The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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24 THE! NJ5W YORK CLIPPER. October 3 "ACME" THEATRICAL TRUNK A Sens alion of Slrongness GUARANTEED FOR FIVE TEARS. Unquestionably the best Professional Trunk on the market regardless of price. Blaile In nil sixes. Prices, INCLUDING LOWER TRAY SOIn.lODg, IS In. wide, 23 tn. high 114.M 32in.)ong, 20 Id. wide, l* In. high ~ fU.OO 84 In. long. 21 In. vide, 25 In. high...... iu.n 38 In. long. 23 In. wide, 28 In. high lia.OO SSln.long, 28In.wide, 27In.high •••!}!•$? 40 In. long. 24 In. Wide, 28 In. high 117.00 ACME LEATHER AND TRUNK WORKS 177 N. STATE ST.. OHICAOO HUBERT L. WEBER bttjivie. works IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS, 143 NO. DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, U. S. A. All Goods Theatrloal-Ontalogs F"re»e» Catalog No. 2, Sonbtclte Gowns and Costumes. Catalog No. 3, Wigs, Tights, Makeup and Spangles Camlog No. 4, Boots, Shoe, and Western Goods. COSTUMES FOR AMATEUR THEATRICALS OUR SPECIALTY Are you In need of wardrobe for ihe stage t We carry an Immense line of LADIE*' EVENING, DINNER and RBCKPTION GOWNS. Evening CoaW and (.apes, and a full llneof Fur C"aw and Sets Gentlemen's Sack, Uutaw. y, Full Dress and Toledo anits. Prince Alberts, and a foil line of Overcoats In all weights, fur lined Coats, and everything pertaining to a lady or gentleman s wardrobe, suitable for stage or street wear. Call or write. We ship goods, 0 0.0., with privilege otexamlnatlon. A deposit of not lew than M required with all orders. ,? H ^ lj, «SF a ^ ,, ,"'?l_ D . *^ 0144-4)80 South street, between Oth and 10th Sti., Philadelphia, Pat. WIGS For STREET and STAGE WEAR MADE TO ORDER FROM $5.00 TO $100.00 We specialize In Stock Wigs THEWIGGERYhH^stCHICAOO EN PLAYING BUFFALO, N.Y. Have your TRUNKS and SCENERY MOVED by O. J. CLENN A SON, - - 47 West Swan Street We nave the most complete line In Buffalo. Phone 1281 SENECA, or write ahead. -WURUIZER^ ORCHESTRAL HARP^ The Accefted Wortfi Statu* Write for beautiful Catalogue. Easy permeate. We supply UeO.ft. tWnim'twUhMtudcalltmraneiits The Rudolph "Wurlitzer Co. 571 E.4lb.ClBClRn*tl: 141 =.Wibsih,Chltaro _Estahllshed "«« Telephone Br jam aOM Eaves Costume Go. Menafatturers of Theatrical COSTUMES and UNIFORMS Of Every Description 226 West 41st Street, One Block West of Broadway MEW YORK SPANGLES, g)l.(H) PUR POUND GOLD OR 81LVEB Cotton Tights, pair $1.00 Worsted Tights, pair 2.00 rialtrd Bilk Tights, pair 2.20 Beit 811k Tights 1 aM 8 Inch cotton tops f " ,TO LIVING PICTURE BTJIT8 Calf, Thigh and Hip Paddings. Gold and Silver Trimming* Bend deposit and route with order the: boston regalia co., 887 Washington St., Boiton, Mass UNIFORMS and COSTUMES AMY CHARACTER. Cowboy, Clothing and Equipment. RUSSELL UNIFORM CO. B'way, 48th St. and 7th Ave.. New Tjarg. MUSICAL GLASSES | Xylophones, Rattles, Musical Electric Bells NKW-49-SOLOPIIONE-NBW Musical Flower Pots, ruins, Fun- 1 nela, Hat Racks, Cow Belli, etc., etc. Catalogue and full Information on receipt of stamps. A. HRAUNE1SS, 1012 Grant Ave., Rich- mond Hill. K. v. kwwwwwfa************** ""»nd*> 1 BRANDO The Handcuff Kind. we «9B0fixryan, SECRET UTiffiK SEE FOR YOURSELF J TAM 40* BOSTON, MASS USED MOVING PICTURE machines boogbt and sold on 10 per cent, basis; Star Pin or Sprocket Wheels, 86c.: Main Shaft «tc.; Intermittent Shaft, 66c.; R..H Tickets, 6c. per 1,000; Condensers, 40c.; 60 Carbons, $1.00; Arc Lamp, (2.26; Stereopilcona, $12.00; Calcium Jet, $2.26; Film lc. a foot, any length; Acetylene Jets, $2.60; Heavy Condenser Mounts, $1.10; Asbestos Wire, 60. per fool; Wire Connector, 6c. Hundreds nf other bargains. (Catalogue-. L. IIETZ, 303 E. SJ3d Street, Hew York City. f$ttlFV$B&S*%££v it Evening and Soubrette Oowns, Fancy Stage A * and Street Dresses, ODera Coats and Fuis, n Fare. * Full-dress Tuxedos, Prince Alberts and w English Walking Suits, Bilk and Opera * * Hats. 3t3 IV. Clark St., Chicago. * Performers 0 K»2Wr picture with $4 and receive one out and oOOlettorheade, rinely printed, a bar gain FINN THE PRINTER. 24 E. 21 it 81., New Vert SIIVGERS Have you got our laten song hirst GU8 WINKL.BR, Room 31, Grand Opera House Bldg., rhlcago, Ills. MUSIC ARRANGED BESS? Words written to mimic; music written to words. Reference. F. A. HIIIh (Music Publisher]. E, S. B. HUNTINGTON, care CMPPEK, 47 W. »ui St., N.Y. CATALOG or Professional and Amateur Maya,Sketches, Mono- logs, MliiBtrel Jokes, Recitations, Make-UpGoods, Etc.. sent FREE. DICK 4 FITZGERALD. 20Ann St., New York. FHOLTtWS HARMOHT HINTS |" An illustrated magazine, containing many r _ articles of Interest to moalclans and full _ D deaorlptlons ot Holwn Band Instruments. B II OUR BIO BARGAIN LIST It Eof second-hand band Instruments shows sa> excellent bargains. Terms cash or Install- E ment. Old Instruments accepted as part la E payment. ■» FRANK HOI/TOM & CO. F MQ3T Gladys Avenge, Chicago — irQOHIflHflRADE nCOO MAKE-UP "Not How Cheap but How Good" Id by Leading Druggists, Coitumers, Hair Store* and Dept. Htoro* LUCY GOODMAN SECOND-HAND DOWNS ■ VMUIIMO OOWNS, STREET DRESSES OPERA COATS, FURS, ETC. Q4T 8. State St. 'Phone Oal. 1281 CHICAG O FREE-MAGIC QTALOGUE-FREE Catalogues now ready. All the latest Improved Rope, Chain and Sensational Escapes. Newest Creations In Advanced Illusions, Spiritualistic Ef- fects, challenge Mind Reading Acts, newly per- fected Card Tricks, Ventriloquist Figures, Books, Putties and Jokers, Secrets, Flans. Apparatus. Tables or Accessories. W. ALBERT TRIPP, Route 10, New Bedford, Mass. PLAYS ■™^■—■• Jasss. IsasWal Plesesk Bs Mena, sMalssreea. Haka-a* tsseiaata OtulasM TTl. DlkTlBON A 4>5« OepU 17. Ohloe Large List of New Ptores- alone! and Amateur Plays, Vaudeville B ketones. Stage Monologues, Mtnatrel Material sfai- 1 machine earned Sin SCO la 28 weeks, 1004 1 Machine earned j 17 D1S In 29 weeks, 1901 1 machine earned $10,602 la 20 weeks. 1008 1 machine carnrd $10,017 In 27 weeks, 1907 1 machine earned $12,802 In 27 weeks, 1908 1 machine earned $16 842 In 26 weeks, 1909 1 machine earned $18,521 in 28 weeks, 1910 Above figures will be verified to prospective customers. Write for catslogue and prices to C. W. PARKER Le.vesworlh.Ks*. YOU SAVE MONEY In both the purchase Srice and la freight, y buying oar STEEL FRAME NON - BREAKA- BLE THEATRE CHAIRS. Large stock. Can ■hip immediately. Several lota of Second-Hand Chairs for sale at especially low prices. Also seating for out of door use. Address Dept. K, STEEL FUR- NITURE COMPANY, Grand Rapids. Mich.: New York City, i» 6th Awe. Boston: 231 Congress St. Phllade:- phla 610 Flanders Bldg STAGE SHOES WOOD SOU CLOGS Plain KM, • • $3.50 Patent Leather • $4.50 all Colon, - • $5.00 Extra neat, will not rip. STAGE LAST In Oxfords, Slippers and Shoes. This Style *3.0O '^MMw* Send for Catalog; Sent C. O. D. If 11.00 per pair Is advanced. FINE MAPLES DANCING MATS, DSde to order at 80 cts. per square foot N dW 720 W. Madison Street Opp. nsymtrket Theatre CHICAGO Ears 535 to 5500 Weakly. Sludj STAGE DANCING SINGING Vaudeville Acts, Sketches, Drama, Make-up, Playwrltlng. Personal In- struction by phonograph atyonr home IX you cannot come on to New York. Write for illustrated booklet how 8,000 students succeeded. Engagements guaranteed. Failure Impossible. AMnt Theatre School of Acting 93d St, and 8th Avs h Hsw York —KEW— Jackson Hotel RATES: MOO and up; With bath, $7.00 and np. FKA.ik HOT, Prop. JACKSON BLVD. a HAL8TED ST. CHICAGO JOSEPH NOLAN'S SONS Successors to Joseph Nolan MANUFACTURERS Of Leotards, Tights, BhLrs, Pic- ture Suits, Contortion, Bear and Monkey Suits, Paddings, Elastic Supporters, Pumps. Send for price list. OS and 07 Ellery St. Brooklyn, Mew York MUSICIANS-Use Our Songs And Instrumental Numbers. Rend postage for Free Batiijilex. Aacots wanted. NEEDHAM MUSIC HOUSE, Dept. 47, Bt. Lonls, Mo. THKATK1CAL. WIGS Toupees. Ladles' Hair Goods. M. Stein's Make- up. Send for Trice 1.1st. QEO. SlUXMIELM. 232 TV. 41st 8L, New York. Tel.. 8728-Dryant SECOND-HAND GOWNS STAGE AND STREET BARNETT, 503 So. State 81., CHICAGO WAITED, WANTED, At Once, TWO LEADERS MEN. also two Middle l'arts-WOMEN. ASoubiette to play pari, also a Comedy Man. Season opena at once. Address major j. m alloy, Car« of NEW YORK CLIPPER. CIRCUS & JUGGLING Apparatus. Hollmg Globes, Clubs, Batons, Ount. ft ire Walkers' Apparatus and Novelties. Stamp for catalog. EDW. VAN WYCK. Cincinnati. O. 'ALIDEL.LA" DANCING CLOGS Short Vamps Price, all wood Bole, $1.00; , leather shank, $5.00; de- livered free. Patent fast ening. Man- ufactured by Albi rt H, Rletrnr Shoe Co. , Milwaukee, Wit . TIGHTS AND SHIRTS ot every description, Padding;, Frog. Snake and Monkey Salts, ■laatle and Cloth Sapportere. Gyaaaaatlr Pomps and Geltrrs Spangles and Bullion Fringe. Bend for catalogue and sample ot tight a— FREE. JOHN 8PICER Successor to Spleer Bros.. SB WOODBINE ST.. BKT.YN. V. T IDoYouWANTMILITARY GOODS? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMY or NAVY SUITS. TENTS, Q0N8 and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No matter what yon want In that line, 1 can I supply It. New or second hand. Send for catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS, 222 South St., Philadelphia, Pa. I Heal Hal', Crop Wig, $1; Negro, 24c.; Dress I Wig. Import Raid. Soubrette, $l.M each; ,e yds. Crepe Hair (Wool, $1.0O. Ask Cata- logue 1'apler Mache Heads, Helmets, etc. 1 Importer, KlIppeit.Mfr.,4 Fourth Ave.,N.Y Poets. Authors Get Cash for Your Songs and Stories MUSIC BALKS CO., 47-*, Bt. Lonls, Mo. FREE magic a. *« tn "J" •aaW-r.RTiirat ffkF a>A/«8rsn1 1912 CATALOG ass pages. Sendee, "stamps for Pocket Trick and partlcu- MAOI0 CO., Dept. I, gtOW. 89th St., K. T. VAN FL1IT 4T WsBST ftftta STREET. TTaTW YORK. Fine Magical Apparatus ILLUSIONS, TRICKS. Etc Grand End of Century, fully Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, 25c, tree by mall. Catalogue ot Parlor Tricks free. AfARTINKA 4 CO., Mfrs.. 4M Sixth Ave.. N. Y. ONLY ONE BEST] The EMERGENCY Steel Clad Fibre or Canvas Covered Professional Tr. -r Absolutely Guarantee! Our Steel Clad XXX TK Strongest Intheiv,<i w . .$10 1 H ■ ■ 40 « Ifi not tte price BmA Uri-. but the quality Wardrobe, BUI and Fibre Trunks of all m, - e. new and second hand, at attract!-,• prices, always on hand. Special Sites of Trunks or Catas made to order. Repairing done. \ „ disappointments—prompt aerwl,-/. 'PHONE STUYVESANT 384. EMERGENCY BA66A6E aid REPAIR CO. 25 EAST J4th ST., N. Y. CITY (NEAR B'WAY.) BRANCH i 6lh AVE., Cor. 16th ST. BRANCH i 8th AVE., Cor. 41st NT CARL KETTLER. Pfes. and Treas. HERBERT nTTLER, Secy CARL KEHLER WIG CO. SUCCESSOR TO WM. EEPTSTSR WIO CO. FACE POWDERS For 80 Fears America's Leading WIGS GREASE PAINTS TgTT^^Afc-KTTJO BK *1"« COSMETICS W1U J TI ft l\ BUB TOUPEE TOUPEES io Write for IUoatrated Catalog K—best lssoed this country stage make-up :: ZfcZSZTl Mr. Carl Kettler gives his persona] supervision to the minutes deui of all orders, whether large or small. BEAOHEY k LAWLER BCILDINQ N. W. Cor. Washington and Dearborn Bta. 56 WE8T WAtHINOTON STREET - • CHICAGO, ILU SHORTVAMPSHOES^ For Street and Stage Wear ^ A complete Une of Pumps and SllBpers In all shades, for evening wear; Acrobatic Clog and Ballet Shoea kept In atoox write for cawogue no. s. I. MILLER. 1554 Broadway, New York. i el. S800-T Chelsea. DON'T FOOL YOURSELF You never fool anyone but yourself. The public and managers know when you are trying to make last season's clothes do. It's like a "waimed over meal " Let ns send you our catalogue and you'll see how little it costs to dress your set properly. RDING & OO. :iio* (treat, tton, IVIsbss. COSTUMES SOUBRETTE DRESSES WIGS TIGHTS GOLD AND SILVER TRIMMINGS MAKE-UP Write- for Catalogs*. 80 pages, OOO Illustrations. FRITZ SCHOILTZ Sc CO., li> Weat Lake St. (Established 25 years), Chicago, III. >F MEDICINE MEN, AGENTS, AND STRKETMEN. ELECTRIC BELTS VOLTAIC ELECTRIC INSOLES AND INHALERS are goods that sell and pay the big | profits. Just what you are looking for. Send 15c. for samp e Erectile Belt or pair if lusolea and gel complete price list and lecture from the largest eatab.Ubment of Its kind In the U. 8. Belts, $1.10 doz. np; Insoles. 95c. dozen . pairs up; Inhalers, eoc. doz. np. Fast seller, big profits, I ieud to-day. (Estb. 1878.) Inc. 1881.) THE ELECTRIS APPLIANCE CO., Burilagton, Kan. CENTRAL TRUNKS 2«In., $8.50; 281n., $9.50: 82In., 110.50; 861n.. $11.50; 40in.. $18.00. Circus Trunks^ 24x18x18, 18.00. Bill TrunkB, 30x23x15, Inside. $12.00. Utho. Trunks, 42%x28V4jXl2, Inside, $15.00 Shipped on receipt of $3.00. baL C O. D^ except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Est 1864, SIMONS & CO., 8. W. cor. 7tb & Arch Bta., Phlla. WIGS. TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC And the Latett and Mott Popular Stylet In Ladles' Hair Dressing A. M. BUCH & CO. 119 V. Ninth Street - - - Philadelphia TOUPEES, FOR STAGE and STREET OSCAR F. BERNNER WIGS 103 WWST 47»h STREET. NEW YORK CITY, Near Oth Ave. LEICHSER'S GREASE PAINTS, POWDERS, RO0OE8, ETC. TRICKS! TRICKS! TRICKS! Largest assortment of Tricks, Jokes and Novelties in the world. Send 2c. stamp for Illustrated catslogue 164 M. CLARK STREET. f+ T TTTTT aiVJf ATM "9 STATE STREET (Main Store). wa Us X" BtLitDBIUWt (palmerHouse Lobby). NEW YORK CALCIUM LIGHT CO. Electric Stage Lighting APPARATDS FOR SALE OR RENT 410 MJKCIER ST., ». I. PuW 671 CIKI.SH NEW YORK COSTUME CO. Send Zz. for Catalo? C 136 pages UO N. Dearborn St., CHICAGO SevNH| CAPSULES ■ /WlDt CATARRH iDISCHARQES s o/oounfer/ei'fs COSTUMES FROM ONE TO ONE THOUSAND BROADWAY THEATRICAL COSTUME CO. ™&^*ZZaR£Z&' r ORIGINAL DESIGNS BY OUR OWN ARTISTS Burlttque DrtaaM a Sptclalty ESTIMATES FURNISHED PLAYS For STOCK, REPERTOIRE AMATEUR COMPANIES LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Books for home amusement. Negro Plays, Paper, Scenery, Mra. Jarley s »s» Works. Catalogue Free! Free I Free! ItHlllL inESCll. 28 Writ Rata St. Mew York. OPERA HOUSE WANTED-| wait to rem ai Opera House la a city aot less ttai 50,000. It does not make any diaerence to me what State the city is In. Mnst be ground floor, and not seat.If- then 1,000. In giving description state exact seating capacity and how arranged. Give loeatio... license and every detail In Irst letter. I want to open the house Mondav, Nov. 11,1912, and ciow May 14, 1913. Figure on lowest c*sh rental basis. I want the house for Sto^k Co. address DR. H. D. HICKKB, HOTEL TULSA, TfLBA, OKLAHOMA- HON) IW GOWNS, S0DBRET7E DRESSES, FURS ANDREWS 006 So. State Ft., Chicago STOCK PEOPLE—Will send goods on approbation. WEIGHT THEATRICAL LUMBER stilesT mm, shoes, mfinmium^ Orders oiled on ahort notice. Prompt de'lverj our speclaltj WRIGHT LUMBER CO., 140-150 W. 38th SI, Hew lis.