The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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September 28 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 23 Maud Lamberts NewWalti-5oi\$"HIT! WHEN I NET YOU UST NIGHT in DREAMLAND BOnSLRimWHISON MuacbvW.R.WILUANS Writers oF'Meer ME TO-NIGHT IN DREA/ALANP " tnd to Love to Live in lov£land».^. etc. NB.TMsf5the NEW"DREAMLAND" Sono; H*e/re dll "favirvS" about Dortb'.MIss It ! LEE WHITE AND CEO PERRYS BIG "HIT" TEXAS PRANCE IALLICATOR SLIDE HERElS ANOTHER. "HIT" SONG BY JACK COOGAN aad NORMA GRAY FINE. FOR'SINGte'OR "OOUBLE'ACT. JUST BACK TO SEE MY FOLKS IN SUNNY TENNESSEE ^JS^a THE OVERNIGHT HIT'by 5HELT0N BROOKS THE MMI WHO WROTE "SOME • OF THCSe DAYS" ALL NIGHT LO QMERA 1" Now Featured by the . Champion Texas Tommy Dancers J in "THE MODERN EVE" CO. PROF. COPIES FREE II X ILL R05SITER THE CHICAGO publisher IMIMffllMll OR LEO WOOD N.V. SELLING A6ENT. 1367 BROAD WAV. NEW YORK CARL KETTLLR, Fres. and Treas. HERBERT KETTLER, Secy CARL KETTLER WIG CO. SUCCESSOR TO WM. HEPNEB WIG 00. FACE POWDKiiu For 80 Years America'! wioh GRBABB PAINTS _,._ HuPS^wr-Bcna BEARDS cosmetics WIG MAKiLiKo toupees Write for Illustrated Catalog E—nest Issued in thU country STAGE MAKE-UP IVIgi rented for all occasions it SHORT vaup SHOES (Trade Mark) Mr. Oarl Kettler gives bis personal supervision to tbe minutes dotal of all orders, whether large or Bniall. BEACHEY A LAWLER BDILDINO N. W. Cor. Washington and Dearborn Sts. 56 WEST WASHINGTON STREET - ■ CHICAGO. ILL. For STAGE, STREET & EVENING 'f/ft (Now Catalog on Request) S4W.31jtSt.,BctB , way4»thATe.l N Y c B'way, at 45th Si, OmrchuTsBlock f "' '**" TOUPEES, FOR STAGE and STREET OSCAR F. BERNNER 105 WKHT 4T«li STIIEET. NEW YORK CITY, Near Oth Ave. LEIOUNER'S GREASE PAINTS, POWDERS, ROO0H8, ETC. TRICKS! TRICKST "TRICKS t ■w Beat assortment of Tricks, Jokes and Novelties In the world. Send 2c. stamp for Illustrated catalogue ?.V^ nK STBEET. r* * CVT QMAN 110 STATE 8TRBET (Main store). Kt. J. J* ±LJ_i01VLrtJ.N (Palmer House Lobby). SSSUSSF* II Electric Stage Lighting y**lA*lUM APPARATD8 FOR SALE OR RENT UGHT CO. J 410 BLEECEER ST., I. Y. PH08E 674 CHELSEA -Back of the NAME ^BESTTl^MvmBUlL r K TOM LEWIS Starring In "Yankee Prince," says: Taylor Trunk for me every time; I've tried tbom all, I know. REND FOR CATALOGUE. C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS CHICAGO) 35 E. Randolph St NEW YORK: 131 W. 38th St. lirflQHIflHflRADE IILUO MAKE-UP "Not How Cheap but How Good" Sold by landing Druggists, (Jnitnmeri, Hair Stores Md 0«pt. gtore* t AGfiAGCf tS^ ONLY ONE BEST! The EMERGENCY Steel Clad Fibre or Canvas Covered Profusions! Trunk. Absolutely Guaranteed Our Steel Clad XXX TK Strongeat In tbe land M . .$10 ' M . . li It's not the price that's high- lit '. '. la bat the quality ♦o .'. 14 J Wardrobe, BUI and Fibre Trunks of all makes, new and second band, at attractivej , prices, always on band. Special Slies of Tranka or Cases made to order. Repairing done. No disappointments—prompt service. 'PUONE 8TCYVE8ANT 0H4. EMERGENCY BA66A6E aid REPAIR GO. 25 EAST 14th ST., N. Y. CITY (NEAR B'WAY.) BRANCIIi Oth AVE., Cor. 10th ST, IlIlANCIli nth AVE., Cor. Mat ST MEDICINE HEN. AGENTS, AND HTHEBTHBN. ELECTRIC BELTS VOLTAIC ELECTRIC INSOLES ANU INHALERS are goods that sell and pay the Mr profits. Just what you aro looking for. Send 16c, tor samp o E|Cctrlc Itclt or pair i of.ItiBoloB and got complete prko list and loci lire from the largoxl. cnlabilsliment of Its kind In the U. H. Hells, *l.lo do/,, up; Inaoles, W>o. dozen k pairs up: inhalers, eve. do/,, up. Fast seller, big prollts, ISend to-day. iKstb. 1H7M.> Inc. lw>l.) •7 m // - ,^an*-^a**v ■' ^F v <• 0 c o C • THE ELEGTRIG APPLIANCE CO., Burlington, Kan. CENTRAL TRUNKS 26ln., $8.60; 28lo., 10.50; 82ln„ $10.50; BOln., $11.60; 401n., $18.00. Circus Trunks, 24x18x18, S8.00. BUI Trunks, 80x28x16, Inside, $12.00. Lltbo. Trunks, 42tyx2SMxl2, Inside, $16.00. Shinned on receipt of $8.00, bal. C. 0. D., except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Est. 1804, SIMONS & CO., S. W. cor, 7th A Arch Sts., Phlla. WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC And the Latest and Moat Popular Stylet In Ladles' Hilr Drtulni A. M. BUCH & CO. 119 N. Ninth Street - - - Philadelphia