The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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22 THE ILSTEW YORK CLIPPER. Septembkk 28 B.B.&B.SPECIAL THEATRICAL TRUNK G. H. MILKS, Pre.. I. FLCEGELMAN, Vice Pre.. M. II. SIIEKDT, Sec'y. BKW. 8. MOSS, Trea.. CONSOLIDATED BOOKING OFFICES, mo FIIZSERALD BUIL01H6, Bnalwif ail 431 Sired, lew Volt City Telephone.. 0*51-0459-5403-3)113 Bryant. orty W»»k8 BOOKINOForty Week CHICAGO OFFICES I 133 North Clark St. Phone, 1031 Randolph BOSTON OFFICES ■ 830 Tremont St. Phone, 9976 Oxford MILES CIRCUIT SIIEEOY CIRCUIT PLAYING THE BEST CUNNINGHAM-FLUEGELMAN CIRCUIT MOMS AND BRILL. CIRCUIT THEATRE BOOKING CORPORATION AFFILIATED VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT IN VAUDEVILLE, BEST House* BEST Treatment, BEST Engagement*. THE THE GREAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER, AND REVIEW 14 Leicester St., Leicester Square, London. W. C. FOREION SUBSCRIPTIONS, PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, New York Office: 86 Weit 25th Street 8a. 8d. PER YEAR - 2a. Cd„ Uncle Column Inch Telephone: 1772 Madison Square. Deaths in tb« Profession r I fOI IN Memory of myuusband, WILLIAM H. RYAN, who died, Sept. 6,1911. Gone but not forgotten, by tils wife, Annie Ryan UuglasB. I William T. Evana, who w Bnrrutm * Bailey Circus for rnnnt a side show attraction, died Sent home In Joplln, Mo. lie was r'v height and weighed oyer four tandn Ed. Davidson, formerly man, Robinson Crusoe Girls, died rocenh', nac, N. Y„ of tuberculosis. Be 1. by Vivian Davidson, who Is wltli n Go-ncranilors Co. Mny Ford, an actress, died In ' City Sept. 10. at the age of nftv-t Miss Ford had been retired from for several years. The burial was the Actors' Fund of America 'vilh ths :',"''' rs M • »t hfa 11 feet in ■'• imunds. wr w it h •" Snrn- ""nrlvotf '' Merry. ' York Je«rt. "" «t« ?c Mfle by 'All 24-In. 26-tn. 28-ln. 30-In. 82-ln. 841n. 80-ln. 88-ln. 40-ln. 42 In. LOOK AT THE PRICEI .$10.00 11.00 12.00 18.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 Bound with our New Cold- Rolled Steel Binding Three-ply B. B. & B. trunk wood, hand-riveted tipping tray. SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE,$5 deposit re. quired on C.O.D, shipments. B. B. & B. TRUNK FACTORY 41B Federal St., N. S. B88 Smithfleld St. 447 Wood St. Factoryi 82-40 Isabella St., N. S. PITTSBURGH, PA. B. B. & B. TRUNKS rpil!iPlfiiDr,i.M|rl]1!| I I 1 machine earned S10.8A0 In 2» works, 1001 1 machine earned 117,013 In 20 week*, 1005 1 mnchlne earned $10,002 In 25 werks, 1000 1 machine earned $10,017 In 27 weeks, 1007 1 mnrlilno earned $12,883 In 27 weeks, 1008 1 machine earned $I0KI2 In 25 weeks, I00B 1 machine earned (18,021 In 28 weeks, 1010 Above figures will be verified to prospective customers. Write for catalogue and prices to C. W. PARKER Lcsvenworth. Kit. Ean $35 to $500 Weekly. Study QTAI.F dancing a I HUB. SINGING Vaudeville Acts, Sketches, Drama, Hate-up, Plajwrltlng. Personal In- struction by phonograph at vour home If yon cannot come on to New York. Write for Illustrated booklet how 8,000 Undents succeeded. Bngagemonti guaranteed. Failure Impossible. Alliens Theatre School of Acting H3d St. and 8th Ave., New York -NEW- RATEB: 14.00 and up; With bath, $7.uo and up. PRANK HUNT, Prop. JACKSON BLVD. A IIAI.STKI) ST. CHICAGO rtWuRrilzEtf FREE . CATALOG Musical Instruments' 2821'flKes. 2T«1 Articlesdowrlbed. 788 lllu. Slrntlons. S7 Oolnr Plato*. Kvory Musical nstruDieilt. Huporli Quality. Lowest l'rU'CM. Easy Pnynumts. Mention iastni. meat you aro latert'Httxl In. Wo iuii|dy tbu II. 8. Gnvoramant. TIIK MUinmi W.IMTZKII CO. 6TI 1 4l»A... Ilnckurtl <4l V**"* »»-. 0**» JOSEPH NOUN'S SONS Successors to Joseph Nolan MANUFACTURERS Of Leotards, Tights, Shirts, Plo- ture Suits, Contortion, Bear and Monkey Suits, Paddings, Elastic Supporters, Pumps. Bend tor price list. 65 and OT Ellery St. Brooklyn, New York STALLMAN'B DRESSER TRUNK. Let our catalogue tell what an Improvement Ills. How easy to get at anything. How quickly packed. How use- ful In small room as chiffonier. Holds as much as a good box trunk. Costs no more, strong- est made; hand riveted. Bo good that we Bhlp It 0. O. D. subject to examination. Send to. stamp to-day for catalogue F.A.BTALLMAN.86 E. Spring St. COLUMBUS, O . SHORT VAMP SHOES FOR STAGE, STREET and EVENING WEAR SLIPPERS M &3&£ u Send ror our new catalog 8. of Shoes and Hosiery. mi our I ■ A|f'C SHOE VAMP Jfl UK O NHOI- 4U5 Sixth A v., bet. 21) .130 Sts. Tel. WW Mad. Sq. Combination Pralrlo Whittle. Yoac.almlt.ta any bird araalmal Anmi.H . your frl,ndi by msklnl thM UIIdts you Iras ■Y.atrUoQalat. TIib in.truaiant la concealed In v tha root at tha tsoulh kail dotation lalrapoaMbta. Uladtatarenear ImlutearuouieBn'l aealhem arab their iklruj sail climb .elialr. Il.iyi, If j..ullko ran, grluno. McalO/renta wlla lull dU action, mil our til. bargain catalog rut*. AadNM, twir.aeuppt,vco.,Ti»i h.watiw «t.. dccatur. hi. DC fill AllUJM theVaudevlUeStage. Most fascinating, pro(liable profession In the world. Experience unnecessary. I asBlBtyou to got an ttct and engagement. Mel bod endorsed by managers. Thirty years' experience. Instructive book FRKK for stamp. Frederic La Dolle, Sla. C, Jackson, Mich THEOLD RELIABLE* Planter oR BLAC K C & **■■;'CAPSULE'S iFonCATARRH & DISCHARGES! PLAYING THE BEST IN VATJDEVTLXE ULLIVAN and OONSIDINB OiRi iUIT GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE! Sullivan and Consldlne Bids., Third and Madlaon street*, SEATTLE, WASH. FRED. LINCOLN, . ■ GetLBlgr. GENERAL BOOKING OFFICE I 1440 Broadway, Cor. 40th Street, NEW YORK CITY. CHRIS O. BROWN, - - - Mgr. BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES ■ PAUL GOUDRON, 6 North Clark St, cor. Madison Chicago. 111.; MAURICE J. BURNS, 8d and Madison Sts., Seattle, Wash.; W. P. REB8B. 965 Market St, San Francisco. Cal.; B. OBERUAYKR, 16 Greene fit.. London, Hug. FIDELITY BOOKING OFFICES 531-9-3 Knickerbocker Theatre Bide., HO'* B* way. New York. Phone 0448 Greeley. Only "Inlunctlonlzed-Antl-'Copper 1 Circuit Agency." L. D. MACKINTOSH, Prop. THK EFFORTS OF WOULD BB AGENTS AND ALLEGED COMPETITORS TO INJURE US ACCOUNTS FOR THEIR DOWNFALL AND PROBABLY FOR A LITTLE OF OUR PHENOMENAL 80CCFSS. 1A Ifl/l'l'V FOR THOSE THAT I SPECIAL CLUB AND CABAKET DEPARTMENT W nattha make good we see: everybody HENRY BROWN AMUSEMENT EXCHANGE ROOM 408, 35 SO. DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, ILL. Can always nse Rooognlrod Vaudeville Acts of Every De.orlption. VAUDEVILLE ACTS WRITTEN TO ORDER AND LEASED ON SMALL WEEKLY ROYALTY. Have several high class Dramatic and Comedy Sketches for sale to Intelligent people on easy payments. No manuscripts submitted for perusal and no trust, PLAY DISTRIBUTING CO., Ghilds Bidg., I Old and Chestnut Sts., PHILA,, PA. ANGELL'S COMEDIANS WANTS AN SI GOOD ACTOR FOR GENERAL BUSINESS One that does specialties given preference. OTHER SOBER AND RELIABLE PEOPLE, WRITE. Address J. S. ANOKLL, (Juthrie Center, la,, week Sept. 23; Stuart, la., week Sept. 80. FOR THE OLD RELIABLE JESSIE COLTON GO. Ill Repertoire. LEADIN0 MAN. 0EN. BUSINESS MAN, WOMAN for CHARACTERS and GEN. BUSI- NESS, WOMAN for INGENUES and SOUilRElTES. Prefer those doing specialties. Stale lowest salary In llrst Idler. Week standi*. Pay own. State height, weight and age. All photos returned If requested. Rehearsals at Orion, III., Sept. 30. J. II. RICHARDSON, Mgr., Manllus, III., week of Sept. 16; Walnut, III., week of Sept. 2Ut Orion, 111., week of Sept. 30. Wanted, a GOOD CATCHER For Well-Known European Acrobatic Act Addresa CATCHER, Care of CUPPER 1000 PERFORMANCES IN THE EAST CHARLES TERRIS AND COMPANY IN HIS OWN COMEDY PLAYLET, WITH A MORAL THE PREACHER AND THE MAN Direction ED. F. KEALEY. SECOND YEAR. ISO PERFORMANCES IN NEW YORK CITY. Aro you in need of wardrobe for the stager We carry an Immense line of LADIBf EVENING, DINNER and RECEPTION GOWNS. Evening Coan and Capes, and a full line of Pur C^ats and Sets. Oentlemen's Sack, cutaway, Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits, Prince Alberta, and a full line of Overcoats In all weights, fur lined Coats, and everything pertaining to a lady or gentleman's wardrobe, suitable for stage or street wear. Call or write. We Bhlp goods, 0 0.:»., with privilege of examination. A doposlt of not less than $J required with all orders. MRS. L. SCHEUhH, VJS4-09O South Street, between Oth and 10th Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. --SCREAMS I—: 8 for 26c., or whole 24 Big Parody Riots, $1.60. Cash or M. O.; no stamps I Other material. Send for catalogues and enthUBlastlc testim onials. MARY E. P. THAYER, 2190 BROAD ST., PROV., R. 1. NEW YORK COSTUME CO. Send 3c. for Catalog C, 13* pages 140 N. Dearborn St., CfflCAGC COSTUMES FROM ONE TO ONE THOUSAND BROADWAY THEATRICAL COSTUME CO. m &^%W#tfiE2&7r ORIGINAL DE8IGN8 BY OUR OWN ARTI8T8 Burlesque Oratut a Specialty ESTIMATES FURNISHED PLAYS For STOCK, REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COMPANIES LARUE8T ASSORTMENT IN TUB WORLD. Books for norm amusement, Negro Plays, Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Jartey's Wai Works. Catalogue Freel Free I Free I SAMUEL FRENCH. 28 Weat 8Bth St., New York. OPERA HOUSE WANTED.—i want to rent at Opera House In a city not less than 50,000. It does not make any dlueronce to me what State the city Is In. Must be ground floor, and not seat less than 1,000. in giving description state exact Boating capacity and how arranged. Olve location, license and every detail In llrst lottor. I want to open the house Monday, Nov. 11.1912, and close May 14, 1013. Figure on lowest cash rental basis. I want the house ror Stock Co. Address DR. II. D. RUCKBR, HOTEL TULSA, TULSA, OKLAHOMA. SECOND HIND DOWNS, SOOBKETTE DRESSES, FURS ANDREWS 500 So. State St., Chicago STOCK PEOPLE-Wll! send goods on approbation. Look at Your Trunks Will they last out the season v Uefore yon go out, get prices on 145 XV. 46th STREET, TRUNKS San Francisco gH(|D ^ CATAIjOGIIB1 c , UlV^AgnS, nKiuaot. 'WILLIAM BAL, Inc. 102s.Mamst. NEW YORK CITY John M. Kenyon, who was well known as an actor, author and prodnccr, died In St. Louis, Mo., Sept G, from, acute gastritis. Mr. Kenyon had been feeling poorly for sev- eral days prior to his death, but It was not thought to be anything serious. At the time of bis death Mr. Kenyon was producer for the Atlas Motion Picture Co., of St. Louis, and he had also been identified with the Sellg Polyscope -Co., of Chicago. He was the author of numerous vaudeville playlets, songs and stories, and his pleasant personality had won him many friends In the profession. Be- sides the office staff of the Atlas Co., and friends he had made in St Louis, the follow- ing professionals were present at the funeral services held at Spclbrlnk's Chapel: Harry Farley, Curtis Coaksly, Randolph Orey, Leo Curley, Charles Martyne. Sydney Sheppard, Rnlph Nicklow. Carry Leland. Jnmes Mack. Sir. and Mrs. Dunning, Dorothy Orey, Flora Dorset, Dora Mitchell. Belle Barchus and Vivian Mayo. Many beautiful floral pieces were received, snd Interment was made in St. I'cter's Cemetery, St. LouiB. Marie La Salle HnninofT, an opera singer, and the wife of the Russian concert and theatre manager, died in a hospital in London England, Monday, Sept, 0, whero her husband is at present organizing an opera company. MUss Rablnoff was a native of BeRtrlcc, Neb., and until her marriage bad given promise of a notable career on the operatic stage. She was In Chicago when Bhe made the acquaintance of the mnnnger whom ihc subsequently married. He was a friend of Clno Centanlnl, the private secretary of (Hullo Oattl-Casazza, and through his Influ- ence Mrs. La Salle sang at the Metropolian Opera House. At this performance were Mrs. W. K. Vanderbllt and other ladles interested In the Metropolitan Opera House. They Im- mediately subscribed to a fund amounting to about 12,000, with which Mrs. La Salle was to go to Europe and study. She went to Lorn- bardl, In Florence, but stayed only a few wocks and returned to marry Max Rablnoff. She appeared occasionally In concert and opera, both here and In Europe. In Berlin she sang Gllda, In "Rlgoletto," with great surccsB. Her body will be brought to America and Interred at Beatrice, where some of her relatives still live. She was about ttventy- slx years old. Joseph Merry, for many years a door- keeper In Brooklyn theatres, died Sept. 13, after undergoing an operation in the Holy Family Hospital, in that city. Mr. Merry was In his seventy-sixth year, and was weil known throughout the profession. He was doorkeeper for Mrs. F. B. Conway's old Park Theatre, many years ago, and later went with Col. Sinn when ho took that theatre over. He was also connected with Col. Sinn, at the Montauk, and at the time of his death Mr. Merry was doorkeeper at the Academy of Music. He was born in New York City, and moved to Brooklyn at the age of forty. He Is survived by two daughters, Mrs, Ella Al- eukia and Mrs. Elizabeth Merry, and two sons, Charles H. and William L. His wife, who was Susan Klstner, died ten years ago. Mr. Merry was a member of Fort Greene Council, Royal Arcanum. Bnrnett N. Elmore, a retired theatrical manager, died at his home, 345 Rlvcrdnlc Avenue, YonkorB, N. Y., Sept. 13. Mr. El- more was born In London. He lived In Aus- tralia, for many years, and while thsro man- aged many stars. He was the New York representative of tho Globe Ticket Compnnv, of Philadelphia, for twentynfour years. He retired from active business four years ago, fallowing tho death of his wife. He Is sur- vived by a son, Elwood N., of New York City, and three daughters, all actresses. They arc Julia, Lena, known on the stage as Julln Mervllle, and Mrs. Frank Losce, whose Btage name Is Marlon Elmore. Mr. Elmore was In his eighty-third year. Carrie Meyera, at one time a well known dnnccr, died In tho city jail, In Chicago, Sept. 0. from the effects caused by constant use of opium. She was Identified by Charles Bell, who was a stage carpenter at the old People's Theatre, in Chlcngo, when Miss Meyers was at tho height of her popularity as a front row beauty of the "Black Crook" company. She was at one time a close friend of Lillian Thompson Jnncwny, second wife of the late Senator Thomas Piatt, of New York. Both were members of the "Black Crook" company nt tho time Senator Plntt saw the Janewny girl and foil In love with her. Miss Meyers had been a victim of the opium and cocaine habit for the past seven years. She wns thirty-nine years of age. William Marble, nn old time actor and manager, died from Brlgbt's dlseiiBo, Friday, S? pt ; J 3, SLSW S ' R ' 8mlth Hospital, at West New Brighton, Stntcn Island, N. V, Mr. Mnrblo went to ihc hospital from the Actors' fund Home June 28. He wob the son of the •"teNnnforth Marble, and was born Jan. 8, 1840, at Buffalo, N. Y. He had been with many of the most prominent stars. He mar- ried Ella Bloom, and witfi his wife had been a guest of the home since June 8, 1010. He la survived by his wife, a Bon, a brother und two Bisters. Funeral services were held nt Campbell's Chnpel. New York City, Sept. 1 7\ a P d '"torment ">adc In the Actors' Fund plot In Rvergrccn Cemetery, Brooklyn. Lou linviMiport (LouIb Cohen), who wits for many yenrs one of the Davenport Bros.' troupe of acrobats, with the Bnrnum & Bailey Urciis died Sept. 10, at his homo. 18L> Seventh Avenue, New York City. Mr. Daven- port hnd been In III health for the past three years with paralysis. He hnd been connected with the circus business for forty years be- ginning with P. T. Barnum In that Bhow- mnn s early days. He is survived by a widow and a son TIGHTS Complete l,| nc „, SILK WORSTED AND COTTON THEATRICAL TIGHTS Always on Hand Orders Filled THE BAXIOTS Promptly Cott&n Tights, very good quality, n pr. s m Worsted lights, medium weight, a i\r 2no Worsted Tights, heavy weight, a nr SS Silk Plaited Tights (Imported), a nr tin Silk Tights, Heavy weight, a pr?.. " u on Pure siik Tights.....:...:..;:::. ■ l™ Shirt to Match, same price as Tlgiits CUPPER CATALOGUE FREE ON APPLICATIOH BERNARD MANDL 210-212 W. MADISON STREET CHICAGO Telephone Bryant sou Eaves Costume Co. Manufacturer, of Theatrical COSTUMES and UNIFORMS Of Every Description 226 West 41st Street, One Block West of Broadway NEW YORK SPANGLES, f 1.00 PER POUND GOLD OR SILVER Cotton TIghta, pair $1.00 Worsted Tights, pair 2.00 Plaited Silk Tight., pair 2.28 Best Silk TIghta J aM 0 inch cotton topaf *' w LIVING PICTURE SUITS Calf, Thigh and Hip Paddings. Gold and Silver Trlmmlngi. Send deposit and route with order. THE BOSTON REGALIA CO.. 887 Washington St. Boston, Mass. BRANDO The Handcuff Kind, •W l*arUai Traaepeft Cl. br*l Mtaaa I •»•' •*»'* *••■"'' SECRET cmogoe 1A T SEE FOR YOURSELF IV USED MOVING PICTURE MACHINES bought and Bold on 10 per cent, basis; Htar Pin or Sprocket Wheels, 86c: Main Shaft use; Intermittent Shaft, 650.; Roll Tickets, oc. per 1,000; Condensers, 40c.; 60 Carbons, (l.oo; Aro Lamp, S2.2&: Stereoptlcona, $12.00; Calcium' Jet, 12.24; Film lc. a foot, any length; Acetylene Jeta, $2.60; Heavy Condenser Mounts, $1.10; Ahbestns Wire, 6c. porfoot; Wire Connector, 6c. Hundreds of other bargains. (Catalogue'. L. HETZ, 30a E. aW Street, New York City. FHOLTON'S HARMONY HINTS P An Illustrated magazine, containing many f R articles of Interest to musicians and full _ descriptions of Bolton Band Instruments. D OUR BIQ BARGAIN LIST '' OCR BIO BAHQAIN LIST A Instruments shows m Terms cash pr Install- p payment of seoond-hand band Instruments shows i excellent bargains. Terms cash or Install- ment. Old Instruments accepted as part l PMANK HOLTO* At CO. E jjSf Gladys Avenue. Chicago ** Mrn. Loretta Lncllle Dnrlcy, formerly n actress, and the wife of Herbert Darley, f Maiden, Mass., died suddenly Sept. 13, ngnd twenty-nine yenrs. She was born In r^f y ,& rk » ty «. a r d wns ""> laughter of meSV m,'; » P" 1 ""' at , tue Fire Depnrt- mo ".n.i M £?' Darlc y, wns with Blanche Walsh, St/53 "M'nwtlon," from 1807 to 1000 and hnd n so played In other companies. "Bunk" Allen (Henry E. Alfolt). a well m. ? a .iS 1 " lrnc . tcl " J. n . thc cfrc " 8 world' died at nl » rosldence In Chicago, Saturday, Sept. 14, n S aH n n r, . y h" ,o r^, nrs ' JS I""". Willi John SgS it 10 had t L ,c , P rlv "C8C8 with llto Sells kOraySliowi, and later was associate owner n the ??! mgcr Bro "-' w "' 1 West, and, with George Little and Danny Robinson, cxplolcd the famous Robinson Shows. Interment wis %lr. nt »& il° m Z Cemetery. IncillcaZ Mr*. Mnrlu Ue Cockevlllc Snlvntfl, wiw was a well known concert singer m»r „ g „, dtal rwenUy „, i 1Pr gj**iMSa Stth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.. Hired slxtv- nlne years. Her husband I'etcr Snivntll, was a member of tlie choir of St. Loo's Chi rcl In 'lwcnty-clglith Street, for Uftecn yc» b, LUCY GOODMAN SECOND-HAND GOWNS CVSNING GO-WNS, BTRBBT DBK8SBI OPERA COATS, FURS, ETC. SMI 8. State St. 'Phone Oal. 1288 CHIOAO O Fine Magical Apparatus ILMTSPONS, TRICKS. BJ6 Grand End of IViilnry. Dilly lllnttrnlcd. BOOK CATA- LOUUE, SBC., free BJ .BjaB Catalogue of Parlor Irk** free. MARTINKA & CO., Mtrs., 403 Slxlh ArftjjtL vviNltl.KH, Room 31, Grand Opera House Bldg., Chicago, Ills. . SOHG WRITERS-Turn Your Songs INTO MONEY. BEST PROPOSITION. Write PROGRESS PUBLISHING CO>. Dept. *7, St. Lonls. Mo . . H. Y. PLAY BUREAU is now located at I'remonl PLAYS Thentro, Now York. Qot New Ciitiiliifnc^ Song Poems Wanted CASH OR ROYALTY TO YOC. AGENTS«'JffiSS KCROCHPUIILICATIONS. NEEDHAfl .If" 1 HOUSE, 47-5, St. Louis, Mo. VAN FLEET *sQ .IINTEAJ 4T WEST 28th ITBEBT, NEW *•"**