The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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2 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. OCTOBEK RUNAWAY YEAR HARRY VON TILZER RUNAWAY YEAR SOMEBODY ELSE IS CETTINC JT *^^^S^aP" THE GIRL BEHIND THE MAN^^K^WU^ THE OH08T OF_ THE GOBLIN MAI^^iaanffiH 1 I'iTl^Jt. right on the moon u^^msm^m I'D DO AS MUCH FOR YOU ^WffMXr 1 • FJKTIAX HO'i'ICJS. •■■" "OHrXSTICI* WII.I. BK AT OCH CIIICAOO OFFIPM rOK TJIK SWT FOl'R WKKI, «RA»D Or»R» HOOI1 ■!.!>•. HARRY VON TILZER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., 125 West 43d Street, New York YIDDISH THEATRE NEWS. BT KUW1N A. UBLK1N. A combination has bcco formed combining the Kessler'Second Avenue Theatre, the Peo- ple's Theatre and the New National Theatre, and Includes the best talent of the Yiddish stage, the three stirs. Bores Tbomnshcfsky, David Kesalor and Jacob I*. Adler. There are five partners In this, namely, Bores Tboma- shefsky, David Kesslcr, Jacob P. Adler, and the well known Jewish theatrical managers, Joseph Edelstcln and Mai it. Wllnor. This is what Is called the Yiddish theatrical trust. In the company they have engaged besides the three stars, they have I-con Blank, Ber- nard Bernstein, K. Juvellcr, 8. UosenHteln, Samuel S. Schnler, Malvlna Lobcl, Rosa Karp, Celia Adler, Frances Adler and many others —in fact, they have the largest and best company that lias ever been put together. The New Adlei^Tbomaslicf.Hky National The- atre, on Houston Street and Second Avenue, opened lu a blaxo of glory on Tuesday night, Sept. 24. The house was taxed to its ca- pacity, besides there were many people stand- ing. On this occasion Borca Thoinashefsky appeared in three acts of "Blind Love," by '/, i.luln; Jacob P. Adler Ml »cca as Shy- lock, in the last, act of "The Merchant of Venice," and David Kesslcr was accn as Hchlomelo Charlatan, In the second act of the play bearing that name. This home has about 1,700 seats, and was built by Louis Mlnnky arid Max D. Stuuer. It is a beautiful theatre, wltb beautiful decorations, a roomy lobby and un imposing front on Houston Street, facing Second Avenue. The regular season there was opened on Wcdnesdoy night. Sent. 25, with "The, Jewish Crown," by Boies ThomoBliefsky. with Mr. Thomaslicfaky. Hosn Karp and Leon Blank In the leading roles. Kcsslcr'a Second Avenuo Theatre produced "ller Confession," by J. Latclner, which S roved a lilg success, with David Kcssler and lalvlua l.oliol In the leading parts. At the lilnzln Theatre, "Loving Hearts' was Been, with Mmc. Kenny Llnzln Ellas Ilothstcln and Jacob Cono in too leading parts. The npponrnnco of Bessie Thomashcfsky Is anxlous:y awaited. She has Just returned from her vacation abroad and Is already an- nounced to appear at the new Adlcr-Thomn- ahefaky Kntlonul Theatre. The stock companies appearing at Balti- more, Toronto and Montreal report fair business. - . ' -,.i - 1 , a] i» AI.'KIX'K NEW nit. \ riti:. The new Hlppodroiuc Theatre, at Alton, III., wus formally opened Monday evening, Sept. 23, \V. M. Snuvugc, sole owner and manager, has leased the McPIko property on the corner of Second and 1'lusa streets, and has built one' of tbe prettiest houses in the State. The playhouse, rebuilt by Frank Cox, of Chicago. Includes a balcony, two boxes and, with tbe lower floor, has a seating ca- of 1,200. The stage measurea 54 by NOW READY! THE ^CLIPPER RED BOOK AND DATE BOOK WOIT 3»»eon 1912-1913 It contains the names and addresses of Man- agers, Vaudeville and Dramatic Agents In New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh. San Francisco, Canada, London; Music Publishers; Railroad Agents; The- atrical Clubs and Societies; T. M. A. Head- quarters • Railroad and Steamship Lines, etc., and other information. Sent only on receipt of 10 cents (stamps or coin), accompanied by a coupon cut from THE NEW YOUK CLIPPER. IIAMMERSTEIN OPERA PLANS. Oscar Hnramersteln announced on Sept. 26 that he expected to build a $750,000 opera house In Washington. He said he though u Washington could have Its own opera late In 1018. "I have practically closed contracts for opera houses In six cities," he said. 'The city furnishes the ground nnd meets pari of the cost of building tbe house." LOUISE LB IlAnON AS ALAN-A-DALE. Xoulse I.e Baron will alternate in the role of Alan-a-Dale, In "Robin Hood." Miss Le Baron sang this role 'with the Bostonlans. «. » S. A C. MOVING DAY. The Sulllvan-Consldlne offices are now lo- cated In the Heidelberg Building, Broadway and Forty-second Street, New York. paclty 32 feel 32 feet, and the lobby 54 by 12 feet. The aconcry and curtains were painted by Eugene Cox and staff, of Chicago, as were tho beau- tiful interior decorations. The cutlrc ex- terior 1b enameled white, and.the baso sur- rounded with marble slabs tan feet from the ground. The playhouse was opened with addresses by Mayor Fqulsticll,.0. II. Mussel', secretary of the Board of Trade; W. II. Jocst- lng, ot the Retail Merchants ; Manager Sau- vagc. and Frank Cox, the builder. Many floral tributes were received by Mr. Sauvagc. The new house will be devoted to vaudeville nnd moving pictures. The opening bill In- cluded : Walter Pcrclvul and company, In "The Choice;" Carlettn, and four reels of plcturcB. ; 1 4—+ 1 "MILESTONES" IN SEVEN CITIES. Alice Kausor, reprcsntlng Arnold Bennett and Edwnrd Knoblauch has arranged with the management of the Magyar Stln'iaz ('Hungarian Theatre), Budapest, for the presentation of "Milestones" there within blx weeks. Negotiations are nlso In progress by Miss Kausor for the production of the play ' in Berlin, Vienna and Paris. Thin will give "Milestones" the unique distinction of being produced slmultancouBly this Winter In seven cities of the world—London, Parle. Berlin, Vlonno, Budapest, New York and Chicago. > i I KVllLE Dlil.LEW'S ESTATE. The report of the appraisal of the estate pf Harold Kyilc. Money Ilcllew, the actor, better known as Kyrlo Bellow, was fll^d Sept. 25, In the Surrogate's office. to Ky » e ,5S l J cw .. alcd ln Sa!t «*» City on .. 0 ».»i\.i 0 "*, 1,w , nPt ra,a;c w " 8 appraised it J3.G42, and consisted of personalty. ; ♦*+ LOOKING AHEAD. Herbert Yost bns'bcen engaged for next r? 8 V!! .f. or H 16 P'lndPOl role In a new play by Philip Bartholomao, author of "Little Miss Brown." Mr. Bartholomao expects to go Into management on his own account next year. NOTICE. - HALF TONE PICTURES In the read- loan-ted at Iheae prloeai ■T' 0 "* faff «■« §65.00 2sSSf JW mmm #10.00 "ia«U Oelasaa - FRANK QUEEN PUB. CO, LTD. Publishers THE NEW YORK CLIPPER ALBERT I, ROME, Managing Editor 41 W. S8th STREET, NEW YORK COT OUT ANU send This Coupon and Ten Cents for a copv of THE CLIPPER RED BOOK AND DATE BOOK (I'm- 191'MVllli To THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 47 West UHtli si..■„!. New York —g i ..j. ■ i SHUBERT HEADQUARTERS IN BOSTON. A. Toxcn Worm, of the Shubcrt olBces, will establish a special New England head- quarters for the Shubcrt enterprises ln that section. Gertrude Hoffmann, In her new ri'i'iir. will open in Boston on Oct 7, to be followed, at the Shubert Theatre, by Gaby Ucslys. In "Vera Vloletta." +-+ linn I illTV A MINSTREL. Jim Doherty, last season with T. W. Dln- klns' Tiger L'llcs Co., Is this season working an "end" with George (Honey Boy) Evans* Minstrel company, and Is meeting with suc- cess. FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN, Leading man of Essanay'a Eastern Stock Co., and one of the handsomest, most popular and versatile actors In the film game. OUR. BURI/^SQUURS. NOTES FROM SO NGLARD. WILL ROSSITICR GOSSIP. "All Night Long," Sbeltou Brooks' latest crea- tion, la now ibe big song sensation In Chicago, nnd Is fust spreading to other parts of the coun- try. Al. Jolson is In "Tlic Whirl of Society," Lyric, Chicago, nnd It Is proving a tre- oicndouB hit for aim. Tito Twin Olty Quartette, now on I'antagvs' time, feature "All Night Long," and use for Uiolr closing song, "I'm doing to Take the First u.-imm and Elliott are singing teveral W. R. mimbei» to excellent advantage, featuring "You'll Ncyer Know tie Good Fellow I've Been" and "Oh, You Georgia Rose." Mao Curtis Is showing a new "single," exploit- ing exclusively W. U. songs. Her particular future la "Wlwn I Met You List Night In Dream- m. 0 .?" . Han \»;y has an original version of "All Night Lour." which he declares the best encore getter tie has used In years. The Monnon-Dlggs Trio are singing "I'm Qolna to Take tho First Train" and "T.ias Prnnec " niu! pronounce them both much to their llklns l A 4 l u N1 ? ,lt - l/ " lg ',' wln •* featured by Manny and Rcberts, formerly of the Arlington Four nnd now one of the teason's hits as a team. Vlrglula Gnat reports excellent results with !?!^^jE OiW.U j1 Night in DrenmlaT, " anil "Oli You Qeorgta R«o," week of Sent in American Music Hau, New York. ' ' ^•rie^Tlieri^'oh'.c.^"'" W SBSfWS Itelnle DiitIcs la featuring "When I Met You Lout Mght ln Dreamland" among Chlcnito'B otit- l.Wng theatres, where she Is tbe lopllne attraction. 7 T .1; xa ' Prance" has been selected br Meeker art. ^Vho r '.'mor <!l< * , "" : "*""** "" tMt ™' Harry Hlnes has a new "single." and will own on tbe Inter-State time early li October «w. Molting; n » W. R. repertoire, consisting of "b" Olrcu, Day, • '-I'm doing to Tnko the Train Back gir'nose." N eht Lon8 '" "" ll "°"' Yott «» 1. CORINNB 1)1; FOREST, Moulin Ronae Co. 2. HAZEL FORD, Auto Garla Co. B. "JACK" IIVULM. Amrrlcnna. 4. KOBNB FROM MISS NSW YORK JR. JOS. W. STERN NOTES. "The Hurly Burly" anil "Dsrgler's Show" are S ,ln ?. .™ A ^_ BoTo1 '' 8w «' M«"." "Rsggrd? "%!.. ^ bway . a ¥"" idU " In «'* Gtoailng;" OfClle Darnel e, yrlc soprano, Is alnging "When S, *,f low _ WBO " lonesome Mf.-ta a Olrl Who's Feeling Bine." Mis. Darnello state, that the '""!?. 5 °^',S t ae be » t I hOT repertoire" <.^? c ^!! 8, » Ibe f« 5,"..selected onr novelty song, U«le.^° ' *" " Au BeTolr . 8"<*t Stella Blanchard Is rendering oar lnteat high class wolU number. "By tbe Druid'a Altar." and "la the GloarnW' ball«L which sis iJrlagtai her many encores. urm«ui« The Qlbaoo Sisters are nslag ail of Stem's hits JEROME A SCHWARTZ NOTES. Tho Busch-Da Vere Trio arc nuttlnu mtr "Ereryonc lii Town Likes Mary," with great Buc oess In the leading vauderltlo bouses. Oaulfleld and Driver, noted for their remtiiKin of Irish songs, are making a hit with "1 Lo» to Hear nn Irish Band." ""• Forty-sixth Street has sdded a new member to Its music publishing colony with the of tbe Jerome A Schwartx Publishing Co. who liit week moved their publishing house to 222 w! forty-sixth Street, directly opposite J. H. Re?. Ick It Oo.'b new building. Jerome A MnuE want all their friends to visit them at their new snd larger quarters. Some of their most nonu- ! ttr . n . l r m .^T' : . AT* "Rwtlme Eyes," "in lUlo SjlSSil.. TSSf P 0 ™' 0 "" 1 Quartette," "Bum, Ttait Ttilille." "Tlist Haunting Melody," "I Lm to Hear an Irish Band." "String s Ring of Row. 'Round Your Rosle." • ^^^ Two big fentures of the Tiger Lilies a>. are the rendition of "String a Bin, of Hoses 'Round \our RobIc," by Mono Raymond, nnd "If It Wnin't for the Irish anil the Jew.." » J, ,, . vfnnedy Both thc»e songs are creating a sen!., lion with tho Inrgc audiences that frequent lite varlcus Louses this production plays In »"JK* 1 9SRr JSS c 2*.*I ly ' .'•ailing comeillans of .Pf , a l tl J rn " a . B ''»*ton" Co.. are nmklng a i£ cl *i/?? t SJ e SJ J ne Jeron,c * Schw.riz num- ber, "If It Waan't for the Irish anil tbe Jews." ■ l.i:iillll:it PICKS ROSSITER. Ocorgp W. Lederer, the magnate of New York Cuslno fame, has Just disposed of a difficult prob- lem, and glv«n new evidence of his keen Iiiuk- aient nnd msnngerlal sagacity In things tueuirl- "°»V . Mr ' «C**fli* "* executive of the dve .Mailnrac Sheny" companies, was culled iiinn to tel«t two new songs to replace the In or- nobtod numbers In "Madame Sherry." Mr M. illrtcjors, aftor reviewing several bales of inonn- script, determined on "Oh I Yoa Circus Day," i,r I'lelils big show, "Hanky Tanky," now at lli» .uTihS ****tJ**. »8* «>'d s rollicking new Irish song, "Where's Kitty O'Brien?" Tlic ■ hi'rry oornpanlee have been on tour for about *lt &? •■i,i?".', 1 "'«.' w o »ew numbers are the genu- nie hit." of the performances. •%,iil„ m lerCT . h ?" asstalned his reputation as a ■ "\ A., nn(1 „'?„ wnsenuence, Will Rossller, rue Chicago Publisher," who own. both Boiiga, Is well contented with the situation. 1 » .,.i A ^1?" T .y°i! V hzm Z '» • director In the Orlcn- at A^rfffiS ,n Jo.*- w " lc " w " '" k.'l 0 !.*• } l0 * m Z D,u a'" "a the title of o song which .,?.?„ ni e (,u !i e ". Bu ccess wherever It bus been sung. The-author 1» F. M. Collier. THE BROOKLYN INSTITUTE. The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, at tho Academy of Music Building, Brooklyn, f>. Y., hag opened the neasoii. The attrac- tions and coursi'B for the season are ss fol- lows: Special Illustrated lectures by Burton lloluies. D. L. Elmendorf, E. M. Newman, Herbert W. Glcaeon, Nox McCain and otherB. Iwcnty.four dramatic readings, by Mrs. Bertha Kunz Baker, Alice Chapman, Beatrice •H*™™. Prank Spealght and others. Five philharmonic concerts, by the Boston Sym- phony Orchestra. Five Saturday matinee concerts, by the New York Symphony Or- chestra. Five aong recitals, by Mme. Sehu- mann-HcInk, Mine. Lo U | ge Homer and others. Five Chamber music concerts, by the Flon- xnlev and other quartettes. Five piano re- citnla and five violin recitals, by leading ar- tists. Six trio concerts, by the Philharmonic Trio. Thirty-sir lecture recitals, In series of six recitals each. Three hundred and fifty lectures on the arts and sciences and sub- jects of popular Interest, In aeries of six to eight lectures. Twenty-four courses of In- struction (thirty weeka) for teachers. Twenty courses of instruction (ten, fifteen, twenty or thirty weeks). Department meeting* and conferences, Held meetings and excursions, Chess Club and social meetings, collections in the arts and sciences, laboratory Instruc- tion. I'EALSON, GOLDIE AND HILL, Singing the F, B. Huvllnnd song success*- ELSIE FERGUSON RETURNS. Elsie Ferguson, who is to appear ln l'' ri |P* Lehar's "Eva," returned Sept 26 on lbs Olympic from Parts, where ehe has Dew studying since last May, getting ready <" the play. 4 »» MAUDE ADAMS LEASES HOUSES. Mooyer * Maraton have leased for Maud* Adams, for a term of twenty-one /«"!*', renewals, 22 and 24 Bait Forhr-flrat Street, two Ave story dwellings, on plot 26x10°.