The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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Septembek 28 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 15 JUST A UTTLE BIT BETTER THAN ANY OTHER FEATURE PICTURE EVER SHOWN THE MSA-SIBERIA MOTION PICTURES Wonderful and Thrilling Scenes at the Top of the World. Fearless Hunters Roping Big Game and Conquering Wild Animals in their Native Haunts Ft I Vk/ I WHAT OTHER PICTURE CAN SHOW THE FOILOWINB RECORD? Seven Weeks, SAVOY THEATRE, SAN FRANCISCO. Eight Weeks, PRINCESS THEATRE, CHICAGO. Packed 'em In at the MAXINE ELLIOTT THEATRE. Turned 'em away at the BROADWAY THEATRE. As a crowning achievement concluded the New York engage- ment to STANDING ROOM ONLY at HAMMERSTEIN'S VICTORIA THEATRE. STATE RIGHT BUYERS, YOU KNOW IF YOU HAVE THE GOODS YOU CAN GET THE MONEY THE ALASKA-SIBERIA MOTION PICTURES have received more publicity than any other feature picture ever exhibited. A word to the Wide-awake State Right Buyer, get busy before it's too late Good Sta/tes I*esft, "Will *be Sold co.t AN ELABORATE LINE OF PICTORIAL PRINTING FROM 24 SHEETS TO HALVES WIRE or write KLEINSCMMIDT, SO IVIornln K »lcl< tvo., IM. Y. City WANTED «HTICK— BOSS CANVASMAlf who can staysooer and look after show. Week stands. All winter's worfc. Join on wire. Add. ROBERT H. HARRIS. Harrls-Partinson Stock d o.. Cape Gerardean, Mo. FOB 8 ALE— Tent Show Outn t, 60180 Bale Ring Tent, Stage Scenery, seven lengths Beats, Baby Upniht Piano, Cook Tent fitted complete. Oatnt In (rood shape, S2S0.0O P. 0. B. Big bargain. JOE LEVITT, week Sept 23. Gen. Del., Malone, S. Y. MY ELECTION Parody, Taft and Roosevelt version*, 60c. Tula week,' • Hown Dawg,' ■ "Daddy Did the Same Thing Fifty Years Ago," ''Everybody's Doin' It Now," $1; nine other red-hot ones, *2; monologs, sketches, etc. [stamp]. F. I. LaPlerre, Dallas, Tex. __ rvninmi gowns, street and ankle CVUniTllr LENGTH DRESSES. SL10HTLY USED. I cater t j the Theatrical Profession. Mall orders promptly executed. MRS. A. 18NER, jil SIXTH AYE., near 27th St.. Kew York City. ■WANTED— For The Black and Tan Co., Col ored Performers: also a Flist Class Planlet, must read and fake. Good Balary to right people. Long season. Address as per ronte In CUPPER, Lord E. Denton, Sole Manager, Owner, Oarpont, Can., Friday, Sept. 27; Arnprior 80. AT LIBE A. E. of M. Union PIANIST, travel or locate;. VIOLI.VbT, Leader; THAF DKUMMER, COR.VET AND CLARINET. Sober and reliable. All experienced In all lines- Join single or uuy cowMuuiiun. Six j ears at Ma. Jestle here Orpueuin. W. V. A., S. A C., acts. We want permanent position only, as we guarantee satisfaction. Join i>n wire at once, or In the future at one week's notice. Address MUSICIAN, 342 W. Mifflin St, Madison, Wis. WANTED-OUR VILLAGE POSTMASTER GO. ORE SIGHTKR, EAT ROUTE. MAN FOR HEAVY, to manage stage. Other useful 1 eople with specialties, answer. Can me Pianist, to double part Salary anre. State yonr lowest in flrst letter. If yon booze and can't attend to busi- ness, dont write. Sconile, let me hear from you. CHA8. B. MILLS, Mgr. New Richmond, Wis., Sept 38; Amery, Wis.,Oct. 1. WANTED AT ONCE Juvenile Man And other good Repertoire Artists » all lines. Year's work Summer and Winter. Those doing specialties preferred. Send photo and programs. No fares advanced unless I know yon. CHAS. P. GILMORE, Hippodrome Theatre, Oswego, If. Y. AT LIBERTY For tabloid, musical comedy or dramatic stock O. IN/1. PAUL Comedian and Producing Director Kl' JIMMY RAFFERTY Small Singing and Dancing Soubrette Have scripts. At liberty after Sept. 28. O. M. PAUL. Cheboygan, Michigan. GENERAL BUSINESS WOMAN with Specialty, CORNET that doubles Stage, CORNET and VIOLIN to Load Band and Orchestra Others write. Rehearsals start Monday, Sept. 30; open Oct. 3. Three night rep. Address . __ APPLEOATB & Ht GO. | 338 NotU Bin., - - Omaha, Webr. I Wanted, Character Man Singing and Dancing Soubrette, Ingenue with specialties, and other people doing feature special- ties, one night stands. Salary sure hot must lie low. State all la first letter. Thoao who wrote before write again. CARL M. DALTON, La Crosse, Wis. yf^pj^ |>j »«" nr 13 A No. 1 VIOLINIST For vaudeville. Mast handle standards. J. B. TRENT - - Lynchhurg, Va. At Liberty, TRAP lilCJMER bells FULL EQUIPMENT. Experienced vaude- ville, pictures, etc. Address O. R.. CARE OF CLIPPER, I. M. Doughlas LUOIL.B DEAD Communicate. HELEN K. MAY, PARIS, MO. W PLAYS and SKETCHES Written To Order. ALICE HOWLAHD, Pa-ronport, - - Iowa . New Italian Accordion SHi UD - PERFORMERS of all Kinds wanei Player, B. F. Comedian, Female Impersona- wr. Change for week. Bute if double piano. Join at once. J.J.Daafalngton.Esinond.DeKalUCo., Ills. MUSIC ARRANGED Composed for Plann. Orchestra; also Operas. Low terms. Call or writ*. A. KKEISMAH, UT East 9H SL, S. H. — AND — JOHNNY NALON WIRE JACK LYHH, Dansville. N. Y. AT ONCE 9 0RKAT A< FOR TWO MALES the sindyon'd pay »l60.oofor, apiece. If they I were written to your special order. You'll | find them In Price One Dollarl M«DIS0N'S[ |«*| BUDGET No. 14 Contents also Include 11 original mono- logues, 7 new acts, for male and female, a great mlDBtrel flrst part, a complete one-act musical comedy; also red-hot acts for two females, for male quartettes, and an almost endless assortment of sidewalk patter, gags. etc. Price One Dollar. Hack Issues out of print, except Numbers 10 and 12. Will send both for $1.50, or Budgets 10,12 and u for $2. JAMES MADISON, **<>* Third Avenue, New York. JMcQUIRE THE MAGICIAN j J Will accept engagement with RELIABLE/ STOCK COMPANY. Presenting an artistic , I display of the very latest magical eflects, , > which are novel, unique and the finest that ,> inventive genius has produced In the world.' of magic. Address. EDWARD G. McQUIRB, ARCTIC, R. I WANTED QUICK Soubrette and General Business Woman For two day stand, tent, Stateroom Car Show. Going Sooth for Winter. Tell all first letter. I pay all after joining. BILLY UV.f NETT'S BIO SHOWS Hennesy, Okla. WANTED, EXTRA QUICK Medicine Performer All kinds; SKETCH TEAM. COMEDIANS. PIANO PLAYER, do Specialty. PICTURE MAN WITH MACHINE. Give lowest by wlro. Pay own. S. in. KKKNEDr, Mnnroe Hotel, Jollct, 111. LOCATION FOR PERHANENT STOCK BY ORGANIZED COMPANY Want to hear from house managers wanting first class repertoire company. In New Jersey and Pennsvlvanla. WANTED-PEOPLE IN ALL LINES, for two companies. AddrcsB VERNE ALDERMAN, 1268 SO. 40th ST., Plcasautville, N. J. WANTED Good readers and dressers. Educated and able to act. Long season. Send program and photo. Tell all. Make salary reasonable. No booze. HILLIAKD WIGHT, Rolfe. la. Wanted, MUSICIANS Of all kinds, with good doubles, for bant and or- chestra. Long season, sure salary for strictly sober gentlemen. Address DB BITE BROS.' MIN8TKELS, Sept. 20, Clyde, N. Y.; 27 and 23, Batavla, N. Y.; 80, Albion, N. Y.; Oct. 1, Medina, N. Y.; % Holly, N. Y.: 8. Akron, N. I. Pern. address7NEWAkK VALLEY, K. V. . LIBE Band and Orchestra Leader, VioHn and Cornet, and Wife for Piano Will travel or locate. Have a trunk full of music, and can slay and direct lu Address W. r. GILMORB, Fairmont, "ebr. WANTED Oea'I Business Manand Woman Others write. Salaries low. bat sure. Address AL. OOP LP, Albin, Iowa, OUT OF TOWN NEWS In oMwcrlng aia. p !efl»o mention CiiPPBB. WASHINGTON. Fine weather and tood attractions. Satisfac- tory business at all the houses tells last week's story. . ., Acadeut (I. W. Lyons, msr.)—"Madame X." with Eugeulc Blair, opened to au auillvure that taxed the enuacity of the house, and blK liiustni'ss continued for the week. "The Girl In the Taxi" week of Sept. 23. "TUo Divorce Question" follows. Eelasco (L. Stoddard Taylor, mgr.)—The l'nul Rulnty African Hunt pictures arc excellent, and were fully enjoyed, and should be seen by all. As un object lesson they arc uneqnaled. Big busl- ress week of 10. They continue neck of 23. Ger- trude UofTiuuu was announced for week of 30, but has been scratched, aud "The Two Little Brides," with James T. Powers, will be here In- stead. Columbia (Fred G. Beigcr, mgr.)—"The Yan- kee Prince," with Tom Levis, and n good com- pany, pleased large audiences week of 10. "The Searchlight" week of 23. Henry Miller, In "The Rainbow," follows. National, (Wui. II. Rapley. mgr.)—Tills house will oi*ii the regular season, 30, with "The Other Man.'' Pou's (Jnmes Thatcher, mgr.)—The Popular Players euccvss'nlly presented "The Thief." last week. A. H. Van Bureu scored. Duncan Pen- warden, Graham Velsey, and Mark Kent were nil good. Izetta Jewell made au Immense hit. She bus done nothing better since being a member of the Popular Players. Louise Kent was excellent, and the Teat of the company could not have been better. Big business ruled. "Paid in Full" week of 23. "The Great Divide," week of 30, marks the closing of the stock company. Casino (A. Julian Brylawskl, ingr.)—The new management Is giving the patrons up-to-date pro- grams, and they arc fully enjoyed. Good busi- ness rales. Week of 23 the bill is: Horner Bar- nett, Emily Dodd und company, F. E. Peake, Biish-De Vere Trio, Mile. Clay, and new, up-to- date plctores. Cuasb's (Miss H. Winnlfred De Witt, mgr.)— Bill week of 23: Jesse L. Lasky's "in the Bar- racks," with Fritz Hturmfel, late star of •'Harem Trenck" Valerie Bergere and company. Belle Story, Lew Hawkins, Les Uougets, Gene Nuller Trio, and the Animated Weekly. Big business rules. Cosmos (A. Julian Brylawski, mgr.)—A splen- did program, full of good acts and new pictures, did capacity week of 10. Bill for week of 23: "Rose of Bagdad," the Holdsworths Duo. liniel Fern, Wm. H. Nlemeyer and eompnny. Lyon, with new pictures. Sunday concerts, with That Or- chestra featured, drew capacity. Gaiety (George Peck, mgr.)—The Merry Whirl did big bualness week of 10. Ben Welch's Bur- leauuers 23, Queens of Paris 30. Sunday con- certs do well. Ltceum (A. O. Mayer, mgr.)—The Gay Widows Co. did big business week of 10. The Big Re- view, with Franklc Heath, 23; Tiger Lll'es 30. Majestic (Tom Moore, mgr.) — A good pro- gram and new pictures drew bbr business week of 10. Big offering and new pictures for week of 23. NOTES Jos. V. Vion, manager of "The Yankee Prince," a firm friend of The Old Reliable, whs vlud to see that Tim Ci.n'i'Sk was so much In evidence. With the cluslnir of Poll's Popular Players in the near fntnre, Mr. Poll lias made a wise move In not disturbing the popular resident manager, James Tbntcher. Manaoeh Fked 0. BEitoxa bns returned from a short trip to Michigan. A Washington noy. Arthur Leslie Sraltb, son of T. Arthur Smith, who Is n member of one of Mr. Poll's companies, Is making a success In his profession, which Is pleasing iiews to his many friends here. One of the best fellows In Ibe world, Mr. Met- eerott, of the Columbln Theatre, Is currying bis band in a sling, because of a fracture which re- sulted from cranking an auto. Tuat popular head usher of the Columbia The- atre. William Krskln. who was 111 with fever at hospital, bns fully recovered, anil Instead uf re- porting for duty, he gave all bis friends ii sur- prise by getting married, and 1b now spending two weeks at Atlantic City, bat will soon be at his pan, Los AngreleH, Cnl, — Majestic (Oliver Mo- rocco, mgr.) Paul J. Ralney's Afrlcau Hunt pic- tures ludellnlte. Buuuank (Oliver Moroacu, mgr.) —-. Lauretie Taylor and Burbauk Co. presents "Barbara," week of Sept. 22. Belasco (Oliver .Morosco, mgr.)—Orrln John- son, Marguerite Leslie, and the Betaxco Co. pre- sent "The Gamblers." Indefinite. Lyceuu (E. A.IKIscher, mgr.)—Dick Ferris nod players. In "The Home Plnle," week of 22. OarllKUM (Clarence Drown, iiiki.) —Kill for week of 22 Includes: Grace Cameron, Frank Mil- ton and Do Long Sisters, ISIsa Ruegger and com- pany, Edmonil Hayes nnd company, Van Bros., Bounding Pattersons, De Witt, Burns and Tor- lance, and Cesiiro Neat. EurnEKs (Dean Worley, mgr.)—Bill for 22 and week Includes: Granto and Maud, Manley hiiiI Ward. Helen Primrose, Onilp, Lee Tung Foo, und "A HouBebont Party." Pantaoes' (Carl J. Walker, mgr.)—Bill for week of 23 includes: Fred Zobedle, Mnybelle Fisher and company. Cook nnd Stevens, and Car- ter's "Toe IJou's Bride." Ckntuet (Loewen Brothers, mirrs.)—Bill for IB nnil week: Princess Lucille, and her performing leopards. Note. —. Barnum A Bailey Circus showed here 10-18. Mc AI ester, Okla.— Busby (R. II. Busby, mcr.) "The Rosary" opened the regular season of this bouse Sept. 20, to good patronage. Yalb-Majebtio (A. C. Brown, mgr.)—Motion pictures continue to draw good crowds. Koxuk (J. A. Stelnsoo, mgr.) —Motion picture*, to good business. Vicroi (Will Tlbbltts, mgr.)—Moving pictures, to line business. Note. —Miller Bros. 4 Arlington's 101 Rnncb, Wild West Show, will give two performancer here, 27. Clarkadale, Ml«n.—New Olarksdale (Craw- ley Bros-, mgrs.) will open the season with "Louisiana Lou" Oct. 7. Motion pictures have continued to draw rood crowds. Alitambba Dill, mgr.)— Motion plctores and aongi, to rood business. WANTED GOOD DRAMATIC PEOPLE At all times for Stock Engagements on 0, T. CRAWFORD CIRCUIT OF THEATRES Good Looking LEADING WOMAN (small), Good Looking LEADING MAN (large), HEAVY MAN (large), COME- DIAN, SOUBRETTE, CHARACTER WOMAN and CHARACTER MAN Most have good appearance. People play week in theatres and pusu week In moving pictures, alter- nately. Address, with photos and particulars lo J. 31. Dl HllS, 111 Century Building, St. Loots, Mo. LIBERTY Oct. 5 First Time in Five Years, Prominent Young Actress Ii DISS 118 SHORT Leading Business and Heavies THE VERSATILE YOUNG ACTRE88 Leads, Soubrette*, Ingenues, Specialties Wardrobe, appearance, ability. Answer SHERIDAN and 8HORT ... Denton, Md. FOR PERMANENT STOCK IN HAMILTON, O. GOOD STOCK MAN, for Henries and Characters. Jack Carrtngton, Hlney Ilun- deraon, Al Peterson, wire. Renearsals Oct. 1| open Oct. 7. Lune.pleasa.nt engage- ment to competent Actor. Address ear* of HALAPIilL STOCK CO., Walton, N. V., week of A3, then Hamilton, Ohio. ALL. PEOPLE ENGAGED FOR FRANK DUDLEY CO. FOH GALVESTON, TEXAS, STUCK Please acknowledge by letter not later than Oct, 1, to FRANK DUDLEY, SARATOGA HOTEL, CHICAGO. ILL. WILLIA1VI ADLER Theatrical Costumer Announces to bis friends In the Profession that he la now ready to do hnslaeta at 105 W. 38 STREET, NEW YORK Next to Maximo Elliott's Theatre AVIS AIG K WANTS SS5. REPERTOIRE PEOPLE &h> Bute age, belgbt, weight, all pnrtlcuUra, lint letter. 40 Week* IT you are Right—Two Weeks it you are not, Fares to peonlo I know only. Dent or treatinonU Kelioarsals Supt. 80. JOE MORRISON, Mgr., Empire Theatre, Salem, Mas*. WANTED, ELECTRICIAN Can also Use a Good General Business Man to Handle Stage. Always glad to hear from Good Dramatic People CHAS. II. ROSSKAM, Manager, Chicago Stock Co., Adrian, Mich., this week| Kenton, Ohio, week Sept. 30. EXPERIENCED HOUSE MANAGER 15 YEARS IN ALL I1IIANCHE8 OF THE SHOW BUSINESS. Any territory accepted. Uerercnces given If desired. j_| SOMCRVIULK Oare The Western Bureau MEW YORK CLIPPER, 0O5 Ashland Hlk., Chicago. R ENTFROW'S BIG STOCK CO. •THE JOLLY PATHFINDERS." Have not closed In 20 years, and never missed a salary day In 96 years. Cuu place strictly Al Dramatic People in AU Mnes: Hand Actors and Musicians that Dun Mi; Stage, Cnaruclcivi, Comedy, lleavles, Eccentric U'd Clarinet, Hand and Orchestra wire. State your salary, age, height, J. N. REflTFROW, Lufkln, Tex. General llusinckH weight. WANTED-STOCK COMPANY To play on percentage tor* number of weeks. A theatre in Philadelphia. Address r„, ^ v.- «TOOan PLAY, Van or CUPPER.