The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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i !■ : s 18, THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. October 5 V NO LITTLE GIRL LIRE YOU One of these irredBtlble waits songs which you are sore to put over. U you are wnj tbie kiadof a number y now, here Is the one song that will replace It and Improve your act Arranged for quartette. BURGLAR MAN Here's the chance to liven up your aot with something good. It Is an original song with every ohanee to the world ^^ for business, and lota of it We have a great double version for this one. A sure "clean up" for you. Ask for extra double version sheet if you can use it THEATRICALS REPRO. PHOTO CO, ■*■ ' ■ aS west T*a aTRRET (Oop. American Theatre), NEW tOHK **■ i^hhi .usniava Enlargements. Copies Of alt Una*. BitUwnakeu at studio at reasonable price, \£mL2& nroWuTattended 10. Send for price list. Telephone Bryantsduo. ?. B088. Prop, pr ' cq f WAY DOWN ontheMISSISSIPPI This is really a beautiful song. One of those old tune ballads with beautiful harmony. Suitable for any voice. We can't Bay too muoh about it ORCHESTRATIONS IN ALL KEYS. 8END LATE PROGRAMME BETTS & BINNER COMPANY, 143 N. Clark St., Chicago, III. ROUTE LIST. Hoote. Intend** «S5. ^-ii, Wfi?* Moat Beach Ttala eJ tglg slJMP" Than Saturday ot B 1f" WeeK to Ina nre Inae rtlon. DRAMATIC AMD MUSICAIm ^^ £' AngnsTa. VTlO, Savannah. 11. Jackson- Aj2 Margaret-Carrie.. Chicago. 30. laden- fcS Oecrff-tlrtl« Co.'a-Newark. N. J., S0- Oct. B. Montreal. Can^T-12. , M1Uon * Aborn. English Grand Opera, Atlatttlc <M"ton * SargeTTAborn. nigra. )-Colnmbos, 0.. Oct 8-8. a^»Si , i.h 1 ar»d opera. p«<»« < m 'nV Baraent Aborn. mgrs.) — Poughkfepsle. N. ,*•■ oltfs BBa 4. Troy 5. Great Barren. Mass.. 7, New Britain. Conn.. 8. Norwich 0. New London 10. New Him 11. ."• - "Amaxoos. The"—Charles Frohuian s — Duke of York. Loudon. 30, Indefinite. «..*». -SB of' thTTrall" (0. P. F.rrlngton. boa. 4. jiekman. Me.. 5. OreenTille 7. Munaon 8, Mllo 9 Brownvilie 10. _ ' —__ Dtnie Borke-rChariea Frobman's-Lyceum. M» Tork. 30, Indefinite. - - - Brian Donald—Charles Frohman's -Ann Arbor "llch Oct. S. Bar City 4. Saginaw 5, Lansing 7 Battle Creek-i. Jackson 0, Kalamssco 10. HAVE GOOD OPEN TIME, FOR FIRST CLASS ONE NIGHT STANDS OR GOOD REP. C08. CANANDAICUA. N.Y. DAVIDSON THEATRE Pop. 10,000. Capacity 1000. NEW MANAOEIIBKT, Writ*. E. O. DODD8. BAND ACTORS IN ALL LINES. Also SOUBRETTE and CHARACTER WOMAN BUI Water. Paul Ford-Al. Hngnes. Win. Nash, Vlo Robs, Ben Wilkes, Joe Jones, vrite. Open Oct, 38 BsVaSaSasST ' 8. M. WACMTBL. Pino St., WllHamsport, Pa. L.II "A ROYAL SLAVE" CO. LIOHT COMEDIAN, o ne th at can Ring and dance, and act the feature part of Jonee, the Newspaper Correspondent, also JUVENILE LEAD, for part of Carloa. People vho hare played the parts will he riven the preference. No tickets to unknowns. Boozers and tourists, save stamps. Wire or write autlng all. GEORGE H. BIDD, Fremont, Ind., Oct. 6; Albion, 9. PEOPLE IN ALL LINES EXCEPTING LEADING MAW A. STOOK OOMPANY Rehearsals commence Monday, Oct. 14. Need particularly a stage CARPENTER who can do a line of good parts. If. appklL, York Opera House, York, Pa. Al SLIDE TROMBONE PLAYER, to double Violin in Orchestra; also - SOUBRETTE, with Strong Specialty FOR ONE NIOHT STAND. Hnst be young and Rood looking, neat appearance on and off. Only those who oan appreciate good treatment and salary every week need apply. Send late photo and pro- grammes. Charles Worrell and Will Sears, answer. Tickets It I know yon. Address FRANK E. GALLAGIIUR, Mgr. of "Uncle Zeke" Co., Nevada, Bio. E. DAVID HEMINGER LEADS, HEAVIES, GEN. BU8. Wardroiu Al. Reliable managers only. Plndfay, Ohio. WANTED MAN for EMOTIONAL and ROMANTIC LEADS Host be good reader and have wardrobe. INGENUE; MAN for CHARACTER LEADS To manage stage. MAN FOR SPECIALTIES Small parte, to handle props. PIANIST To Double Stage. Give age, height and weight. All mast be experi- enced and reliable. Address IDA WEBTOS RAE, Stanton,Nebr.,Oct. 4,6; Wlaner, Nebr., t, »,»..- WANTED QUICK Bowdish Stock Company Han for Heavies. Man tor Juveniles and Light Comedy, Woman for Juveniles, one with specUlty preferred. Three night week stands. Sate low- est Pay own. Must Join on wire. ANCJELL AND BOWDISH. Wgrs., Boyer Hotel, Pittsburg. WANTED Gordon, KlttrWos. M. OMtetf—Cleveland, o, 'KJoiernor's' Lady, Th»"—David Belasco's— r. public. New York. 30, Indefinite. ■""*-«• "Garden of Allah,'. The"—Llebler Oo.'a— ami torlnia, Chicago; 80, Indefinite. ""' "Get Blch Quick Walllogford," Eastern—&,»„ a Harrla —Oarrlck, Philadelphia, 30-Oc-i* "Get Rich Quick Walllngford.* Wtttem-bi... * Harrls'-JdcVicker'a, Chicago. 30-Octi2 "Oooae Girl"—Baker a Oaatle'a (Fred q «,, , . lams, ret. mgr.)—Birmingham, Ala. ho-riri I, Toacaloosa 7. Meridian, Miss.. 8, TaMuiib" La.. 0, Monroe 10, Arcadia 11, Shreveport i< "Granstark"—United Play Co.'s— Princeton "ill Oct. 3, Wood tall 1. Galesburg 5, Rock 0. Maquoketa. Ia„ T, Montlcellc 8, Straabm, Feint 0, Drereborg 10. IadepeDience U u n , ahalllown 12. ' *"" "Girl at the Oale, The"—Harry Aaklni'— u SaMe. Chicago, 30. Indefinite. "Girl Prom D. 8. A. The"—Wooda a Chalker'. —Blraa, Waaa.. Oct. 3, Centralla 4, Kelso 5 "Gamblera. The" <Ed. McDowell, mar.t—w, verly. N. T„ Oct. 3, Addison 4, Blnjbsrato,, V Oortlar.d 7, Oawego 8, Watertown 9, Car(in» 10. Ogdenabars 11, Addison 12. " "Girl and the Outlaw, Tte," Weatern—Bert Mm, er'atLeo F. Harrison, mgr.)—Garner, la. On 3, W«ler 4. Foreat City S, Mankato, Minn 8, Brownadale 7. Hnrmony 8 r CaiedDala 9 "ilrej-hoond, Tte" — Wajenhala & KeroueV«— Brooklyn, N. T., Oct 7-12. . "Otrl of the MoonUtoa. A" (Wee & Lambert nwra.)—Saliwville, O., Oct. 4, Bella I r,. 5 Wadswortn 7, Amherat 8, Lorain 0, Kevaj. n' TllBn 12. . ' "Olrl From the Sonny South, The" (W. 0. Don-a* mgr.)—Calais, Me., Oct. 3, Eaatport 4 "Girl of the Underworld, A," Eastern (Wee i Lambert. mjtra\>—Vlneland, N. I., Oct 8 Bar. ■ington 4, Plalnrleld 5, Freehold 7, Sew I'iIii N.-T., S, Kingston 9, Dolgevllle 10, Herklrcpr 11, Amstordam 12, "Qlrl of the Underworld. A," Western (Chi. Parker, mgr.)—Coal City. 111., Oct. 4. OttaVa 6, Aurora 6. Sycamore 7, De Kalb 8, Cmron Oi: Sterling 10, Slorrlaon 11. J "Oftl Outlaw, The" (Clyde An.leraon, msr. 1— New Bethlehem. Pa., Oct 3, Klttannlng 4 Fcrd City 5, Leechburg 7, Apollo 3. Avonmnre 9 SalUburg 10. Ookevllle 11, Bhlrvllle 12. Hitchcock, Raymond—Cohan A Harris'—ivr r Mich.. 30-Oct 5, Chicago 6-Kov. 23. Co.'a—A ■aSSK&^M*. Wis.. Oct. 3. M.di. son 4 Winona. Minn.. 3. Minneapolis 6-12. BlS?r. Eueenle (Geo. H. Nlcolal, mgr.l-Orand. Philadelphia. 30-Oct. 5. ,,,„._ * o,,. ••Bohemian Olrl. The" Atltntie (Milton 4 Sar- gent Aborn, mxrs.)—Ashtabnla, O., Oct. 3. Norwalk 4, Sandusky 5. „,,i»„ * o«r. "Bohemian Olrl. The," Pacific (Milton A Sar. sent Atom. mgrs.)—Newport, K-*?.- V'£ - a ^-Xa U 8 M- blo«cesU? Ma»i! »T Lawrence Hodge. Wllllam-Liebler Co.-a_Atl.ntlc Oltj, S. n Vi,min«?;e 11 WorcOTtcr 12 J- 30-Oct. 5, Baltimore, Md., 7-12. ^J^andfpald Fo?-W«" A? Brady's. Ltd. Hyams. John, and Leila Mclntyre-Joa. u. ^.vboum V«w York 30-Oct. 5, West End. Gaitea'—Buffalo, N. Y„ Oct 7-9. "* ora, au-uci. Hawtrey. William (A O. Delamater. ngr.l-St John, N. B„ Can.. Oct 11, 12. "Hanky Panky"—Lew Fields'—Broadway «♦»■ York, 30. Indefinite. "Heart Creakera. The"—Mort H. Singer's (Sira Myers, rtgr.)—Modesto. Cal., Oct. 3, Freano 4, Bakersfield 5. Los Angeles 8-12. "House of a Thousand Candles," Eastern—C 8. Primrote's— Pern, Ind., Oct 3, Delphi 4, D* catnr. 111., 8. "House of a Thoosald Candles," Western—C, 3. Prlmrore's—Kenosha, Wis., Oet 6, Stongbton 7, Porttge 8, Marsbfield 9, Merrill 10, Bhlne- lander 11, Ironwuod, Mich., 12. "Hippy Hooligan" — Gas Hill's—Sew Daren. Conn., Oct. 3-3, .Pateraou, N. J., 7-12. "In Old Kentucky" (D. Conaadine, rajr. 1— Seattle. Wash., 30-Oct. 5. Portland, Ore., 012. "June Madness" (Wlnthrop Ames, mgr.)—Ful- ton, New York, 30, Indefinite. 'June Bride, The"—Weber a Fields'—Majestic, For Vaudeville and Picture Show Making 1, 2 and 3 day stands. Also SKETCH TEAM AND COMEDIAN. Answer quick, letter only, and tell all. CHA8. CLARK, Care of Clark's Comedians, CHILTON, WIS. BEAUTIFUL, BLACK SHETLAND PONY Wltb fonr white feet. Weight 300 pounds. Stage broken with right good tricks. Good bind logger. - -nd Pony Acts. Thoroughly ~ people need apply. Per. address, POTTS, rear, 3356 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, 111 Will break and train Ape, Monkey and Pony Acts. Thorouglil' Hiding Baboon for Sale. - Only reliable people need apply. experienced. nave Bicycle I LARCI MAN for Characters and Heavies; LARGE WOMAN for Characters, Heavies and Gen. Business EUGENE J, MURPHY'S KNICKERBOCKERS BUOBNK J. JIUPPllY, Pot 1 week, LaQrange, Ind.; Oct 7, Stnrgis, Mien. i/%.r%iis DOUBLE DRUM OR ANY BAND INSTRUMENT Other Musicians, double stage, write. Address CLAUDE IlKED, oot. 8. KeeeeviUe. N. T.- 4 An able Forks; 6, Dannemora, "TEXAB CATTLE KINO" CO. tt ™ ,D " uo > "• ■•« «i CAN YOU USE " A LEGITIMATE CHARACTER ACTOR "ar - HpeakB. 10 languages. FlayB German, French, Russian, Yiddish, etc. Eleven years' experience In German theatres. Excellent wardrolio. j>iro3«; heighten, loin. Address JA<HJK8 JKM8KN, S4B1 E. Kavenawood Park, Chicago. WANTED A GOOD SKETCH TEAM (Singing and Dancing , RINGING AND DANCING SOUBRETTE laities only—no part. State all In Drat letter. oat J"ln AT ONCE. ION CARROLL, Carroll Comedy Co., Ironton, Oblo. Fomeroy, Ohio, week of Oct. 7. __. riarbouae. ■Blue' Bird. 'The'^-Llebler Co.'s—Lyric. CWcago, ■B 3 i°rd 1 ^ B p. , radl«"-011ver MoroKO'—MUwan- "B^.erTy J on 30 ^ , meel, A"-Loal. Wsller-a- Snnbert, Boston, 80, Indefinite. "Brewster's Millions" (Al. Klcb Producing Co., mirs.)—Wsrren. Minn., Oct. 4. "Baby Mine," Eastern—Wm. A. Brady's—De- troit, Mich., 30-Oct. 5. ,__ ^-- ■ "Brute, The"—Comatock a Oeat, Inc.—Thirty ninth Street. New York, Oct. 7. Indefinite. "Bachelor's Baby, The'^-Hamllton, O., Oct. 7. 8. "Bllndne«e of Ylrtoe, Tbe"—Wm. Morris—Hon. treal, Can.. 30-Oct. 5. -..—j. . .,,. "Baby Doll"—St. Paul, Minn., 30-Oct. 6, MU- "Bnnty^Pulls" the Strings"—Snubert-Brsdy's— "Bnnt n v f 'PnlIs "the Strings"—Shubert-Brsdy's— 1? iot« w v Mt TMontreal. Can., 7-12. Boston, 30-Oet. 5 "Bnn l ?y I °Puli« Y -the J "strtag." - Shnbert-Brs'dy^ Kolb. DHL and Ma, West End. New York, 30-Oct. 5. •Balance, The" (Gorhsm * BowIader : .mgrs.) -- Stei.becson. Mich.,-Oct. 3, Iron Moonlain ,4, Florence, Wis., 5, WSnsan 7, Marietta 8, Ocon- to 0. "Bachelor's Honeymoon, A" (OUaon A BndSeM, mgra.)—Saaboa. la., Oct. 5 Wayerly 7. Allison S Greene 9, Clarksvllle 10. Oelweln 11 Maode Lillian Berrt—San Fran- cisco, Cat., 30, Indefinite. "Kindling"—United Play 0o.'s—Imperial, Vic- toria. National, Crown (in order named)—Chi- cago, 30-Oct. 26. Loralne. Robert — Llebler Co.'s — Hudson, New York, 30, Indefinite. Lloyd, Alice—Werbe & Luescher'i—Woodstock, >'. B., Can., Oct. 3, St. John 4, 3, Halifax, X. ».. REPERTOIRE PEOPLE Tall, Heavy Man, some characters; Comedian dulug specialties, must do some genteel charac- ter*: Specialty People, Scenic Artist doing small Ssrts, muhI. lasB, eltber ladles or gentlemen,.for oncert orchestra. If your habits as well as ability are not first class, do not answer. Com- pany ps> s all expenses. F. 0. HENRY, LOYAL, WTfl. a-l CARL L. ROGERS UgMComtdy Helghtoft91n.;welghtl37. KINQPISHER. OKLA WANTED Versatile Medicine Performers Must be Al and able to change often. Join at once. SUte all. DR. FRANK EMERSON, KUayth, Payette Co., W. Va. liberty MAX C. ELLIOTT FIRST CLASS LISTING AGENT Sober, reliable. Hard worker. Uuule, book, wildcat. Join on wire. Address MONROE, MICH. R RENT NEW THEATRE Sealing capacity 1200. Fully equipped In every way. Population BtOO, with ID ouo to draw from. Possession given at once, win 1.0 rented for one year with privilege of more. Situated on main line P. R. K. Elegant opplirluuliy lor live party. Address THEATRE, cat 6 of CLIPPER. LADIES and GENTLEMEN For first class legitimate dramatic company. State all. Join on wire. Program; height; weight; age: lowest, sore salary. Season's work. THE WRIGHTS, Rolfe, la. CONTRACTS LETTER nEAI)8. VNVFLOPKS TICKETS, PASSES, CARDS. E»C. Write for Sample*, m andlomr aeaiinn" n-«bb Pte.oo.,64J80.Doerboru8u,Chicago,V SkJumut 1 oo^mi «», i "•.■*•'• • • * • i •••■ • 4 «|ij WANTED, FOR SECARDO <5i IIITCHIBON'8 NOVELTY COMPAN V AND DOG SHOW, A No. 1 TIANO PLAYER. Join on wire salar-- Oood salary to reliable party, but must make good and play the show. AddreBS SECARU0 A RITCH180N, care of Bog Show, Churubnsdo, Clinton Co., N. Y. ADVANCE AGENT One who Is capable of advancing a dramatic pro- duction. Don't want a circus bill poster, but an advance man. Address L. T. GOULD, Mlddlston, Mich. Capable Dramatic People For our throe attractions. Can placo Capable Act lng Manager (Bond required). Immediate en, Address B e engage- RAND0N PRODUCER, TEACHER, or would con aider Clever Man, not under 39, with stock or rep- ertoire experience. Write full particulars In first letter, considering permanent N.Y. City engage- ment. Add. SCHOOL, 800 W. 23d St., N. Y. City. OUT OF TOWW MEWS 7-0, New Glasgow 10, Sydney 11, 12.- Cllfton Crawford-Henry B. Harris —Park, New ^ Dtre-Sowtond'* Clifford's. Inc. (Dare York. 30, Indefinite. . _ . Crane. Wm. H. (Joseph Brooks, mgr.)—Roches- ter. N. Y.. Oct. 7-9. Buffalo 10-12. .-. Cnsrles Cherry—Charles Frohman's — Cincinnati, i>.. 30-iKt. 5, St. Louis. Mo.. 0-12. ■■ Carle. Richard, and Hattie Williams — Charles Frohman's—Chicago Opera House, Chicago, 30, Indefinite. ..." Crosman. Henrietta (Maurice Campbell, mgr.)— Brooklyn, N. Y.. 30-Oct 5. • -f • Cohan. Geo. M.—Cohan & Harris'—Cohan. New York. 30. indefinite. * * * ^ Clarke. Delia—Parkerabnrg, W. Yau Oet. 8, Marietta. O, 4,. Blnefleld. W. Vs., 7, Roanoke, Va., 8 Pulaski 9, Abingdon 10, Bristol, Tenn., 11. Big Stone Oap, Va„ 12. •■ "Chlmfa of Normandy, The" (Milton A Sargent Abom. mere.)—Brooklyn, N. Y„ 30-Oct. 6. "Concert, Tbe"—David Belasco'a—Wllllamsport, Pa.. Oct. 3, Wllkes-Barre 4, Scranton 5, Orand, New York, 712. _. . _ , ■ "Count of Luiembourg, The"—Klaw A Erlan«. er'K—New Amsterdam, New York, 30, indefi- nite. "Cbaritv Olrl. The"—Geo. H. Lederer's—Globe, New York, Oct 2, Indefinite. "0. O. D."—John Cort'a—Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 8-5, Buffalo, N. Y.. 7-12. "Ooantry Boy. The"—Henry B. Harris'—Iouls- rille, Ky.. 30-Oct. 5. Indianapolis. Ind., 7-12. "City. The"—United Play 0o.'s—Atlantic. Is Seymour, mgr.)—Victoria. Chicago. ZO-Ott \ Fort Wayne, Ind., 8-9, Kendjllrllle 10, Kila- maioo, Mich., 11. 12. Luneska, Gene—Werba ft Lnescher's—Peterlero, Ont., Can., Oct. 3, Hamilton 4. S, Gait 7, Ouelph 8, Stratford 9, Woodstock 10, St. Thomas 11, London 12. Lambnrdl PacISc Toast Grand Opera—San Fran- cisco, Cal.. 30-Oct. 19. m . "Little Misa Brown"—Wm. A. Brady'e, Ltd.— Forty-eighth Street, New York, 3-). indefinite. "Littia Boy Blue"—Henry W. Savage's—Newirk, N. J., 30-Oct. 5, Majestic, Boston, 7. Indefbute. "Little Millionaire"—Cohan ft Harria'—Grand, New York, 30-Oct. 5. "Lion and the Mouse, The"—United Play Co.'s— Oohourg Ont, Can., Oct. 3, Ottaws 4, 5, Rent- frow 7, Smith's Falls 8, Brockvllle S, Nipsnee 10, Belleville 11, Kingston 12. "Louisiana Lou"—Harry Askln's—Slemnlils.Tenn., Oct. 4, 5. 7 " • "Life's Shop Window"—Kalsmaioo, Mich.. Oct 3-5. . Mantell, Robert B.—Wm. A Bradj's—Adelphl, Philadelphia, 30-Oct. S, Baltimore, Md.. 7-12. Miller, nenry—Klaw ft Brlangtr'u—Washington, D. C, 30-Oct 5. Mason. John—Charles Frohman's—Garrlck. N'ew York, 30, Indefinite, Menn, I^.ula—Werba ft Luescher's—Bmad, Phlla- delphln, 30-Oct 0, Brooklyn, K Y.. 7-12. Oct 3, Fort Dodge 4, Cherokee 5, Sioux Falla, Murphy, Tim—Llebler Co.'a—Wallack'i. New York, 3. Dak.. C, Canton, la.. 7, Snenwr 8, Alcona 0, 30. Indefinite. Detroit, Mich. — Detroit (B. C. Whitney, mgr.) Raymond Hitchcock, in "Tbe Red Widow," week of Sept. 80. Gaubick (R. H. Lawrence, mgr.) — "Baby Mine," with Walter Jones, week of 30. Lvcex-m (E D. Stair, mgr.)—"The Fortune Hiuiter" week of 20. Gaystt (Wm. Ruaclie, ingr.)—Beauty, Youth and Folly week of 29. Avenue (Drew ft Campbell, mgrs.)—Jardln de Paris Girls week of 20. 'lEUi-iA (J. II. Moore, mgr.)—Bill for week 30: Lilian Herleln. the Bell Family, John E. Ilershniv and Grace Avery, lloaalind Oogfalan and company. James II. Cullen, Caron and Herbert, Al. and Fannie Steadman, the Five Plroecoffls, and tho llooceoscoj*. •• Milbs (O. W. Porter, mgr.)—Bill for week of 30: Thomas Jefferson and company, Slelmn's Bal- Brltt 10. Emmetsburg 11. Sioux City 12, 13. "Oollege Boy"—Ohas. Portier's (J. A. Dawsor. mgr.)—Durand. Wis., Oct. 3, Galesvllle 4, Arcadia 5. Winona, Minn., 6. "Common Law, "Pie." A—A. H. Woods'—Cin- cinnati, O., 30-Oct. 5, Dayton 7-12. "Common Law. The." B—^A. H. Woods'—Denver, Colo.. 30-Oct. 5. "Cocey Jones"—Rowland 4 OUfford'a, .Inc.—St. Louis, Mo., 30-Oct. 3, Memphis, Tenn., 7-12. "Connty Sheriff. The" (Wee 4 Lambert, mgrs.)— Slattngton. Pa., Oct. 3. South Bethlehem 4, Allentonn 5, West Chester 7, Lebanon 8, Kntt- town 8. Doylestown 10, Boyeraford 11, Bridge- ton, N, J„ 12. "Climax, The" — Jos. SI. Weber's — Mllwsukee. Wis., 30-Oct. 5. .... ... Drew, John—diaries Frohman's—Empire, New York. 30. Indefinite. Daly, Arnold (Arthur Hopkins, mgr.)—Harris', New York. 30. indefinite. De Karen Opera (D. V. Arthur, mgr.)—Boston Theatre. Boston, 30, indefinite. "Divorce Question. The." City—Rowland ft Clif- ford's, inc.—'Washington. D. C 30-Oct 5. "Divorce Question. The," Central—Rowland ,-ft Clifford's. Inc. (Fred. Douglas, bos. mgr.)— Iowa Falla, la., Oct. 3, Independence 4, Water- Ion 5. Moilne. III.. 0, Davenport, la., 7, Rock Island. HI., S, Clinton, la., 0, Savanna, 111.. 10. Galena 11. Dubuque, la., 12. ■ "Excuse Me" Eastern — Henry W. Savage's— Mlddletown, N, Y„ Oct. 7, Newbuigh 8, Pough- kcepslc 0, Amsterdam 10, Syracuse 11, 12. "Bxcuse Me," Western—Henrv W. Savage's— Blnghamton, N. Y., Oct. 3. Scranton, Pa., 4. Wllkea-Rarre S, Shamokln 7, Sunbury 8, Wlll- lamsuort 9, Lock Haven 10, Huntingdon 11, JohnRtown 12. • "Ell and Jane" (Louis H. Dale, mgr.)—Wan- coma. la.. Oct 3, Elms 4, Rleevllle 5, Osage 7, St. Ansgar 8, Sumner 0, Dike 10, Dysart 11, Grundy Center 12. Foy, Eddie—Werba ft Lnescher's—Cleveland. 0..' SO-Oct. 6, Detroit, Mich., 7-12. Farnun, Dustin—A. II. Woods'—Milwaukee, Wis., 30-Oct. 0, St. Paul, Minn., 6-9, Minneapolis 11-12. let. Hubert Deveaux, Brown and Foster, Johnny Fanium. William—A. H. Woods'—Baltimore, SM„ 1,'lnl- anil I Viri al I lAafVUtn 10-Oct S " - Fine Feathers"—H. H. Frsxee's—Oort, Chicago, Kink, and the Mllcacoue. Charleaton, S. C.—Academr (Charles R. Matthews, mgr.) "The Quaker Olrl" Oct. 3. Viotobm (Pastime Amusement Co., mgrs.)— Business Is good. For week of Sept. 30, Roxcll's Minstrels. Majistio, Wondibland, Tiibatoiiuu, Lvaio and CnssckNT, picture houses, report doing well. Colnmbla, 9. C.—New Columbia (F. L. Brown, mgr.) "The Quaker Otrl" Oct. 1. "Mutt and Jeff" 2, "Tie Traveling Salesman" 3, Mmnlc A.i.'inis S. Notr— The SouUi Carolina Agricultural and Mechanical Society's annual fair will be held Oct. 28 to Nov. 2. Snmter, S. C.—Academy (Ai«c Ryttenberg, nutr.) "The Traveling Salesman" Oct. 1. "Mntt and Jeff" 3. Notes. — Howc'h Olrcua billed for Oct. 10. Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Pawnee Bui's Fix Gut tor 28. 30. Indefinite. "Fanny's First Play"—Sam 8. ft Lee Shubert, Inc.—Comedy. New York, SO, Indefinite. "Fortune nunter"—Cohan ft Harris'—Detroit Mich., 30-Oct. 5. Toledo, O.. 8-9, Grand R*d- lds, Mich., 10-12. , . r - "Fortune Hunter" (Emest. Schnabel, mgr.) Wooster. O... Oct. 3, Alliance 4, Kast Liverpool 5. Washington. Pa., 7, Bellaire, 0„ 8, Parkers- burs W. va. 9 Charleston 11. "Fortune Hunter" Coast—Rowland ft Clifford's, Inc.—Monmouth, 111., Oct. 3, Oaleaburg 4, Ke- watee 6. Davenport, la.,"6.' "Faust"—Manley 4 Campbell's—Grand Raplda, Wis., Oct. 8. Antlgo 7, Oconto 0, Iron Monn^ toln, Mich., 10, Crystal Falla 12. "Flnnl Settlement. The"—Wm. Wamnher'a (D. n. Lyall. mgr.)—Virginia, III.. Oet 3. neonls- town 4. Bluffa r>, Mlmkn 7, Carlhage 8. Olaj- toa 9. Macomb 10, Alexis 11, Qaicslmrg 12 Sfontgomery, Stone and Elsie Janls—Charles Dill- lnrham's—Chestnut St. Opera House, Philadel- phia, Oct 7, Indefinite. MacDonald, Christie—Werba ft Lnescher's— Montreal. Can., 30-Oct S, Baltimore, Md.. 7- 12. "Million, The," Eastern—Henry W. Savage's— Providence, R. I., Oct 8-S, Adelphl, Philadel- phia. 7, indefinite. "Merry Countess. The"—Sam S. 4 Lee Shubert Inc.—Casino, New York, 30, lndednlte. "Milestones"—Klaw ft Erlanger's—Liberty. Ke* York. 30, indefinite. "Milestones"—Klaw ft BWangeir'a—Blaclfctmw. Chicago, 80, Indefinite. "Modern Eve, A"—Mort H. Singer's—Princess, Chicago, 30, indefinite. '^Modern Ere, A"—Mort H. Singer's (Ifenrv .- Plerson, mgr.)—St. Louis, Mo., 30-Oct. 9. Qulncy. 111., 8, Keokuk, la., 7, Ilurllugton 8, . Galesborg 9, Springfield 10-12. "Mester of tho House, The"—Sam S. ft Lee Shu- bert. Inc.—Thirty-ninth Street, New York. 30- Oct 5. Lyric, New York. 7, Indefinite. "Man Higher Up. The"-^Jos: M. Galtes'—Olym- pic, Chicago, 30, indefinite. ■ "Miss Nobody From Starlnnd"—Mort H. Singers (Ohas. Donaghue, mgr.)—Bartlosvllle. okla.. Oct. 3, Tulsa 4, Oklahoma 0, 0. McAleater 7 Muskogee 8, Wichita Falls, Tex., 9, »ort Worth 10, Dallai 11. ' "Madame Sherry," A (Ohas. Strumm, mgr.)—St. I^Hils, Mo.. 30-Oct 5, Indianapolis, Ind., i, '• "Military Girl, The" (Florcnx ^legfeld Jr.. iner) —American Music Hall, Chlc-igo, 30. Indeliiilte "Mutt and Jeff." Special—Gua Hill's—Herkimer. N. Y.. Oct 3, Oneida 4, Dunkirk S, Buffalo 7- 12. „ "Mutt and Jeff," A—Gus Hill's—Snmter, S. 0.. Oct 3. • ., .. "Melting Pot"—Llebler Co.'s—Brooklyn, N. v, Oct. 7-12. Nailraova, Mmc.—Charles Frohman's—Erir I V Oct. 3. Oolnmbu8, O.. 4, 6. Louisville. Ky-. •• O.-'LexIngton 10. Indlana|>olls, Ind.', 11. 1- , "Ne'er Do Well, The"—Author's 1'ro.luclnp t<;-« —Lyric, New York, 30-Oct 5, Cleveland. "•• 7-12 --.'--' "New Sin, The"—Llebler Co.'s—Powere', Chi- • cago, 30, Indefinite. __ „ v O'Hars, riake (A. J. Plton, mgr.)—Troy, S. «■ 3,' Qlens Falls 4. Poughkeepsle, mat sey City. N. J„ 7-12. . .. — "Oh I Oh I DeHphlne"—Jilaw ft Erlanger's—Knlct erbocker. New'York. 30, Indefinite. "Oliver Twlat"—LWHer Co.'a—Plymouth, ""' ton, 30-Oct-12. _ ._. .-„- "Officer 666"—Cohan ft Harrl*'—G«Io<r. >e * York. SO. Indefinite. - ' "; ; „ .. "Offlcer OHO," Westein—Cohan ft Harris l—™*"? Cal., Oct. 3. BakersQeld 4, Ssn Dlcgo •' »• Loa Angeles T-12. ■ _ , , ^-, "Offlcer 800." Middle—Oohan ft HarrU-^JJ London. Conn., Oct. 3, Mlddletown 4. M-nn" B. New Britain 7. Waterbury 8, BrlilBi'i'-r' "; Wlasted 10. Newburgh. N. Y., 11, !*«#»•» '■o'frfcer 680." Southern—Oohan ft Itorrls'— Y»f An Lac, Wis.. Oct 8, Kenosha 4. Mndi*'; ■'■ Racine 0. Woodstock. 1U„ 7, Janesvllre.ww.. . r-cioit o, Bocktord, UL, 10, Itt- Dixon !»• m