The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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8 fHE NEW YORK CLIPPER. October 5 I^OCAt OFFERINGS OF THE> W&T&IS: AT *rn:B VAUDEVII/l^B' AND DRAMATIO HOUSBS "OHI OHl DELPEINE." Knickerbocker (Harry 0. Sommen, mgr.) — OH! Ohl Delphlne, a musical comedy In tbrec acta, founded on Georges Berr and Marcel auilletnaud's French farce, "Villa Primrose," book and lyric* by C M. S. Mc- LellaD, music by Ivan Carrll, produced Mon- day night, Kept. 30, by Klaw * Erlanger, with this cast: Colonel l'omponnct Frank Doanc Fernande Mlsa Uentoa Blum U. Clcnnett Glass A Hall Porter Jobti Fairbanks Victor Jollbeau Scott Welsh Jacqueline Florence Geneva Tutu. iDolly Alwin Antoinette Edythe Taylor Amandine May Day Lulu Dorothy (Julncttc Dlatlnguette Eunice Mackay Louis (ilgoux George 'Stuart Christie AlphoDie UOuchotte .... .Frank Mclntyre Delphlne Grace Edmund Flnette Mildred Manning Blmboula OctavU Broske Uncle Keel Jollbeau George A. IScane I'luchard. Alfred Fisher Shnonc. Stella Iloban Madame Bax ....Helen Br""'—>nd> The story tells of the search o! Victor Jollbeau, an artist, for a model for the left shoulder of a Venui be t> painting. He and Alphonse Bonchotte have exchanged wives by way of the divorce court. Delphlne leads Alplionae a merry chase, white Hlmcme bores Victor. The husbands are called to the colors to serve a month with tbelr regiment at Brest. Victor takes wltb him his six models for his Venus, while Delphlne accom- panies her husband. Victor has kept his di- vorce from his uncle, who bai been suoply- Ing him with fundi because of his fondness for Delphlne. Alphonse, alarmed by the at- tentions paid to his wife by his colonel, Introduces Blmboula, a I'erstan rag seller, as his wife, and makes Delphlne promise that she will remain In her room daring their stay in Brest. Victor, learning that bis uncle Is In Brest to rent his villa to Fleu- rctie (,'harmlneuse, a Maxim girl, gets Del- phlne to pose as his wife for the afternoon. Alphonse has to agree or reveal the deception that he has practlted on the colonel. The uncle insists that Victor and Delphlne take ibe Villa Primrose for their stay In Brest. Alphonse objects, bat as the colonel learns he haa deceived htm, and as Victor will be- come an officer in the regiment In which he Is only a private, be submits to the arrange- ment, which Is to last until the uncle lenves. After many amusing complications, during which Hlmone appears, Victor and Bouchotte and Delphlne ana Slmone make the discovery that they have all made a mistake, and de- cide that by the aid of the divorce courts they will return to tbelr former relationship*. In writing the book of "Obi Oh! Del- phlne," Mr. McLellan hns accomplished a tusk rarely achieved by an anlhor using a French work for his foundation. He lias t imod out a booh that bubbles" over wltb f in from start to finish, giving It a dash of (. jlllc flavor, and yet made II so dean and wholesome that the most captious prude could And no ground for complaint. The situations are screamingly funny, and the lines arc bright. The lyrics are capital, and I lie musical numbers are catchy. Tbe staging of the work, by Herbert Urcxhnm, puts another feather In the cap of that clever stage director, and the ensembles are la the beat style of Julian Mitchell, which means that they are toe beat to be had. The costumes worn by tbe chorus are a symphony of color, and the. three scenes used arc fine specimens of tbe scenic paint- er's art. The cast Is exceptionally gold, and each member of It aided In making the perform- ance one of tbe best we have seen for some rime. Ringing honors ware earned by Ortavla Broake, whose vocal efforts In two duets. "Allaballa Goo-Goo" and "The Venus Walts,' proved her not only to possess a soprano voice of line quality, bat showed Hint ahe knows bow to sing. As an actress she also won distinction. The role of Blmboula la a difficult one, requiring ejnaMcrnble panto- mimic work, bpt Hiss Broake was fully equal to the emergency. She gave the char- acter the Oriental coloring consistent with the author's drawing, and rally deserved the recognition given her. In the last named number she and Mr. Welsh earned the half n dozen recalls they received. Scott Welsh both sang and acted his role well. While Mr. Welsh does not possess a voice of much range, It Is of very fair qual- ity, and he knows how to got tbe most oat of It. His phrasing Is excellent, and his recourse to falsetto for hla high tones Is done as only a clever artist can. Frank Mclntyre, who now makes bis first dash Into musical comedy, Is the aame capi- tal comedian he always was. The four songs in which he takes part are all good, but he probably gets the most out of ''Everything's At nome Except Your Wife" nnd "Oh 1 Oh l Delphlne," both of which won him more re- peats than one could keen track of. Grace l'.dmond sang and acted the role of Delphlne In a manner thnt earned her the approbation of the audience. Btolln Hoban met with success as Sluiono. Her voice Is very thin, bat her clever acting won her mnch favor. Frank Doane was excellent as Colonel Pomponnet, and hla rendition of "Please Turn Your Hacks," aa well as his work In "Allaballa Goo-Goo," won him crent favor. George A. Reane was cnpttal ns Uncle Noel, and the other members were all good. The chorus numbers were up to the hen Hiiindni-ii and showed the flue drilling they had received. "Oh I Oh I Delphlne" Is a riot of Inn, melody and color, a credit to tbe prodi- gality of Messrs. Klaw k Erlanger, and a triumph for all concerned In Its production. Whit s llnilnou (Henry B. Harris, mgr.)—Rob- ert I.ornlne and a London company appeared Mondny night. Sept SO, In a revival of Unn and Cupcrman, under the management of the Lleblcr Co. The cast; Roebuck Ramsdcn Sydney Valentino Parlor Maid Marguerite Uuett Octavlns Robluaou Alfred Hickman John Tanner Hobert Loralne hias Ann Whlteneld Mat Itlnynev Mra. Wnltefleld Kthcl Marrynt Miss Hunan ltamadeu May Scion Miss Violet Robinson Mabel Lovo Henry Htraker A. P. Kaye Hector Malone Jr T. A. Shannon Hector Malone Sr G. W. Anson s i Gcranaaa Theatre (Dr. Maurice Bawn- feld, mgr.)—This house opened the season Sept. 2(1. with Dej Uteres and ier Licbe Welle* ("Hero and Leander") with the following cast: Hfra.. Boa* Llchtenstem pberprlester. Betnrich Marlow Leander Max Juergens Naukleros Otto Btockl Janthe Konstanse von fteckendorf Tcinpelbiiter August UayeMCIgen Herns Vnter Ernst Robert Hero's Mutter Georgia* von Neuendorf F.ln Sklave Lome Pratortus "Die Fuenf Frankfurter" ("Tbe Five Frankforters") was announced for Oct. 1. Circle.—Vaudeville and pictures. "A SCRAPE Or THE PER." Weber's (Joseph M. Weber, mgr.)—A Scrape o' the Pen. a three act Scottish play by Graham Moffat, produced Thursday even- ing, Sept. 20, under tbe direction of Weber It Fields, with this cast: Epplc Olljphant Inglis Milllccnt Evans Flora Mcuiip. Helen Bairn Mra. Baikle Adah Barton Oeordle Pow J. Crlcbton Russell Hugh Mensies W. G. Robb Shepherd Kawcett Lomax Leesle Inglis Agnes Bartholomew Mattha Inglla Carl Lyle Jean Lowtber, or Menxtca Llla Barclay fete* Dalkeith lidward Chester Mlsa Prlngle Jean Hamilton Taffy Knot Marie Stuart Mrs. MacAllatcr Jean Power Village Natural Angus Adams Bridesmaid Kate Evans Alec Inglla Leopold Profelt Watty Wclr Roy Cochrane Bccnle Scott Helen MacGrcgor In the atory Alec Inglis, seven years be- fore the action of the play begins, has, after betraying one girl, gone through a marriage ceremony with another, and left Scotland for Africa. Jean Lowtber, the girl whom he married, not hearing from him and be- girt ht Inglis, Alec's father. This Is the situation when tbe curtain rises on act one. The bringing of Alec's stolen pockctbook (by Mrs. Baikle) to tbe Inglis home, the finding in It of the marriage contract between Alec and Jean, and the return of Alec after his seven years' absence complete the story. "A Scrape o' the Pen," while It comes to us as the second effort of Mr. Moffat, was originally produced April 23, tuOD. at the Athenaeum, Glasgow, Scotland, over two ?ears before tbls author's strikingly giiocess- ul comedy, "Hunty Pulls the Btrlngs," was first presented behind tho footlights. In Its original shape "A Scrape o' the Pen" was composed of two sets only, and in his en- deavor to make It long enough for a fall evening's entertainment, the author has probably not improved It. Be that as It way, aside from its having a collection of clever Scotch character draw- ings the work possesses little merit. Tbe story lacks strength, the construction Is poor, the characters are made to walk on and off the stage without apparent reason, and there Is Utile dramatic strength. It is called a comedy, hut while there are some comedy lines and situations throughout the work, it Is more properly a drama, for whut more dramatic, not to say tragic, epi- sode could occur In a woman's life than to have tho knowledge forced upon her that sbe has married one man while she was still legally bound to another. And when tbe curtain finally descends on the last act the only release she has bad from the first mar- riage Is that tbe man who, we arc told in the play, la her first and real husband, de- stroys the marriage contract. And thus tbe bond Is not legally severed and Jean still baa two husbands. Perhaps "A 8crape o' the Pen" will meet with some degree of tlunnclnl bucccbb, be- cause it Is Scotch, and Mr. Moffat's other play haa given thla style of play a certain vogue, but loft to stand on Its own legs it would utterly fall. In casting his play Mr. Moffat, under whose direction It was staged, ha- been fortunate with most of tbe roles. Carl Lyle, as Mntthn, gave a character portrayal that nearly reaches the acme of perfection. Aa the irascible old Scotchman, whose heart Is always in the right place, his performance was a fine example of the actor's art. The same praise la due to Agnes Bartholomew. ns Le« z |e inglis, Mnttha's wife. Her per- formance waa a gem. Tie role of Peter Dalkeith, professional mourner, offers splendid opportunities for comedy, and Edward Cheater makes the most of them. LI'ai Barclay and Leopold Profelt, as Jean and Alee, respectively, were prevented by the limitations Imposed by tbe author from doing more than mediocre work. The roles played by these two players are logically the central figures of the story, but Mr. Moffat has so restrained them that there Is no op- portunity to make them strong. Helen Balrd was capital as Flora McOilp, and tho others did well all that was required of them. The play was well staged. The second week began 30. wint. HAMMERSTEIN'S (OBCAIt lIAMlirRNTKIN, MOD.) Mabel Taliaferro, one of America's most popular and talented legitimate stars, is headlining tho bill here tuts week, appear- ing for the first time in New York In a Japanese playlet of novel construction, and with a very capable little company in her support. The programs give Miss Taliaferro as the authoresB of the playlet, the title of whVh is "The Return of Tori 8an." (Bee New Acts this Issue.) Tbls week also marks .he re-aapearance here, after an absence of two years, of Tom Nnwu, tbe well known Irish comedian, who appeared on Monday In a new skit, entitled "The College Coach." Tbe sketch Is en- tirely away from anything Mr. Nawn had produced previously In vaudeville. (Bee New Acts this Issue.) The Avon Comedy Four, a quartette of vocullats and eomcdluna, combining a variety of talent and entertaining quality, which renders the act In Its entirety In every way capable to headline the program of any vaudeville theatre In this country. It Is hardly necessary to state here that the quar- tette pulled down one big hit. In "The Now Teacher. Arthur Deacon, the rotund comedian and vocalist, Is "In again" ou this week's bill, but there Is no danger of Arthur wearing oat hlB welcome at "ihc corner," as he not only hag a very likable personality, but he haa the nanny faculty of getting the very beet results from the Bongs In his repertoire, and tbls goes a long way In winning success with the natrons of vaudeville. Alexander and Scott, one of the sterling acta of modern vaudeville, and which has never retrograded in the slightest particular from season to scaaon, hold their usual Im- portant program position on tbls week's bill, and right well do they sustain it. If the writer la not mistaken, there was a time when they were programmed as "the best dresBed act In vaudeville." This distinction was well merited, and Is Just as applicable to the act to-day, and there will be none to dispute It. The Chadwick Trio, with Ida Chadwlck as the "Hee Haw Girl," presented their rural aklt, "For Sole—Wiggins' Farm," and se- emed their uanal laughing hit. Borne day Mum Ida will appear in a rustic comedy worthy of her undoubted talent in a role similar to tie one she is portraying in this little playlet. Mat* West "talked* her vocal number*, and strutted snoot the stage hi her usual manner. Frank Mills' Players, In a sketch entitled "Live Wires : M Jack Ward and Eddie Weber, in a character dancing act: the Flying Rogers. train" performers; Deodato, in magic and Illusion, and Dave Klndler, an expert whis- tler, appeared on the Monday bill. They are reviewed under New Acta in tbls iasue OU Timer. "SIEVE" Harris (Henry B. Harris, mgr.)— Steve, aa American play la three acts, by John 1. Mclntyre, wltb Arnold Daly in the title role, was produced at this house Saturday evening, Sept. 28, by Arthur Hopkins, with this cast: Tom Alphons Etbtcr Steve Arnold Daly Pike ....Edward McWade Tim Fitzpatrlck.. Harry Morris Captain Miser William Walther Molly Josephine Victor Mrs, Brown Julia Walcott There la only one scene in this new play of John T. Mclntyre's, that of tbe living room of tbe Browns, laid In an uptown flat in New York. The action of the piece oc- curs during the period of a week, the first act being Monday night, tbe second Thurs- day night, and last Saturday night. Steve Is one of those selfish, look-out-for- raysclf chaps, snd Is the favorite of his mother. Tom. hla brother, Is a big, good natured, unselfish fellow, who bag worked and progressed some In his trucking business. Steve and Molly, an adopted orphan, are to be married within a week, but Steve, the spendthrift, is without tbe cash, and tries to borrow the necessary money from Tom in order not to disappoint the girl. Falling In this, Steve plans a fake story with Tike, his employer, In which he Is supposed to have stolen a large sum of money, and Pike threat- ens him with Imprisonment in tbe presence of the mother. The indulging mother and Steve are unsuccessful In their attempt to make Tom use tht money of an association of which he Is treasurer. In order to save tbe Eoil-fornothing brother. But Steve uses oily, for whom Tom also cares, sa a tool, and Tom turns over the money to her. Then the whole family begin to stint and save every possible dollar rn order to repay Tom before nls crime Is exposed while Steve Is spending freely, until Molly demanda an explanation as to how he became so sud- denly enriched. He shows her a "bank roll" and pleads with her to elope with him there and then, but Molly's eyes open to the sort of a chap she had been loving. Steve con- fesses and when, what Is left of the money Tom handed over is returned and everything cleared up to the satisfaction of all con- cerned, Steve makes an exit Just as Molly and Tom suddenly realise that they really have loved each other all along. 'It can't be Bald that the audience were de- lighted with tbe repulsive character Mr. Daly was entrusted with although they ap- preciated his portrayal of the role, The best work of th* evening was the capi- tal acting of Alpbonz Ethier, aa the easy- going elder brotber. H1b work was flawless. Josephine Victor made tbe role of Motty very captivating, nnd ahe managed tbe criti- cal scene, where she pleads with Tom to commit crime in order to save Steve, very creditably. Julia Walcott is worthy of praise In her portrayal of the mother part, and she Bpun off the many bright lines allotted her to good effect Author Mclntyre haa evidently attempted to make "Steve" a sequel to "Mother," but he has so strangely featured the character of Tom that It outshines tbe play's title, and oue's Interest'naturally appeals to that in- dividual. The piece started Interestingly, bnt soon missed fire, nod although we ex- pected to see Tom capture Molly before tbe Saturday evening scene was completed, it came about quite abruptly and with but little worry to the girl. Tod. s PROCTOR'S FIFTH AVENUE. (ors mccunb. K«it.) "How Is McCune doing It?' is the ques- tion that la weekly asked by tbe many wise ones on the strength of the bills presented by him. Every week's program contains two to four headline features, and as a result capacity booses rule at almost every perfom- ance. The Monday matinee. Sept. 30, was no exception, every seat being filled before the rise of the curtain. New acts also are n big feature tbls week, no less than three being seen, and all of the headline variety. Jock McKay, who had a fair try at vaude- ville some months ago, made bis rc-appcar- ance, and If applause counts for anything be can be put down for one big hit. He In about the best Scotch comedian that has ap- peared here, with tho exception of Harry Lauder. He hSB a style of delivering bis talk that Is original, and the bag-piping he docs got tbe laughs. He took about six bows ut the conclusion of his performance. Wllla Holt Wakefield, offering several now planologucs, waa one of the hits of tbe pro- gramme. After giving her usual perform- ance the applause was so long that sue re- sponded with her favorite, "He's My Pal," which earned her much applause. Seldom haa an artist received tudi a royal reception as was accorded her here. Mosber, Hayes and Mosher, in their won- derful trick bicycle act, were a riot While the straight riding Is good, tbe feature of their performance Is the comedy, which Is Bupplled by one of the members In i negro character. Anything that he attempted to do at the matinee here seemed to be n signal for applause, which lasted for several min- utes. The feature lg lumping; from the tack of one rider to the back of another while the machines are in motion. It was well worked up and got the desired results. "There may be cleverer quartettes In the business, but they so seldom are seen that It is not worth mentioning." That is what tho verdict waa after Fay, Two Coleyn and Fay had concluded their excellent perform- ance. Their singing, dnnclng and comedy business shows all to be experts and the laughs were loud and frequent. As the act bns been written up lu these columns so often It Is needless to go into much detail. They are always adding new and up-to-date material, and consequently arc always sure of running their usual race. Nina Payne and her clever company were seen In O. Molagso'g most successful French pantomime, "Ln Somnumbule," wblch scored auch a tremendous success some time ago ln New York. Safe to say that tlicy duplicated here, as the audience gave them sevcrn' en- cores at tbe conclusion of the pantomime. The work of Miss Payne Is bevond crltlslcm. She wna ably assisted by James Maechlu, Max Havelock, Vera Grant and several others. To Dchnar and Dolmnr, novelty gymnasts, fell the lot to open the show, and their en- deavors met with the approval of the entire audience. Both are cnuahlc performers In their respective line, one ln particular doing some wonderful teeth work, Bass Whytnl and company. In an episode from the French, entitled "Lul," ('Tie"). Frank Byron end Louise Langdon, assisted by Geo. Thomaron and a chorus of eight, and Gean Smith, the well known animal painter, were oil seen In new performances, snd are fully reviewed In our New Acts page. Jack. > Loess's Delsuaeor Street (Bernard Frank, mgr.I—Vaudeville and motion pictures. Bill for Oct 8-5 Includes: Allen Wlghtmaa, Lools Stone. Kolltns and Kttfton Sisters, Caafleld and Driver. Jennings and Bowman, the Qlrly Girlies, Bolsnd Carter and company, sad the Young Brothers. Oaaisjaaa (B. L. Weill, mgr.)—fVaudevllle and motion picture. asmaomttaa f\ M. Bhacofsay, mxr i— Freaks and motion pictures. AMERICAN. (CHABLIB s. POTSDAM, MOB.) For the first three days of this week tbls popular bouse offers a bill that will bear comparison with any of the big time vaude- ville houses. Indeed, with one or two ex- ceptions, the acta are all headliners, and If the theatre is not crowded afternoons and evenings, also the roof theatre, we will be surprised. The chief attraction Is Frank Stafford nnd company, an act that has always found favor on tbe big time circuits; it will have no trouble in making good on the Loew Cir- cuit. There Is not a dull minute ln the sketch, snd to hear Mr. Stafford whistle Is a delight. His Imitations of birds, cats, dogs, etc., are absolutely lifelike. He hag invested u good deal of comedy la his set. He Is ably assisted by Mrs. Stafford, who slogs charmingly. And his two dogs were fairly worshipped by the audience present on Mon- day Afternoon. The act occupies the fall stage. The scene la a woodland one and Is very pretty. Illssctt and Scott were billed as George Calne and Brotber. Why, Is a mystery. If they are ashamed to appear on the Loew Cir- cuit they are only fooling themselves, (or this circuit offers a great many clever acts. These young men, wearing white suits, with shoes and stockings to match, proved to be good dancers, but their equal In cleverness of dancing Is easily found at almost any vaudeville entertainment. Kotsud West presented Percy Pollock and company ln a playlet called "The Gent With a Jimmy," and It was received with roars of laughter. It is excellently played by Mr. Pollock, who is sided by two men snd a woman. The action moves quickly and the fun Is fast. Indeed, it has been a long time since the writer has seen a funnier playlet. It tells the story of a henpecked husband, who comes home after a "night with the boys." Previous to his arrival his borne had been entered by a burglar, who takes the husband for Raffles, the gentlemanly burglar. The burglar Is anxious to see how the famous Raffles robs a house, and he compels the hug- hand to rob his own house. They are inter- rupted by "Mrs. Henpeck," who Is promptly {tugged by the real burglar. He orders the husband to help him tie the woman to the chair. The henpecked husband hesitates, but he at last sees that he can stop his wife from talking. This situation is, of course, very funny, and the players get every bit of com- edy out of the situation. The playlet closes with a real laugh, when the husband, rather than face his wife, makes a false .confession that he is Raffles and compels the policeman to arrest him. George Armstrong, who, bv the way, Is here for tbe week, got over most emphatic- ally. While his parodies on several song suc- cesses are very clever, they often border dangerously near to vulgarity. George will have to tone Ills act down when ploying tbe Loew houses that arc patron laid mostly by women and children. (The patronage of the American Is largely adult.) Mr, Armstrong was not so happy with his jokes. Florence Bowes, who appeared In one, con- tributed a neat singing "act. While she Is not a pretty woman, she bas a lot of person- ality. Her voice la not strong, but It Is sweet, and she Is aided greatly by a pair of big eyes. She made tbrec changes of cos- tume. First a white dress, then a green one and then a black one. Miss Howes knows how to dress. The Merry Yoangsters are five chaps, scarcely more than boys, but they "cleaned up." They make-nn as a coon, dago, Jew, Dutchman and girl (?). They started rather slow, but the act soon warmed up and when they cot throngs with their singing, dancing and ''kidding." they were a "riot." Morton and Wayne opened the show. They are boy and girl just old enough to fool the Gerry law. They do the usual song and dance set, and Just get by. The girl Is cute, but cannot sing or dance. The boy is far tbe beat entertainer. Leonard and Louie are "comedy" head balancers. Tbe comedy consists of tickling one another while one balances the other on tbe head. They arc good acrobats and work rapidly. They closed tbe show, and had no trouble ln holding the audience. The bill for the rest of the week in- cludes : Frank Stafford snd company, George Armstrong, Charles Deland and company, Brougbton and Turner, Grace Dixon, Farley and Butler. Three Elliott Bisters, Harry Lang, Cans and Murray. Third Ksmo. KKITII'M tTNION SQUARE. (EUIIJB F. XOXJIBS, 51UH.) With "regular" theatre weather predom- inating, the patrons of this house are not being cvolooked when tbe matter of "new stuff" la being Bltpped over, and the current week's bill, wblch began with the Monday matinee. Sept. 30, Is prominent with "first time here" acts. TajJor Granville and Laura Plerpont, as- stated by a, company of thirteen people, offered a bright and modern new playlet, m ihree scenes, entitled "The System," and scored heavily. (See New Acts.) "The Little .Sunbeam," with the action of the farce laid la a sleeping ear, Is the vehicle with which Mrs. Gardner Crane and com- pany continue to amuse. The aklt is fall of cntchy material, and arouses interest from the raise of the curtain. Winsome and plump Belle Baker Is a strong eddlaiou to this week's list of enter- tainers. She scored her usual suceesB with half a doyen songs, especially with "You're My Baby,'" while kneeling on a chair. Belle made four stunning changes, and carried each costume naturally. Martellne, the popular droll pantomlmlst. assisted by Van Clcve and lilu "educated" mi li e ' i., °' w ,* s ?*T* n 1 u,te I reception. and, although placed la the closing position on the bill, held the attention of thoBe out rront with his own way of amusing. Patrice scored pleasingly In her Drettv little skit entitled'"A N?w Year ? s Dream! 7 ' She Is ably assisted in working up to the Hutch? 0,&ndln «" business by Charles Emily Barrcll nnd CharleB Conway were seen In a musical bit, entitled "Behind the Screens." The Idea of using the bare stage and a morning rehearsal scene, though not at all new, found Its uBtial curious favor. The couple make up and change in view of the audience, and this gets the act over nicely. Ben Beyer and Brotber, ln the opening position, won their way into the favor of the crowd In a clever trick cycle act. The co- median of this team In a finished performer ?. n * tb . e "Jjejcle. and he gives his audience jUBt "ennf" comedy to want more. Brady and Mahoney, billed as "The He SSBf ItS&<"9 tnc Ch,ef " BWr «« nicely wrth a bookful of comic 'hatter and a quite fresh parody number. The Yiddish come- £,".» good one. but the present act poesnt bring out the real good '"stuff" that he Is undoubtedly capable of. Ilalllgan and Sykca are new here and are reviewed under New Acts, In this issue. Tod. Olrsapto (Maorice Kraus, mcr.l—Gaielv GfrU week of Sept 80. GlngVoWwedk if Oct 7. _ nv l ft£ y l „ < !!K!3I b f r « J Bro,l v »iw-)—Motion ^»T_*Jf ln wh !?^ 'Mn'ng stars appear Is the attraction at this house, ^^ ar * m * Street (Barry Beeksaam. mri_ fatKievine ana motfon^ctnies"^ **•' SCENERY THEATflEI AND PRODUCTIONS * - VAUDEVILLE ACTS EQUlPPO IVew «ad Second Hand Scenery i„ «/ HURRAT HH1 SCENIC STimift k ..... ""BRAY HILL THJEATlta N V W 'flJHE MADNESS."~ Fsdton (Henry B. Harris mer i t liadnfu, a play In threei acts *bi ) ~^ u,, « Kltchell Webster, produced WedncaiiL MS Sept 26. b, WlntnVop sWwRtSS Frederick H. Hollls Ed " ,,"l"* 1 Mrs. Hollls . H ?nl ^l Katharine Hollls .Adelaide J*"? Frederick H. Hollls Jr.: it? The reopening of this house on RtBttt for the season of 1012-13, not onlv ImLS the local premiere of Mr. Webjtc?s nKFlK si bo marked the flrgt production of ,S, Wlnthrop Amea at this house. ™ b J The theme of Mr. Webster's play \. „., . pleasant one The play opens lu the %U met home of an American business sS named Hollls. To make the Btorr of «S play understandable to the reader u u necessary to begin with the confession of 7 womao, in act two. that, twenty years prior to thiB time, she had committed the uoni/ donable sin with a man whom she had SS at a Summer resort during her ten davs' » cation from her duties aa an office at*n\' ographer. These two people had never met since the occurrence of what tbls womaa refers to as an "episode" ln her life aaa she attempts to Justify this "episode" o'o S grounds that they both had fallen In low with each other, asaumlng from this fact that there could be nothing criminally wront where extreme love exists. The result of tbls intimacy la a daughter, nineteen yeart of age at the beginning of the play. Here we find the woman, the private sec- retary to Hollls, a wealthy man of business, the woman's daughter ln love with Hollls? young son. and, to make the tangle more complicated and Impossible of logical con- clusion, here also Is the man who bad beta the other party to the "episode" twenty years previously, engaged to marry Hollls' daughter. The bualness msn's wife, suspecting ttiat her husband's private secretary has no right to the title of Mrs and Is not a respectable woman, conspires, with the aid of bur owa daughter, to rid her home of the woman's presence. The daughter has also become auspicious of tbe woman, aa her Dance hsi hinted that there bas been an "affair" In hit earlier life. So It Is In act two that wt listen to the woman's atory, la wblch the Jileads with Hollls' dsugbter for silence on ler own daughter's account, aaklng no mercy for herself, and we witness tbe only realij dramatic situation of Mr. Webster's play. One can very readily see how impossible it would be to give plausibility and con- sistency to the anal act, wherein the mai concerned In Improper relations with n womaa twenty years previous, turns from tbe girl to whom he 1b engaged, and vows that be hai always loved tbe other woman, though be hat not Been her ln all the elapsed years, nor did be even know that be was blessed with t charming dsugbter. This daughter rctalm her sweetheart In the son of the buslneai man, who is also apparently happy that he ll not to loae the services of his capable private secretary, and the curtain falls. Mr. Webster no doubt selected the title for tain play from the fact that what ths woman terms hi her confession as an "epi- sode," transpired In the month of June. Sht declared that she haa not the slightest cams for regret for her conduct, and has eiea named her daughter June la HiHllflcatlon «f what ahe terms was a perfect love between herself and her paramour. Hedwlg Belcher mude of the woman whi bad atoned an inflexible figure of tragic S:loom, and her English, spoken wltb a orelgn accent, seriously marred her Inter- pretation of the rote. A. Hylton Allen and Charles Waldron were effective scene, and Edward Emery wis natural as the successful man of business. ■Hylton Allen and Charles Waldron were capable In their roles, snd Renee Kelly gave a sweet characterisation of the daughter, June. The two stage settings were admirable. Executive staff for Mr. Ames: E. E. Lyons. general manager; L. H. Mitchell, gcncril press representative; H. I. Ottman, manager of company. The second week began 80. Old Timer. a COLONIAL. (RALPH EDMUNDS, MOB.) As an attraction out of the ordinary, Mr- Keith this week offers the patrons ofjhia house the old time Bathe), 1 Cause.'' (See New Acts.) The Ramadell Trio, a dancing troupe. opened the show with an act new to Mew Yorkers. Under New Actg ln thlg issue. Vera Mlchclcna and the Great Tornados also made their first New York appearance. (See New Acta) _ _,. v . Maymc Remington and her Four net' appeared in second place and put over a good act. Although Mias Remington ■ vo.« Ta not what It formerly wag, the yooai negroes, two boys and two girls, put so Bag action Into their work that tho act pleased Immensely. ._ The Hanlon Brothers and companj are still offering their pantomime sketch, ng Phor Phun. 7 ' This act la good for another long run. Their looking glass stmt and a Bell Boy's Dream" went for a big hit on Monday afternoon. John I r Trlmbti _ his serious sketch, called Chicken Dinner." This is one of the ssn one act plays appearing in vaudeville. «au appealed greatly to the Colonlil audience. Andy Rico, the jolly Jewish WWi "J cantata about a young Hebrew wedding, aw a couple of comedy songs, had the bouse laughing with him all the way. rt Wellington Cross and Lois Joaep* 1 ,™ SE as well liked as any act on the Dili, sag Josephine made a special hit with her nlniwe dancing steps and high kicking. Mr. tro» singing wss liked, and the drsmatli nwj finish to tbelr act received the laughs II 'il» week otters tbe patrons oi iu» le opportunity of seeing the famooi s favorite, Mrs. Langtry (Lady « In a sketch called "Helping the lay afternoon. .. „„,,, hn P. Wade, with tho asBlstnncc of Louise ble and Charles W. King, nppenr. I in serious sketch, called "Mars? WW* intended for. l)oc. PUrhonse^-uYfter a run of flft)-thro weeks, "Bought and Paid For" will clojo lg engagement here Batnrday sTMsB*,. q S M a After a thorough cleaning, etc.. this bouse will re-open on Monday evening, Oct. i»- when Little Women will be produced. Mamr Hill (Fred Waldmapn, niK'U Dreamland Bsrlesosers week of Sept. Cracker Jacks week of Oct 7. —» Mtsaer'a Bowery (Hdsrln £-•*>>& B r £a -J>sw*I4i»Df week of Sept 30. Girl W**> Reno week of Oct. T. „ . „_. i— Colsmhla (J. Herbert Mart "OS ColssiMs Burleeouere week of Sept. W lege Olrls week of Oct. 7, ,_ n uiatr, Ml-rr'. Hlaratini Aweawe (B. D- ■ f*fa mgr.)—body Buccaneer* week of Sept. s- Dante's Danrhters week of pet-J- s _fit Aator (Cohan A Harris, uigre . , WoasanVs HatrrT? OM will be orodncefl •» this house Moncjay cventa!, (Kt> T> / If I