The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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20 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. September 28 SPREADINO LIKE WILD-FIRE! SET IT NOW! "OH, YOU 0TTLEBEARV! The Rag Blot of the Land! no it original Comedy Slides!" "WHY DID YOU MAKE IE CARE?" Wondarfal WALTZ Ballad I THE SONS THAT MAKES 8INBEM! ALFRED BOLMAN'S Master Ballad! Good for H.nwljr ancoree as your TOlce can itandl "MARY WAS MY MOTHER'S NAME" ImOntniiMai MARCH kit! .. EVERYBODY WHISTLES ITI When the Old Folks Were Young Folks" let to » wont musicI Mo«t beaotlfal aflM. de by SCOTT Si VAN ALTENA."™ l •***»• •*« A sweet sentiment . m "JUST A DREAM OF YOU, DEAR" One of our BEST I Ions in «»v«»s-y key to IsgltimatA perform«ra! OTHER MORRIS WINNIR8: "When the Tide Is Turning' "That Aeroplane Glide" That's Irish Love" MIKE L. MORRIS, Mgr. "Sweethearts oi Bygone Days" "Stevan" »»«■■ *»»s "Cohan's Yiddisha Band" "THE OCEAN SEVER SLEEPS" magnificent Bail Solo "BY THE OLD CATHEDRAL DOOR" ieml-Sacred Bong No. 130-132 W. 37th St. NEW YORK ' THEATRES and OPERA HOUSES W« insert slverttseoMBts In this eelami at ■ special rate of I1.7B per agate line tor I swots a (oris UmM). Ikla will •••Me local managers to ken tkalr koatea prornlneitly aid eaatJnaally ■store tka managers of eoeapuiea. Daring tk* ubm tka ad. la raanlag wa will acai tack advsr- User a eopjr ot III OLirrim tret. GAIETY THE ATRE.Rlchland,Ga.-Indo- peudent attractions only; pop., 3,000; 4 railroads; excellent growing population; adjacent small towns good open time to right attractions. Write or wire ileal I Brog , Owns, and Mgrs,, Lumpkin. On. ALKRAHA THEATRE, Elizabeth City X. C. rop. SOOO. Beating capacity 800; stage 21x30; dressing rooms electricity, steam beat, wanted, list class a ttractions. Address Kramer A Nutter. WANTED—Oood Shows, for Fraternal Hall, Oxford, Md. Seating capacity 325. Population ol town, »oo. Oood for one night shows with band. STAR THEATRE, Tower City, Pa., Bchuy- tlll Co. New honsc, now scenery, ateam neat and electricity; seats 660. Good show town. Drawlug •opulatlon 7,ooo. Wanted, Drat class attractions lad." W. J. Henry, Owner find Manager. i WANTED.—To Book Good High Class Shows. Sew Hall. Good show town. 8.0.600. Bt 20x30. Keps.O.K. BKEVAltD AMUSE.CO.,Brevard,N.0. ROAD SHOW MANAGERS - BARTOW, FLORIDA, Wile Theatre, under new management. Cood town and surrounding country. Up-to-date louso. ATTRACTIONS WANTED for coming sea- son. For open dates addreas E. W. McCORMIOK, Manager. FLORIDA LYCEUM "*&&!*" ■eats looo. stage zoiso. Full scenery, dressing looms, complete; electricity, steam heat, all latest Improvements. Wanted, First Class Attractions. Address PARKER A 0A8TBRI.1NB. MUSIC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED lor any Instrument or number of instruments, longs,words and Ifuslo, Sketches, eto. Sendsttmp, 0HA8. L. LEWIS. i» Richmond St.. Cincinnati, O. HIGHTSTOWN, K. J., OPERA HOUSE, wants one show a weok. 0. FRED RUllLMAN, Manager, too Liberty Btrcot, Trenton, N. J. CROSS TOBACCO HABIT—How to ovcrcomo it sulckly, easlty, lastingly. Book free. EDW. J. WOODS, 034 SIXTH AVE. 43HL. NEW 1 (IRK 01TY . FOR SALE—Handcuff Act, Box Mystery, Mall lag, Spirit Cablnot, Comedy Magic Act, Store optlcon, Slides, and a Complete Magic and Picture Snow; also many other bargains. Circulars for ST A Ml'. UEO. A. RI CE. AUBURN, N. Y. LKNT YOU FORGET WE BAY IT YET LETER HEADS Contracts, Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples, etc. STAGE MONEY, 16c Book ot Herald Outs, 28c. CROSS dpi s. Dearborn St. CHICAGO MIDST OF SEASON TENTS. 10X30, 40X00, 40x80, 60x60; 240O FOLDING CHAIRS, LOT OF SPECIAL II. P. CHAIRS, HAND ORGANS, PRESSURE LAMrS. Bend for Free Bargain Booklet. THE R. H. ARMBRUSTER MFG. CO. SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS w Evening and Soubrette Downs, Fancy Stage * w and Street Dresses, Opera Coats and Puis, * Full-dress Tuxedos, Prince Alberts an Show Printing Look at these prices for cash with order. No ship- ments made c. O. D. Union workmen, Union Label. 30U 3x8 to-nights. 0 changes. 1 side, no casts, $9.00 80M 4x12 to-nlghts, l side, o changes, no casta, 10.(0 soM 4x12 to-nlghta, with cast and synopsis, ■ 12.00 sou 4x12 to-nlghts, printed both sides, - 16.00 10M rxxq>,' card heralds, .... io.OO 10M 8X24 heralds, both sides (or 7x21) - 10.60 10M 12x18 heralds, 4 pp. (or 9x24, both sides) 18.60 10M14X21 heralds, 4pp. (orlo>ix28, bothaldes) 17.60 sou ladles free or coupon tickets, • - • 10.00 600 half sheets, from type, black on yellow, d.60 1000 half sbeets, black on yellow, • • • 7.60 600 one sheets, from type, black on yellow, 7.00 looo one sheets, black on yellow, • • • 11.00 looo tack cards. 11x14, one color, - • 7.00 We carry no' stock paper. Above prices are for special forms from your own copy and oats. Good snipping faollitlss. Catalog of stock cuts. Corrss- pondence Invited. GAZETTE SHOW PRINTING COMPANY, MATTOON, ILL., U.S.A. STETSON'S Uncle Tom's Cabin Go. ■wants Actor for Phineas and Marks, to double strong cornet and trombone; Drummer, who plays iie'ls. Colored people, who sing and dance. State lowest salary. THOS.WARK, Manager. ROUTE: Sent. 28, Slonx City, Iowa; Oct. 1, Chero- kee, Iowa; i, Fort Dodge, Iowa. "WANTED Location for Permanent Stock in city ot not less than 60,000. Guarantee, percentage or rental. Can offer good references. Fifteen years' experience, Address BOX 1413, 0,nlpcy, 111. WAN D. For The McCord Stock Company LEADING MAN, HEAVY MAN, COMEDIAN WITH 0000 SPECIALTIES, WOMAN FOR GEN. BU8. Most have wardrobe for street and stago, good study. People la airlines write or wire. Prepay your telegrams. Add., OarroIton,Mo.,weekSept.23: Salisbury, Ho., weok Oct. 1. FRED. P. McOOIlD. 'j * 3, iiiuw oiuviw null r * English Walking Suits, Bilk and Opera * It Hafal. 343 N. Clark St., Chicago. * Performers °KSY. 1 S pieture with $4 and recolve one out and BOOlettorheadfl.flnoly printed, abaxguln FINN THE PRINTER, 24 E. 21 it St., Ntw York Al UDY'FIMO SOLOIST SSS£S$ education; wants engagement with Unit class com- pany. MME. \ ll.M a 110RAK, care Mrs. Porsche, 935 llenkler Btreui, Canton, O. MUSIC ARRANGED BUS-* Words written to music; nmslo written to words. References, F. A. Ullla | Mimic Publisher;. E. S. S. HUNTINGTON, care CLIPPER, 47 W. 28th St., N.Y. WANTED, CHARACTER LADY who oan do specialty. SKETCH TEAM. also. Well established Co.; bookedthrougliN.CH.O. Tickets If necessary. Harry Lliulley A Secorcl. Denton, Md. HARPIST, AT LIBERTY Good reader. Would prefer to locale, with other work fur aide line. J. A. HOWELLS JR., Hnwanlen, Wont . CATALOG ot Professional and SKETCH TEAM FOR MED. SHOW Change for week; doubles and singles; preferonco to piano players. Also Al BLACK. FACE COME- DIAN. State salary first letter; you get it with this show ovory Sunday morning. Address B. LESLIE. SANBORN, MINN. WANTED, F-OR Stetson's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. Good General Actor Not required to lead the dogs or double In the band, but must act. Address LEON WASHBURN, CHESTER, PA. WANTED, Sketch Team That can cliango for week. Must bejjood singers and dancers. Also OOOD VERSATILE COMEDIAN that can make good. Piano Player £ referred. Toll all la first. Join on wire. 1. AL. RAYMOND, Raymond's Modern Shows, Stoneboro, Pa. WANTED IN SAGINAW, FLINT and PORT HURON, MICH. All three cities are first class manufacturing towns in good condition. No Stock or Ropcrtoiro Oo. has filayed these cities In three years. Splendid oppor- unity for first class co. Write or wire W. 8. BUT- TRRFIHLD, BI]ou Theatre, Battle Creek, Mloh. OUT OF TOWN NEWS JOHN L. WEBER HUBERT L. WEBER I left I U Mako-Up Goods, Etc'..sent FREE DIOK A FITZGERALD, 20 Ann St., New York. Amateur Plays, Sketches, Mono- togM.Mjnstrel Jokes, Recitations, MUSICIANS-Use Our Songs And Instrumental Numbers. Send postage for Free Samples. Agents wanted. NKKlill AM MVS1C HOUSE, Dept. 47, St. Louis, Mo. SACR IFICE Largo Stock of slightly used Street and Imported F.veilug downs, Wraps. MRS, COHEN, Oatl Sixth Avenue, N. Y. Phone, 407OGreeley. TIIBATRICAL. WIGS Toupees. Ladles' Hnlr Goods. M. Stein's Mske. I.J'; JS pn A ,or ,l ,rl £? Wrt - QB0 - 8HINDHBLM, Hi! \\. 41st St., New York. Tel., 8726-Bryant For Small, Established Dramatic Company. Half Interest. LADY STAR Address, P. Q„ BOX 266, IIARWIOHPORT, MASS. 1000%£SS65c Sent Prepaid 5,000, 9-4.QO. Dodgers, Passes, Salary Receipts, Mailing Labels for Photographs, Light Cues, Prop- erty Plots for Vaudeville Acts, Elc, same price. Write for samples. THE NEW IDEA CO., Dept. C. »»ao H. Ringgold St.. Phlla., Pa. SECOND-HAND GOWNS STAGE AND STREET BARNETT, 803 So. Stats St., CHICAGO CIKCUS <fc JUGGLING Apparatus,Rolling Globes, Clubs, Batons, Guis. Wire Walkers' Apparatus and Novelties. Stamp for catalog. HD\Y. VAN WYOK, Cincinnati. O. Poets. Authors Get Cash for Your longs and Stories MUSIC SALES CO., 4T-4, St. Louis, Me. SKETCHES, H0N0L06S, Patters and Parodies, written to order. Good original work; reasonable print, JKNNR A MARTIN, Boa 82. INDIANAPOLIS, IND . AT LIBERTY, EU6ENE JARRETTE AND WIFE Novelty man and comedian; wife vocalist and pian- ist. Permanent address EUGENE JARRETTE, 4820 N. CHRISTIANA AVE., CUI0AG0, ILL. BOSTON. A hot spell last week rather upset our early predictions regarding the splendid start we were to have on the new season. Shows doing excel- lent business fell off considerably, and the rea- son tor same was most nppareut. The principal changes for this week are: "The June Bride," at the Majestic, and "Is Matrimony a Failure?" at the Hustle Square. Usual shifts noted at the burlesque, vaudeville and motion picture houses. At present writing tbe weather Is ot mid-summer type. Hajbstic. (Wilbur-Shubert Co., mgr».)—'The June Bride" is the new ottering current week. It Is of the Viennese type, and is under the management of Weber A Fields. Amelia Stone la the leader of a Btrong cast. "The Million had a Ore weeks' engagement, and the farce wis amusingly pleasing. The busluesi was likewise pleasing to tbe management. Comnial (Frohman A Harris, mgrs.)—"The Quaker Girl" is now on their third week. Business Is splendid. Hoiita Stsbwt (Charles J. Rich, mgr.)—Thin house will remain clo«d another week, and will reopen Sept. 30 with "The Talker." Tullr Marshall nnd Florence Ketone arc the featured members of the east. The abrupt closing of the Mollis Street was, and continues to be, the talk of the theatre-going public. Bostok (Frohman A Harris, mgrs.)—Fourth and lsst week of "The Greyhound" Is now on. Great nreparntlons are being made for the big star revival of "Robin Hood," which comes next week. The popular musical play la a great favorite of ours, and the seat aale Is sure to he large. TnaMONr (Jno. B. SchoeCfel. mgr.)—Al. Woods has another winner In "The Woman Hater's Club," shown locally for the first time at this theatre Sept. 16. The cast Includes: Walter Law- mice, Joseph Santley, Leslie Kenyon, and Sallle Fisher. The show has another week after this. I'ihk. (Ohas. Frohman, Rich A llarrlB, mgrs.) —Rose Stahl, In "Moggie Pepper," Is still draw- lug them. SnoBBST (Wilbur-Shubert Co., nigra.)—Second week of "A Butterfly on the Wheel." The play Is pleasing to some, hut the business Is not of a satisfactory slio. ._.,„ Plymouth (Fred, Wright, mgr.)—William Hodge, in "The Man From Home, Is In the last week. "Oliver Twist," with an sll star cast, follows. St. Jakes (M. II. Guleslsn, mgr.)—Tbe suc- cess of "Thais" warrants the manaiemeut' to keep It on for a little time longer. In the mean time "Tbe Dawn of a To-morrow" is being re- hearsed. Castli SqUABB (John Craig, mgr.)—.Much fun Is expected this week In the production ot "la Matrimony a Failure?" It Is one of Its first stock productions. "The Third Degree" was great last week. Hum's (B. F. Keith, mgr.)—The loy sup- plyers this week ore many. Among those noted are: Som Chip and Mary Marine, Harry Tlgbe and Edith OUtTord, the Great Tornadoes, Hick- man Brothers, Lillian Ashley, Helen MncMahon Trio, and others. OaviiBUM (Victor J. Morris, mgr.)—This bouse offers a great deal In the way of vaudeville en- tertainment thla week. Those listed ore: Mur- Chy and West, Bhlppeily Sisters. Margo's Mani- las, CaulUeld and Driver, W. E. Whittle, "A Doy at Ellis Inland," Word and Smith, Patter's Dlvlug Girls, Will Laser, Blanche Huntington. Spiegel and Dunn, and Miller and Russell, ami Les Oopelond. Globb tRobert Jonette, mgr.) —The Twelve Boys In Blue are topping current week. Other names are: The Three Dixon Sisters, Millar Brothers, Fyne, Goes and Richardson, Stnymnn and lladyn, Port nnd Delocy, Ward and Cnlhanc. Alpha Trio, Four Ash nnd Work, Tod Uorun, Md the Rays. National (George A. Haley, mgr.)—Another musical comedy Is featured this week. II In called "The Girl of the Orient." Then there are: Armstrong nnd Ford, Madeleine Nash, Potts Brothers, Wood Brothers, and tbe Sharps. Howabd (G. E. Lothrop, mgr.)—High Life In Burlesque Is a new one to our burlesque devo- tees, but the names of those Interested In the production warrant n show that Is most worthy of patronage. Pat White is featured in the pro- duction. The vnudevlllluna on the old no ward's side are: The Roasow Midgets, Sampson and Douglas, Kanunerer nnd Howard, Claude Austin, LandrlB end Knowles, Taylor and Price, nnd Irving Kllnger. The Merry Maidens will be here neat week. Waldbon'b Casino (Charles H. Waldron, mgr.) —Tho Gluger Girls were Immense here last week. The ahow better than ever. The Columbia Bur- leequers are the audience drawers current week, and the following attraction Is the Dozzler Com- pany. uaiott (George Botcheller, mgr.)—A riot of fun and laughter nnd pretty girls Is the best terra to use In describing the show given by the World of Pleasure Players last week. Tills week the Jolly Follies, and then the College Girls. Grand Ovhiia Housm (O. E. Lothrop, mgr.)— Week of 23 the Auto Girls offer entertainment that Is right np to the smart mark. High Lite in Burlesque Is booked to follow, 'flic weekly wrestling mulches, under the direction of George Tuohy, druw lnrge houses. Goiiuon's Oi.vmi'ia (J. E. Coinerfonl. mgr.)— The performers are the Ktnsners, the Franklins, New York Musical Four, Ln 1'alvu, and Sully and I/ing. Uowdoin Sqi'AHB (O. E. Lothrop, mgr.)—The Merry Maidens, under the management of Violet Mnscotte, are still furnishing the greater part of the show. The vaudeville names are: Myers- Ssrha company, James and Francis, Kelly and Galvln, nnd Fraxiee. Washington (F. G. Collier, mgr.)—Sandy Ohnpman. Dr. McDonald and company. Win. Brown, Rollins and Hunter, Princess Snrrsns, and George Wbolen arc those appearing here this week. Oi.n South. (F. G. Collier, mgr.)—Current bill Includes: Court and Don. Ray nnd Taylor, Mor- ris Sisters, Morgan and Dixon, Bensley, Margaret Itellilg, Elmo and dog, nnd Soroimkl. Kacii.b. —Keiiney nnd Hollls, nnd Hugh Jeans arc the principal players here this week. MM, Sonos and pictures ore being changed weekly at these bonnes: DIJou Dream, Hub, South End, Shnwniur, Unique, Apullo, Orlenta, Pastime. Puritan. Beacon. Back Bay, Premier, Norfolk. Ooinlque, Nlogaro, Wlnthrop Hall, New Palace, Williams' Ideal, Superb. Ideal, Star, Scenic Tem- ple, and the Roxhury. Osoaoa Mabion was In town for a dny last week, getting the finishing touches on "The Wain, an Hater's Club," at the Treinont. At. Woods made several trips last week to view his newest production. Ai.r.AN Cooqan, of Congnn and Mullen, playing Keith's, last week, Is a nephew ot tbe late John Ooogan, well known vaudeville artist and agent. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS, 143 NO. DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, V. 8. A. All Ooods TKoatrloal — OataloKs FVoo Catalog No. 3, Soubrette Gowns and Costumes. Catalog No. 8, Wigs, Tights, Make-up and snanai*. Catalog No: 4, Boots, Shoes and Western Goods. "PanglM COSTUMES FOB AMATEUR THEATRICALS OUR SPECIA LTY WANTED- QUICK- WANTED NELL-QUEEN OF THE ROCKIES FDLL acting COMPANY, those doubling brass given preference. This Is a real Western drama ni»» lng Northern Mich., Wis., Minn., Nebr.,S. D., Moat, Wash.,Oregou and Calif. WANTED-COWBor 11AN1) doubling Stage 'or Orchestra; two Comets, two Clarinets, two Altos, two Slides, Bass Raiitone This la a one nlghter Hotel Show, I fnrnlsh etiaps, you furnish roar own hats and shirts Butt Proctor, Ohas. Brewer, Joe Burba, write me quick. Show opens Nor. 2. Addreas all mall to HABBT BARTEflO, Greenv ille, Mich, WANTED QUICK Young Lady Piano Player and Heavy Man Join on wire. Tickets If known or on references. Anna Oliver wire. FOR SALE-Short cast musical comedy. Paper, 6colors, very swell. hurt STOOD ard, Boonvllle, N. v. MUSICAL DIRECTOR iNi P*. Of IVI. Notalng Fully experienced In musical comedy, vaudeville, eto. Highest of references furnished but the best considered. State salary limit. Write or wire. P. O. Box 114, Huntingdon, Pa. PAULINE LE ROY PATH McKINLEY HEAVIES AND GEN. BUSINESS INGENUES Dressing a hobby. Permanent Stock or one piece. Address FAUI.INE 1,B ROY, Mnden Heights, Columbus, Ohio. JOHN D. CAY ^»»'"^'--'-j-™rBo..d, Will bo in Now York City during the first half of October for the purposo of securing ATTRAC- TIONS AND AJHU8EHENT8, for the THIRD INSULAR FAIR to be mm •« SAN JUAN, PORTO RICO, OTBB * a * £&£* *' ima ' Address IMPERIAL HOTEL,, NEW YORK. WANTED, to Support MAYBELLE F0WLE R IN PERMANENT STOCK IN COLORADO Comedian, Man for Characters and Character Comedy to direct; Character Woman capable of playing Some Heavies, Scenic Artist, one who can build and paint scenery. One bill each week. Wantonly Seople of ability, experience. Must have one wardrobo and must be able to act. State full particulars rst letter. Send photos, will be returned, and lowest salary. Do not misrepresent. Address CHA8. MAN VIliliB, Prop, and Mgr., Sept. 80 and week, La Orosse, Kansat. "45 MINUTES FROM BROADWAY CHORUS MEN who can sing tenor up to "A;" CHORUS GIRLS who can sing and have good looks. No broilers. Send photos. Route: Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 26: Florence, 8. 0., 20; Sumter, 8. P., 2T; Darlington, S. C, 28; Winston-Salem, N. 0., 80, Oct, 1. BERT LEIGH. AT LXBElFrX HAL. H.-Charaoter Leads and Heavies. HYRTA, Second Bnslneas, Heavies, some Characters, Have wardrobe and ability. Stock and rop. managers write. Have a few good scripts. Join at once. Addre ss THE PLUMBS, Winchester, 111. "^WANTED, TO JOIN AT ONCE LEADING IN/IAN State ago. height, weight. Send photo, other nseful Repertoire People write. ... -, - BUCKINGHAM STOCK CO., week Sopt. 22, Chatham, N. Y.; week Sept. SO, Rhlncbock, N. »• FRANK E. LONG STOCK CO. JUVENILE WOMAN, capable of playing some Light Leads. Bonnie Beck, pleaso wire. PRANK B. LONG, Boone, la., week Sept. 30- COSTUMES WIGS SOUBRETTE DRESSES TIGHTS GOLD AND SILVER TRIMMINGS MAKE-UP Wri i.^.t°J r _ C " ta,0 ' iC,,e ' 80 Pnsres, COO HIn.trn.tlon.. «, FRITZ SCHOHLTZ & CO., ll> West Lake Bt. (Established 28 years), Chicane '»' Tor STREET and STAGE WEAR MADE TO ORDER FROM $5.00 TO $100.00 We specialise ln Stock Wig" THE WIGGER1 madison si. WIGS