The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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16 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September 28 \ JACK ALLEN STOCK CO iBMTELY CAPABLE AND RELIABLE Nil TO DIRECT AND I>LAV A PEW SMALL. PARTS, MUST DO SPECIALTIES. Both matt tie tingle: poaltlveljr no Joint engagements, Comttny play* week atanda In thaatree} city time after Oct, ». bong aaaaon. State lowoat salary, all particulars flrtt letter. Addreaa JACK ALLEN STOCK COMPANY Sept. 24, 37, 28, TOLUOA, ILL.; Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2, BRA1DWO0D, ILL.; Oct. 8, 4, f,.ODELL, ILL. "THE MYSTERY GIRL' «« A F»rl«»»tt »f -tKio Unknown' SEASON 1912-1913 HILLMANS IDEAL STOCK CO. WANTS INGENUE, LEADING WOMAN", Good GENERAL BUSINESS ACTOR with Speciftltlcfi, WOMAN for Second Business, Ingenues and some Characters; a MALE PIANIST who can double Stage, if neces- sary. Tell all Drat letter. Hate your salary low, as It Is sure. Long, pleasant engagement. Abilene, Kans., week of 30; Solomon, Kans., Oct." to ». F. P. Iiillman. AT LIBERTY, For Permanent Stock HEAVY MAN CAPABLE DIRECTOR References tbe best. Address Young, Emotional Leading Woman, strong rnouih to Feature SUZANNE FRADELLE First class, modern wardrobe. FRED. 8. MAJ UR, National Stof"Co., Sparta, 111 NATIONAL STOCK WANTS Han for Leads, Hear lei and Oeneial Bnalnets; Two good General Artori, good Veriatlle Woman for Leads and Ingenues. Those doubling specialties preferred. Week stands. Far own. Statt lowest salary and full particulars, with r>hoto and la e programme. Address ' JOB FRANK, Ack ley, Iowa. Wanted for Murdock Bros.-Comedians 15 SEASONS OP SUCCESS Piano player that doubles band; trombone that doubles B. and O. If yon do a specialty wire. People who can double band and do specialties write. Boozers save stamps. Moving picture machine oper- ator with N. H. llcenso that doubles band write. OOBHAJJ, N. H. WANTHD-ForOamella Oil Co., Sketch Teams, both do singles; Magicians and Song and Dance Man. Jack La Pearl, wired you. State all you do. Br. M. N. La Vero, Osco, llcnry Co., Ills. AND COARSE PORES "Yaak" mm Quickly Ranores these Homely Spots Freckle* and coarse pores are an ugly sight In society and business life. Refined folks usually avoid meeting those with such, re* pulslve looks. The very worst case of freckles and coarse pores can positively be got rid of with "Yaak" (Special). The greatest remedy In the wide world for quick results. Delicate, harmless and fascinating to tbe skin. Abso- lutely free fron> dangerous drugs. "Task" Is purely Erbs, Vegetable, Oils of Nuts and lily Bulb Juice. Just try It and be convinced. 4: Yank" positively gives you a pearly-white, velvety skin. Just ask anyone who has used it for freckles and coarse pores, and pimply skin blotches—nothing on the market can equal It Erven the first application will amate you. Get It to-day. Now don't delay It for to-morrow, and permit those ugly features on your face. "Yaak" sells everywhere In America for 50 cents per box. Beware of substitutes; don't accopt It, but demand for "Yaak." Ask the druggists In town, or else will ship direct to you,' postage prepaid.—The Yaak Mfg. Co., 2315 Indiana Avenue, Chicago. ROUTE LIST. Routes Intended for Thie Column Must Reacb Thin Office Not Later Than Saturday of Eack Week to Insure Inaertlon. WANTED—All 'Round Vaudeville Performers that change for week; Piano Player, lady preferred, and all 'round Rep. People. Boozers, NO. No tlckots unices known to ua. GIBSON DRAMATIC and COMEDY CO., Stratford, Fulton Co., N. Y. Clean, bilghumpp, ncwIdtnHcdtjilt print. Written by Indiana newipaper rain. Ad area. W. W. Dnnkle Aehlnnil Blk.. Chicago anted I New Crate- Fire Furuithcd. Act* Re-written. brinji copy of my newillutljated I0O pa|e book, f _ Gtl ao Idea of myityle ol work (Sketches TO YOUR ORDER. Ashln NFW 9."* r J n »* Arranged'I New Cn FIZZ" AT LIBERTY Ms or Strong 2d Business Height 6 ft. 7 In., weight 160lbs., age 32. Ward- robe, experience and ability. Permanent stock or one piece preferred. MISS GOLDIE GORRELL 3405 Flrtt Street DBS MOINES. IA. RIAIMI At Liberty Oct. 5 Location only, Experienced, sober, reliable. Prefer vaudeville theatre. Member A. F. of M. Write or wire. J, V. HAGGARD, care Soft Stock Co., De Kalb, Tex., wick of Sept. SO. BARLOW & BECKER WANT Qo d, sober, hard working AGENT. One night stands for the "HOBO MILLIONAIRE" Ticket, yes. Writo or wire. HARRY BARLOW, England, Ark. Wanted, Al Medicine Lecturer That enn deliver the goods. Must he sober •ml reliable. Work small lowna hi lent. Vir- gin territory, Hut and sleep in hotels. Lung, pleasant engagement. Allow time for for- warding mall. IIAKUY V. UWUitt. ' BOX 103, SHERMAN, TEXA S. AT LIBERTY-LAURA CLEAVER LEADS. UKAVIKS or SECOND BUS. Experience, wardrobe and ability. Reliable managers only. Stock or rop. Address with limit 107 BARTLBTT ST., RO CHESTER, N. Y. PIANIST AT LIBERTY up in all branches [double Slago and Band. GEO. BAILEY, Pianist, East Hickory, Forest Co., Pa. S&NT/U CAPSULES Mil* CATARRH .DISCHARGES to/ oounfer/mls EHJER'S "RIP VAN WfflKLE" CO. WANTS Woman for Oretchen, Small Woman for Meenie, double Heludrlck; 1st Violin, double E-flatClaiinet, Baritone or Trombone, B-flat Clarinet. B. and O. Two car show. I pay half of railroad fare, after joining, nth year, winter and Summer. Must Jolu at once. Address W. A. EILElt, care of "Trip to the Circus," Bucklln, Kan., 26; Meade 20, Liberal 37, Hooker, Okla., 28; Guyman 30. Texhoma, Octl: Stratford, Tex., 2; Dalhart s, Chancing 4, Claude 6. WANTU AT ONCE For TABLOID STOCK INGENUE, SOBBRETTE, HEAVY WOMAN, also HEAVY MAN, COMEDIAN and JUVENILE MAN. Thoeo doing specialties preferred. All m inter en- gagement. Must have good wardoolie. Salary low but sure. Join on wire. Other useful people write. Address MANAGER BKN LUMUBV. care Crystal Palate, Wllm 1 nglim, h, o. AT LIBERTY 3--PEOPLE--3 INGENUE, with Specialties. BOUBRBTTB. capublo of Loads (Emotional). COMEDIAN. Parts, Cornet, B. and O. and Specialties. Ono night Btandi preferred. Would consider Sartner with script. Address OB UAYI8, 2617 8PBMOEB ST., OMAHA, NEBR POSITION WANTED l!v Imager, Actor, Director Who Is actually proficient In all three departments- Experience and appearance the beat. Permanent stock preferred. Nothing too blg-nollilng too small If salary bo commensurate. AI PRESS AUENT. RELIABLE, caro J. S. Southwlck, Uaslirouck Heights, New Jersey. CONTRAGTS LfSS? BEADS, ENVFLOPKS, TICKETS. PASSES, cards, Etc Wiltu for Samples Webb Pig. Co., 542 Bi. Dearborn St., Chicago, lilt. WE PAY BIG MONEY g£SS: 'l^oVo^'o 06 "'' 0 ' ,n,ro<lucln «. TUB ARTHUR BELLINGER MUSIC CO. I 1IATTI.B CREEK. MICH. AT LIBERTY Slack Wire), Juggling and Balancing Any kind of show. Address OBO. ORAWT . Red jaon._Pia. AT LIBERTY B. F.. 8. and D. COMEDIAN Add In St n.^lS^'o ao ? d »" » rol,DO d » n cer. Ada. ED, ST. CLAIR, Ot,n. Del., Grand forks, H. B. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. Arlles, George — Liebler Oo.'s — WaUack't, New York, 23 -2«. Anglin, Margaret — Garrick, Ohicago, 30, indefi- nite. Aborn English Grand Opera, Atlantic (Milton A Sargent Aborn, nigra.)—Buffalo, N. Y., 23-28, Toledo, O., 30, Oct. 1, Lima 2, Columbus 3 5. Aborn English Grand Opera, Pacific (Milton & Sargent Aborn, mgre.)—Newburgb, N. Y., 30, Mlddletovm Oct. 1, Kingston 2, Poughkeepale 3, Hudaou 4, Troy 5. "Amazon s, Tbe" — Charles Frohman's — Duke of York, London. 23, indefinite. "Alias Jimmy Valentine"—Liebler Oo.'s—Crown, Ohlctso. 23-28. "Alma, Where Do You Live!"—Joe. M. Weber's— Louisville, K/., 23-28. "Alma, Where Do Yon Live?" (A. R. Sanders, lugr.)—Sanford, Me., 2ts, Lawrence, Mass., 27, Concord, N. H., 28, Bane, Vt., 30, St. Johns- bury Oct. 1, Newport 2, Burlington 3, Platts- burg. N. Y., 4, GranrlBe 6. "At Valley Forge"—Oedar Rapids, la., 20. Blllle Burke—Charles Frohman's—Lyceum, New York, 23, Indefinite. Brian, Donald—Oharlea Frohman's—Toronto, Can., 23-28. Hamilton 30, London Oct. 1, Toledo, 0., 2, Ann Arbor. Mich., 3, Bay City 4. Saginaw 5. Dellmout. Sarah—Milwaukee, Wis.. 20-28, Mani- towoc 20, Green Bay 30, Fond du Lac Oct. 1, Oshkosh 2, Appleton 3, Madison 4, Winona, Minn., 5. Blair, Eugenic (Geo. H. Nlcolal, ragr.)—Jersey City, N. J.. 23-28. black Pattl Musical Comedy (It. Voelckel. mgr.) —Cairo, 111., 26, Memphis, Tenn,, 27, Marianna, Ark., 28. Helena 20, Stuttgart 30. "Bohemian Girl, The," Atlantic (Milton A Sar- gent Atom, mgrs.)—Auburn, N. Y., 20, Genera 27, Niagara Falls 28, Salamanca 30, James- town Oct. 1, Brie, Pa., 2, Ashtabula, O., 3, Nc-rwalk 4, Sandusky S. "Bohemian Ulrl. The,"' Pacific (Milton A Sargent Aborn, mgrs.)—New Britain, Conn., 20, Nor- wich 27, New London 28. Full River. Mass., 30, Oct. 1. Now Bedford 2, Newport, R. I., 3, Taunton, Mass. 4, Lowell S. "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A. Brady's. Ltd.— Playhouse, New York, 23, Indefinite. "Butterfly on the Wheel. A"—Lewis Waller's— Sliubert, Boston, 23, Indefinite. "Butterfly on the Wheel, A"—Lewis Waller's— Milwaukee, Wis., 23-28. "Buuty Pulls the Strings" — Snnbert-Brady's— Davcniori, la., 30. • "Buuty Pulls the Strings"—Sliubert-Brady's— Rochester, N. Y., 23-28, West End, New York. 3U-Oct. 0. ''Baby Mine," Eastern—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd.— Klmlra, N. Y., 20, Cortland 27, Ithaca 28, Corn- ing 30, Penn Yan Oct. 1, Geneva 2, Auburn 3, Oswego 4, Watertown 3. "Bird of Paradise"—Oliver Morosco's—Garrick, Ohicago, 23-28, Milwaukee, Wis., 20-Oct. 5. "Brewster's Millions" (Al. Rich Produclug Co., nigra.)—Morris, Minn.,- 20, Wahncton. N. Duk.. 27, I'orliam. Minn., 29. Fergus Falla 30, Detroit Oct 1, Thief Biter Falls 2. Warren 4. "Beverly," Central tOeo. A. Sullivan, mgr.)— Ashtabula, O., 28, Sharon, Pa., 28, Alliance, O., 30. "Banker, the Thief and the GUI, The" (Lewis Orblta, mgr.)—Athens, 0., 20, Oulllleotue '27, Portsmouth 28, Washington Court House 30. Washington Oct. 1. "Bachelor'B Honeymoon, A" (Qllaon 4 Bradflcld, gPtl g l SJ I la.. 20, Klma 27, Mason City 28, Oharlea City 30, Nashua Oct. 1, Tripoli 2, Wuverly 3. Allison 4. "Billy, the Kid"—Wm. Wood's (Herbert Farrar. mgr.) — McKeesport, Pa., 20, Greensburg 27, Jamestown 28. "Balance, Tbo" (Gorhsm A Kowlader. mgrB.)— Newberry, MIcU., 20, Manlstlque 30. Kscanaba Oct. 2, Stephenson 3, Iron Mountain 4, Flor- eiire, Wis., 5. "Blindness of Virtue, The"—William Morris'— Montreal, Can.. 30-Oct. 5 «•<»*■• C1 l tt0 ," ?," w . to ? d r-, ,,e,,r J r B - Harris'—Park, Hew Yurk, 23, Indefinite. Ch .*,'; 1< ;" 95 e £ y TT Charles Frohman's — Detroit, Mich., 23-28, Cincinnati, 0., 30-Oct 5 C *, r , le, 1 Klc !'«"l, and Hattle Williams — Charles Frohman's — Criterion, New York, 23-28 ctii- cago 0|iera House, Chicago, 30. Indefinite. *ftSfl Hfi 1 - »!•—Cohan & Harris'—Oohau. New York, 23, Indednlte. Crane. Wm. H. (Joseph Brooks, mgr.)—Wilkes- Crosinan'. Henrietta (Maurice Campbell nun 1 Brooklyn. N. Y., 30-Oct. S . " t S ,,L T rl '„' J ;'Sp"^r-l>"»'« BeUsco's—Belasco. Now York. 23-28. Port Jervls, N. Y., 30, Blnghsm- iv.T,■, 0, •'■ , ,• '' ? lm J rB 2 - Wllllamsport, Pa" 3, Wllkes-llnrrc 4. Hcranton 5. "Count of Luxembourg. The"—Klaw & Erlanger'a ,„r~ N<;w Anisterdam. New York, 23, Indefinite. "Chanty Girl, The"—Geo. H. Ledirer's-olo New York, 20, tiideflnlte. "Ooiniuon Law, The." A—A. H. ■ Woods'—Colum- bus. O.. 23-28. Cincinnati 29-Oot.T U "Cuinrnoii Ujr, The •' B—A. H. Wooda' Arkan- alls City, Kau., 20. Hutchlnwn £7, Colorado Springs, Colo., 28, Denver 29-Oct. 5. "Oommou Law, Tbe," O—A. H. Woods'—Dean- mont, Tex.. 20. Galveaton 27, Houstou 28, 29. San Antonio 30, Oct. 1. ' "Common I,aw, The," D—A. H. Woeda' !Ul»m Ma... 27. Lowell 28, PorHaaa^"lIef 1 3o• " 0on . 1 !"'?. B S?'„? llc "— Honr » B - Harris'—Oincln- <J3& ZbjHE.1 I*"'s»l"le. Ky., 30-OctT8 "Oily, The"—United Play Oo.'i—Alhla la 20 Newton 27, Orlnwlt 28. Marshalltown 2v'. KU dora 30, lows Falls Oct. 1. Perry 2, Atlantic 3. Fort Dodge 4, Cherokee 5. • »"«»<« sOlT^Sl ?^V7S2«* Brandon's, (L. O. -Globe, Drew, John—Charles Frohman's—Empire, New York, 23,*. , Daly, Arnold (Arthur Hopkins, mgr.)—Harris, New York. 28, Indefinite. De Koven Opera (Daniel V, Arthur, mgrO— Knickerbocker, New York, 33-28, Boston The- atre, Boston: 30, indefinite. "Divorce Question, The," Night Stands—Rowland A Clifford's. Inc.—Mtnkato, Minn., 26, New Elm 27. Austin 38. . • "Down In Tennessee" (H. P. Hall, mgr.)—Chat- etngay, N. V., Id, M.lone 27, Lake Placid 28, Saranac Lake 30, Topper Lake Oct. 1, Molra 2. Bitlnge, Julian—A. H. Wooda' — Minaeapolla, Minn., 23-28, Butte, Mont., 30, Oct. 1. "Bxcuse Me," Western—Henry W. Savage's— White Plains, N. Y„ 28, Kingston 27, Scbenec- tiay 28. Rome 30. - • "BR and Jane" (Louis H. Dale, mgr.)—Mathers- vine, HI., 20, Letts, la., 27, Central City 28, BsrlTllle 30, BdgewooA Oct. 1. Arlington 2, Waucoma 3, Klma 4, Rleevllle 3 "Easiest Way, The"—Lawrence, Mass., 30. Foy, Eddie—Werha A Lsescher's—Buffalo, N. Y., 20-28, Cleveland, O., 30-Oct. S. Fairbanks, Douglas—Cohan A Harris - —Garrick, Philadelphia, 23-28. Famum, Dtistln—A. H. Woods'—Indianapolis, lad., 20-28, Milwaukee. Wis., 20-Oct. 5. Farnum, Wm.—A. B. Woods'—Brooklyn, N. T., .23-28, Baltimore, Md., 30-Octv 5. - "Fine -Feathers"—H. H. Fraiee'a—Cort, Ohi- cago, 23-Oct. 6. "Fanny's First Play"—Sam 8. A Lee Sbubert, Inc.—Comedy, New York, 23, Indefinite. "Fortune Hunter" — Cohan A Harris' — Toronto, Can., 23-28, Detroit. Mich., 29-Oct. 5. "Fortune Hunter" (Braest Schnabel, mgr.) — Meadvllle, Pa., 28, Greenville 27, Ashtabula, 0.. 38, Sharon, Pa., 30, Canton, 0„ 1. Mans- field 2, Wooater 3, Alliance 4, East Liverpool 5. "Fortune Hunter," Coast—Rowland & Clifford'., Inc.—Taylorvlile, 111., 20, Jacksonville 27, Louisiana, Mo., 28, Qnincy, 111., 29, Keokuk, la., 30, Fort Madison Oct. 1, Burlington 2, Monmouth, III., 3, Gaiesburg 4, Kewance 5. "Faust"—Lancaster, Pa.. 26-28. "Faust"—Manley A Campbell's—Caledonia, Minn., 26,' La Crosse, Wis., 27, Winona, Minn., 30, Sparta, Wis., Oct 1, Toman 2, Grand Riplda 5. "Final Settlement, The"—Wm. Wamsner's (D. H. Lyall. mgr.)—Homer, III., 26, Villa Grove 27, Fin 1!lay 28, Decatur 29, Mootleello 30, Ma- son City Oct. 1. Ashland 2, Virginia 3, Beards- town 4. Bluffs 5. "Fell In Love With His Wife"—Utlea, N. Y., 28. Gordon, KlttyWos. M. Oaltes'—Rochester. N. Y., 26-28. "Governor's Lady, The"—David Belasco's—Re- public, New York, 23, indefinite. "Gsrden of Allah, The"—Liebler Oo.'s—Audi- torium, Chicago, 23, Indefinite. "Grehyound, The"—Wageuhala A Kemper's—Bos- ton Theatre, Boston, 23-28. "Get Rich Quick Walllngford," Eastern—Cohan A. Harris'—Garrick, Philadelphia, Pa., 30-Oet "Get Rich Quick Walllngford." Western—Cohan A. Harris'—Food du Lac, Wis., 26, Madison 27, Hockford. 111., 28, McVlcker's, Chlca-o, 29-Oct. 12. 'Goose Olrl"—Baker A Castle's (Fred O. Will- iams, act mgr.)—Atlanta, Ga., 23-28, Bir- mingham. Ala., 30-Oct. 0. "Graustsrk"—United Play Oo.'s—Osage, la., 20. Oedar Falla 27, Waterloo 28, Mollne, 1U., 29, Kewanee 30, Sterling Oct. 1, Dixon 2, Peru 3, Princeton 4, Monmouth 6. "Olrl From Rector's—Wm. Wsmsher's (S. A. Mitchell, mrr.)—McOomb, 111., 26, Busbnell 27, Gaiesburg 28, Mt Pleasant. la., 30. 1 lr . at „"" 6tte - Tbo" — Harry Aekln's — La Sa le, Chicago. 23. indefinite. °,! rl From R'rtor'a. The," Eastern—Altooos, Pa., 28. "Grain of Dust, A"—Vaugaan Glaser'a— maioo. Mich., 26, Indianapolis, Ind., 30-Oct. 2. ■E ?, f . M r„ Dreams, The''—Jos. M. Gaires'— Hamilton, Can., 27, 28. '•Gamblers1. The" (Ed. McDoweU. mgr.)—Lyons, E»**I 2 2; Syracuse 27, 28, Auburn 30, Owego .,',•. ~ !' , H5*> Pt - 2 < Waverly, N. Y., 3, Addison 4, Blnghomton 6. . " G ,'fih la t""*^," 1 ' Tn «'t' A ~ A - H - Woods'— Bg& 3 - Billon, mgr.)—Washington, D. a, "Girl of the Underworld," Central (Wee A Lam- -*Stt mgrs.)—Camden, N. J.; 20-28. Olrl of the Underworld." Western (Wee A Lam- bert, mgrs.)—Waveland, Ind., 20, Bensselaer " Q -} a ?r d ,6e ,Onl'w, The," Western—Bert Mosh- 7i,"i 'A 6 ? F i, H V l9on . mgr.)—Tripoli, la., 20. All! Vista 27, Bearoaa 28, Dexter, Minn., 29. St. Ansgar. la., 30, Staceyvllle Oct. 1. Ply- mouth 2. Garner 3. Wesley 4. Forest City's. ? I !L? rom *L 8 - *•■ The"—Woods A Chalker's -Seattle W.,h., 23-28, Everett 29, Olympla traluT TS£% *■ AbWdeen 2 ' E ' ma * &■ "°™l ^^ law .' Tbe " ^Wo Anderson, mgr.)— J*. <»»!.- »L. 20. Franklin 27, Polk S Bra- lentoii 30, Parkers Landing Oct 1 Slaal Girl in the last. The," B—A. H. Woods'—St Louis. Mo.. 23-28, Chicago 29-Oct 20 "Girl In the Taxi,' The," O-A. H. Woous : - Girl of the Mountains, A" (Wee A Iimlwrr ( mgr».)—«flnes»ilie, o., 28 "muert, °28 1 h^.J 0 ^', V > fiT Xlcb - Philadelphia, 23- „*°i Harts, Philadelphia, 30-Oct. S. Ulrl of the Sunny South, The" (w. C r»™ "j^ Jg^g-aaW ait Oo/s-Plymouth. Boa- «i. ?' a i" 28, „ Newark, N. J., 30-Oct. 5 Hitchcock, Raymond—Cohan a Harrl's'-C'eve- "H»„kV°P 2 ?'??' , Detrolt - Mich.. 30-OcuR "&Cjss^^t%^ ate gaUaVa^Sr »« BS^aft .. i 8 'Peru e t t DeIp 3 h°i l™" « "^tuogS 'House of a Thousand Candles," Western—o « . n ori. M B K C°: U C.n" ff * 0Mdt '"' ■»•)-»!«- 'afftS —United Play Oo.'s—Kewann. in :;^ear l L.t r ,'s M Di , k 0 .r'x fl ( .i-8 H ' P ^' « IS^^^^U^hSpewT "eft. ZttZAttttzftt Lambardl Pacific Coast Grand Oi.*r,, <!«„ «^_ R ! n? -. Blanche (Frederick McKay, mgr.)—At- Cisco, Cal., 23-Oct 19 "Peru—Sau Fran- lantlc City, N. J., 23-28, Lyric, Philadelphia. "Little IObs Brown"—Win A BradVa Las ark. n!j.. 30 Oct75 ' W * S»"K*'s-New- Little Hllltoualre" Cohan a. n... 1 , „ •♦DON'T bny say shoes- tui yon Mar n h , and A A SHOES iS 0 ^ then U "II THERE IS TO IT." 0f'SeAca,%n1TvA2u1»e r ?« w U>L Together' with a classTof REAL 8To«S d ;" VKJK never equaled for slncerttv n? . RE 8E »- aATISFY OUB* PATRONS-not 0%£h& n £Z° "« on top of all other advantages thl . int > »M SH0E*HOTEL SERVICE wherlw v^n ml? 0 ^^ BY Y PHONE WITH GuI15gri& 8 ^g ..o Ton ' n . be J nOMc »«osooa. wait "Bny no footwear tui you play chlca' .. OICOlfBOR aW« WOMERi a b •.'>. MBN: 680. CUrt and 20t 8. State-ut!„, rew - All 'phones, Harrison 8408. J^tlt (] °»n r - "Milestones"—KJaw A Erlanger'a — Libert, * York, 23, Indefinite. "oerty, *„, "Modern Eve"—Mort H. Singer's—Prlnc-. „.. ago, 23,' Indefinite. ■ rmw »*- Ckl- "Modern Kve"—Mort II. Singer's (Henry Pw son, mgr.)—Logansport, Ind., 26 |» V.iilf' „ 27, Peoria, 111., 28, St LouU Mo 2»- t w"' l; "Milestones" — Klaw A Erlanger" — bi.V?; j - Chicago, 23, indefinite. ^ B'«cUtone, "Master of tbe House, The"—Sam S. 4 Lee xk- bert Inc.-Thlrty-nlnth Street, New Yort 2?' bideftntte. '*' ••■ "Man Higher Up, The"—Jos. M. Gsltes'— m™ Die, Chicago, 23, Indefinite. u "«»-ui Ja . "Mis. Nobody From SUrland"—Mort H situ-ef. (Charles Donsgnue, mgr.)—OtUws, Kan w' Pittsburg 27, Springfield.' Mo.. 281.' jopfe 2d' Psrsons, Kan., 30, Coffeyvllli Ott |J pendence 2, Bartlisvllle, Okla., 3,' Tub. S" Oklahoma 5. 0. * ' iulw 4 - "Mutt and Jeff," A—Qua Hill's—Rochester ■ i 9, o A , 0$: 2 Qa " 27, ^ Axhtaa »*oSWJ "Mutt and Jeff," B—Qua Hill's—Annlston AU 20, Atlanta. Oa., 27, 28, Athens 30 ' ' "Mutt and Jeff," C—Gus Hlll'a—Taunton Mm 26. Fall Elver 27. 28, Pawtucket, It 1 j 0 ' "Mutt and Jeff." D-Gus Hill's-^BluuuUur: Pa., 26, Mt Carmel 27, Sbeusnuoah am, VS ton, N. J.. 30. "Mutt and Jeff," E—Gus Hill's— Frcderlclnbuh. Vs., 26, Annapolis, Md., 27, Winchester V. 28. Hsrri.burg, Pa., 30. *- "Melting Pot, The"—Liebler Co.'s Newark, N. "Madame Sherry," (Ohas. Strumm. nun-1—Tin dnnati. O., 33-28, St Louis, Mo., 2a Oct"aT "Madame Sherry," B — Columbia S C' 20 Charleston 27, Savannah, Ga., 28, Brunswick "Madame Sherry, O—Harrlstmrg, Pa., 28 H. n - over 30. "Madame Sherry," D—ferry, N. Y„ 20, War- saw 27, Salamanca 28. "Madame Sherry," E—Clarksburg, W. Vs., 20 St Marys 27, Slstersvulo 28, McConnelivllle; "Miss Susan"—Concord, Mich.. 26. Perrv 27 Eaton Rapids 28. ' *' "Man's Game"—National, Ohicago, 20-Oct 5 Naxhnova, Mme.—Charles Frohman's—Hatalllun Ont, Can., 20, London 27, Braotfonl 2» Iuif'. folo, N. Y., 30-Oct 2, Erie, Pa., 3 Uoiumu-j,, O., 4, 5. "Ne'er Do Well, The"—Authors' Produclne Co.'. —Lyric, New York, 23, indefinite. "New Sin, The"—Liebler Oo.'s—Powers' Chi. cogo, 23. Indefinite. O'Hara, Flake (A. J. PItou, mgr.)—Ottawa. Ont, Can. 24-20, OgxienBburg, N. Y.. 27. Watertown 28, Syracuse 30. Utica Oct. 1. Scbenectidj 2 Troy 3. Glens Falls 4, Poughkeepsle 5. Oleott. Chauncey (Henry Miller, mgr.| -Omaoa, "OhI Oh! Deiphlne"—Klaw ft Erlanger's—For- rest. Philadelphia, 23-28, Knickerbocker New York, SO. Indefinite. "Officer 800" —Cohan ft Harris' — Gaiety, New York, 33, Indefinite. "Officer 606," Western — Cohan A Harris' — San Francisco, Oal., 23-28, Oakland 30-Oct. 2. Fresno 3, Bakersfleld 4, San Diego 5 0. "Officer 060," Middle—Cohan ft Harris'—Uneas- ter, Mass., 20, Athol 27, Northampton 28, Tor- rlngtoo, Conn., 30, Wlillmantlc Oct. I Dan- ..„ tl i! rjr 2 ' WE London 3, Mlddletown i, Mer'hleo 5. Officer 000," Southern—Cohan ft Harris - —Wan- aan. Wis., 20, Menomonle 27, Appleton 28, Green Bay 29, Oshkosh 30, Manitowoc Oct T. Ocanto 2, Fond do Lac 3. Kemwha 4, Itacin'eO. Oliver Twist"—Liebler Oo.'s—Plymouth, Ilos- _ too, 30. Indefinite. "Old Homestead," Coast (Frank Thomp*'ii, mgr.) —Revelatoke, B. C, Con., 27, Kamloniw 28. New Westminster 30, Victoria Oct. 1, X.italuw 2. Vancouver 3, 4, Belllngham, Wash.. 5 "Our Village Postmaster" (Ohas. B. Mills, mgr.) —Glenwcod, Wis., 26, 27, New Richmond 28, Almcna 29, Turtle Lake 30, Amery Oct I, Osceola 3, Barron 4. "Oklahoma.''—Klimt A Oanoto's— New Orleans, La.. 23-28. "Over Night" —Wm. A. Brady'a — Moutreol, Crn.. 23-28, Brooklyn, N. Y., 30-Oct. 5. Other Man. The"—Cohan ft Harris'—Hnrtford, ,. C)nn., 23-2S, Washington. D. O.. 30-Oct. 5. Ole Olson"—Ben Hendricks'—Superior. Wis.. 20, Iron River 27, Cloquei, Minn.. 28, Bralnent 2°, Wailena Oct. 1, Little Falls 2, St. Wood 3, Fergus FalU 4, Wahpetou. N. Dak., 5. One Day"—Brooklyn, N. Y.. 30-Oct. .1. I owers, James T.—Sam S. A Lee Shubrrl. Inc. Newark. N. J., 23-28, Washington, D. 2, 30- Oct. u. "Polish Weildlng, The" —Cohan A Harris'— „ Grand. Chicago, 23, Indefinite. Pink Lady, The"—Klaw ft Erlanger's—Syra- cuse. N. Y., 26-28. "Putting It Over"—Frank Hatch Amuse. Co-'s IJas. Wnlttemlale. gen. mgr.) — Rochester, Minn., 26, Ban Claire. Wis., 27. Red Wlug, Minn., 28, St. Paul 29-Oct. 2, aTJss*a*aass 3-5. Price, The"—Clarence Bennett ft Co.'s—Corry. Pa., 20, Erie 27. 28. 'Parisian Model, The"—Anna Hehl's — Hart's, Philadelphia 33-28, Newark, N. J., 30-Ocl. 5. Prosecutor. The"—Brooklyn, N. Y.. 23-28. Power Behind the Throne, Tne"—Conors, N. Y., "Pair of Country KMe" (O. Jay Smith, mix)— HymcHa, Ind., 20, Shelburn 27. Dugger 28. ,, West Baden 29, Lawrencevllle, III., 30. Paid in Full." Eastern—O. 8. Primrose's—Car- roll, la., 26, Ida Grove 28, Sac CHy Get. I, Lake City 2, Rockwell City 3, Gllmore City 4. Paid In Full," Western—O. 8. Primrose's— Mankato, Kan., 20, Falrbnry, Nebr., 27, avoaf „ 28. Holdrege 30. Kearney Oct 1. Pumpkin Huaker"—Wm. Wamsher's (J. K. t'sr- rlck, ragr.)—Wstseka, 111., 20, 27, Dvlglit 2S, Oiford 30. "Quaker Girl, The," A—Henry B. Harris'—<>>• , lonlal, Boston. 23-Nor. 2. Quaker Ctrl, The," B—Henry B. Harris'—Nor- folk, Va., 20-28, Charlotte, N. C, 30, Daan* hu. 8. O., Oct 1, Augusta, Ga. 2, Charleston. S. O.. 3. Savannah, Oa., 4, Jacksourlllr. Flu., 1 "Cow OatoV"**"' ~■* *"aKT "26,""27! "O)llego Boy"—Clias. Portler's (J. A. Dawson ""•''•>— Butteniut, Wis.. 20, Rib Uke 27 mS S2J% O*™ 20. Wlrhee 30. Boyd Oct 1 Oodott 2, Dnrand 3. Galesvllle 4, AVcadla S "Oonimerclal Traveler. Tl.e" (aei. S lleiser ..r5 w '. , "-2? 1 * m i.. 111 " 20 - «• "3s> 28. ' °S "i tr . ,5 ne l1 r l < We » * UsBrt, nigra )— Plalnfleld. N. J.. 28, Freehold .10. ' 'Oase/ Jones"—Row and ft Clifford's tne n.» ton, 0.. 33-38, Bt LonU, Mo' 29-Oct 7. V ' 30-Oct. 12. Ross. Tho«. W. (J. M. Welch, mgr.)—Dnhoiiuc, la., 20, Cedar Rapids 27, Dcs Molnos 28, Kan- _ sas City, Mo.. 20-Oct 6. Rotoon, May (L. S. Sire, mgr.)—Portland, Me., Ring, Julia (J. P. Goring A Co., mgrs.)-St- Louis, Mo., 23-28, Belleville. I1L, 29. Du Qisda ..,-rv- — — * - - ??,•. c,Iro Oo'- *i Paducah, Ky„ 2, 3, Madison- Light Eternal, The" (at, a a ■ . „ „„ rtlle 4 - Bowling Green B. „. , m B rs.)_BeIle»llle. Can.; 20 klmn.i5,'„ Sr ^ lw ' a<l « U * M - The"—Werba ft Luescher's-CUat- "LlltleBt Rebel, The"—A. II H. 'I f 8 ' *"*(**, Tenn., 20. Birmingham, Ala.. 27. S3, Ind., 20. Loaansoort st i'. Jl?^.— Ko k?»>o, Atlanta, Oa.. JO. "Ready Money"—H. H. Ftasee's—Msxlnc Elliott, New York, 23, Indefinite. "Ready Money" (Frasee 4 Brady, mgrs.)—Wyiul- ham's, I/onrton. 23, Indefinite. Ready Money" — H. H. Fraxce". — DsalavjH Nebr., 21). Lincoln 27, 28, Sioux City, la.. :». Sloui Falbi, 8. Dak., 30, Mason City, Is.. Oct. 11 Waterloo 2, Oedar Rapids 3, Iowa City 4, Dea Moines 6. "Red Rose, The"—John O. Fisher's—Gait. Can., 28; Woodstock 37, London 28. St. Thonius 30, Stratford Oct 1, Guelpb 2, Brantford 3, Belle- • III* A V, *..- K ' ' Ind. 20. Log.n»£rr27; U tSE L J£%£ £. mend 29 MicblgEi City 30 **"" 28 ' Uua ' ^nr^N.^k^io-^^^N^'onWMsn- Billings Oct. i ' M "™ ■* Uo "'-. ». M1 "".-h>. Z&SsF&a&t*** IW - dV™^ 1 " * K "»^''-W a *ington, M Y„°r n k. yjtti i: "" * New Sl-SiSafV* L »«*« , -Bmxd. Phil- „ vHle 4. Kingston 5. . w ^,_ m _ "Rebecca of Sonoybrook Farm"—Klaw A Krlss- . ger's—Globe. London, 23, Indefinite. .. "Rosary. The." Central—Rowland * CUIturn Inc. (Edwin De Cotrrcey. mgr.)—Van WJf O., 20, Lima 27. Ottawa 28. Nainhsni 30. Waaaeon Oet. 1, Hudson 2, Tecumsen 3. Howl- ing Green 4. Flndlay 6. 'Rosary. The." Eastern—Rowland 4 Cliffords, Inc.—La Harrte. III.. 26, Macomb 27. Qulntf 28. Bosarv. The," Western—Rowland * OIWTord s. I {J.;