Jack (lurilner and ramiiany, Krauklp Drew. D'Arcy nnd Williams, Valentine Von, Ia<« Leon- nrilH. and (lnumoni'a Weekly. I'antaoeh' (J. J. Cluxton, mgr.)—lllll for 21 and week: Jewell's Manlklnx, Cunning, Four Southern Oirla. Itand Morse, Ia'wIh and Trnnks, and moving jilctures. Bakbb (llarry Ward, mgr.)—The Umeraon- Mock Musical Comedy Co,, fmlcflnlte. Jersey City, N. J.—Majestic (P. R. Hen- derson, mgr.) "Madnine X," with Eugenie Blair and a strong cast, week of Kept. 23. Osi-nsHiu (Tho». L. Bheelcy, mgr.) — "Old Hrldellwrg," liy the Orpheum fltock, week of 23. "The HiMMidthrlft" 30 and week. AcAniUT (r. E. Henderson, mgr.)— "Jlllly, the Kid," by the Academy Stock, week of 23. 'Ten Nights in a Bar Room" 30 and week. Bon Tom (Ed. Cadngan, mgr.)—Variety, mov- ing plcturea , r ii Illustrated songs, MoNTiciLLo (M. H. rkhlcslnger, mgr.)—Va- riety, mo-rlng pictures and Illustrated tongs. notib. —Midi*- llraletlck Is the new stage roan- sger' at the Hon Ton, having succeeiM Dick Wo i/r, who li now manager of the orplieuin. Hoboken, rT. J.—Oayety (Charles Prank- lyn, mgr.) "One Day" week of Bept, 28, "TUe Melting "Pot" DO and week. Eueiaa (A. M. • Rraggemann, mgr.)—Oay Masqaerailera 23-2S, the Taxi Olrls 20-28, Bow- ery Barlesquers BO-Ocl. 2, the Winning Widow 3-S. . Lthio (O. B. Rlggs, mgr.)—Variety, moving pictures ana illustrated aongii. Wichita. Kan-Lyceum IV.. h. Martllng, mgr.) tbe Wolfe Mtock On. iirewnted "The Ty- phoon" week of Heut. 10, to good business. ' Psinrrh* (I.. M. Miller, mgr.)—Vaudeville, to good lnialne«F. KHi'Ksuri (Barrle ft npltter, mgrs.)—flood bosl- nesn. The viimWIIle at HiIh house Is being booked by Hulllvan A Conalillne. WoNnsni.AKii Paric 'J. T. Nutttc. mgr.) closed a stireessful Reason 10, with a baml concert and vanilcrllle entertainment, The park will be r>|MMied during carnival week, beginning Oct. 2. NcrrrH. — Miller Rros.' 101 Wild Went Show did Ms business afternoon and evening Bent. IT,... Ringllng. Bros.' Olrcns and flellt-FloUi Shows both played here 21,