The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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' I rr OCTOBER 5 THE -NEW- ^rUUK CKjTPWMEU » SOMEBODY'S COMING TO TOWN" -IS A HIT- SMITH f BROWNE (INO) MUSIC PUBLISHERS \Z* W. <45™ ST. NEWVDRK OUR IT WIT! '•Coon, Coon, Cooni" "Liitu Boy In Blue," "The Meaning of «he TJ. 8. A.," "The Man In Ine Overalls," "It's the Man Behind thn Gun "That lion the Work," -'Baby Mine," "I'd Like to Hear That Kong Again," "Mr M»H from nind-i. _J Again," »«t Ma Stan " "I Don't Care If Von Sever Come Back," "The Uu from the Canty Mayo," "Ireland, I.!<•▼• Ton. Aeushtu Maehrae," "The Way to Kite a Girl," "Come Back." "The Mormon Conn," "The Ragtime Kniilnecr," "Pearl of Persia," "One, Two, Three, aVs AH Over Now." gfJT AND OUR PRESENT ONES "«■] m Bay la, I Love Von," "Yon'll Be Sorry," "That'* How 1 Loot Him," "I WUh That I Wu Back In OM F," "I lore My Dear Old Bed," "I've Got Such m Loving Disposition,*' "Oh, Von Chleken," "That •Prleco It Can't Be Done." "All I Can "a Klllarney, • Hde." gf TIIK 1IOUMM WITH TUB "1MNK PROFBH8IOHA I. < IIPIKH" WATCH THKB1 1M1TATK tie I BKAUTIFVl. SLIDES FOB, "80MBB0DV" AND "ALL I CAN BAY," by SCOTT * VAN ALTBNA, 00 Pearl St., N. Y. C. "SOMEBODY'S C0MIN6 TO TOWN" -IS A HIT- Aek everybody. The qalekest hit ever heard of. "KING HENRY V. Daly's Theatre (E. B, TUton nigr.)— fshoketim.'are's King Henry V, revived by I,e° Is WaUw'on Monday, Sept. 30. with toll CflHt ' kin* Henry ths Fifth Lewla Waller Duke of Gloucester. J.H Wright Duko of Bedford i>.Pton PtftH Duke of Exeter Wallace F.rsklne Duke of York • • •. M. DeUtney Earl of »*llsbury.......AloiMder Hayward Earl of Westmoreland Nicholas Joy Archbishop of Canterbury DouglaB Rons Bishop of Ely.. ..Arthur Wylle E«rl of Cambridge Perclval Aylmer Lord Scroop Frank 8anton Sir Thomas Orey Gordon Soamcs Sir Thomas Erplnghani.... .Thomas McLeod Cant, Oower Dennis Clcugb. cniit. Fluellcn Alec F. Thompson, Capt. MacMorrls Joseph It. Whltmore Capt. Jamy Geoffrey Heath Dates Joseph W. Kelly Court Hubert Brott Williams Frank Wcolfe Boy Mllllcent Kvlson Njiu Thomas Louden . Bardolpb Charles Franc's Pistol Herbert Jarmaa i Charles VI, King? of Franco. .Frank McEntoe Louis, tbe Danphln Reginald Dane . Duke of Burgundy J, H. Owen . Duke of Orleans Leslie Browno . Duke of Bourbon Wilfred Watson .Constable of Franco Henry Carvlll Moiujuy Charles Francis ' Hamliiiros A. Walker ', Governor of Harfleur 0. Doubleday A French Moseogcr Leonard Davis ' A French Soldier Dion Tltberndgo Isabel Queen of France Ins Rorfce ! Alice ;Suzette Cotta I The Hostess Annie Hughes Princess Katherlno Madge Tltherudgii It has been many years slnco a Shake- spearean production held the boards at Daly's, and the old timers present In the audience on Monday night were pleasantly reminded of tha Augustin Daly days, when Ada Itehan, John Drew. Creston Clarke and other favorites spoke the lines of tbe great : author from Its stage. It has been a dozen years since New York lias Been "King Henry V." It was produced tod acted by tbo late Blchard Mansfield at ' Ike Garden Theatre. Mr. Waller, who has won golden opinions for his performance of "Henry V" In Bag- land, appeared In the role at Daly'a and tcored « great personal triumph. His bear- ing ivns dlgnlllcd and his elocution WAS lawless. Tbo character of "King Harry" Is unusually well Suited to the talents of this actor, and his performance left nothing to be desired. He was equally at homo la the dramatic and comedy scenes. Madge Tltheradgo was excellent as tbo Princess Kathortne, and she delivered tin. lines assigned to the chorus with clearness end force. Alec F. Thompson, as Cant. Fluellcn, was t delight. His -Welsh dialect was admirable, ind he delivered his lines easily and humor- ously. The other players did fairly well. More than one hundred nud flftv people aro '"Ployed In this presentation of "King Henry *. riio sconcry, however, wos not up to he Broadway standard. To tell tho truth, it has seen much service. Third Row. s LINCOLN SQUARES. (chah. ysnausoN, mob.) Packed to standing room only was the jomi tiun of this commodious theatre on Monday night, Sept. 80. fne. Incoming vaudeville show of that date brought six acts of more or less entor- lalnlng quality. The Frankfords were on at 8.10, Which, nay or may not give them the opening po- sition of the now vaudeville show. Thero Is !JJ.° "nl 0 ' ■ fcmalo and a poodle dog la tho net. fhe male did trick piano playing and 7 «coraody dialogue with the girl; the tog ulso appeared In front of a miniature, ftneat tho he act ma,e dld hard ' y * anm ' hH? H ; w ! m followed In songs and lmltri- "?" 6 of nnlmals and poultry. His closing; ii™ .i e CU( * 0 o aong and yodellng brought Him three encores. i„J. raan . UcD ana " company gave an excel- lent presentation of the slum sketch, "Dope." tho sketch Is not now In local theatres, but fl„,ii cemed t0 „ h l* tue ftn «J of tho Monday it the'untah a wera ■ mral "eurtalnt f ' »w„ , !,'!"v 8tra f e 4 80n B can >° 1" *«re. entitled nir m.\ Y o. u v Le t Me Bee You Home?" The wm, c ii. tchy ! nd tnc Pictures artistic. arttat J9? .joorlquet of Hap Hazard, an bin, v»™ tn » thc crnyons, did comedy draw- wihH? entertainingly, eon civ hi".? 4 Wllkl "3 «* *yntce\y In songs, Tie Hri dl . a » l08U *.' "">«! dancing by the man. ti \k h„ ? howe ^ much talent In crosfl-flre o t'h d « drt ' 89fd 1 ulc t'y. Wlileh was a relief one «nn» ye .!t nB ., C0B . tume9 V> nowadays. Her h Ti,« , ™M t V e Cano an * Satchel,' made a h s ehV?n?f2 n 1 f. tt "ccouipllshed dancer, and orlgffluy''" flel, neatIoa had the merit of 1onl! n H k °m„„t nln,a1 ' cl0 «ea «n« show. . The niin her ?" nkc >» an 1 nogs make an Important «•" pi *[»*!& vnmm, but it lookcef to tho on Monday nlgst W " ,nthM OVMW0rked nu£a 7„ ( ', tl0 , n nl «"»'<« were fair, but tho de- " linlnat°nn ?# or £ co:n ? d >' P»etufe» and the U WrE? of hatr, 'W>n. auhjects is still to "■• _^ OM Pirner, Ma'ho.f"™''^ ,rh , ,rd Avenue (EM. J. Mc- tiire"."' m « r )-Vaudevmo and 'rnotion pic- A "iVaT w°{ lon P 10 *?'** «' P«ol J. Rstney's f-reelejr ganar Criterion (Charles Frohroan, mgt.)— "The Girl from Montmartre" closed Its en- PROCTOR'S TWENTY-THIRD STREET. (JOSBPK HiVO, MOB.) The bill included "F offering, with Lillian Dougherty as Flh. A m»M -. ayi cafe scene Is well ■tmgel. A.numbsr of $&!?>£** f&kF&&£Wl ^''J* 8 for the first nsrt of this week gSRement here Sept. 28. TantaUtina Tommy ff In Pari? " a, musical1 comedv waa Produced here Wednesday night. Oct. I a . LUlIu I)'o„sssSh? a. vm l I ?M «■•» Included: EJUibeth Brlce, George 6 50c, All sore Ore. "I Wsnl a Olrl," "Oh, You UesnUIul Dull," "tugUmo Violin," "OetTou Alone Te-Nlgttt," "Root.E. Lee" and 'You'reMv B»tiy • Get Busy. Coin or stamps. JA< K EDWARDS, 4T W. Hath •treet, N. ?oung women and msn are sitting around ubles making merry, when word reaches them that a rich old Englishman and his daughter are coming to see Paris Ufa In this cafe. A plan Is formed to get the Eng- lishman's mouey. The sightseeing party ar- rive and And much doing at tbe cafe. Tbo otd Englishman li much taken with Fill, a French dancer. Fid dances for him and makes a big hit, also with the audience. But Fill has a Jealous lover, who arrives on the scene as she is dancing with a young artist. nuuLiDuu, .Mjuu m. nin, uuivmj iivyu. Asm Weiford, Harry Clarke, Donald Hall, Foggy Forsyth, Madeleine Harrison, Valleaux El- liott and Robert Pitkin. Globe (Charles Dillingham, mgr.)— The Charity Qirl was produced here Wednesday evening, Oct, 2. ttalph Hers, Ray Cox, Blos- som Seeley, C. IT. Hornl, Henry Fink, Marie I'lynn, Annsbelle Whltford. David L. Don, Harry Turpln sad Ethel Douras are Included In the cast. Belaaco (David Belasco, mgr.)—Frances Starr, in The Oatt of Becky, opened at this house. For week of Oct 7. "Tho Grey- hound." Charlotte Walker, In "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine," week of 14. BloAnwat (Leo C. Teller, mgr.)—Henri- etta Crotman, In "Tho Real Thing,' "Elevating a this Hus- Ihen a fake light ensues and the Englishman house Tuesday evening, Oct. 1 "comes across with his money to stop it. Then we sea the cats "bunch" start spending Wallaek'a (Charles Burnham, mgr.) — Tim Murphy, In "Honest Jim Blunt," moved It. This Is an act that equals many of the into this house for a one week engagement, best playing the big time. It is nicely staged, well acted, with good music, classy dancing, and not too long. Harr and Evans, two men (comedy and beginning Monday evening, Sept. 30. Century.—This house, formerly known as the New Theatre, will re-open Saturday matt- nee, Oct. 12, when The Daughter 0/ heaven straight), offered an acrobatic act that got will be produced, over nicely. They do some fair tumbling Manhattan Opera House (Frank 0. stunts, and tbe comedy Is better than that Miller, mgr.)—10. H. Sothcm and Julia Mar- usually seen In acts of this kind. The lowe commenced a Qve weeks engagement at straight closes by doing a balancing stunt on this house Monday evening, 8ept. 30, Tbe several tables and stairs about twenty feet bill announced for the nrst week Includes: above the stage. Monday and Tuesday nights snd Wednesday Capt. Geo. W, Stewart offers a novelty nmtln, e. "Tomlng of the Shrew ;" Wednesday act. He opens by telling of the famous and Thursday nl slits. "Hamlet;" Friday night 'Romeo and Juliet: Saturday matinee, "As Twelfth steamboat race between the Natchez and the Robert E. Lee. His gtory Is llustrated by You Like It;" Saturday night, colored slides and moving pictures, He Night." closed by giving imitations of steamboat Grand diiern limine (R. J. Madden, whistles and a brass band, using only his mgr.)— The Little Mfliloiiaira Is this week's voice and hands. attraction, with Charles King In the title Coyle and Morrell put over a comedy role. The enst Includes: Sidney .larvls, Pur- sketch, entitled "Your Credit Is Good." The nell B. Pratt. Donald G. Crisp, William sketch shows how o young husband breaks Keough, F.dgnr Unlstead, Den I.ownte, bis wife of the habit of buying expensive Danny Day. James Codey, Jack Goodali, Jack clothes on Installments. The sketch Is a Gerard, Lllii Rhodes. Delnro, Ilulla Ralph, good one, but was not very well acted on Monday evening. The team of O'Mara and Wilson Is com- posed of n young man who wears a tuxedo suit, and a young woman who Is almost a suit anil a young woman wno is almost n ana vaudeville, inn lor Hept. du-uct. - in head taller than lie Is, and so much larger eluded : Tho Musical Fredericks, Cycling Bru Lillian Tucker, Florence Dunlap and Sydney Maitlncau. "The Concert'" week of Oct. 7, Praetor's Flfty-elichth Street (F. F. Troctor, mgr.)—High class motion pictures und vaudeville, Hill for Sept. 80-Oct. 2 In- dian when they dance and her back Is turned to the audience he cannot be seen. Their act Is merely strnlght dancing and scarcc'y belongs upon t.v stage. The De Stcffano llios., a young man who Is a talented performer on a harp, and a nettes, Joe Hardman, Rober and Tunlsoo, "The Operator," and Melvln and Thatcher. Hill for :i-5 Includes: Smith and Garnlcr, jugglers: Basil Brady, monologitt; McDonald ana Tavalato, singers and dancers; Leslie Morosco and company, In "A Million Dollar young boy who has mastered the violin, put Wife," and Maxlnc, ventriloquist. over some very pleasing music. Their work was well liked. Abe Marks and company offered "The Fighter, tbe Peddler and the Olrl." It Is an act showing how a Jewish young man, who Is a prlxe lighter, earns enough money light- ing to send his sister to school, and makes his father admit that clean boxing Is a better business than peddling. I'taau (David Benjamin, mgr.)—Locw vaudeville and motion pictures. West Bud (J. K. Cookson, mgr.)—The regular Fall season here opened Sept. 80 with "Bunty Pulls the Strings." A big ad- vance sale was reported, "Bought and Paid For," with tbe original company, week of Oct. 7. i Harlem Opera House (F. Sellman, These pictures were seen: "In Peril of mgr.)—This house Is always ailed. For this Their Lives" (Kalem), "The Pathe Weekly," No. 87; "Mr. Grouch at the Seashore" (Blo- graph), "Through Dumb Luck" (Blograph). Doe. week, "David llarum week of Oct. 7. Alhnmbrn (Doc Breed, week's bill Includes: Maud Hall company, Lasky's "In the Barracks, 'Old Heidelberg" mgr.) — This ' Macy and Wlnsor City TBcn Leo, mgr.)—The bill for Sept. McCay, Bert Fltzglbbons, Wood Brothers. 20-28 was (airly Interesting. Three Shelvcy Brothers, Wilbur Mack and James Ellis and company offered thalr Nella Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy, sketch, wherein a lady Ib to marry a widow- and Nowbold and Clrlbbln er, who Is supposed to have a young step- daughter, xbe child happens to be a husky, middle-aged woinun, who Anally mnrrles Iho prospective brldo's father. Mr. Ellis worked up well the anxiety to hide his daughter Hnrtlgr A scnnion'n Music Hnll (Sam Hurtlg. mgr.) —Bob Manchester's Craekcr Jacks Is tho attraction here for this week. Loew's Seventh Avease ((.'. Scwards, mgr.)—'Business continues big. BUI this from his fiancee, and the ladles gave good week: Meyer Uorrls and company, Lawrence assistance and Edwards, Blanche Huntington. Edward Armstrong and Manley demonstrated how Zocllar Trio Dancing Kennedy, and others, easllv an intelligent business man can be tin- fcluhty-slxth Street (I. Hcrnstelngmgr.) posed upon by a sharper with tho old "In- —Vaudeville nnd the latest pictures are herltance" game, and the con man gets away drawing big houses. with It in good form. Both actors wero . YorkvIHe (Eugene Meyers, mgr.)—This convincing In their work. houso Is doing well and offering good attrac- Cnmpbell and Yntca bad a little Christmas tlons. .... , _ sketch wherein a seemingly unsophisticated Nemo (Jack Lowers, mgr.)—Business is waitress in a country hotel works upon the big, with vaudeville nnd pictures, sympathy of a young travoler and secures Prospect (Frank aerates, mgr.)—The from Mm her fare to New York under the stock company continues to attract crowded pretext of needing the money for her family, housce. For this week "Children of tho She repents as she Is about to leave, nnd Ghetto" It the attraction. confesses, but the man Insists, and they de- Metrouolla (Louis Fobsc. mgr.)—George clde to go to New York together. Mr. Camp- Cohan's "Forty-dvo Minutes from Broadway" bell sang well and the lady played a clover is the offering of the Spooner Stock Co., for lole. Burns and Franklin had a plsno and sing- ing act, putting over "Ragtime Joe," "Ghost of a violin," a piano solo 1 "I Love You, Mame," "Robert E. Lee," "Ragtlmo Soldier Man" and by request, "Hltchl Koo." All went well. tho current week. Tremont (Jake Wells, mgr.)—The Emma Bunting Stock Co. is attracting good sized audiences at all performances. Miner's Bronx (E. C. Miner, mgr.)— Business has been big so far this season, with % every prospect of It continuing. For this Dynes and Dynes, hi their "Mutt and week the Auto Girls hold sway. Chink," club Juggling act, started well. The National (Harry Lowe, mgr.)—Bill for Chinese Impersonator (hen sang In doublo Oct. 3-D Includes: Harry Thriller, Bandy voice and made a big hit with several en- nnd Field* the Madcaps, Joe Doming nnd cores, singing "Garden of My Heart," also company, Clayton Drew Players, Florenen week. Louis Mann, in band," week of Oct 7, MiJiHTir (John It Pierce, mgr.)—The regular season opened here Monday, Sept 80, with "Over Night" James T. Powers, In "Two Uttle Brides," week of Oct 7. Oband (Henry Bel let, mgr.)—The Cecil 'Spooner Co. presents "One Day" this week. "The Melting Pot" week of Oct 7. AcAiixuv.—v'Thc Chimes of Normandy" will be presented hero week beginning Oct. 7. by the Aborn Opera Co. The advance sale is large, and tbe entire city Is well billed, Cxsscimt (Lew Parker, mgr.)—The Cres- cent Btock Co. presents "Tho Commuters" this week, "Tho Right of Way" week of Oct. 7. Gotham (Pauline H. Boyle, mgr.)—Ths Oothnin Stock Co. presents "The Nigger" this week. "The Commuters"'week of Oct 7. (iiu.KM'oiNT (Frederick Whltbeck, mgr.)— The Greenpolnt Stock Co. presents "Tho Third Degree" this week. "Tho White Sis- ter," with Minus Phillips, follows. (ini'iiKi.-M (Frank Kllboli, mgr.)—Bill for week of Sept. BO includes: Lulu Glaser nnd company. Ilcrmlnc Hhonc and company, Felix Adlcr, "Detective Keen," Cooper ami Robin- son. Splssell, tjiiiill and Mack, McCormlck und Irving, Anna Buckley's dogs, and Hud Fisher. Busiiwick (Benedict Illatt, mgr.)—JJIH for week of 30 Includes: George Ileban nnd company, llooney and Bent, Kate Kllnnro and Sam Williams, t'ouehot's Flying Bullet, l.nmlierll, Laura Buckley, Frey Twins, Holmes and Buchanan, Rert MotrOHc, llocy and Lee, Tom Davles Trio, and Clark and Hamilton. Lycbum (Louis Phillips, mgr.)—The Ly- ceum Btock Co. presents ''Raffles'' this week. Dr KAl.n (Ids I. Ackcrnian, mgr.)—BUI for 30-()ct. 2 Included: Helen May Page and rompnuy. Barney Fugln nnd Helen Byron, Seven Gronndos, the Dolans, McAvoy and Durrell, Joseph Aramore and company, and photop'ays. For 3-r>: Beatrice Morgan and company, and six other big acts. Skubeit (William Bhe-Jby, mgr.)—Loow'n vaudeville. Bill tor Oct. it 8: Ed. and Jack Smith, Estellt Ross. "Ths Lovo Specialist," John T. Murray, "Fun On the Ocean," Law- rence and Edwards, and La Malae, Blnlso and company. Fui/ton (A. M. Llgliton, mgr.) — High class vaudeville and the latest photoplays. Eki'ihi (George McMnnus, mgr,)—The Pace Makers this week, Auto Girls week of Oct. 7. Casino (Charles Danlols, mgr.)—Tho Dar- lings of Paris, with Gladys Sean and J. Thco. Murphy ths week. For week of Oct 7, Girls from Joyland. Gaybtt (Louis Krclg. mgr.)—Ginger Girls this week, the Jolly Follies week of Oct, 7. Stab (Frank Clark, mgr.)—Tho World of Pleasure this weok, tho Columbia Biirlesquerg week of Oct. 7. Oxroau (Cyrus Galo, mgr.)—Photoplays and vaudeville. LniKitTY (Edward Strauss, mgr.)—The latest motion pictures and vaudevlllo are presented here. Bijou (George Hchonck, mgr.)—Loew's vaudeville t) good business. Bill for Oct. 8-K: Martin and Elliott, Detmar Troupe, the Singing Trio, Ford and Hyde, Al. Herman, and Victor's Melange. Jonk«' (M. T. Jones, mgr.)—Vaudevlllo and pictures. Firm Avisnuh (M. II. Saxc, mgr.)—Mo- tion pictures and vaudeville, Uihal (Marcus Loow, mgr.)—The latest photoplays, Foi.i.r (Wm. Fox, n.„•!■.)—Pictures and vaudeville. COLVtiniA (A. Blrhcl, mgr,)— HI* vaude- ville acts and motion pictures. Con urn (Wm, Fox, mgr.)—Pictures aud vaudeville. Oi.vhi'ki (Herman Wacko, mgr.)—Photo- plays and vaudeville, Linden (A, II. fichwariz, mgr.)—Photo- plays and vaudeville. CONTINUED ATTRACTIONS. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL, ACADMY OF MUSIC.—"The Girl Straight Man, Oround Tumbler and Hand to Ha d llaltncer, lop ur bottom. Will Join any good sii or will doable with good man. Y. TVDEM a.n , Sia Uailoy St., Camden, N. J, <SAJV FMAiNClSCO. (SpecialHipatch to Tun New YORX Currant.) Attractions week of Sept. 30 : Columbia, —"The Round-Up" begins a twu weeks' atay 30. CORT.—Sunday, 20, marked the commence- ment of the second week of Lambardl PscltJ • Coast Grand Opera Co. Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday ovenlngs and Saturday mati- nees, "Cimchltn ;" Monday and Saturday ■lights and Wednesday matinee, "Mmc. But- terfly ;" Wednesday evening, "L* Trnvlata ;' Friday evening, "lllgoletto. Savoy. —Kolb and Dill and company an I Maude Lillian Borrl continue In "A Peck »' Pickles." Au'azah. —Beginning 30, Harnh Trunx an I Tburlow Borger, supported by the house stool. in "Mother." Oni'HKi.'M.—Rill beginning Sunday (mail- nee), 20: Ah zander Iiclneiiiann, the Germs i Court Lleder singer (for one week only) : Owen McUlvenoy, tho Wonder iCnttle, WU' limn and Warner. La Maze Trio, Nat M. Wills, Mclntyrc nnd llarty, E. Frederic Haw ley, Frances Halglit nud company, and Day- light motion pictures. Empiikhh. —Illll beginning Sunday (mull- nee), 20: Charles Wayne and Gertrude Den Roches nnd company, Uenn Cooper and com piiny, Joseph II, Mi (lee. the Arlon Quartette. Frank Berry and Pauline Berry, Wnllace'ii educated roekatens, and Twilight picture*. Pantaobs', —Pill beginning Sunday (mati- nee), 20: "An ICvcnlng In llnwnll," by eight natives: Orpheus Comedy Four. Fogg und Dixon, the Five Juggling Jewells, Neil Itur ton and company, Black Bros., nud Hunllght pictures. CIIAS. M. ABRAHAMS, Manager of Prlncoss Victoria, booked as spe- cial featuro with tuu Harry Lauder Show, by Wm. Morris. a telephone song. Raymond and Hall are a young couple Howes, and* Leonard nnd Louie. Oil eon (it. Decker, mgr.) - songs, who started with a conversation song nnd and pictures, to good crowds. m * . . ., > ■.-. »,_ <>.......,.~.i .» ■ /> ... ir,imlli- I A ulmnnu n -Vaudevlllo dance, followed by Mr. Raymond In a Ger- man specialty by Miss Hall. Their combined only, to fair business, footwork, when "dressed up" for tho flnlsn, Fit mil > (A. Simons, mgr.)—Pictures Ilrlglilon," fifth week "'AY.—"." M. C'OI second week. from HROADW. GEORGE M.COHAN Hanky Pnnky" ninth week, 8.—"Broadway Joues," Proctor'a One Hundred nnd Twenty* won them applauio. ""•» f'**' 1 . (£■<*• Allen, mgr.)—The bill The Bounding Owens did clover work in for Oct. 8-5 Includes: Felix, Coyle and Mor- atraight acrobatics, also on the trampolln, tell. 0 Mara and Wilson, "Tlie Mysterious the fop mounter getting a laugh overy time Girl, Dc BtelTilQo Bros., Abe Marks and com- he" leaped for tho podcstal. Double twisters pay. nnd Capt. (Icorge Stewart, to shoulders, and many other tricks, mixed # e,,h '" " r .° 1 n * '«"«» A. B» ley mar.; with a toucli o( comedy, made the three trim —Crowded at Ml performances, lhe bill fc or athletes well liked. this week: Edna Goodrich and company, Katberln Delmar, In a shimmering silver Bessie Wynn, Leo Cnrlllo Hal Davis and evening dress, sang In good voice, nutting c^P""?''' }W A < and WbJtehousc, Mullen and forth an operatic starter, followed by ''Thatl Coogiiii. Willis Family, Three Emerson*, and How I Need You," "Keep Away from tho hrgottl nnd Lilliputians. Fellow Who Owns An Automobile" and *••■{» ,f«*» Avenue (Albert Loow, "When I Get You Alono To-night," with tho mgr.)—Husiiiess continues first class here, new patter chorus, nil -with good effect offering vaudeville nnd pictures. Arthur May, clever little Juvenile perform- „ n , ,T «!';» ,,,c (Norman Goldman, mgr)— •r with good presence, snog "It Alnt a Lie," Good bills arc drawing continual good bust- In knickerbockers. lie also had a parody, »*"■• -. Eftsfsa/X; "Si CrojiInT 15k p'lynB,~th*e Hernia". 1 Tn8 Futurity WlBnet."" » : ''r^ 0 ?«^^-f^-Bettcijrd> mgr.)- paiuuj, nml in hit Harry Lander Imitation lie. had the mannerisms ot the popular Hcot down One and made a big hit. encoring with a nlftv little recitation about "npplause." Tneplctiires were: "Harvesting Alfalfa" And Heart ship,- ... Breed's Sacrlllce." Lubln. Mill he pictures were: -nnrvesnng rtiiairu- "The Borrowed Umbrella." Sellg; "The rt of John Grimm," Kalem; "His Lord- i.- the T Vnlr-t," VlfftgMph, nncj "Half- Star (Jack Leo, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures continue to attract good sized audi- ences. Wiiniiinactnn (Harry Thorns, Mgr.)—Pic- tures and vaudeville. Gotham (Lep Solomon, mgr.)—This bouse Is doing well, presenting vaudevlllo and pictures. Brooklyn, ft. Y.—-Moiitauk | Edward Trail, mgr.) David Wnrfleld, In "The Return of CASINO.—"The Morry Couatess," seventh week. ELTlNOE FORTY-SECOND STItBIOT.— "Within the Law,' 7 fourth week. UMPIRE. —John Drew, ill "Tbe Perplexed Husband? fifth weok. FORTY-EIGHTH STRKHT.— "Little Mis* Brown." sixth weok. OAIETY. — "Officer uW r (revival), eighth week. GAR1HCK.—"Tie Attack," third week. HIPPODROME. —"Under Mflny Flags," fifth week. LYRIC—"The Ne'er Do Wells," fifth and last week, LYCEUM.—Biillo. Burke, in "Tho 'Mind the Paint' Olrl," fourth wack. LIBERTY.—"Milestones," third week. MAXINW ELLtOTT.-ritoidy Money," sov- etith week. NEW AMSTERDAM.—"Tho Count of Lux- embourg," third week, PARK—"My Dost Girl/' fourth week. PLAYHOUSE. — "Bought and Paid For," Ufty-thlrd and last week. REPUBLIC.—"The Governor's Lady." fourth Week. THiRTY-NIMTn STREET.—"Tho MiiMter of the House," seventh and last week. WINTER GARDEN,—'The Passing Show of ST. LOUIS HAPPENINGS. (Hpcciat Dttpatoh to Tun Nhw Yobk Cmi'i>hii. j St. Louis, Sept. 28. The Herbert A. Kline Shows closed, to- night, a remarkably successful engagement of ono week at tbo new St. Louis Fair. Tbe attractions gave general satisfaction. Among the visitors to the Kline Shows this week were Edward Arlington nnd Fred Beckninn, of the 101 Ranch Wild West Show, who slopped off In St. Louis for a few hours on their way lo Ponca, Okln., where tho 101 Ranch Wild Show Is to Winter; Fred (Jo'l- mar, who wits In Ht. Louis on his way tn Join tho Gollinitr Bros.' Circus in Oklahoma, to spend a day or two with the shows; Hurry S. Noycs, general agent of Ihn Great Patterson Shows, Who conferred with S!. LhuIh railroad odlclals In refemncu to move- ments for his aggregation hi the South, auil Warren A. Patrick, Western represonUtlv.' who was glviu his of tub Nhw viuiic cmi'Pmu, wno was g a cordial reception by Mf, Kline anil associates, Frank Talbot, of the Hippodrome; pan Fldtlell, and Walter Donaldson, of the lr, Patrick expressed .'IMi the genu , and (no slci f.MI'1'HB III general ' idy Hi. Come pictures m ngr.i ijuviii TTiirueiu, mc ueiuru oi 1012," eleventh week, idy (AllierrKaurman. dfRTrT—Motloa--rVter flrlmrj." '^"fl '«-"„*«•««'" 'JiSK; «-HXlAM COLMEft'/t/OMBl. and Illustrated songs. ment here Monday, Sept. 80, to a picKeU l>'li,t rHTrrr'-tWrd v,ooV,— Nntlimnl Show Print. M., himself lis highly pleased with excellence of the Kline Shows, advance of Tin) Nhw Yoiik Louis. E. A, Warren was here this week In ad- vance of Rowland 3t Clifford's attraction, "Casey Jones," nnu made a splendid showing. ■ '■' »«» ■ TEE CORT THEATRE, BOSTON. On Tuesday, Oct. 1, ground was broken on Columbus Avenue, nl Park Square, Hoston, for the construction of one of the coxiest and most complete theatres on ths American .con- tinent. The fort Theatre It will be called, named after John Cort, the theatrical mana- ger, whose Inturosts extend from the Atlantic to the Paciiic. The new plnynou'so, wfll bo erected with every passible lirisfe,' so 'that the various, attractions appearing, under ,Mr. Cort'* direction mny be se«n Inert) Imme- diately following their New York run, and In KDY.—"Ftnuy's soma instances receive their first production ip "wlglL .. _^_