The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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OCTOBER 5 THE NEW YORK CJLIP^EIi. 23 F\A.rv\ WITH THE. IHOUVKHtPiO Indisputable Originators ^^ cowboy Films. W£CONTINUE TOOFFER EACH WEEK MR.G.M.ANDERSON , ^n Sj/libpsesof/his' WodkW ' 0r MRLY 0AYS IN WESTERN AMERICA.STACED UNDER THE PERSONAL productions in 'this.* paper SUPfRVISIONo. HR.ANDFRS0N,ilS5l5TED Bi ACAREfUlir TRAINED COMPANY ESSANAY NOTES. ooRfifl K. Spoob. president of the com- pany, states that Essanay would not nego- tiate for the privilege to make picture! of hi. world's championship aeries this year, lie rave as his reason that ths price asked f„r the privilege was excessive, and In his nnlnlon baBebafl has been very much over- dnno In picture theatres during the past summer. Mr. Spoor Is now In Nlles, Cal.. the home of Essanay's Western company, on bust- ness He will return within the week. "Ai.KALi Ike Stbno I" Is the title of the October contribution of this world famous Western comedy series, with Augustus Car- nev In bis popular character creation. nnrAST washbors, a popular member of Fssanay's Eastern Stock Co., bad the cutest little mustache Imaginable up to last week. iirrant was cast for one of the principal roles In a gripping production, and the deco- ration must be sacrificed for the sake of pro- moting dramatic art. Tub following humorous bit of poetry was submitted to the Essanay publicity depart- ment the past week by Clyde Martin, the well known picture pianist It Is readily seen that Martin Is an adept at other things beside piano playing, and Essanay appre- ciates the fact that he Is a booster of the Indian head product at all times: "I'M, THE GUY." (Apologies to 0. M. Anderson.) When toe "movies" are packed with youngsters, From the front row to the dome, And they're watchtn' some husky villain Steal the ranch girl front her home, And he hides her In an old hut. Where the poor thing's left to die, And some spartan hero save* her, Just believe me, "i;m the guy." Then away out In the mountains, Where some miners had hard luck, And would have lost all courage Were It not tor bis daughter a pluck; And some handsome cowboy comes along, As If he dropped down from the sky, And kills flftv or atxtv claim Jumpers— Stop your kidding, 'Tm the guy." When a notice has been posted ■ That the bandit Is at large, And the sheriff asks for deputies To come over from Red Lodge, Who is it steals out all alone. Where beasts of the forest cry, And brings Dick Deadeye back to town ? Just ask me, "I'm the guy." When the bIiow shop Is full of ladles. Admiring a hero brave, • Who several times the week before Went nobly to bis grave; When they murmur, "Isn't he handsome!" And watch and wait and sigh. And wonder if the original Is real— Excuse me, 'Tm the guy." i s ■ NEW MO VINO PICTURE SHOWS IN PANAMA. Consul General Alban 0. Snyder reports that during the lest week In August two new moving picture shows were opened In Panama City—the Teatro Varledadcs, origi- nally built for a variety theatre, and the Amador Theatre. This business has shown a considerable growth In the last year, but It Is thought that the field Is. now well cov- ered. All Alms and' machines used are Im- ported from the United States. I i Georqi B, GsArr, a representative of • Philadelphia moving picture concern, and Sidney Rcddlngton, chief steward on ths American liner New York, who pleaded guilty to smuggling moving picture Alms Into tho country from England, were, Sept. 28, sen- tenced to terms of three months each In ths penitentiary on Blackwell's Island by Judge Hough, in the Criminal Branch of the United Butts District Court. FIRST INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION OP THE MOTION PICTURE ART. To Be Held, at the Grand Central Pal- ace, New York, July 7, 1013. It Is now an assured fact that at the time of the third annual convention of the Mo- tion Picture Exhibitors' Association of Amer- ica, there will be held at the Grand Central Palace, New York City, the first International exposition of the motion picture art. This exposition will be held under the auspices of the Motion Picture Exhibitors' Associa- tion of New York, of which Samuel H. Trigger Is president. The following perma- nent commute has been appointed to take full charge of this exposition: Prank Tltche- nor, chairman; F. E. Samuels, secretary; Sir. Blumenthal, treasurer, and Messrs. Rosenthal, Meedles and King. An advisory commute, consisting of Messrs. Ascher (chairman), McNabb, Vanensl, Anson, Bau- erenfreund, Qoldtrarb and Flelschman, were alao appointed to confer with the permanent committee. tlon picture business. Its affairs are In most ennoble hands, and wo look forward to its being a world-benter. As a starter the committee has offered a firlie of $S0 for the most appropriate draw- ng, to be used as an enrblem of the first International exposition of the motion picture arts. A notice to this effect will soon appear In the trade Journals. A committee from the Art Institute will assist the exhibitors' com- mittee In choosing the most appropriate. CAUFORNIl'SFIRSTN.P.COPENTION. The first annual convention of the Moving Picture Exhibitors' Association, of Califor- nia, was held Sept. 17-19, In San Francisco, at Assembly Hall, Kobler A Chase Building. It was the first convention of Individuals Interested In the motion picture Industry ever held Wtst of the Kooky Mountains, but 832 accredited delegates attended, not Including representatives of all the big Eastern and foreign motion picture manufacturing con- cerns. Scene from the Clncs Film, "TRIFLE NOT WITH LOVE." Itclcascd Get. 6, by Geo. Klelne. Arrangements have already been made by this commute with the owners of the Grand Central Palace, and work will commence Im- mediately to make this exposition the biggest ever held. The three big floors of the Palace will be used. One 'for the convention, one for ex- hibiting pictures It being planned to erect a number of email theatres, and the third for the big exposition. • When It is taken Into consideration that there will be thousands of exhibitors here for the convention, and the millions of the pub- lic who will be anxious to see this (the first exposition of motion pictures, and their aux- iliaries) It appears that this exposition will bo the largest of any ever held In No>v York. From a publicity standpoint alone, this expo- sition will be of Immense benefit to the mo AUGUSTUS CARNRV, In bis famous rolo of Alkali Ike, la - "Alkali Ike Stoncr," The Essanay release for Oct 8. I I VITASCOPE CO. NEWS. George Grcenbaum, American manager of the Vltascope Co., tells us that his concern, a well known one In Germany, will soon be ready to show America something. A new stunt Is to be tried out by the Vltascope Co. here that, If successful, will bear close watch- ing. Singing and talking pictures are to be made and projected without a screen. It sounds good, and we wish we could tell now how it Is to be done. "In a Woman's Grip; or, Tho Black Cat," In three reels, Is a vltascope feature which will bo distributed by the General Film Pub- licity and Sales Co. Other features will soon be released for the Independent market. World of Players. ■Mad La Pobtb Co. Notes. —During the past seven weeks Dainty Mae La Porte has set a new pace for repertoire companies in this part of the world. With one excep- tion, she has appeared to the capacity of tho theatres. At Athens, 0., Monday night, Sept. 10, we had to stop selling tickets, and busi- ness was big all week. Manager Slaughter stild that we had the largest opening In the history of the house. ' Dave Heilman, who is ahead of the show this season, baa been Bend- ing out billing four weeks in advance, and It has proved very successful, as six out of tho seven weeks we have been out we have opened to record business. Manager McEnroe has secured "The White Bister," for which ho Is having a complete scenic production made, and the play will be used nf the feature play during the season. With this and the other plays that Manager McEnroe has already se- cured, this will bo one of the strongest com- panies playing the Central States. Raymond Mutton and his wife Joined the company last week, to rcplaco the Bothwclls. who leave to Join a New York company. The Erie Litho- graph Co. Is getting out a new, one sheet of Miss Ln Porte, which will make our billing as good, If not better, than any ln the Cen- tral States. Notes from the Nancy Boyer Stock Co.— Thts company opened Its season at Norwalk, <»., to Its usual capacity business, and has been playing to almost capacity at every stand, up to date. The verdict of our patrons Ik that it Is "bigger and better than ever be- fore." Wo are playing nothing but high class royalty hills, carrying a sixty foot bag- gage car of scenery, electrical effects, prop- erties, and our own plush curtain. In fact, nil the company requires of the theatre Is tho house. William Wagner is our new lead- ing man, and comes from the Belasco Stock company. The roster of the company as follows: Harry A. March and Henry Testa, owners; William Morgan, acting manager; Henry Testa, stage director: J, Arthur Lced- linm, agent; Gust Lents, carpenter; Edward Barton, stage manager; John J. Lynch, prop- erty man; Ronald Stoneburncr, assistant property man; John Smith, electrician; (,'ordn Davy, Wanda Dayton. Elizabeth Mont- gomery, Clifford Hyde, Ralph Campbell, Katcrfne Gumbort, -Viola Johnson, and tbe star, Nancy Boyer. Manaokr A. E. You no writes: "Julian Gray (under my management) has Just closed a Summer engagement, covering eight weeks, in Massachusetts, Maine and Ver- mont, In 'St. Elmo.' Mr. Gray came directly from the South, and cosmopolitan New Eng- land received him kindly. Every manager asked for a return date, except one, during the tour. Mr. Gray's work Is above the or- dinary, and be Is recognized as a gentleman and an artist. He closed on Sept. 20, and Mr. Gray went direct to a stock engagement for tho Winter season." "A Hollow Palm" Is playing the Co- operative Amusement Co. bouses, with Le Rol Scarlett, Ralph Bobbins, B. P. Racine, Jose- phine Dunlop, Sadie Blanche Raclna and Flor- ence G. Racine ln the cast Nons fbov tub Eddie Black Company. —We are In oar tenth w*elc on: the road, and business has been far above the average. Managers pronounce tbe company as being the strongest and best balnced company ever playing week stands throughout the South. Have broken records ln Jacksonville and St. Augustine, Fin.., and expect to test the ca- pacity of several more theatres In the near future. The Greenwood Booking 1 Agency, at Atlanta, Is booking the show, and the book- ings extend as far West as Montana, and back again, playing several return dates be- fore the season cloaca. Our list of plays includes: "Our Jim," a Mexican border ro- mance : "Indiana Folks," "Capital vs. Labor," "My Dixie Girl," "Behind the Scenes," "Across the Desert" and several other suc- cesses. The roster of the company remains the same ss at our opening, including: Eddie Block, Ed. Rogers, Chares Newhnrt, Jack Sylvester, Charles Marlow, Dan Roach, W. L. Brldwell, Merle Claire, Anns. Marvin, Queen Trenary, Garland Rodgers, Charlotte Marlow, Alice Klrby. Tin Old Reliadlb Is always a welcome guest, and calls every week. Rostkr or the Davsj Lbwis "Don't Lib to Your Wife'' company : Rowland A Clif- ford, owners; Dave 'Seymour, manager; Chas. Barnard, advance representative ; Dave Lewis, Cora Ruckman, Estcllo Vernon, Frances Mann, I.eona Fox, Dolly Lamont, Marie Be- longer, Eleanor Frey, Frltsi Van, Ben Holmes, Donald Clayton, Martin Franklyn, John Kcogb. Paul HayncB, Stanley Christian, Dorothy Mantel! and Lillian Acker. Mahuvbritb Weston, who closed an en- gagement with tbe Le Orandl Stock Co.. at Maysvllle, Ky., In July, Immediately Joined Bryant's Princess Floating Theatre Co., under management of Will B. Bryant. She Is now In her tenth week with that company, and the engagement has been a very pleasant one. The show will close about Oct. 1 at Henderson, W. Va. Miss Weston will spend three weeks at her home In Akron, O., and then will take ths road until April, when sbe will rejoin the Bryant company. While In Ann Arbor last July Dc Witt C. Mlllen published a booklet on Joe Parker's saloon, long famous to college men. This old saloon was torn down July 18, and with It went the famous old haunt of college ath- letics, but Mr. Mlllen, ln his book, has saved some of tbe old history, which makes It In- teresting to thousands of college men. A. C. McClurg A Co. have taken bold of It In Chi- cago. Last season Mr. Mlllen was press rep- resentative for Norman Hnckett, In "Satan Sanderson." Walter Burk, who has been with the Emma Bolten Co., met with a bad accident while attending the fair at Corning, la. Tho free attraction platform fell on him while he was sitting under It, watching tho races. He was sent to tho homo of his brother-in- law nt Lincoln, Neb. He was tnken to a pri- vate hospital ln Lincoln, rind Is In a serious condition. Harry J. Paiiplin and wifb, Lola Hay- ward, now In their tenth week with the Princess Stock Co., report business unprece- dented through the Middle West. The show has not had a losing week since opening In May. The company Is a large, well balanced one. and offers a lino of standard plays un- surpassed by any repertoire show In the West. Thts week finishes the airdome time, and tho regular season commences. All Indi- cations point to a splendid regular season. Etta Louibb Buckley, mother of Louise Buckley, died at her borne ln Detroit. Mich., on Aug. 31, death resulting from heart fail- ure. Her two daughters, Ernestine and Louise, took entire charge of the funeral ar- rangements, Interment being mode at Wood- mere Cemetery. Louise Buckley was about to open the Park Theatre, at Youngstown, when ber sister wired her of her mother's death. Roster of ttib "Beverly or Gradstark" Co.: Geo. A. Sullivan, manager: J. A. Brca- nct, business manager; Herbert Mack, Mr, and Mrs. Lonlg, Edna B. Roberts, Mne Sul- livan. Oswald L. Jackson William Edwards. Joseph Daly, Win. H. Malone, Elizabeth Fox and Dorothy De Ecker. Johnnie Prinolb and his players opened their Fall season at the Lyric Theatre, Crip- ple Creek, Col., Sept. 15, tor seven nights. Mr. Prlngle Is a Colorado favorite, and bis welcome each night was a worm one. The opening tiiii was "A Cowboy's Girl." Len Gohcen Is business manager for Mr. Prlngle. Tho company: Johnnie Prlngle, Glen Felt. Mr. Hack, Win Madison, Wornle Parks, Ned- die Mack Lulu Jordan, nnd X,cn Goheen, Josbp Hthin, well known as co-manager of the Irving Place Theatre three years ago and manager of the Berkeley Theatre two years ago, was declared first deadly sick and then dead In some of the European papers not long ngo. We are In position to declare that Mr. Stein Is stage master of the Kunstlcr Theatre In Munich, which brought out those famous presentations of Offcnbnch's oper- ettas, "Kismet" and other plays requiring very elaborate staging. Mr. Stein hopes to return to America before Ions; to Introduce in this country the plays which have mode a sensation all over Europe, Notes from IUui.ow A Beckiiii'r "Hoiio Millionaire" Co.—'After pitying tbe one night stand nlrdomes at Bt. Louis, we made a Jump from there to Paris, Ark., and opened a new house. Also onened new houses at Charleston. AUur, Mulberry nnd Van Burcn, Ark. We are tbe first show South this season, and business Is great. The show Is pleasing everywhere, and Man- Rger Barlow Is hooking return tune for next season. Mr. Barlow has Just finished a new , play, entitled "The Grouch," which reads finely, and we arc going to try ll out In two weeks. The company Is routed South. The ixstcr Includes; Harry Bnrlow, John It. • liecker. Robby Stevens, Elite Barlow, II. U. Wnverly. Pearl Becker, Leo C'ohn ind Hurry Barlow Jr. Vinegar BUI Smith Is ln advance. Notes from tub "Cabby Junes" Co., with Ohio Mack and John L. Kearney starred under the direction of Rowland A Clifford.—We carry thirty-five people and a complete scenic production with this new musical comedy, which opened Sept. 1, at National Theatre, Chicago,and at once proved a big success. Tbe show Is booked for thlrtv- flve weeks over Stair A Havlln Circuit, all week stands. Ollle Mack has discarded tbe 1 Irish mnke-up, which be has bem Identified with for the past twenty-three years, and Is using an eccentric make-up, without pad or whiskers, and finds It a great Improvement. Following Is the roster of "The Pumpkin Huskers" Co., opening at Lowell, Ind., Friday, Bept. 20: Wm. Wamshcr. owner; J. H. Car- rick, manager; Myrtle Stull. Thelma Stull, Leona Stull, Baby Lcda, Mabel Rodgers, Harry Mock. Francis Rodgers. Cal Davenport, Frank Whltcomb. Cal Clifford, George Deer and A). ICvtms. J. E. Jenkins, band and orchestra leader. Notes, and roster of the Gormand Ford Co.—We are carrying fifteen people and n hand nnd orchestra. Following Is the rostor : Mildred Ford, Susie Howard, Margret Mar- lon, Fay Rice, Rica Meyers. Thais Dngmar, Cbns. Cl.vncs, Chas. Flake. Harry Gormand, Arthur Fletcher. Glenn Hal Icy, Karl Esawoin, Fred Lysons, Herbert Morton, and Arthur Dixon. We receive Thb Old Reliable every wiek. a little late, but we are always anxious to peruse Its columns. Notes from "In Old Kemtucky." —Geo, M. Devere writes about turnawny business for the old show In Canada. The show is now again In the TJ. S., and The Clipper strikes tbe show Just right every week. Mr. Devere was taken 111 ln Calgary, but Is O. K again. "The Old Homestead" Co. is traveling along the same territory. JofliB Brioiit (Mrs, Billy Allen), mourns fie loss of her father, who died suddenly In Bt Louis, Mo., on Sept 21. L*= Use That "Awful Smart" Your Shoving SoepDid It The free caustic found its way into the pores of your skin and that terri- ble smarting and draw- ing 'sensalion resulted. MENNEN'S SHAVING CREAM which contains no free caustic, and enjoy a cool, comfortable shave. Mennen's Shaving Cream makes a lather which requires no "tubbing In" to soften the beard. You lalhtr and then shave. Saves lime, and does away with tender faces. For tato •vrywhtTt, 25c Sampft Tab* Ft— GERHARD HENNEN CO. Newark, N. J. HAIR ON THE FACE Ifeek and Arms Instantly removed wi'hom injury to the most delicate skin. In compounding, an Incomplete mixture was ac- cidentally spilled on the back of the hand, and on washing afterward, It was discovered that the hsir was completelyremovi d. We named the now discovery "MODKNEl." Ap- ply for a few minutes and tho balr disappears self by magic. IT CANNOT FAIL. Modene supers'des electrolysis. Used by people of refinement, ar.d re- commended by all who have tested Its merits. Mo- dene la now for sale at drug stores, or will tie sent by mail In safety mailing cases on recoint of ti.oo per bottle. Postage stamps taken. Address Modene Hanafadurlcr Co,, Dept II, Cincinnati. 0. BROWNS Bronchial Troches A remedy of superior merit for Coughs, Hoarse- ness and Irritation of throat, giving wonderful relief In Lung Troubles, Bronchitis and Asthma. Free from opiates or any harmful Ingredient. Bold only In boxes. Sample nmlloil t r«to. JOHN I. HltOWN A SON, Boston, Mass. BEFORE AND AFTER THEATRE MOUQUIN'S 6th Ave., bet. 27th and 28td Sts. ( Hew Yo k MOST POPULAR KIUCNCII IlKMTAUHANT PARISIAN CAFE ; MUSIC 6.80 TO 1 A. M. Show Printing Look at these prices for cash with order, No stST monts made o.0.1). Union workmen, Union Label 30M axh to-night*, o changes, 1 side, no easts «u oo SOU 4x12 to-nlghw, lsldo, 0 changes, no casts, io'ao M>K 4112 to-nlghts, with cast and synopsis, - l/oo S0M4xl2to-nlglits, printed both sides, - ism IMlMTJM card heralds, ■ • . . I0 'oo 10M tsM heralds, both sides (or 7x21) . lo'to loM 12iie heralds, 4 pp. (or oxu, hoi h sides) lii.w 101114X21 heraIds,4pp.(orlO)ix2B,both8ldes) 17.60 MM ladles froo or coupon tickets, - . . io 00 (WO half sheets, from type, black on yellow, 4.M looo half sheets, black on yellow, • • . 7 so 600 one sheets, from type, black on yellow, 7.00 IOOO one iheela, tilaok on yellow, . . . 11 00 1000 tack cards, nxl4, ouo color, - • 7,(0 Wo carry no stock paper. Abovo prlcosare for Hpeclal forms from your own copy and cuts, Hood shipping facilities. Catalog of Mt'ick cuts. t'o< res- pondent's Invited. OA/.KTTK SHOW FKINTIM) UOMI'ANY. MATTOON. ILL,, U. 8. A. DONT^FORGET FUNK'S "THE WIG MAKER" roillKKIlLY MoVlckers Theatre Building WOW at 412 North American Building northwest Cor. Btate and Monroe Bis., CHICAGO BE AN ACTOR! .V."v'.. p a.JSS., 0 » Host fascinating, profitable profess Ion in tbe world. Experience unnecessary, (assist you to get an act and engagement. Method endorsed by managers. Thirty years' experience. Instructive hook FREB for stamp. Frederic La Dello, 8ta. 0, Jackson, Mich > SALE A VERY 8MALL, HANDSOME TRICK PONY Stump for answer. Hero's your chance. Address Prof, Pamah«lka, No. 2827 N. Sixth St., Phlla., Fa. MUSIC AHJBANGKjU PIANO OHOIIBSTMA NEW 212 PA6E ILLUST. MA6IC CATAL Containing cuts of Leading Conjurors, BOe. New 62 page book Catal., 10c. None free. W. D, LEKOY, 103 Court Bt„ Bost on, Mass. SONG WRITERS-Turfl Your Songs INTO MONEY. BUT PROPOSITION. Writ* PftOOHBSB PUBLISHING CO,. Dept. 4T, Bt. Louli. Wo. 105 MAflIC TRICKS "%3£2r JOH.C. KLEIN. 1193 Bron.lwmv. IvT'v. THEOLD RELIABLE" Plantens or bl axk C *• u CAPSULES [FonCATARRH &DISCHARGES,