The New York Clipper (October 1912)

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28 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. OOTOBK}5 GOSH DARN ME IF HE AIIMT GONE AND WRITTEN ANOTHER BIG ONE! KENTUCKY DAYS! By PERCY WENRICH. L,rlc by JACK MAHONEY This Is Percy Wenrich'i Masterpiece. The March Ballad that la carrying an endless ohaln of solid applatua. Positively the biggest hit ever known In Shea*■ Theatres, Toronto and I ;f a i a M»J ertlo lheatre, Chicago, Columbia Theatre, St. Louis, Majeatio Theatre, Bfllwanket, and Temple Theatre, Detroit. If yon are going to play any of these theatres, jnst ash any of the hoys. -.' ■ 0 - want to he convinced that this is the greatest March Ballad ever written, let as know where a copy will reach yon. When yon hear them speak of TENNESSEE MOON yon will he interested. This is the leader of all Moon Songs. Perey Won rich has the reputation of writing the g-eatest Moon Songs slnoe this style of a nnmb«r has been la demand. In Tenuous* Moon helha* hy far surpass*d hfs famons "Moonlight Bay." We mention "Moon" many times, because there may be another "Moonlight Bay," but NEVER ANOTHER "TENNESSEE MOON." ,T u dg, for yourself and let us send yon a copy. That's tellln' something. Relieve that monotony. LETS STROLL IN THE GARDEN OF DREAMS SHAMROCK BELLES BUDDY BOY I JUST DARE YOU CLOVERLAND INTERMEZZO Any kind of arrangement* for these numbers, including great two-steps and waltaes. Slides for "KENTUCKY DATS" and ".LETS STROLL IN THE GARDEN OF DREAMS" direct from DE WITT C. WHEELER. A Real Live Ballad Irish, and that means something Novelty Rag Stop right here for a doable A great tune for Dumb Acts DO YOU KNOW WHAT AN OWL IS ? THE WENRICH-HOWARD CO., 1416 Broadway, New York sEwBwEwBwBwBwBEwBwBwBwaaawBwBwBsssssssEwBwBwBaQSBasSsEw SHUBERT BUILD'NG COR. 39th ST. B.B.&B.SPECIAL THEATRICAL TRUNK rWrSAR GUARANTEE Z 24-ln. 28-ln. 28-ln. 30-ln. 82-lD. 84-Id. 80-in. 88-ln. 40-tn. 42-ln. LOOK AT THB PRICE! "*li*oo Bound with our Sew Cold- 12.00 Rolled Steel Binding 18.00 Three-ply B. B. & Ii. trunk 14 -°° wood, hand riveted tipping tray. SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUED deposit re- quirea on C.O.D. shipments. 15.00 18.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 THEATRICAL JEWELRY In endless variety In stock and mads to order according to sketch01. COMPLETE SALOME SETS HEADQUARTERS FOR TIGHTS, OPERA HOSE and STOCIHGS, GOLD and SILVER TRIMI1IG8, BRO- CADES, 8II1S, SITUS, VELVETS, SPAMES, WIGS, BEARDS. AIJj GOODS THEATRICAL. CATALOGUES and SAMPLES upon request. When ssktng for Catalogue, please mention what goods are wanted. QUALITIES the best. PRICES the lowest. SIEGMAN 8c WELL 77-79.81 Wooder 81,, New York • THB THEATRICAL SUPPLY EMPORIUM ^ACKOF THE NAME B. B. 4 B. TRUHK T ACTORT 415 Federal St., H. B. BBS Smlthfleld St. 447 Wood It. Paotoryi 82-40 Isabella St., V I. PITTSBURGH, Pa. B. B. & B. TRUNKS Combination Prslrlt WhUtle, Yen cu latitat* in tod oranloaL Atuotaa ronrfrlfB^i b] maklofthex ball,?* yon ira I ^VastrUaaakt. Th* IsitniEctol ii wote.1.1 la Mho not at tha nouth ud dalactlon U Impoaitbl*. BI*4l«sar*a*arUatla»aaiaoii»aao<l irab ibtlr aklria SBS dlBD • choir. Bora. If 7»» "«a f oo. let oaa. P'Jca J? "■ ■lUtull fllinlaim in1 rnr Tit *-tt" SSSJ "**- f Ul lt, BSSSSjSQSSSSjrjSVTlel N.WaTtRST.. 0CC»TU*. IIU MUSICAL BELLS For Sale or Exchange AUTOMATIC ORCHESTRA In perfect con- dition, comprising Piano, Drams, Chimes and Uynibals combined. A tlreat Money-maker for Baloona. or Dance Halls, llanloa. Mandolins, S cIrIi Bells, surf Bells, Wooden Xylophonts and Wire Dulcimer, Two Btandard Trombones and Cases. ONE ROYAL PHOTO 0PTIC0N with Double Lenaes. with Trunk, at a bargain. SLOT MACHINES Two Mill's Illustrated Soup; and Slot Machlafs, One Mill's Grip and Dumb Bell Lifter, One Mill's Electric Chimes. Crip and Lung Teat, HelRht and Strength. One Home Trainer for Bicycle. PHOC. ROA CH, 873 West Madlion St., Chicago. ItBST YOU FOHGET WE SAY IT VET CROSS LETER HEADS Contracts. Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples, etc. STAGE MuNKT, Uc. Book of Herald Cuts, Sic. CROSS mi 8. Dearborn St. CHICAGO At Liberty. EDW. A. YOUE JiVEMl.ES, Strictly sober and reliable. Add. 1128 Tlllltl) ST.. CHAM) RAPIDS, MICH. FOR SALE—IlanrtciifT Act, llol Mystery. Mall Bag. Spirit Cabinet. Coined? Magic Act. Stere optlcon, Slides, and a Complete Mnglc and Picture Show, alio many othtr bnrualni". Clrcul»ra for STAMP. <!KO. A. RICE. AUIIUKN, M. Y. AT LIBERTY After Sept. 29 For 1 Piece, going; West, A. S. McCALL A No. 1 Gen. Baa. Actor ^Z 6ft. 10,'iln. 168 lbs. 30years old. ' Good Modern Wardrobe. M. B. -Would consider vaud. playing West. Must be lu Los Angeles for one day before Jan. 1. OEN. DEL., COFFEYV1LLE, KAN. REP. MGRS, LOOK! w BITES and NEVILLE *■* AT LIBERTY OCT. 7 FEATURE SPECIALTY ACT Change six times on week. Both play parts. Wire. L YNN STOCK CO., week Sept. Bo, Batavla, S. Y. WANTED, FOR VAUDEVILLE SKETCH Young Lady for Daughter Pait Lady for Mother Part F tch must do special! y. A l-o PA RTNER for mu- alcal act or Mu«lcal Team wan'ed. Full particu- lars and "per. ad." first letter. GEO. K. STEBBINS.Sodas Point, II. Y. tVanted—Eccentric- Comedian For Medicine Show. Must bave change for week, pity piano or organ for moving pictures. MuBt read music. Halle and opera houses, Kamas and Okla. No boozt. Ten and nil. Write all you do. F. M. Ul HAND, Hull hlmon, Kan Ihc Black Witch .M.diclne Co. TWO HRP. ACTORS and ONE JUVENILE 1.ADT WANrED-Pre'ereiKCtospeclaltypeople. Faread- vanced, T. urlng South. Hilary reasonable, good treatment, three bile. Address DIXIE CuMKUY CO , Delmar, Pel. II. Kingston, write. AT LlBERTY-IlenertolreTeam. double And fllnglo specialties. J. B.—Woods A \Vca da Rosa- belle. Character Comedian and (len. His. Man, ln- Senue. Second Bus. some diameter.,Woman H. , ticket? Yes. Add. J. Il.-Wooda A Woods- Itcaaliclle, «1 K. Central Ave.. Arkansas City, Kans NTED-AII kinds of tents, small ponies, FOR SALE, all kinds trick Iclure machines, lot Alms ,111 exchange drgs dnvea. Whal have - 1 ROF. 11AKHY SMITH, (1RA1Z, PA. mn Cll C flB HCUT Fine Moving Pictuic The- run ofiLt uii ^u,, m » booming town. Seats over ooo. Small stage, fine equipment, pic- ture maclilue, piano, everythltg complete Near Atlantlo City, 6,000 population: over 26,000 to draw from. For sale, complete, 121,ooo, or will rent for fl.600ayear, with a five year lease. Reason for sell- ing or renting, owner has other business. HDUIN'S N KW THEATRE, PLEA8ANTV1LLB, N. J. WANTED QUICK, for THE HALF BREED One Character Man, General Business Han, Gen- eral Business Woman, Leads or Heavies; one good Character Woman, one real Advance Agent that can book and route. Scenic Artist playing parts. People doing specialties preferred. Salary sure, allow never closed, make It low. F. J. MASON, llaitings, Nebr. This la a c it y show. 260-page Magazine ol li original vaudeville acts for$l. Special acts writ- ten. Playlets and Musi- cal Comedies to lease. WETZEL, ROSENER'A JAMES, 1102 B'way, N. 1. . TOM LEWIS Starring In "Yankee Prince," says: Taylor Trunk for me every time; I've tried them all, I know. BBNT> FOB CATALOGUE. C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS CHICAGO: 35 F_ Randolph St . NEW YORK: 131 W. 3Stb 3k At Liberty Fnrrerman»n' stock or first class road at- traction, tiao'l JuvenMe or fharacer Comedy Man. Can furnish good refer- ence. Stesdy and rella le. First time at lluerty In four years. Write or wire. FOR EVERY PURPOSE l.OOO STYLES ESTABLISHED 1805 WRITE FOR CAT. No. 41 116-117 So. Wabash Ave.. CHICAGO, ILL. NEW YOHK OFFICE, 1165 Broadway SEATTLE OFFICE. 508-10-12 First Ave., So. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 728 Mission St. The A. H. Andrews LIU. 0',\EILL, 813 Monroe St., Topeka, Kan». MED. PERFORMERS COMEDIANS, SINGERS and DANCERS Change for a week. Up in acts. Preference to those who can play piano. FUTURE MACHINE MAN with machine and good subjects. All Win- ter's work. Low, sure salary. Wire all, night let- ter, and be ready to jotu at once. MILLER CO WEDY CO , Oolf wah.Tenn. WANTED, LADY PARTNER At Ones, Good Singer and First Class Wooden- Shot Dinctr lor > Duo Only anpllcanta with above qnallOcatlons may send fun particulars to OEOROK HALDANE, IT West 27i h 8'reet, New York. SKETCHES, M0N0L0GS, Patters and Parodies, written to order. Good original work; leasonable p'lcea. JhSNK A MARTIN, Box 31 1NDIANAP0L1B, IND, Song Poems Wanted CASH "R ROYALTY TO YOU. A0KHT8 WANTED FOK tint I'L'lll.lCATIONS. KfEKOHAM MUSIC HOt SK, *7-,\ St. Lonla, Mo. At Liberty, ED. COKE OEN. BUS. Height, 6 ft. 8 In.: weight. 114 lbs- KINGFISHER, OKLA. Address \aVANTED I want Red Hot Sketch Team, man and wife, Singers, V meets. MuBt have the goodsand appear- ance Straights In acts. Also one Blackface Co- median and a Novelty Man. Sure money. Atk anybody who ever worked for me. Join on wire. Woiklnd and Ky. Open soon as organized. Add. DR. O. Q. Dawson, 630 K East St, Indianapolis, Ind. AT LIBERTY SEPT. 29 Band Leader Good rep. of standard music. Cornet, B. and o., so' er and relablc. BERT PROCTOR, EXCHANGE HOTEL, PETEltSUUHG, MICH. WANTED-YOUNG LADY For vaudeville, Mystery Act. Experience unnec- essary. State height, weight, and aend photo. Addrosa HOWARD ZARRKTTA, Mar., General Pellverr, Blqefleld, W. Va. NTBD LEADING MAN, HEAVY MAN and CHARACTER MAN to direct, for Al Repertoire Engagement Enclose photos and programs. Sobriety, ability and wardrobe essei'ial. State age, height, we'gkt and loTestsala-y. Address REPEHTOIRB MANAGER, Care of K. Y CLIPPER, 47 West 28th Street, New York City. NTED SPECIALTY TEAM « Soubrette and General Business Man with Specialty Address, s'ating foil partlcnlars. age, height, weight and lowest salary. Send ptintoa and Isle pro' grams. FRED OHAUN EY. Mgr., CH ACNCE t-KEIFFER CO., This week, Annapolis, Md.; next week, BloomBburg, Pa. ES 13 QUICK For REX THEATRE. South Porcupine, Ont. WORLD'S GREATEST GOLD CAMP Musical Comedy or Burlesque People, with specialties, to work In afterpiece*. One show a dav. long, pleasant engagement to right people. Man to produce afterplecei wl h script. Scenic Attlsl to p.ay small parts. Eipeilenced people only. Mate salary low. Ltvlng expenses very small. Tickets advanced. Address CHAS. STEVENS, Manager, Rex Theatre, South Porcupine, Uat. 1000 PXRTORMANCXS IN THE EAST CHARLES TERRIS AND COMPANY IN MIS OWN COMEDY PLAYLET, WITH A MORAL THE PREACHER AND THE MAN Direction ED. F. KEALEY. SECOND YEAR. 160 PERFORMANCES IN NEW YORK CITY. "THE GIRL AND THE RANGER" GO. ACTORS THAT DOUBLE BRASS, MUSICIANS THAT CAN ACT. Two good O'ltXEJ* TUBA, BARITONK and TROMBONE. One Cornot or Tuba to double Piano. BUI Brown, F. «• «*>"• Beech Parreit, Write. Address F. P. McCANN, Little Slom, >u. THE NEW AUTUMN SONG "IT WAS ONLY A GOLDEN LEAF THAT FELL )) A. H. By LON 11KALY Another "Silver Threads Amongst the Gold" Trade Supplied. "Enongh Said." GOETTINC, ■ 317 S Wabash Ave., Ch ; cago Dramas, Comedies, Farces, Comediettas Tableaut-Ylvantes. Enter'alnmente, Guide Books, etc. etc. Send for desoriptlve ca'alogne. FRF.D 8CHILL1K0 JR., 1B8 ETNA ST., BROOKLYN, N.Y PLAYS N.Y. PLAY BUREAU Is now located at Tremont Theatre, New York. Oet New Catalogue. !*TB. 8-MINUTE n. Dutch Team, Sister Team. Comedian and sonbrette, MM** **** ebretr. Also EIQHTMlNUTEMONi.LOQCES for Rube, Blackfati irauo' Irish, 8uly Kid, Hebrew and Old Maid. Every act an ORIGINAL, UP-TO-DATE SCREAM. ■■ k ■ JJj. or any lour lor 11.50. CastiorM. O. No sumps I Other material. Send for catalognes an.i i ni«»" astlo testimonials. MARY B. P. THAYER, a»0 Broad St., provider »^_ 8-WINUTE—1^ ._ . ^ ^^ ^^ ^ -^ - For White or Blackface Team. Dutch Team, Sister Team, Comedian and sonbrette. Black.- l r* * u Sonbrette, and Straight and Hebrew. Also EIGHT-MINUTE MONOLOGUES for Rnbe^Blackfai' 1 ; j 1 ^ :VERY TRUNK That bears our name has the strongest kind of a gusrantc You can depend on ■ riBRT San Franci«co K i. Mempi- Ag*" 1 ' 145 W. SEND FOR CATALOGUE C. Mac! Vl 1?ft to WILLIAM BAL, Inc. »a 4Bth STREBT. ..... MBWTOBK^i Agent rViunk Co. i'rosk i'aln fi- fs amtvnina ait. pleat* mention Clipfib.